View Full Version : Original System Ebonwood Homebrew System (Input Welcome)

2023-04-12, 12:14 PM
As I tweak my houserules for 3.PF to suit my preferences, I've been working on an idle experiment to work from the other end, building a system loosely based on 3.PF but rebuilding it from the ground up, analyzing each system in turn to determine what works and what could be done differently. I don't know if it'll actually go anywhere, but at least for the moment it's beginning to develop some degree of identity. Since I'm hungry for collaboration or input, I thought I'd post what I have here and see what I get. Please keep in mind that this document is pretty much entirely stream-of-thought, so if ideas are randomly dropped or incompletely articulated, I may have simply changed my mind about them (or forgotten, or not gotten back to them yet). It's definitely not anything resembling a finished product, or even a presentable alpha. It's a pile of design notes being left on the kitchen table for perusal.

Ebonwood Homebrew System (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s2Ue5BvjdwyUhbOnmV7tRL01OjZPoiFxnaNv6QxzS4c/edit?usp=sharing)

Note: If it turns out Google Docs aren't allowed (couldn't find anything in the rules suggesting they wouldn't be), I can repost the current draft on-site instead.