View Full Version : Roleplaying PC annual survival commemoration day?

2023-04-18, 07:36 AM
Or...does your character celebrate his birthday? And if so, how? If not, what do they celebrate?

One of the other players in the Pathfinder campaign I play in just asked this question on our group chat, and I thought it would be interesting to see what other players did.

For our party...

Duri, a young dwarven fighter magus...well, the dwarves came from deep underground, far from the sun and seasons, so a yearly birthday celebration seems unlikely. Instead he celebrates key events in his life. Birth, first steps, first words, first tool, first beard, becoming an apprentice/journeyman/master, gaining rank or other accolades, establishing a hearth, marriage, becoming an elder...and probably many points in between. None of which are dependent on the arbitrary passage of an unseen sun overhead.
His next celebration will likely be to acknowledge his joining the dwarven Council of the city he is currently living in.

Ezee, our goblin shadow rogue...being of a very short-lived and survival oriented race, he doesn't really celebrate birthdays. But having recently been resurrected, he has indicated a desire to commemorate his rebirth some way...probably on a monthly basis...

Mahzai, a shoanti shaman...a harsh people living harsh lives in a harsher environment. They do not celebrate the birth of a child, instead, acknowledging their high infant mortality, they celebrate the first anniversary of the childs birth and grant it a name. From then, a feastday for the cohort, all the children of an age, acknowledging their survival and acceptance of new responsibilities to their people, held sometime appropriately auspicious according to the spirits. Celebrating is good for morale, but doing so too often is a waste of scarce resources.

Carlander, the black dragon-blooded elven sorceror...being of such a long-lived race, yearly celebrations just seem to flow into each other and lose meaning. The passing of time is noted, but not really significant. A major celebration to mark the passing of a decade seems more appropriate...however, more than happy to accept an annual tribute of good wine from his shorter lived companions...

Rary, our gnome wizard (enchanter), and wielder of the Rod of Wonder...birthdays, unbirthdays, any excuse for a party, even better if the party is for him...

Yvae, our changeling Paladin of Sarenrae...fairly sure she doesn't like putting too much thought into her birth and parentage, but having been raised by the temple, it is likely she will celebrate her yearly marker, probably around the date she was dumped on the temple steps by her hag mother, as the date she was adopted into the church...

What about your characters?