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View Full Version : The Metahuman Era [OOC]

2023-04-13, 08:39 PM
System: Mutants and Masterminds (https://www.d20herosrd.com/), but the QDE (https://www.trulyuniqueweb.com/unrealquests/mm/#ch-character-creation) version. Both links are important!
Player Count: Not more than four.
Style of Play: Heroics! Action! Fun!
Allowed Content: Use the provided links. Anything outside them should be submitted for approval, and I'll check it out.
Character Creation: Use anything you like that I can see to host the sheet-I'd recommend a Google Doc, but whatever works for you.

Backstory: Skirt Length.
Power Level: 10.
Power Points: 100.
Versatility Points: 100.
Alignment: Heroic.

Other Notes: None that I can think of for the moment.

The Metahuman Era-Beginning
June 14th, 2025. That's the day everything changed, if only slightly. Researchers and those studying instruments closely noticed a small blip-nothing too strange. But things changed on that day. Accidents kept happening. People kept living and dying. But people started gaining powers-incidents that would normally result in a nasty disease left some with the power to climb sheer walls with a touch. Chemical spills, instead of leaving the victims with cancer and burns, gave them lightning speed and reflexes.

People with powers, referred to as metahumans, started happening on that day. And they haven't stopped. Initially, the world reacted with awe and fear. But, calm voices prevailed, for once, and metahumans were largely allowed to live in as others would. Those with dangerous powers were required by most governments to register, and new laws cropped up around superpowered crime, but people didn't live in fear.

The Metahuman Era-Now
The date is June 14th, 2063. It's been exactly 38 years since the Awakening, as some refer to it. Metahumans are an accepted part of life, if rather uncommon. The world has yet to be rocked by any supercriminals-while crimes are committed by metahumans, it has so far stayed relatively small in scale. Advances in medical technology, thanks to the Umbrella corporation and others, have extended and enhanced lives. And the world moves ever onward.
You were born sometime after the Awakening, and are a metahuman, or someone equipped with sufficient tech and skills to work on par with a metahuman.

You have been contacted anonymously, and asked to meet at an eatery located in Chicago-Mortle Dave's Burgers And Fries. The date was in three days.
Attached to the message was a Visa card. When you called about the card, you were informed it had $500,000 on it.

Please repost all PC details, including backstory in the main body of the post.

IC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?655729-The-Metahuman-Era-IC&p=25757256)

Lord Raziere
2023-04-13, 09:21 PM
Reposting my sheet:

Name: Ellie Brooks
Alias: Glamera
Gender: Female
PP: 0/100
VP: 0/100
-Motivation: Acceptance
-Motivation: Doing Good
-Prejudice: Unusual Appearance
Glamera is a spiky turtle girl and some people might be irrationally hateful or afraid of her because of that
-Weakness: Super Metals
Her shell and hide are incredibly tough making her mostly unkillable, but certain super metals can pierce it and potentially kill her (for example if this was Marvel it would be something like Vibranium or Adamantium, if this was DC it would be something like Nth metal, things like that)

Combat stats-
Accuracy: 10
Defense: 10 (21 DC to hit me)
Force: 10 (21 DC to resist)
Resistance: 10
Tenacity: 10

Quickness: 0
Range: 10, 10pp
Scope: 10, 10pp
Speed: 10, 10pp
Strength: 10, 10pp

Perception: 5 (10sp/1pp)
Prowess: 10 (30sp/3pp)
Persuasion: 5 (10sp/1pp)
Treatment: 10 (30sp/3pp)
Expertise: 10 (30sp/3pp)

Tracking, 1pp
Very Attractive, 2pp
Fascinate, 1pp
Inventor, 1pp
Improved Smash, 1pp
Improved Grab, 1pp

Leaping, 2vp
Tunneling, 10vp
Climbing, 1vp
Danger Sense, 5vp
Extended Analytical Vision, 3vp
Extended Analytical Hearing, 3vp
Ranged Acute, Accurate Smell, 5vp
Lethal Immunity, 5vp
Critical Immunity, 5vp
Life Support, 10vp
Manipulate Immunity, 15vp
Safe, 1vp
Sure, 1vp

Features: 2vp, 0/20fp
Proficiency (Chemical, Physics, Performance, Technology, Medical), 10fp
Workspace (Lab), 2fp
Iron Stomach, 1fp
Growth (self), 4fp
Might, 3fp

Super Strength Array, Reaction, 25pp, 32vp, 6 slots
1-Super Strength Punch:
Attack (Contact/Physical/Dazing, Multiattack, Sweeping, Penetrating 2, 25pp
2-Ground Stop:
Attack (Contact/Physical/Vulnerability), Area (Burst), 10pp
Super Shout
Attack (Flash/Energy/Impairment), Area (Cone), 10pp
3-Charge Like a Bull:
Attack (Contact/Physical/Dazing), Area (Line), Dangerous 4, Penetrating 3, 24pp
4-Throw Debris
Attack (Contact/Physical/Dazing), Increased Range, 1pp
5-Defensive Strong Heroics
Defend, Additional, Multiattack, 20pp
6-General Strong Heroics
Exert, Additional, Multiattack, 20pp

Healing Breath:
Healing, Area (cone), 10pp

Glamorous Lightshow:
Attack (Flash/Sensory/Distraction), Area (Burst), 10pp


Ellie Brooks grew up in a world of superpowers existing. As the world had anything truly bad yet to come from them, she grew to become a scientist who sought to figure out how to use Metahuman powers to benefit people. Specifically to try to figure out how to transform people in a more consistent manner so that they can easily obtain their ideal bodies without surgeries. This was not however purely selfless- she hoped to use such a thing on herself to transform from male to female. However she became desperate one day, made a few shortcuts and did an experiment on herself- and transformed into a purple spiky turtle-girl. This change was permanent, but the experiment unfortunately destroyed the machine to make it happen, and she couldn't get the data to figure out how to replicate what went right. There was some matter of confirming her identity and some incidents where she had learn to control her new strength, but she soon registered as a new metahuman to the government, willing to help out with her powers however she can, including bringing in metahumans most people can't handle due to her incredible durability and strength, and her new appearance has made her more socially confident, with the ability to light up her gems to perform to people and connect to her more artistic side, she still is a scientist at heart.

She has answered the eatery summons, her curiosity being piqued.

and her speaking color will be
This! Hiii! Glamera here. I hope your doing well!

2023-04-14, 12:53 AM
Sorceress Mechanics/Fluff (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KXC7RLvaDlBAum0qGqvWBqa50m76peFcIN3fzRs4KNg/edit?usp=sharing)

I'll grab this blue for speaking in, hopefully that's readable.

Also my availability is gonna be a bit spotty over this weekend, sorry in advance.

2023-04-14, 06:29 AM
Chisel is a powerful meta vigilante. That is all all that is known for sure. Oddsmakers put odds on her being a female. Her race is unknown but she is said to have a skin tone that leaves more possibilities than it excludes...

Naomi Cohen has no powers, most of the time. But, like a supersaturated solution, she has a lot of "no powers" ready to take form under the right circumstances. She us a dynamo of potential that absorbs damage and mimics powers she is in proximity to.

Naomi, in "civvies," prefers conservative clothing and generally wears a hat. She is in her late twenties and has a totally replacable mcJob at a grocery store because her degree is for a field she realized she hates.

Chisel has no specific powers so she leaned into it by picking a totally meaningless name and picking a uniform and identity that is as blank a canvas. And her cosmetic powers heighten this. Her skin can become discolored when channeling elemental themed abilities and her musculoskeletal system warps to accommodate new power when she "hulks out "

Crunch (https://drive.google.com/file/d/10GWCkRAcafR_es_E69b4yLa6ZhtaTuyH/view?usp=drivesdk)


Day job- Naomi doesn't have the kind of money that she can afford to take off work to fight crime. Even with this huge monetary gift, she is hesitant to quit.

Pacifist- Naomi won't use lethal force.

Obsessive cleanliness- Naomi hates dirt and filth of all kinds and will avoid it at almost any cost.

Chisel will be talking in This color if that's okay.

2023-04-14, 08:13 PM
Sorry I'm a little late here. I've got a google doc with fluff and crunch here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gPQI-iUbZxgolMKcbE-YkZ8oanXSzYmuhEejfy-VQbs/edit?usp=sharing). I made the access level for the link commenter, so if there is anything you want me to change you can let me know either here or in the doc, whichever you prefer.

Under the proficiencies section, it lists life skills +0, lore +0, and 3 open, but I wasn't sure what exactly that means.

Other than that I think I mostly understand the rules, but if anything I do seems off at all, don't hesitate to point it out.

Also, I guess I will go with this green for IC dialogue.​ Let me know if it isn't clear enough.

2023-04-14, 10:10 PM
We’re all here!

I am at work-so no update from me till I am home.

2023-04-15, 03:03 PM
Rolls should be in a spoiler, but you don't need a spoiler in the spoiler for them.

Alternatively, if you forget to roll or anything like that, just roll in the OOC.

2023-04-15, 03:29 PM
Great to know! Also I just want to say that the nested spoilers for DCs are brilliant!

2023-04-15, 03:30 PM
It's something I've done for a while. Quite handy, agreed. :)

2023-04-20, 04:50 PM
*Pokes everyone*

We all good?

2023-04-20, 05:16 PM
I was waiting for Dento to continue explaining stuff to be honest, I didn't really have any other questions for him.

2023-04-24, 06:30 PM
Should we just cut to the next scene or something?

2023-04-24, 06:42 PM
I'm fine with that, I just want this game to live.

Lord Raziere
2023-04-24, 06:51 PM
sorry, responded.

JNA, you can just give me any umbrella npc you have in mind and say they're colleagues with Glamera in some way. its fine

2023-04-24, 07:34 PM
Updating IC momentarily.

2023-04-25, 02:05 PM
Now that I think about it, would Amy have any connections to Umbrella? Like, would they have invested any of their money with her company or anything?

2023-04-25, 02:06 PM
Now that I think about it, would Amy have any connections to Umbrella? Like, would they have invested any of their money with her company or anything?

I'm gonna say you'd have some connections, but make me a roll to see how well-placed and close to you those connections are.

2023-04-25, 02:36 PM
Not exactly sure what I would roll for this, I guess I'll go for Expertise (Business [Stocks]) seeing as that's her company's job and all: [roll0] w/ +5 heroic if applicable. 19. Plus whatever benefit Status 2 and Wealth 5 has.

2023-04-26, 11:38 AM
Let's see...

With that roll, you'd have access to appointments with people considerable high-up in Umbrella's corporate ladder. Not quiet CEO access, but you can arrange meetings with people only a few steps below that. But, the people you dealt with were in flux, usually not the same people.

2023-04-27, 08:11 PM
Just so you all know I just came out as trans to my parents (technically for the second time, but they didn't really believe me the first time) so if I end up disappearing for a while it will most likely be because I'm quickly finding new living arrangements. I don't really expect to have to move suddenly, but I want to give you a heads up just in case.

2023-04-27, 08:12 PM
Just so you all know I just came out as trans to my parents (technically for the second time, but they didn't really believe me the first time) so if I end up disappearing for a while it will most likely be because I'm quickly finding new living arrangements. I don't really expect to have to move suddenly, but I want to give you a heads up just in case.

Oh geez. I sincerely hope it goes well, but given that post... Best of luck. :)

We support you 110% of the way! Be safe, be well!

2023-04-27, 08:31 PM
Yeah, please be safe and well.

2023-04-29, 02:11 PM
If no one else has anything to say, I'll move us on either after work today, or tomorrow morning/afternoon.

2023-04-29, 08:03 PM
I'm fine with moving on here.

Also, I have not been kicked out, and I'm doing fine, so life is pretty good right now

2023-04-29, 10:34 PM
I'm fine with moving on here.

Also, I have not been kicked out, and I'm doing fine, so life is pretty good right now

I am glad to hear it! My partner is Trans, and so I know the world is kinda scary right now. She only managed to transition in the past year, after I owned my own house and was financially stable enough to support her if things got really bad. Luckily, she has had very few negative experiences thus far and I hope things continue well for you also.

On a lighter note:

I'm fine moving on, I'm not really sure how to contribute further to thus scene.

2023-04-30, 12:40 PM
I'm fine with moving on here.

Also, I have not been kicked out, and I'm doing fine, so life is pretty good right now

Okay, glad you're alright. :)

IC post being written right after I post this!