View Full Version : Adventure Awaits! Team Grumpapotomus!

2023-04-21, 03:52 PM
Recruiting Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?655518)
The Hamlet of Oakvale (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?655516-Adventure-Awaits!-The-Hamlet-of-Oakvale)
Please only read the thread for your own team. Exploration and discovery is a large part of this game, so please don't ruin it for yourself by getting OOC information for an IC advantage.

Team Fun Heart! (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?655891-Adventure-Awaits!-Team-Fun-Heart!)
Team Grumpapotomus! (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?655897-Adventure-Awaits!-Team-Grumpapotomus!)

Team Grumpapotomus!

Margaux d'Oakvale (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1n1G-yqpcomAidOa214INF6TEkW5qGN414iY6ohoVcAA/edit?usp=sharing)Human ArtificerJeriah
Sephra il-Mereth (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6iL-_qp_iLmj39kAcF5qPuqdHFkbJplyGYH-tsCtp0/edit?usp=sharing)Human DragonspeakerIn4Dimensions
Grumph (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cFLyL8G_Vi82g5I8PlM7cbtHUgf3G-7ktmFni36O-BA/edit?usp=sharing)Half-Orc AegisGeeksthenewsexy

Your team wanders out of the Adventurers' Guild and seems slightly at a loss for what to do until morning.

Perhaps some last minute gear purchases? Arranging lodging for those with nowhere to stay? Frittering away your last few coins on booze?

Or maybe you just mill about and time skip to morning. It's up to you!

2023-04-21, 05:29 PM
Sephra turned to address both Grumph and Margaux as she spoke. "There's a few things the Baron mentioned earlier that I didn't understand, so I want to find her or the Lady and ask about Dungeon Laws and Experience Conversion. You're welcome to join me, or do whatever you feel like. If you don't come, I'll share what I learn tomorrow morning."

"I can answer some of that. Experience Conversion is when you convert dungeon generated gold into experience points.

Dungeon Law, I believe, is like a natural law like gravity or that fire burns or whatever, and the dungeon somehow imposes a law that enforces that to become reality within its influence.

So... My best guess here is that you can't gain experience points until you haul the loot out of the dungeon and have some down time."

Margaux looks particularly pleased with herself for figuring all of this out, even if it's not totally correct...

If needed, [roll0]

2023-04-21, 05:44 PM
If needed, Academics - (1d20+6)[26]

If that wasn't perfectly accurate, it is now. Margaux has a firm understanding of things, at least insofar as her level and skill would allow.

It might be beneficial to find an expert to get a more in depth analysis, but that can be saved for when you have time to do more research or enroll in a study course. For now, you're confident you have a good working understanding of what to expect from these concepts while in the dungeon.

2023-04-21, 07:00 PM
"I can answer some of that. Experience Conversion is when you convert dungeon generated gold into experience points.

Dungeon Law, I believe, is like a natural law like gravity or that fire burns or whatever, and the dungeon somehow imposes a law that enforces that to become reality within its influence.

So... My best guess here is that you can't gain experience points until you haul the loot out of the dungeon and have some down time."
"Oh, thanks, alright," Sephra says, surprised. "I was also thinking of looking at the quest board--maybe there's something we can finish by night," she says as she motions towards where the quests are posted.

2023-04-24, 10:38 AM
You approach the quest board to find three posted quests.

Collect 10 Minor Medicinal Herbs
The influx of visitors has caused Fizzlewick, the local healer, to run low on supplies of minor medicinal herbs that he uses to treat common illnesses and injuries.
Location:The herbs grow in the nearby forest but can be difficult to find for the untrained. However, the herbs have also been identified as spawning on the first floor of the dungeon.
Rewards:Fizzlewick will reward the quest with coin or supplies, with a bonus for herbs in excellent condition.
Additional Information:The Minor Medicinal Herb is a small, unremarkable plant that grows in the shade of the forest canopy. It can be identified by its heart-shaped leaves, delicate purple flowers, and dark purple berries. The plant is not poisonous, but it can be easily mistaken for the similar-looking but highly dangerous Deadly Nightshade. Exercise caution when collecting the herbs and take care not to confuse them with the Nightshade.
This quest can be repeated any number of times, as long as the shortage remains.

Collect 5 Monster Pelts
The local tanner has requested the help of adventurers in collecting five monster pelts to be used in his leatherworking.
Location:Monster pelts can be found in the local dungeon. Pelts from nearby wandering monsters are also acceptable.
Rewards:Up to 5 silver per pelt, depending on the quality. Pelts from deeper dungeon levels will receive higher reward, to be negotiated.
Additional Information:Pelts must be intact and free from holes or major blemishes. Damaged pelts will not receive full payment due to having less usable material.
This quest can be repeated any number of times, as long as the tanner has insufficient leather stock.

Collect Delectable Ingredients
Chef Galen is a renowned chef always looking for fresh, interesting ingredients to use in his dishes. He's heard of the new dungeon and wants samples of any new or unique edible ingredients found within with a focus on herbs and spices but fruits, vegetables, and even meats are acceptable.
Location:The dungeon
Rewards: Each already known ingredient reported to exist in the dungeon will receive a payment of 1 gold coin on first report. Each newly discovered unknown ingredient will receive a reward of 10 gold. Any unknown ingredient which sparks creative inspiration will receive an appropriate bonus.
Additional Information:There is no set list of required items for this quest; however, Chef Galen will not pay for the same item twice. He is interested only in the new and undiscovered and will be keeping a detailed catalog of all discovered ingredients.
This quest will remain open until Chef Galen determines that the dungeon potential for interesting ingredients has been exhausted.

2023-04-24, 02:43 PM
"I personally don't see anything here worth doing. Should we go eat?"

2023-04-24, 03:47 PM
Scratching at the back of his neck sheepishly, Grumph shrugs noncommittally. "Can try two in forest if nothing else to do? Chance of money better than no chance and no money. After food." Willing to attempt any or all of the requests, Grumph doesn't look completely assured of their success, but definitely wouldn't balk at an attempt at any or all of the requests, once the food had been squared away. Though, his willingness might have something to do with how uncomfortable he seems to be surrounded by the throngs of people.

Only a +3 Natural Lore, but willing to roll dice if/when needed. lol

2023-04-24, 04:08 PM
Scratching at the back of his neck sheepishly, Grumph shrugs noncommittally. "Can try two in forest if nothing else to do? Chance of money better than no chance and no money. After food." Willing to attempt any or all of the requests, Grumph doesn't look completely assured of their success, but definitely wouldn't balk at an attempt at any or all of the requests, once the food had been squared away. Though, his willingness might have something to do with how uncomfortable he seems to be surrounded by the throngs of people.[/SPOILER]
"If you need money for today, I can spare a few coins. I have no need of the little rewards we can get from the quests.

2023-04-24, 04:52 PM
"I'd rather take it easy today. We have to be up and ready to go before dawn tomorrow.

For food and lodging, we can just stay at my place. I'm sure my family will feed the both of you too. We don't have a guest house, but there's room in the hay loft for Grumph and a spot on the floor in my room for Sephra. ... Sorry, Grumph. Girls only in my room."

2023-04-24, 04:55 PM
Giving a rumbling chuckle, Grumph just shrugs. "Not need. Only something to do. Small practice still practice." Not looking as if he cares either way beyond showing a willingness to work, he idly uses the back of his axe to reach over his shoulder to scratch between his shoulder blades as he looks around.

Listening thoughtfully, Grumph grins widely. "Hey, Grumph rule too! Only girls in Grumph room. Good rule." Flashing a crooked grin that splits his craggy face, he snorts in humor at the spoken jest. "Hey is fine. Like animals. Miss them when on sea. Hate fish. Ugh."

2023-04-24, 06:02 PM
Sephra cracks a smile at Grumph's joke; it very much reminded her of something her brother Mikran would say. "Thank you for the offer, Margaux. You are very kind. If your family would like assistance with the cooking, I would be happy to help."

I'm ready to timeskip to tomorrow.

2023-04-25, 10:01 AM
You arrive back at Margaux's estate. It turns out that her family is one of the wealthiest among the locals. Her parents (former nobles of the nearest kingdom) gladly have their kitchen staff prepare extra food for their eldest daughter's friends while her younger brother sulks that he's not old enough to delve the dungeon until his birthday next year.

You awake the following morning refreshed and prepare for the day. (Don't forget to prepare magic if you do so.)

As you approach the location of the dungeon, you an ancient stone structure built into the side of a particularly steep hill that has become partially hidden by overgrown foliage. The entrance is an arched doorway with a heavy stone door that appears to have been forced open multiple times.

(Engineering success: Something about structure seems off until you realize that it only appears to be old. The stone has a façade merely has dirt rubbed into it, and the plants were clearly planted deliberately.)

As you draw closer, you see a group of adventurers gathered at the entrance listening to the Baroness Silverheart speak, a no-nonsense scowl marring her face.

As you approach and take your place with the other two groups delving this morning, the guildmistress turns her attention to all of you.

"Greetings, adventurers," she says in a commanding voice. "I hope you are prepared for the challenges ahead. If you failed to prepare, you have prepared to fail. It won't be only your life that you lose but that of your friends and allies as well."

She studies your group for a moment before continuing, "Inside, there are three paths. Each team will follow a separate path. Let's see... you lot," she says as she points to the group containing Aerilya and her allies, "will take the leftmost path. The rightmost path with be..." she seems to waffle for a moment between the two teams before pointing to the team including Margaux, "you three. And the last of you will take the middle path.

The original plan was to send parties in every hour, but after further investigation of the dungeon, that will prove to be too frequent. As such, entries will be spaced three hours apart. That's a minimum of three hours you'll need to wait for the next party to catch up to you if you get into trouble.

Remember, if you flee the dungeon, you'll be allowed to leave largely unmolested, but if you deviate from a direct exit, the dungeon will punish you for making light of its good graces. Once you decide to leave, do not tarry, do not explore, do not gather additional loot. Just leave. I can't repeat that enough for new delvers, since we always seem to lose at least a handful of teams to this foolishness.

Once you leave, it will be a few days before your turn to delve comes up again in rotation; however, you're free to buy a slot from another team, sell your own time slot, trade it or, or do whatever. It's your time slot to do with as you please.

But this being your only delve for the moment, make the best of it. Go as deep as you can, but don't get yourself killed. Be aware of your status and situations, push yourself to the limit but not beyond. And remember, if you do somehow manage to reach the boss chamber, do not enter it.

Now, if you are ready to proceed, then I bid you fair fortunes."

With that, Baroness Sylera nods to the team of obviously high-level adventurers guarding the entrance. They step aside to allow you to pass.

The two teams of player characters are passingly familiar with each other due to their interactions yesterday.

The third team is not a group any of you recognize. It consists of four members, a tall human male wearing hide armor strapped over a threadbare robe adorned with the holy symbols of three different deities whose followers normally war with one another; two female half-elves similar enough to be related both dressed in varying shades of green, one clearly missing her right eye; and an armad warrior who seems imposing despite his small stature and missing left arm.

The four of them eye your parties warily before giving you firm nods of acknowledgment. They seem to be waiting for one of your teams to enter the dungeon first, unwilling to be the first into that looming darkness.

2023-04-25, 12:13 PM
After making sure her possessions and magics were in order, Sephra speaks up. "After you, Grumph," she says, motioning towards the entrance. She then pulls out her bullseye lantern, preparing to light it if needed.

2023-04-25, 03:50 PM
Removing the shield strapped to his backpack, he straps it to his arm, tightening the straps of his now-adjusted backpack, and draws his axe from the hoop on his belt. Loosening the ties of the small pouch of sling bullets and checking the leather traps of the sling tied loosely to the rist of his shield arm for easy access, he nods and holds his axe aloft. A localized impact without sound vibrates the air as ectoplasm leeches into reality to form chainmail around him and coat the battleaxe as he brings it down in a ready position aside his heavy shield. "We begin!"

Grumph (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cFLyL8G_Vi82g5I8PlM7cbtHUgf3G-7ktmFni36O-BA/edit#gid=1497159469)

2023-04-26, 10:24 AM
You step through the entrance and feel an instant of dysphoria as the nature of reality seems to shift around you for the briefest of moments.

You are shocked to find that the rather small, grassy hill which houses the dungeon entrance also appears to hold a massive cave within. Large openings into the world "outside(?)" reveals vast jungles that have intruded open the cave and nearly swallowed the rumbling ruins of an ancient civilization.

https://aldhaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/w3gsko_e187b54a9b5389e3bcc4ecf4e47e5fb38b313a47.jp g

Three paths with clearly worn trails open before you.

To the left, a short flight of stairs leads deeper into the ruins. Stone temples, decrepit stone houses, palaces, and large open spaces between them can be seen in the distance.

To the right yawns the open mouth of the cave, the path passes through it and into the deeper jungle before becoming lost in the overgrown undergrowth.

Straight ahead is a darkened tunnel leading down deeper into a network of dank, damp caverns. This is the only path which does not appear to have ample ambient lighting.

You head off to the right, passing through the cave mouth into the jungle. After poking at the undergrowth, you quickly realize that it blocks all sight beyond about 6 inches from the dirt path on which you walk and serves as the "walls" of this part of the dungeon. Attempting to bypass it to explore "out of bounds" will likely go about as well for you as trying to tunnel through dungeon walls, that is to say extremely poorly.

The foliage overhead forms a thick, seemingly impenetrable canopy through which no sky can be seen. The sun somehow manages to filter down through the leaves, however, creating areas of dappled light throughout the area with some darker areas becoming shadowy illumination.

The air is hot and humid, and the sounds of jungle creatures fill the air. You hear the buzzing of insects, the chirping of birds, and the rustling of leaves as animals move through the underbrush.

Ahead, the trees open into a small clearing, the blue sky above clearly visible though partially covered with angry looking clouds. The ground is uneven but flat enough to fight adequately, though piles of leaves and disturbed soil are clearly out of place.

When you step into the "room," you spot a panther, quite deceased and partially eaten. Suddenly, two large, black ants scuttle out from the corpse where they were feasting, their antennae twitching as they assess the newcomers.

The giant ants are easily the size of an average dog, with hard, glossy exoskeletons that shimmer in the dappled sunlight filtering through the jungle canopy. Their mandibles are sharp and deadly, and they move with surprising speed and agility for their size, you notice that they also sport sizable stingers likely capable of delivering venom should they manage to grab hold of you.


The "hallways" are 10 feet wide and tall.

The "room" is 40 ft x 40 ft., though the "corners" are cut off to make it slightly rounded. There is no visible ceiling. The dead panther and two ants are about 35 feet from the entrance.

You may start in the hallway or within the first 5 feet of the room. The ants appeared and attacked as soon as the first person entered the room.

The ants are size Small.

You can post in any order, and I'll resolve actions in initiative order possible and do my best to make adjustments if the situation changes before your actual turn to keep the spirit of your posted actions as closely as possible.

2023-04-26, 11:46 AM
Was that... teleportation? Where are we?" Sephra wondered as she stepped through the entrance. She knows what jungles are, of course, but she's never seen one before. The trees she's used to are a less vibrant green, and the moss that covers the ground is far different than the few patches she's seen at home.

As the foliage of the forest thickens, Sephra started to grow uneasy. She knew she would be in enclosed spaces--that's what you get when you go dungeoneering--but something about the walls being made of living things unsettled her. The noises of animals seemed to come from just outside her field of vision. Stowing her lantern, she extended her draconic claws in preparation for anything dangerous.

As the group walked in to the clearing, Sephra jumps slightly in disgust. She had never liked insects. Taking a step forward, she opens her mouth as draconic energy begins to charge.

Sephra uses her Breath Weapon. Assuming both ants charge at the party before Sephra gets the chance to act, she'll try to position herself in such a way that she can hit both of them with the 15-foot cone option. If she can't, she'll use the 30-foot line option. If an ant ends up within 5 feet of her, she will 5-foot step towards it and full attack, using her Draconic Claws feat and Draconic Arcana to replace the second claw attack with a breath weapon blast, hitting the second one with the breath attack if possible.

Breath Weapon damage: [roll0], Reflex DC 12 halves.

Claw attack, if needed: [roll1]; damage: [roll2]

2023-04-26, 03:02 PM
Stepping into the room, Grumph glances around and spots the ants, immediately raising his axe and shield and letting out a bellowing roar of....joy? His leg lifts as if he is about to charge but after a brief glance back at his new companions, he grimaces slightly and sets his foot back down, assessing the ants instead, calculating. Slamming his axe into his shield he screams at the ants in defiance, "Come, beasts! TO BATTLE!"

Grumph delays his action as he passes the threshold (starting 5' inside the room) instead of charging in and leaving his companions in a clear line of attack.

If his companions were to act first, he would attempt to rush ahead of them, but as it seems the ants will attack first, he will instead Delay Action to meet their charge. Should one attempt to pass him to get to his companions, he will take an attack of opportunity with an attack of [roll0] and doing [roll1] slashing damage if it connects.

Should that attack not connect and/or not kill the beast, he will take his delayed action to use a standard action to attack it again. If nothing tries to pass him, he will instead attack the weakest-looking one that gets within range. Should none come within range and his companions have already acted, he will then (and only then) used his delayed actions to move (up tp 20') and attack as a standard action if able, keeping himself between the enemies and his companions. His standard attack will be [roll2] and will do [roll3] slashing damage if it connects.

Any and all attacks are considered magical for the purpose of Damage Reduction due to Astral Suit Customizations.

2023-04-26, 11:44 PM
Margaux curses herself as she stumbles trying to react, barely able to move before it's too late. She takes aim at the nearest ant and casts zap.

[roll0] - [roll1]

2023-04-28, 11:55 AM
Grumph steps up and readies for battle.

The two ants charge!

[roll0] – [roll1]
[roll2] – [roll3]

In response, Grumph brutally hacks into the nearest ant, completely bisecting it.

Sephra spits an electric charge at the last remaining ant [roll4], following it up with a devastating claw attack, leaving it to bleed out.

Margaux's zap ineffectively arcs off into the aether successfully shocks the unconscious, dying ant, pushing it significantly closer to death.

A second later, the ant expires.

2023-04-28, 12:25 PM
"Well, that was not so bad," Sephra said, retracting her claws, as the second ant keeled over. "I suppose we should take some time to look for loot?" Sephra starts to walk around the clearing, checking for any sort of reward from the battle. She begins on the right half, motioning for the other two to search the rest of the areal.

Perception check: [roll0] to search.

2023-04-28, 03:02 PM
As soon as you begin to move with the intent to search for loot, the bodies of the two ants dissolve into dust with quickly vanishes into nothingness.

Left behind are two neatly stacked piles of 9 copper coins for a total of 18.

2023-04-28, 03:53 PM
Glancing at the neatly stacked coins, Grumph chuffs in humor and nods at Sephra, beginning to search the opposite side of the room, while talking aloud, "Six coins each not bad for warm-up fight."

Perception (Notice Something / Deliberate Search): [roll0]
Natural Lore (Avoid natural hazards / Forage): [roll1]

2023-04-28, 04:02 PM
Doing some GM rolling...
When you examine the remains of the panther, you find that it... exists... as a thing... The meat is slightly rotted, and it exudes a pungent odor. While you could pick it up and carry it with you if you choose, you don't seem able to loot it for anything of value.

Should you consider attempting to skin it, you find that the majority of the hide is shredded by giant ant mandibles or rotten to to state of uselessness.

You find nothing of note in the room. You infer that this room appears to have been intended an introduction to the dungeon, serving as a warning and last chance to turn away for those who are unprepared.

2023-04-28, 04:24 PM
"Ready to continue when you are," Sephra says, addressing both Grumph and Margaux.

2023-04-28, 05:01 PM
Sighing at the disappointing remains of the panther, Grumph props his axe in the crook of his shield arm and picks up the coin piles, handing six each to his Sephra and Margaux before pocketing the remaining six. He nods and hefts his axe with a shrug. "Ready."

2023-05-04, 01:03 PM
As you continue down the path through the jungle, it bends first left then sharply back to the right, eventually turning back slightly left so that you feel you are going the same way as before.

Ahead, the consistently 10-foot wide path widens slightly to 15 feet. Along the far left side of the path are five evenly spaced, bright purple blooms with large, delicate petals and a sweet, intoxicating scent. Tangled vines haphazardly cross the floor of the "room" leaving an almost spiderweb impression though with plenty of clear places to step.


2023-05-04, 04:27 PM
"So... definitely a trap, right?" Sephra asks. "Margaux, what's your opinion on how we should proceed? I think I could zap the flowers with my dragon breath, but I'm not sure if that's the right move here."

2023-05-05, 06:10 AM
Eyeing the plants suspiciously, Grumph considers his axe and mumbles something about flowers being similar to small trees. Awaiting Margaux's expertise, he continues to eye the plans ahead dubiously.

Natural Lore Check (Identify Creature) [roll0]
Perception Check (Notice Something) [roll1]

2023-05-05, 09:43 AM
I will be posting on behalf of Jeriah for the time being, treating Margaux as an NPC until Jeriah can replace her stolen computer.

"They do look like living traps. I'd bet five gold that the sprawling vines act as some sort of pressure sensor. But what do they actually do?"

Margaux takes a moment to examine the plants before getting closer to them.

"Tally-Hawk, fly across the room and back. See if the plants react."


2023-05-05, 09:53 AM
Tally-Hawk is ignored by the plants as it flies through the room.

The plants are indeed a type of natural trap. Applying more than a pound or two of pressure to the vines causes them to excrete an extremely sticky sap and quickly curl around the weight, potentially entangling and immobilizing any creature stepping on them.

In addition, the flower will spray thorns coated with a poison which induces a near paralytic sleep, giving the vines time to fully engulf the plant's prey.

Thankfully, the plant doesn't deal much real damage, merely incapacitating and binding its prey while waiting for time to run its course.

You are aware that there are several ways to get through this trap. You could kill the plants with ranged attacks like they were creatures, disable them as if they were traps, trigger the trap from a safe distance, chop through the vines, simply walk through the room avoiding the vines, or some other option.

Each possible solution is likely to have a different set of rewards.

2023-05-05, 10:46 AM
Grumph peers at the plants for a bit and then seems to brighten. "Can use panther corpse! Throw in vines, let thorn get used, then chop chop chop. Clear trap, easy retreating." Looking to his two companions, the half-orc looks hopeful that his idea would be seen favorably.

2023-05-05, 12:41 PM
"Huh. That's... I wonder if that was planned? That seems planned. I can agree with this plan!"

No, this was not planned this way.

2023-05-05, 12:43 PM
"That... sounds good to me," Sephra says, surprise evident in her voice. "Why don't you do the honors, then, Grumph?"

2023-05-05, 02:38 PM
Wasting no time, Grumph goes back and drags the rotting corpse of the panther from the previous room. Setting his shield on the ground and leaving his axe in its hoop on his belt, he hefting up the corpse, and promptly attempts to fling (flop?) it into the vine trap with an enthusiastic grunt and immediately reaches to pull his axe.

Strength Check(?):[roll0] (A Leopard's listed weight is 120lbs and Grumph's 'Lift Over Head' limit is 400lbs)
Attack Roll(?):[roll1] (To land it in a good spot, I guess? No idea what I'm doing - Grumph just wanted to straight throw a panther lbvsrn lol)

2023-05-05, 06:36 PM
Grumph is easily able to lift the panther corpse. As soon as he disturbs it, the pungent odor of rot begins to waft from it, filling the air with the stench of decay. Grumph is sickened (https://aldhaven.com/adventuring/condition-summary/#Sickened) by the malodorous miasma for as long as he holds the panther and 3 rounds after dropping it.

The panther is extremely difficult to toss around, and it lands almost 10 feet away from where Grumph intends but still flops across vines for the two nearest plant-traps. Both immediately spit small sprays of thorns, one of which narrowly misses Grumph.

Hairs along the touched vines discharge drops of sticky sap and begin wrapping around the panther (https://carnivorousplantresource.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/south-african-king-sundew.jpg), slowly dragging it closer to the stems of the plants.

2023-05-06, 04:00 PM
As the smell of the panther corpse hits her nose, Sephra retches a bit - she knew it was going to smell bad, but not that bad. After surveying the effects of the plants, she turns towards the other two. "Alright, that's two of the traps down. Should I blast the other three?"

2023-05-06, 06:19 PM
Looking as if he's going to vomit at any moment, and somehow even more green than normal, Grumph just nods wordlessly. Obviously trying not to grimace as he leans down carefully and starts wiping his hands on the ground with a shudder.

2023-05-08, 12:53 PM

"I think I'd like to try 'disabling' them. If nothing else, I can get in some practice with the traps."

Margaux carefully approaches the first plant, making sure to stay clear of any remaining vines attached to it before pulling out her tools and attempting to disable it. She'll also attempt the disable the first plant that has not yet been triggered, if she can safely make her way to it.



2023-05-08, 01:09 PM
Game Master

Time Passes as Margaux works to disable the traps.

Margaux successfully disables the first and third of the five trap-plants, though she notes that the first is significantly easier than the third, due to the trap already being triggered.

As each trap is successfully disabled, it breaks down into particles much as the defeated monsters did earlier.

The first trap leaves behind 5 copper coins.

The third produces 20 copper coins.

Current Time


2023-05-08, 01:43 PM
Slowly recovering from the smell, Grumph gives a thumbs-up. "Maybe we use rocks next time." Picking up the coppers, he distributes nine coppers to Margaux with a mumbled admission of her disabling the traps being a better idea than the panther and distributing eight coppers each to himself and Sephra. Picking up his shield and taking his place in the front, the half-orc raises his shield and gets ready to continue.

2023-05-08, 01:49 PM

"Gtumph, would you be willing to carry all the coin until we head out? I'm not very strong and only really have this small belt pouch to carry things..."

2023-05-08, 03:06 PM
"The disabling looked like it went well. Think you're up for the last three?"

2023-05-08, 03:20 PM

"Sure, I can do that."

Starting with the already triggered trap, Margaux will carefully attempt to disable each trap.


2023-05-08, 03:25 PM
Game Master

Margaux easily disables the second trap, causing it to disperse and fully release the panther and drop 5 copper coins.

With some effort, she also manages to disable the fourth trap, gaining an additional 20 copper.

Unfortunately, she has difficulty with the fifth one, and when she shifts her weight, her knee presses against a vine. The third trap triggers!

[roll0] or Reflex DC 12 or entangled

[roll1] - Poison on hit, Fort DC 15 or unconscious [roll2] rounds.


Margaux manages to hop back just before the flailing vine can wrap firmly around her but takes a poisoned thorn in the arm but resists the soporific effects.

"Phew! That was close! Well, since it's already triggered, I might as well finish up..."

She takes her time and disables it, gaining another 5 copper coins.

2023-05-08, 03:54 PM
Grumph nods and collects the 30 copper, splitting off 10 to offer Sephra, and offering his pouch to collect the nine he'd just given Margaux as well to hold for her. Patting Margaux on the shoulder awkwardly, he grunts, "Good jumping."

2023-05-08, 06:23 PM
"Pretty impressive!" Sephra exclaims, after all the traps were disarmed. "Any bad effects from the poison? If not, let's continue."

2023-05-09, 09:13 AM

"Thanks! Didn't know I had it in me. Maybe I am cut out for this kind of thing after all..."

Margaux checks over herself then shrugs.

"I don't think there are any lingering effects, but you never know until they hit you."

She shrugs as she packs her tools away.

"I'm ready to go when you are."

Game Master

As you move past the plant trap room, you quickly find that the trail becomes increasingly overgrown to the point that it eventually vanishes almost entirely, low an extremely faint trail (or perhaps just the remnants of an old trail) appears to continue forward, though you have absolutely no ability to see further than about 10 feet.

Another small trail, this one seemingly newer, appears to have been worn through the passage of many feet rather than intentionally cleared. This path leads up to a rather large tree where someone has crudely tried broken bits of branch and vine together into a functional, if questionable, rope ladder.

2023-05-09, 01:48 PM
As the vines and leaves on the sides of the trail drew closer and closer inwards, Sephra tugged the sleeves of her top down her arms. She didn't like the heat, but it was preferable to being scratched by the plants--the feeling on her skin was incredibly uncomfortable, and she didn't want to be scratched at all. Having seen the plants in the last room, she figured that not letting anything touch her would be prudent.

Seeing the foliage widen as the group approached the tree, Sephra let out a small sigh of relief and rolled up her sleeves again. "That ladder doesn't look very sturdy. I don't weigh much, and I'm not the worst climber. Maybe I should take a crack at it?" As she speaks, Sephra approaches the ladder and attempts to discern how much weight it could feasibly hold.

Engineering to get an estimate as to how much the ladder can hold: [roll0] (trained)

2023-05-09, 02:03 PM
Game Master

You estimate that the ladder can support somewhere between 100 and 500 lbs.


"I wonder where the trail goes... or used to go... or is designed to look like it goes or went or... or....

Ugh! I honestly didn't expect that the dungeon would be creating things that looked old without actually being old. I know we're the first or second people here, but the trail still looks like it sees regular use. It's all very confusing. What part is just for looks?? What's meant to distract? To act as a temptation? To hide things?

I studied the theory of dungeons, but this is so different than what I expected."

She thinks for a moment while grinding her fingertips into her temples.

"I think I should I send out Tally-Hawk to scout before we keep pushing forward. But do I send him up into the trees or along the abandoned path?

And we need to start looking for those herbs and pelts or whatever else those quests in town wanted."

2023-05-10, 10:15 AM
Sephra thinks for a moment. "Why don't you send him up the trees? More open air should let him be a more effective scout, right?"

2023-05-10, 11:34 AM

Tally-Hawk takes off into the trees above, disappearing from view.

"He'll be back in a moment, I'm sure."

Margaux seems a little ill at ease with her companion having left her side.

"Dungeon seems to be going well so far. Yeah?"

2023-05-10, 03:53 PM
Nodding, Grumph pokes at the foliage with the head of his axe. "So far good. I look for plants while bird scouts above." Putting his words into action, the half-orc starts poking around the foliage, attempting to look for the appropriate plants.

Nature Lore Check [roll0]

2023-05-10, 03:59 PM

"That's a good idea."


2023-05-11, 11:39 AM
"I'm not great with plants, but I'll take a look too, I suppose. Just be careful to not wander into an area where we're not supposed to be while you're searching."

Natural Lore to identify the plants: [roll0]
Perception to find the plants: [roll1]

2023-05-12, 05:20 AM
Furrowing his brow at not finding what he is searching for, Grumph sighs and starts looking at the area for anything interesting instead, hoping to find something, if not the plants he was looking for.

Perception (Deliberate Search) [roll0]

2023-05-12, 08:57 AM
Game Master

As far as you can tell, there aren't any plants here that can be harvested.

Grumph finds two boot prints in the mud walking towards where you stand from the direction of where the path seems to disappear into the weeds.

Time Passes as everyone searches around and waits on Tally-Hawk's return.

Eventually, the bird returns and mimes out that the way above seems clear of enemies.

Current Time


2023-05-12, 11:03 PM
Sephra sighs and stretches her arms as the bird returns. "Up we go, then?" She pauses for a moment. "Though, if above is clear of enemies, maybe that's not where we should be headed." Noticing the boot prints discovered by Grumph, her body language indicates that she's interested in exploring where they lead. After all, if someone's walked that way already, it can't be stupidly dangerous, right?

2023-05-14, 03:18 PM
"If clear above, no ambush from behind if we follow boots?" Grumph muses aloud before shrugging. "See where leads, maybe come back." Checking the direction of the boots once more, the half-orc takes up the vanguard position once more and starts off in the direction the boots indicate.

2023-05-15, 02:58 PM

"So, it sounds like we'll be sticking to the ground for now. Let's go."

Margaux heads out along what she can make out about the path, sending Tally-Hawk ahead scouting for enemies.

Game Master

You push through light underbrush following the muddy trail. After twenty to thirty feet, the trail opens up into a small field with good sunlight. The field abruptly ends not far away in a sheer drop, from which you can hear the sounds of swiftly rushing waters.

Looking around, you see a "natural" bridge spanning the gorge high above you. The bridge is made of twisting vines and branches and appears to be the only way to "safely" cross.

Around the edges of the field, you notice a large number of plants that appear to match the description of the Minor Medicinal Herbs.

2023-05-17, 05:58 PM
Grumph grunts, pointing at the plants in recognition. Eyeing the 'bridge', he looks at his companions curiously. "Trap?" Looking back, he studies the 'bridge' carefully.

Perception (Deliberate Search): [roll0] - Checking to see if the bridge is obviously trapped.
Engineering (Assess Stability): [roll1] - Checking to see if the bridge looks stable enough to actually use safely.

2023-05-21, 12:40 AM
"Even if it is a trap, seems like we have no other option to continue. We should look around the area first, though, to make sure we're not missing anything. Oh, and to gather those herbs," Sephra adds, pointing to the medicinal herbs. "I've got some room in my pack for them, so I'm happy to carry them."

Sephra goes to harvest the herbs, searching the clearing for any points of significance. Perception to search: [roll0]

2023-05-23, 10:26 AM
Game Master

The bridge appears sturdy enough to cross but not exactly "stable," meaning you're going to have to make Acrobatics checks if you don't move especially carefully when crossing it.

There is no obvious way to reach the bridge, though it appears that the ladder you bypassed most likely leads up to the same level as the bridge.


"Sephra... What are you planning to do with that deadly nightshade you're harvesting?"

Margaux sorts through the toxic plants looking for the healing herbs related to the quest.


But has no luck with telling them apart...

"Grumph, do you know much about herbs?"

2023-05-23, 10:33 PM
"Oh, uh, these are nightshade?" Sephra says, holding the plants with considerably more caution than a few moments before. "I'm sure there's a market for these too, if we ask the right people."

2023-05-25, 05:10 PM
Grumph shrugs noncomittally and grunts, "Grumph knows that one is not for tea," as he gestures at the nightshade. The half-orc takes a look at the various plants, squinting at each in turn thoughtfully.

Natural Lore: [roll0]