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View Full Version : undead campain Idea

2023-04-17, 01:55 PM
I was thinking of making a campaign with a small twist instead of the players being the normal thugs from the tavern. have them all play as the undead under the semi-control of a group of Necromancers.

What do you guys think is workable? Or any problems that my come up as I am thinking of giving them items to help beable to walk around in public.

2023-04-17, 02:07 PM
Could be fun! You'll want to figure out with the players the balance between "do what the necromancer says" versus "you're undead, cause some trouble!"

Will want to think about both passive and active measures the world takes against undead. Does every town have a paladin firing off Detect Evil in the square, or is it groups of paladins that go where the rumours are?

Finally, think about advancement paths. Everyone being low LA no HD undead and advancing by class levels is easier but feels a bit less like an undead campaign. There is homebrew on the playground both for more sane LA for monsters and for better monster classes. Maybe pick just one approach not both, but either will give better options than base game does.

2023-04-17, 02:16 PM
Finally, think about advancement paths. Everyone being low LA no HD undead and advancing by class levels is easier but feels a bit less like an undead campaign. There is homebrew on the playground both for more sane LA for monsters and for better monster classes. Maybe pick just one approach not both, but either will give better options than base game does.

You could also gestalt the libris mortis monster classes with a normal PC class, though that gets a bit awkward around the point where half the PCs have already finished their RHD and are taking regular class levels while the others are still stuck getting subpar monster abilities.

2023-04-17, 02:49 PM
You could also gestalt the libris mortis monster classes with a normal PC class, though that gets a bit awkward around the point where half the PCs have already finished their RHD and are taking regular class levels while the others are still stuck getting subpar monster abilities.
I've done this several times. It works fine provided the players know what they are getting themselves into and are generally not overly competitive with each other. I generally start the characters off at level 2 or 3 with max HP for those first few levels.

2023-04-19, 07:53 AM
Will want to think about both passive and active measures the world takes against undead. Does every town have a paladin firing off Detect Evil in the square, or is it groups of paladins that go where the rumors are?

well for that I have got some answers right now a lot of the good clerics and paladins are off-screen fighting in a crusade. due to a large orc warlord living in a major city with a Relic that they want back.

Also yes if they were not at least trying to hide the fact that they are undead. There could be problems, as the party's main operation is a small temple of Wee Jas the Goddess of Death and Magic. Now yes in times of war, They can get away with a lot of things like raising whole armies of the undead to guard the city. In an emergency. Yes, the temple's Matrearic is a lich but most of the Temple's priestesses (the main Face) and camber militant (The Ruby knights) are mortal. So the party does have to keep a low profile to keep the temple from getting into problems. It might start off as political problems at first but there are Inquisitors from other religions that might start to create problems if the party does not keep a low profile.

2023-04-19, 07:14 PM
Everyone in the party could start as necropolitans of various races, along with other undead with savage progressions (like ghosts); that way, everyone's undead, but they aren't suffering unduly from abominable LA and racial HD.


2023-04-19, 07:17 PM
Most undead have an ECL. So start the PCs off with equal levels based on ECL. Vampires will be popular, but that +8 is brutal.

2023-04-19, 07:21 PM
Most undead have an ECL. So start the PCs off with equal levels based on ECL. Vampires will be popular, but that +8 is brutal.If they want to sparkle that badly, there's always glitterdust.

2023-04-19, 07:22 PM
I'm a Buffy fan.

So I'm thinking more like PCs who want to be Angel and Spike.

2023-04-19, 10:44 PM
Solid campaign concept. You can play it as anything from 'tortured monsters struggling to retain their humanity' to 'your quest givers happen to like black robes and eye shadow'.

I like it.