View Full Version : I've got that terrible itch again

2023-04-27, 04:48 PM
No, not that one. Doctor gave me a cream for that.

Jokes aside, I still have an idea for a game that I want to see taken all the way, beginning to end. The issue is a tale as old as time: I don't have the organizing skills or enough friends to do it out IRL, and any attempt online, either play by post or something a bit quicker like discord, has fallen to shambles before it can possibly get off the ground.

So what would you fine folks suggest? Do I just give up on the idea?

2023-04-27, 05:09 PM
I don't have the organizing skills or enough friends to do it out IRL

You might have to recruit for a new group. Talk to your friends and see if they're interested in learning DnD, ask on your local geek groups if there is anyone interested in joining a 3e group. Obviously you will need to start them from the basics and introduce them, but it's worth the effort if you can add a regular or two to your game group.

2023-04-27, 05:45 PM
Roughly how long a story are we talking about? A recent thread on here suggested that a campaign successfully going all the way from level 1 to 20 is a very rare event...

2023-04-27, 10:23 PM
You might have to recruit for a new group. Talk to your friends and see if they're interested in learning DnD, ask on your local geek groups if there is anyone interested in joining a 3e group. Obviously you will need to start them from the basics and introduce them, but it's worth the effort if you can add a regular or two to your game group.

That is a bit of an issue. I live where there is quite a bit of nothing. Stuff doesn't really last longer than 6 months, besides Walmart and McDonald's. Anything like a LGS close by the time I hear about them.

The friend route sounds nice, but many tend to just be too busy to commit to something.

Roughly how long a story are we talking about? A recent thread on here suggested that a campaign successfully going all the way from level 1 to 20 is a very rare event...

Man, as long as it can be people having fun and a decent story being told, I'm happy with it going any length, short or long.

2023-04-27, 11:35 PM
Focus on compatible people who can keep the commitment. It is a struggle but it will be easier to reach your goal than through pure stubbornness.

2023-04-28, 12:08 AM
That is a bit of an issue. I live where there is quite a bit of nothing. Stuff doesn't really last longer than 6 months, besides Walmart and McDonald's. Anything like a LGS close by the time I hear about them.

I'd suggest looking for local geek groups on Facebook, or ask around your circle of friends to find interested people. You can host games at your own house or at a common area where people can use, like a library or a community hall or like if you don't want it at your house to start with.

2023-04-28, 09:10 AM
Why have your previous games failed? if you don't know why, you cannot reliably prevent it from happening again.

Identify the problem, try again without the problem.

2023-04-28, 10:29 AM
Why have your previous games failed? if you don't know why, you cannot reliably prevent it from happening again.

Identify the problem, try again without the problem.

That answer is the simple and obvious one: play by post tends towards people flaking within roughly the first month or two. I've been apart of some that people can't even make a first post.

2023-04-28, 02:13 PM
well yeah when you try to run games in the least stable format available they're going to implode a lot. the best GM in the world will experience mostly crashed games trying to do PbP. so you need to basically run background checks on prospective players, thresh away all the flakes with a series of PbP one-shots, and then only half the games from that stable of players fails instead of 95% from general population. If you want to do PbP, you just have to get over inevitable failed games and start again with more filtering.

do you play in or run live session games of any sort?

2023-04-28, 03:32 PM
I mean heck, I'd be down to do an online campaign through something like Discord and Roll20, assuming it lined up with my schedule. I'm sure there are probably other folks on here that would also be interested.

2023-04-29, 06:09 AM
You can try coming to 3.5 GitP Discord and ask in the #l4g channel. Lots of people would probably be interested

2023-04-29, 08:57 AM
Try Meetup...working across a dozen groups actually helped me get a face to face group going.

2023-04-29, 11:07 AM
No, not that one. Doctor gave me a cream for that.

Jokes aside, I still have an idea for a game that I want to see taken all the way, beginning to end. The issue is a tale as old as time: I don't have the organizing skills or enough friends to do it out IRL, and any attempt online, either play by post or something a bit quicker like discord, has fallen to shambles before it can possibly get off the ground.

So what would you fine folks suggest? Do I just give up on the idea?

Write a novel. I'm serious.

2023-04-29, 12:44 PM
No, not that one. Doctor gave me a cream for that.

Jokes aside, I still have an idea for a game that I want to see taken all the way, beginning to end. The issue is a tale as old as time: I don't have the organizing skills or enough friends to do it out IRL, and any attempt online, either play by post or something a bit quicker like discord, has fallen to shambles before it can possibly get off the ground.

So what would you fine folks suggest? Do I just give up on the idea?

Are you any good at with computers? You could download the level editor for the Temple of Elemental Evil computer game