View Full Version : Adventure Awaits! Team Fun Heart!

2023-04-21, 11:43 AM
Recruiting Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?655518)
The Hamlet of Oakvale (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?655516-Adventure-Awaits!-The-Hamlet-of-Oakvale)
Please only read the thread for your own team. Exploration and discovery is a large part of this game, so please don't ruin it for yourself by getting OOC information for an IC advantage.

Team Fun Heart! (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?655891-Adventure-Awaits!-Team-Fun-Heart!)
Team Grumpapotomus! (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?655897-Adventure-Awaits!-Team-Grumpapotomus!)

Team Fun Heart!

Olympia Byron (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I6hIAXBX6ekXiEwnPstcqNrBtb3wnwgh4hj30EniG6I/edit?usp=sharing)Rhai'selog ClericNomad Hermit
Aerilya (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/125Ebyy9gmwCL6YwVkQopwOWhJ9ikrDfEXim0_uTJhuQ/edit?usp=sharing)Human RajahDeadguy
Aven (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-j9FtDFGKnG7koIL-fbum_wvRAQlWgv8BVErRu-vd5U/edit?usp=sharing)Elf RogueThundercracker

Your team wanders out of the Adventurers' Guild and seems slightly at a loss for what to do until morning.

Perhaps some last minute gear purchases? Arranging lodging for those with nowhere to stay? Frittering away your last few coins on booze?

Or maybe you just mill about and time skip to morning. It's up to you!

2023-04-21, 12:05 PM
Olympia turns to her companions and open a confident smile.

Do you already have lodging for the night? I suggest we go to a tavern, drink something and know each other more, as we'll be sharing a dangerous road tomorrow. That is, after you finish other business that you might have. My things are at my room, but I would like to take off the armor before heading to the tavern - I don't think we'll face any monsters tonight and I would prefer to wear something more comfortable while we're here. She laughs in a polite and gentle way - warming but not too loud.

OOC - what are the accomodation options in the town?

2023-04-21, 03:14 PM
Aerilya signed the documents and then looked at the board of quests while waiting for the others. Once they were outside, the mention of food and drink caused her to smile.

"I think that is a fine idea. The armor chafes after too long."

2023-04-21, 06:24 PM
Before leaving the guild hall, Aven joins serious and reads the three flyers on the quest board.


“Getting to know one another, and getting a good night’s rest ahead of a delve, is a good idea,” Aven said, “we should secure a room first before they are all booked.”

She led the way to find lodging for the three of them.

suggest having the tavern / talking scenes in spoilers, and do the main delve concurrently to start right away.

2023-04-24, 10:44 AM
Unfortunately, it appears that the two private rooms at the local inn are already occupied, as is the entire open floor space of the common room.

You know that the hay loft in the adventurer's guild house is available for 1 silver per person per night.

You could also ask around to see if any of the locals have spare rooms or space in a barn that you could rent out, but that will require actually asking around, since how you approach the situation will give different results.

2023-04-24, 11:33 AM
Unfortunately, it appears that the two private rooms at the local inn are already occupied, as is the entire open floor space of the common room.

You know that the hay loft in the adventurer's guild house is available for 1 silver per person per night.

You could also ask around to see if any of the locals have spare rooms or space in a barn that you could rent out, but that will require actually asking around, since how you approach the situation will give different results.


"I am used to sleeping outdoors, so the hay loft is fine with me, anyone have objections?" Aven asked.
Assuming nobody has any issues, she'll secure spots at the hay loft and then find a seat at the tavern for the three of them and order a drink, something light.

So, what do y'all think, tavern swap stories in spoilers while we time skip to the delve?

2023-04-24, 02:01 PM
You arrive at the guild hall to discover that there are only four open slots remaining, so you quickly reserve three of them for the night, paying the cost of 3 silver. (I already adjusted the silver value on your sheet.) You are informed that the doors are locked promptly at 10pm, and no late arrivals will be admitted. No refunds. Disturbing the other adventurers will get you kicked out (and likely beaten up).

2023-04-24, 02:09 PM
I think that it's a great idea to swap and time skip

I ask if there is a safe lock to put our stuff in while we're at the tavern.

2023-04-24, 02:32 PM
I think that it's a great idea to swap and time skip

I ask if there is a safe lock to put our stuff in while we're at the tavern.

There is not.

2023-04-24, 03:08 PM
With a sigh, Olympia goes to a reserved part, takes out her armor, changes to a more daily clothing, and organizes her stuff in the backpack so she takes it with her.

After that, she returns to the common room and asks, What are the options for a bit of quality food and drink in this town?

2023-04-24, 03:15 PM
Aerilya removed her armor, placing it by her backpack and weapon. She hung the hammock across two beams and threw her blanket over it. With her items neatly tucked away, she was ready for a meal and drink at the tavern. Once the others were sorted with their gear, she accompanied them to the tavern and ordered herself a hearty meal and a mug of ale.

After dinner, with only one drink had, she recommended heading back and getting a good night rest to ensure early preparations for their dive into the dungeon.

"So... you both chose to risk life and limb for great adventure. I, myself, am seeking to grow stronger... Less for the fame and riches."

2023-04-24, 03:46 PM
Seeing what Aerilya was doing, Olympia turns to her and says

I don't think it's a good idea to leave your stuff unattended like that. Most people here will never be around this village again, leaving tomorrow morning to where they came from, or dying in the dungeon below, so you'd probably never see your things back again.

Heh, neither do I care for money or fame. Money my family already has, and fame is more a hindrance than a bliss. I thirst for knowledge of things past. I'm curious to what befell the former inhabitants of the dungeon, but my biggest hope is to find any clue about the origins of my people and the truth behind its myth.. or at least about where to find those clues.

2023-04-24, 04:42 PM
Aerilya paused in her steps and looked around suspiciously. "Brigands?"

She sighed and began packing her armor into the hammock. She could use the polearm as a pole to carry the whole thing over her shoulder to the tavern, where she placed it in a corner close to their table where she had a good view of it.

2023-04-25, 10:02 AM
Food and drink for the night costs each of you 5cp.

You awake the following morning refreshed, mostly undisturbed throughout the night despite the crowded conditions in the converted hay loft. (Don't forget to prepare magic if you do so.)

You arrive back at Margaux's estate. It turns out that her family is one of the wealthiest among the locals. Her parents (former nobles of the nearest kingdom) gladly have their kitchen staff prepare extra food for their eldest daughter's friends while her younger brother sulks that he's not old enough to delve the dungeon until his birthday next year.

You awake the following morning refreshed and prepare for the day. (Don't forget to prepare magic if you do so.)

As you approach the location of the dungeon, you an ancient stone structure built into the side of a particularly steep hill that has become partially hidden by overgrown foliage. The entrance is an arched doorway with a heavy stone door that appears to have been forced open multiple times.

As you draw closer, you see a group of adventurers gathered at the entrance listening to the Baroness Silverheart speak, a no-nonsense scowl marring her face.

As you approach and take your place with the other two groups delving this morning, the guildmistress turns her attention to all of you.

"Greetings, adventurers," she says in a commanding voice. "I hope you are prepared for the challenges ahead. If you failed to prepare, you have prepared to fail. It won't be only your life that you lose but that of your friends and allies as well."

She studies your group for a moment before continuing, "Inside, there are three paths. Each team will follow a separate path. Let's see... you lot," she says as she points to the group containing Aerilya and her allies, "will take the leftmost path. The rightmost path with be..." she seems to waffle for a moment between the two teams before pointing to the team including Margaux, "you three. And the last of you will take the middle path.

The original plan was to send parties in every hour, but after further investigation of the dungeon, that will prove to be too frequent. As such, entries will be spaced three hours apart. That's a minimum of three hours you'll need to wait for the next party to catch up to you if you get into trouble.

Remember, if you flee the dungeon, you'll be allowed to leave largely unmolested, but if you deviate from a direct exit, the dungeon will punish you for making light of its good graces. Once you decide to leave, do not tarry, do not explore, do not gather additional loot. Just leave. I can't repeat that enough for new delvers, since we always seem to lose at least a handful of teams to this foolishness.

Once you leave, it will be a few days before your turn to delve comes up again in rotation; however, you're free to buy a slot from another team, sell your own time slot, trade it or, or do whatever. It's your time slot to do with as you please.

But this being your only delve for the moment, make the best of it. Go as deep as you can, but don't get yourself killed. Be aware of your status and situations, push yourself to the limit but not beyond. And remember, if you do somehow manage to reach the boss chamber, do not enter it.

Now, if you are ready to proceed, then I bid you fair fortunes."

With that, Baroness Sylera nods to the team of obviously high-level adventurers guarding the entrance. They step aside to allow you to pass.

The two teams of player characters are passingly familiar with each other due to their interactions yesterday.

The third team is not a group any of you recognize. It consists of four members, a tall human male wearing hide armor strapped over a threadbare robe adorned with the holy symbols of three different deities whose followers normally war with one another; two female half-elves similar enough to be related both dressed in varying shades of green, one clearly missing her right eye; and an armad warrior who seems imposing despite his small stature and missing left arm.

The four of them eye your parties warily before giving you firm nods of acknowledgment. They seem to be waiting for one of your teams to enter the dungeon first, unwilling to be the first into that looming darkness.

2023-04-25, 11:48 AM
Aerilya drew the polearm, holding it at the ready and stepping forward.

"I'll take the lead. Once we secure the entrance, Aven, you'll be on point for traps until we encounter another room or enemies."

With that short plan in place, she aligned herself to her ancestors. She set the stone that shone like a torch into orbit around her head and stepped into the darkness.

Release Ioun Torch into orbit
Assume Spoils of War stance (1 essence assigned): successful attacks heal allies by 4 hp

"Oh... a creation myth. Those are always profound. What is yours?"

2023-04-25, 08:25 PM

"Very well," Aven said as she assumed point and led the way into the dungeon, keeping her senses tuned for any traps.


Aven listened intently as the others spoke.
"I, too, am looking into the past. I suspect this dungeon holds some clues about the history of this region, and I am curious. That, and the obvious, of course," Aven said.

Riz: Was there anything of note on the adventurer's board? The three flyers?

2023-04-26, 10:36 AM
You approach the quest board to find three posted quests.

Collect 10 Minor Medicinal Herbs
The influx of visitors has caused Fizzlewick, the local healer, to run low on supplies of minor medicinal herbs that he uses to treat common illnesses and injuries.
Location:The herbs grow in the nearby forest but can be difficult to find for the untrained. However, the herbs have also been identified as spawning on the first floor of the dungeon.
Rewards:Fizzlewick will reward the quest with coin or supplies, with a bonus for herbs in excellent condition.
Additional Information:The Minor Medicinal Herb is a small, unremarkable plant that grows in the shade of the forest canopy. It can be identified by its heart-shaped leaves, delicate purple flowers, and dark purple berries. The plant is not poisonous, but it can be easily mistaken for the similar-looking but highly dangerous Deadly Nightshade. Exercise caution when collecting the herbs and take care not to confuse them with the Nightshade.
This quest can be repeated any number of times, as long as the shortage remains.

Collect 5 Monster Pelts
The local tanner has requested the help of adventurers in collecting five monster pelts to be used in his leatherworking.
Location:Monster pelts can be found in the local dungeon. Pelts from nearby wandering monsters are also acceptable.
Rewards:Up to 5 silver per pelt, depending on the quality. Pelts from deeper dungeon levels will receive higher reward, to be negotiated.
Additional Information:Pelts must be intact and free from holes or major blemishes. Damaged pelts will not receive full payment due to having less usable material.
This quest can be repeated any number of times, as long as the tanner has insufficient leather stock.

Collect Delectable Ingredients
Chef Galen is a renowned chef always looking for fresh, interesting ingredients to use in his dishes. He's heard of the new dungeon and wants samples of any new or unique edible ingredients found within with a focus on herbs and spices but fruits, vegetables, and even meats are acceptable.
Location:The dungeon
Rewards: Each already known ingredient reported to exist in the dungeon will receive a payment of 1 gold coin on first report. Each newly discovered unknown ingredient will receive a reward of 10 gold. Any unknown ingredient which sparks creative inspiration will receive an appropriate bonus.
Additional Information:There is no set list of required items for this quest; however, Chef Galen will not pay for the same item twice. He is interested only in the new and undiscovered and will be keeping a detailed catalog of all discovered ingredients.
This quest will remain open until Chef Galen determines that the dungeon potential for interesting ingredients has been exhausted.

You step through the entrance and feel an instant of dysphoria as the nature of reality seems to shift around you for the briefest of moments.

You are shocked to find that the rather small, grassy hill which houses the dungeon entrance also appears to hold a massive cave within. Large openings into the world "outside(?)" reveals vast jungles that have intruded open the cave and nearly swallowed the rumbling ruins of an ancient civilization.

https://aldhaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/w3gsko_e187b54a9b5389e3bcc4ecf4e47e5fb38b313a47.jp g

Three paths with clearly worn trails open before you.

To the left, a short flight of stairs leads deeper into the ruins. Stone temples, decrepit stone houses, palaces, and large open spaces between them can be seen in the distance.

To the right yawns the open mouth of the cave, the path passes through it and into the deeper jungle before becoming lost in the overgrown undergrowth.

Straight ahead is a darkened tunnel leading down deeper into a network of dank, damp caverns. This is the only path which does not appear to have ample ambient lighting.

You head off to the left, passing through an archway carved with the faded gylphs of an ancient language, too worn to be read as anything but a scattering of unconnected symbols and cracked, flaking gaps where words once might have been.

You pass through a short, dark tunnel 10 feet wide and tall and step out into nearly blinding sunlight as it filters down through the jungle canopy above. The air is hot and humid, and the sounds of jungle creatures fill the air. You hear the buzzing of insects, the chirping of birds, and the rustling of leaves as animals move through the jungle.

As your eyes adjust, you find that you have entered into a large, open courtyard surrounded by crumbling stone walls and the remains of ancient buildings. The air is dry and dusty, and the sun beats down mercilessly from above. The courtyard is strewn with debris, broken pottery, and tangles of vines and weeds that have grown up through the cracks in the stone, making the floor treacherous and difficult terrain.

The courtyard is about 40 feet wide and 60 feet long, with two lines of stone columns rising along each side, some of which have toppled to the ground. Looking around, you realize that there are no gaps between the buildings, and any doors or windows appear to be only shallow depressions in the stone giving the appears of openings. The only other exit is a large tunnel on the exact opposite of the courtyard from the one you entered through.

2023-04-26, 11:08 AM
Aerilya paused and looked around the courtyard.

"This appears to be a fine place for a trap or ambush... Aven, if you'd check and I'll keep you covered in case it's the latter."

Her eyes glowed in a red orange manner, as she prepared to unless the Sun's gleam at a target, should one present itself.


2023-04-26, 12:10 PM
Aven moved to the left most portion of the courtyard, thinking to move across along the wall. She kept her senses peeled for any traps or animals planning an ambush.

2023-04-26, 01:45 PM
As you make your way into the courtyard, you spot movement near the top of the pile of rubble remnants of a fallen column. It's a goblin!

The goblin notices you at the same time and immediately lets out a trilling shout, a second later, an identical shout in the distance calls out in response!


The goblin is at the top of a pile of rubble that is approximately 10 feet high. Two sides are completely vertical while the other two have about 15 feet of "ramp" leading up to its position. The location provides good visibility of the surroundings but does not offer the goblin any sort of cover unless it drops prone.

The floor is Difficult Terrain, requiring double movement and preventing any sort of charge. The "ramps" leading up will require a successful Acrobatics check to balance or Athletics check to climb.

Aerilya and Aven are against the left wall about 10 feet into the room. Olivia is still near the entrance.

The goblin is about halfway across the room from the entrance.

Here's a map of basically what you're facing.

You can post in any order, and I'll resolve actions in initiative order as possible and do my best to make adjustments if the situation changes before your actual turn to keep the spirit of your posted actions as closely as possible.

2023-04-26, 01:58 PM
Olympia ate her breakfast as normal, but decided not to fill herself with faith, so she could focus her powers on the dungeon ahead. If the exploring end up taking more than one day she would deal with sustenance when necessity comes.

She has been in silence since the team arrived at the entrance, just observing the surroundings. As Aven was about to check for traps she silently gestures for her to wait a bit, and casts an orison over her. May the Truth guide you.

After that she murmurs something and scans the caverns and ruins around, carefully.

Guidance on Aven,
then Detec Magic

I think that maybe the tale of our people is familiar to you. A long long time ago our ancestors defended a god that was being attacked by another deity, but couldn't save it. So they just bathed on its blood and performed some rituals. That way we are forever cursed to rely on "eating" divine energy to survive. Kinda like vampires, but instead of blood, we suck faith. I don't know how much truth that ancient story holds, but I do know that the results are very concrete, as I do need to consume a certain amount of divine power everyday to survive. I'm searching for the cause to see if it's possible to undo that curse.

2023-04-26, 02:06 PM
Seeing the threat, Aerilya moves over the rubble toward the center of room. She hoped that those coming would rush to her, leaving Aven in a position to flank them.

Her eyes burned red as they shot out a bolt of akashic energy at the goblin. When it struck, it left residual energy in the space that the goblin was occupying. The energy crackled and began to condense, making it obvious that the area should be avoided in a short time.

Move Action: 15 ft toward center.
Standard Action: Silver Strike using Sun's Gleam as weapon.
Ranged Touch Attack (better of 2): [roll0] / [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Free Action: Memory activated. Any creature in the goblin's space at beginning of my next turn will take 2d6 damage

2023-04-26, 02:57 PM
Seeing her companion's good work on the goblin, Olympia grins and then reaches out with her conscience to try to detect how many other sencient creatures are about, while walking to position herself near Aerilya.

Detect Thoughts
Movement toward the center of the room (tile 9F)

2023-04-26, 08:49 PM
Aven spots the goblin atop the column and quickly looses a pair of arrows, one right after the other.

attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

They’re two separate attacks , I just didn’t want to type out the codes twice from my phone:

If the goblin is already dead before Aven attacks, Perception to determine where the second one is: [roll2]

2023-04-27, 11:16 AM
Aven spins and looses two arrows into the air which zip right past the goblin with narrow misses.

Aerilya steps closer and unleashes an akashic strike, which grievously wounds the goblin.

Dropping to one knee while holding its stomach in pain, the goblin manages to overcome the pain long enough to shoot back at the one that caused it to suffer.

[roll0] – [roll1]

The goblin's arrow pierces deep into Aerilya's shoulder with a meaty thunk!

Olympia begins attempting to locate any other hidden creatures but does not immediately find any in the room.

Noticing that the goblin doesn't move from its perch, Aven and Aerilya delay in the following round. The memory of Aerilya's attack deals just barely enough damage to the goblin to render it unconscious.

Olympia continues to search the room, finding that there are no other goblins that she can detect with her spell.

One of Aven's two arrows can be recovered while the other has broken.

2023-04-27, 11:31 AM
Aerilya grunted in surprise at taking a shot from the vile creature. Calling on the blessings of her forefathers, she hardened the skin on her shoulder, preventing it from piercing. She moved forward still, to be in the center width-wise of the room and even with the pillar length wise.

"You're a bit more agile than I. Would you do the honor of searching that little brute and taking up an overwatch position before I advance?" She called out to Aven.

Immediate: Bolster counter - reduce attack by 3 damage
Movement to central area even with pillar.

2023-04-27, 12:13 PM
Olympia continues walking towards the center of the room. She asks to Areilya Are you ok? How hurt are you? while maintaing concentration and shifting the focus of her mind to out of the chamber, to see if she can detect any minds out there.

2023-04-27, 12:18 PM
"Not dangerously. The gifts of my ancestors protected me from any damage it could have dealt."

2023-04-27, 11:37 PM
Aerilya grunted in surprise at taking a shot from the vile creature. Calling on the blessings of her forefathers, she hardened the skin on her shoulder, preventing it from piercing. She moved forward still, to be in the center width-wise of the room and even with the pillar length wise.

"You're a bit more agile than I. Would you do the honor of searching that little brute and taking up an overwatch position before I advance?" She called out to Aven.

Immediate: Bolster counter - reduce attack by 3 damage
Movement to central area even with pillar.

Aven nods and clambers up the ramp to the outlook where the goblin was.

2023-04-28, 02:51 PM
Olympia continues walking towards the center of the room. She asks to Areilya Are you ok? How hurt are you? while maintaing concentration and shifting the focus of her mind to out of the chamber, to see if she can detect any minds out there.
You note no other minds in the room, not even of animal or lesser intellect.

Aven nods and clambers up the ramp to the outlook where the goblin was.
Results from Discord roller: 7, 21.

On the third attempt, you manage to climb up to the location of the goblin, who is quite thoroughly dead.

As you approach the goblin with the intent to search it for loot, the body and its equipment dissolves into dust which quickly vanishes into nothingness. Left behind is a neatly stacked pile containing 18 copper coins.

2023-04-28, 03:27 PM
"There seems little else to do here, though it could make a good fallback point should we locate difficult enemies. I can pull them back here and you both can have the preemptive high ground... but in any case let us continue."

As she moved toward the other end of the room, Aerilya spoke again. "If you have the skills, keep an eye out for the herbs that were described in the quest. It might not be much, but any coin is good at the moment."

2023-04-28, 04:07 PM
Doing some GM rolling...

You find nothing of note in the room. You infer that this room appears to have been intended an introduction to the dungeon, serving as a warning and last chance to turn away for those who are unprepared.

2023-04-29, 05:29 AM
Olympia then gestures to the room's exit. Let's continue on, then. I'll be right by your side, sensing if there are enemies in the room ahead of us. I don't have many nature-related skills.

Olympia will follow Aerilya towards the exit door, just one step behind and to the right. She will maintain concentration on sensing thoughts as they approach the door to the other room.

2023-04-29, 09:23 AM
You note no other minds in the room, not even of animal or lesser intellect.

Results from Discord roller: 7, 21.

On the third attempt, you manage to climb up to the location of the goblin, who is quite thoroughly dead.

As you approach the goblin with the intent to search it for loot, the body and its equipment dissolves into dust which quickly vanishes into nothingness. Left behind is a neatly stacked pile containing 18 copper coins.

Aren scoops up the coins, looked around the room from the higher perch to see if she could spot anything else of interest. Assuming she does not, she will rejoin the others.

"I have some knowledge of plants and the like, and will keep an eye out for them," Aren said.

If she knows what the requested herbs look like, she will describe them to the others, then she inspects the door for traps.

2023-05-04, 01:16 PM
If she knows what the requested herbs look like, she will describe them to the others, then she inspects the door for traps.
You recall that the quest said, "The Minor Medicinal Herb is a small, unremarkable plant that grows in the shade of the forest canopy. It can be identified by its heart-shaped leaves, delicate purple flowers, and dark purple berries. The plant is not poisonous, but it can be easily mistaken for the similar-looking but highly dangerous Deadly Nightshade. Exercise caution when collecting the herbs and take care not to confuse them with the Nightshade."

Any additional information would require a Natural Lore check.

You do not find any traps.

Time Passes as you scour the room and search for traps on the door and make your way down the tunnel.

Olympia's detect thoughts spell eventually ends just as she catches a glimpse of creatures in the next room.

The end of the tunnel opens up into a large, rectangular room, lined with crumbling stone walls and filled with dust and cobwebs. The air is thick and musty, and the only light comes from a few cracks in the ceiling high above. Short piles of rubble and branches are piled near the entrance, partially blocked the path. The room is eerily quiet, but you hear faint scratching sounds as something or someone in the room shifts position.

Current Time


2023-05-04, 01:28 PM
Aerilya narrowed her eyes as the sound was heard but no enemy was visible. She looked up to the cracks in the ceiling, formulating a plan.

"Ready your weapons, I will try to draw out whatever hides here."

With a motion of her hand, she calls down a blast of energy from the Sun seeking to make the holes in the ceiling larger near the middle of the room.

Standard: Batal's Mandate [roll0] / [roll1]
Damage (ignores hardness) [roll2]

2023-05-04, 02:08 PM
Silver Strike targets a creature. So, you can't use it to attack the ceiling.

2023-05-05, 01:58 AM
natural lore: [roll0]


Aven draws her bow and moves from one side of the entrance to the other, trying to catch sight of whatever might be hiding inside. She stays at least 10' back from the piles of branches and rubble.
perception: [roll1]

2023-05-05, 05:57 AM
You know that this (https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large/deadly-nightshade-atropa-belladonna-bob-gibbons.jpg) is deadly nightshade. The flowers and berries are virtually identical to a Minor Medicinal Herb and cannot be differentiated visually without tools you currently lack, but the leaves of deadly nightshade only appear to be heart shaped due to being somewhat curved and become ovals when laid flat. The leaves of the Minor Medicinal Herb (https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1282/1243538424_51055d981a_b.jpg) truly are heart shaped when laid flat, have more subtle veins, and a slightly waxier surface. The other differentiating feature you know is that the stems of the Minor Medicinal Herb tend to have numerous tiny hairs on new growth which deadly nightshade lacks; however, these hairs typically fall off two or three days after sprouting.

Still waiting on valid actions for Aerilya.

Aven does not notice anything in the room despite shifting positions.

2023-05-05, 07:21 AM
Olympia touches Aven's shoulder as she passes by, whispering some words of encouragement, and then proceeds to look and hear atently to what's going inside the room.

Cast Guidance on Aven
[roll0] Perception roll

2023-05-05, 07:22 AM
I forgot to add +4 to the perception roll, result is 15

2023-05-05, 09:55 AM
Olympia notes movement behind one of the piles of rubble. Although she isn't certain what she sees, she's fairly confident that it's a goblin similar to the one in the previous room.

2023-05-05, 01:07 PM
Olympia gesticulates to her companions, pointing silently to the pile of rubble where the probable goblin is hiding.

2023-05-05, 08:29 PM
You all hear a creature of some sort shifting around behind the pile of rubble Olympia points out, but nothing more seems to happen.

I just noticed your edit. In the future, please just make a new post rather than going back to edit something from several posts back. I probably won't see the edit, and I prefer to keep things unchanged so that I can keep track of what happened and is happening.

This goes doubly so when the rolls don't make sense with the edited action.

Aerilya's attack strikes the ceiling but doesn't seem to do anything but cause a small amount of dust to fall sparkling through the shafts of light.

2023-05-06, 09:36 AM
Aerilya frowned, as it appeared her plan hadn't worked. With her weapon held at the ready, she advanced toward the pile of rubble.

"If you speak Common, know we mean to clear this area of threats. If you wish to live, show us you are not one."

Persuasion: [roll0]

2023-05-06, 10:58 AM
As you push into the room, you hear a trilling shout identical to the one voiced by the goblin in the first room. Three goblins pop up from behind the rubble and loose arrows from already drawn bows! They seem to have ignored your entreaty for peace!

[roll0] – [roll1]
[roll2] – [roll3]
[roll4] – [roll5]


2023-05-06, 11:22 AM
As you push into the room, you hear a trilling shout identical to the one voiced by the goblin in the first room. Three goblins pop up from behind the rubble and loose arrows from already drawn bows! They seem to have ignored your entreaty for peace!

[roll0] – [roll1]
[roll2] – [roll3]
[roll4] – [roll5]


Aven responds with a pair of arrows on her own, moving to the second goblin if the first arrow drops the first one.

attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2023-05-06, 11:45 AM
Aerilya called upon her ancestors to protect her. The arrows all but bounced off of her skin.

"You've made your choice."

She marches toward the rubble, stopping ten feet from the first goblin to bring her hammer to bear with radiant light.

Immediate: Bolter (preventing 3 dmg; granting 2 temp hp from Radiant Progression
Move Action: Close distance
Standard Action: Silver Strike using Lucerne hammer [roll0] / [roll1]
- Damage [roll2]

Memory veil marks the space for next round.

2023-05-06, 12:19 PM
Olympia then releases a Ray of Frost towards the second goblin.

Ranged touch attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2023-05-08, 01:27 PM
Aven rapidly releases two arrows, but the first arrow flies wide. She steadies her aim, and the second tears a bloody furrow in a goblin's cheek.

Aerilya calmly marches forward, swinging her long hammer with magical accuracy, crushing the skull of the injured goblin.

Olympia's spell misses the nimble goblin who contorts to avoid the frigid ray.

Round 2

A fourth goblin pops up from beside the right side barricade and casts a cone of burning fire that hits both Aerilya and Aven for [roll0] damage (Reflex DC 12 half).

The second and third goblins drop their bows and draw short swords as they move to attack Aerilya, provoking attacks of opportunity as they move through her threatened spaces. They take up flanking positions around her.

[roll1] – [roll2]
[roll3] – [roll4]
(rolled without flanking bonus)

2023-05-08, 01:58 PM
Aerilya holds her ground, seemingly not panicked by the sudden gout of flames despite the damage.

She laughs at the goblins' bold move of joining the melee, swinging the hammer at one of them.

The ancestors bring their fury to bear against the magic casting goblin, a pillar of solar fire called down by Aerilya, as she took a step away and used the hammer to strike again at the goblins that moved close.

Reflex vs flames [roll0]
AOO using Lucerne: [roll1] - heals 4 dmg from Spoils of War if strike
-Damage [roll2]
Move Action: Batal's Mandate RTA [roll3] - heals 4 dmg from Spoils of War if strike
-Damage [roll4]
5 ft Step
Standard Action: Enduring Crane Strike using Lucerne hammer [roll5] - heals 4 dmg from Spoils of War if strike
- Damage [roll6]
- Heal Aven [roll7]

Memory veil marks the spaces of magic goblin and melee goblin for next round if struck.

2023-05-08, 05:08 PM
reflex : [roll0]


Singed by fire, Aven takes several steps to put distance between herself and the other combatants, then draws her bowstring again to loose another pair of arrows. She prioritizes the caster first, then one of the goblins flanking Aerilya.

attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

2023-05-09, 09:34 AM
Olympia sees the goblin caster, ponder a bit on what spell did he cast, and then Prepare an action to dispel his next casting, while doing one step towards the center of the room.

- Theology roll to know which spell was cast [roll0]
- Prepared action: counterspell next spell the gobbo casts [roll1] (+1 cleric level, if the WIS modifier counts, add an extra +4)
- Move to F7 (if posible without triggering AoO, otherwise F8)

2023-05-09, 11:46 AM
Aerilya's attack of opportunity misses the goblins as they move to flank her, though only one manages to draw blood.

Aven shifts to the left along the wall, staying just out of reach of the goblins until she gets a good angle on the caster. Unfortunately, her haste to loose arrows causes both to miss, each ricocheting off of the rubble barrier between the goblin caster and herself.

Aerilya's Memory veil triggers, but it has no effect due to no living creatures occupying that space. She takes a step back then blasts the spellcasting goblin with her Batal's Mandate.

The goblin stumbles from the attack but doesn't fall.

Olympia becomes focused on the spellcasting as she readies an action to counterspell.

Round 3

The spellcasting goblin looks nearly dead. It heals itself for [roll0] and then drops to the ground behind the barrier where it can't be seen.

The other two goblins take 5-ft steps to attack Aerilya, though only the second is able to gain the flanking bonus.

[roll1] – [roll2]
[roll3] – [roll4]

2023-05-09, 03:04 PM
There was almost a sigh of relief as both goblins missed any of her vitals. Renewed by the Ancestors, she takes another step back and brings a strike down in hopes of crushing one of her enemies

5 foot step back.

Silver Strike with hammer [roll0] / [roll1] - [roll2]
Heals 4 and activates Memory is successful.

2023-05-09, 08:31 PM

With the caster out of sight, Aven shifts aim to the goblins attacking Aerilya.
attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2023-05-09, 08:36 PM
Critical threat:
Damage: [roll1]

2023-05-10, 03:29 PM
Olympia moves to a position on the barrier where she can see the caster gobbo and attacks.

if she can hit him with melee
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

otherwise, she casts ray of frost
attack [roll2]
damage [roll3]

If neither option is true, she casts guidance on herself

2023-05-10, 04:07 PM
Aven's second arrow pierces deep into the goblin's chest, leaving a horrific wound. The goblin staggers under the blow, trying to maintain its footing for half a second before the light leaves its eyes.

Aerilya takes a step back before clobbering the last goblin, knocking it from its feet, never to rise again.

Olympia sneaks her way around the barricade before spotting the caster goblin laying prone, a snarl of fear and anger on its face. It notices her just as she clobbers it with her morningstar.

Round 4

The spellcasting goblin curses loudly, points at Olympia, and casts a fiery dart at her, provoking an attack of opportunity.

[roll0](vs touch) – [roll1]

2023-05-11, 11:51 AM
Aerilya took a deep breath. Her nose wrinkled slightly at the stench of goblin blood and innards, but the slowed breathing did help to refocus her mind from the battle hase.

She walked over to the goblin, who showed no sign of resignation or despair for their attack on the party. "They made their choice."

Attack with hammer [roll0] - [roll1]
Flanking and Prone bonus not calculated.
Heals 4 and activates Memory is successful.

2023-05-11, 03:43 PM
Olympia watches as Aerilya deals the final blow to the caster, and then turns around to see if there is anyone else in the room. If she doesn't see any danger, she gestures to Aven for him to scan the room in search of treasures or traps.

2023-05-11, 08:40 PM

If there are any goblins still up, Aven looses another pair of arrows at the enemies.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
attack: [roll2]
damage: [roll3]

If not, she will inspect the bodies and then give the room a once-over to try and determine if there are any traps / hidden caches / plants / they need, and also recover arrows.
perception take 10 for 15 if possible, otherwise: [roll4]

2023-05-12, 04:53 PM
Aven begins looting the bodies while the goblin is finished off.

Each goblin warrior drops 10 silver coins while the goblin spellcaster drops 5 gold coins. You also loot 1 goblin short sword.

Aven recovers [roll0] 3 arrows.

2023-05-12, 11:54 PM
Aven begins looting the bodies while the goblin is finished off.

Each goblin warrior drops 10 silver coins while the goblin spellcaster drops 5 gold coins. You also loot 1 goblin short sword.

Aven recovers [roll0] 3 arrows.

Aven scoops up the coins and makes sure to keep them in a pouch separate from her own.
"Does anyone have space to carry this goblin short sword?" she asked.

"Some of us have been injured... this seems like it would be a good time to discuss whether we wish to proceed further into the dungeon," she said.

2023-05-14, 07:13 AM
Olympia pauses a couple of seconds to control the rush of adrenaline of her first real battle, before starting to feel the burn from the gobbo's blast. It hurts a bit, but it's nothing serious, she prays to Buzur, healing a bit of it, before turning to her companions. Yeah, agreed. My wounds are very minor, how are you both?

Cast Cure Minor Wounds on herself, healing 1 HP (It isn't in the website list, but it's on the official list, so I thought it would be ok to use it)

2023-05-14, 07:49 PM
"I have no open wounds from this battle. I’m prepared to continue on."

She moved toward the other end of the room to emphasize that she wanted to continue.

2023-05-14, 08:31 PM

"I am slightly singed, but still willing to move on," the elf said.

2023-05-15, 03:10 PM
Cast Cure Minor Wounds on herself, healing 1 HP (It isn't in the website list, but it's on the official list, so I thought it would be ok to use it)
Cure Minor Wounds doesn't exist due to unlimited cantrips and not wanting unlimited full healing between encounters.

At the moment, the only cantrips you've accessed and can cast are:

Detect Magic
Read Magic

You decide to push forward, continuing your way deeper into the dungeon. As you make your way through yet another dark tunnel, you spot bright light ahead. The next room is brightly lit and completely devoid of shadows as if every surface is giving off a faint light of its own.

When your eyes adjust to the bright light, you are greeted by a stunning sight. The chamber is adorned with a beautiful mosaic floor, depicting intricate patterns, vibrant colors, and various symbols.

As you step further into the room, you quickly notice that the mosaic tiles seem to be pressure-sensitive.

One large tile near the hallway contains a mysterious rune surrounded by a glowing circle. A pathway of light trails off of one side of the square tile.

2023-05-15, 09:54 PM
Cure Minor Wounds doesn't exist due to unlimited cantrips and not wanting unlimited full healing between encounters.

At the moment, the only cantrips you've accessed and can cast are:

Detect Magic
Read Magic

You decide to push forward, continuing your way deeper into the dungeon. As you make your way through yet another dark tunnel, you spot bright light ahead. The next room is brightly lit and completely devoid of shadows as if every surface is giving off a faint light of its own.

When your eyes adjust to the bright light, you are greeted by a stunning sight. The chamber is adorned with a beautiful mosaic floor, depicting intricate patterns, vibrant colors, and various symbols.

As you step further into the room, you quickly notice that the mosaic tiles seem to be pressure-sensitive.

One large tile near the hallway contains a mysterious rune surrounded by a glowing circle. A pathway of light trails off of one side of the square tile.
Aven tries to get an idea of what the patterns and symbols might represent, especially the mysterious rune nearest to them.
not sure what the relevant skill is here but int gives a +2 modifier: [roll0]

2023-05-23, 10:49 AM
As you examine the glowing tile, you notice that the tiles nearest to it have a very faint "groove" carved through the mosaic. On one tile, the "groove" stretches straight across to the other side while the other tile forms a sort of "T" shape with the groove stretching across three different sides.

As you're examining one the tiles, you accidentally put weight onto it. With the sound of scraping stone, the tile lifts up about an inch, rotates 90 degrees, and settles back down. The "groove" in the tile lines up with the one on the glowing tile, and the light surges through it like water released from a dam. When the light reaches the edge of the new tile, it stops, no additional groove to follow.

Looking across the room, you note several tiles with strange runes, two tiles that have some sort of large crystal affixed to the top of the tile, and another tile in the far corner that appears to be the twin of the "source" tile, though that one is unlit.

You're basically looking at something like this:

You can make Int checks to "solve" the puzzle, Linguistics or Arcane Lore checks to decipher the runes, or some other checks.

You can make guesses on where and how to direct the light and to what locations. Alternatively, I can just draw out how it looks, and you can give me a solution you think is right.