View Full Version : Heavy Lifting (Star Wars Edge of the Empire) IC

2023-04-12, 11:22 AM

BX-0871-KT (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1liO4x6KLzDpFrLIskAe3w54NyozHvaLMtqJCqjT1QVQ/edit#gid=1066673560)

Lord Raziere
Neya Zarell (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25741304&postcount=22)

Kara Salmis (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2771766)

Rakesh (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25745999&postcount=45)

Bounty Hunter
Xalaran (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rBAGLa2uB4PjA6bcMMzAbqDjNN_3943p/view)

Djulla Choi (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eaxaTbhp106BIiu9JY_XFHd_JEdYwSmo/view)

Many thanks to tonberrian for the character table.

Having successfully delivered a shipment of weapons to Nuth Tanava, a Nemodian arms-dealer based aboard the shadowport of HollowPromise, you decide to enjoy some down-time before undertaking the risky and terrifying task of leaving the station again.

You find yourselves in The Lucky Swine Casino on a busy night with dozens of patrons at the bars and easily another several dozen in the gambling pit. There is a private booth in the far corner where a female Hutt, who you assume to be Mallolo, the owner, along with an entourage that includes a Bothan, a handful of Gank, and a Protocol Droid. You can’t help but notice that they all seem to be paying close attention to your group.

Your droid croupier tilts her head to one side as if receiving new programing and then leans forward and tells you that "her Exalted Mistress Mallolo Bascido requests your presence to discuss a business opportunity" and as you turn to look again, you realize your group is flanked by her four intimidating and faceless Gank guards who are pointing the way for you…

2023-04-12, 03:21 PM
"I take it 'No' is not a good answer..."

2023-04-12, 05:03 PM
"I take it 'No' is not a good answer..."

The four Gank do not respond and the visored faces betray no emotion but you swear that you can detect a tensing of their bodies as they press in slightly closer.

The Glyphstone
2023-04-12, 05:33 PM
Djulla giggles, polishing off the last of his third plate of food as he does so. The pint-sized reptilian's (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/e/e3/Ratts.jpg/) incredibly fast metabolism gave him the appetite of a full-grown Wookie, and he always celebrated the end of a successful job with a small feast. Unfortunately, that lightning metabolism combined with his small stature mean alcohol had a similarly disproportionate effect. Even halfway through his first full-sized glass of liquor, Djulla was already somewhere south of tipsy, and he toasted the surrounding Gands before turning and raising his drink in the direction of the waiting Hutt.

"Ehh...C'mon, guys. Let's go see what she wants us to do. Maybe it'll be...hic...fun!"

2023-04-12, 06:05 PM
The Shistivanen "wolfman" growls, but rose, hands visible and empty. He made a point to stand between the party and their escort as they moved toward the offer they could not refuse.

Lord Raziere
2023-04-12, 07:56 PM
Neya Zarell is already walking over knowing not to start a fight when your outgunned and clearly ambushed.
"Honestly Bixie, did you have to ask? You know how things are."
She says, referring to BX-0871-KT by a nickname she has come to call the droid for conveniences sake. Other nicknames may include: Bix, Katie, and My Crazy Separatist Droid Friend but that last one is for a special occasions. Though things like this make her wonder if more than just a couple lines of code were mistyped somewhere in his digital brainpan, Neya had a rule against slicing a follow coworker, especially since that kind of thing was like performing the droid version of neurosurgery if they've gone all sapient like he has: If you didn't know what you were doing, you were only going to make things worse.
As for fun? Well, maybe it wasn't fun but....she was fascinated by technology, knowledge and the like. She may have been a programmer from the core worlds, but you had to adapt to survive out here and find joy where you could. The outer rim underworld was full of clever little gizmos and programs people set up outside the law worth a look like that.

2023-04-12, 09:03 PM
Xalaran simply follows the rest of his friends. Picking a fight here would serve no purpose and besides....the hutt's tin can said something about money. Never look a gift bantha in the mouth...the stench is horrible.

2023-04-12, 09:54 PM
Kara Salmis

Kara winced slightly and glanced at her friends. "Someone's been talking, probably that shifty eyed Neimoidian with the chubby hands. Clearly we should have charged more."

Kara smiled at Djulla "Ah-yes. The gracious and magnanimous Hutts are known galaxy-wide for their brand of ...'Fun'. "

Kara dutifully rose from her seat and fell in line with the others, making her way towards Mallolo. She abandoning her empty drink at the table. She eyed the Ganks up and down assessing them for weapons. "Let's go earn those port fees..."

2023-04-14, 09:01 AM
Kara dutifully rose from her seat and fell in line with the others, making her way towards Mallolo. She abandoning her empty drink at the table. She eyed the Ganks up and down assessing them for weapons. "Let's go earn those port fees..."

The Ganks are heavily armed. When you first entered the casino, you don't recall them having anything in their hands but now they are openly carrying Disrupter Rifles. They also each have 2 heavy blaster pistols holstered at their waists.

Mallolo starts speaking to you in Huttese which is translated by the black protocol droid. "Her Exalted Mistress Mallolo Bascido has heard goods things about your abilities from Nuth Tanava, a patron of my mistress's casino. Based on his words of your abilities, my mistress would like to retain your services for a job. You can be assured if you do well, my mistress will happily engage your services again in the future." As the droid is speaking, you notice he too is armed with a blaster around his waist. The bothan remains seated, observing your reactions with a cool eye.

2023-04-15, 10:35 AM

Kara nodded and kept her eyes focused on the Hutt as the droid spoke.

"We are, of course, honored your Exaltedness, for your consideration." Kara bowed her head ever so slightly.

"I think we would like to hear more about the nature of this job and it's compensation package. If I may be so bold, maybe you can be vague to start with about the details - in case of any...um... concerns my companions might have. This will leave us both options in the incredibly unlikely event we can't render assistance. "

2023-04-15, 05:09 PM
"Roger roger..."

2023-04-17, 08:58 AM
"Roger roger..."

Mallolo's Protocol Droid (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/d/d6/4D6-J-A7.png/revision/latest?cb=20170507073413)
The black protocol droid turns its head towards BX-0871-KT and, if droids could manifest facial emotions, seems to sigh in pity at the battle droid.


"I think we would like to hear more about the nature of this job and it's compensation package. If I may be so bold, maybe you can be vague to start with about the details - in case of any...um... concerns my companions might have. This will leave us both options in the incredibly unlikely event we can't render assistance. "

Mallolo says nothing else, she sucks on a hookah and observes. The bothan beside her covers his mouth to cough before saying, "Through no desire or fault of our own, we find ourselves in the middle of an escalating territorial dispute with a fellow Hutt clan. Although initially really more of a misunderstanding, there has been a recent infringement wherein a shipment of weapons were stolen and her exaltedness wishes your assistance to even the score.
"We have learned where and when the weapons will be exchanged and we are willing to pay you 2000 credits and a share of the recovered goods if you can interrupt the transaction and steal back the weapons cache.
"Her exaltedness does have two stipulations. You will only receive payment if the theft happens within a short window of the transaction completing so as to fully interrupt the flow of business and send a message that Mallolo's organization isn't to be trifled with. We also insist you not use your own ship, but instead use ships provided by Mallolo. Moreover, one of them must be left behind as so as to insure the message is delivered".

Everyone make an Average (2 purple) Perception check.

2023-04-17, 10:54 AM

2eA+1eP+2eD: 3 successes, 1 threat [2eA=A, S/S] [1eP=S/S] [2eD=F, Th/Th]



Lord Raziere
2023-04-17, 12:36 PM

2eA+2eD: 1 failure, 1 advantage [2eA=-, A/A] [2eD=F, Th]

2023-04-17, 02:02 PM
Perception (https://orokos.com/roll/975284): 1eA+2eD 0 successes, 3 threat
https://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttps://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.pnghttps://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.png (https://orokos.com/roll/975284)

The Glyphstone
2023-04-17, 05:16 PM

0-0 across the board. I threw in a Setback die for being buzzed but it rolled a blank anyways.

2023-04-17, 07:54 PM
2eA+2eD: 1 failure, 2 advantage [2eA=S/A, A/A] [2eD=F, F/Th]

2023-04-18, 05:26 AM
Perception (https://orokos.com/roll/975379): 2eA+2eD 0 successes, 2 advantage
https://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a-a.pnghttps://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttps://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttps://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f.png (https://orokos.com/roll/975379)

2023-04-19, 09:17 AM
The Bothan looks at you, the expectation of understanding what he has said is clear in his eyes.

2023-04-20, 12:49 PM

Kara scratches her chin. Kara tries to repeat everything back as she understands it. "Steal back the weapons while the deal is happening. Make it clear its payback from her expansiveness Mallolo, use two of your ships and leave one behind as evidence...2000 credits and a share of the weapons. "

"Obviously, I have some concerns about using an unknown sight-unseen vehicle as our means of get away. " She looked back at the team to see how they felt. "2000 credits sounds pretty low for that much risk..."

The Glyphstone
2023-04-20, 06:27 PM
Djulla giggles again, nudging Kara's hip with his elbow and 'whispering' up at her. "I can fly us out wi' anything, don' worry. And don't forget about the guns...can *hic* sell them for credits too.."

2023-04-21, 04:49 PM
"Are these other Hutts in league with the Republic? I'd fight Republic soldiers for free!"

2023-04-22, 12:48 AM

Kara rolls her eyes. "Kay-Tee, you'd probably fight anyone for free."

2023-04-22, 09:51 AM
Xalaran finishes his drink and looks around for a place to set the empty glass, using the action to get the lay of their immediate surroundings and positions of the Hutts guards. He doesn't expect things to go south this early on, but one can never be too cautious when dealing with the slugs.

"Are these other Hutts in league with the Republic? I'd fight Republic soldiers for free!"

Xalaran makes a mental note to speak to Neya about reprogramming the stupid droid so it can't mention the word "free" during pay negotiations.

Lord Raziere
2023-04-22, 10:16 AM
"Bixie, "free" doesn't get us the needed supplies to repair you. Or the ship. or food. or medical supplies. Or ammo for our guns. And so on. As the person who has to keep track of all the funds for things like that so I can y'know, keep both the metal machine and the flesh machines I work with working so we can uh.....keep up the war effort against the republic....I am strongly against not being paid. And you should be to, given that you won't get any repairs to make sure you can keep fighting your battles, you hear?"
She says to the droid testily. You made her the mechanic of the ship and your medic, so the fact that she basically has the power to make sure everything around keeps running and can revoke that at any time is your guys fault.

2023-04-24, 08:37 AM
Rakesh says nothing, but wishes he'd paid more attention when it came to sensing the motivations of others. He scanned the room, just to make sure some other group didnt take advantage of the negotiations.

2023-04-24, 09:50 AM
https://i.ibb.co/zH8R6NQ/Capture.png (https://i.ibb.co/zH8R6NQ/Capture.png)

Mallolo's private booth is #7 in the upper left corner. Bottom center is #1, the entrance. You were at the bottom right private booth when you were asked to join Mallolo. You can click on the image for a larger view.

There are a number of people in the casino. Many are in the pit gambling. More are at the automated machines or at the bar. You have noticed some glancing at you as you stand before Mallolo, but no one seems to have taken an interest in you.

Djulla giggles again, nudging Kara's hip with his elbow and 'whispering' up at her. "I can fly us out wi' anything, don' worry. And don't forget about the guns...can *hic* sell them for credits too.."
Ignoring the battle droid, the bothan looks at Kara and Djulla. "You will need three pilots," he states. "The vessels are M22-T Krayt gunships. Crew complement is 2 with 2 passengers. You will need 2 gunships just for yourselves, plus the 1 to leave behind."

2023-04-24, 10:19 PM
https://i.ibb.co/zH8R6NQ/Capture.png (https://i.ibb.co/zH8R6NQ/Capture.png)

Mallolo's private booth is #7 in the upper left corner. Bottom center is #1, the entrance. You were at the bottom right private booth when you were asked to join Mallolo. You can click on the image for a larger view.

There are a number of people in the casino. Many are in the pit gambling. More are at the automated machines or at the bar. You have noticed some glancing at you as you stand before Mallolo, but no one seems to have taken an interest in you.

Ignoring the battle droid, the bothan looks at Kara and Djulla. "You will need three pilots," he states. "The vessels are M22-T Krayt gunships. Crew complement is 2 with 2 passengers. You will need 2 gunships just for yourselves, plus the 1 to leave behind."

"Why leave a gunship behind?" Xalaran asks the Bothan. "The gunship would cost more than a few blasters and it would be faster, easier, and cheaper to blast a few knee-caps, say Mallolo sends her regards, and head back."

2023-04-25, 04:05 PM
"Why leave a gunship behind?" Xalaran asks the Bothan. "The gunship would cost more than a few blasters and it would be faster, easier, and cheaper to blast a few knee-caps, say Mallolo sends her regards, and head back."

"Unless it's a deniable payoff, of course." Rakesh added. "It's not theft, it's eminent domain,"

2023-04-27, 11:03 AM
The bothan sort of snarls, "You ask a lot of questions. Are you interested in a job or a holo exposé? Mallolo heard you were reliable so we offered it to you first. There are plenty of space rats here who will jump at this offer. Are you in or not?!"

2023-04-29, 10:29 AM

Hearing no objections from the crew, just questions, Kara looked back at them and then turned back towards the bothan. Kara nodded. "I think we are in. We'll need half the credits up front of course."

2023-05-02, 07:30 AM

Hearing no objections from the crew, just questions, Kara looked back at them and then turned back towards the bothan. Kara nodded. "I think we are in. We'll need half the credits up front of course."

Persuasion check please.

2023-05-02, 10:11 AM
Had some trouble with the site and needed to make a new profile. Also I am guessing this is negotiation ? If its charm its the same dice. I don't think there is a straight Persuasion skill. Oooph what a terrible roll.



2023-05-02, 11:00 AM
Had some trouble with the site and needed to make a new profile. Also I am guessing this is negotiation ? If its charm its the same dice. I don't think there is a straight Persuasion skill. Oooph what a terrible roll.



Yes, I meant negotiation. Playing too many different games at too many different locations. Any roll that ends in successes is not terrible. You get what you want with the successes. The threats mean something happens you didn't want or expect.


Hearing no objections from the crew, just questions, Kara looked back at them and then turned back towards the bothan. Kara nodded. "I think we are in. We'll need half the credits up front of course."

The bothan turns and looks expectedly at Mallolo as if he knows the answer already. Mallolo laughs (https://youtu.be/OPcod8IS214) for a moment before nodding her head a small measure and replying in Huttese. The bothan looks shocked. "Her immenseness is feeling generous. While she normally refuses to offer anything up front; specially since we are providing the vessels and the exit tithe; she has agreed to pay you a quarter up front." He pauses, a surprised look quickly passing over his face. In a soft voice he says, "I suggest you accept this grand offer on her part. She rarely offers anything up front."

2023-05-02, 12:22 PM

Kara bows her head in respect and smiles. "Her immenseness is shrewd and generous. This is most acceptable."

2023-05-23, 12:56 PM
You see the protocol droid move around from the back of the booth and approaches Kara producing a stick in it's hand. One quick look tells you its a credit stick.

The bothan looks directly at you. "You need to head immediately to the rendezvous to ensure you don’t miss the window. I have not only already reserved docking bays on the planet of Vjun, but I have also paid the undocking tithe on HollowPromise."

2023-05-27, 01:11 AM

"Sounds good." Kara grabs the credit stick and holds it out for someone on the team to grab.

"We need anything else before we go?" Kara asks.

I assume all the details have been passed regarding when/where/how or would you prefer us to roleplay that out?

The Glyphstone
2023-05-28, 08:05 PM
"Let's....hic/i] do this!"

Djulla drains the last few drops from his mug and sets it down on the nearest flat surface before turning to wobble his way towards the exit.

2023-05-29, 09:49 PM
Rakesh also rose, staying generally in the center of the group as they started to move.

2023-05-30, 08:18 PM
Xalaran takes the cred stick from Kara before some random patron get's strange ideas about snatching and still having their lungs in their standard positions.

2023-06-05, 01:02 PM
I assume all the details have been passed regarding when/where/how or would you prefer us to roleplay that out?

Yes, all pertinent information is given to you before you leave the casino.

You head to the docking bay where you where informed the ships would be and, upon arriving, you find three M22-T Krayt gunships. As you approach, you notice a chadra-fan in greasy coveralls look up at you from one of the ships. Wiping his brow with a sleeve, you seem he start heading in your direction. Once he gets up to you, he nods and in a squeeky voice says, "Mallolo told me you were comin'. They're all fueled and the exit tithe to the station has already been paid. You're free to go. I wouldn't waste time though; Bontask said this was time sensitive."


The Glyphstone
2023-06-05, 04:57 PM
Djulla rubs his hands together and scurries towards the closest of the three gunships, his earlier intoxication already burned away by the diminutive pilot's metabolism and the excitement of an imminent job. "Heck yeah, let's go! Dibs on Neya for copilot. Xal's the next best pilot we got after me - you take the second one. Bixie's probably our best option in seat number three - just stay steady and trust the instruments, let the two of us do the heavy lifting if we get into a dogfight."

2023-06-05, 09:40 PM

"Do we want to give them a quick once over ? Make sure they are space worthy?"

2023-06-06, 01:00 PM
"I presume I've got a turret seat, but which one should I get set up in?"

2023-06-12, 09:19 AM
FYI, I am still here. Waiting for decisions to be made amongst yourselves.