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2023-05-03, 02:34 PM
So Sharn...
Anauroch, the Empire of Shade p. 153

At +5LA 4HD it's not for most games. However, it's a silly, silly race that opens up SO much cheese and that makes it a favorite of mine!

- Casting as Favored Soul 6 and Sorcerer 6. That's 12 levels of spellcasting progression total on an ECL 9 creature.
- 3 standard actions/turn is a very big one, even though it has a limitation that if it uses those actions to cast spells, they need to come from separate spell lists.
- Regeneration
- SR/DR/Immunities
- Evasion

[I have some questions at the end of the post]

At first glance, it looks like getting 9th level spells is impossible since you're three levels behind a Sorcerer/Favored Soul which means missing out by one level, however, there are ways around it.

The more complicated and cheesy one first:
Sharn/Eldritch Master 2/Nar Demonbinder 1/Mystic Theurge 6/Eldritch Master +1
(needs flaws for sure)
- Favored + Primary Contact to enter Eldritch Master early
- Versatile Spellcaster + Heighten Spell for 4th level spells requirement
- You need to buy a Codex Anathema to qualify for Nar Demonbinder since your HD is a bit low. However, your ECL is high enough that it should be reasonably affordable.
- Some feat to expand your spell list (Arcane Disciple? Bloodline?)

As an upside, you end up casting as Favored Soul 12/Sorcerer 6/Nar Demonbinder 7+ which is fairly flexible especially with the bonus spells from Eldritch Master. Independent Action MAY even allow you to cast 3 spells per turn since

though the two spells must come from the lists of different classes due to the peculiar structure of a sharn’s mental processes.
Well you have three separate casting classes, so I don't see why you can't satisfy this limitation while casting 3 spells. :smallbiggrin:

However, after a bunch of research and coming up with a brand new entry trick to Arcane Hierophant, I realized there is a simpler way.

First of all, be playing with LA buyoff. In general, it's considered a balanced alternative rule since the benefits of LA races typically get weaker and weaker as you level. Admittedly, LA buyoff does encourage players to start with LA+1 races since those can be bought off reasonably painlessly. However, it's essential here to get 9th before epic with less cheese. For a 5LA 4HD creature, LA buyoff happens at level 19, which HURTS, but is worth it.

Sharn Mystic Theurge 2/Arcane Hierophant 10

Take Knowledge Devotion to add Knowledge Nature to your skill list (and also helps with damage output, so hurray!)
Find the core Hierophant class with Druid levels and Power of Nature (Su) and hire them to give you Trackless Step once a week for a full week. As a SU ability, it's can't be dispelled. With that said, having to renew it every week is a weakness since depending on your DM, you might lose your casting if you're stuck somewhere long enough.
if the Hierophant just happens to have Extend Supernatural Ability feat, you can then renew every two weeks.

With all of those limitations in mind, you're still getting double 9s on a Sharn chassis.

So focusing on that second build, once we have the casting what do we do with the feats and what should the build focus on?

Feats Because of its independent action ability and 20 Dexterity, a sharn’s Combat Reflexes feat allows it to make fifteen additional attacks of opportunity, but no more than [B]five attacks of opportunity with any given attack.

AOOs: Being able to AOO 5 times for every opportunity is kinda silly. That's 5 trip/knockback/etc attempts possibly from Hex portals so you can keep yourself far away! Give this character a Spiked Chain or three! With that said, AOO builds require a TON of feats to do very well and as a caster, you will likely have a good amount of battlefield control without having to resort to hitting things, so probably not the best focus, although picking up Combat Reflexes is probably still good.

(Natural) Weapons: Sharn have 9 claws and 3 bites for a grand total of 12 natural attacks. Improved Natural Attack definitely does things. Amulet of Mighty Fists is nifty too. There is a bit of tension, however, with the fact that every manufactured weapon you use removes a claw attack or two. Weapons can have useful special abilities, offer reach, etc, so Improved Multiweapon Fighting might be better than natural weapons, or just skip the gish things and focus on casting.

Metamagic: Usually what brings casters over the top in terms of power is heavy metamagic use, especially Persistent Spell. However, that usually requires specific classes. The only method I can think of that greatly reduces metamagic costs without needing extra class levels is Node Spellcasting -> Metanode Spell. Persist all your buffs in the morning for free in your underground fortress, then teleport to your next adventure. With that said, with it taking 4 feats total to Persist Spells and potentially another weakness if someone can take over your Earth Node, it may not be the right choice in every game.
Alternatively: If you can get yourself multiple or a multiclass Hierophants, Gift of the Divine (Su) can transfer Turn Undead to you so you can do the regular Divine Metamagic. With that said, I would only do this if the Hierophant is a cohort that travels with you since you ideally need to refresh those daily. Also doesn't work with your arcane spells.

General: Versatile Spellcaster, Craft Contingent Spell, Leadership (for that Hierophant). All incredible feats.

Cheese++: Multiple Head Casting (https://web.archive.org/web/20170330172227/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fc/20010223a) while this feat was meant for Ettins, Sharn Definitely qualify to take it three times for an extra three standard actions. Yes, this would mean up to 6 standard actions per turn. It's unclear how (and if) this interacts with Independent Action's limitation that spells cast must come from a different class. Since the actions are coming from a different source, presumably it doesn't interact at all. Even with 2 spell lists, you may run out of spells fairly rapidly if you're firing 5-6 of them per turn. Also Un-updated 3.0 content that was meant to be published at a later time, but never was (presumably replaced with Multivoice in Savage Speciest, but we don't know for sure)

Bonus dirty trick: One of the main drawback of Sharn is Inviolate Form. While the base form on Sharn is VERY good, being able to change to other forms for utility would be nifty. Luckily, Trait Removal spell from Serpent Kingdoms can get rid of it for hours/level if necessary! Shapechange is just that broken.

Questions for the playground:
1. What feats would YOU chose?
2. Is there any way to become immune to Lawful weapons (so that Regeneration can't be bypassed)
3. Any thoughts about what Item slots Sharn would have? I presume one extra ring and no shoes.
4. What are y'all thoughts about where to draw the line for "spells and effects that would significantly change its bodily form or composition"
- Size changing effects such as Righteous Might: I am leaning towards not affected.
- Aspect of the Deity (Lesser/Greater): I am leaning towards affected.
- Fuse arms: I am leaning towards not affected.
- Mantle of the Fiery Spirit: I am leaning towards affected

2023-05-03, 02:50 PM
Not super related to the mechanical aspect, but you're kinda assuming all three Sharn 'parts' have the same goals and work together no problem.

I would (as does the book) play up the beef between them a bit more personally.

2023-05-03, 09:15 PM
It looks like you could leverage Maho-Tsukai to get L9 spells in a straightforward fashion which combos with various approaches (spelldancer, incantatrix, etc...) for metamagic.

2023-05-03, 10:20 PM
Not super related to the mechanical aspect, but you're kinda assuming all three Sharn 'parts' have the same goals and work together no problem.

I would (as does the book) play up the beef between them a bit more personally.

Do you have specific page numbers that best reflect that beef? From the monster description it sounds like much of the intrigue is between separate Sharns, not within the same individual. With that said, they have the chaotic subtype for a reason. 😈

It looks like you could leverage Maho-Tsukai to get L9 spells in a straightforward fashion which combos with various approaches (spelldancer, incantatrix, etc...) for metamagic.

Ooh! This would be super nifty if it works, although I have some doubts about racial casting progression counting as levels in a class for purposes of trading in. After all, class levels typically offer more than just casting progression (BAB, saves, etc.) you even explicitly don't get a familiar.

As an aside, I realized that if the helpful Heirophant has Extend Supernatural Ability feat, the Sharn would need to come back every two weeks instead of every week. Much better if you can build your own with leadership or DM bribes.

As an aside to the aside, I also realized that due to ACFs and substitution levels existing, Hierophant can actually grant a fairly large suite of abilities. Nothing too incredible for this built, but even just getting a free poison immunity ain't nothing if the Hierophant is already friendly.

2023-05-04, 12:16 PM
Ooh! This would be super nifty if it works, although I have some doubts about racial casting progression counting as levels in a class for purposes of trading in. After all, class levels typically offer more than just casting progression (BAB, saves, etc.) you even explicitly don't get a familiar.

A familiar is definitely not required.

There's some stretch here but it seems reasonable. The text is:

A maho-tsukai can "trade in" levels in another spellcasting class for additional levels of maho-tsukai spellcasting ability. Each level of prior spellcasting ability counts as one additional level as a maho-tsukai for purposes of determining spells known and spells per day only.

So, does "Sharn" count as a spellcasting class? There's ample precedent for racial classes so it seems like a "maybe". Sharn's definitely have levels of spellcasting ability so it seems they should have something to tradein.

2023-05-04, 01:11 PM
I guess Sharn 9/MahoTsukai 1/Ur-Priest 1/Mystic Theurge 9. 9th divine‚ 8th arcane‚ and 3 divine on top for the 3rd standard action.

2023-05-04, 02:51 PM
I guess Sharn 9/MahoTsukai 1/Ur-Priest 1/Mystic Theurge 9. 9th divine‚ 8th arcane‚ and 3 divine on top for the 3rd standard action.

Ur Priest has this little bit of rules that sadly prevent a second divine class there:

The character must have no ability to cast divine spells. If such spellcasting ability was previously possessed (as with an ex-cleric), that ability is forever forsaken

With that said, if your DM rules that you can trade away racial spellcasting progression and have it count as "levels in another spellcasting class", you can trade all 12 levels for double 9s. Or just be a single classed character and take Multiple Head Casting for extra spells while you use your remaining 2 standard actions for, I dunno? Gish? Do art?

So basically it becomes Sharn 9/MahoTsukai 1 (+12 traded) /Ur-Priest 2/Mystic Theurge 6/X (divine PrC) 2

20 levels of Maho-Tsukai Progression. 10 levels of Ur-Priest Progression. Turn Undead for DMM if you want it.

Questionable, but 7th level spells at ECL 10 is something!

2023-05-04, 05:15 PM
Add here initiator class for third standard.

2023-05-04, 06:44 PM
With that said, if your DM rules that you can trade away racial spellcasting progression and have it count as "levels in another spellcasting class", you can trade all 12 levels for double 9s.

There is evidence under advancement that the racial spellcasting advances both sorcerer and favored soul, so you would only pick up 6 levels from Maho-Tsukai.

With that said, it does suggest you could do something obnoxious with a non-Sharn Mystic Theurge/Maho-Tsukai which I hadn't appreciated.

2023-05-07, 01:17 PM
There are also questions about how Sharn spellcasting actually works.

Sharns use their sorcerer and favored soul spells as if they were spell-like abilities, so they require no verbal, somatic, or material component

Sharns also favor counterspelling opponents and unleashing spells of their own, or employing melee attacks in the same round. Advanced sharns and sharns with class levels often take Improved Counterspell as a feat

A spell-like ability has no verbal, somatic, or material component, nor does it require a focus or have an XP cost. The user activates it mentally. Armor never affects a spell-like ability’s use, even if the ability resembles an arcane spell with a somatic component.

A spell-like ability takes the same amount of time to complete as the spell that it mimics (usually 1 standard action) unless otherwise stated. Spell-like abilities cannot be used to counterspell, nor can they be counterspelled. In all other ways, a spell-like ability functions just like a spell

So I see two options here:

1. Sharn spellcasting acts as spell like abilities in certain regards such as requiring no verbal, somatic, or material component, but can be used to counterspell and still requires XP components or a focus.
2. Sharn spellcasting IS a spell like ability, and the folks who wrote the monster forgot that SLAs can't be used to counterspell. This means your spellcasting does not have XP components and can't be counterspelled, so that's nice (but you can't counterspell yourself of course)!

The second interpretation is of course more powerful since some of the most powerful spell are "balanced" with an XP cost. (but either are nifty power boosts)


2023-05-11, 12:03 PM
Added section about Divine Metamagic under metamagic.

Also shameless bump because I am thirsty for more discussion about this silly beast!

(also fixed a couple of spelling mistakes)

2023-05-13, 01:33 PM
The spellcasting as SLA might be even worse if you consider that SLAs only require standard actions to cast. Geas/Quest is as broken as ever as an SLA. In-combat Animate Dread Warrior and Ability Rip. Also, freaking Anyspell. It might be hard to get, but a good combination of customize domain and Sovereign Speaker should get you the ability to cast Anyspell with your Favored Soul side, then use the spell created by Anyspell using the domain slot given by Sovereign Speaker (which is not linked to either sorcerer or favored soul). Basically, for a 4th level spell slot, you can spontaneously cast any 2nd level arcane spell.

Also, I think we're underestimating the fact that it can wield 9 weapons at the same time and has +10 Dex. Sometimes, you just want to be a rogue/swordsage/unseen seer, using magic to become invisible and dealing the equivalent of +36d6 in sneak attack using his 9 poison rings to make touch attacks.

2023-05-13, 03:32 PM
The spellcasting as SLA might be even worse if you consider that SLAs only require standard actions to cast.

Does it? SRD says
A spell-like ability takes the same amount of time to complete as the spell that it mimics (usually 1 standard action) unless otherwise stated.

The parenthetical part seems like a reminder of a general rule.

Geas/Quest is as broken as ever as an SLA. In-combat Animate Dread Warrior and Ability Rip. Also, freaking Anyspell. It might be hard to get, but a good combination of customize domain and Sovereign Speaker should get you the ability to cast Anyspell with your Favored Soul side, then use the spell created by Anyspell using the domain slot given by Sovereign Speaker (which is not linked to either sorcerer or favored soul). Basically, for a 4th level spell slot, you can spontaneously cast any 2nd level arcane spell.

Maybe Planar Touchstone (Catalogues of Enlightenment)? With that said, this is somewhat problematic since Anyspell allows you to prepare a spell in a domain slot, and you
a. Don't prepare spells.
b. Don't have domain slots
You can overcome some of those limitations with things like Arcane Preparation and/or Holt Warden, with that said maybe just wait and abuse XP-free Limited Wish?

Also, I think we're underestimating the fact that it can wield 9 weapons at the same time and has +10 Dex. Sometimes, you just want to be a rogue/swordsage/unseen seer, using magic to become invisible and dealing the equivalent of +36d6 in sneak attack using his 9 poison rings to make touch attacks.

Poison rings or just cast Wraithstrike? You can even get 16 BAB with LA buyoff and Divine Power!
Limited Wish -> Favor of Ilmater/Martyr gives you immunity to non-lethal which arguably makes you immune to non-lawful damage due to your regeneration (although I have seen references online to WotC customer service saying this doesn't work.)
So gishing is always an option, especially if you cast a few spells to make sure you can hit reliably and have a source of extra damage or on-hit effects.

I was originally trying to shoe in Fochlucan Lyrist since Sharn have evasion already and Fochlucan Lyrist has full BAB for better gishing, but getting Bardic knowledge without losing advancement on both sides proved to be difficult, not to mention that the methods of getting druidic as a language are very table dependent.

2023-05-13, 05:12 PM
Does it? SRD says

The parenthetical part seems like a reminder of a general rule.

Rules Compendium: "Using a spell-like ability usually takes 1 standard action and provokes attacks of opportunity unless otherwise noted. If the spell-like ability duplicates a spell that has a casting time of less than 1 standard action, the spell-like ability has that casting time"

Monster Manual: "Using a spell-like ability is a standard action unless noted otherwise, and doing so while threatened provokes attacks of opportunity".

Whether you consider the Primary Source Rule or the Rules Compendium precedence, it's clear that SLAs take at most one standard action except explicitly written otherwise.