View Full Version : Gestalt E6 character build

2023-04-25, 06:28 AM
We are about to start an adventure in E6 set in a city where so many strange things happen, indeed it seems that all the strange things in the world only happen in that city. In fact there are many adventurers looking for fortune, and we players have a sort of "organization" that people turn to to fix their problems. Obviously we start out with penniless until we become a famous organization and therefore capable of attracting a greater number of customers, so we also have a sort of sheet for the organization that increases fame and wealth etc etc... The adventure is therefore city-based, investigative and obviously there will be fights. The DM says it's very hard so he made our PC gestalt, we can use ALL first party books (even the Drgmz) and he gave us 40 point builds: LA +0 - 40 pts, LA +1- 32, LA +2- 26, LA +3- 20, LA +4- 10, LA +5- 0. We are 3, players 1 is gonna be a cloistered cleric/ something fighty and the other guy a rogue (or factotum)/ something fighty. I want to be a druid since she is my favorite class. So i endend up with this guy (we start lv 1, but i already have a progression untill lv 6th), what do you guys think?

Star Elf (Phrenic Creature - Magic-Blooded) Urban Druid 6// Dead Levels Domain Access Metamagic Specialist Martial Sorcerer 5/ Mage of the Arcane Order 1
Str 8 Con 14 Dex 12 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 21 (+1 at level 4th -> 22). Animal Companion: riding dog.
1st level Feat: Magic in the Blood, Flaw (Murky Eyed) Extended Spell
3th level: Cooperative Spell
5th: Domain (Passion, it can be cool that an elf with glasses, he has murky eyes, loses his patience trasforms in a beast and goes rage, but you can suggest better domains)
6th Level: Aberration Blood
Epic Feats: Aberration Wild Shape, Assume Supernatural Ability etc etc

2023-04-25, 11:56 AM
LA +0 - 40 pts, LA +1- 32, LA +2- 26, LA +3- 20, LA +4- 10, LA +5- 0.

So with this rule alone, by far the most ridiculous thing you can play is Sharn from Anauroch The Empire Of Shade page 153.

LA +5/4 HD

The base stats are: Str 18, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 20

However it starts off casting as a Favored Soul 6 and Sorcerer 6 and can cast two spells per round, not to mention everything else
9 Claws/Weapons + 3 Bites
Hex Portals are unique and powerful

Of course you then have 2 gestalt levels to improve it further (or more class levels if racial HDs can be used as a side to a gestalt!)

While I always wanted to play a Sharn personally, I will admit that it might be too powerful unless your DM and party are prepared for this silly thing.

Back to the built you posted.

While a double caster (triple really with Phrenic) is very powerful, especially if it can wildshape into defensive forms or forms that give extra actions, I wonder if in a game that is explicitly very deadly, it would be better to have a side of the gestalt focus on passive defensive abilities. I assume this is Stalwart sorcerer for the extra 2 HP/Level, and you do have Wings of Cover for a lovely Immediate Action defensive effect, so you might be fine, but with so many ways to add Charisma to saves/AC, seems a shame to not have it.
Also, Spell Dancer if allowed would allow you to persist your buffs, but without early entry, probably can't have both that and Mage of the Arcane Order.

But yeah, good built overall, just make sure to focus on your defenses. Maybe Luck Domain for the extra re-roll at least?