View Full Version : Fun with an undead bloodline sorcerer

2023-05-04, 04:04 PM
I’m working on what I consider a “practical thought experiment”. I’m making a character for a campaign I’m playing in. I already have a character and the odds of them getting killed off permanently are pretty low at this point, but you never know when something will happen.

It’s an undead heavy 3.5 campaign in a homebrewed setting. Pathfinder stuff has sometimes been given an OK, so I’m currently trying to figure out what fun I could have with the undead bloodline ability of the Pathfinder sorcerer. It allows you to use [mind-affecting] spells on undead that were previously Humanoid as if they were still Humanoid.

I would be up-front that I want to use this character to start turning the campaign’s BBEGs, a group of liches, into the party’s minions. If my DM isn’t cool with me trying that, then I simply won’t play this character but do something else, should the need arise.

The first spell to come to my mind was Dominate Person. I like it, I really do. But, the save, and then another save with a bonus if I make a command “against [the target’s] nature” seem like pretty severe drawbacks.

The next one I thought of was Geas/Quest. No save, but comes with a couple of complications. For one, it must target a “living creature” and I’m not sure that Humanoids are considered living just because you use the undead bloodline sorcerer’s ability. Regardless of RAW, I doubt my DM would have a problem with letting it work, if the character concept was allowed at all. The other complication is the 10 minute cast time.

One solution to the casting time would be Anima Mage. Our characters are basically capped at 13th level (the DM didn’t want to have to deal with players having 8th or 9th level spells) so I’d have to use some kind of early entry trick to get all 10 levels I would need before hitting the level cap, but that would allow 1 casting of Geas a day as an immediate action. Good, but not excellent.

Solution number 2 is Spellguard of Silverymoon (setting specific stuff is generally allowed as long as the serial numbers can be filed off). At 3rd level, they get Selective Spell a number of times per day equal to their Int mod (minimum 1). Importantly, “Casting a selective spell requires a fullround action.” It makes no mention of spells that start out with a longer casting time, so, RAW, it should work. Whether I can get my DM to agree with it is likely a coin flip.

The last solution I can think of is to somehow disable a lich for 10 minutes while I cast the spell. I have no idea how I would do this, but hard-casting the spell feels like it would be the solution most likely to fly at my table, so if anyone has any opinions on this, I’d appreciate the discussion.

Any ideas on how I could pull something like this off? More fun [mind-affecting] spells to hit an army of undead and their lich masters with? Roadblocks to what I’ve laid out that I seem to have missed?

2023-05-04, 04:24 PM
Any reason you wouldn't be able to use Dominate Person into Geas?

Monstrous Thrall is a 9th-level spell from the Domination domain (obtainable with Arcane Disciple) that doesn't break if the subject briefly refuses to perform orders against their nature.

Maximized Empowered Hypnotism can target creatures with 12 or less HD (which should include some weaker liches) and permanently improves creatures' attitudes towards specific requests, though it again mandates living creatures.

2023-05-05, 01:22 AM
Looking at other [mind-affecting] spells, I think Hideous Laughter, Feeblemind, and Endless Slumber would be both hilarious and potentially encounter-enders. Endless Slumber in particular could take a lich out for long enough to hit it with a Geas. The problems with these spells are that they are both Will Negates and liches are likely to have over-the-moon Will saves, and they are also Spell Resistance: Yes. This last one will be an issue because, in previous fights, I think they've always had SR from the spell "Spell Resistance". Speaking of spells, I'd also expect them to come in with Mind Blank for it's protection from Scrying effects.

In what ways can one maximize the save DC and the ability to overcome spell resistance and Mind Blank?

For the save DC, there's always Spell Focus and Greater spell focus. Though, if I'm being honest, I don't think 2 feats for a +2 bonus is really worth it. There was some kind of Irresistible Spell metamagic in Kalamar that I might be able to use. I don't remember the specifics, but I think it originally just removed the save from a spell, but was erratad to give a significant boost to the save DC instead. Heighten can raise the save DC. Twin and Repeat spell mean more saves for the same actions. All of these would require some form of metamagic reduction to really be worth it. Hypothetically, there's stuff like Bestow Curse, but that still offers a Will save and has to get through SR. If I could successfully get a Bestow Curse off, I could have gotten one of my encounter-enders off in it's place. Is there anything that uses a Reflex save (or no save at all) that would reduce a lich's Will save?

Spell resistance... there's Assay Spell Resistance, caster level boosts, and Arcane Mastery. Shouldn't be an issue, as long as I come prepared for it.

Mind Blank is a doozy. Anyone know of an easy way to get around it? I can think of, like, two options. The first is to dispel it. Greater Dispel Magic or Spell Theft would likely be a good use of resources when fighting a lich regardless. It's just getting them off reliably that hurts. The other option is a bit more investment, and takes things in a bit of a different direction. AFAIK, a Pathfinder sorcerers bloodline abilities don't necessarily only apply to their sorcerer spells. So, I could take 1 level of Sorcerer, then my other 12 levels as a Cleric of Mystra with the Initiate of Mystra feat. See a lich, charge in and cast Anti-Magic Field. Then, as long as I can prevent him from moving out of range of the field, I can hit them with whatever I want. This route would also open up Divine Metamagic for some of those juicey metamagic feats I want to raise the DC.

There's also Ray of Stupidity. Anything that doesn't need Int goes comatose, anything that does need it can't use it anymore. Doesn't require a save and it's a ray spell, so that's nice. Still needs to get by spell resistance and, more importantly, that dang Mind Blank again.

Seriously, does anyone know of an effective way of getting rid of Mind Blank? I fear dispelling would take too much investment to be effective and Cheater of Mystra is likely, though not guaranteed, to be shot down during character creation.

2023-05-05, 02:17 AM
Option 3: https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/shatterMindBlank.htm

Does require access to psionics, though (and magic-psionics transparency).

2023-05-07, 03:41 PM
If you want to get technical, Mind Blank "protects against all mind-affecting spells and effects". [Mind-Affecting] is a tag, like a Fireball's [Fire] attribute; it is more than just prose in a description. Shadow spells drop their original tags. A Shadow Evocation Fireball is not [Fire] anymore. This is sometimes a nerf, because a Shadow Evocation Fireball does not benefit from anything that boosts [Fire] spells anymore. Some other times, it becomes a boon, like we're about to see.

Enter Shadow Enchantment (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/shadow-enchantment/), little cousin to Shadow Conjuration and Shadow Evocation from the Pathfinder side of the family. As a Shadow spell, it replicates mind-affecting spell effects from the Enchantment school, but is not an Enchantment nor is it mind-affecting itself. It is Illusion (shadow) [shadow]. Therefore, it does not give two flips about Mind Blank. This would be amazing if your target was a regular, living creature.

Now, you will have to reconcile one annoying bit with the power of your own Undead Bloodline: "Objects, mindless creatures, and creatures immune to mind-affecting effects automatically succeed at their Will saves against this spell." vs. "Corporeal undead that were once humanoids are treated as humanoids for the purposes of determining which spells affect them."

Personally, I would interpret your Bloodline Arcana as covering all spells, not just Enchantments. That would let the Illusion based Shadow Enchantment work through and affect your undead targets, though Mind Blank.