View Full Version : Spell points variant (Spheres of Power)

2023-04-16, 11:41 PM
Preamble: This concept was inspired by a discussion we had about Mana in Path of Exile. Basically boiled down to:
In Last Epoch, you have several skills which are all roughly equivalently "viable." Some cost nothing. Others cost mana. Running out of mana means you switch to another skill (which can often generate mana). The use of Mana as a system serves to add variety to the gameplay and encourage skill rotations, and allows larger, meatier abilities to exist without washing out the rest of the skills. (This is definitely more engaging than spamming right click on every monster and hoping it works. And boy do PoE players rage when it doesn't work.)

In Path of Exile, you have one "real" skill in most builds. And they all cost mana. (Except Detonate and Portal, but those... anyway...) If you're out of mana, you just don't get to play (some builds don't even get to move) until you have some mana back. So you never want to lack mana.

Where Does Pathfinder Lie? With the addition of Cantrips, vancian PF is ever so slightly better than 3.5. With the addition of useful cantrips, Spheres leans much closer to Last Epoch's situation.

But, it's much less a skill rotation than a fallback option, like crossbows were in 3.5. Just better. And more fun. Further, past a certain point, because spell point costs don't tend to scale in Spheres (PF, not 5e), but spell points do, you can quickly get to the point where you can alpha strike every turn of an adventuring day, and not really care. Especially when that adventuring day only tends to have 1 encounter near the end of the session.

I did also float the idea that you can just make adjustments to spell points and slots based on *your table's* adventuring day, instead of the assumed 4 encounters a day. Although that has its own issues, like how it kinda locks the GM into committing to the number of encounters they quote. Such a commitment can easily make things feel formulaic.

I think a build-up-and-expend methodology is ultimately a healthier option that is more universal without too much actual work. It also turns cantrips into a valuable piece of the puzzle rather than just something you do when you alpha'd too hard.
I'll be testing this in some of my games, and if anyone is interested in using this system, I could definitely use larger sample sizes and feedback.

Anyway, enough background. Here's the content.
Generally intended for GM's choice, rather than Player's. But players are encouraged to make their opinions heard on potential variant uses, as with all settings.

Variant 1: Push and Pull Spell Points
Start each combat (and general scene) with 0 spell points. When using a standard action to cast a spell effect that doesn't cost spell points, hereafter called Recharging, gain 3 spell points. Gain 1 additional spell point if you have (3, 4, or 5, as deemed appropriate) general drawbacks that haven't been used for boons. If the spell effect fails for any reason, such as being countered, failing a concentration check, or failing arcane spell failure chance from armor, you don't gain the spell points from casting it.

Your maximum number of spell points at any time is 2 times the amount you would gain when using a standard action to cast a spell effect that doesn't cost spell points.

Additionally, gain access to the following Universal Sphere spell effect (to add security to niche builds):
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Spell Points: 0 sp
Description: You intensely concentrate on charging your spells. This does not count as casting, for the purposes of traditions that have an effect when you cast.

Variant 2: Starting Pool
When using Variant 1, start each scene and combat with the spell points you'd have gained from casting Recharge.

Variant 3: Unstoppable Charging
When using Variant 1, still gain spell points even if the cast was unsuccessful.

Variant 4: Gradual Spell Point Recovery
When using Variant 1, you also recover 1 spell point at the end of your turn in combat. (Note: This is actually really strong, as that's a standard spell every round, all day, every day. Without effort. But I was recommended to put it in as an option regardless.)

Variant 5.1: Daily Point Cap - Drawbacks
In this variant, you still keep track of the total spell points you use within a day, and this may not go above the normal daily limit.
The use of Variant 1 counts as 4 drawbacks, and Variant 2 and 3 may be purchased as boons.

Variant 5.2: Daily Point Cap - Bonus Daily Spell Points
In this variant, you still keep track of the total spell points you use within a day, and this may not go above the normal daily limit.
When using Variant 1, you instead add 1 spell point per level to your daily limit, over and above drawbacks. Variants 2 and 3 may be taken to each halve the bonus.

Variant 6: Scaling Spell Point Charging
In this variant, you can increase the number of spell points you gain when generating it through the normal method.
When you would gain spell points from gain spell points from Recharging, gain spell points equal to the higher of half your character level or half your casting ability modifier, with a minimum of 3.
(The reason this isn't default is because the cost of spell points tends to not scale, while the power per spell point does.)

Note: There are some traditions and feats that have special benefit from being low on spell points, which might be less than appropriate when using these variants, at least unadapted. I am currently writing this from a remote desktop half way across the state Pretty uncomfortable. So maybe I'll do the adaptations when I get home. Maybe they should just be considered inappropriate. Who knows.

New Feats

Efficient Charging
Prerequisites: The ability to gain spell points through Recharging.
Benefit: When you would gain spell points by Recharging, you gain 1 additional spell point. Additionally, the turn after regaining spell points through Recharging, sphere effects do not increase the cast time when using metamagic.
(Note: The exact amount may need to be better than this. Still being playtested for how it feels to actually pick up.)

2023-04-22, 03:11 AM
any thoughts on maximum spell points per day you can acquire with this method? keep the existing one? or allow to have functional infinite spell points, making access to e.g. Life sphere healing or Death sphere undead theoretically infinite, limited only by urgency?

2023-04-22, 11:01 AM
any thoughts on maximum spell points per day you can acquire with this method? keep the existing one? or allow to have functional infinite spell points, making access to e.g. Life sphere healing or Death sphere undead theoretically infinite, limited only by urgency?

If we're being honest, Life sphere is functionally infinite as is, even without Font of Life and/or the fast healing. It is basically limited by player agreement to not go overboard with it, or DM intervention.
And I'll also be dreadfully honest in that I have only one campaign worth of experience with Undead minions, and that was a mid-game dip for a character that already had everything he wanted, and was just messing around. (Getting to resurrect giant demi-demon minotaurs was fun.)

So, short answer: I have not thought about it. But it's a good point. I should probably do that thinking.
The original intent was to be functionally infinite, with a backloaded resource structure.
If I had to offer a variant that added daily spell point limits, I would probably let Variant deal be 4 drawbacks worth of drawbacks. And each variant other than 4 is worth 1 boon.
(Or failing that, have Variant 1 be adding +1 daily spell point per level.)

Added 2 new variants based on that idea.