View Full Version : Unfulfilled character ideas collection.

2023-04-21, 10:25 PM
While I'm waiting for my deck to charge so I can pick up my bees, I'll just try and list out my builds that I've still not been able to actually play with yet. (As a player... Sigh.) Just from recent memory.
Feel free to also list your own, if you wish to.
Or offer me a spot at your table. I don't mind.

Fisherman (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?655873-Open-Heart-Spill-Your-Guts-(Spheres-Build))- Overview: Uses a quirky Impale interaction with Crushing Throw to effortlessly reposition enemies.
BG: He was a distinguished fisherman of the Grand Sea, known for hunting colossal sea monsters. These beasts were not only valuable for their parts, but sometimes served as a nice treat as well. One fateful day, he faced a creature of unparalleled strength and size, but his pride as a fisherman wouldn't let him release the rope. With a sudden jerk, the ship's railing shattered, and he found himself dragged by the behemoth for 5 days and 5 nights until it died from blood loss. Thankfully, the creature's carcass served as both a raft and rations, allowing him to reach the shore of an unknown land. Now... he has to figure out what he is doing in this strange land, and whether he can commission a boat. Perhaps a crew as well. Hell, maybe even start a company all his own.

Hearthhome Kin - Overview: Uses manipulation and mind magic to get their way.
BG: Born to the frigid wastes of the north, this kin was born sickly and frail, virtually predestined to death. Ironic though it may be that he would be the last of his kind. He survived his unfortunate birth through great care from his family, and found a natural knack for entertaining and interacting with others. Especially when the tribe passed paths with traders. His mere presence heralded a much more productive exchange. Thus, he earned his way despite his poor stature. One day while out on a trading run, something happened, for he had returned with goods-a-plenty to the horrified screams of his tribe engulfed in flame.

Mime - Overview: Is mime. Makes invisible objects by miming them.
BG: Nope. That's it. We needed a clown for an evil campaign. And then I couldn't play him. I am still sad.

Explosive Healer - Overview: Heals by tossing grenades. That engulf enemies in raging fire.
BG: Yeah. Again. Just a role filler. And probably was going to get incredibly one-note for me.

The Cavalry - Overview: Play as a centaur, and have another ranged character be carried like a turret.
BG: I forgot it. Originally some sort of survivalist for a Greek campaign. But Spheres of Might really didn't have any support for that idea, directly. (Guile was still just in playtest at the time.)
Got to play it. Then some other SoP player ruined it, and got me ghosted from the group. And then he tells me that the GM sucked. Like bro. Come on. You couldn't even make it 2 sessions before you did that to us? I almost understand why people are so hesitant to use the system.

The Gravecrawler (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?629899-(Spheres-of-Power)-Gravecrawler-class-PEACH&p=25002953#post25002953) - Overview: An undead parasite-themed support caster.
BG: Elara, a once-humble scholar, discovered an ancient artifact housing a "crawler." It merged with her, blurring the lines between her identity and the entity's influence. Embracing her new powers as a Gravecrawler, she helped her friends and disabled enemies with uncanny precision, by manipulating those she infected. Despite questioning her own autonomy, Elara continues to explore the depths of her connection to the crawler, striving to uncover its true nature while harnessing her unique abilities to navigate a perilous world.

The Carpenter - Overview: Carried around his magical saw horse, through which he was able to create grand crafts within moments.
BG: Again, I forgot. I really like the idea of a pirate campaign though.

Cursed Archer (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651025-Cursed-Archer-(Spheres)-Favorite-Character-Concept&p=25622828)- Overview: Cursed quiver produces semi-random spells.
BG: Actually had a lot of iterations, actually. Technically got to play it for a bit, then the group fell apart. Like god damn.

2023-04-24, 11:04 AM
I've wanted to combine a Fochlucan Lyricist with Mystic Theurge that doesn't use too much cheese to build with a Cleric/Wizard progression.
I've also seen a throwing build integrating quick draw and Iajatsu Focus.
Playing something from ToB is on my list too, as I stepped away from the game for a while before it came out.

EDIT: I really like the movie Free Guy so I think a War Hulk based upon "DUDE" could be fun..."catchphrase"!

2023-04-25, 03:54 PM
1) a fighter who fights alongside his familiar.

2) just being the Familiar. I originally was struck with inpsiration with a DrK posted game ad for WoTR and I messaged

"what could happen if i played a familiar who's master was subject to the Stolen Fury campaign trait, and unlike other potential party members with that trait, died but that energy managed to sever the familiar bond and allow an independence?"

My idea is a Liminal Sprite or maybe just sprite that goes into rogue and the Champion mythic path in their quest to avenge what happened to their original master and make right what is wrong.

I understand if this is a bit of a 'out there' concept (ok, more than a bit)

I thought of a sprite as they are roughly humanoid and doesn't require evil or a specific alignment. But, I guess a DM could loosen those restrictions or I just do not understand the alignment restriction for familiars that good.

2023-04-25, 10:41 PM
Oh... I have so many.

Hexblade: unseelie fey hexblade17/Black Guard 3. Multiple negative to save auras that passively debuff before applying the hexblade curse and other debuffs. Easily can apply a negative 20+, and let casters land thier spells with impunity. Roleplay wise, he is an excommunicated follower of Besheba. He is considered a heretic as he believes bad luck and misfortune should be embraced and welcomed as a gift, as it gives you the opportunity to overcome it and become better in the process. As a result he also hates Tymora as he believes that she makes people lazy and weak.

Crazy Cat lady: Mongrelfolk druid 1/wizard 1/sorcerer 1/Totemist 2/ Beastmaster 10. This build takes the animal companion instead of familiar alternate class feature, the feat that gives you one, and the 4 you get from Beastmaster for a grand total 8 animal companions. All will be cats of course. Then you take the share soulmeld feat and manticore belt bound to their totem Chakra. You can get 8 essentia into it, and shared by 8 animal companions, you can launch 72d6 spines. Roleplay wise, she has no sense of self. Instead she communicates by talking about her cats, and projecting her thoughts and emotions through them.

Jump good: nephalim wildshape ranger/ barbarian/ fighter/ warblade/ blade dancer. I wanted to build a final fantasy dragoon. So I went with the battle jump feat and set about maxing out the jump skill. As a result I came up with a build that is pretty insane and can run almost fast enough to break the sound barrier. Roleplay wise he was banished from Limbo, and believed that he was now worthless as a hunter and warrior, as he could not leap like he could in Limbo with it's subjective gravity. So he obsessively trained himself to leap again in the material plane's one directional gravity. In all other aspects, he is a fish out of water, having great difficulty in adjusting to the material plane.

Judo Gnome: essentially a sword sage focusing on unarmed combat and setting sun throws. The shadow blade and weapon finesse feats let's him focus entirely on dex and con. Add on the improved trip feats, and you have a decent controller build.

A Very Nasty Gentleman: this is a classic build, and I made my own version. I went delkyr halfblood battle sorcerer/fleshwarper that focused on aberration grafts. The build focuses on share spell, and maxing out on symbiotes. Roleplay wise he has no idea what he is, and is fascinated with aberrations, biology, and trying to figure out exactly what he is.

Man... I could keep going, but I will stop here.

2023-04-26, 12:59 AM

Man... I could keep going, but I will stop here.

Well, you have my permission to go on :)

2023-04-26, 04:24 AM
just being the Familiar. I originally was struck with inpsiration with a DrK posted game ad for WoTR and I messaged
I've really wanted to play one of the mascot familiars as an Expert Sidekick for quite some time.

This entire idea of "character ideas" just reminds me how many one-shots my group has done. That's mostly what we do and I take the opportunity to try all kinds of different things (most of the players don't do this).

2023-04-27, 12:57 PM
Not really, "never" played. Just not played nearly as much as I would have liked to: my Shifter Urban Ranger, Caleb "Oz" Oswald. I made him for an Eberron campaign, and was playing him as a flim noir, Sam Spade-ish private eye. Unfortunately, Stuff Happened, half the group quit, and I ended up playing his shady uncle, Phido, for most of the campaign. Still wish I could have gotten more than a couple of levels out of him.

2023-04-27, 10:23 PM
I always wanted to play a Sharn, because it's silly and kinda broken (but also, less so than many other TO builds).
But I also don't know exactly WHAT I want to do with Sharn, not to mention no IRL groups.

2023-04-29, 12:47 AM
I want to do a build based around James Caan's character, Mississippi, from the movie El Dorado.
Then there's the Force Missile Mage build to be the ultimate one-hit wonder.
I've always wanted to do a Spellfire Channeler build, which actually might be my next character for an upcoming game.
I'd like to do a build I'd call "Luck o' the Irish" to basically burn every feat possible on luck feats to have dozens of rerolls.
Doing a build based off of Alec Baldwin's character in the movie "The Shadow" could be fun too.
A pure Swordsage build focused primarily on Insightful Strike maneuvers from Diamond Mind.
Finally I'll add a Sword Dancer build from Faiths and Pantheons.