View Full Version : Junkyard Wars XLII - Smite + Mounted Combat - Paladin

2023-04-22, 04:30 AM
Welcome to Junkyard Stadium! It is in this hallowed pile of miscellaneous parts that we will hold a competition of Practical Optimization with three components. The catch? Competitors may not use the third item in their builds!

Goal: Create a build that showcases the selected ingredients while steering clear of the Forbidden Ingredient.

This competition has two Necessary Components and one Forbidden Component. This round's components are...

Necessary: Smite
Necessary: Mounted Combat Feat
Forbidden: Paladin


Hopefully you do better than Monty Python did.

Creation: 32 point-buy is the presumed creation method. You may assume that you will have enough exp to reach ECL 20, and that the occasional bit of crafting, use of spells with exp components, or the like won't prevent you from doing so. However, LA buyoff is an alternate rule which is not in play.
Workshop: Competitors will be free to use any official 3.5 rulebook in constructing their builds. Dragon Magazine is disallowed, and Unearthed Arcana is allowed; but see below. Web-exclusive 3.0 or 3.5 materials by WotC are expressly allowed, but take care to verify that an updated version did not appear in print elsewhere as this may cause an Elegance deduction at the judges' discretion. If you use web material, please link it. Dragon Magazine Compendium is allowed, as are Oriental Adventures (and its 3.5 updates in Dragon Magazine) and the Dragonlance Campaign Setting. Alternate rule systems from UA such as generic classes, spontaneous divine casters, gestalt and fractional saves and BAB are not allowed, as they create a different playing field.
Leadership is banned: We're creating one thing, not all of the things. If your entry includes a prestige class or ACF that grants Leadership or a Leadership-like ability as a bonus feat, the feat should be ignored and is not eligible to be traded away for another feat or ACF through any means. If your entry includes a prestige class that requires Leadership, you still need to qualify, but the feat should thereafter be ignored.
Speculation: Please don't post or speculate on possible builds until after the reveal in order to avoid spoiling the surprise if a particular competitor is producing a build along those lines. Speculation and stub posting is to be avoided until the reveal is completed.
Disputes: Any scoring disputes should be sent to the Chair via PM. Valid disputes include RAW misreadings, arithmetic errors, things missed that are present in the entry, and inconsistently applied criteria. Invalid disputes include disagreements on matters of opinion, a judge not catching something not explicitly presented in the entry, and the like. Invalid disputes will be responded to via PM by the Chair, but valid disputes will be posted in-thread for the judge to review. When disputing, please indicate the judge the dispute is intended for and provide a quote of the disputed comment or comments. Note: the Chair may edit or paraphrase any disputes in presenting them to the judges.
Presentation: You will need to present a write-up of your build at at least one of the following points: 5th level, 10th level, 15th, 20th, and a "sweet spot" that you feel is the high point of the build, as well as presenting a fully-fleshed out 20-level build in the table below. Please give a rundown of the build's abilities and playability throughout its life. Builds will be posted anonymously, in order to avoid the potential of bias towards a particular competitor. For this reason, please don't put your name in the build as I'm likely to miss it when reviewing the entries. Also for this reason, PLEASE do not include any material that may or may not offend any potential viewers/judges/competitors OR break forum rules. Any builds which violate forum rules WILL be withheld from posting.
Anonymity: if you are submitting multiple entries, please try not to have entries reference each other, or have other obvious "tells" that they are from the same competitor. If it is essential for your concept that entries are somehow linked, that is fine, but otherwise, please try to limit info that will give away who competitors are.

Due to concerns about standardizing entry format, please use the following table for their entry.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

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New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Code immediately below (spoiler).

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

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New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

For entries with spellcasting, use the following table for Spells per day and Spells Known. (Spells Known only if necessary, i.e. Sorcerer or Bard, but not Wizard or Warmage)
Spells per Day/Spells Known






















Code immediately below (spoiler)Spells per Day/Spells Known






















For other systems (Psionics, ToB, Incarnum, etc.) keep track of PP/maneuvers/essentia separately, preferably in a nice neat list.

mattie_p has also kindly made a Google Document that greatly assists with creating and formatting tables: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BG0-5sq4dL9Ooh7-QfXuyHzO4rXSz-CRcj29t6BeUVE/edit?usp=sharing

Scoring: Each judge is required to provide the criteria by which they are judging the builds. By "criteria," we mean a simple explanation of what the judge is looking for in each of the below categories and what kind of scoring we can expect. If a judge deems a build to be illegal, they may provide a 0 in Elegance but may not refuse to judge any build presented by the Chairman.
The Categories: Judging will be based on the following criteria, with each build rated from 1 (very poor) to 5 (exemplary) in each area: Originality, Power, Elegance, Use of Components.

Originality: Is the build unique? Does it deviate from the obvious? Does it forge its own path, or does it fall back on common, established optimization tricks? Some judges score entries for the quality of their concept & backstory as well, though not all do. Providing at least some backstory is heavily encouraged, as it helps the judges figure out who the entry is. Note that the purpose of this category is not to penalize entries that independently came up with the same idea as another entry, but rather to reward entries that explore underutilized and non-obvious areas of optimization, so, judges, try not to base your judging in this category too heavily on what other builds are doing. Multiple entries using the same element may certainly be evidence that the element is unoriginal, but you shouldn't impose anything like a "-1 for each other build using the same class" penalty.
Power: Power level is up to you. Cheese is acceptable, but should be kept to a sane level unless you're showcasing a new TO build you've discovered. In the words of one of my predecessors, a little cheddar can be nice, but avoid the mature Gruyere unless you're making a cheese fondue.
Elegance: This category was formerly titled "Build Stability." Here, we're essentially measuring how skillfully you put your build together and how you balanced flavor with power. We're cooking here - if your dish doesn't taste good, it doesn't matter how well-presented it is. Use of flaws is an automatic loss of one point per flaw in this category. Other things that will cause lost points here are excessive multiclassing (meaning any multiclassing that results in an xp penalty), and classes that don't fit the concept - using Cloistered Cleric in a front-line melee fighter, for example, may lose you points. Rule adherence and legality of sources is scored under this category; additionally, reliance on a questionable, controversial, or ambiguous ruling can and should result in a deduction. Neither the number of sources nor their relative obscurity should be penalized--contestants should feel free to use any books they like. Dipping should not be penalized unless it results in a multiclass xp penalty; if the system won't penalize it, neither should judges.
Use of Components: Was the Forbidden Component avoided? Were the Necessary Components showcased, or simply used because they were necessary?

Note on scoring: if you are going to penalize an entry for something specific, it is strongly recommend that it only be penalized in one of the four categories for this - the one you feel is the most relevant. It is OK to put different penalties for different instances in their own category, but if, say, someone fails to qualify for a PrC, try not to ping them in Elegance and Power, for instance.
Disputes: Any scoring disputes will be posted by the Chairman in-thread after reviewing them privately. Valid disputes include

RAW misreadings,
arithmetic errors,
things missed that are present in the entry,
and inconsistently applied criteria.

Note: only competitors are to raise disputes, and only on their own entry. If you, as a spectator, find an error in judging (or in an entry, for that matter), please hold off on comment until after the final reveal. Thank you.
Invalid disputes include

disagreements on matters of opinion,
a judge not catching something not explicitly presented in the entry,
and the like.

Invalid disputes will be responded to via PM by the Chair, but valid disputes should be responded to by each individual judge. Judges are obligated to respond to disputes to ensure that everyone gets a fair shake. A judge's scores will only be recognized if they have recognized all disputes. In the absence of any other judges, the entries will be judged by the chairman.

In the event that no suitable judge is found in a reasonable time, we will trial the alternate method:

Each contestant picks their three favourite entries that they did not submit. They will rank the three in order from first to third, and this will be submitted privately to The Chair.
Entries that are not rated by a contestant are presumed to rated at 4th place.
The score of each entry is averaged, and competition winners will be decided with the lowest number taking first place, second-lowest taking second and so forth.

Completion Time:

Contestants will have until 23:59 GMT Monday May 22, 2023 to create their builds and PM them to the chairman (note: you are free to submit builds up until I start posting entries, even if this deadline has passed).
Builds will then be posted simultaneously to avoid copying.
Judges will have until 23:59 GMT Monday June 5, 2023 to judge the builds and submit their scores.
Should there not be a reasonable prospect of a judge for the competition, the backup judging method will take place from 23:59 GMT Monday June 5, 2023 to rank and average prospective builds.
As the precedent has been set from Episode 2, should all prospective judges have posted their rulings in a neat, timely fashion and all disputes have been settled satisfactorily (to either judges, contestants, or the Chairperson), the judging period may end prematurely to give way to a new episode. No reason to keep working on a finished building and avoid moving onto the next one.

Looking for as many contestants and judges as feel like playing! We will award 1st through 3rd places, as well as a shout-out for honorable mention. The honorable mention prize is given to the most daring or unexpected build that doesn't gain a medal. Contestants are invited to vote for honorable mention via PM. Everyone else can vote in-thread. Ready? Set? Get to the junkyard and start building!

On the subject of messaging the chair (me), a few guidelines:
- I am not here to give critiques on your build or guess how the judges might score it!
- For entries, please keep the entry to no more than 2 messages, if at all possible.
- For entries, don't expect me to search through your entry and edit in or out material. Entries should be sent to me complete - if there is a later revision, re-submit the full build. PLEASE DON'T INCLUDE TEXT IN YOUR SUBMISSION YOU WANT ME TO EDIT OUT FOR THE POST - SUBMIT IT TO ME EXACTLY HOW I WILL POST THE FINISHED PRODUCT.
- Please make sure the name of your entry is clearly present in the message.

Junkyard Wars in the Playground I: Shadowdancer + Sneak Attack - Rogue (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?337864)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground II: Healing Spells + Ruby Knight Vindicator - Cleric (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?342896)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground III: Dragons + Theurges - Kobolds (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?347412)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground IV: BoED + Undead Type - Completes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?355278)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground V: Dread Witch + Reaping Mauler - Fighter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?360271)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground VI: Wonderworker + Profession Skill - Factotum (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?369604)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground VII: Metamagic Feats + LA - Metamagic Reducers! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?374504)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground VIII: Pounce+Small Size-Barbarian (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?388151)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground IX: Earth Dreamer + Ordained Champion - Cleric (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?395791)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground X: Meldshaping + Natural Attacks - Totemist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?403880)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XI: Magical Darkness + Improved Familiar - Wizard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?409650)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XII: Dragonmark Heirs + Touchstones - Martial Weapons (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?430214)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XIII: Mulhorandi Divine Minion + Monk - Any Other Wildshaping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?465901)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XIV: Racial Paragon Classes + Spellcasting - Base Classes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?479427)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XV: Ruathar + Stoneblessed - Human (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?497904)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XVI: Trapsmith + Combat Trapsmith - Rogue (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?540521)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XVII: Elemental Warrior + Jaunter - Fighter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?552569)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XVIII: Argent Savant + Holy Scourge - Wizard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?555404)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XIX: Incarnum Blade + Exotic Weapon Master - Spiked Chain (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?562523-Junkyard-Wars-XIX-IB-EWM-SC)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XX: Xorvintaal Exarch + The Pact-Bound Adept - Sorcerer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?568541-Junkyard-Wars-XX-XE-PBA(a)-S)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XXI: Rebuke Undead + Teamwork Benefits - [Divine] feats (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?572680-Junkyard-Wars-XXI-Halloween-Round!)
Junkyard Wars XXII: Battle Trickster + Magical Trickster - Uncanny Trickster (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?577512-Junkyard-Wars-XXII-Show-Me-Your-Skillz)
Junkyard Wars XXIII: Spellwarp Sniper + Silver Pyromancer - Energy Substitution (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?581736-Junkyard-Wars-XXIII-Ready-Aim-Fire)
Junkyard Wars XXIV: Vow of Peace + Saint - Divine casting (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?585567-Junkyard-Wars-XXIV-VoPe-S-DC)
Junkyard Wars XXV: Silverwood Arcanist + Share Soulmeld - Soulcaster (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?590622-Junkyard-Wars-XXV-SA-SS-S)
Junkyard Wars XXVI: RSL + ACF - PrCs (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?593374-Junkyard-Wars-XXVI-RSL-ACF-PrCs)
Junkyard Wars XXVII: Unholy Scion + Mark - Affiliation (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?598151-Junkyard-Wars-XXVII-US-M-A)
Junkyard Wars XXVII: 1MF + CPA&A - T (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?603826-Junkyard-Wars-XXVIII-1MF-CPA-amp-A-T)
Junkyard Wars XXIX: Social Distancing Edition! (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?610153-Junkyard-Wars-XXIX-Social-Distancing-Edition!)
Junkyard Wars XXX: Something a Little Spicy (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?631758-Junkyard-Wars-XXX-Something-a-Little-Spicy)
Junkyard Wars XXXI: Giddy-Up! (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?633325)
Junkyard Wars XXXII: Theurge Without Theurge (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?634803)
Junkyard Wars XXXIII: LotD + AF - Necropolitan (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?636185)
Junkyard Wars XXXIV: SE + HoS - Soulmelds (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?637670)
Junkyard Wars XXXV: Complete Class + Complete PrC - PHB Classes (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?641168)
Junkyard Wars XXXVI: Vestige Binding + MWP - Binder (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?642413)
Junkyard Wars XXXVII: Bone Collector + Necropotent - ToB (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?644772)
Junkyard Wars XXXVIII: NPC Class + Prestige Class - Base Classes (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?645816)
Junkyard Wars XXXIX - Stunning Fist + Evasion - Monk (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?646976)
Junkyard Wars XL - Ninths + Metamagic - Prepared Spells (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?648718)
Junkyard Wars XLI - Spellcasting + Rage - Rage Mage (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?653216)

2023-04-22, 04:31 AM
Contest Questions:

Q1: What is Smite?
A1: Smite is any ability with the word "Smite" in it, that improves attack and/or damage rolls, whether it is for all or some types of enemy.

Q2: If I am treated as having the Mounted Combat feat in some way, does that count as having Mouned Combat for the purposes of this competition?
A2: Yes.

Q3: Is ____ class banned?
A3: If a class is called a variant of the Paladin class, it is banned.

2023-04-22, 04:52 AM
Can we assume that any discrete-use ability that improves attack and damage rolls and has 'Smite' in its name qualifies for this contest?

Not naming any specific classes but there's a lot of things that grant Smite Good or Smite Evil or Smite Elves; I assume those are all fine?

2023-04-22, 04:57 AM
Can we assume that any discrete-use ability that improves attack and damage rolls and has 'Smite' in its name qualifies for this contest?

Not naming any specific classes but there's a lot of things that grant Smite Good or Smite Evil or Smite Elves; I assume those are all fine?

Smite is any ability with the word "Smite" in it, that improves attack and/or damage rolls against a specific type of enemy.

2023-04-22, 05:58 AM
Q2: If I am treated as having the Mounted Combat feat in some way, does that count as having Mouned Combat for the purposes of this competition?
A2: Yes.

2023-04-22, 06:13 AM
Smite is any ability with the word "Smite" in it, that improves attack and/or damage rolls against a specific type of enemy.

I'm sure there are some smites without any enemy limitations.

2023-04-22, 06:26 AM
I'm sure there are some smites without any enemy limitations.

This, yeah. There's abilities literally called 'Smite', nothing else, that hit any foe of your choosing: surely those should count for this contest?

2023-04-22, 06:49 AM
I'm sure there are some smites without any enemy limitations.

This, yeah. There's abilities literally called 'Smite', nothing else, that hit any foe of your choosing: surely those should count for this contest?

I must be too used to trying to optimize ****ty classes because that didn't even occur to me when writing the Q and A bit.

Okay, amendment:

Q1: What is Smite?
A1: Smite is any ability with the word "Smite" in it, that improves attack and/or damage rolls, whether it is for all or some types of enemy.

Q3: Is ____ class banned?
A3: If a class is called a variant of the Paladin class, it is banned.

2023-04-22, 04:00 PM
And again I have a very silly idea.

2023-04-23, 12:04 AM
Interesting. Currently trying to get something together for Monster Mash, but I'll see how I go for time and inspiration for this as well.

2023-04-23, 07:41 AM
Had a great idea... and then errata shut it down. Always rough when that happens.

2023-04-28, 03:05 PM
And again I have a very silly idea.

And it's in!

2023-04-28, 04:49 PM
I have an idea. It's not awesome, but I might submit anyway, assuming life doesn't go full crazy again.

2023-05-06, 06:21 AM
Kind of lost interest in what I was doing... I'll share the idea after the reveal. Best of luck to everyone! looking forward to seeing your builds.

2023-05-06, 06:58 AM
There's about two weeks left to go, for anyone that's interested in competing.

2023-05-06, 07:01 AM
I got one build in, and currently trying out ideas for a second.

I know I came up with this idea in the first place but... the limited sources of mounts + limited strategies compatible with being mounted + limited sources of smites + low uses per day make it really hard to get a coherent build together. Very interested in seeing what everyone else came up with.

2023-05-06, 07:26 AM
I got one build in, and currently trying out ideas for a second.

I know I came up with this idea in the first place but... the limited sources of mounts + limited strategies compatible with being mounted + limited sources of smites + low uses per day make it really hard to get a coherent build together. Very interested in seeing what everyone else came up with.

I did run the poll and it was the second-most popular option at the time. So obviously other people were intrigued by the contest idea.

I've got a few ideas for the next Junkyard contest, which I'll sort out after judging is arranged. If someone volunteers to judge, I'll let them pick the contest idea if they're interested. If there isn't, I'll put up a poll once we start arranging voting on the entries.

2023-05-06, 04:15 PM
the limited sources of mounts + limited strategies compatible with being mounted + limited sources of smites
Yes, there are many limits, but... Let's say there are only 3 sources of mounts + only 3 strategies compatible with being mounted + only 3 sources of smites. We'll have 27 possible combinations. And there actually are more sources and strategies.

2023-05-06, 04:56 PM
I just had a hilarious idea for the competition. I'm probably in if I can assemble a build in time.

2023-05-06, 07:17 PM
I just had a hilarious idea for the competition. I'm probably in if I can assemble a build in time.

I'm happy to keep the comp open if someone has something they're working on.

2023-05-07, 05:49 AM
I appreciate the offer. I can probably finish it in two weeks, but I'll ask for an extension if I need one.

2023-05-07, 10:23 AM
I hope two weeks will be enough for me to write second entry fluff.

2023-05-07, 01:04 PM
I hope two weeks will be enough for me to write second entry fluff.
Same offer to you, loky

I'm happy to keep the comp open if someone has something they're working on.

2023-05-07, 02:07 PM
Thank you! I'll say if I'll need.

2023-05-09, 03:13 PM
Working on something.


2023-05-09, 03:32 PM
Question: snip.

I'd suggest against asking such build-specific question in the common thread, as it can easily lead to a loss of anonymity. I'd edit the comment, if I were you. You can always PM the chair with rules questions relating to your build!

2023-05-09, 05:04 PM
I'd suggest against asking such build-specific question in the common thread, as it can easily lead to a loss of anonymity. I'd edit the comment, if I were you. You can always PM the chair with rules questions relating to your build!

Unfortunately I can't answer questions relating to rule interpretations, that's the role of a potential judge. I can clarify rules relating to this competition ingredients though, such as to clarify what Smite is, if something counts as the Mounted Combat feat or so forth.

My generic suggestion - if you're not sure something works or not, assume it doesn't unless you have to.

2023-05-10, 03:31 AM
Unfortunately I can't answer questions relating to rule interpretations, that's the role of a potential judge. I can clarify rules relating to this competition ingredients though, such as to clarify what Smite is, if something counts as the Mounted Combat feat or so forth.

Oh, for sure. But sometimes a contestant will ask for a clarification that you can answer, and even when they don't - "it's up to the judge" is a fine answer for someone trying to figure out whether or not there's a ruling on the issue.

Above all, it's a good habit to make sure no one spoils their entry.

2023-05-14, 05:09 PM
Okay, there's about a week left for entries. If you feel like you can't make the deadline, please ask me here or PM me and I'll be happy to give an extension.

We're also looking for someone to volunteer as a judge. The person who volunteers to judge can help me come up with the next Junkyard comp idea, if that interests them.

2023-05-18, 12:53 AM
I have a build concept I'd like to get in, but I'm not sure I'll have the time before monday. Hoping for this weekend to get it up.

2023-05-18, 07:12 AM
I have a build concept I'd like to get in, but I'm not sure I'll have the time before monday. Hoping for this weekend to get it up.

Happy to hold off putting the entries up until you've got your entry in.

2023-05-22, 03:49 AM
Have had a poster anonymously ask for a 48 hour extension, which I've agreed to. I'm also waiting on Inevitability's submission.

If you're also working on a submission, please let me know by post or DM so I don't miss showcasing your submission.

2023-05-22, 07:17 AM
Working on the character, should have it done by Thursday if not sooner.

2023-05-24, 09:04 AM
Update: build done, just filling out tables at this point, should be done tomorrow as promised. Give it, like, 30ish hours.

2023-05-25, 01:23 PM
Ended up only having one that really excited me. The other was just checking off the boxes but wouldn't be a character that I'd actually play or want to build this way if I wasn't being restricted.

Mine is submitted (with an update... sorry)

2023-05-25, 04:39 PM
Okay, all the entries are in, I'll post in a few hours.

2023-05-25, 04:42 PM
Looking forward to seeing everyone's entries!

2023-05-25, 09:42 PM
Usha and Brank
Ranger (Arcane Hunter) (Predator aka Wild Shape Ranger) 6, Master of Many Forms 2, Stalker of Kharash 2, Lion of Talisid 10


Brank and I had made a good life for ourselves. We carved out a home for ourselves on the docks. We’d chase rats and squirrels and occasionally get the scraps from the big people, then settle into our layer and Brank would mount me. We’d let out our cries of joy each night. Then… we encountered Drosmos…

We should have seen it coming, but we both stumbled into traps that had been set for us. We were caged. Brank and I were taken to a shadowy pit where we were experimented upon. Magic… terrible magic… coursed through us. It hurt. It hurt so much. At least Brank was not far… but then… Brank was taken away. I was left in a cage. Alone.

Then… one day… I spotted a way out. (Alertness) There was a bend in the bars of my cage. I reached out and found my paw transforming into a hand. I had a hand! I was able to grab the bars of my cage and bend them just enough that the door popped open and I was free. Brank… he was gone. I fled, cursing those bastards who tortured us. (Tibbit, Ranger 1, Arcane Hunter) I was assumed to be a halfling… one of the big people, but smaller. I found that I understood the big people and so I found myself surrounded by adventurers. An orc in plate metal who worshiped some kind of force above, an elf who carried too many books around, and a hobgoblin who stuck to the shadows. Like all big people, they were annoying, but I could guide them. The hobgoblin found a map and guided us to a castle. The orc… he asked who I prayed too and I told him that I respected the Big Cat. He advised that we prayed before laying siege to the damned castle and I found I heard whispers that bolstered my resolve (Favored of the Companions, Endurance).

We attacked the castle. There, we found Brank. He was in a cage that was too big for us when we were brought in but he could barely fit. He was too big. As big as I was when I wore the little big folk’s skin. The hobgoblin waved his hands and the locks fell apart.

Brank… my mate. I love him. I thought I’d never see him again, but there he was: strange and twisted, but still my Brank. Meow.

We snuck through the castle, where we witnessed that bastard Drosmos gathering so many creatures… poor wretched souls… and sacrificed them. My poor Brank could have been one of them. I could have been one of them. Instead we were spared so that we might see this terrible moment. Drosmos stole the life of his captives. He drew upon their strength and turned into a terrible thing. A thing I would later know as a Lich. I privately cursed those terrible things. (Favored Enemy: Undead)

We escaped and however hurt we were by our encounter with Drosmos, I was reunited with Brank. Meow. Freed of such terrible conditions, we both felt like our bodies were in flux. We each started to warp until the great cat, Talisid himself, appeared before us. A lion of celestial might. We bowed before such a majestic predator and he bid us to rise. Brank and I took the great lion’s blessing and rode off, each trading place as rider and mount depending on who was tired, as we stalked the damned lich called Drosmos.

Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save "Brank
Animal Companion (Druid ECL)" Feats Class Features
1st Ranger (Arcane Hunter, Predator) 1 2 2 0 - Alertness (1st Level), Track (Ranger Bonus Feat) Favored Enemy +2 (Arcanists), Wild Empathy
2nd Ranger (Arcane Hunter, Predator) 2 3 3 0 -
3rd Ranger (Arcane Hunter, Predator) 3 3 3 1 - Favored of the Companions, Endurance
4th Ranger (Arcane Hunter, Predator) 4 4 4 1 Serval (ECL 2) Animal Companion
5th Ranger (Arcane Hunter, Predator) 5 4 4 1 Serval (ECL 2) Favored Enemy +2 (Undead), Favored Enemy +4 (Arcanists), Wild Shape (Small and Medium Animals) (1/day)
6th Ranger (Arcane Hunter, Predator) 6/1 5 5 2 Serval (ECL 3) Mounted Combat Wild Shape (Small and Medium Animals) (2/day)
7th Master of Many Forms 6/1 7 7 2 Serval (ECL 3) Shifter's speech, Improved wild shape (humanoid) (3/day)
8th Master of Many Forms 7/2 8 8 2 Serval (ECL 3) Improved wild shape (giant; Large) (4/day)
9th Stalker of Kharash 8/3 8 10 2 Serval (ECL 3) Exalted Wild Shape Scent of Evil
10th Stalker of Kharash 9/4 8 11 2 Serval (ECL 3) Favored Enemy +1 (Evil)
11th Lion of Talisid 9/4 10 11 4 Leopard (ECL 4-3) Animal companion, Lion's courage
12th Lion of Talisid 10/5 11 11 5 Tiger (ECL 5-6+3) Natural Bond Scent
13th Lion of Talisid 11/6/1 11 12 5 Tiger (ECL 6-6+3) Wild shape (5/day)
14th Lion of Talisid 12/7/2 12 12 6 Celestial Tiger (ECL 7-6+3=4) Exalted Companion (Lion of Talisid Bonus Feat) Wild shape (5/day...still)
15th Lion of Talisid 12/7/2 12 12 6 Celestial Tiger (ECL 8-6+3=5) Extra Smiting Lion's pounce, Wild shape (5/day...again)
16th Lion of Talisid 13/8/3 13 13 7 Celestial Tiger (ECL 9-6+3=6) Wild shape (6/day)
17th Lion of Talisid 14/9/4 13 13 7 Celestial Tiger (ECL 10-6+3=7) Lion's swiftness
18th Lion of Talisid 15/10/5 14 13 8 Celestial Tiger (ECL 11-6+3=8) Nemesis (Favored Enemy: Evil) Wild shape (6/day...still)
19th Lion of Talisid 15/10/5 14 14 9 Celestial Tiger (ECL 12-6+3=9) Wild shape (Tiny...yay!)
20th Lion of Talisid 16/11/6 15 14 10 Celestial Tiger (ECL 13-6+3=10) Leonal's roar

Level Totals 1 (32) 2 (8) 3 (8) 4 (8) 5 (8) 6 (8) 7 (6) 8 (6) 9 (8) 10 (8) 11 (6) 12 (6) 13 (6) 14 (6) 15 (6) 16 (6) 17 (6) 18 (6) 19 (6) 20 (6)
Knowledge (Arcane) 3 1 (Cross Class) 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hide 17 4 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
Move Silently 19 4 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0
Knowledge (Nature) 18 4 0 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0
Survival 12 4 0 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Handle Animal 18 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0
Ride 16 4 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0
Hide 16 4 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 6 0 0 0 0 0
Spot 10 2 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Concentration 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Diplomacy 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Listen 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


1 - Alertness

1 - Track (Ranger Bonus Feat)

3 - Favored of the Companions
Once per day, while performing an act of good, you may call upon your guardinal patron to gain a +1 luck bonus on any one roll or check.

3 - Endurance (Ranger Bonus Feat)

6 - Mounted Combat

9 - Exalted Wild Shape

12 - Natural Bond

14 - Exalted Companion (Lion of Talisid Bonus Feat)

15 - Extra Smiting

18 - Nemesis (Favored Enemy: Evil)

Abilities Initial Race / Template 4th 8th 12th 16th 20th
STR 12 -2
DEX 12 2
CON 14 1 1 1
INT 14
WIS 16 1 1
CHA 10

Level \ Abilities STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
1st 10 14 14 14 16 10
2nd 10 14 14 14 16 10
3rd 10 14 14 14 16 10
4th 10 14 15 14 16 10
5th 10 14 15 14 16 10
6th 10 14 15 14 16 10
7th 10 14 15 14 16 10
8th 10 14 16 14 16 10
9th 10 14 16 14 16 10
10th 10 14 16 14 16 10
11th 10 14 16 14 16 10
12th 10 14 16 14 17 10
13th 10 14 16 14 17 10
14th 10 14 16 14 17 10
15th 10 14 16 14 17 10
16th 10 14 16 14 18 10
17th 10 14 16 14 18 10
18th 10 14 16 14 18 10
19th 10 14 16 14 18 10
20th 10 14 17 14 18 10

As for equipment, we like things that Druids like, so any of the clasps or other gear that allow for items to work in wild shape would be nice! At low levels, Usha is probably best off using a bow, but once she gets to level 5 she'll want more melee focused equipment. At Master of Many Forms 1, she can turn into a humanoid and then don equipment if need be if the group finds particularly good options. Brank is going to appreciate any kind of barding or animal focused items.

This is a feline focused wild shape/animal companion build and Usha has a cat form as part of her base nature. However, she'll be able to become humanoids and large size creatures so she can change it whatever the situation calls for. She's eventually going to become a celestial version of these beasts, allowing for smiting power on top of feline pounces.

Likewise, I'm playing Brank as a cat that is constantly mutating on his path to becoming a large celestial cat himself.
Serval (https://srd.dndtools.org/srd/monsters/monsters/animalsvermin/animalsSand.html)
Leopard (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/leopard.htm)
Tiger (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/tiger.htm)


Level \ Abilities STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
1st 10 14 14 14 16 10
5th 10 14 15 14 16 10
10th 10 14 16 14 16 10
15th 10 14 16 14 17 10
20th 10 14 17 14 18 10

At level 5, we are finally starting to see the 2 core elements of the duos gameplay: wild shape and the animal companion. The first 3 levels would probably be a mix of stealth via the Tibbit alternate form of disguising itself as a cat and probably archery with a short bow to make use of Usha's decent dex score. However, once Brank joins Usha as a combat option and wild shape comes online, the team becomes a dual pouncer damage build.

At level 10, Usha is now able to turn into a variety of options and Brank is just shy of turning into a true big cat. Everything that is a core element of the build is well developed (having come online at level 5) but the back 10 will really lean into the celestial power of both Usha and Brank.

Christ, at level 15 we are fully in the thick of it. Extra smiting combines with a healthy amount of wild shapes to give a ton of smites per day (assuming extra smite applies to each celestial form. see design notes) and the two are a fun team to RP as. Usha will ride Brank as a cat and use mounted combat to protect her mate, and then take over acting as a mount as a larger cat.

At 20th level we see most of the potential of this build. Nemesis makes Favored Enemy (Evil) super powerful! Otherwise we have that tasty Ranger spell list fully hitting its stride and a powerful Celestial Tiger with Pounce to Smite at the start of combat.

Level "Brank
Animal Companion (Druid ECL)" Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Bonus HD Feat
1st - - - - -
2nd - - - - -
3rd - - - - -
4th Serval (ECL 2) 4 4 4 1 - Weapon Finesse
5th Serval (ECL 2) 5 4 4 1 - Weapon Finesse
6th Serval (ECL 3) 6/1 5 5 2 +2 Weapon Finesse, Improved Natural Attack (Claws)
7th Serval (ECL 3) 6/1 7 7 2 +2 Weapon Finesse, Improved Natural Attack (Claws)
8th Serval (ECL 3) 7/2 8 8 2 +2 Weapon Finesse, Improved Natural Attack (Claws)
9th Serval (ECL 3) 8/3 8 10 2 +2 Weapon Finesse, Improved Natural Attack (Claws)
10th Serval (ECL 3) 9/4 8 11 2 +2 Weapon Finesse, Improved Natural Attack (Claws)
11th Leopard (ECL 4-3=1) 9/4 10 11 4 +0 Alertness, Weapon Finesse
12th Tiger (ECL 5-6+3=2) 10/5 11 11 5 +0 Alertness, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (claw)
13th Tiger (ECL 6-6+3=3) 11/6/1 11 12 5 +2 Alertness, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (claw)
14th Celestial Tiger (ECL 7-6+3=4) 12/7/2 12 12 6 +2 Alertness, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (claw)
15th Celestial Tiger (ECL 8-6+3=5) 12/7/2 12 12 6 +2 Alertness, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (claw)
16th Celestial Tiger (ECL 9-6+3=6) 13/8/3 13 13 7 +4 Alertness, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (claw), Extra Smiting
17th Celestial Tiger (ECL 10-6+3=7) 14/9/4 13 13 7 +4 Alertness, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (claw), Extra Smiting
18th Celestial Tiger (ECL 11-6+3=8) 15/10/5 14 13 8 +4 Alertness, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (claw), Extra Smiting
19th Celestial Tiger (ECL 12-6+3=9) 15/10/5 14 14 9 +6 Alertness, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (claw), Extra Smiting, Touch of Golden Ice
20th Celestial Tiger (ECL 13-6+3=10) 16/11/6 15 14 10 +6 Alertness, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (claw), Extra Smiting, Touch of Golden Ice

Goddamn does this build hurt for feats! While the feats to enter all of the prestige classes themselves are easily attained, since half of them come from the base Ranger class, there are a lot of normally table stakes entries that this build doesn't have space for. I did take a minute to do the build as a Vow of Poverty character, but hilariously, I started to run out of Exalted Feat that I actually wanted or got bottlenecked by prerequisites that I had a hard time fitting in (like Power Attack), but I’m assuming we’d all rather not have quite so much dairy in a build that’s already leaning on the rule of cool.
On that note! Playing the PC and the Animal Companion as a couple is super fun! From an RP perspective, these two can have a really meaningful relationship and the fluff of them being magical experiments on two ordinary cats means they can fit in most settings. The idea of two cats taking turns riding each other into battle (since one can choose their own size and act as the mount when they want to) makes for a really dynamic duo. Worshiping the lord of Lions (or Lionels) gave me an Aslan vibe so I could see this appealing to Narnia fans.
Now here’s my big question on if this works: Wildshaping into an Exalted form gives you a weak version of Smite Evil. As far as I can tell, Druids can take feats like Improved Natural Attack that only apply to their wild shape. So is it legal that each wildshape you take gets the benefit of Extra Smiting? A more liberal reading means that this PC can Smite WAY more than a Paladin (even if it’s an inferior version) by using up to three each combat and then using another use of wild shape between combats to refresh that pool. Considering that the 3.5 version of Smite Evil is very bad and the PC could just as easily take Improved Favored Enemy (something I desperately wish I could have fit in), I would allow this as a DM without question but I am not positive this works by RAW.
Build-wise, we get that 4th iterative at higher levels, though being reliant on wild shape means we won’t get that much benefit normally. Although Usha can turn into humanoid with her wild shape starting at 7th level and could in theory be wielding a weapon. Her weak Will save at lower levels I think reflects her feline tendencies to chase laser pointers and find boxes to sit in. HP shouldn’t be a big problem with a decent starting Con and all the shapeshifting and magic to stretch that out.
As for Brank, while there are beefier beasts, a celestial tiger with extra smiting makes for a pretty solid smiter. The fact that the companion sometimes is riding the PC and vice versa is dope because it’s so interesting to visualize!
I really wanted to avoid just playing a Druid however and the delays from Ranger spellcasting and Animal Companion progression do sting here. Lion of Talisid requires 8th level Ranger spellcasting and that means we are taking some time before we get into the class that ties everything together.

Tibbit - Dragon Compendium

Ranger - Player’s Handbook

Alternate Class Features:
Arcane Hunter - Complete Mage
Takes “Arcanist” as favored enemy at level 1.
Predator Ranger (aka Wildshape Ranger) - Unearthed Arcana
Gains Fast Movement as a Barbarian at level 1.
Gains Wild Shape (Small and Medium animals) as a Druid at level 5.

Prestige Classes:
Master of Many Forms - Complete Adventurer
Stalker of Kharash - Book of Exalted Deeds
Lion of Talisid - Book of Exalted Deeds

Alertness - Player’s Handbook
Track - Player’s Handbook
Favored of the Companions - Book of Exalted Deeds
Endurance - Player’s Handbook
Mounted Combat - Player’s Handbook
Exalted Wild Shape - Book of Exalted Deeds
Natural Bond - Complete Adventurer
Exalted Companion - Book of Exalted Deeds
Extra Smiting - Complete Warrior
Nemesis - Book of Exalted Deeds
Touch of Golden Ice - Book of Exalted Deeds

Animal Companion Choices:
Serval - Sandstorm
Leopard - Monster Manual
Tiger - Monster Manual
Celestial Template - SRD?

2023-05-25, 09:43 PM
Jerin Riversblood-LG River Spirit Champion Cleric of Tem-Et-Nu 3/Totemist 2/Sapphire Hierarch 4/Sacred Exorcist 1/Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 10

Point Buy:
Str 14
Dex 10
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 12
Increases from levels go into wisdom

Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
1st Champion Cleric 1 0 2 0 2 Knowledge (arcana) 4 (+4), Knowledge (religion) 4 (+4), Knowledge (the planes) 4 (+4) Mounted Combat Smite Evil 1/day
2nd Champion Cleric 2 1 3 0 3 Diplomacy 2 (+2), Knowledge (the planes) 5 (+1)
3rd Champion Cleric 3 2 3 1 3 Diplomacy 4 (+2), Knowledge (the planes) 6 (+1) Sapphire Smite
4th Totemist 1 2 5 3 3 Swim 4 (+4), Handle Animal 1 (+1) Meldshaping, Wild Empathy
5th Totemist 2 3 6 4 3 Handle Animal 6 (+5) Totem chakra bind (+1 capacity)
6th Saphire Hierarch 1 3 6 4 5 Diplomacy 7 (+3) Law Devotion Consultation 3/level, Smite chaos 1/day
7th Saphire Hierarch 2 4 6 4 6 Diplomacy 8 (+1), Knowledge (the planes) 8 (+2) Favored of the Eidolon
8th Saphire Hierarch 3 4 7 5 6 Knowledge (the planes) 10 (+2), Knowledge (religion) 5 (+1) DR 1/adamantine
9th Saphire Hierarch 4 5 7 5 7 Knowledge (religion) 8 (+3) Blessed of Tem-Et-Nu Smite chaos 2/day
10th Sacred Exorcist 1 5 7 5 9 Knowledge (religion) 10 (+2), Knowledge (arcana) 5 (+1) Turn undead, exorcism
11th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 1 6 9 5 11 Diplomacy 10 (+3) Buoyancy, River Mastery
12th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 2 7 10 5 12 Diplomacy 13 (+3) Ride By Attack River's vigor 1/day
13th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 3 8 10 6 12 Diplomacy 16 (+3) River walk, the river's life is mine
14th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 4 9 11 6 13 Knowledge (religion) 13 (+3) Smite evil 2/day
15th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 5 10 11 6 13 Knowledge (religion) 16 (+3) Spirited Charge Divine power 1/day
16th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 6 11 12 7 14 Knowledge (religion) 19 (+3) Control water, River's vigor 1/day
17th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 7 12 12 7 14 Diplomacy 19 (+3) Restoring Immersion
18th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 8 13 13 7 15 Diplomacy 21 (+2), Knowledge (religion) 20 (+1) Martial Weapon Proficency Lance Smite evil 3/day
19th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 9 14 13 8 15 Diplomacy 22 (+1), Knowledge (religion) 22 (+2) Divert river
20th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 10 15 14 8 16 Diplomacy 23 (+1), Knowledge (religion) 23, (+1), Swim 5 (+1) Divine power 2/day
Jerin Riversblood grew up in a river flowing through the middle of a barren desert. His whole family were devout worshippers of Tem-Et-Nu, so it was natural for Jerin to become a cleric. He was a quick learner, but in his heart he would rather be out in the wild, fighting the enemies of Tem-Et-Nu. After becoming a moderately successful cleric, he left the temple to live among the animals of the river. It was there Jerin discovered his bond to the souls of animals, particularly that of the mighty hippopotamus. On his own, he began to develop magical talents that helped him befriend the creatures of the river.

Level 1-5 tactics: For the first few levels, Jerin is a normal cleric who prefers to fight mounted on bought horses if he can. His domains, Law and Knowledge, give him both solid buffs and help being the party diviner. He casts divine favor and bless a lot before combat and once in he fights with a mace. Once he gets his totemist levels, he becomes very good at talking to animals. He prefers to have Beast Tamer Circlet, Unicorn Horn, and Riding Bracers bound.

After a few years of Jerin’s solitude, he ran across a group of Sapphire Hierarchs returning to their group’s temple in the distant mountains. He fell in with them, intrigued by their philosophy and studies of both divine and totem magic. At the temple however, he started to miss the river. Repeatedly, he petitioned the Sapphire Eidolon for information about hippopotami. After a dozen requests, he was thrown out of the order and left to wander the deserts. He tried to make his way back to the river, but got lost in the desert. As he wandered in circles, slowly succumbing to thirst, he ran across a hippopotamus. In his thirst, he couldn’t calm the hippo’s rage, and the two fought. Jerin was the stronger, and as he defeated the beast he felt his thirst leave him. Tem-Et-Nu had blessed him and filled him with new strength.

Level 6-10 tactics: Jerin tries to keep a group of pets with him with his Wild Empathy and soulmelds. He uses his cleric magic to heal and buff them. The biggest animal in his pack, he rides, occasionally joining battle on horseback with a mace and smites. Generally, he uses Law Devotion in the biggest battle of the day. He’s at his best near water since he can swim easily despite the fairly heavy armor he wears.

Jerin journeyed back to the river with his new pet hippopotamus, where he rejoined the order. The priests of the temple saw his story as proof he was chosen by Tem-Et-Nu herself and he was trained as a river warden. Jerin made a name for himself protecting the river, and soon bandits learned to fear the roar of a hippopotamus.

Level 11-15 tactics:
Jerin is a gish cleric. With hippopotamus rebuking from Blessed of Tem-Et-Nu and Wild Empathy boosters from totemist, he can befriend any river creatures he comes across. He uses his actual turn undead attempts to fuel Law Devotion, and at this level he starts to use his essentia to power Sapphire Smite. He uses the standard set of cleric buffs on himself, Divine Favor, Divine Power, and various Magic Circles, along with Prayer. His casting is fairly behind, but his Tem-Et-Nu abilities and Essentia make up for it outside of combat.

As his career as a river warden grew, Jerin faced his most deadly enemy: The Snakemaster, a cleric of Set who rode massive snakes into battle. Time and again, Jerin and his roving band of hippos drove back the vipers, and finally Jerin forced the Snakemaster into battle. The massive snakes conjured by the fell priest took a dire toll among Jerin’s hippos, but eventually Jerin and his last few hippos came face to face with the Snakemaster. Jerin then pulled water from the nearby river around him to drown the few remaining snakes and prevent the Snakemaster’s escape. Finally, he charged atop a hippo and with his deadly lance smote the heathen. The Snakemaster was forever destroyed and the years that followed brought peace to the river, under the watching eye of hippopotamuses.

Level 16-20 tactics:
Jerin’s mounted charging is at the best here. Smiting with a lance and full buffs against a chaotic evil foe deals 3x(1d10+6+13+4+4+4+probably more from the enchantments). Jerin uses his higher level spells to heal and help out of combat. Control Weather is a favorite, since it can bring rain to Jerin’s dry home, using Soul Boon to get extra essentia, and using the Planar Ally line to summon Celestial Hippos is a very Jerin thing to do. In general, he tries to begin fights from the water, which he can bring to his foes with control water, and then does a charge from hippo-back. A slight change in Jerin’s power level comes from how Sapphire Smite works. He has two sources of smite, from Cleric/Tem-Et-Nu and from Sapphire Hierarch. If it works on both, he gets more smites per day and his damage numbers are a little higher than shown above.

Level Class Soulmelds Essentia Chakra Binds Cleric 0th Cleric 3rd Cleric 2nd Cleric 3rd Cleric 4th Cleric 5th Cleric 6th Cleric 7th
1st Champion Cleric 1 3 2+1
2nd Champion Cleric 2 4 3+1
3rd Champion Cleric 3 4 3+1 2+1
4th Totemist 1 2 1 0 4 3+1 2+1
5th Totemist 2 3 2 1 4 3+1 2+1
6th Saphire Hierarch 1 3 2 1 5 4+1 3+1
7th Saphire Hierarch 2 4 3 1 5 4+1 3+1 2+1
8th Saphire Hierarch 3 4 3 1 5 4+1 4+1 3+1
9th Saphire Hierarch 4 4 4 2 6 5+1 4+1 3+1 2+1
10th Sacred Exorcist 1 4 4 2 6 5+1 4+1 4+1 4+1
11th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 1 4 4 2 6 5+1 4+1 4+1 4+1
12th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 2 4 4 2 6 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 1+1
13th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 3 4 4 2 6 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 1+1
14th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 4 4 4 2 6 6+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 2+1
15th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 5 4 4 2 6 6+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 2+1
16th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 6 4 4 2 6 7+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 3+1 1+1
17th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 7 4 4 2 6 7+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 3+1 1+1
18th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 8 4 4 2 6 7+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 2+1
19th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 9 4 4 2 6 7+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 2+1
20th Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 10 4 4 2 6 7+1 6+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 2+1 1+1
It takes a while for Jerin to come together, but once he gets his hippo powers and source of smites his main offense becomes charging from Hippo-back and landing at least one, if not two, smites on his foe. The result is a build that feels like a paladin that really likes hippos for some reason, but one that isn’t actually a paladin.

PHB: Cleric, skills, feats and spells not mentioned elsewhere
Magic of Incarnum: Totemist, Sapphire Hierarch, Sapphire Smite, Soul Boon
Sandstorm: Blessed of Tem-Et-Nu, Scion of Tem-Et-Nu
CD: Sacred Exorcist
Unearthed Arcana: Champion Cleric Variant

2023-05-25, 09:44 PM
Ashetaka LG Killoren Ranger 4/Hit and Run Fighter 2/Sohei 2/Iaijutsu Master 5/Binder 5/Hit and Run Fighter +2
Str 13
Dex 15
Con 10
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 16
First stat increase goes to dex, the rest go to Charisma.

Raised in an isolated tribe, A****aka was a fierce warrior and hunter, who fought with bow and sword from the back of his loyal red elk Yakul. His people were isolated from the humans of the world around, and kept it that way. They wanted nothing to do with the outside world. Unfortunately, for A****aka, the outside world came to him. In A****aka’s twentieth year, a great demon burned its way through the forest near A****aka’s village. A****aka tried to bargain with it, but as it charged the village he was forced to fight it. He avoided its corrupting touch to fight it with arrows, but as he delivered the fatal blow, its tentacles wrapped around his arm. A****aka was cursed with the demon’s powers, making his arrows shatter objects and giving him unholy strength. He was forced to leave the village and go out into the world to seek a cure for his curse.

This should be obvious to anyone who’s watched the movie, but this build is heavily based off of Ashetaka from the movie Princess Mononoke. Originally, it wasn’t going to be a tribute build, but it became one later for various reasons. My first idea was to make a mounted combat build that didn’t rely on charging, and so I found Iaijutsu Focus as another source of high damage output. Spring attack on a mount seemed interesting in combination, so I went with that. I also like mounted archers, so I decided to splice the builds together. Then, Ashetaka’s influence started to creep in. I saw Elk as a potential ranger animal companion, and it actually seemed reasonably powerful, so Yakul was born. Also, Binders are generally possessed by demons, which fits Ashieaka’s demon arm. Another trick this build can do that is somewhat based off of Ashetaka is breaking things with arrows that really shouldn’t be broken. I achieve this through Iaijutsu Focus on my arrows. Most of you are probably thinking that it shouldn’t apply to ranged weapon attacks, and indeed the normal usage of the skill doesn’t. However, you can use Iaijutsu Focus to gain extra damage against objects. The description also mentions that “This is the technique martial artists use to shatter objects.” This makes me think you don’t have to draw a weapon before using it on inanimate objects and that it should thus technically work on arrows. This ruling is certainly pretty iffy, RAW, but I think it probably works. Also, fans of Princess Mononoke probably wonder why I went Kiloren instead of Human, and that was basically for the smites, which fit the round theme much better, even if it weakened the concept. Final note, I know his name isn't spell Ashetaka, but the proper spelling kept getting bleeped out.
Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
1st Ranger 1 1 2 2 2 0 Ride 4 (+4), Survival 4 (+4), Hide 4 (+4), Move Silently 4 (+4), Knowledge Nature 4 (+4), Spot 4 (+4), Listen 4 (+4), Iaijutsu Focus 1 (+1), Knowledge Religion 1 (+1) Point Blank Shot, Track (B) Favored Enemy (Aberrations) +2
2nd Ranger 2 2 3 3 0 Ride 5 (+1), Survival 5 (+1), Hide 5 (+1), Move Silently 5 (+1), Spot 5 (+1), Listen 5 (+1), Knowledge Nature 5 (+1), Search 1 (+1) Rapid Shot (B) Combat Style Archery,
3rd Ranger 3 3 3 3 1 Ride 6 (+1), Survival 6 (+1), Hide 6 (+1), Move Silently 6 (+1), Spot 6 (+1), Listen 6 (+1), Knowledge Nature 6 (+1), Swim 1 (+1) Improved Initiative, Endurance (B) Endurance
4th Champion of the Wild Fangshields Ranger 4 4 4 4 1 Ride 7 (+1), Survival 7 (+1), Hide 7 (+1), Move Silently 7 (+1), Spot 7 (+1), Listen 7 (+1), Knowledge Nature 7 (+1), Climb 1 (+1) Precise Shot (B) Champion of the Wild bonus feat,
5th Hit and Run Fighter 1 5 6 4 1 Intimidate 4 (+4) Ranged Pin (B) Bonus feat
6th Hit and Run Fighter 2 6 7 4 1 Intimidate 8 (+4) Quick Draw, Ranged Sunder (B) Bonus feat
7th Sohei 1 6 9 4 3 Iaijutsu Focus 5 (+4) Weapon Focus (Katana) (B) Ki Frenzy 1/day
8th Sohei 2 7 10 4 4 Iaijutsu Focus 9 (+4) Deflect Arrows (B)
9th Iaijutsu Master 1 8 10 6 4 Iaijutsu Focus 12 (+3), Diplomacy 3 (+3) Mounted Combat Weapon Finesse, Canny Defense
10th Iaijutsu Master 2 9 10 7 4 Iaijutsu Focus 13 (+1), Diplomacy 8 (+5) Lightning Blade
11th Iaijutsu Master 3 10 11 7 5 Iaijutsu Focus 14 (+1), Diplomacy 13 (+5) Skill Focus Iaijutsu Focus (B)
12th Iaijutsu Master 4 11 11 8 5 Iaijutsu Focus 15 (+1), Diplomacy 15 (+2), Ride 10 (+3) Mounted Archery Bonus feat
13th Iaijutsu Master 5 12 11 8 5 Iaijutsu Focus 16 (+1), Diplomacy 16 (+1), Ride 14 (+4) Strike from the Void
14th Binder 1 12 13 8 7 Iaijutsu Focus 17 (+1), Diplomacy 17 (+1), Knowledge Dungeoneering 1/2 (+1/2) Soul Binding
15th Binder 2 13 14 8 8 Iaijutsu Focus 18 (+1), Diplomacy 18 (+1), Knowledge Arcana 1/2 (+1/2) Natural Bond Pact Augmentation, Surpress Sign
16th Binder 3 14 14 9 8 Iaijutsu Focus 19 (+1), Diplomacy 19 (+1), Knowledge Religion 1 (+1)
17th Binder 4 15 15 9 9 Iaijutsu Focus 20 (+1), Diplomacy 20 (+1), Knowledge The Planes 1 (+1) Improved Binding (B) Bonus feat
18th Binder 5 15 15 9 9 Iaijutsu Focus 21 (+1), Diplomacy 21 (+1), Knowledge Local 1/2 (+1/2) Knowledge Devotion Pact Augmentationx2
19th Hit and Run Fighter 3 16 15 10 10 Iaijutsu Focus 22 (+1), Ride 17 (+3)
20th Hit and Run Fighter 4 17 16 10 10 Iaijutsu Focus 23 (+1), Ride 20 (+3) Charming the Arrow (B) Bonus feat

Level 1-5
A****aka here is a very conventional archery ranger. He fights with his bow and can scout or track outside of combat. At 4th level he takes Champion of the Wild and Fangshields ranger, since his type is fey rather than humanoid, to give him a short term power boost and power up Yakul. If he has to fight in melee, he does it with Iaijutsu Focus and a Katana wielded in two hands. He’s almost always in the aspect of the destroyer, for the extra 1/hour smite.

Levels 6-10
A****aka spends a while working on the pre-reqs for Iaijutsu master while keeping up his archery skills. He also uses intimidate, from his fighter levels, to do Duels of Wills, from ToB. As he gets levels in Iaijutsu master, he begins to use his katana more if opponents get close. He also picks up ranged sunder, which isn’t terribly useful so far, but can be fun. His initiative is also in the +9-10 range here, and it’ll only go up further.

Levels 11-15:
Once A****aka gets Strike from the Void his melee damage skyrockets. Now he prefers to begin battle with a charge on Yakul to get a big Iaijutsu attack that should hit quite hard. With a +4 cha item, not too egregious for this level, he gets on average 5.5d6+30-36 damage on top of his regular damage and a Kiloren smite if possible. Once he gets natural bond, Yakul gets spring attack allowing him to move in, him and A****aka to attack, and the pair to spring back out to bow range for the rest of the fight. Binder levels at this point aren’t great, but Pact Augmentation does give an entertaining plus 2 to initiative, getting us in the +15 range. Once he gets binding, he starts out as bound to Leraje until he gets Andras

Levels 16-20
A****aka masters his binder abilities here, preferring to remain bound to Andras. The once per five rounds smite attack is great for his first Iai-strike, particularly when it is combined with the Killoren smite. His optimal combat strategy is Yakul spring attack in the first round, and then fire bizarrely powerful sundering arrows at anything he can sunder (see the concept and notes section on this weird trick). His arrow damage isn’t great, but with Charming the Arrow and Knowledge devotion, he rarely misses. WIth Hit and Run and Pact Augmentation, and basic magic items, he’s hitting over +20 to initiative, all but ensuring that all important Iai Strike. If you’re feeling too weak with this build, you can replace the one katana hit with several spear throws, which count as melee weapons and thus work with Iaijutsu focus, allowing a ~200 damage opening round.

Yakul stat block
Original: AC 15 HD 5 HP 27 Fort +5/Ref+5/Will+1
Speed 50ft
Attack- 2 hooves +5 1d4 +2
Feats- Dodge, Mobility

Post Natural Bond: AC 18 HD 7 HP 38 Fort +5/Ref +7/Will +2
Speed 50ft
Attack- 2 hooves +8 1d4+3
Feats- Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack

Ranger, Fighter, skills and feats not mentioned elsewhere- PHB
Binder, vestiges, Improved Binding- Tome of Magic
Hit and Run fighter-Drow of the Underdark
Sohei, Iaijutsu Focus, Iaijutsu Master-Oriental Adventures
Elk-Forgotten Realms Campaign setting
Charming the Arrow- Web
Kiloren- Races of the Wild
Champion of the Wild Ranger, Knowledge Devotion-Complete Champion

2023-05-25, 09:46 PM
Little preamble. Reading this round’s limitations I found one interesting entry's concept. But! Also I found two separate mutually exclusive ways to implement it. Well, it's ok. I have two ideas for entries, more is better right? Not exactly. I was worried about my Originality score. Yes, my entries are very different, but the initial concept is clearly the same and I see how some judges could cut points for that. So both my entries will be here in a single (I hope I have enough symbols) post.

I will Smite you with my Anathemic Carapace in the name of Gond!

https://azure.wgp-cdn.co.uk/app-table-top-gaming/posts/EN_GAMEINFO_STORY_PW_Carousel_D_JaceTheMindSculpto r_140317-29158.jpg
Jason Chan (https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/jason-chan/)

Jace was an orphan. He was an infant when his mother brought him into the Temple of Gond Wondermaker in Cormyr. She said he is the son of Gond himself. Maybe she was insane or deceived, maybe her words were true - Gond didn't answer clearly when priests asked him.
Priests decide to raise a child as if he is really special, just in case. Carers tried to instill in him love for smithing, but Jace didn't have passion for forge, his passion turned out to be sculpting. Well, all crafts are pleasing to Gond, sculpting isn't exception and Jace's carers were happy.
But sculpting wasn't the only Jace's talent. He was a grown man when he found out he really is special. No, it wasn't about his Gond-paternity. He opened his other talent - Invisible Art, also known as mind magic or psionics. His gift was very specific with a close connection with his faith and his sculpting. He became the Divine Mind of Gond!

NN Human Ectopic Ally Hidden Talent Divine Mind 17/Ectopic Adept 3
Abilities Initial Middle age ASI Total
STR 9 -1 8
DEX 9 -1 8
CON 15 -1 14
INT 13 1 14
WIS 18 1 5 24
CHA 9 1 10

Level Class BAB Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
1st Ectopic Ally Hidden Talent Divine Mind 1 0 2 0 2 20: {+3} Autohypnosis: 3; {+4} Concentration: 4; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 1; {+4 CC} Handle Animal: 2; {+4} Psicraft: 4; {+4} Ride: 4; Psicrystal Affinity (1), Hidden Talent (astral construct) (B), Ectopic Form (Emerald Gyre) (B), Boost Construct (H) Ectopic ally, hidden talent, mantle (1st - Creation )
2nd Divine Mind 2 1 3 0 3 5: Autohypnosis: 3; {+1} Concentration: 5; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 2; {+1 CC} Handle Animal: 2.5; {+1} Psicraft: 5; {+1} Ride: 5;
3rd Divine Mind 3 2 3 1 3 5: Autohypnosis: 3; {+1} Concentration: 6; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 3; {+1 CC} Handle Animal: 3; {+1} Psicraft: 6; {+1} Ride: 6; Skill Focus (Craft [sculpting]) (3) Psychic aura 5 ft.
4th Divine Mind 4 3 4 1 4 5: Autohypnosis: 3; {+1} Concentration: 7; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 4; {+1 CC} Handle Animal: 3.5; {+1} Psicraft: 7; {+1} Ride: 7; Divine grace
5th Divine Mind 5 3 4 1 4 5: Autohypnosis: 3; {+1} Concentration: 8; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 5; {+1 CC} Handle Animal: 4; {+1} Psicraft: 8; {+1} Ride: 8; Psychic aura 10 ft.
6th Ectopic Adept 1 3 4 1 6 5: Autohypnosis: 3; Concentration: 8; Craft (sculpting): 5; {+1 CC} Handle Animal: 4.5; Psicraft: 8; Ride: 8; {+4} Use Psionic Device: 4; Serenity (6) Resilient construct
7th Ectopic Adept 2 4 4 1 7 5: Autohypnosis: 3; Concentration: 8; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 6; {+1 CC} Handle Animal: 5; Psicraft: 8; Ride: 8; {+3} Use Psionic Device: 7; Ectopic Form (Anathemic Carapace) (B) Ectopic Form (any)
8th Ectopic Adept 3 4 5 2 7 5: Autohypnosis: 3; {+1} Concentration: 9; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 7; Handle Animal: 5; Psicraft: 8; Ride: 8; {+3} Use Psionic Device: 10; Rapid creation
9th Divine Mind 6 5 6 3 8 5: {+1} Autohypnosis: 4; {+1} Concentration: 10; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 8; Handle Animal: 5; Psicraft: 8; {+2} Ride: 10; Use Psionic Device: 10; Practiced Manifester (9) Mantle (2nd - Knowledge)
10th Divine Mind 7 6 6 3 8 5: {+1} Autohypnosis: 5; {+1} Concentration: 11; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 9; Handle Animal: 5; Psicraft: 8; {+2} Ride: 12; Use Psionic Device: 10; Psychic aura 15 ft.
11th Divine Mind 8 7 7 3 9 5: {+1} Autohypnosis: 6; {+1} Concentration: 12; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 10; Handle Animal: 5; Psicraft: 8; {+2} Ride: 14; Use Psionic Device: 10; Change aura (standard action)
12th Divine Mind 9 7 7 4 9 5: {+2} Autohypnosis: 8; {+1} Concentration: 13; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 11; Handle Animal: 5; Psicraft: 8; {+1} Ride: 15; Use Psionic Device: 10; Craft Universal Item (12) Psychic aura 20 ft.
13th Divine Mind 10 8 8 4 10 5: {+2} Autohypnosis: 10; {+1} Concentration: 14; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 12; Handle Animal: 5; Psicraft: 8; {+1} Ride: 16; Use Psionic Device: 10; Psychic aura (second aura)
14th Divine Mind 11 9 8 4 10 5: {+2} Autohypnosis: 12; {+1} Concentration: 15; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 13; Handle Animal: 5; Psicraft: 8; {+1} Ride: 17; Use Psionic Device: 10; Psychic aura 25 ft.
15th Divine Mind 12 10 9 5 11 5: {+2} Autohypnosis: 14; {+1} Concentration: 16; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 14; Handle Animal: 5; Psicraft: 8; {+1} Ride: 18; Use Psionic Device: 10; Enhanced Construction (15) Mantle (3rd - Energy)
16th Divine Mind 13 10 9 5 11 5: {+2} Autohypnosis: 16; {+1} Concentration: 17; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 15; Handle Animal: 5; Psicraft: 8; {+1} Ride: 19; Use Psionic Device: 10; Psychic aura 30 ft.
17th Divine Mind 14 11 10 5 12 5: {+2} Autohypnosis: 18; {+1} Concentration: 18; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 16; Handle Animal: 5; Psicraft: 8; {+1} Ride: 20; Use Psionic Device: 10; Change aura (move action)
18th Divine Mind 15 12 10 6 12 5: {+2} Autohypnosis: 20; {+1} Concentration: 19; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 17; Handle Animal: 5; Psicraft: 8; {+1} Ride: 21; Use Psionic Device: 10; Improved Psicrystal (18) Psychic aura 35 ft.
19th Divine Mind 16 13 11 6 13 5: {+2} Autohypnosis: 22; {+1} Concentration: 20; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 18; Handle Animal: 5; Psicraft: 8; {+1} Ride: 22; Use Psionic Device: 10;
20th Divine Mind 17 13 11 6 13 5: {+1} Autohypnosis: 23; {+2} Concentration: 22; {+1} Craft (sculpting): 19; Handle Animal: 5; Psicraft: 8; {+1} Ride: 23; Use Psionic Device: 10; Psychic aura 40 ft.
Level Class New Powers (Level) Maximum Power Level PP
1 Divine Mind 1 Astral Construct (1st) — 0+2
2 Divine Mind 2 — — 1+2
3 Divine Mind 3 — — 2+2
4 Divine Mind 4 — — 3+2
5 Divine Mind 5 Minor Creation, Psionic (1st) 1st 4+2+2
7 Divine Mind 6 — 1st 6+5+2
8 Divine Mind 7 — 1st 8+7+2
9 Divine Mind 8 Detect Hostile Intent (2nd) 2nd 10+10+2
10 Divine Mind 9 — 2nd 12+12+2
11 Divine Mind 10 Object Reading (2nd) 2nd 14+15+2
12 Divine Mind 11 — 3rd 18+21+2
13 Divine Mind 12 Touchsight (3rd) 3rd 22+24+2
14 Divine Mind 13 — 3rd 26+27+2
15 Divine Mind 14 Energy Bolt (3rd) 4th 30+30+2
16 Divine Mind 15 — 4th 35+33+2
17 Divine Mind 16 Fabricate, Psionic (4th) 4th 40+36+2
18 Divine Mind 17 — 5th 45+39+2
19 Divine Mind 18 Major Creation, Psionic (5th) 5th 50+42+2
20 Divine Mind 19 — 5th 55+52+2
HD BAB Feats Special Abilities
1st 0 Saddleback (1) Alertness, improved evasion, personality (Nimble), self-propulsion, share powers, sighted, telepathic link
2nd 1
3rd 2 Mounted Combat (3) Deliver touch powers
4th 3 +1 Dex
5th 3 Telepathic speech
6th 4 Skill Focus (Ride) (6)
7th 5
8th 6 +1 Dex
9th 6 Pacifist (9) Flight
10th 7
11th 8 Power resistance
12th 9 Focused Skill User (Ride, Move Silently, Hide) (12) +1 Dex
13th 9 Sight link
14th 10
15th 11 Daredevil Athlete (15) Channel power
16th 12 +1 Dex
17th 12
19th 14 Animal Affinity (18) Personality (Hero)
20th 15 +1 Dex
21th 15 Epic Skill Focus (Ride) (21)

1) I'm clearly not a paladin.
2) Smite is an Astral Construct Menu B ability. I have access to it from the very first level. I have Ectopic Form (Emerald Gyre) as a bonus feat from the Creation mantle and Boost Construct feat.

When you create an astral construct, you can give it one additional special ability from any menu that the construct currently has an ability from.

When you create an astral construct using this form, you shape a third arm in the middle of the creature's back that is used to assist in grabbing opponents, granting the construct the improved grab menu B ability.
As you can see Emerald Gyre has ability from menu B starting from 1-st level construct, so I could add Smite to it.
3) Mounted Combat is my psicrystal's feat. It has this feat starting from 3rd level. With my Ride ranks, its better Dexterity and Ride improving feats and items it helps me against enemies' attacks well. Even with -5 penalty for I'm ill suited as a mount.

Jace has only two Ectopic allies per day at this level, and his manifesting is not amazing (but he still can crate 1st level Emerald Gyre with smite every turn and launch it with a charge against enemy). His psychic auras don't help his constructs at all (there are morale bonuses or healing 1 hp per 10 minutes), but could help his teammates.
Jace's sculpting gift and talent in the field of Invisible Art let him join the Astral Sculptor's Academy. This step allowed him to advance in his skills of crafting astral constructs - his main tool.
Jace's psicrystal became a receptacle for an alien psionic entity which gives it another defensive option.
Jace has great saves now. Also he obtained the Anathemic Carapace ectopic form, which can not only smite an enemy, but also explode him. Plus, with Practiced Manifester feat and advanced level, he can manifest at least two more Astral Constructs as a power in addition to his five per day PLA.
Most Jace's improvements at this level are quantitative - more PP, more hp, more saves, more Ride ranks and improvements, and also he gets some new powers including Energy Bolt if he needs to make some damage.
Plus he gets two qualitative changes: Craft Universal Item and Enhanced Construction feats. First gives many cool options, but I turn your attention to one - Sling Bullets of the Construct. For a not very big price Jace makes additional constructs which he could "summon" with just attack action. Second lets Jace create 2-4 additional constructs with single power or PLA, yes, additional constructs are two levels weaker, but they still could smite and explode (if they are Anathemic Carapaces).
Fabricate and Major Creation are very useful powers, but that's all about them. Main improvement is Improved Psicrystal feat. With it Jace's effective level for determining his psicrystal abilities one more. This means it became 21 HD at Jace's 20th level and it is able to get Epic Skill Focus for Ride. With this feat total Ride check (without any items, but with -5 penalty) becomes +40 and psicrystal can take 10.

Type Name Book Page
Race Human PHB 12
Class Divine Mind Complete Psionic 9
Prestige Class Ectopic Adept Complete Psionic 26
Class variant Ectopic Ally Expanded Classes, Part Four link (https://web.archive.org/web/20161031214054/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070629a)
Class variant Hidden Talent Expanded Classes, Part Four link (https://web.archive.org/web/20161031214054/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070629a)
Feat Psicrystal Affinity Expanded Psionics Handbook 49
Feat Hidden Talent Expanded Psionics Handbook 63
Feat Ectopic Form (Emerald Gyre) Complete Psionic 52
Feat Boost Construct Expanded Psionics Handbook 43
Feat Skill Focus PHB 100
Feat Serenity Dragon Compendium 106
Feat Ectopic Form (Anathemic Carapace) Complete Psionic 51
Feat Practiced Manifester Complete Psionic 57
Feat Craft Universal Item Expanded Psionics Handbook 45
Feat Enhanced Construction Construct Feats and Items link (https://web.archive.org/web/20161031222027/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/pse/20020727c)
Feat Improved Psicrystal Expanded Psionics Handbook 47
Feat Saddleback Player's Guide to Faerun 43
Feat Mounted Combat PHB 98
Feat Pacifist Complete Psionic 60
Feat Focused Skill User Complete Psionic 54
Feat Daredevil Athlete Complete Scoundrel 76
Feat Animal Affinity PHB 89
Feat Epic Skill Focus Epic Level Handbook 54
Psionic Item Sling Bullets of the Construct Construct Feats and Items link (https://web.archive.org/web/20161031222027/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/pse/20020727c)


My human isn't the worst creature. Of course he isn't the best either - he is only human - but at least he is a wizard. It's something. Not everybody could be a cat. After all, we need pets. But it's clear - without me he isn't capable of much. I have no idea what his life was like before me. That must have been terrible.
But now after I found and adopted him, he became a very successful person. We have the right division of labor - he summons different creatures from other dimensions to fight for us and I’m laying on his shoulders and making sure he doesn’t get hurt.

*- What does J mean? He has a hard name... John? James? Can't remember. So I call him J. It's enough for lesser beings.

NG Silverbrow human Focused Specialist Rapid Summoning Enhanced Summoning Conjurer 1/Human Paragon 3/Malconvoker 5/Paragnostic Apostle 1/Master Specialist 10
Abilities Initial Human Paragon ASI Total
STR 11 11
DEX 12 12
CON 14 14
INT 17 2 5 24
WIS 12 12
CHA 10 10

Level Class BAB Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
1st Focused Specialist Rapid Summoning Enhanced Summoning Conjurer 1 0 0 0 2 20: {+4} Concentration: 4; {+4} Knowledge (arcana): 4; {+4} Knowledge (religion): 4; {+4} Knowledge (the planes): 4; {+4} Spellcraft: 4; Spell Focus (Conjuration) (1), Augmented Summoning (W), Extend Spell (H) Rapid summoning, enhanced summoning, prohibited schools: Necromancy, Illusion, Enchantment, Feather Fall
2nd Human Paragon 1 0 0 0 4 7: Concentration: 4; {+1} Knowledge (arcana): 5; Knowledge (religion): 4; Knowledge (the planes): 4; {+5} Ride: 5; {+1} Spellcraft: 5; Metamagic School Focus (Conjuration) (HP) Adaptive learning (Ride)
3rd Human Paragon 2 1 0 0 5 7: {+4} Bluff: 4; {+1} Concentration: 5; Knowledge (arcana): 5; Knowledge (religion): 4; Knowledge (the planes): 4; {+1} Ride: 6; {+1} Spellcraft: 6; Invisible Spell (3) Bonus feat
4th Human Paragon 3 2 1 1 5 9: Bluff: 4; {+2} Concentration: 7; {+1} Knowledge (arcana): 6; Knowledge (religion): 4; Knowledge (the planes): 4; {+1} Ride: 7; {+4} Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 7; Ability boost (+2)
5th Master Specialist 1 2 1 1 7 7: Bluff: 4; {+1} Concentration: 8; {+1} Knowledge (arcana): 7; {+1} Knowledge (religion): 5; {+2} Knowledge (the planes): 6; {+1} Ride: 8; Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 8; Skill Focus (Spellcraft) (MS) Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
6th Master Specialist 2 3 1 1 8 7: Bluff: 4; {+1} Concentration: 9; {+1} Knowledge (arcana): 8; {+1} Knowledge (religion): 6; {+2} Knowledge (the planes): 8; {+1} Ride: 9; Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 9; Obtain Familiar (Cat) (6) Expanded spellbook
7th Malconvoker 1 3 1 1 10 7: {+2} Bluff: 6; {+1} Concentration: 10; Knowledge (arcana): 8; {+1} Knowledge (religion): 7; {+1} Knowledge (the planes): 9; {+1} Ride: 10; Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 10; Deceptive summons, unrestricted conjuration
8th Malconvoker 2 4 1 1 11 7: {+2} Bluff: 8; {+1} Concentration: 11; Knowledge (arcana): 8; {+1} Knowledge (religion): 8; {+1} Knowledge (the planes): 10; {+1} Ride: 11; Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 11; Planar binding
9th Malconvoker 3 4 2 2 11 7: {+2} Bluff: 10; {+1} Concentration: 12; Knowledge (arcana): 8; {+1} Knowledge (religion): 9; {+1} Knowledge (the planes): 11; {+1} Ride: 12; Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 12; Celestial Familiar (9), Skill Focus (Bluff) (M) Skill Focus (Bluff)
10th Malconvoker 4 5 2 2 12 7: {+2} Bluff: 12; {+1} Concentration: 13; Knowledge (arcana): 8; {+1} Knowledge (religion): 10; {+1} Knowledge (the planes): 12; {+1} Ride: 13; Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 13; Deceptive summons (fury)
11th Malconvoker 5 5 2 2 12 7: {+2} Bluff: 14; {+1} Concentration: 14; Knowledge (arcana): 8; {+1} Knowledge (religion): 11; {+1} Knowledge (the planes): 13; {+1} Ride: 14; Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 14; Fiendish legion
12th Paragnostic Apostle 1 5 2 2 14 10: Bluff: 14; {+1} Concentration: 15; {+2} Knowledge (arcana): 10; {+2} Knowledge (dungeoneering): 2; {+1} Knowledge (local): 1; {+1} Knowledge (nature): 1; {+1} Knowledge (religion): 12; Knowledge (the planes): 13; {+1} Ride: 15; Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 15; Fiendish Summoning Specialist (12) Holy texts, knowledge is power (call of worlds), lore
13th Master Specialist 3 5 3 3 14 8: Bluff: 14; {+1} Concentration: 16; {+1} Knowledge (arcana): 11; {+1} Knowledge (dungeoneering): 3; Knowledge (local): 1; {+1} Knowledge (nature): 2; {+1} Knowledge (religion): 13; {+1} Knowledge (the planes): 14; {+1} Ride: 16; Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 16; Greater Spell Focus (MS) Greater Spell Focus
14th Master Specialist 4 6 3 3 15 8: Bluff: 14; {+1} Concentration: 17; {+1} Knowledge (arcana): 12; {+1} Knowledge (dungeoneering): 4; {+1} Knowledge (local): 2; Knowledge (nature): 2; {+1} Knowledge (religion): 14; {+1} Knowledge (the planes): 15; {+1} Ride: 17; Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 17; Minor school esoterica
15th Master Specialist 5 6 3 3 15 8: Bluff: 14; {+1} Concentration: 18; {+1} Knowledge (arcana): 13; {+1} Knowledge (dungeoneering): 5; Knowledge (local): 2; {+1} Knowledge (nature): 3; {+1} Knowledge (religion): 15; {+1} Knowledge (the planes): 16; {+1} Ride: 18; Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 18; Celestial Summoning Specialist (15) Expanded spellbook
16th Master Specialist 6 7 4 4 16 8: Bluff: 14; {+1} Concentration: 19; {+1} Knowledge (arcana): 14; {+1} Knowledge (dungeoneering): 6; {+1} Knowledge (local): 3; Knowledge (nature): 3; {+1} Knowledge (religion): 16; {+1} Knowledge (the planes): 17; {+1} Ride: 19; Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 19; Caster level increase +1
17th Master Specialist 7 7 4 4 16 8: Bluff: 14; {+1} Concentration: 20; {+1} Knowledge (arcana): 15; {+1} Knowledge (dungeoneering): 7; Knowledge (local): 3; {+1} Knowledge (nature): 4; {+1} Knowledge (religion): 17; {+1} Knowledge (the planes): 18; {+1} Ride: 20; Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 20; Moderate school esoterica
18th Master Specialist 8 8 4 4 17 8: Bluff: 14; {+1} Concentration: 21; {+1} Knowledge (arcana): 16; {+1} Knowledge (dungeoneering): 8; {+1} Knowledge (local): 4; Knowledge (nature): 4; {+1} Knowledge (religion): 18; {+1} Knowledge (the planes): 19; {+1} Ride: 21; Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 21; Draconic Aura (Power) (18) Expanded spellbook
19th Master Specialist 9 8 5 5 17 8: Bluff: 14; {+1} Concentration: 22; {+1} Knowledge (arcana): 17; {+1} Knowledge (dungeoneering): 9; Knowledge (local): 4; {+1} Knowledge (nature): 5; {+1} Knowledge (religion): 19; {+1} Knowledge (the planes): 20; {+1} Ride: 22; Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 22; Caster level increase +2
20th Master Specialist 10 9 5 5 18 9: Bluff: 14; {+1} Concentration: 23; {+1} Knowledge (arcana): 18; {+1} Knowledge (dungeoneering): 10; {+1} Knowledge (local): 5; {+1} Knowledge (nature): 6; {+1} Knowledge (religion): 20; {+1} Knowledge (the planes): 21; {+1} Ride: 23; Speak Language: 4; {+1} Spellcraft: 23; Major school esoterica
W - Wizard bonus feat, H - Human bonus feat, HP - Human Paragon bonus feat, MS - Master Specialist bonus feat, M - Malconvoker bonus feat.
Languages: Common, Draconic, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Ignan, Terran, Aquan
Level Class 0th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st Wizard 1 2+3 0+3+1 17
3rd Wizard 2 3+3 1+3+1 17
4th Wizard 3 3+3 1+3+2 0+3+1 20
5th Wizard 4 3+3 2+3+2 1+3+1 20
6th Wizard 5 3+3 2+3+2 1+3+1 0+3+1 20
8th Wizard 6 3+3 2+3+2 2+3+1 1+3+1 21
9th Wizard 7 3+3 3+3+2 2+3+1 1+3+1 0+3+1 21
10th Wizard 8 3+3 3+3+2 2+3+1 2+3+1 1+3+1 21
11th Wizard 9 3+3 3+3+2 3+3+1 2+3+1 1+3+1 0+3+1 21
12th Wizard 10 3+3 3+3+2 3+3+2 2+3+1 2+3+1 1+3+1 22
13th Wizard 11 3+3 3+3+2 3+3+2 3+3+1 2+3+1 1+3+1 0+3+1 22
14th Wizard 12 3+3 3+3+2 3+3+2 3+3+1 2+3+1 2+3+1 1+3+1 22
15th Wizard 13 3+3 3+3+2 3+3+2 3+3+1 3+3+1 2+3+1 1+3+1 0+3+0 22
16th Wizard 14 3+3 3+3+2 3+3+2 3+3+1 3+3+1 2+3+1 2+3+1 1+3+0 23
17th Wizard 15 3+3 3+3+2 3+3+2 3+3+1 3+3+1 3+3+1 2+3+1 1+3+0 0+3+0 23
18th Wizard 16 3+3 3+3+2 3+3+2 3+3+1 3+3+1 3+3+1 2+3+1 2+3+0 1+3+0 23
19th Wizard 17 3+3 3+3+2 3+3+2 3+3+1 3+3+1 3+3+1 3+3+1 2+3+0 1+3+0 0+3+0 23
20th Wizard 18 3+3 3+3+2 3+3+2 3+3+2 3+3+1 3+3+1 3+3+1 2+3+1 2+3+0 1+3+0

Level New spells
1st Summon Monster I, Mage Armor, Grease, Shield, Benign Transposition, Persistent Blade
3rd Familiar Pocket, Nerveskitter
4th Summon Monster II, Summon Swarm
5th Augment Familiar, Snake's Swiftness
6th Summon Monster III, Haste
8th Magic Circle against Chaos, Mass Snake's Swiftness
9th Summon Monster IV, Magic Circle against Law
10th Magic Circle against Good, Magic Circle against Evil
11th Summon Monster V, Know Vunerabilities
12th Greater Dimension Door, Teleport
13th Summon Monster VI, Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability
14th Greater Dispel Magic, Mordekainen's Lucubration
15th Summon Monster VII, Greater Teleport
16th Ironguard, Plane Shift
17th Summon Monster VIII, Fierce Pride of the Beastlands
18th Moment of Prescience, Mind Blank
19th Summon Monster IX, Wish
20th Sphere of Ultimate Destruction, Gate

For this entry only few spells are essential: all Summon Monster line, maybe Fierce Pride of the Beastlands, and... it's all. Of course as wizard I love to have all possible spells, all this Orbs, Walls, teleportations, stat buffs, but... I won't to discuss how cool it is to be a wizard - it’s common knowledge.
HD BAB Feats Special Abilities VoP Abilities
1st 0 Stealthy (1), Weapon Finesse (B) Alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link
2nd 1
3rd 2 Mounted Combat (3) Deliver touch spells
4th 3 +1 Dex
5th 3 Speak with master
6th 4 Skill Focus (Ride) (6)
7th 5 Speak with animals of its kind
8th 6 +1 Dex
9th 6 Sacred Vow (9)
10th 7
11th 8 Spell resistance
12th 9 Vow of Poverty (12), Nimbus of Light (E) +1 Dex AC bonus +8, damage reduction 5/magic, deflection +2, endure elements, exalted strike +2 (good), mind shielding, greater sustenance, resistance +1, sustenance, +4 Dex, +2 Con
13th 9 Scry on familiar Resistance +2, energy resistance 5
14th 10 Stigmata (E) Exalted strike +3, freedom of movement
15th 11 Shape Soulmeld (Riding Bracers) (15) AC bonus +9, damage reduction 5/evil, +6 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Wis
16th 12 Lliira's Blessing (E) +1 Dex Natural armor +2
17th 12 Exalted strike +4, resistance +3, regeneration
18th 14 Bonus Essentia (18), Gift of Faith (E) AC bonus +10, deflection +3, true seeing
19th 15 Damage reduction 10/evi, +8 Dex, +6 Con, +4 Wis, +2 Cha
20th 15 Sanctify Natural Attack (E) +1 Dex Exalted strike +5, energy resistance 15

1) I'm clearly not a paladin.
2) Celestial, Fiendish, Axiomatic and Anarhic creatures have alignment-based smites once per day and J could summon every of them in large quantities.
3) Mounted Combat is J's familiar's feat. Valerian has been with J since 6th level and has well optimized Ride check.
How do Valerian obtain feats? Well, he is Fabulous cat (http://web.archive.org/web/20201112022038/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fools/20030401c).

If you want to make the feline familiars in your game more exciting, consider letting them gain additional feats at the same rate as their masters do (at master levels 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th). In this way, a 10th-level human sorcerer could have a cat familiar that possessed four feats.
Of course, I want!

It's terrible! J has no cat for now! He traded wizard's familiar for being a better summoner. J started to realize it was a mistake. But he at least is a capable summoner. He also traded his ability to summon Fiendish creatures for ability to summon Axiomatic creatures and ability to summon Celestial creatures for ability to summon Anarhic creatures. Look at Planar Handbook, page 134 for details. Extend and Invisible metamagics are both great with Summon Monster spells. Plus, J's adaptive learning makes ride skill forever in-class.
J is back on the right track now! With Obtain Familiar and Celestial Familiar he acquired most important - the cat! Even better - celestial cat! Valerian is in game and he is already able to protect J with Mounted Combat and +19 Ride.
Also J has 4 levels of Malconvoker now. It’s not as important as the cat, but still worth a mention. It's one more step to better smiting.
Valerian is a modest cat. He doesn't need many goods and it was easy for him to abandon acquisitiveness. This gave him Constitution improvement and led to get Shape Soulmeld (Riding Bracers) feat to being better protector for his human. More Dexterity also is good for ride checks. Valerian's Ride is +30 now.
J gained back the ability to summon Fiendish and Celestial creatures due Summoning Specialist feats. Now he is able to summon every four alignment-templated creatures.
It's apex. Valerian is the perfect embodiment of the Cat idea now. He is agile, he is helpful, and he does almost nothing - just commanding. Ride is +43.
J has Draconic Aura (Power) now to improve his summons’ damage and is able to cast extended summon spells as a swift action three times per day.

Type Name Book Page
Race Silverbrow human Dragon Magic 6
Race Cat Monster Manual 270
Template Celestial Monster Manual 31
Class Conjurer (Wizard) PHB 55
Class Human Paragon Unearthed Arcana 43
Prestige Class Master Specialist Complete Mage 70
Prestige Class Malconvoker Complete Scoundrel 48
Prestige Class Paragnostic Apostle Complete Champion 94
Class variant Focused Specialist Complete Mage 34
Class variant Rapid Summoning Unearthed Arcana 60
Class variant Enhanced Summoning Unearthed Arcana 60
Feat Spell Focus PHB 100
Feat Augmented Summoning PHB 89
Feat Extend Spell PHB 94
Feat Metamagic School Focus Complete Mage 45
Feat Invisible Spell CityScape 61
Feat Skill Focus PHB 100
Feat Obtain Familiar Complete Arcane 81
Feat Celestial Familiar Book of Exalted Deeds 41
Feat Fiendish Summoning Specialist Planar Handbook 39
Feat Greater Spell Focus PHB 94
Feat Celestial Summoning Specialist Planar Handbook 38
Feat Draconic Aura Dragon Magic 16
Feat Stealthy PHB 101
Feat Weapon Finesse PHB 102
Feat Mounted Combat PHB 98
Feat Sacred Vow Book of Exalted Deeds 45
Feat Vow of Poverty Book of Exalted Deeds 48
Feat Nimbus of Light Book of Exalted Deeds 44
Feat Stigmata Book of Exalted Deeds 46
Feat Shape Soulmeld Magic of Incarnum 40
Feat Lliira's Blessing Player's Guide to Faerun 176
Feat Bonus Essentia Magic of Incarnum 35
Feat Gift of Faith Book of Exalted Deeds 43
Feat Sanctify Natural Attack Book of Exalted Deeds 46
Soulmeld Riding Bracers Magic of Incarnum 84
Draconic Aura Power PHB II 13

2023-05-25, 09:48 PM
Wan'clas Nodibbs

NG (Exalted) Ghostwise Halfling Druid 20

"The prophecy spoke of a holy warrior, seated atop a golden mount, wielding a sword of light, and able to smite his foes with divine wrath. If you were expecting some six-foot armored knight on horseback, that's on you."

Patron deity: Selune
Starting languages: Common, Halfling, Elven, Sylvan
Acquired at level 1: Druidic, Celestial

Ability scores (post-racial):
STR: 14 (12)
DEX: 14 (16)
CON: 14 (14)
INT: 14 (14)
WIS: 15 (15)
CHA: 8 (8)
All ASIs go into wisdom.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Halfling Druid 1
32: Concentration 4, Handle Animal 2, Hide 3, Jump 4, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 1cc, Move Silently 3, Ride 4, Speak Language 1cc (Celestial*), Spot 4, Survival 3
Mounted Combat
Animal companion, Enhanced link, Nature sense, Modified Spontaneous Casting, Wild Empathy

Druid 2
6: Concentration +1 (5), Handle Animal 2, Hide 3, Jump 4, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 1, Listen +1 (1), Move Silently 3, Ride +1 (5), Speak Language 1, Spot +1 (5), Survival +2 (5)
Woodland Stride

Druid 3
6: Concentration +1 (6), Handle Animal +1 (3), Hide 3, Jump 4, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 1, Listen +1 (2), Move Silently 3, Ride +1 (6), Speak Language 1, Spot +1 (6), Survival +1 (6)
Mounted Spellcasting
Trackless Step

Planar Druid 4
6: Concentration +1 (7), Handle Animal +1 (4), Hide 3, Jump 4, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) +2 (3), Listen 2, Move Silently 3, Ride +1 (7), Speak Language 1, Spot 6, Survival +1 (7)
Resist Extraplanar Might

Halfling Druid 5
8: Concentration +1 (8), Handle Animal 4, Hide +2 (5), Jump +2 (6), Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Listen 2, Move Silently +2 (5), Ride +1 (8), Speak Language 1, Spot 6, Survival 7
Undersized Wild Shape (2/day)

Druid 6
6: Concentration +1 (9), Handle Animal +1 (5), Hide 5, Jump 6, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Listen +1 (3), Move Silently 5, Ride +1 (9), Speak Language 1, Spot 6, Survival +2 (9)
Exalted Companion
Undersized Wild Shape (3/day)

Druid 7
6: Concentration +1 (10), Handle Animal 5, Hide 5, Jump 6, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Listen +2 (5), Move Silently 5, Ride +1 (10), Speak Language 1, Spot +2 (8), Survival 9
Undersized Wild Shape (4/day)

Druid 8
6: Concentration +1 (11), Handle Animal 5, Hide 5, Jump 6, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Listen +2 (7), Move Silently 5, Ride +1 (11), Speak Language 1, Spot +2 (10), Survival 9
Undersized Wild Shape (Medium)

Druid 9
6: Concentration +1 (12), Handle Animal 5, Hide 5, Jump 6, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Listen +2 (9), Move Silently 5, Ride +1 (12), Speak Language 1, Spot +2 (12), Survival 9
Initiate of Selune
Immunity to Venom

Druid 10
6: Concentration +1 (13), Handle Animal 5, Hide 5, Jump 6, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Listen +3 (12), Move Silently 5, Ride +1 (13), Speak Language 1, Spot +1 (13), Survival 9
Undersized Wild Shape (5/day)

Druid 11
6: Concentration +1 (14), Handle Animal 5, Hide +1cc (6), Jump 6, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Listen +1 (13), Move Silently 5, Ride +1 (14), Speak Language 1, Spot +1 (14), Survival 9
Undersized Wild Shape (Diminuitive)

Druid 12
6: Concentration +1 (15), Handle Animal 5, Hide +1cc (7), Jump 6, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Listen +1 (14), Move Silently 5, Ride +1 (15), Speak Language 1, Spot +1 (15), Survival 9
Undersized Wild Shape (Plant)

Halfling Druid 13
8: Concentration +1 (16), Handle Animal 5, Hide +2 (9), Jump +3 (9), Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Listen 14, Move Silently +1 (6), Ride +1 (16), Speak Language 1, Spot 15, Survival 9

Druid 14
6: Concentration +1 (17), Handle Animal 5, Hide 9, Jump 9, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Listen +2 (16), Move Silently 6, Ride +1 (17), Speak Language 1, Spot +2 (17), Survival 9
Undersized Wild Shape (6/day)

Druid 15
6: Concentration +1 (18), Handle Animal 5, Hide 9, Jump 9, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Listen +2 (18), Move Silently 6, Ride +1 (18), Speak Language 1, Spot +1 (18), Survival +1 (10)
Battle Jump
Timeless Body

Druid 16
6: Concentration +1 (19), Handle Animal 5, Hide +1cc (10), Jump 9, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Listen +1 (19), Move Silently 6, Ride +1 (19), Speak Language 1, Spot +1 (19), Survival 10
Undersized Wild Shape (Elemental 1/day)

Dead Levels Druid 17
6: Concentration +1 (20), Handle Animal 5, Hide +1cc (11), Jump 9, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Listen +1 (20), Move Silently 6, Ride +1 (20), Speak Language 1, Spot +1 (20), Survival 10
Woodland Sprint

Druid 18
6: Concentration +1 (21), Handle Animal 5, Hide +1cc (12), Jump 9, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Listen +1 (21), Move Silently 6, Ride +1 (21), Speak Language 1, Spot +1 (21), Survival 10
Extra Wild Shape
Undersized Wild Shape (7/day, Elemental 2/day)

Dead Levels Druid 19
6: Concentration +1 (22), Handle Animal 5, Hide +1cc (13), Jump 9, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Listen +1 (22), Move Silently 6, Ride +1 (22), Speak Language 1, Spot +1 (22), Survival 10
Repel Nature's Lure

Druid 20
6: Concentration +1 (23), Handle Animal 5, Hide +1cc (14), Jump 9, Knowledge (Nature) 1, Knowledge (The Planes) 3, Listen +1 (23), Move Silently 6, Ride +1 (23), Speak Language 1, Spot +1 (23), Survival 10
Undersized Wild Shape (Elemental 3/day, Large Elemental)

*By RAW (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/intro.htm#abilities), all creatures with 3 intelligence or more should speak a language, which is Common unless stated otherwise. A DM might rule celestial animals speak celestial instead (which is, y'know, fair). To cover our bases, we grab this language at level 1. If your DM for some reason rules they speak any other language, take that one.

Fortuna, the Golden Elephant

Celestial African Elephant, Huge size, 15 RHD (11 + 4), Neutral Good

HP: 142 (15d8+75)
Fortitude: +14 (+9 Base, +5 Con)
Reflex: +10 (+9 Base, +1 Dex)
Will: +10 (+5 Base, +1 Wis, +2 Iron Will, +2 Unbelievable Luck)

Celestial Template abilities:
1/day Smite Evil (+15 damage)
60 ft. darkvision
Resistance to Acid/Cold/Electric 10
DR 10/magic
SR 20
Natural weapons treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming DR.

Companion-derived abilities:
Effective druid level 7th (20 - 12 - 1):
+4 natural armor (11 total)
+2 str (32 total) +2 dex (12 total)
3 bonus tricks (superseded by intelligence)
Link (benefits from woodland stride, trackless step)
Share Spells

Native: Alertness, Endurance, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Listen)
Acquired: Good Karma (12), Unbelievable Luck (15)

All 4 skill points acquired via HD increase are put in Listen.

Spells per Day






















Sample prepared spells at level 20 (italics is prepared in a higher-level slot)
0: Create Water (2), Cure Minor Wounds (2), Detect Magic (2)
1: Aspect of the Wolf, Entangle (2), Longstrider (2), Winged Watcher (2)
2: Flame Blade, Luminous Armor (3), Master Air, Primal Hunter
3: Moon Blade (4), Swift Fly (2)
4: Iconic Manifestation (6)
5: Animal Growth, Iconic Manifestation (4), Moonweb
6: Energy Immunity, Greater Dispel Magic, Iconic Manifestation (2)
7: Heal, Master Earth, Rain of Roses, True Seeing,
8: Heal, Leonal's Roar (2), True Seeing
9: Leonal's Roar, Nature's Avatar, Shapechange, Summon Elemental Monolith

Level 5
Druid is never a bad start of a character. Our animal companion will get upgraded over the course of the game, but early on there's nothing wrong with grabbing a wolf or war-trained riding dog (or Brixashulty, if your DM loves cliffs and pits) and riding it with the halfling druid's Enhanced Link. This gives a +4 bonus on Ride with your companion, in addition to granting it the benefit of Woodland Stride and Trackless Step, so your mount can't be tracked and can move through dense undergrowth without issue, very useful during the mandatory Early Level Woodland Adven!

Mounted Spellcasting cleanly solves the whole issue of, well, mounted spellcasting. It does so by completely negating the need for Concentration checks to cast while riding. Speaking of spellcasting, the halfling variant swaps out our lower-level spontaneous SNAs for Jump, Spider Climb, and Protection from Energy (and at higher levels, Freedom of Movement and Tree Stride). The second of these will especially be useful in letting our animal companion navigate dungeon topography: where the fighter has to leave his wild cohort behind, and the paladin needs to unsummon his mount, you simply let your wolf skitter over the ceiling and continue on your merry way.

As we're small and move at 20 ft. per round, a lot of companions effectively double our movement speed. Being mounted also lets us use Full-Round spells (such as SNA; we have to prepare it manually but it's so good we don't really mind) while still moving around the battlefield; said movement can helpfully take us out of move+attack range of any foes that want to disrupt our casting.

If you find you can't spare many spells, you can shift to melee and let your mount beat face. Your own contribution at that point will be limited: low-level casters can rarely afford to cast a spell every turn, so poking stuff with a spear and rescuing your mount with Mounted Combat is hardly the worst thing you could be doing. And if you're in melee anyway, a spell like Flame Blade lasts all battle long and isn't awful to be swinging around, if you can spare the slot.

An underrated source of utility comes from the sanctified list, which people tend to forget exalted druids have access to. Luminous Armor covers a lot of bases for us: shoring up our so-so AC, providing illumination for both ourselves and our companion, and removing any ACP to ride we might otherwise have suffered. The sole downside (1d2 strength damage) is largely mitigated through our pack animal and built-in access to Lesser Restoration spells.

Other than that, we have Resist Nature's Lure replaced with Resist Extraplanar Might, as outsiders might already be more common than fey and will certainly be so down the line. Also, the planar druid level nicely reflects our Exalted nature and next spotlight's main trick.

At level 5, we obtain Undersized Wild Shape, letting us turn into an animal one extra time per day but restricting us to Tiny and Small forms. We're mostly going to be using it as an utility tool for now: turn into a housecat, eagle, or squid and get into some places a normal halfling can't get into. Our investment in stealth and perceptive skills has been reasonably useful up until this point, but here's where they truly starts to shine.

Level 10
Druid is never bad in the midgame. We get a big beast, we get more spells, we get more wild shapes (though being locked out of Large shapes means we can't hulk out and smash face as well as most druids: given how overshadowing such strategies tend to be, I'm fine with that). We're still a prime scout and utility caster in addition to bringing a solid body into combat.

By now, you must be wondering how we're getting our smites. The answer is found in Complete Champion's Iconic Manifestation, which is a 4th-level spell that reads:

Once you cast the spell, you have up to 10 minutes per caster level to invoke its power before it is spent. Invoking the spell's effect requires a swift action and requires you to expend one daily use of your wild shape ability. You temporarily acquire the celestial template (MM 31) if you are good [...] Once invoked, this transformation lasts 1 minute per caster level.

And the Celestial template, as we've learned from every single Summon Monster casting ever, has this:

Smite Evil (Su)
Once per day a celestial creature can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD (maximum of +20) against an evil foe.

Here we go: Smite, with no lost caster levels and no lost mount advancement. It's damage-only, with no attack roll bonus, but as a full caster we have a lot of ways to make touch attacks; the gulf between touch AC and regular AC probably matters more than the 5+charisma bonus that paladins have got on you. And (HD) damage, applied on as many attacks per day as we have wild shapes? That's going to ramp up to a significant boost to our damage output.

It's worth asking if you can cast Iconic Manifestation on yourself twice, invoke one, smite, invoke the other one, and smite with the other one (or invoke, smite, cast, invoke, smite). The rules for stacking spells are a bit unclear, but the PHB offers the following relevant sections:

Same Effect More than Once in Different Strengths

In cases when two or more identical spells are operating in the same area or on the same target, but at different strengths, only the best one applies.

Same Effect with Differing Results

The same spell can sometimes produce varying effects if applied to the same recipient more than once. Usually the last spell in the series trumps the others. None of the previous spells are actually removed or dispelled, but their effects become irrelevant while the final spell in the series lasts.

One Effect Makes Another Irrelevant

Sometimes, one spell can render a later spell irrelevant. Both spells are still active, but one has rendered the other useless in some fashion.

Now, there's a case to be made for all of these applying, but I want to stress that none go ahead and say "You cannot cast spell X on someone already affected by spell X". If we're careful with the order in which we activate our Manifestations, we should never run afoul of rule 2, which is the only one that I see being a real issue here.

Anyway, speaking of the celestial template, we grab Exalted Companion, giving us access to celestial animals. They get a smite evil of their own, free darkvision, energy resistance, some modest SR and DR... and that coveted 3 intelligence, which lets us communicate with them using ghostwise halfling's Speak Without Sound. Intelligent mounts don't need to be directed with handle animal, so we can stop boosting that skill and focus on better ones. Also, now that our companion is Good-aligned, it's a valid target for Luminous Armor (it might've been before, but I personally don't read Share Spells that way). We can armor both ourselves and our steed, and we don't even need to double up on the strength damage to get double the benefit!

Our other feat in this range is Initate of Selune, which offers us two very notable spells. The first is Moonweb, which creates 'a circular shield 5 feet in diameter and 10 feet high around a willing creature' that grants cover and total concealment from outside attacks (but no impediment to inside attacks heading outwards). It's great for setting up shop on chokepoints or holing up after your mount attacked, and being able to use it on your mount or yourself grants some flexibility in its use. It also gives great cover against area effects, which are otherwise the weak point of a character with bad Reflex and a mount.

Second of those spells is the incredible Moon Blade. The blade part is not very impressive: 1d8+5 damage on touch attacks is basically Flame Blade, which we've had from level 3 (though typeless damage is better than fire). But the secondary effect forces any creature hit to make a Concentration check to use any SLA or cast any spell on the next turn, with the DC scaling with damage dealt.

Now, assuming a so-so damage roll, you're looking at something like DC 18+spell level, which is nontrivial but definitely doable for a caster with well-invested Concentration. But throw on a Smite Evil, and that DC jumps up by ten whole points. All of a sudden, a third level spell is shutting down magic all across the battlefield, leaving foes easy prey for your melee-focused mount (and if they attack it physically instead of magically, you never stopped investing in Ride for Mounted Combat).

Outside of getting a ton of smites and a good use for them, we also get some quality spells from the druid and sanctified lists. Animate With The Spirit deserves mention for getting you a replacement mount on short notice if your companion dies (the dead companion is, of course, a prime target for the spell), and its Totally Not Necromancy flavor is great fun. Who said druids had to summon bears if they wanted to clog up a battlefield? In one more level, make sure to use Valiant Steed, which can be cast during downtime and gives you an unicorn or pegasus to keep around for a year. It's not going to be your primary mount option, but can be nice to have when flight is essential for a mission (druids, for all their utility, cannot easily give their animal companion a fly speed, so enjoy this backup).

Also, you become completely immune to poison; we're more melee-facing than most druids, so we definitely appreciate having this.

Level 15
Druid holds up impressively in the lategame. Darkstalker comes a bit late, but remember that it's not the end of the world if a guard dog sniffs us out or a bat familiar senses our presence. Normal people don't go on high alert the moment they spot a rat: only at later levels, when threats become more supernatural and locations less natural, do we need to start worrying about special senses. We get Camouflage from the final halfling druid substitution level, which is much more useful than A Thousand Faces for our small-sized self and boosts our stealth capabilities even further. Remember that we can access diminutive forms, like bats, for a +12 size bonus to Hide!

Battle Jump grants a free double-damage charge if you jump on a foe from above. We have wild shape and no shortage of cheap spells to allow this (spontaneous Spider Climb, Swift Fly, Master Air), but in fact need not cast anything at all. Huge animal companions are well available by now, and what is an elephant if not a 15 ft. footstool? Ready an action to battle jump as your turn's about to come up, smite, land next to your steed, get back on as a move action when your turn comes around, then use your standard action for whatever while your companion takes its own turn. And doubled damage of course means our smite is hitting twice as hard as it normally would. I figure a lot of people are going to be doing spirited charger strats; we do a similar thing but trade some damage for accuracy.

The Mount Footstool strat is insufficient by itself against Huge or bigger foes (unless you use Animal Growth), but I'd like to point out Jump is spontaneously castable, lasts 15 minutes, and gives a +30 enhancement bonus; more than enough for a 5 ft. standing leap after factoring in our skill points, modest strength bonus, and the +5 competence bonus of a 24 hr-long casting of Primal Hunter, even though we take -6 for being slow (which is more of a theoretical penalty anyway: Longstrider is hours/level too and a solid option to be sharing with our mount anyway). Note how many of these spells are low-level, meaning we can save our big slots for serious buffs and combat spells.

And if you're worried about the practicality of a Huge mount: Aspect of the Wolf turns it Medium for over two hours. If we really need to downsize, we can do that with relatively little effort. Winged Watcher is a fun combat trick if your DM lets you: turn your elephant into a raven or an owl, have it fly over the enemy, dismiss the spell, and mount it with your move action. Alternatively it can simply be used to jointly bypass any obstacle that doesn't stop a flying tiny creature.

Level 20
Druid is a nice way to round out this build. The lack of prestige classes that advance animal companion, wild shape, and spells is well-known, and we need all three (if not for the usual reasons), so sticking with our base class is remarkably sensible. Throughout level 16-20 we pick up four more uses of wild shape (one regular, three special but explicitly in addition), for a total of ten wild shapes throughout the day, and thus up to ten smites; Extra Wild Shape adds two more. Assuming four encounters, you can smite three times during each, or smite twice and have some wild shapes left over for exploration and movement.

We also become the first person in optimization contest history to ever grab the druid dead levels (I'm not serious but I'm not not serious), which are actually kinda okay. Repel Nature's Lure nicely makes up for the Resist Nature's Lure we traded away, and Woodland Sprint might be useful if you ever need to move through your own Entangle or something (ask your DM if it applies to your animal companion as Woodland Stride does).

Also, our elephant gets some extra HD, which it uses to pick up Good Karma and Unbelievable Luck. It now has 3 luck rerolls per day. While it has one remaining, its weakest save (Will, surprisingly) gets a +2 bonus, and it can expend one as an immediate action to redirect attacks made at us or nearby allies to itself... and if it gets hit, we can use Mounted Combat to negate the damage. The main flaw of Mounted Combat is that enemies might Simply Not Attack The Mount... but if they don't want to, we'll just make them! Or if you prefer to frame it in more pro-social terms, we're such good cavalrists that we can use Mounted Combat to protect not merely our mount, not merely ourselves, but anyone standing near our steed.

Druid - PHB
Halfling Druid - RotW
Planar Druid - PlH
Dead Level Druid - dead levels web enhancement (https://web.archive.org/web/20201112030012/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20061013a)

Ghostwise Halfling - FRCS

Mounted Combat - PHB
Mounted Spellcasting - Web (https://web.archive.org/web/20031207045356/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031125a)
Exalted Companion - BoED
Initiate of Selune - PGtF
Darkstalker - LoM
Battle Jump - UE
Extra Wild Shape - PHB

Good Karma, Unbelievable Luck - Complete Scoundrel

Aspect of the Wolf, Energy Immunity, Master Air, Master Earth, Moon Blade, Nature's Avatar, Summon Elemental Monolith, Swift Fly - Spell Compendium
Primal Hunter - Dragon Magic
Leonal's Roar, Luminous Armor, Rain of Roses, Valiant Steed - BoED
Iconic Manifestation - PlH
Moonweb - PGtF

All other spells - PHB

2023-05-25, 09:49 PM
The Widow
(Ex-Familiar) Hairy Spider (Cloistered) Cleric 4/Ordained Champion 3/Cleric +13
Neutral Evil
Worships: Hextor

When does a life truly begin?
i crawled into the darkness, and i knew nothing. What could i know of a world beyond the cave?
And then He came.
He scooped me from the darkness, and showed to me a world beyond my understanding. And some would say that my life began then.
We sought knowledge together and i helped Him learn. We sifted through old tomes and ancient scrolls. He collected information on the secrets of the world, and of worlds beyond; i helped, and learned a fair bit, myself, along the way. We did have a life, together, the two of us -- Him unlocking secrets of life and death and power; me helping Him.
And then came the wyrms.
He felt called to defend the city. i never understood why, but He went, and i went with Him. They fought with flame and frost and fear. We countered with death -- pure unadulterated death. By the end, though it was smoldering and smoking, the city still stood. There were casualties, of course. He was among them. i wept upon his corpse.
And the need for vengeance came upon me.
i found the One who could teach me, the One who could grant me power enough to take that vengeance for my own, to destroy the very wyrms that destroyed Him.
And the might of Hextor came upon me.
When does a life truly begin? When purpose is found.
In my earliest days, i was sequestered to a cave. Beyond that darkness, i became cloistered to a library.
And now I come, born into my life of revenge, guided by the One true Lord, the One who has offered Me my purpose.
And so I say, let the War begin!

Point BuyStatSubTotalRacAdjTotal
00 Str 08 ** 01
06 Con 14 -- 14
06 Dex 14 +4 18
00 Int 08 10* 10
10 Wis 16 -- 16
10 Cha 16 ** 08

(*: refer to "Death of a Master" Tome and Blood p. 12)
(**: refer to the chart in the DMG p. 173)

4th: +1 Wis (17)
8th: +1 Wis (18)
12th: +1 Wis (19)
16th: +1 Cha (09)
20th: +1 Cha (10)

The Hairy Spider can be found on p.79 of Monsters Of Faerun. It does not have a listed LA.
The Web Enhancement for the Forgotten Realms Player's Guide to Faerun Accessory updates many of the monsters found in Faerun (including the Hairy Spider). The Hairy Spider is granted LA+0.
The Hairy Spider, as updated, still doesn't have an Int Score. (Int --) So it's not viable as a PC, right?
Not usually, no. BUuuuuuUUT....
The Hairy Spider (unlike it's larger Sword Spider cousin) has an entry that states that it is usable as a familiar.
So, what does that mean for us?
Tome And Blood details what happens to a familiar if it's master dies. "Death of a Master" can be found on p.12. Among other things, the familiar keeps its increased Intelligence. This is not a bonus, but a setting of the Int score to a new value.
Thus, this hairy spider (as the former familiar of a now deceased 11th level wizard) has an Int score and a Level Adjustment, making it a viable (though unusual) option for a player character!

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

(Cloistered) Cleric (Rebuke Dragons) (Spontaneous Domain Casting: War) 1

4 Concentration (4)
4 K:arcana (4)
1 K:history (1)
1 K:local (1)
1 K:nob&roy (1)
4 K:religion (4)
4 K:theplanes (4)
2 Ride (1)
1 SL: Abyssal
1 SL: Draconic
1 SL: Infernal

1st: Mounted Combat; B: MWP: Flail; B: WF: Flail
Domains: Evil, Knowledge, War; Lore; Rebuke Dragons

(Cloistered) Cleric 2

1 Concentration (5)
1 K:arcana (5)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
1 K:religion (5)
1 K:theplanes (5)
2 Ride (2)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal


(Cloistered) Cleric 3

1 Concentration (6)
1 K:arcana (6)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
1 K:religion (6)
1 K:theplanes (6)
2 Ride (3)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal

3rd: Weapon Finesse

(Cloistered) Cleric 4

1 Concentration (7)
1 K:arcana (7)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
1 K:religion (7)
1 K:theplanes (7)
2 Ride (4)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal


Ordained Champion 1

- Concentration (7)
- K:arcana (7)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
- K:religion (7)
- K:theplanes (7)
2 Ride (6)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal

B: Ride-By-Attack; B: Spirited Charge
Bonus Domain: Destruction; Domain Powers: Evil, Knowledge

Ordained Champion 2

- Concentration (7)
- K:arcana (7)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
- K:religion (7)
- K:theplanes (7)
2 Ride (8)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal

6th: Clap of Thunder; B: Diehard

Ordained Champion 3

- Concentration (7)
- K:arcana (7)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
- K:religion (7)
- K:theplanes (7)
2 Ride (10)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal

Channel Spell; Divine Bulwark

(Cloistered) Cleric 5

4 Concentration (11)
- K:arcana (7)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
- K:religion (7)
- K:theplanes (7)
2 Ride (11)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal


(Cloistered) Cleric 6

1 Concentration (12)
1 K:arcana (8)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
1 K:religion (8)
1 K:theplanes (8)
2 Ride (12)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal

9th: Heighten Spell

(Cloistered) (Planar) Cleric 7

1 Concentration (13)
1 K:arcana (9)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
1 K:religion (9)
1 K:theplanes (9)
2 Ride (13)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal

Domains: Evil, Knowledge, Hades

(Cloistered) Cleric 8

1 Concentration (14)
1 K:arcana (10)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
1 K:religion (10)
1 K:theplanes (10)
2 Ride (14)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal


(Cloistered) Cleric 9

1 Concentration (15)
1 K:arcana (11)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
1 K:religion (11)
1 K:theplanes (11)
2 Ride (15)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal

12th: Planar Touchstone (CoE: Elysium)

(Cloistered) Cleric 10

1 Concentration (16)
1 K:arcana (12)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
1 K:religion (12)
1 K:theplanes (12)
2 Ride (16)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal


(Cloistered) Cleric 11

1 Concentration (17)
1 K:arcana (13)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
1 K:religion (13)
1 K:theplanes (13)
2 Ride (17)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal


(Cloistered) Cleric 12

1 Concentration (18)
1 K:arcana (14)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
1 K:religion (14)
1 K:theplanes (14)
2 Ride (18)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal

15th: Violate Spell

(Cloistered) Cleric 13

1 Concentration (19)
1 K:arcana (15)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
1 K:religion (15)
1 K:theplanes (15)
2 Ride (19)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal


(Cloistered) Cleric 14

1 Concentration (20)
1 K:arcana (16)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
1 K:religion (16)
1 K:theplanes (16)
2 Ride (20)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal


(Cloistered) Cleric 15

1 Concentration (21)
1 K:arcana (17)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
1 K:religion (17)
1 K:theplanes (17)
2 Ride (21)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal

18th: Reaping Spell

(Cloistered) Cleric 16

1 Concentration (22)
1 K:arcana (18)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
1 K:religion (18)
1 K:theplanes (18)
2 Ride (22)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal


(Cloistered) Cleric 17

1 Concentration (23)
1 K:arcana (19)
- K:history (1)
- K:local (1)
- K:nob&roy (1)
1 K:religion (19)
1 K:theplanes (19)
2 Ride (23)
- SL: Abyssal
- SL: Draconic
- SL: Infernal


Spells per Day+Domain Slots (+Wisdom Bonus)


1+1 (+1)

2+1 (+1)

2+1 (+1)
1+1 (+1)

3+1 (+1)
2+1 (+1)

3+1 (+1)
2+1 (+1)

3+1 (+1)
2+1 (+1)
1+1 (+1)

3+1 (+1)
3+1 (+1)
2+1 (+1)

4+1 (+1)
3+1 (+1)
2+1 (+1)
1+1 (+1)

4+1 (+1)
3+1 (+1)
3+1 (+1)
1+1 (+1)

4+1 (+1)
4+1 (+1)
3+1 (+1)
2+1 (+1)

4+1 (+1)
4+1 (+1)
3+1 (+1)
3+1 (+1)

5+1 (+1)
4+1 (+1)
4+1 (+1)
3+1 (+1)

5+1 (+1)
4+1 (+1)
4+1 (+1)
3+1 (+1)

5+1 (+1)
5+1 (+1)
4+1 (+1)
4+1 (+1)

5+1 (+1)
5+1 (+1)
4+1 (+1)
4+1 (+1)

5+1 (+1)
5+1 (+1)
5+1 (+1)
4+1 (+1)

5+1 (+1)
5+1 (+1)
5+1 (+1)
4+1 (+1)

5+1 (+1)
5+1 (+1)
5+1 (+1)
5+1 (+1)

5+1 (+1)
5+1 (+1)
5+1 (+1)
5+1 (+1)

5+1 (+1)
5+1 (+1)
5+1 (+1)
5+1 (+1)

The Widow begins with a sense of dichotomy. Cloistered her whole life, and now bent toward the art of war. Being a cloistered cleric of Hextor is a natural fit. She'll play, generally, as a melee cleric, with a focus on the typical spells thereof, though she won't really feel comfortable on the front lines.

In these beginning levels, The Widow is mainly a healbot. A sizeable (haha... see what I did there?) bonus to Hide checks makes stealth an option. An AC of 27 doesn't hurt on the battlefield at low levels, and a natural bite may actually poison level-appropriate foes.

By 5th level, she should be able to command (via Rebuke Dragons) a 2HD dragon (think pseudodragon). And with that, a Fine spider mounts a Tiny Dragon. Such creatures (Tiny and Fine) can move into (and through) occupied spaces, making Ride-By-Attack usable as written.
The Destruction Domain offers up 1 smite per day. Any alignment will do. Make it count.
Spirited Charge can be used with any melee weapon (including weapon-like spells like Inflict Light Wounds). With the help of Devastating Smite (1st level spell, The Forge of War p.113), a Spirited Charge attack can do a fair bit of damage.

Clap of Thunder can be powered at 6th and 7th levels by either Sonorous Hum (Spell Compendium p.196) or Bridge of Sound (Savage Species p.63). At 8th, use Castigate (Spell Compendium p.44). At 9th (and above), Heighten Spell means your highest spell level will have a [sonic] spell available. (Note: Shatter is a [sonic] spell in the Destruction domain, so even domain slots are useable now.)
With Clap of Thunder, The Widow has an always-on melee touch attack that deals sonic damage that gets doubled on a mounted charge. A few more (non-aligned) smite attacks come at the same level. Tack on a casting of Fell The Greatest Foe (3rd level spell, Spell Compendium p.90) and mounted charge damage is really becoming noticeable!
At 7th level (and beyond), The Widow can also channel a spell through a Clap of Thunder attack. Perhaps a Shivering Touch (Frostburn p.104) spell?
By 8th level, The Widow is capable of controlling (via Rebuke Dragons) a 4HD dragon, for example a Wyrmling Mercury dragon. Which would make for an excellent mount!
At 10th level, we get rid of a couple of domains that we weren't really using in exchange for a domain ability we love (and the domain spells certainly aren't awful!) Three smite goods and three unaligned smites.

At 12, we get three more smites (smite evil this time).
We also find ourselves capable of casting Harm. Yup, a melee touch attack for oodles of damage on a Spirited Charge attack (which could also be cast through a Clap of Thunder attack). Oof!
At 15th level, that Harm spell can be Violated! Withering Palm (Spell Compendium p.241) becomes an option for a Spirited Charge attack (or for channeling through a Clap of Thunder attack).
Running total: 4 smite good/4 smite evil/1 non-aligned smite (via the Destruction domain)/2 non-aligned smite (via Ordained Champion)

At 18th level, Harm can now be affected by Reaping Spell metamagic, so those dead dragons stay dead!

20th level final smite/day totals:

From Destruction domain: 1 unaligned
From Ordained Champion: 3 unaligned
From Hades domain: 5 good
From Elysium domain: 5 evil

Unearthed Arcana: Cloistered Cleric ACF
Dragon Magic: Rebuke Dragons Cleric ACF
Player's Handbook II: Spontaneous Domain Casting cleric ACF
Complete Champion: Ordained Champion
Complete Mage: Clap of Thunder feat
Planar Handbook: Planar Cleric ACF; Hades domain; Elysium domain; Planar Touchstone feat
Book Of Vile Darkness: Violate Spell feat
Champions Of Ruin: Reaping Spell feat

2023-05-25, 09:52 PM
Wet Horse Teeth


CE Dwarf Horse Totem Unholy Fury Barbarian 7 / Fighter 2 / Battlerager 3 / Heir of Siberys 3 / Black Blood Cultist 5

You young'uns rented the cabin down there in the woods? Foolish, if you ask me. Oh, sure, the Ghallandas cleaned it up all nice, turned it into a real pretty lodge, made buck marketing it to out-of-towners, but all us village folks know why they got it for cheap, that we do!

You're asking me if there's ghosts? Oh, I know that question, I see that look in your eye, you hope I'll say 'yes' and you get to laugh me off as just another superstitious country bumpkin. But no, what dwells in that forest is both realer and more gruesome than any ghost could be: let me tell you of it.

I remember it like yesterday, though it must have been nearly fifty years by now. Old Andri, Flame bless his soul, had missed the weekly market, this was odd you see, he never missed the market, so I and Taran, went down there to his farm, yes, that same place you are renting, to check it out.

We arrived there at dusk, and right away I could tell something wasn't right. You see, Andri (Flame bless his soul) had animals, lots of them, pigs and cows and chickens, and one, no, two dogs, and a few horses. But we could hear none of them; no barking, no squealing, no clucking, only a faint, echoing whinny, from the back-most stable on the property. I hadn't spoken a word to Taran, but I looked at him and I just know he had noticed it too.

The door to the farmhouse was closed but unlocked, so we knocked and went in, but it was all empty, like he'd up and disappeared in the middle of the day. No signs of a struggle, no ransacked cabinets, the silver idol in the shrine sitting in plain sight, untouched.

Taran suggested we check out the stables, I think he just wanted to leave the house, and who could blame him? So there we went, first the chicken coop, which smelled of crap and dust but was empty otherwise. Then the pigsty, then the kennel, the stable, all empty. And as we slowly made our way to the horse stable, we begun to smell it: a terrible cloying stench, assaulting the senses, and we heard, beneath the panicked horses, the buzzing of-

What, how long this is going to keep going? Show respect to your elders, young'uns! And anyway, I was getting to it, I think. Where was I? Oh right, the buzzing of flies, an ominous drone beneath the cacophony of the animals. Taran slowly pushed open the stable-door, and that's when we saw it.

Carrion. Piles of it, meters high, haphazardly chopped up, black with blood and flies. We spotted Andri, or what was left of him, within seconds; he'd been thrown on top of the biggest pile, limbs removed, head split in two, but still recognizable. The rest was the animals, all of them, slain and left to rot.

No, that's not true. Not all animals, the horses were still there, stomping and screaming in their stalls. I didn't see it at first, but then Taran pointed it out to me. The mangers, the hay nets: they'd all been emptied out, and then refilled with the same gory cadavers. No wonder the horses had been driven into a frenzy, unable to escape that smell of death, that sight of death.

We hightailed it out of there, then; but what we'd witnessed was merely the first killing. The madman behind it, he's still there, waiting; killing when he can, taking the corpses to do flame-knows-what to 'em. We all have our theories; some say he's a mad Aundair druid, others a werebeast, one of the Mournland's blasted monsters, a demon, one of Karrnath's twisted creations. I don't care much for these; all I know is that time and time again, out-of-towners call me an old fool, and time and time again they turn up dead... or at any rate, pieces of them do.

...As I expected, you hear my story and merely think it reason for mockery. Very well, walk on to your doom, know I warned you; I'll pray to the Flame for the sake of your souls.

And before you go... allow me to tell you the last part of my tale, the part most incredible, which I have learned to hold back for few hear it and consider me anything but a madman. But it's true, so I swear on my soul, ask Taran if you believe me not.

You see, Andri had six horses, in six stalls, yet only five were found alive. Those who reclaimed his farm never bothered to account for each scrap of meat on the piles of gore, and wrote the missing horse off as another butchered beast, killed and discarded with all other lifestock. Most believed them.

But the truth is this, I saw it myself: one stall out of six was open and unlocked, and though its manger was blood-stained like all the others, not a single scrap of meat remained inside...

Mira's luminous spell left the narrow forest path brightly lit, yet surrounded by the twisted shadows of roadside trees. The rumble of hoofbeats, still distant mere seconds ago, was already rapidly approaching. The others weren't as fast to respond as her: were still fumbling with bowstrings and digging for spell components when their enemy arrived. Why had they even gone out here? Curiosity, foolishness, a stupid dare. It didn't matter now.

Charging in from the edge of the light was a horse. Something was terribly wrong with it.

Shards of glass and metal jutted out from its feet, inexpertly hammered into the hoof and protruding at differing angles and lengths. Its fur was matted and unkempt; in places only bare skin remained, cancerous and sore-ridden. Its eyes were bloodshot and unfocused, its nostrils flared open, its mouth closed but frothing. The sound emerging from it was indescribable, an agonizing gurgle-whine, far too human-sounding for something made by a horse.

And on its back: a rider. A man no less twisted than his steed, too short and stunted to be a man, too large to be a halfling, too emaciated and top-heavy to be a dwarf. A shriveled thing hung from his neck on a fraying rope: the horse's missing ear? A skull-like mask, no, a skull, covered his face, with only darkness behind the sockets. In his hands he clutched a lance, point lowered at Mira. His path brought him towards her within seconds, and with a final lunge, he forced the weapon towards her. Blood splattered on the forest path.

She lived. The lance had merely struck a glancing blow, already its point travelled onwards, unsuccesful in its attempt to end her life. Relief blossomed on the faces of her friends even as pain erupted on hers: she was alive! They could all make it back to safety! Just a bit of-

The horse twisted its head sideways, mouth opening impossibly far as it did so. For a second, the light reflected off of its teeth; too many teeth, too big, too pointed, things disturbingly like bits of meat stuck between them. Then the maw closed around Mira's arm with a crunching sound, and only a strangled scream marked her doom as the beast dragged her along, into the darkness.

The others were left to flee back to the cabin, ignoring the triumphant bellows that issued from the forest all night.

None dared guess who was making them.

They'd tried everything, and now it was just her.

The illusionary doubles hadn't fooled him for a second: he'd sniffed out the real humans among them instantly, and launched a charge. Their luck had been that Koril had gone off in a slightly different direction, and that he caught her scent first: it'd given Zaz and Yowa a second to get away.

That second did not matter much, in the end. Yowa's summoned fodder had been trampled in the dust, her summoned barriers evaded, her spells of fire and frost toughed out without as much as a grunt. The two of them had been chased around the forest, bloodied and toyed with as ploy after ploy on their end failed. An hour ago, their assailant had apparently tired of this, spurred the horse forward, and slammed Yowa to the ground with a single mighty blow; the crunch of her neck between his teeth still echoed in Zaz's head as she ran.

Yes, she ran, but where to? The forest's edge was still far away, her track was easily found, and she couldn't outrun a horse; it was no surprise when the awful pair caught up to her once more; the horse's head now stained with blood, its maw now dribbling gore.

Grimly, her hands held in a slightly odd position, Zaz faced the oncoming slayer. He was still expressionless, body language utterly focused on keeping the lance pointed at its target, not even bothering with reins; that horse wanted to strike as badly as its master. He knew she was out of magic: she'd revealed as much by failing to take a shot at the onrushing horse. Not like much would've stopped it, of course.

Still closer the pair came. The horse's hooves pounded the ground, leaving crooked tracks where its makeshift claws tore at the ground, its mouth, its jaw snapping wildly. A hundred feet, now sixty, now thirty, now fifteen, now ten, now-

Few remember this, but Invisibility can be cast on objects.

Two thousand pounds of horse propelled itself at full speed into an invisible spear, carved and sharpened over the course of the last hour. Its knees buckled, its maw snapped open with impossible speed, its eyes rolled back, and the beast collapsed mere feet away from Zaz. Its rider was thrown off and crashed into the ground hard, but already he was getting up, already Zaz was running the other way.

He was slow: she realized. As muscular as his body was, his legs looked short and malformed, undeveloped almost. His staggering pace was no match for her, she was outrunning him, all she now needed to do was keep this up for-

A bright wall of shimmering color appeared before her: it took every ounce of effort, every bit of arcane instinct screaming DANGER!!! to keep herself from crashing into it. She twisted around, only to see the same pattern on all sides, a cilinder fifteen feet across and twice as tall.

A mutter behind her.

",,,,never ate them"

Him; still skull-masked, still approaching at that slow, halting pace, still clutching that battered lance. His voice was surprisingly soft, and interrupted by something she could almost believe were sobs.

She didn't respond, just kept thinking of a way out. Prismatic Wall, prismatics, how did those work, how long did they last? Too long.

"Fed them,., to the horse. Never me. Never Wet Horse Teeth."

Was that his name?

"But now,, no horse anymore"

"Did you look at that thing? It wasn't going to stay around for much longer anyway."

Ah yes, antagonize the insane slasher, make a little quip at the expense of his dead pet; great idea! He seemed to ignore it, for what that was worth.

"Feed the horse, hungry horse. Kill quickly, horse eats quickly."

Could she collapse the prismatic wall? Break his focus? Distract him? No, no, that wouldn't work, how did this savage even have that sort of magic?

"But no horse,,,.,, no reason to kill quickly."

A hairy, misshapen hand, fingernails filed into claws, thumb broken and healed too many times to count, reached through the barrier and seized her by the leg.

In a village close by, yet too far away to matter, screams echoed for far too long a time.

STR: 16
DEX: 12
CON: 12
INT: 12
WIS: 8
CHA: 16

Race gives +2 constitution, -2 charisma for:

STR: 16
DEX: 12
CON: 14
INT: 12
WIS: 8
CHA: 14

All increases into strength.

Languages are Common, Dwarven, and Orc.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Unholy Fury Barbarian 1
Handle Animal +4 (4), Intimidate +4 (4), Knowledge (Religion) +2cc (2), Ride +4 (4), Survival +4 (4)
Wild Cohort
Illiteracy, Rage 1/day, Unholy Fury

Horse Totem Barbarian 2
Handle Animal +1 (5), Intimidate 4, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) +1cc (1), Ride +1 (5), Survival +1 (5)

Horse Totem Barbarian 3
Handle Animal +1 (6), Intimidate +1 (5), Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) +1cc (2), Ride +1 (6), Survival 5
Mounted Combat
+2 Handle Animal and Ride with horses

Fighter 1
Handle Animal +1 (7), Intimidate +1 (6), Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Ride +1 (7), Survival 5
Power AttackB

Fighter 2
Handle Animal +1 (8), Intimidate +1 (7), Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Ride +1 (8), Survival 5

Barbarian 4
Handle Animal +1 (9), Intimidate +1 (8), Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Perform (Sing) +1cc (1) Ride +1 (9), Survival 5
Mounted Fury
Rage 2/day

Horse Totem Barbarian 5
Handle Animal +1 (10), Intimidate 8, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Perform (Sing) +1cc (2) Ride +1 (10), Survival +1 (6)

Barbarian 6
Handle Animal +1 (11), Intimidate 8, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Perform (Sing) 2, Perform (Wind Instruments) +1cc (1), Ride +1 (11), Survival +1 (7)

Spiritual Wolf Totem Barbarian 7
Handle Animal +1 (12), Intimidate 8, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Perform (Sing) 2, Perform (Wind Instruments) +1cc (2), Ride +1 (12), Survival +1 (8)
Raging Luck, TrackB
+2 Survival

Battlerager 1
Handle Animal +1 (13), Intimidate +1 (9), Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Perform (Sing) 2, Perform (Wind Instruments) 2, Ride +1 (13), Survival 8
Rage 3/day, Gruff, Rock Gut

Battlerager 2
Handle Animal +1 (14), Intimidate +1 (10), Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Perform (Sing) 2, Perform (Wind Instruments) 2, Ride +1 (14), Survival 8
Close-Quarters FightingB

Battlerager 3
Handle Animal +1 (15), Intimidate +1 (11), Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Perform (Sing) 2, Perform (Wind Instruments) 2, Ride +1 (15), Survival 8
Improved Unarmed StrikeB
Rage 4/day

Heir of Siberys 1
Handle Animal +1 (16), Intimidate +1 (12), Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Perform (Sing) 2, Perform (Wind Instruments) 2, Ride +1 (16), Survival 8
Action SurgeB
Action Points

Heir of Siberys 2
Handle Animal +1 (17), Intimidate +1 (13), Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Perform (Sing) 2, Perform (Wind Instruments) 2, Ride +1 (17), Survival 8
Ride-By AttackB
Siberys Mark (Warding)

Heir of Siberys 3
Handle Animal +1 (18), Intimidate 13, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Perform (Sing) 2, Perform (Wind Instruments) 2, Ride +1 (18), Survival +1 (9)
Dragonmark Smite, Spirited ChargeB
Improved Siberys Mark

Black Blood Cultist 1
Handle Animal +1 (19), Intimidate 13, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Perform (Sing) 2, Perform (Wind Instruments) 2, Ride +1cc (19), Survival +2 (11)
Feral Rage (Claws), DR 1/silver, Rage 5/day

Black Blood Cultist 2
Handle Animal +1 (20), Intimidate +1 (14), Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Perform (Sing) 2, Perform (Wind Instruments) 2, Ride +1cc (20), Survival +1 (12)
Improved GrappleB

Black Blood Cultist 3
Handle Animal +1 (21), Intimidate +1 (15), Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Perform (Sing) 2, Perform (Wind Instruments) 2, Ride +1cc (21), Survival +1 (13)
Overhead Thrust
Feral Rage (Bite)

Black Blood Cultist 4
Handle Animal +1 (22), Intimidate +1 (16), Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Perform (Sing) 2, Perform (Wind Instruments) 2, Ride +1cc (22), Survival +1 (14)
DR 3/silver, Greater Rage, Scent

Black Blood Cultist 5
Handle Animal +1 (23), Intimidate 16, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Nature) 2, Perform (Sing) 2, Perform (Wind Instruments) 2, Ride +1cc (23), Survival +2 (16)
Rage 6/day, Strangehold

Light horse, 20th-level wild cohort, war-trained*

+11 bonus HD, +11 natural armor, +5 Strength and Dexterity
Evasion, Devotion, Improved Evasion abilities

Extra feats are Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, and Scorpion's Grasp, obtained at respectively character level 6, 12, and 15.

All extra skill points are invested in Spot.


*What does 'war-trained' mean? It's the thing that statblock-default horses lack, the reason their hoof attacks are secondary, and the reason they cannot fight while carrying a rider. Riding dogs may or may not be trained for war, with a trip attack being the only difference, suggesting that a creature can be war-trained while staying basically the same. The warbeast template is another way to represent war-training, and can be applied with Handle Animal checks, but doing so is considered somewhat cheesy and I have no interest in that trick.

At the same time, wild cohort specifies that the cohort can be trained using Handle Animal as normal, and 'combat riding' is one of the purposes that an animal can be trained for using the skill.

In the end, all I'm assuming is that I can do something to war-train my cohort, with that 'something' depending on the table and rulings. I'm not assuming this turns it into a warhorse, I'm not assuming I get the Warbeast template, and I'm not trying to get any mechanical benefit out of this other than the basic functionality that a combat mount needs.

We're mounted and smiting from the get-go. Our wild cohort doesn't just mitigate our stubby little dwarven legs (without Fast Movement, we have a mere 20 ft. speed), but also sets us up for double-damage lance charges. The obscure Unholy Fury ACF gives us a Smite that works on any creature that's not Chaotic Evil and can be used once per rage; it both helps ensure our mounted charges hit and adds bonus damage equal to our barbarian level that’s multiplied by the ‘double damage on lance charges’ clause.

We mostly grab Cleave as a prerequisite (though it's not like extra attacks are bad), but mounted combat isn't the worst place for it. Remember, a horse has 50% more adjacent squares than a dwarf, so being mounted makes us likely to have a nearby foe to hit. Ask your DM how it interacts when you kill someone with a Smite; the feat does say the new attack is made 'at the same attack bonus', but having smite apply to more than one hit is a bit strange; I didn’t assume the bonus carries over, but if so you shouldn’t look that gift horse in the mouth.

Note that Horse Totem Barbarian gives +2 Ride and Handle Animal with horses, so our Ride is a solid +11 before items despite our so-so dexterity. Assuming a +2 masterwork tool and a breastplate, we're auto-succeeding on the DC 10 ride checks needed to fight with our war-trained mount.

My logic for the leveling order is that I focus on mounted combat, which means beelining for Horse Totem's third-level feature first; afterwards I prioritize Cleave as it has immediate synergy with mounted combat (as explained above), as opposed to a second use of Rage which will only synergize from level 6 on (which is when we obtain it). That said, the fighter levels can be taken anywhere from 2nd to 9th with no real consequence, and I hope judges won't penalize me for this minor style choice.

ECL 10
We stick with barbarian much longer than most builds ('much longer' means 'anywhere beyond first level', of course), but nearly all those levels give us something useful. Horse Totem trades away Improved Uncanny Dodge for Endurance, and at level 7 we swap out our DR for Track and a +2 bonus to Survival.

(If 'spiritual wolf totem' seems odd after all those horse totem barbarian levels, consider that freakishly mixing horses and carnivores is kind of our entire thematic thing. Plus, it's not like there's a 'spiritual horse totem' that would be a better fit)

All these barbarian levels also serve to give us more rages and improve our smite (we're up to +7 damage). We also get an action point during each rage, which is for now best combined with our smiting charge to ensure that attack hits home. Frontloading damage is optimal from a tactical perspective, so stacking all your 1/encounter abilities hopefully results in a first-turn kill.

At level 10, we enter Battlerager, another niche barbarian option and the real reason we're playing a dwarf. The class gives us another rage right away, so even though we've left barbarian, we still have the three daily rages a single-classed character would have by now. Fearless, despite its name, helps against all mind-affecting effects, so between that and our rage bonus we retain a somewhat acceptable Will save (set to improve even further soon).

By the way: all those rages are now boosting our mount as well. With Mounted Fury, our mount gains 'the same benefits and penalties that you do while you rage'. This definitely covers the ability boosts, save bonuses, etc, but ask your DM if it might include the free action point or the smite attempt as well. Again, I did not rely on the assumption that these single-use abilities truly counted as a 'benefit' of rage; and will only be considering continuous effects that activate specifically throughout rage and have 'rage' in their name (so Greater Rage, Mighty Rage, Feral Rage etc).

ECL 15
Battlerager gives us Improved Unarmed Strike and another rage (and thus another Smite), and with Heroic Spirit grabbed at level 12 and Ride + Handle Animal maxed out we can proceed to enter Heir of Siberys (the reason we couldn't grab a better subrace). It gives us some action point-related features, which are a bit too inconsistent to reliably showcase, but from time to time you might want the attack roll bonus or the Action Surge action.

The Mark of Siberys gives us CL 15 Prismatic Wall 2/day As a SLA, you're probably not using it past the start of the encounter, but it can still isolate foes, break up enemy formations, or create a guarded formation for your allies to take shelter in (with you at the sole opening). I just want to stress how good it is: Prismatic Wall can't be dispelled, it's immune to antimagic, you're immune to its effects, and from time to time it’ll auto-blind some summoned fodder or something. Also note that we can use it to drop a barrier between us and the enemies, ending the encounter, and then return with a new rage and a new smite if needed.

That said, we're chiefly taking the Mark for its interaction with Dragonmark Smite. If we smite an enemy and expend an action point (which we can both do exactly once per rage, for those keeping track), that foe must make a scaling save, based on our secondary stat, or fall unconscious for a minute. It goes without saying, but instantly knocking out a foe is a huge rider to put on your smites. The feat also lets Heir of Siberys stack with Barbarian for determining our bonus damage, meaning our smites now add 10 damage: again subject to all the usual multipliers.

Our mount has taken Scorpion's Grasp at this level, which lets it bring its cohort-boosted rage-boosted strength score to bear when grappling, which it is remarkably good at. Thanks to the rage boost, Wild Cohort stat boost, and Improved Grapple, we're looking at a modifier upwards of 20; even many Large foes will have to beware of its grabs (which do, of course, free you up to power attack more easily and prevent the foe from moving out of reach of your full attack). Against low-AC foes, Scorpion's Grasp offers a flurry of unarmed strikes and hoof attacks that each trigger a grapple attempt.

ECL 20

Our last levels are in Black Blood Cultist. Thanks to the way this class stacks with barbarian, we obtain our fifth and sixth rage/smite attempt, as well as Greater Rage (which explicitly also applies to our Battlerager rages). We also get natural weapons while raging, DR 3/silver, improved grapple, Scent (which combos with Track!), and Strangehold, which lets us bite-CDG fallen foes as a move action.

Firstly, I'd like to point out our mount benefits from Feral Rage and now receives a bite and two claws when we enter rage, and thus more grab attempts with scorpion's grab, more damage when it gets off a full attack, and more general freakish looks.

The move action Coup De Graces work as a great capstone to our build: not only do our smites regularly leave unconscious enemies at our feet, being on a mount means we can execute them with a move action Strangehold, ride over to the next enemy, and make a standard action attack (or, alternatively, we can approach and smite an enemy into unconsciousness and CDG them in the same round). Remember, lances have triple crit damage and thus actually mesh rather well with this combat trick!

Our final feat is Overhead Thrust; flying enemies are a bit of a weak point for us, but getting to AoO smite them on crush or dive attacks is a big help. At the very least we hit a triple-damage AoO that also multiplies our smite, but with some luck they fail the Dragonmark Smite saving throw and fall unconscious before they had a chance to make their provoking attack.

Barbarian - PHB
Unholy Fury - Exemplars of Evil
Horse Totem - UA variant (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#horseTotemClassFeature s)
Spiritual Wolf Totem - Complete Champion

Fighter - PHB

Battlerager - RoF

Heir of Siberys - ECS

Black Blood Cultist - CoR

Wild Cohort - Web (https://web.archive.org/web/20150910144345/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a)

Mounted Fury - Web (http://web.archive.org/web/20031207045356/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031125a)

Raging Luck – ECS

Close-Quarters Fighting – CWar

Action Surge – ECS

Dragonmark Smite – Dragonmarked

Overhead Thrust - Draconomicon

2023-05-25, 09:55 PM
Okay, finished posting. Eight entries for this contest, so I'm pretty happy with the turnout. Thanks to everyone for entering.

If you're interested in judging, we're accepting volunteers. Besides the gratitude of everyone who's entered, I'm happy to work with you to decide the next set of contest ingredients.

If we don't get any volunteers for judging, we'll set up anonymous voting as outlined in the opening post.

Feel free to post away.

2023-05-25, 11:07 PM
I kind of love how much I can picture the creator of each as a player or DM! Great flavor this round!

2023-05-26, 02:10 AM
Nice ones! My stub was witch slayer and increasingly convoluted ways of making enemies count as possessed, but mounted combat was more and more falling on the wayside and so abandoned the attempt

2023-05-26, 02:38 AM

Oh, **** this so much. Nightmare inducing.

Anyway, great round! Lots of interesting and diverse entries.

So, here's what my idea was: Have attacks that unquestionably only do ability damage, and therefore make smite add ability damage, and become way more impactful without completely breaking times/day constraints. How? Holy scourge's (Complete Mage) arcane smite. I was going to build a sorcerer/holy scourge/Silverwood arcanist. Basically all the spells would be ability damage spells, and buffs to share with my wild cohort. I was debating what to do with the remainder of the build. Thought about Sorc 6/ HS 4/ SO 5/ exalted arcanist 5, but the feat cost was scary as I still wanted to get sapphire smite and ways to boost it – seemed necessary to increase smite damage more than the few levels of holy scourge let me. Thought about Archmage, too. Tried to work in spellwarp sniper for a while.

Kind of lost excitement for the build as I started to realize I couldn't find many spells to do what I wanted (solely ability damage, as an attack) which weren't already optimization staples (Ray of Stupidity, Shivering touch) and I couldn't even find enough low-level good ones that weren't an attack but I could handle by going spellwarp sniper or ocular spell. So, I'd be stuck using Extremely-Good-SpellsTM, which is less exciting for me. Like, yeah, my Shivering Touch can delete an encounter - so can anyone's.

I really lost a lot of steam once the new ability damage handbook dropped in the middle of my work, making it all seem far less original. I was also bothered by the fact that I was basically a full tier 2 caster, which felt like it outshined the components and is always an intimidating choice for me.

Probably still could've been a fun build, but I lost passion for it.

2023-05-26, 03:17 AM
About unused ideas.
I thought about being Zelekhut (MM1, 160). It has wording

Due to its centaurlike construction, a zelekhut qualifies for feats as if it had the Mounted Combat feat.
But with 8 construct HD and +7 LA I didn't found good enough possibilities.


Name Alignment / Race Class Levels Chef Total Place
Usha and Brank (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788050&postcount=38) ?G Tibbit Arcane Hunter Predator Ranger 6/Master of Many Forms 2/Stalker of Kharash 2/Lion of Talisid 10
Jerin Riversblood (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788051&postcount=39) LG River Spirit Folk Champion Cleric 3/Totemist 2/Sapphire Hierarch 4/Sacred Exorcist 1/Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 10
Ashetaka (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788053&postcount=40) LG Killoren Champion of the Wild Fangshields Ranger 4/Hit and Run Fighter 4/Sohei 2/Iaijutsu Master 5/Binder 5
Jace (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788055&postcount=41) TN Human Ectopic Ally Hidden Talent Divine Mind 17/Ectopic Adept 3
Cat Valerian and mr. J (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788055&postcount=41) NG Silverbrow Human Focused Specialist Rapid Summoning Enhanced Summoning Conjurer 1/Human Paragon 3/Malconvoker 5/Paragnostic Apostle 1/Master Specialist 10
Wan'clas Nodibbs (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788056&postcount=42) NG Ghostwise Halfling Halfling Planar Dead Level Druid 20
The Widow (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788058&postcount=43) NE Hairy Spider Spontaneous Domain Casting Rebuke Dragons Cloistered Cleric 17/Ordained Champion 3
Wet Horse Teeth (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788062&postcount=45) CE Dwarf Horse Totem Unholy Fury Spiritual Wolf Totem Barbarian 7/Fighter 2/Battlerager 3/Heir of Siberys 3/Black Blood Cultist 5

I really lost a lot of steam once the new ability damage handbook dropped in the middle of my work, making it all seem far less original.

I can understand this. It happened with me couple of times. It's sucks.

I'm happy to work with you to decide the next set of contest ingredients.
If you talk about this I'm coming again with idea of "Weapon Specialisation + Bond with specific weapon (like WoL, or Kensai, or something other) - Fighter"
You answered

Weapon Specialization is rare outside of Fighter, but the core concept is interesting
but I'm sure (I did some research) there are enough ways to get Weapon Specialization outside of Fighter. We had far more rare SIs.

2023-05-26, 04:36 AM
I ended up with a lot of build stubs for this competition (other than the two I went for), and while some of them ended up being in other builds, there's a few that I think had potential and would like to highlight.

Harper Paragon is a class I was very interested to discover. It has slightly wonky entry requirements (favored enemy, many skills, 2 exalted feats) but fully advances casting, fully advances animal companion and makes it celestial, and grants 3 smites at higher levels.

I also looked at Shugenja or Chameleon just for the craziness of When Two Become One but I'm not sure what that spell is supposed to actually do. Chameleon showed up a lot in my build stubs simply for giving 3/day Smite and tons of great spells, though.

My first idea was Ronin, of all things, but a class that gives full BAB, 2 mounted combat feats, and quite some sneak attack (which synergizes with mounted combat if you grab Island of Blades via feats or swordsage dip) is actually barely acceptable. By taking 13 levels as a samurai and then falling and trading in levels, you even retain one use of Kiai Smite, which is unquestionably one of the better smites in the game. From there, I might've gone chameleon as above, or looked into Justice of Weald and Woe for Hunter's Mercy and Arrowsplit. It'd have come online very late, but there's something funny about having your mount move its full speed to a foe, full attacking with a bow while adjacent (without provoking, while getting sneak attack) and then moving back out of reach with your mount's second action. Out of all the ways to get full sneak attacks, 'mounted melee archery' is surely one of the funnier ones.

Another of the Chameleon ideas was to go Savant + Chameleon and use Savant's ability to share Ride ranks and Chameleon's access to Heroics and Regal Procession to give everyone in the party a mount and solid skill using it. I just couldn't come up with a better payoff than 'okay, everyone is now mounted'.

I considered going Ashworm Dragoon and using Smiting Power + Stamp Into the Sand + Cavalry Charger's Fell Trample to knock entire battlefields prone at once and force them to spend a full round getting back up again, but the build struggled to get all the smites it wanted and felt a bit narrow in scope even if it could get them somehow. The base of the build probably would've included marshall to get charisma to the overrun check a second time, and perhaps soulborn for Smite Opposition + Sapphire Smite.

I also looked at a Smiting Sniper kind of deal (Triadic Knight's Threefold Smite + Hunter's Mercy) but that basically forced me to go champion cleric + another divine casting class, which felt awkward, and working the mount in there proved tricky.

On the flip side, I had this idea for a build with fey bard (trades inspire courage and some other things for druid class features including animal companion) that struggled to make smite count even as it focused on the mount. My final stub was fey divine bard 4 / squire of legend 3 / ruathar 1 / swanmay 2 / harper paragon 10, which gets 17th-level bard casting, 3 smite evils, a 15th-level animal companion, and the ability to use the Saddleback feat with squire of legend's third-level ability (lower your Reflex save to boost an ally's, then ignore the lowered save by making a Ride check instead).

I also took another look at the 'island of blades = flank with mount" idea, and considered using Devoted Inquisitor to work smite in there, but it got really feat-starved. The final idea I had there was some sort of wilderness feat rogue 2 / SA thug fighter 5 / swordsage 1 / slayer of domiel 3 / fist of raziel 9, which would've gotten daily 5 smites before feats and a solid amount of sneak attack and casting, plus +17 BAB.

Ultimately, a very open-ended contest with lots of approaches, but getting a source of smites AND a payoff for them AND a mount AND a payoff for mounted combat all in the same build got quite tricky for me at times, and a lot of the most coherent concepts ended up feeling a little bit weak or generic. Still, I'm happy with what I ended up submitting this round.

2023-05-26, 09:43 AM
Harper Paragon is a class I was very interested to discover. It has slightly wonky entry requirements (favored enemy, many skills, 2 exalted feats) but fully advances casting, fully advances animal companion and makes it celestial, and grants 3 smites at higher levels.

I love Harper Paragon for Devoted Tracker builds (assuming their smites stack with Paladin smites)! Even better if the Holy Mount feat from Dragon Magazine is allowed!

2023-05-26, 10:30 AM
I love Harper Paragon for Devoted Tracker builds (assuming their smites stack with Paladin smites)! Even better if the Holy Mount feat from Dragon Magazine is allowed!

That reminds me: I also briefly looked into a Stalwart Battle Sorcerer / Knight of the Blue Moon with Devoted Tracker. KotBM says:

Special Mount: At 1st level, you can call a special mount. This ability is identical to the paladin ability of the same name, except the mount will always match your alignment. Levels of paladin and Knight of the Blue Moon stack for purposes of determining the special mount's abilities. In addition, if you do not have a familiar, levels of sorcerer or wizard also stack for purposes of determining the special mount's abilities.

...meaning that if you're a sorcerer who trades their familiar away for an animal companion, your sorcerer levels both count for special mount advancement and half-companion advancement. It all gets really feat-starved though, and working smite in there is still tricky because you want to minimize PrC levels (both for bulk reasons and mount advancement reasons). Still, getting a 6th-level animal companion and 16th-level paladin mount folded in one should be doable with such an approach.

2023-05-26, 12:23 PM
I thought about that too!

2023-05-26, 09:58 PM
For me, one of the challenges was that there are so many "just a Paladin but we'll call it something different" classes that you could just be Paladin but not call it that. Holy Liberator is the first that comes to mind. It gives you a celestial mount keyed on your character level and a couple uses of smite evil. Hewing so close to the base concept feels like it's skirting the law. Like, respecting the letter but not the intent.

I'm really pleased to see how creative everyone was here. Every decision was way more interesting than what was required!

2023-05-27, 02:44 AM
If I could made third entry, it'd be Binder 20.
Andras, The Triad, and Desharis give me unlimited Smites (well, Triad gives only 3/day so it's out of game). Andras gives me mount, Eligor gives me mounted feats, Chupoclops gives me pounce. If it isn't enough Zceryll could give me another mount option and break the game. )))

2023-06-04, 08:41 AM
Judges? Anybody?

2023-06-04, 09:26 AM
Judges? Anybody?

We left the comp open several days after deadline, I think I'll leave it open for another week in the hope that someone decides to judge.

So, related question - if you haven't entered the comp, is there anything I can be doing as Chair that would make it more likely for you to judge, if you're kind of on the fence about doing it at the moment?

Yan Korlat
2023-06-04, 09:13 PM
I am tentatively down to judge. Will take a look at entries and confirm in the next day or so!

Yan Korlat
2023-06-05, 04:34 PM
Judging rubric:

Starts at 3 by default, will be adjusted up/down from there
Unusual entry methods, clever (in-flavor) uses of class abilities that I wouldn't expect at first glance, and new synergies will be heavily rewarded here.
Unusual, but appropriate, feats, races, etc. will be somewhat rewarded here.
Overused character optimization tricks that do not merit elegance deductions will merit penalties in this category.
Repetition of base classes will result in moderate penalties here.
Particularly overused or novel fluff will be taken into account, although I expect the numerical contribution to be fairly minimal.

In general, I'll reward flexibility, utility, and raw combat power.
I'll attempt to only reward what's written in the entry in terms of power—a few wizard levels will not dramatically boost your power score, unless you explain roughly how you're using them to be powerful. However, a few wizard levels will almost certainly do more for your power score than a few levels of samurai. Casters will, generally speaking, do well, however.
This category will be judged without illegal parts of the entry. I'll try not to be punishing here, though—if you don't qualify for a certain set of levels, I won't assume your BAB is 0 for those levels.

Unlike the other categories, this category will start at 4 and be mostly adjusted downwards, with potential bonuses for particularly elegant builds. I've done this because there are fewer ways to merit an elegance bonus than malus, and I wanted to keep scores on the same scale. Further, an empty build is quite elegant in my eyes, so a skew towards the negative is appropriate here.
Illegal components will be heavily penalized here.
Ambiguously legal components will be mildly penalized here—if I'm unsure, expect a small penalty.
Ways of gaining free feats or other "something-for-nothing" trades, especially those that have weight in a traditional campaign but not in these types of competitions, will merit a penalty here as well. These penalties can be mitigated by good justifications for why these components fit with the narrative of your character.
Item-dependence will be penalized here in proportion to how necessary an item is and how rare it is. I'll penalize you less for requiring an Int booster than a specific relic, for instance.
Vow of Poverty will merit a minor elegance penalty as a way to skirt the prior points taken in conjunction. However, if you can use it well.... that's probably an originality bonus!
A particularly clever and unambiguously legal tactic is likely to merit a bonus in this category, as will a particularly clean build.
Extraordinarily poor formatting will result in penalties.
I will not deduct points for multi-classing XP penalties.
Faliure to qualify for a competition component that is not easily rectified will result in a near-total deduction here.

Starts at 3 by default, will be adjusted up/down from there.
Taking the full ingredients will be credited.
I'll reward you for seeking to make use of and highlight even the more obscure features of the ingredients.
Further, although it may benefit you in Originality and Power, utilizing loopholes or ambiguous readings to shoehorn the ingredients into doing things either against the spirit of the round or against their own natures is likely to be frowned upon. Penalties to Elegance will be accrued separately, and will not necessarily correlate particularly well: extreme rules abuse to enter early, for instance, would be met with at worst nothing and at best a bonus in this category, despite likely meriting substantial elegance penalties. On the other hand, I will assess penalties for relatively elegant misuse of the ingredients in this category.
If your power seems to drop as a result of taking the secret ingredients (i.e. you would prefer not to take it and are only taking it to meet requirements), expect penalties here.

All categories except for power will be broken out into discrete adjustments. Please let me know (via dispute) if my math is wrong. The increments will either be multiples of 0.25 for "substantive" points, or 0.1 for raised eyebrows/minor notes.

2023-06-05, 04:51 PM
Judging rubric:

Starts at 3 by default, will be adjusted up/down from there
Unusual entry methods, clever (in-flavor) uses of class abilities that I wouldn't expect at first glance, and new synergies will be heavily rewarded here.
Unusual, but appropriate, feats, races, etc. will be somewhat rewarded here.
Overused character optimization tricks that do not merit elegance deductions will merit penalties in this category.
Repetition of base classes will result in moderate penalties here.
Particularly overused or novel fluff will be taken into account, although I expect the numerical contribution to be fairly minimal.

In general, I'll reward flexibility, utility, and raw combat power.
I'll attempt to only reward what's written in the entry in terms of power—a few wizard levels will not dramatically boost your power score, unless you explain roughly how you're using them to be powerful. However, a few wizard levels will almost certainly do more for your power score than a few levels of samurai. Casters will, generally speaking, do well, however.
This category will be judged without illegal parts of the entry. I'll try not to be punishing here, though—if you don't qualify for a certain set of levels, I won't assume your BAB is 0 for those levels.

Unlike the other categories, this category will start at 4 and be mostly adjusted downwards, with potential bonuses for particularly elegant builds. I've done this because there are fewer ways to merit an elegance bonus than malus, and I wanted to keep scores on the same scale. Further, an empty build is quite elegant in my eyes, so a skew towards the negative is appropriate here.
Illegal components will be heavily penalized here.
Ambiguously legal components will be mildly penalized here—if I'm unsure, expect a small penalty.
Ways of gaining free feats or other "something-for-nothing" trades, especially those that have weight in a traditional campaign but not in these types of competitions, will merit a penalty here as well. These penalties can be mitigated by good justifications for why these components fit with the narrative of your character.
Item-dependence will be penalized here in proportion to how necessary an item is and how rare it is. I'll penalize you less for requiring an Int booster than a specific relic, for instance.
Vow of Poverty will merit a minor elegance penalty as a way to skirt the prior points taken in conjunction. However, if you can use it well.... that's probably an originality bonus!
A particularly clever and unambiguously legal tactic is likely to merit a bonus in this category, as will a particularly clean build.
Extraordinarily poor formatting will result in penalties.
I will not deduct points for multi-classing XP penalties.
Faliure to qualify for a competition component that is not easily rectified will result in a near-total deduction here.

Starts at 3 by default, will be adjusted up/down from there.
Taking the full ingredients will be credited.
I'll reward you for seeking to make use of and highlight even the more obscure features of the ingredients.
Further, although it may benefit you in Originality and Power, utilizing loopholes or ambiguous readings to shoehorn the ingredients into doing things either against the spirit of the round or against their own natures is likely to be frowned upon. Penalties to Elegance will be accrued separately, and will not necessarily correlate particularly well: extreme rules abuse to enter early, for instance, would be met with at worst nothing and at best a bonus in this category, despite likely meriting substantial elegance penalties. On the other hand, I will assess penalties for relatively elegant misuse of the ingredients in this category.
If your power seems to drop as a result of taking the secret ingredients (i.e. you would prefer not to take it and are only taking it to meet requirements), expect penalties here.

All categories except for power will be broken out into discrete adjustments. Please let me know (via dispute) if my math is wrong. The increments will either be multiples of 0.25 for "substantive" points, or 0.1 for raised eyebrows/minor notes.

Thank you very much for taking the time to judge, it's really appreciated.

I said it before, but if you're judging, I'm happy to chat with you about the next Junkyard contest after the judging results come out, if that's something you're interested in. If not, I'll put a shortlist of ideas to a poll and see what everyone else thinks.

2023-06-07, 07:05 AM
Thank you, Yan Korlat, but I should point out your Use of Components rubric. It sounds too Iron Chef. I mean it's written like about PrC SI, which we have no.

Yan Korlat
2023-06-07, 01:50 PM
The exact wording is admittedly a copy-paste from a PrC round of JW, but I think the sentiment still applies: the more smite-y your character is, the better you'll do; if you get smite but should never smite optimally, that is bad; if you are creative in how you get smite, that is good; etc.

Yan Korlat
2023-06-12, 03:30 AM
Apologies for the delay—some real-life stuff came up. I've made good progress, though. Judgement soon (early to mid this week).

2023-06-12, 03:43 AM
Apologies for the delay—some real-life stuff came up. I've made good progress, though. Judgement soon (early to mid this week).

Thanks again for your time, Yan.

After you post up judging results, I'll message you and we can spitball ideas and see what you're interested in for the next Junkyard comp.

Yan Korlat
2023-06-14, 06:24 PM
Looking over judgement and realized that there's one issue that's common to a bunch of entries that I want to check if there's a preferred interp on—is smite a part of another attack, or as a unspecified (Su) ability, a separate standard action? I have heard both interps argued; I have my own preference, but it's really important to the competition (and one interp is commonly cited as an example of questionably functional rules) so I want to ask if anyone, but especially our chair, has a strong opinion.

2023-06-14, 07:01 PM
Looking over judgement and realized that there's one issue that's common to a bunch of entries that I want to check if there's a preferred interp on—is smite a part of another attack, or as a unspecified (Su) ability, a separate standard action? I have heard both interps argued; I have my own preference, but it's really important to the competition (and one interp is commonly cited as an example of questionably functional rules) so I want to ask if anyone, but especially our chair, has a strong opinion.

I'm guessing it would work based on the specific rules of each smite ability in question. I'm happy for you to adjudicate how it works and you can go from there with each entry.

2023-06-24, 01:14 PM
Nudging this just so it doesn't fall past the second page.

2023-06-24, 08:53 PM
So I recently stumbled across Triadic Knight (CoV): gets a special amount and has some interesting smite related stuff. The issue is it requires "Aura of good class feature" which is a little tough without Paladin, but is possible.

It's also a 5/7 casting progression class, so if I had more time to get an entry ready, I would have tried to slip in a Cleric based Triadic Knight, and still try to get 9th level spells. Maybe Cleric/Harper Paragon/Triadic Knight. The skill reqs for Harper Paragon are very tough for a single classed Cleric. Might need to throw Human paragon in there too.

Cleric 2/Human Paragon 3/Harper Paragon 3/Triadic Knight 7/Harper Paragon +5

Sadly, "IRL" keeps getting in the way of me getting much time or motivation for competitions...

2023-06-25, 02:21 AM
So I recently stumbled across Triadic Knight (CoV): gets a special amount and has some interesting smite related stuff. The issue is it requires "Aura of good class feature" which is a little tough without Paladin, but is possible.

I looked at Triadic myself, and personally the annoying bit was the initiate feat requirement. Restricting all approaches to cleric (or favored soul, or audacious archivist/contemplatives) just made it really hard to get a good build going. Either the smites would be getting overshadowed by the cleric casting, or I'd deliberately abandon casting even though it'd benefit the character.

2023-07-06, 07:01 AM
Apologies for the delay—some real-life stuff came up. I've made good progress, though. Judgement soon (early to mid this week).

How is the judging going? If real-life issues are still a problem, is there a date we can push our expectations back towards?

2023-07-06, 07:46 AM
How is the judging going? If real-life issues are still a problem, is there a date we can push our expectations back towards?

Had a chat with our judge nearly a week ago, they've nearly finished judging but they might be a week or so (from the time of this post). Haven't heard back from them since then, but I'm inclined to wait for now, and maybe move on to the second option in another two weeks if I haven't heard anything else from them.

2023-07-19, 10:51 PM
Any updates? Happy to give time, but wouldn't mind a window to expect it around.

2023-07-20, 12:59 AM
Any updates? Happy to give time, but wouldn't mind a window to expect it around.

I sent another DM to our prospective judge earlier today. If I don't hear from them in a day or so, we'll go to the backup judging method.

2023-07-21, 04:38 AM
I haven't heard from Yan for a few weeks now. In the interests of finalizing this round, we will move to the backup judging method, which I will reiterate here:

Each contestant picks their three favourite entries that they did not submit. They will rank the three in order from first to third, and this will be submitted privately to The Chair.

Entries that are not rated by a contestant are presumed to rated at 4th place.

The score of each entry is averaged, and competition winners will be decided with the lowest number taking first place, second-lowest taking second and so forth.

After the competition votes are finalized, we can discuss how the alternate judging method went and if any alterations or improvements need to be made.

Once again, thank you Yan for taking the time and effort to judge, even if you didn't get to end up finishing judging. Hope you found it interesting and got something out of it.

2023-08-05, 08:35 AM
Did this backup technique give any result? If not, then I can try to judge. Seeing a competition this old without judging makes me sad.

2023-08-05, 09:30 AM
Did this backup technique give any result? If not, then I can try to judge. Seeing a competition this old without judging makes me sad.

Still waiting on two people, one of whom hasn’t responded and another who’s current out-of-town for work.

However, I, and I think everyone else, would much prefer proper judging to happen. The backup judging method doesn’t give anything in the way of feedback and analysis, which I think is just as important, if not moreso, than knowing how you compare to everyone else.

I think in the next round I’m going to have someone else chair and myself take up judging, but that’s a discussion for later.

2023-08-06, 12:21 PM
And here's my judgement of your great builds! Congratulations to everybody, and I await your disputes!

Ranger is not that common, but Arcane hunter and Predator are staples on all ranger builds. MoMF is painfully overused (and not even that useful here). Lion of Talisid and Stalker of Kharash are a bit rare, but nothing really unique. Lion of Talisid is obviously more often seen on druids, but wild shape ranger is basically "druid but not really". The use of Celestial to gain Smiting is original, but was the most used technique in this comp.
Very well presented entry, good combination of prerequisites, no illegal choice (except if you consider that having the ability to wild shape into exalted forms does not qualify you for Extra Smiting, which I will not.) You gain the Large Wild Shape ability twice and you don't seem to use the Giant Wild Shape, which makes me question your choice of MoMF. A few too many dips.
Extra Smiting doesn't apply to the exalted smite several times. "You gain two extra attempt per day, period. Use any smite ability you have." Basically Extra Smiting gives you a pool of smitings that you can then use on any ability you otherwise have. It's even doubtful that Wild Shaping again gives you another try at Smiting. According to the 3.5 FAQ (https://web.archive.org/web/20161101074956/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/er/20030221a) (main 3.5 FAQ, page 12.), gaining additional uses for a limited-per-day ability, then losing them, then gaining them again keeps in mind the number of times you've used it. In the end, you gain one Smite per day, that you use three times using Extra Smiting, then your character keeps in mind that they used three Smites. The next time you Wild Shape and have the ability Smite Evil 1+2/day, it checks how many you've used, and you don't have any left. Apart from that, you have a strong-ish companion and can wild shape into strong forms. You're really good against Evil creatures due to Nemesis/Favored Enemy/Smite, but are actually pretty useless against any other alignments (and yeah, in a campaign I can assure you not all enemies will be Evil). Still, decent damage per round in the first round of combat and good attack bonus, though I would have liked if you had a bit more riders than smite. A neutral creature with DR will shrug off all your claw and bite attacks with no problem.
I mean, the idea for Smite Evil is pretty good (though it most probably doesn't work), and the build definitely feels like it's focused on hitting Evil for maximum damage, but Mounted Combat seems like it was really only taken as a feat tax to fulfill the comp requirements. You don't do anything of it. Though I agree that the build already needs a lot of feats, changing the levels of MoMF for something more riding-focused would have been better in my opinion.
In the end, you feel more like "a cat druid with a cat companion, that changes into cats and summons cats". I expected more focus on riding and smiting.

First: What the heck is a water spiritfolk? I've never seen Scion of Tem-et-Nu ever used in comps except if it is the SI. I expected Champion cleric in this comp as one of the easiest ways to get Smite Evil, but it was not seen much in the end. Sapphire Hierarch is expected for meldshaping/casting builds, but then again meldshaping/casting builds are far from common. That said, gish and charger builds are pretty well-known, though the way you do it is pretty unique.
Trading away Turn Undead then getting it back using a dip in Sacred Exorcist is really not what I'd consider elegant. Also, I invite you to reread your skills. You did not put a single point in Ride. Which means two of your feats are illegal, as well as most of your strategies. Pretty easy to solve, but you would need to reorganize all your skills. Totemist even has it as a class skill! Apart from that, I don't see much interaction between your features and the addition of meldshaping seems a bit irrelevant, but your classes aren't inherently inelegant. Also not a fan of taking Martial Weapon Proficiency with a feat rather than class proficiencies.
No Ride skill points means you won't ever get your hippopotamus to do what you want. Riding bracers won't do all the job. And since you invested so much of your build in it, your build doesn't really work. Additionally, your rebuking level is extremely low, so you won't ever get an actual commanded hippopotamus, least of all one trained for war (hippopotami found when adult are not reared and cannot be trained). Still, you have 7th level spells (though you won't be as strong as a pure cleric) and good BAB as well assome good water-related abilities. You'll manage. Sapphire Smite is surprisingly good.
The build idea (if you put ranks in Ride and can actually find hippopotami trained for war) makes good use of both parts of the SI and is very much centered around riding.
In a mounted competition, not being able to ride a horse is a problem.

Ranger with no arcane hunter, and no wild shape? Fangshields? Killoren? Sohei? This is definitely new! Hit-and-run fighter isn't unheard of, and Binder is seen pretty often (though Andras and Leraje aren't).
Combining Iaijutsu and Mounted Archery in the same build is definitely unique. Still, no individual trick made me say "Oh, I didn't think of that!"
The aim of the build is pretty clear, and though you go in a few different directions (mounted, Iaijutsu, Binder), the whole build is well tied-up. Not a fan of the two lone levels of Sohei, and I didn't feel how interconnected the different parts of the build were, but otherwise a good build. I also don't think you can use Iaijutsu focus to Sunder items in combat. The skill says "You can also use Iaijutsu Focus in preparation for striking an inanimate object, assuming no distractions". Pretty sure a fight is a distraction. As always, it's unclear if you can choose the feats for your animal companion
Lots of damage in the first round, and enough attack bonuses to rarely miss your target. Still, I would have liked a bit more focus on being able to attack a flat-footed enemy on top of winning initiative, which only works once per fight, and only against single opponents. Knowledge Devotion and Smite help making your character more useful in later rounds, but these 5 levels for a single attack per combat feel a bit wasted. Also, your mount having spring attack doesn't allow you to attack in the middle of its move. You need the Ride-By Attack feat yourself, which you don't.
Unlimited smites a day, and your main schtick works while on a horse. Great. Too bad you don't have Ride-By Attack or Smite-enhancing abilities.
A build fully in the spirit of the competition, but lacking a bit in terms of power because of the lack of focus on one strategy.

Divine Mind was definitely unexpected. Only using Smite and Mounted Combat through your constructs is very interesting, especially how you access Smite. The rest is just classic Astral Construct and Psicrystal support, but the base idea is really an upside of the build.
Almost pure Divine Mind, with a bit of Ectopic Adept sprinkled in makes the build very readable. The point of the build is abundantly clear and focused. I like that. The problem is of course the legality of giving feats to the Psicrystal. In XPH, the Psicrystal i described as "use the statblock, changing the following things, like skills, abilities, and saving throws. But not feats. RAW (or at least, how I read it), the Psicrystal has only Alertness as a feat, no matter the number of HD of the master. I understand that it is a very discussed thing, but "depending on the DM, this might not fly" is exactly the main reason Elegance can be penalized. Also, Saddleback is illegal on a psicrystal (Human only). Still a very streamlined build.
If the Psicrystal feats work, and you can manage the humiliation of walking around with a psicrystal saddle on the head, it gives you a big AC 1/round. You also have decent astral constructs with you (though they aren't that strong compared to equal-level characters and you have to use multiple uses to increase their level at low levels). But your offensive capabilities are definitely lacking. You'll have a hard time meaningfully contributing through the day. It's a sad truth that Divine Mind is not a good class, even with Ectopic Ally. However, you made the best out of what it gave you. I also recognize and acknowledge your capabilities and versatility out of combat, with Major Creation, Fabricate and Object Reading being really good as a support character, and Craft Universal Item helping your whole team. It's just a bit of a problem that you put so much thought in your riding Crystal (three feats and lots of skill points) for it to simply translate into a bonus to AC. Your build works, but it won't steal the show.
Jace is definitely built around riding, and can trigger multiple smites per day, and even multiple smites per round at higher levels, against any opponent. Using Mounted Combat for yourself is interesting and one of the best possible uses if the feat. However, there's no real improvement on your smites compared to a regular Astral Construct, and only using the base Mounted Combat uses is a bit disappointing (Saddleback being illegal).
A great idea, working on the comp's restrictions. I like it. A bit inelegant because of the psicrystal feats and a bit lacking in power, but otherwise an entertaining read. Also was a bit disappointed to not see more ideas of what universal items you'd craft, especially for a person said to be the son of Gond.

Silverbrow human, wizard, focused specialist, Paragnostic Apostle, Master Specialist. Uuugh. I guess Human Paragon is a bit weird, but the rest is painfully overused. Using your summons and familiars as rider and smiters are as original as for Jace, but Celestial is definitely seen more often than the Smite ability of menu B.
A dip, a 2-level dip, a questionable choice of spells (why three Magic circles? Only two are enough to reinforce all planar bindings. Also, where psicrystal feats are questionable, Fantastic Cats feats are straight-up a variant rule, which has always been disallowed, and makes the whole build premises illegal. Also, invisible metamagic used with Summon Monsters is the source of so many rules debates that it's not even funny anymore. Oh yeah, also trading your familiar then getting it back with a feat.
I mean, you have 9th level spells and you're a summoning-focused wizard. That is strong, of course, and your summons are much, much, much stronger than most wizard's, so you're meaningfully stronger than even an average conjurer. You're two levels late and pretty much shoehorned into one role, but it's a very versatile role and you perform it admirably. You're a bit weak to Fortitude-based attacks, but even then your summons will finish the job even without you.
Your summons can smite. Your cat is supposed to be able to ride. Basically, same as Jace.
Doing something using the most powerful classes in the game is less interesting than doing the same with Divine Mind.

Druid 20. Yes, I'm pretty sure I know this class. Pretty sure I've seen it used a few dozen times too. Also more than half the builds in the competition used Celestial summons or Animal Companions as a way to access Smite. Undersized Wild Shape is not the most used ACF by a long shot, though, and Ghostwise Halfling is interesting.
Single class. Cannot be simpler. I'm not sure where you want to go with this build... The beginning is focused on Mounting, the end transitions to stealth, and Initiate of Selune doesn't seem to serve any purpose as it's not even mentioned in your level breakdown.

Druid is never a bad start of a character. Druid is never bad in the midgame. Druid holds up impressively in the lategame. Druid is a nice way to round out a build. I mean, yeah, but I am not here to judge the base class, I am here to judge your build. And your build is not really meaningfully stronger than a straight druid. You spread yourself too thin. You have some Wild Shape optimization (Extra Wild Shape, Undersized Wild Shape), but you have no wild shape feat and no natural spell. You seem to only use your Wild Shape uses for Iconic Manifestation, which not only is a pretty lame way to use them (simply changing into a bear before attacking would get you more mileage), but simply does not work to give you multiple Smite abilities. Losing then regaining the Celestial template doesn't recharge your Smite. You also seem to want to use stealth in the end, but never mentioned using Wild Shape for it, or how you get along by stealthing without your Companion when most of your build is based on riding it. Several of your feats are next to useless. Initiate of Selune gives you useless spells, and Battle Jump is pretty weak if you plan on casting spells from your elephant and have no investment at all in melee combat. Still, you keep the 9th level spells, so you're not bad, but I'm not convinced riding an elephant as a halfling is better than fighting alongside an elephant as either a sparrow or a buffed bear. Having your elephant take your hits 3/day that are then nullified by Mounted Combat is a neat trick, though it is not something that is not accessible to a non-mounted druid (such a druid wouldn't nullify the damage, but considering Animal Companions cost nothing to replace and have lots of HP anyway, it's not that much of a downgrade).

Smiting only through Iconic Manifestation and once per day through your animal companion is not bad, but nothing incredible. You ride your companion in battle, which is good, but a third of your build aims at going away from your mount, which is questionable.
Using a druid isn't an excuse to choose feats without thinking about them, or to invest in two unrelated strategies that prevent you from focusing on either. Also, if you have Wild Shape, use it. It's good. Natural Spell is your friend.

No class of the big three will ever be original, especially not with the Cloistered ACF. However, I must admit I didn't expect Ordained Champion, especially not on a Fine spider. The various Smites are obtained through multiple means, all being somewhat original. Using Heighten to power Thunder Clap is something I've never seen.
First of all, I have to remove a few points for the race. If ex-familiars were legal, there's no reason people couldn't pick Pseudodragons, or Wyrmlings familiars of a 20th level wizard, and gain SR 23 and 14 Int for nothing. It would also raise the question of the master's level. Why did you chose 11? Because it's "not that high"? Why not level 3 then? It's like you're trying to argue with a DM what they would allow, and having to argue with the DM is the definition of "loses points in Elegance". I'm not saying it isn't RAW-legal (though I suspect the LA+0 was a typo in the first place), I'm just saying some DMs would not allow that. Hard to say if you can keep the War domain when gaining the Hades domain. Apart from that, the build is very streamlined and your aim is obvious. I like it.
You are a Fine melee character with no reach in a game where a third of monsters have Improved Grab. This... Doesn't seem wise (at least not until level 7 and FoM. And even then, you'll probably use the first action of every fight casting it, which isn't good action economy. Stealth is doable, but attacking in melee while hiding incurs a -20 penalty, which may make your attempts difficult (both the pseudodragon and you have +20, which means that you basically make an unmodified Hide check, if you can even find cover). In the end, if you can hit (which will not be a problem with FoM since your attacks are touch attacks), your Harm will do a LOT of damage, most of the time unresisted. You also have great AC, and decent saves.
A lot of Smites, and some mount focus. Multiple Smites can affect any alignment, a spell chosen specifically to improve your smites. What else? Maybe something to improve your mount besides Mounted Combat?
Despite the questionable premises, I think this is the build I prefer here. It's the one that embodies the most smiting atop a fiery steed. Even in miniature.

Actually never knew about Battlerager, nor its bonus feats. Action point optimization is also extremely rare, as is Unholy Fury Barbarian. The only mundane parts of the build are your tactics, and your race.
Light horse, trained for war: we know what a light horse trained for war is. It's a light warhorse. And it gives us a precedent to know what "trained for war" means. "These animals or similar to light horses but are trained and bred for strength and aggression", which is almost identical to the wording of the Warbeast template. Both these entries tell us that an animal trained for war is both trained and bred for it. On the other hand, Wild Cohort explicitates that the cohort is a "wild animal", hence naturally not bred, and arguably not ever reared. Still, "trained for war" is subject to so much debate, notably if training for purpose "Combat Riding" counts as trained for war, I will only remove 0.5 pts. Also, you didn't write that you took Heroic Spirit in your table (I understand you took it at level 12, you just didn't write it). Disregarding that, I'm quite impressed by the build. Everything is there for a reason, for a purpose, and the combination of prerequisites is omnipresent. A few cross-class skills and a few too many classes to my taste are the only dings I find.
"Rage-Charge-Smite-Dragonmark Smite-Stranglehold-RideByAttack then start over next round" is one hell of an attack routine, especially if your mount can do it too (or at least a part of it). You also can create impenetrable walls in the next rounds of combat, if you're not just charging again. It's a bit of a shame that you (and your horse) don't have Pounce, especially with such a BAB and three natural weapons. Your Will save is still a bit low, but remains decent, and you have difficulties hitting flying creatures sniping you (though Overhead Thrust helps for Fly-Byers). 6 Rages/Smites is clearly enough to last through the day, even using two smites per fight, but your build comes together a bit late, and your strategies will be unavailable pretty quickly under lv 10. Overall, a very good rager build, doing a good job shoring up its weaknesses.
You Smite on top of a horse. Both are integral to your build. Your improve your mount with your rage. You improve your smites with your dragonmark. A beautiful mix of the two SIs.
You know, that's how a human adopted by a Marowak would look like after their mother's death. And I hate it. But also, I love the build itself. It's just the purest incarnation of how to combine the two parts of this round's SI. Congrats.

(By the way, if somebody is available, we're looking for judges for the Monster Mash competition in my signature. If a brave somebody could do it, that'd be incredibly great. Thanks in advance!!)

2023-08-06, 01:34 PM
(By the way, if somebody is available, we're looking for judges for the Monster Mash competition in my signature. If a brave somebody could do it, that'd be incredibly great. Thanks in advance!!)

Thanks for taking the time to judge. I'll volunteer to judge for the Monster Mash comp you linked.

2023-08-08, 04:17 AM
Thanks for judging, Beni! I'd volunteer to judge monster mash if I didn't have a horse in that race already. No disputes here.

2023-08-08, 05:45 AM
Perhaps someday I’ll find an argument in someone else’s judgment, but it is not this day.

No disputes from me.

2023-08-09, 04:10 AM
Updated table:

Name Alignment / Race Class Levels Chef Beni-Kujaku Total Place
Usha and Brank (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788050&postcount=38) ?G Tibbit Arcane Hunter Predator Ranger 6/Master of Many Forms 2/Stalker of Kharash 2/Lion of Talisid 10 12.75 12.75 5th
Jerin Riversblood (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788051&postcount=39) LG River Spirit Folk Champion Cleric 3/Totemist 2/Sapphire Hierarch 4/Sacred Exorcist 1/Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 10 12.50 12.50 6th
Ashetaka (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788053&postcount=40) LG Killoren Champion of the Wild Fangshields Ranger 4/Hit and Run Fighter 4/Sohei 2/Iaijutsu Master 5/Binder 5 14.25 14.25 4th
Jace (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788055&postcount=41) TN Human Ectopic Ally Hidden Talent Divine Mind 17/Ectopic Adept 3 15.00 15.00 3rd
Cat Valerian and mr. J (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788055&postcount=41) NG Silverbrow Human Focused Specialist Rapid Summoning Enhanced Summoning Conjurer 1/Human Paragon 3/Malconvoker 5/Paragnostic Apostle 1/Master Specialist 10 11.50 11.50 7th
Wan'clas Nodibbs (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788056&postcount=42) NG Ghostwise Halfling Halfling Planar Dead Level Druid 20 11.25 11.25 8th
The Widow (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788058&postcount=43) NE Hairy Spider Spontaneous Domain Casting Rebuke Dragons Cloistered Cleric 17/Ordained Champion 3 15.75 15.75 2nd
Wet Horse Teeth (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788062&postcount=45) CE Dwarf Horse Totem Unholy Fury Spiritual Wolf Totem Barbarian 7/Fighter 2/Battlerager 3/Heir of Siberys 3/Black Blood Cultist 5 17.00 17.00 1st

Thanks for judging, Beni!

2023-08-09, 04:40 AM
We have our first dispute.

Hello Beni! Thanks for your work! Like to read you as always! But I have some disputes for you.

The problem is of course the legality of giving feats to the Psicrystal. In XPH, the Psicrystal i described as "use the statblock, changing the following things, like skills, abilities, and saving throws. But not feats.

Its Hit Dice are equal to its master Hit Dice.
In 3.5 all non-mindless creatures get 1 feat per 3 HD.
Only issue I can see about it is "counting only levels in psion or wilder" paragraph. This is very dysfunctional part. What counts for psicrystal's characteristics isn't clear at all. There are three version in one book:
1) levels in psion or wilder - on page 207;
2) level in manifester class - on the same page ("The psicrystal described here is that of a 1st-level manifester.");
3) levels in psionic classes - on page 22.

I understand if your point was "do levels in Divine Mind count for psicrystal's HD or not," but not "does Psicrystal get feats for HD or not" - answer on second clearly is "Yes!"

Also, Saddleback is illegal on a psicrystal (Human only).

A psicrystal is a fragment of a psionic character's personality, brought into physical form...
Well, master of my psicrystal clearly is Human, and more, he intentionally is from legit region for this feat.

2023-08-09, 09:49 AM
We have our first dispute.

Psicrystal feats: I completely agree that the Psicrystal has as many HD as the master has levels (or his manifester level, depending on your reading). I'm saying that the Psicrystal is an exception to the rule that every creature gains feats every three levels. The description of the Psicrystal (XPH, p. 22) includes "Use the statistics for a psicrystal as given on page 207, but make the following changes.". The statistics in question include "Hit Dice: As master’s HD (hp 1/2 master’s)" and "Feats: Alertness". Everything that is supposed to change when the master gains levels is included in this statblock, as evidenced by the Hit Dice line, and the Feats line doesn't include "Feats: Alertness (plus one additional feat for each three HD of the Psicrystal)". It's just "Alertness". If the statblock said "Hit Dice: 1d10 (hp 1/2 master's)", then maybe you'd have a point, but as it is it's clear that whatever the number of HD of the master, the feats of a psicrystal are supposed to remain Alertness alone. I, however, understand that everybody on the internet is saying the opposite (or at least everybody I could find except this guy (https://forums.giantitp.com/archive/index.php/t-186090.html)), but that the RAI is probably the opposite and that many DM would frown upon it. It's also one of the rare cases were RAI is unequivocal. We actually have a second-hand quote by Bruce Cordell (you know, the guy who wrote the Expanded Psionics Handbook) who said (sic) "...psicyrstals weren't intended as a way for a PC to gain access to more feats." (https://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=1187.40). In the end, what I consider to be the purest, dumb RAW possible, as well as the explicit RAI agree that psicrystals shouldn't get feats. The "RAW but not too stupid" is that you get the feats, which is why I only penalized Elegance and not Power, but I couldn't not penalize Elegance at all. Also, I always bend in the direction of No change.

The psicrystal qualifies for racial feats: No. Absolutely not. It may be a part of one's personality, but it's not a human. It doesn't have any subtype (the definition of human in D&D is "Humanoid with the [human] subtype"), and in a larger fashion a part of me isn't me. If I animate my hand as an undead, the resulting creature wouldn't be a human. Neither would a Skin Kite made from my skin, a Mohrg made from my corpse or a Shadow made from my soul. They're all "parts of me", and the Mohrg and Shadow both have my personality, but they're not humans. They're Undead. A Psicrystal may be imbued with a sliver of one's soul, but it's still a Construct. It's not a template either that would keep the subtype. It could not gain human feats even if it could gain feats. No change

2023-08-10, 05:19 AM
So with a rather martial round behind us, I thought it'd be nice to focus on casting again, and I have some old contest proposals that all include a school (or subschool) of magic as a mandatory ingredient, while excluding a class that's normally a very strong user of this magic. Thoughts on the following as contest ingredients?

Enchantment + Feinting - Beguiler
Necromancy + Shields - Cleric
Summoning + Wild Empathy - Druid

Plus a few new but related proposals:
Evocations + Dragonblood - Sorcerer
Abjurations + Exotic Weapons - Abjurant Champion
Divinations + Precision Damage - Unseen Seer
Teleportation + Corrupt Spells - Wizard

2023-08-10, 08:01 AM
So with a rather martial round behind us, I thought it'd be nice to focus on casting again, and I have some old contest proposals that all include a school (or subschool) of magic as a mandatory ingredient, while excluding a class that's normally a very strong user of this magic. Thoughts on the following as contest ingredients?

Enchantment + Feinting - Beguiler
Necromancy + Shields - Cleric
Summoning + Wild Empathy - Druid

Plus a few new but related proposals:
Evocations + Dragonblood - Sorcerer
Abjurations + Exotic Weapons - Abjurant Champion
Divinations + Precision Damage - Unseen Seer
Teleportation + Corrupt Spells - Wizard

My favorites of that list are Summoning + Wild Empathy - Druid and Abjurations + Exotic Weapons - Abjurant Champion. Cannot pinpoint why at the moment but I see potential in those.

2023-08-10, 08:52 AM
I'm also a fan of abjurations+ exotic weapons- abjurant champion for the next round.

2023-08-11, 12:16 AM
Actually, sounds interesting.

2023-08-11, 04:42 AM
I'm a bit less sure about that one with the E6 competition announcing a very similar round right after I posted that, but it might be different enough that we won't have people rehashing the same concepts in both rounds.

Alternatively, 'Exotic Weapons' could be replaced by a random martial-adjacent ingredient. Some ideas:

Abjurations + Spring Attack - Abjurant Champion
Abjurations + Combat Expertise - Abjurant Champion
Abjurations + Two-Weapon Fighting - Abjurant Champion
Abjurations + Dark Hunter - Abjurant Champion
Abjurations + Invisible Blade - Abjurant Champion

2023-08-11, 05:49 AM
I'd like to see something like Abjuration + Improved Grapple - Abjurant Champion. Grappling is clearly combat adjacent, and has a lot of possible optimizations.

2023-08-11, 06:27 AM
I could see having some fun with adgeration and a Martial element without any Abjurant Champion!

2023-08-13, 02:53 AM
Another idea, maybe not for next round. Put it here so don’t forget.

Trophy Collector + Heads Up - Ranger

2023-08-13, 03:16 AM
Another idea, maybe not for next round. Put it here so don’t forget.

Trophy Collector + Heads Up - Ranger

It's flavorful, but I'm concerned that with the actual mechanical impact so diffuse, we're mostly going to see the predictable intimidation builds. It'd reassure me to hear you have ideas for significantly different approaches (if you do, you obviously don't have to share them here).

2023-08-14, 04:43 AM
I have at least one different idea. I'm not totally sure if it works good, but I hope so.

2023-08-26, 03:45 AM
I haven't heard back from all of our entrants, but I believe they've had sufficient time to respond if they had any issues with Beni-Kujaku's work. And, again, thank you for judging, Beni.

Time to reveal our contestants:

Name Alignment / Race Class Levels Chef Beni-Kujaku Total Place
Usha and Brank (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788050&postcount=38) ?G Tibbit Arcane Hunter Predator Ranger 6/Master of Many Forms 2/Stalker of Kharash 2/Lion of Talisid 10 Quezacoatl5 12.75 12.75 5th
Jerin Riversblood (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788051&postcount=39) LG River Spirit Folk Champion Cleric 3/Totemist 2/Sapphire Hierarch 4/Sacred Exorcist 1/Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 10 FactualArcher 12.50 12.50 6th
Ashetaka (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788053&postcount=40) LG Killoren Champion of the Wild Fangshields Ranger 4/Hit and Run Fighter 4/Sohei 2/Iaijutsu Master 5/Binder 5 FactualArcher 14.25 14.25 4th
Jace (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788055&postcount=41) TN Human Ectopic Ally Hidden Talent Divine Mind 17/Ectopic Adept 3 Loky1109 15.00 15.00 3rd
Cat Valerian and mr. J (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788055&postcount=41) NG Silverbrow Human Focused Specialist Rapid Summoning Enhanced Summoning Conjurer 1/Human Paragon 3/Malconvoker 5/Paragnostic Apostle 1/Master Specialist 10 Loky1109 11.50 11.50 7th
Wan'clas Nodibbs (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788056&postcount=42) NG Ghostwise Halfling Halfling Planar Dead Level Druid 20 Inevitability 11.25 11.25 8th
The Widow (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788058&postcount=43) NE Hairy Spider Spontaneous Domain Casting Rebuke Dragons Cloistered Cleric 17/Ordained Champion 3 Macabaret 15.75 15.75 2nd
Wet Horse Teeth (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25788062&postcount=45) CE Dwarf Horse Totem Unholy Fury Spiritual Wolf Totem Barbarian 7/Fighter 2/Battlerager 3/Heir of Siberys 3/Black Blood Cultist 5 Inevitability 17.00 17.00 1st

Since I said that any judge will be able to help me with the next contest prompt, I've asked Beni if he's interested in this. If he is, I'll work with him to come up with the next contest prompt. If he isn't, I'll link a poll with some options mentioned in this thread as well as some ideas of my own, and I'll see what the most popular are before starting the next round.

Thanks everyone for their patience.

2023-08-26, 03:54 AM
Congrats to the medalists!

2023-08-26, 08:52 AM
I hope Wan'clas made someone laugh; I really just submitted him for the novelty of a 20-level single-classed build, given how much I like to dip otherwise.

Really happy to see Wet Horse Teeth place first, though! The whole build came together rather nicely once I realized the Mounted Fury + Unholy Fury + Dragonmark Smite + Spirited Charge combo at its heart, and I think it's one of my strongest builds in terms of conceptual resonance.

2023-08-27, 05:55 AM
I wanted to make such build for a long time. First idea was cat-familiar idea, I had it in mind for a two or three years.

Jace... I just use Ctrl+F "Smite" on my every 3.5 book. I was very surprised when found a match in the XPH. )

Congratulations to Inevitability with his gold (and last place!) and to Macabaret with silver!

2023-09-01, 04:53 AM
Do we know what we want to do for the next round? Perhaps another poll might be in order? I'm personally quite interested in Evocations (or Reserve Feats) + Dragonblood - Sorcerer, or Divinations + Precision Damage - Unseen Seer.

2023-09-01, 08:01 AM
New poll up for the next Junkyard. I've tried to come up with a few ideas and a few different ideas from previous.


If you like multiple options, you can vote for multiple options too. I'll be using the most popular for the next contest(s).

2023-09-01, 09:25 AM
New poll up for the next Junkyard. I've tried to come up with a few ideas and a few different ideas from previous.


If you like multiple options, you can vote for multiple options too. I'll be using the most popular for the next contest(s).

Either something's wrong with the poll or we have a 6-way tie, which is pretty crazy

2023-09-01, 09:33 AM
Either something's wrong with the poll or we have a 6-way tie, which is pretty crazy

I voted for 4 of these (I quite like these options), and I think two other people voted for the other two options.

So, still a bit coincidental, but not as big as it seems at a glance.

2023-09-01, 11:16 PM
I voted for 4 of these (I quite like these options), and I think two other people voted for the other two options.

So, still a bit coincidental, but not as big as it seems at a glance.

I'm glad we've got some options that people are interested in.

2023-09-02, 07:34 AM
I tried to break the tie and created a 3-way tie instead. I regret nothing.

2023-09-03, 12:26 AM
Okay, I think we've all had enough waiting for the next Junkyard, so here we go:


Expect "Abjuration + Exotic Weapon Proficiency - Abjurant Champion" and "Arcane Casting + Heavy Armor – Still Spell" in future comps, and I might add others to that list if they get enough votes.

Thanks again to everyone who entered, and a double thanks to Beni for judging.