View Full Version : DM Help Jack-o'-lantern horseman with beholder head

2023-04-18, 03:09 PM
Hello peeps

So, a little bit of backround. The idea for this came about a few year ago during a discussion about potential Halloween campaigns, where some friends and I were tossing around ideas and I referred to the Death Knight template as a good way of creating a Headless Horseman, which then a friend jokingly suggested of using a Beholder for a head on. While quite a hilarious mental image, I kept coming back to this idea as it seemed to have potential, until a few days ago where I decided to combine it with a Jack-o'-lantern, and then realised that the Greenbound template would be a perfet fit for this (for those of you who have not done so already, google "pumpkin beholder" or "Halloween beholder" and you will be served an incredible amount of Greenbound Beholder suggestions).

Naturally, things took off from there, and while there are many ways to implement this, I have two separate possibilities I want to explore

The first and least exciting one involves an advanced and templated Nightmare (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/nightmare.htm) (see below), a Greenbound Beholder and a humanoid or Undead (undecided) with class levels, the Death Knight template or both working together [CR calculators place this at a CR 18 (assuming the Nightmare and humanoid/undead are sufficiently advanced/templated), but the action economy implications could potentially push this quite higher (especially if caster levels are used)

The second option and the one I need help with is to merge the above into a single creature

Now, for the specifics. I had initailly thought of having the Nightmare have three head, wings (I know they can already fly, that is not the point of the wings although I won't mind not including that) and a fire breath weapon, just for the mental shock of facing such a thing. The Multiheaded Creature template lends itself nicely here. Then I thought about the Winged creature template for the wings, or maybe the Half-dragon, which gives wings [Nightmares and horses are Large (long), so this should work], breath weapon and two claw attacks to add an extra level of threat.

The humanoid part (I have not decided if it will actually be headless, or Undead for that matter), I was thinking either some class levels and topping it with the Death Knight template or a Cleric or Wizard into Knight of the Raven or Knight Phantom (briefly thought of gestalting (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/gestaltCharacters.htm) them, but that might be excessive!)

The Greenbound Beholder remains as is, though since they are Large Aberrations I toyed with adding the Dungeonbred template to knock it down a size (can this template stack with itself?)

Now, to combine them. My first though was, of course, Tauric creature to fuse the rider onto the nightmare (which forbids it from being undead!)[for those wondering, the original wonking assumption was a four-headed Nightmare which lost one head from fusing with the rider and is now a three headed one, as per the initial effort (the template does not specify what happens to creatures with multiple heads, so I chose to go with this interpretation because it suits me :smallbiggrin:). Unfortunately, a Nightmare is an Outsider and the Half-dragon template would turn it to a dragon, while Tauric specifies that the base creature has to be an animal, vermin or magical beast. Is there a way around that, or another way to do it?

For the Beholder, one thought would be to reapply the Tauric template with the above creature as the base creature and the Beholder for the torso, thus losing the rider's head and replacing it with the Beholder. However, neither the (Greenbound) Beholder [(plant) aberration], nor an otherwise legal Tauric creature (monstrous humanoid) are eligible creature types for their templates. The other idea was the symbiotic creature. I have two major questions with that, the first being what would happen to such a creature if the rider's head was cut off leaving only the Beholder behind, and the second if the resulting creature would be able to use spells the rider had before.

Additionally, if the three component creatures are in fact merged into one, would that be a nerf given that the resulting creature would have less actions per round than the three separate ones?

(I also made a picture for that, but there doesn't seem to be a way to upload it)

So what do the Playground sages have to say? Is this possible, or even a good idea? Is there another way to do it? Please note that, despite the similarities, I am not trying to create Dullahan, just bring that idea I had to life. Can it be done?

2023-04-18, 07:26 PM
It may be an overkill, but how about a Horseman of the Apocalypse (from d20 Apocalypse) with the curse of Jacqueline Montarri (https://fraternityofshadows.com/wiki/Jacqueline_Montarri)?

2023-04-18, 11:32 PM
For something that specific, I recommend homebrewing a custom monster.

Or better yet, 3 custom monsters; The knight body, the beholder head and the spooky horse.

This lets you trivially tailor the encounter to whatever level the party will be and gives you the numbers of opponents required to make the game function correctly.

You can easily give the fight stages by having knight dismount or the head fly off at some point, and the powers and abilities are automatically appropriate to your table since you picked them.

2023-04-19, 12:57 AM
Yeah it's tricky - for the body, the Vorpal weapon special ability specifies that undead other than vampires are unaffected by being beheaded.
So a headless Death Knight might work.

2023-04-20, 04:21 AM
It may be an overkill, but how about a Horseman of the Apocalypse (from d20 Apocalypse) with the curse of Jacqueline Montarri (https://fraternityofshadows.com/wiki/Jacqueline_Montarri)?

I do not have d20 Apocalypse, so I do not know what a Horseman of the Apocalypse from there can do! Anywhere I could read up on it or get the book? Also, from a quick scan of your link, I do not see any mechanical elements of Jacqueline's curse, unless you mean reanimation post decapitation, which is my final solution should I go with an Undead rider

For something that specific, I recommend homebrewing a custom monster.

Or better yet, 3 custom monsters; The knight body, the beholder head and the spooky horse.

This lets you trivially tailor the encounter to whatever level the party will be and gives you the numbers of opponents required to make the game function correctly.

You can easily give the fight stages by having knight dismount or the head fly off at some point, and the powers and abilities are automatically appropriate to your table since you picked them.

I thought about homebrew, just enjoying the mental exercise of maybe figuring out a way of doing it within the rules. If it is not possible to mash all these into one creature, then I will go with three separate creatures all working together, and then I will indeed use stages as you mentioned (though I am contemplating the Detach feat)

Yeah it's tricky - for the body, the Vorpal weapon special ability specifies that undead other than vampires are unaffected by being beheaded.
So a headless Death Knight might work.

That was my intention if I do not give this guy the aforementioned prestiges and instead make him an undead. The method of decapitation matters little

2023-04-20, 01:03 PM
I did made a Beholder Mage build (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25368609&postcount=42) a while ago for a contest on the forum.

The build is featuring Dvati as race (we did get some extra xp for LA, thus I did go for the twins), but they aren't needed. The trick works with any race.

Urban Druid gives you an Animated Object as companion. Get a huge one to resemble your "mount + headless rider".

And maybe get permanent Reduce Person to wild shape into a smaller size (still medium) beholder.

I would suggest Changeling as race. This way you can alter the Beholder to look like a Jack o'lantern (maybe add a light spell on top) .

2023-04-30, 10:56 AM
I did made a Beholder Mage build (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25368609&postcount=42) a while ago for a contest on the forum.

The build is featuring Dvati as race (we did get some extra xp for LA, thus I did go for the twins), but they aren't needed. The trick works with any race.

Urban Druid gives you an Animated Object as companion. Get a huge one to resemble your "mount + headless rider".

And maybe get permanent Reduce Person to wild shape into a smaller size (still medium) beholder.

I would suggest Changeling as race. This way you can alter the Beholder to look like a Jack o'lantern (maybe add a light spell on top) .

Turning "mount + rider" into an animated object and having the "head" a Wild shaped Beholder being the true creature.....

An intertesting idea indeed

So that would mean all "mount + rider" abilities are actually spell effects cast by an (Urban) Druid, correct?

With enough books I guess Druid has the needed spells to make something like that work

And since it is a companion, it retains action economy!

Food for thought. This can probably work

Plus, the PCs will be befuddled trying to guess why all creature-type specific solutions they come up with do not work

2023-04-30, 10:58 AM
And sorry for not responding sooner, Easter is a thing in my country

2023-04-30, 11:54 AM
Turning "mount + rider" into an animated object and having the "head" a Wild shaped Beholder being the true creature.....

An intertesting idea indeed

So that would mean all "mount + rider" abilities are actually spell effects cast by an (Urban) Druid, correct?

With enough books I guess Druid has the needed spells to make something like that work

And since it is a companion, it retains action economy!

Food for thought. This can probably work

Plus, the PCs will be befuddled trying to guess why all creature-type specific solutions they come up with do not work

First note that Urban Druid is a separate class (from Dragon Compendium) and not an alternate class feature of regular Druid.

Urban Druid's get an Urban Companion (similar to Animal Companion), which can be an Animated Object.

The Beholder form is unlocked with the Aberration Wild Shape feat. Since wild shape has a duration of "hours/class levels" it can be easily maintained all day long at higher levels.

Also note that the Urban Companion is exposable, since you can always summon a new one within 24h (and you don't loose XP like when a familiar dies).
Thus, if you can fluke your players that it is sole "a single creature" and that they attack the main body (mount or body), the beholder could escape and later come back with a new Urban Companion (mount+body).

And finally, also keep in mind that the beholder can "ride" the animal companion as a mount. Get Mounted Combat either as regular feat or via magic item. Now you can make ride checks to prevent a single attack each turn against your "mount".

2023-05-02, 04:24 AM
First note that Urban Druid is a separate class (from Dragon Compendium) and not an alternate class feature of regular Druid.

Urban Druid's get an Urban Companion (similar to Animal Companion), which can be an Animated Object.

The Beholder form is unlocked with the Aberration Wild Shape feat. Since wild shape has a duration of "hours/class levels" it can be easily maintained all day long at higher levels.

Also note that the Urban Companion is exposable, since you can always summon a new one within 24h (and you don't loose XP like when a familiar dies).
Thus, if you can fluke your players that it is sole "a single creature" and that they attack the main body (mount or body), the beholder could escape and later come back with a new Urban Companion (mount+body).

And finally, also keep in mind that the beholder can "ride" the animal companion as a mount. Get Mounted Combat either as regular feat or via magic item. Now you can make ride checks to prevent a single attack each turn against your "mount".

Yeah, thanks a lot, I have understood how it is supposed to work

Still, thanks for the step by step analysis

Only thing I have to work out is whether the companion rider+mount can be split in two "bodies" to give the impresion of two separate creatures