View Full Version : A Fine race indeed!

2023-05-01, 09:31 PM
As the horribly annoying sort of player I am, I have always wanted to make a Fine playable race. I've been inspired by Shimmerlings for some time now, and decided to make them playable.
I ran this through the Pathfinder race builder and got it ostensibly to a 10, and then I added a bunch of stuff to it because that's just who I am folks.
Please take a look at this and tell me if it is too weak or too strong or otherwise too unbalanced to be playable. I want to make mine a rogue!

A Shimmerling Alate is an independent Shimmerling (https://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/block/Swarm,_Shimmerling) born to propogate a new swarm. They are considered royalty among their feeble-minded fey fellows. A Shimmerling Alate possesses the intellectual capacity to go out on their own, to secure a new home & locate a mate with whom to safely reproduce.
Shimmerling Alates resemble miniscule, slender elves of roughly two inches in height. Their hair is nearly white, but is faintly tinted with any color. Their skin constantly swirls with ever-changing colors. Their skin may involuntarily turn to a solid color to indicate a strong emotion; they may also choose to turn a solid color temporarily. Shimmerling Alates have four crystal-clear gossamer wings that resemeble cut glass & split light like prisms.
When outside of a swarm, Shimmerling Alates tend to wear clothing and use gear. Shimmerling Alates can treat flower petals and plant leaves to make them as durable and long-lasting as cloth, and this provides most of their clothing.
They may be male or female, and tend to refer to themselves as Prince or Princess. They are usually named after flowers or plants, but males are sometimes named after dangerous insects.

Fey Type
-Low-Light Vision

Fine Size
+8 to Attack and AC
+16 to Hide
-16 to Grapple
Space/Reach 1/2 / 0
A Fine creature must enter Small or larger creature's space to make a melee or touch attack; this provokes an Attack of Opportunity.

-6 Str, +2 Dex, -4 Con, +2 Cha

Shimmerling Alates get a +2 racial Dodge bonus when flying.

Shimmerling Alates get a +4 racial bonus to Reflex saves.

Shimmerling Alates get a +10 racial bonus to Hide checks when hiding amongst flowers.

Weapon Proficiencies: Shimmerling Alates are proficient with the Rapier and Longbow.

As naturally-born nobility, Shimmerling Alates get a +4 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks when not advocating violence.

Because of their tendency to change color with their emotions, Shimmerling Alates get a -2 to Bluff checks against creatures who can both see them and perceive color.

Lightbringer: (Su)
Shimmerling Alates are immune to light-based blindness and dazzle effects, and are treated as one level higher when determining the effects of any light-based spells or effects they cast (including spell-like and supernatural abilities).
Shimmerling Alates can make their bodies glow. Doing so grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Charisma-related checks against sighted creatures, but imposes a -20 penalty to Hide checks. They may activate or suppress this affect at will.
Shimmerling Alates can create a Light effect, centered on themselves, at will. They may activate or suppress this affect at will.
For a number of rounds per day equal to her Hit Dice, a Shimmerling Alate may create a Daylight spell centered on herself. The rounds need not be consecutive. Activating this effect is a Swift action, suppressing it is a Free Action.
Once per day, a Shimmerling Alate can cast Color Spray or Dancing Lights (spheres of light only) as a supernatural ability. Once she has done so, she cannot use any of her other Lightbringer abilities until she has had a long rest.
Exception: When casting Dancing Lights, the Shimmerling Alate can still cause her body to glow, and she gets a +10 bonus to Disguise checks to pretend to be a mere sphere of light. She loses this ability as well when the effect ends.
Any saves against these effects are Charisma based.

Swarm leader: (Su)
As a full-round action, a Shimmerling Alate can join a Shimmerling Swarm. TheShimmerling Swarm's Intelligence score increases by her Intelligence bonus, and its swarm attack does an additional 1d6 damage. She does not control the swarm. She takes 1 point of damage any time the Shimmerling Swarm takes any damage. She may disengage from the Shimmerling Swarm as another Full-Round Action.

Poison Immunity: Shimmerling Alates are immune to any poison derived from flowers. They often dress themselves in toxic blossoms to prevent creatures from eating them, or at least punish those that do.

Shimmerling Alates automatically speak Sylvan, Shimmerling Color Language, and Shimmerling Blink Language.
Shimmerling Color Language is a silent, visual language expressed through the Shimmerling changing the color of their skin. Non-Shimmerlings can learn to understand this language, but cannot replicate it. This language cannot be written.
Shimmerling Blink Language is a silent, visual language that involves the Shimmerling rapidly turning its glow (or, for longer distances its Light ability), on and off. This languages carries much further than the Shimmerling Color Language, though it is a little less sophisticated in its ability to express detailed concepts. Non-Shimmerlings can learn this language, and can replicate it with a bullseye lantern or similar device. It is written in dots and dashes.
Bonus languages: Shimmerling Alates can select bonus languages from non-secret languages commonly spoken in the area in which they were born.

Level Adjustment: Zero


Anything to add or take away would be helpful. I decided not to include rules for a female Alate giving birth to a swarm for probably a few good reasons; besides, she'd be a Queen after that.

I might like to add room for a Feat or something. Weapon Finesse?

As always any input help is appreciated!

2023-05-01, 09:59 PM
I am still in the process of getting carried away!

Shimmerling Feats:

Shimmerling Language Spellcasting

Prerequisites: Shimmerling Alate, ability to cast 2nd level Arcane spells

A Shimmerling Alate with this feat can use Shimmerling Color Language to perform Verbal components of spells and Shimmerling Blink Langauge to perform Somatic components of spells.
This allows the Shimmerling Alate to cast spells without making a sound or without a free hand. As the Shimmerling Alate is still taking visible action, Spellcraft checks can be made normally to determine what spell they are casting.
Special: Shimmerling Blink Language uses the entire body. Armor conceals the body, so Arcane Spell Failure still applies when substituting a Somatic component.


Prerequisites: Shimmerling Alate, Dodge, Hide 5 ranks

By flying moving between 10 and 20 feet, a Shimmerling Alate with this feat can attempt a Hide check at a -10 penalty, even if he does not end up in a hiding place. This is a Move action.
Special: The Hide check fails automatically if the movement if an Attack of Opportunity is made based on the movement.
Special: A Shimmerling Alate who has exhausted his Lightbringer ability cannot change color sufficiently to perform this feat.

Shimmerling Camoflauge

Prerequisites: Shimmerling Alate, Disguise 10 ranks, Bluff 5 ranks.

As a Full-Round action, a Shimmerling Alate can adjust her colors to blend in with her surroundings, granting her the same +10 to Hide checks she receives for hiding in flowers. This bonus is lost if the Shimmerling Alate moves more than her base land or fly speed in one turn, attacks, if she moves to different surroundings, or the surroundings suddenly change for some reason.
Note: The Shimmerling Alate cannot blend in with open air.
Special: A Shimmerling Alate who has exhausted her Lightbringer ability cannot change color sufficiently to perform this feat.

2023-05-02, 12:11 AM
I don't know much about this kind of stuff but looking it over I definitely think the racial dex bonus is way too small. the penalty to str and con is -10 total and the plus from other stats is only +4. as a fine size creature id bump up the racial dex mod by another +4 for a total +6. this still gives an overall -2 total racial stat mods but makes more sense to me.

2023-05-02, 12:19 AM
I think this deserves a level adjustment. A +8 to attack and AC is stupidly powerful for any caster and casters typically don't care about reach or a loss of strength score, and can deal with a negative to CON but they'd love DEX and CHA as boosted stats.

As for a fair level adjustment, I've always had trouble judging it, but my rough guess would be 3 or 4 LA, but I'd be happy to defer to other, more experienced posters on the matter.

2023-05-02, 12:48 AM
I would make the strength adjustment -10 and constitution -8. Maybe remove the charisma bonus too.

2023-05-02, 12:51 AM
I think this deserves a level adjustment. A +8 to attack and AC is stupidly powerful for any caster and casters typically don't care about reach or a loss of strength score, and can deal with a negative to CON but they'd love DEX and CHA as boosted stats.

One thing to consider is the carrying capacity. A Fine creature with 4 strength has a light load of about a pound and a half; even spell components would start to add up very fast with such a severe restriction.

You'll really be stressing that +8 to AC when every touch attack provokes an AoO, and you'll never evade that Barbarian with your 20-foot move speed. The Con penalty is also going to hamper any spells you have to Con-centrate on. I think playing this as a spellcaster would have a lot of trade-offs that would make for a challenging, tactical character. Also, your familiar would eat you.

2023-05-02, 02:11 AM
One thing to consider is the carrying capacity. A Fine creature with 4 strength has a light load of about a pound and a half; even spell components would start to add up very fast with such a severe restriction.

You'll really be stressing that +8 to AC when every touch attack provokes an AoO, and you'll never evade that Barbarian with your 20-foot move speed. The Con penalty is also going to hamper any spells you have to Con-centrate on. I think playing this as a spellcaster would have a lot of trade-offs that would make for a challenging, tactical character. Also, your familiar would eat you.

Funny thing that. You would have a familiar that's typically at least one size category, often more, larger than you. Which makes them size-appropriate for mounting, and the size means you definitely don't impair their carry capacity. Your level 1 sorcerer now has indefinite flight by riding a raven, with a pretty hefty AC, while chucking ranged touch attacks and saves.

2023-05-02, 02:46 AM
Even if you weren't abusing all of the extra mount options you get from being Fine in size, you can still cast many great spells without material components, and removing material components from spells isn't hard either.

I'll put it another way: if this was an official DnD race, you'd struggle to find a reason not to use it when playing a caster at LA 0. If it's clearly the best race option, it's too powerful a homebrew, IMO.

2023-05-02, 04:20 AM
I would make the strength adjustment -10 and constitution -8. Maybe remove the charisma bonus too.

-8 Con is definitely too much. It means most classes won't give it HP at all. -4 is generally the worst you can find.

Light load is definitely an issue‚ but a lot of items have negligible weight. It's not like you need an armor when you have a total racial bonus of +12 to AC. Incorporeal characters are not that much weaker because they have trouble finding gear.

Those stats‚ size bonuses and flight make a shimmerling much too good of a warlock as is‚ and I'd advocate for a LA+2‚ since it's much better than a Sparrow hengeyokai while keeping the ability to use somatic components.

2023-05-02, 09:24 AM
Sparrow hengeyokai
This seems like the natural comparison point. Also fine size, Fly 50'(average), Str 1, Dex 23, Con 10, Wis-2, no arms, and not able to speak. It's a strong LA+0 with the 3.5 update.

2023-05-02, 09:30 AM
Pathfinder doesn't have LA, so this would just end up on the "every GM would just ban this race lol" list.

2023-05-02, 03:32 PM
Yeah, that's the tricky thing with balancing a race: You can't make a race better at being a spellcaster and balance it by making it worse at being a warrior (or vice-versa), because that just means that everyone who uses that race will be a spellcaster, enjoy all of the benefits, and ignore the drawbacks. If you're giving something spellcasting benefits, then you also have to give it spellcasting drawbacks. And those drawbacks need to be broadly applicable: Sure, offensive touch spells will suck with 0 reach, but it's easy enough to make a spellcaster that just doesn't lose any of those.

The only drawback here for a ranged spellcaster is the con penalty, and that's easy enough to mitigate, especially since you're likely to never even be targeted.

2023-05-02, 03:47 PM
Honestly. That's part of why I love the Dvati. By the time they made the Dvati, they realized that spellcasting was actually very potent, especially given the power and survivability creep from earlier editions. (Which also happens to have been a cultural shift in DM styles.)
So, although for martial Dvati, they effectively have 2 rounds, casters must have both Dvati focus on it.