View Full Version : What powers would a Light Mage possibly have?

2023-04-17, 01:11 AM
Just spitballing ideas for what powers would constitute a potential light mage. Much like the Time Mage from a while ago. New ideas are always welcome.

Fire Damage (light carries energy, which is transferred generally as heat)
Radiation (whether by the various Radiation "diseases" you see written every so often, or a damage type, possibly positive energy. Radiant Energy from 5e obviously fits.)
Blindness (Obvious)
Illumination (Obvious)

Light Theft (The ability to change the light's "source" from the emitting object to somewhere else.)
Invisibility (Bending light in obfuscating ways)
Distracting Patterns (Kinda obvious, But Disco was really big back in the day.)
Illusions (Requires more fine control over light than a general light mage is presumed to have. But possible.)
Incredible Speed (The Speed of Light, or Speed of Causality, is the gtreatest unit of speed in the real world.)

Image Sharing / Duplication (Like illusions, but specifically about replicating what someone sees and showing it elsewhere. Like a camera, or even live video feed) [Actually that's literally just a specific application of illusions. Whatever.]
Time Crystals (Scientists have been able to trap motionless light in these things. Really neat. Probably only tangential.)

Shadow Manipulation (Shadows are created by the interaction of light and non-transparent objects. Thus, controlling light lets you control shadows.)
Plant Control (You know how plants move to face the sun? Well, what if magic? A stretch? Yes.)
Telekinesis (Light also imparts the energy as momentum, not just heat. But unless it's a reflective object large enough to radiate the heat away... it's mostly just heat.)

Item Creation ("Hard Light" is a funny concept. But basically crystalized light. Possibly even a sword of light. In fact, weapons of light tend to not be too rare in fantasy, relative to all other possible legendary-type weaponry.)
Radio Transceiver (Using the radio frequency of light. Very useful.)

Expanded Vision (Using the additional wavelengths of light.)
Mirrors and Reflections (Self-explanatory. Very neat)

"Light" weight (Hahaha)

2023-04-17, 01:15 AM
X-ray vision and the ability to see infrared?

2023-04-17, 01:19 AM
The ability to not be very heavy.

2023-04-17, 01:26 AM
All the prismatic spells and hypnotic pattern

2023-04-17, 01:30 AM
Also, a mirror subtheme would be reasonably on-brand and lets you diversify into all sorts of reflecting powers.

2023-04-17, 02:22 AM
Added the suggestions so far

2023-04-17, 02:56 AM
Consider all the "astral" spells? The term comes from the word for star(s), and ceremonial magic references "astral light", "inner light", "cosmic light" and so on. One could even consider an overlap with positive energy and therefore the various evocation-school healing magics (not manipulating bodies, just the "life-giving light" of the universe) and some of the divine anti-undead magic that uses that.

Also scrying and any other divination that uses sight.

Maat Mons
2023-04-17, 03:06 AM
Turn Undead
Bridges to Asgard
Finding pots of gold
Ukuleles (https://youtu.be/V1bFr2SWP1I)
Frogs (https://youtu.be/WS3Lkc6Gzlk)

2023-04-17, 05:18 AM
He should have a good ten limbs.

Why not? It's well known that many hands make light work.

2023-04-17, 09:45 AM
There are quite a few spells with the [Light] descriptor. (https://dndtools.org/spells/?name=&range=&spell_resistance=&area=&duration=&saving_throw=&casting_time=&school__slug=&sub_school__slug=&descriptors__slug=light&verbal_component=1&somatic_component=1&material_component=1&arcane_focus_component=1&divine_focus_component=1&xp_component=1&rulebook__slug=&description=&class_levels__slug=&domain_levels__slug=&_filter=Filter)

2023-04-17, 09:55 AM
you can get something out of "the light of reason" : to see through illusions, detect lies, revert polymorphed creatured or objects, remove fear.
Maybe also boost rolls in general, in a "moment of clarity" kind of way - THE epiphany was literally a ray of light from above.

2023-04-17, 09:00 PM
you can get something out of "the light of reason" : to see through illusions, detect lies, revert polymorphed creatured or objects, remove fear.
Maybe also boost rolls in general, in a "moment of clarity" kind of way - THE epiphany was literally a ray of light from above.

Maybe get some [cold] damage, since you're seeing things in the cold light of day.

Maat Mons
2023-04-17, 10:46 PM
A shinigami (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/shinigami/) cohort.