View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other RLA Progressions: Monster Classes with Reassigned LAs - MM1

Blue Jay
2023-05-06, 11:37 AM
The LA Assignment Project (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?624825) is/was a big project undertaken here on the Playground over the last several years, in which we vote on a more appropriate Level Adjustment for every monster in every book we could find. A couple years ago, I took it upon myself to create new Savage Progressions based on the reassigned LAs, for use by a group I co-moderate at Myth-Weavers, and now I'm looking to transfer the progressions here for storage (since Myth-Weavers is undergoing a migration to a new platform that won't be as easy to use as an archive).

I've been using the acronym "RLA" (Reassigned LAs) as shorthand for Inevitability's project.

This thread contains RLA Progressions for monsters in Monster Manual 1.

Note that my game on Myth-Weavers (the Realm Folded Tavern) has a starting ECL of 3, so I didn't need to create progressions for monsters of ECL 3 or lower. So, this thread will only have progressions for monsters of ECL 4+.

I also cranked these out fairly quickly, so there are bound to be some errors, and I can't be sure that I've put them together in the most balanced and appropriate way. Any divergence from the SRD monster is not intentional, so don't try to argue with your DM that my progressions offer something the SRD monster doesn't, or vice-versa.

I'm also not taking the time to explain all the features and abilities: hopefully the abilities are mostly self-explanatory, but I make no promises. As a consequence, these progressions won't allow you to play these monsters without using the original source material, which I hope is enough to avoid any copyright issues (though I think game rules like this aren't copyrightable anyway, at least in the USA).

I hope there's enough information here for people to use these progressions, but there are bound to be some issues and some things I've not done well enough, so additional oversight is welcome.

This will take at least several days for me to convert formats and transfer. I have several other books done too, but I'll try to make new threads for each book.

The number in parentheses below is the monster's ECL. The posts below are organized by ECL, so hopefully this index can help you find the monster you're looking for.

Aboleth (10)
Achaierai (6)
Allip (7)
Angel, Astral Deva (14)
Angel, Planetar (19)
Animated Object, Huge (8)
Animated Object, Large (4)
Ankheg (5)
Aranea (5)
Archon, Hound (7)
Archon, Trumpet (16)
Arrowhawk, Adult (7)
Arrowhawk, Juvenile (4)
Assassin Vine (4)
Athach (14)
Barghest (7)
Basilisk (7)
Behir (11)
Beholder (15)
Beholder, Gauth (10)
Belker (7)
Blink Dog (5)
Bodak (9)
Bulette (10)
Carrion Crawler (4)
Centaur (5)
Chaos Beast (8)
Chimera (9)
Choker (5)
Chuul (11)
Cloaker (8)
Cockatrice (6)
Couatl (12)
Delver (15)
Demon, Babau (9)
Demon, Balor (20)
Demon, Bebilith (12)
Demon, Glabrezu (15)
Demon, Hezrou (13)
Demon, Marilith (18)
Demon, Nalfeshnee (15)
Demon, Quasit (4)
Demon, Retriever (12)
Demon, Succubus (8)
Demon, Vrock (12)
Destrachan (8)
Devil, Barbed (12)
Devil, Bearded (6)
Devil, Bone (12)
Devil, Chain (8)
Devil, Erinyes (10)
Devil, Hellcat (8)
Devil, Horned (17)
Devil, Ice (16)
Devil, Imp (4)
Devil, Pit Fiend (20)
Digester (8)
Dinosaur, Deinonychus (4)
Dinosaur, Elasmosaur (10)
Dinosaur, Megaraptor (8)
Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus (18)
Dire Ape (6)
Dire Bat (4)
Dire Bear (12)
Dire Boar (7)
Dire Lion (8)
Dire Shark (18)
Dire Tiger (16)
Dire Wolverine (5)
Displacer Beast (6)
Doppelganger (4)
Dragon Turtle (13)
Dragon, Black Wyrmling (4)
Dragon, Blue Wyrmling (6)
Dragon, Brass Wyrmling (5)
Dragon, Bronze Wyrmling (6)
Dragon, Green Wyrmling (5)
Dragon, White Very Young (6)
Dragon, White Wyrmling (4)
Dragonne (9)
Drider (8)
Dryad (5)
Eagle, Giant (5)
Eladrin, Bralani (8)
Eladrin, Ghaele (16)
Elemental, Air (Large) (8)
Elemental, Earth (Large) (8)
Elemental, Fire (Large) (8)
Elemental, Water (Large) (8)
Ethereal Filcher (5)
Ethereal Marauder (4)
Ettercap (5)
Ettin (10)
Formian, Myrmarch (12)
Formian, Queen (20)
Formian, Taskmaster (9)
Formian, Warrior (4)
Frost Worm (14)
Gargoyle (4)
Genie, Djinni (9)
Genie, Efreeti (15)
Genie, Janni (7)
Ghost (Template) (4)
Ghoul, Ghast (4)
Giant, Cloud (17)
Giant, Fire (15)
Giant, Frost (14)
Giant, Hill (12)
Giant, Stone (14)
Giant, Storm (19)
Gibbering Mouther (6)
Girallon (8)
Golem, Clay (11)
Golem, Flesh (9)
Golem, Iron (18)
Golem, Stone (14)
Gorgon (8)
Gray Render (10)
Griffin (7)
Guardinal, Avoral (9)
Guardinal, Leonal (14)
Hag, Annis (7)
Hag, Green (9)
Hag, Sea (4)
Harpy (7)
Hell Hound (4)
Hippogriff (4)
Howler (6)
Hydra, 12 Heads (14)
Hydra, 5 Heads (7)
Inevitable, Kolyatur (13)
Inevitable, Marut (15)
Inevitable, Zelekhut (9)
Invisibile Stalker (8)
Kraken (20)
Lamia (9)
Lammasu (9)
Lillend (9)
Manticore (6)
Medusa (7)
Mephit, Air (4)
Mephit, Dust (4)
Mephit, Salt (4)
Mimic (7)
Mind Flayer (10)
Minotaur (6)
Mohrg (14)
Mummy (8)
Naga, Dark (9)
Naga, Guardian (11)
Naga, Spirit (9)
Naga, Water (8)
Night Hag (11)
Nightmare (6)
Nightshade, Nightwind (17)
Nymph (9)
Ogre (4)
Ogre Mage (7)
Ooze, Black Pudding (10)
Ooze, Gelatinous Cube (4)
Ooze, Ochre Jelly (6)
Otyugh (6)
Owl, Giant (5)
Owlbear (5)
Pegasus (5)
Phase Spider (6)
Phasm (15)
Purple Worm (16)
Rakshasa (10)
Rast (4)
Ravid (4)
Remorhaz (7)
Roc (18)
Roper (10)
Rust Monster (5)
Salamander, Average (9)
Salamander, Flamebrother (4)
Satyr (5)
Sea Cat (6)
Shadow (6)
Shadow Mastiff (5)
Shambling Mound (8)
Slaad, Blue (10)
Slaad, Gray (11)
Slaad, Green (10)
Slaad, Red (9)
Spectre (8)
Sphinx, Androsphinx (12)
Sphinx, Criosphinx (10)
Sphinx, Gynosphinx (9)
Sphinx, Hieracosphinx (9)
Spider Eater (5)
Swarm, Centipede (9)
Swarm, Hellwasp (12)
Swarm, Locust (6)
Swarm, Rat (4)
Tendriculos (9)
Titan (20)
Tojanida, Adult (7)
Treant (7)
Triceratops (16)
Troll (7)
Umber Hulk (8)
Unicorn (5)
Vampire Spawn (4)
Wight (4)
Will-O'-Wisp (9)
Winter Wolf (6)
Worg (4)
Wraith (7)
Wyvern (7)
Xill (6)
Xorn, Average (7)
Xorn, Minor (4)
Yeth Hound (4)
Yrthak (12)
Yuan-Ti, Abomination (9)
Yuan-Ti, Halfblood (7)
Yuan-Ti, Pureblood (4)

Monster Manual 3 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?661056-RLA-Progressions-Monster-Classes-with-Reassigned-LAs-MM3&p=25885908)

Blue Jay
2023-05-06, 11:37 AM
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Construct
Speed: 30 ft; 40 ft (legs); 50 ft (multiple legs); 70 ft (wheels)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage/drain, critical hits, death effects, death by massive damage, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting, necromancy effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, any effect that requires Fort (unless it also affects objects or is harmless)

Advancement Table

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +0.33 Hardness, Slam 1d6, +2 Str, +2 natural armor, Wis 1, Cha 1
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +0.67 Special Attack, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +1.00 Large size, Slam 1d8, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +1.33 Trample, +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: --
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An animated object is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

An animated object has the same Hardness it had before it was animated.

Special Attack
Some objects get a special attack (Blind or Constrict), due to their unique construction. See the SRD/MM entry for details.

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Outsider (Air, Extraplanar)
Speed: Fly 40 ft (good)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: acid, electricty, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d4, +4 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Electricity ray 2d6, Resistance (cold, fire) 5, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Bite 1d6, Fly 60 ft (good), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Fly 60 ft (perfect), Resistance (cold, fire) 10, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Knowledge (the Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An arrowhawk is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Plant
Speed: 5 ft
Special Abilities: Blindsight 30 ft
Immunities: critical hits, electricity, mind-affecting effect, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Camouflage, entangle 1/day, resist electricity 10, slam 1d4, +4 Str, +2 Con, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 entangle 3/day, resist (cold, fire) 5, slam 1d4 (reach 10 ft), +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Immune to electricity, Large, slam 1d6 (reach 15 ft), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 entangle (at will), resist (cold, fire) 10, slam 1d6 (reach 20 ft), +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: --
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An assassin vine is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Bite 1d4, Scent, 2 Tentacles (0), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, -4 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Alertness, 4 Tentacles (paralysis 1/round), +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Large Size, 6 Tentacles (paralysis 3/round), +2 Str, +2 natural armor
4 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 8 Tentacles (paralysis 8/round), +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A carrion crawler is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Tiny Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar)
Speed: 20 ft, Fly 40 ft (good)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Alternate Form (1 form), 2 Claws 1d3, Fast Healing 1, Fly 40 ft (good), SLA (detect good, detect magic), -2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d4, Poison (1d4 Dex / 1d4 Dex), Resistance (fire) 5, +2 Dex, SLA (cause fear 1/day)
3 - - - - Alternate Form (2 forms), Fast Healing 2, Fly 50 ft, SLA (invisibility), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 DR 5/cold iron, Fly 50 ft (perfect), Poison (1d4 Dex / 2d4 Dex, DC +2), Resistance (fire) 10, SLA (commune 1/week), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spellcraft, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A quasit is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Tiny Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Speed: 20 ft, Fly 40 ft (good)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: fire

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 detect good (at will), DR 2 / good or silver, Fly 40 ft (good), Sting 1d4, Tiny size, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 detect magic (at will), Fast Healing 1, Resistance 5 (fire), invisibillity (1/day), Poison (1d4 Dex / 1d4 Dex), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Alternate form (1 form, at will), DR 5 / good or silver, Fly 50 ft, suggestion (1/day), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Alternate form (2 forms, at will), commune (1/week), Fast Healing 2, Fly 50 ft (perfect), invisibility (at will), Poison (1d4 Dex / 2d4 Dex), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An imp is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 2d4, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Speed +10 ft, Talons 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Foreclaws 1d3, Pounce, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Speed +10 ft, Talons 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Jump, Listen, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A deinonychus is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 20 ft, Fly 40 ft (good)
Special Abilities: --

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Blindsense 20 ft, Fly 40 ft (good), +2 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Con, -8 Int, -4 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Blindsense 30 ft, +2 Spot/Listen, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Bite 1d8, Large size, +4 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Blindsense 40 ft, +4 Spot/Listen, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A dire bat is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +0.33 +2.50 +2.50 detect thoughts 1/day, minor change shape, slam 1d4, +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +0.67 +3.00 +3.00 detect thoughts 3/day, Immune (sleep), +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +1.00 +3.50 +3.50 Change shape, slam 1d6, skills +4, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +1.33 +4.00 +4.00 detect thoughts (at will), Immune (charm), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A doppelganger is proficient with saimple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Minor Shape Change
This works just like the changeling racial ability of the same name.

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Tiny Dragon (Water)
Speed: 30 ft, Swim 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 120 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: acid, sleep, paralysis

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d4, Blindsense 20 ft, Immunity (acid), Keen Senses, Water Breathing, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Breath Weapon (2d4 acid, 30-ft line), 2 Claws 1d3, Fly 50 ft (aveage), Speed 40 ft
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Blindsense 40 ft, Fly 80 ft (average), Speed 50 ft, Swim 60 ft, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Blindsense 60 ft, Fly 100 ft (average), Speed 60 ft, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 6 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A black wyrmling is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Tiny Dragon (Cold)
Speed: 30 ft, Swim 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 120 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: cold, sleep, paralysis
Vulnerability to fire

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d4, Blindsense 20 ft, Immunity (acid), Keen Senses, Water Breathing, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Breath Weapon (2d4 acid, 30-ft line), 2 Claws 1d3, Fly 50 ft (aveage), Speed 40 ft
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Blindsense 40 ft, Fly 80 ft (average), Speed 50 ft, Swim 60 ft, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Blindsense 60 ft, Fly 100 ft (average), Speed 60 ft, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 6 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A white wyrmling is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
I didn't make separate progressions for the four Medium elementals, but the progressions for the Large elementals (in the ECL 8 post) follow the advancement from Small to Medium to Large elementals, so if you stop the progression at 4th level, you'll have the standard stats of a Medium elemental.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast (Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Speed 30 ft, +2 Str, -4 Int, +1 natural armor
2 - - - - etheral jaunt (1/day), +2 Skills (Listen, Move Silently, Spot), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 etheral jaunt (3/day), Speed 40 ft, +2 Str
4 - - - - etheral jaunt (at will), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An ethereal marauder is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Lawful)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Immune (poison), Poison (1d4 Str / 1d4 Str), SR 15, Sting 2d4, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Wis
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 2 Claws 1d4, Immune (cold), Resistance 5 (2 types), SR 16, +2 Str, +2 Con
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Bite 1d4, Poison (1d6 Str / 1d6 Str), Resistance 5 (3 types), SR 17, +2 Con, +2 Dex
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 2 Claws 1d6, Immune (petrification), Resistance 10 (3 types), SR 18, +2 Str, +2 Dex

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Tumble
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A formian warrior is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Earth)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.50 +0.33 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d4, DR 2/magic, +2 Str, +2 Con, -4 Int, -4 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.00 +0.67 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d6, DR 5/magic, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +1.50 +1.00 +3.50 +3.50 Fly 60 ft (average), Freeze, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +2.00 +1.33 +4.00 +4.00 DR 10/magic, Gore 1d6, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A gargoyle is proficient with saimple weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Variant: Kapoacith Gargoyle: A kapoacinth gargoyle has the Aquatic subtype, and it gains a Swim speed of 60 feet instead of a Fly speed at 3rd level.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Undead
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage (Str, Dex & Con), ability drain, critical hits, death effects, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, any effect that allows a Fort save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.50 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 2 Claws 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor, +2 Turn Resistance
2 +1.00 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Bite (1d6, ghoul fever), +2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +1.50 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Claws (paralysis), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +2.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Bite 1d8, Stench, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 4 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Balance, Climb, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A ghast is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Undead (Incorporeal)
Speed: (as base creature)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: ability damage (Str, Dex & Con), ability drain, critical hits, death effects, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, any effect that allows a Fort save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 - - - - Deflection bonus, Manifestation, +2 Skills
2 - - - - Special Attack 1, Turn Resistance, +4 Skills
3 - - - - Fly 30 ft (perfect), Special Attack 2, +6 Skills
4 - - - - Rejuvenation, Special Attack 3, +8 Skills

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Amphibious
Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +0.33 +2.50 +2.50 Amphibious, 2 Claws 1d4, Spell Resistance (10+HD), +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +0.67 +3.00 +3.00 Horrific Appearance (1d6 Str), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Evil Eye (1/day), +2 Str, +2 Cha
4 +3.00 +1.00 +3.50 +3.50 Evil Eye (3/day), Horrific Appearance (2d6 Str), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Craft, Hide, Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A sea hag is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Fire, Lawful)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: fire
Vulnerability to cold

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d6, Track, +2 Str, -4 Int, -4 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Fiery bite, Skill bonuses, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Breath Weapon, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Bite 1d8, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A hell hound is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 50 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Scent, +2 Spot, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, -8 Int, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 2 Claws 1d4, Fly 50 ft (average), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Bite 1d8, Fly 75 ft (average), Large size, +4 Spot, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Fly 100 ft (average), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A hippogriff is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Blue Jay
2023-05-06, 11:39 AM
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: Swim 30 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Ram 1d4, +2 Str, -10 Int, -8 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Large size, Ram 1d6, +2 Str
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A manta ray is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Outsider (Air, Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 50 ft (good)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d3, blur (1/hr), DR 5/magic, +2 Dex, -4 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Breath Weapon (1d8, 15-ft cone), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Fast Healing 2, gust of wind (1/day), +2 Cha
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Breath Weapon (DC +1), Summon Mephit, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An air mephit is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Outsider (Air, Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 50 ft (good)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d3, blur (1/hr), DR 5/magic, +2 Dex, -4 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Breath Weapon (1d4, 10-ft cone), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Fast Healing 2, wind wall (1/day), +2 Cha
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Breath Weapon (itching, DC +1 racial bonus), Summon Mephit, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A dust mephit is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Outsider (Earth, Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 40 ft (average)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d3, glitterdust (1/hr), DR 5/magic, +2 Str, -2 Dex, -4 Int, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Breath Weapon (1d4, 10-ft cone), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Fast Healing 2, moisture draw (1/day, 2d8 damage), +2 Con, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Breath Weapon (itching, DC +1 racial bonus), Summon Mephit, +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A salt mephit is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Vermin
Speed: 40 ft , Climb 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: mind-affecting effects*
*A PC spider cannot be mindless, so your DM may rule that you lose immunity to mind-affecting effects.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Tremorsense 30 ft, +2 Str, +2 Dex, -8 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Poison (1d4 Str), +2 Hide & Spot, +2 Dex, +2 Con
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Tremorsense 60 ft, +10 Jump, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Bite 1d8, Large size, +8 Spot, +2 Dex

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Hide, Jump, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A monstrous spider is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Vermin
Speed: 40 ft , Climb 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: mind-affecting effects*
*A PC spider cannot be mindless, so your DM may rule that you lose immunity to mind-affecting effects.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Tremorsense 30 ft, Web (2/day, DC +1), +8 Move Silently in its web, +2 Str, +2 Dex, -8 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Poison (1d4 Str), Web (4/day, DC +2), +2 Hide (+4 while in its web), +2 Spot, +2 Dex, +2 Con
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Tremorsense 60 ft, Web (6/day, DC +3), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Bite 1d8, Large size, Web (8/day, DC +4), +4 Hide (+8 in its web), +4 Spot, +2 Dex

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Hide, Jump, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A monstrous spider is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Giant
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 +4 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, -4 Int, -4 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Large size, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An ogre is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Ooze
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Blindsight 60 ft
Immunities: critical hits, flanking, mind-affecting effects*, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, visual effects

*A PC gelatinous cube cannot be mindless, so your DM may rule that you lose immunity to mind-affecting effects.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +0.33 Acid 1d4, Blindsight 60 ft, Immunity (electricity), Slam 1d4, Transparency, -10 Dex, +10 Con, -10 Wis, -10 Cha
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +0.67 Engulf, paraylsis (1d6 rounds), +2 Con
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +1.00 Acid 1d6, Large size, paralysis (2d6 rounds), Slam 1d6, +2 Con
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +1.33 paralysis (3d6 rounds), +2 Con

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: --
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A gelatinous cube is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Vermin
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: mind-affecting effects*
*A PC giant praying mantis cannot be mindless, so your DM may rule that you lose immunity to mind-affecting effects.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Claws 1d6, +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Improved Grab, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Bite 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Claws 1d8, Large size, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A giant praying mantis is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Fire)
Speed: 5 ft, Fly 30 ft (average)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunity to fire
Vulnerability to cold

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d4, Flight, +2 Str, -8 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d6, Improved Grab, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Blood drain, 4 Claws, Fly 60 ft (good),+2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Bite 1d8, Paralyzing gaze, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A rast is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
Speed: Fly 40 ft (good)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Immunity (fire), Flight, Tail Slap 1d6, +2 Str, -4 Int, +2 Cha, +5 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Claw (1d4), Multiattack, +2 Con, +3 natural armor
3 - - - - Fly 60 ft (good), Positive Energy Lash (1d10), +2 Cha, +4 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 animate objects, Fly 60 ft (perfect), Positive Energy Lash (2d10), +2 Wis, +3 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Escape Artist, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A ravid is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Outsider (Extraplanar, Fire)
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Craft (blacksmith) +4, Tail slap 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Improved grab, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Heat 1d6, Tail slap 1d6, +2 Int, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Constrict, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Craft (blacksmithing), Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A flamebrother is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Tiny Animal (Swarm)
Speed: 15 ft, Climb 15 ft
Special Abilities: Half damage from piercing & slashing
Low-light vision
Swarm traits

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 5 ft x 5 ft, Swarm 1d6, +2 Balance, +2 Hide/Move Silently, -8 Str, -8 Int, -8 Cha
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Disease (filth fever), Scent, +4 Balance, +2 Dex
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Weapon Finesse, +6 Balance, +4 Hide/Move Silently, +2 Dex
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 10 ft x 10 ft, Distraction, +8 Balance, +2 Wis

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Balance, Climb, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A rat swarm is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Undead
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Vampire Weaknesses
Immunities: ability damage (Str, Dex & Con), ability drain, critical hits, death effects, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, any effect that allows a Fort save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.50 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Alertness, Slam 1d6, Turn Resist +2, Skills +4, +2 Str, +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.00 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Blood drain, gaseous form, Lightning Reflexes, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +1.50 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 DR 5/silver, Fast healing 2, Improved Initiative, spider climb, +2 Str, +2 Wis
4 +2.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Domination, Energy drain, energy resistance, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 4 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A vampire spawn is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
*Note: The Wight's LA has an asterisk (*) for its Create Spawn ability, which has poorly-defined limits and is quite powerful. DMs should consider removing or restricting this ability for Wight PCs.

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Undead
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: ability damage (Str, Dex & Con), ability drain, critical hits, death effects, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, any effect that allows a Fort save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.50 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Slam 1d4, +2 Move Silently, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.00 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 +4 Move Silently, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +1.50 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Energy Drain, +6 Move Silently, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +2.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Create Spawn, +8 Move Silently, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 4 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A wight is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 50 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Scent, +1 Hide/Listen/Move Silently/Spot, +2 Str, +2 Dex, -4 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Trip, +2 Str, +2 Con
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 +2 Hide, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A worg is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Outsider (Earth, Extraplanar)
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 All-Around Vision, Bite 1d8, Immunity (cold, fire), +2 Str, +3 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Burrow 20 ft, 2 Claws 1d3, Resistance (electricity) 5, +2 Con, +3 natural armor
3 - - - - Bite 2d8, DR 5/bludgeoning, +2 Str, +3 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 3 Claws 1d3, Earth Glide, Resistance (electricity) 10, +2 Con, +3 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (dungeoneering), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A xorn is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d6, Scent, +4 Survival (track by scent), +2 Str, +2 Con, -4 Int, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 DR 5/silver, Trip, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 natural armor
3 - - - - Bite 1d8, Flight, Fly 60 ft (good), +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Bay, DR 10/silver, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Search, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A yeth hound is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +0.33 +2.50 +2.50 Alternate Form (Medium or Small), detect poison (at will), Spell Resistance (10+HD), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +0.67 +3.00 +3.00 Alertness, SLA (animal trance, darkness), +5 Disguise (humanoid), +2 Int
3 +3.00 +1.00 +3.50 +3.50 Alternate Form (Tiny), Blind-Fight, SLA (cause fear, charm person), +2 Dex
4 +4.00 +1.33 +4.00 +4.00 Alternate Form (Large), SLA (entangle)

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Disguise, Hide, Knowledge (all), Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A yuan-ti pureblood is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Blue Jay
2023-05-06, 11:39 AM
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Con, -10 Int, -4 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 - - - - Acid 1d4, Improved Grab, Tremorsense 40 ft, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor
3 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Spit Acid (4d4 acid, 30-ft line, every 6 hours), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - Bite 2d6, Large size, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
5 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Tremorsense 60 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An ankheg is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 30 ft, Climb 30 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 2 Claws 1d4, Scent, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, -4 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Bite 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Dex
3 - - - - +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 2 Claws 1d6, Large size, +2 Str, +2 Dex
5 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis. +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An ape is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast (Shapechanger)
Speed: 40 ft, Climb 25 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite, Change Shape (humanoid), +2 Skills, +2 Dex, +2 Cha
2 - - - - CL 1st, Iron Will, +2 Con, +2 Int
3 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Base land speed +10 ft, Web 3/day, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - CL 2nd, Change Shape (hybrid), +2 Dex, +2 Int
5 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 CL 3rd, Web 6/day, +2 Con, +2 Wis

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Concentration, Escape Artist, Jump, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An aranea is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Gore 1d6, Scent, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, -6 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Gore 1d8, Large size, +2 Str, +2 Con
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Stampede, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A bison is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Scent, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 blink (1/day), Track, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - blink (3/day), +2 Dex
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 blink (at will), +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 dimension door, +2 Dex

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A blink dog is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +0.33 +2.50 +2.50 2 Hooves 1d4,+2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +0.67 +3.00 +3.00 Speed +10 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con
3 - - - - +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.00 +3.50 +3.50 Large size, Speed +10 ft, +2 Str
5 +4.00 +1.33 +4.00 +4.00 2 Hooves 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A centaur is proficient with all simple weapons, with the longswrod and longbow, and with its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Aberration
Speed: 20 ft, Climb 10 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 2 Tentacles 1d3, +2 Str, +2 Con, -6 Int, -4 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 - - - - Improved Grab, Improved Initiative, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 2 Tentacles (10-ft reach), +2 Str, +2 Wis
4 - - - - Constrict 1d3, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
5 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Quickness, +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Hide, Move Silently
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A choker is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 30 ft, Climb 10 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d6, Scent, Track, +4 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, -8 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 2 Claws 1d4, Rage, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Bite 1d8, Large size, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Wis
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 2 Claws 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A dire wolverine is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Dragon (Fire)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 120 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: sleep, paralysis

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d4, Blindsense 20 ft, Keen Senses, Speed 30 ft, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Breath Weapon (1d6 fire, 30-ft line), 2 Claws 1d3, Fly 50 ft (average), Speed 40 ft
3 - - - - Blindsense 30 ft, Burrow 30 ft, speak with animals, Speed 50 ft+1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Breath Weapon (sleep, 15-ft cone), Fly 100 ft (average)
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Blindsense 40 ft, Fly 150 ft (average), Speed 60 ft, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 6 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Use Magic Device
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A brass dragon wyrmling is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
"]Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Dragon (Air)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 120 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: sleep, paralysis

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d4, Blindsense 20 ft, Keen Senses, Speed 30 ft, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Breath Weapon (2d6 acid, 15-ft cone), 2 Claws 1d3, Fly 50 ft (poor), Swim 30 ft, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Blindsense 40 ft, Speed 40 ft, +2 Con
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Fly 100 ft (poor), Swim 40 ft, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Blindsense 60 ft, Fly 150 ft (poor), +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 6 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Magic Device
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A green dragon wyrmling is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
*Note: The Dryad's LA has an asterisk (*) for her Tree Dependency (Su) ability, because of how it restricts gameplay options for dryad PCs. DMs should consider making some allowances to accommodate dryad PCs.

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Fey
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.50 +0.33 +2.50 +2.50 entangle/speak with plants/tree shape (1/day), Tree Dependent, Wild Empathy, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.00 +0.67 +3.00 +3.00 charm person/deep slumber/tree stride (1/day), DR 2/cold iron, Wild Empathy (+2 racial bonus), +2 Wis, +2 Cha
3 - - - - entangle/speak with plants/tree shape (3/day), +2 Dex, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
4 +1.50 +1.00 +3.50 +3.50 charm person/deep slumber/tree stride (3/day), DR 5/cold iron, Wild Empathy (+4 racial bonus), +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +2 Cha
5 +2.00 +1.33 +4.00 +4.00 entangle/speak with plants/tree shape (at will), +2 Dex, +2 Int, suggestion (1/day), Wild Empathy (+6 racial bonus), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Hide, Knowledge (nature), Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Spot, Survival, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A dryad is proficient with simple weapons, and with the longbow. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 10 ft, Fly 40 ft (average)
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Fly 40 ft (average), Medium size, 2 Claws 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Bite 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis
3 - - - - Evasion, Fly 60 ft, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Large size, 2 Claws 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 1d8, Fly 80 ft, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Knowledge (nature), Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A giant eagle is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Bite 1d4, detect magic (at will), ethereal jaunt (1/day), +2 Dex, -4 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Speed 40 ft, +4 Sleight of Hand, +2 Listen/Spot, +2 Dex
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 ethereal jaunt (3/day), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 +8 Sleight of Hand, +4 Listen/Spot, +2 Dex
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 ethereal jaunt (at will), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Sleight of Hand, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An ethereal filcher is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 30 ft, Climb 30 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Bite 1d6, Web 2/day, +2 Dex, -4 Int, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Claws 1d3, Poison (1d6 Dex / 1d6 Dex), +2 Str, +2 Wis
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Web 4/day, +2 Craft/Hide/Spot, +2 Dex, +2 Con
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Bite 1d8, Poison (1d6 Dex / 2d6 Dex), +2 Str, +2 Wis
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Web 8/day, +4 Craft/Hide/Spot, +2 Dex

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Craft (trapmaking), Hide, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An ettercap is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Scent, +2 Skills, +2 Str, +2 Dex, -8 Int, -4 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 2 Claws 1d4, Improved Grab, +2 Str, +2 Con
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Pounce, +4 Skills, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 1d8, Large size, +2 Str, +2 Con
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Rake, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Balance, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A lion is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Vermin
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: mind-affecting effects*

*A PC monstrous scorpion cannot be mindless, so your DM may rule that you lose immunity to mind-affecting effects.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 2 Claws 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Improved Grab, Sting 1d4, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Constrict, Speed 40 ft, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 2 Claws 1d6, Large size, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 Speed 50 ft, Sting 1d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Hide, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A monstrous scorpion is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 10 ft, Fly 40 ft (average)
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Medium size, 2 Claws 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Bite 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis
3 - - - - Fly 60 ft, Superior low-light vision. +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Large size, 2 Claws 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 1d8, Fly 80 ft, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Knowledge (nature), Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A giant owl is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Scent

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 2 Claws 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, -8 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Bite 1d6, Improved Grab, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 2 Claws 1d6, Large size, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Knowledge (nature), Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An owlbear is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
"]Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 50 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 2 Hooves 1d4, SLA (detect good/evil), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Fly 60 ft (average), Scent, +2 Listen/Spot, +2 Str, +2 Con
3 - - - - 2 Hooves 1d6, Large size, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Bite 1d3, Fly 90 ft (average), +4 Listen/Spot, +2 Str, +2 Con
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Fly 120 ft (average), +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Diplomacy, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A pegasus is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Bite 1d3, +2 Dex, -8 Int, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Scent, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Antennae Touch (rust), Speed +10 ft, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Antennae Touch (DC +2), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Antennae Touch (DC +4), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A rust monster is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Fey
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.50 +0.33 +2.50 +2.50 Head Butt 1d4, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.00 +0.67 +3.00 +3.00 DR 5/cold iron, +2 Skills, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +1.50 +1.00 +3.50 +3.50 Head Butt 1d6, Pipes (sleep), +1 Int
4 +2.00 +1.33 +4.00 +4.00 Pipes (charm person), +2 Wis, +4 Skills, +1 natural armor
5 +2.50 +1.67 +4.50 +4.50 Pipes (fear), +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (nature), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A satyr is proficient with simple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d6, Scent, +2 Str, +2 Con, -6 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Track, Trip, +2 Str, +2 Dex
3 - - - - Shadow Blend (concealment), +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Bay, +2 Str, +2 Wis
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Shadow Blend (total concealment), +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A shadow mastiff is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Fly 50 ft (average), Sting 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, -8 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Poison (paralysis 1d4 rounds), +2 Listen/Spot, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Fly 60 ft (good), Implant, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Large size, Poison (paralysis 1d4 days), Stin 1d8, +4 Listen/Spot, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Freedom of movement, Poison (paralysis 1d8+5 week), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A spider eater is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 detect evil (at will), Horn 1d6, Wild Empathy (+2 racial bonus), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +4 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 cure light wounds (3/day), +1 Horn, Move Silently +2, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - +2 horn, neutralize poison (1/day), Wild Empathy (+4 racial bonus), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 cure moderate wounds (1/day), +2 horn 1d8, Move Silently +4, Large size, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 +3 horn, magic circle against evil, Wild Empathy (+6 racial bonus), +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +4 Cha, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A unicorn is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Vermin
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 40 ft (good)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: mind-affecting effects mind-affecting effects*

*A PC giant wasp cannot be mindless, so your DM may rule that you lose immunity to mind-affecting effects.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Sting 1d3, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Poison (1d4 Dex), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Fly 60 ft (good), +2 Dex
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Large size, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 Poison (1d6 Dex), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A giant wasp is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Blue Jay
2023-05-06, 11:40 AM
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar. Lawful)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d8, Spell Resistance (13+HD), +2 Str, +2 Con, -4 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 2d6, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Black Cloud (2d6 damage, 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Bite 3d6, 2 Claws 2d6, Large size, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Black Cloud (2d6 damage, 3/day), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Bite 4d6, Black Cloud (insanity), +2 Wis, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Balance, Climb, Diplomacy, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An achaierai is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Medium size, 2 Claws 1d6, +4 Str, +2 Con, -4 Cha
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Bite 1d8, +2 Swim, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Improved Grab, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Large size, 2 Claws 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 +4 Swim, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Bite 2d6, +4 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A brown bear is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Magical Beast
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d4, Weapon Finesse, -4 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Cha
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Fly 30 ft (poor), +2 Wis
3 - - - - Petrify (1/day), +2 Dex
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Fly 40 ft (poor)
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite (petrify 3/day), +2 Dex
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Bite (petrify, at will), Fly 60 ft (poor)

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A cockatrice is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft (See in Darkness)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Battle Frenzy (1/day), 2 Claws 1d4, Spell Resistance (11+HD), +2 Str, +2 Con, -4 Int, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Beard 1d8, Resistance (acid, cold) 5, Telepathy, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Infernal Wound, Summon Devil (1/day, 1d4 lemures), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Battle Frenzy (2/day), greater teleport (3/day), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Beard (devil chills), Resistance (acid, cold) 10, Summon Devil (1/day, 1d10 lemures), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 greater teleport (at will), Summon Devil (2d10 lemures), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Diplomacy, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A bearded devil is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 30 ft, Climb 15 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d4, Scent, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, -4 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Dex
3 - - - - Rend, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 2 Claws 1d6, Large size, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Bite 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Dex
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A dire ape is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Resistance to Ranged, +2 Hide, +2 Str, +2 Con, -6 Int, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 2 Tentacles 1d4, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Displacement (concealment), 2 Tentacles (reach), +4 Hide, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 1d8, Large size, +6 Hide, +2 Str, +2 Wis
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Displacement (total concealment), 2 Tentacles 1d6, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 +2 Str, +8 Hide, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A displacer beast is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Dragon (Earth)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 120 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: electricity, sleep, paralysis

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d4, Blindsense 20 ft, Keen Senses, Water Breathing, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 2 Claws 1d3, Breath Weapon (2d6 electricity, 30-ft line), Swim 40 ft, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Bite 1d6, Blindsense 40 ft, create/destroy water (3/day), Fly 50 ft (average), Small size, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Breath Weapon (cone of repulsion), Swim 50 ft, +2 Int
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Blindsense 60 ft, 2 Claws 1d4, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Fly 100 ft (average), Swim 60 ft, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 6 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Magic Device
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A blue wyrmling is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
"]Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Dragon (Water)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 120 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: electricity, sleep, paralysis

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d4, Blindsense 20 ft, Keen Senses, Water Breathing, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 2 Claws 1d3, Breath Weapon (2d6 electricity, 30-ft line), Swim 40 ft, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Bite 1d6, Blindsense 40 ft, create/destroy water (3/day), Fly 50 ft (average), Small size, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Breath Weapon (cone of repulsion), Swim 50 ft, +2 Int
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Blindsense 60 ft, 2 Claws 1d4, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Fly 100 ft (average), Swim 60 ft, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 6 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Magic Device
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A bronze wyrmling is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
"]Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Dragon (Cold)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 120 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: cold, sleep, paralysis
Vulnerability to fire

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d4, Blindsense 20 ft, Immunity (cold), Keen Senses, Speed 30 ft, +2 Con, -4 Int, -4 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Breath Weapon (2d6 cold, 15-ft cone), 2 Claws 1d3, Fly 50 ft (average), Speed 40 ft, Swim 40 ft
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Blindsense 40 ft, Burrow 20 ft, Fly 100 ft (average), Icewalking, Speed 50 ft, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Fly 150 ft (average), Speed 60 ft, Swim 50 ft, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Blindsense 60 ft, Breath Weapon (2d6 cold, 30-ft cone), +2 Str
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Burrow 30 ft, Swim 60 ft, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 6 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim, Use Magic Device
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A very young white dragon is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 10 ft, Swim 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Amorphous, Bite (1 damage), Ground Manipulation (earth, 1/day), +2 Dex, +2 Con, -4 Int, +2 natural armor
2 - - - - 2 Bites (1 damage), Ground Manipulation (3/day), Improved Grab, Spittle (1d4 acid), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 3 Bites (1 damage), Gibbering, +2 Spot, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 4 Bites (1 damage), Ground Manipulation (stone, at will), Spittle (blindness), +2 Con, +2 natural armor
5 - - - - 5 Bites (1 damage), Swallow Whole, +4 Spot, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 6 Bites (1 damage), Blood Drain, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A gibbering mouther is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d8, Howl, Speed 40 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con, -4 Int, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Quills (1d4, 1/rd), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Speed 50 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Bite 2d8, Large size, +2 Str, +2 Dex
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Speed 60 ft, Quills (1d4/rd), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Quills (1d6), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A howler is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 2 Claws 1d4, Scent, Spike 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Con, -4 Int, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Bite 1d6, 2 Spikes 1d4, Track, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 2 Claws 1d6, Fly 50 ft (clumsy), 3 Spikes 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 1d8, 4 Spikes 1d6, Large size, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 2 Claws 2d4, 5 Spikes 1d8,+2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 6 Spikes 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A manticore is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Vermin
Speed: 40 ft, Climb 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: mind-affecting effects*
*A PC monstrous centipede cannot be mindless, so your DM may rule that you lose immunity to mind-affecting effects.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Bite 1d6, +2 Spot, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Poison (1d3 Dex), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Bite 1d8, Large size, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Poison (1d4 Dex), +4 Spot, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 Huge size, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 Bite 2d6, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Hide, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A monstrous centipede is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
*Note: The nightmare was actually given LA +2*. The asterisk is a DM caution, because the nightmare gets at-will astral projection and etherealness (9th-level spells) as Su abilities, which are obviously a serious balance concern at the nightmare's ECL. But, there was apparent agreement on the thread that, without those abilities, the nightmare would have received LA +0. So, I made a progression that excludes those abilities and assigns no LA.

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 hooves 1d6, smoke (10-ft cone, 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Con, +3 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 bite 1d6, hooves (+1d4 fire), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 2 hooves 1d8, Large, smoke (3/day), +2 Con, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 bite 1d8, Fly 60 ft (average), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 flaming hooves, smoke (15-ft cone, at will), +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Fly 90 ft (good), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List:
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A nightmare is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
*Note: The Ochre Jelly's LA has an asterisk (*) for its Split ability, which has undefined limits. A DM should consider removing this ability or placing restrictions on it to prevent abuses.

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Ooze
Speed: 10 ft, Climb 10 ft
Special Abilities: Blindsight 10 ft
Immunities: critical hits, flanking, mind-affecting effects**, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, visual effects

**A PC gelatinous cube cannot be mindless, so your DM may rule that you lose immunity to mind-affecting effects.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +0.33 Acid 1d4, Blindsight 10 ft, Medium size, Slam 1d6, +2 Con
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +0.67 Improved Grab, +2 Str, +2 Con
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +1.00 Blindsight 30 ft, Constrict, +2 Con
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +1.33 Large size, Slam 2d4, +2 Con
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +1.67 Acid 1d6, Split, +2 Str, +2 Con
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +2.00 Blindsight 60 ft, +2 Con

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: --
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An ochre jelly is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 2 Tentacles 1d4, 2 Hide, +2 Con, -6 Int, -4 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Bite 1d3, Improved Grab, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Disease (filth fever), 2 Tentacles (reach), +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Bite 1d4, Constrict, Large size, +2 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 2 Tentacles 1d6, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An otyugh is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 40 ft, Climb 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d4, +1 Str, +2 Dex, -4 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Poison (1d4 Con), +2 Dex, +2 Con
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 ethereal jaunt (1/day), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - Bite 1d6, etheral jaunt (3/day), Large size, Poison (1d6 Con), +2 Dex
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Poison (1d8 Con), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 ethereal jaunt (at will), +2 Wis

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A phase spider is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 10 ft, Swim 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Hold Breath, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 2 Claws 1d4, Scent, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Rend, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 1d8, Large size, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 2 Claws 1d6, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A sea cat is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
*Note: The Shadow's LA has an asterisk (*) for its Create Spawn ability, which has poorly-defined limits and is quite powerful. DMs should consider removing or restricting htis ability for Shadow PCs.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Undead (Incorporeal)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage (Str, Dex & Con), ability drain, critical hits, death effects, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, any effect that allows a Fort save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.50 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Touch 1 Str, Turn resistance +2, +2 Search, +2 Dex, -4 Int
2 - - - - Touch 1d2 Str, +2 Listen/Spot, +2 Cha
3 +1.00 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Touch 1d3 Str, +2 Dex
4 - - - - Touch 1d4 Str, +2 Search, +2 Cha
5 +1.50 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Touch 1d6 Str, +2 Listen/Spot, +2 Wis
6 - - - - Create Spawn

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 4 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Search, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A shadow is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Tiny Vermin (Swarm)
Speed: 10 ft, Fly 30 ft (poor)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: mind-affecting effects, weapon damage

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 5 ft x 5 ft, Fly 30 ft (poor), Swarm 1d6, -10 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, -8 Cha
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 +2 Listen/Spot
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Sarm 2d6, +2 Dex
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 10 ft x 10 ft, +2 Dex
5 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 Distraction, +4 Listen/Spot
6 +4.50 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 +2 Dex

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A locust swarm is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, +2 Skills, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, -4 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 2 Claws 1d4, Improved Grab, +2 Str, +2 Dex
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Pounce, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 1d8, Large size, +2 Str, +2 Wis
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 2 Claws 1d6, +4 Skills, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Rake, +2 Str, +2 Dex

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Balance, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A tiger is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 20 ft, Climb 20 ft, Swim 20 ft
Special Abilities: Scent

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d4, Scent, +2 Str, +2 Con, -10 Int, -8 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Poison (1d4 Con), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Large size, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 1d6, +2 Dex
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Poison (1d6 Con), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Huge size, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Balance, Climb, Hide, Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A viper snake is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast (Cold)
Speed: 50 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: cold
Vulnerability to fire

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Speed 40 ft, +1 Skills, +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Breath Weapon (2d6 cold, 15-ft cone),+2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Freezing Bite, Trip, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 1d8, Breath Weapon (3d6 cold), Large size, +2 Hide, +2 Str
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Speed 50 ft, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Breath Weapon (4d6 cold), +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A winter wolf is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d4, Multiattack, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Improved Grab, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - 4 Claws 1d4, +2 Dex, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Paralysis, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Implant, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Planewalk, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Balance, Climb, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A xill is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Blue Jay
2023-05-06, 11:40 AM
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Undead (Incorporeal)
Speed: Fly 30 ft (perfect)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage (Str, Dex & Con), ability drain, critical hits, death effects, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, any effect that allows a Fort save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.50 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Incorporeal, Touch (1 Wis), +2 Cha
2 - - - - Babble (10 rds/day), +2 Dex
3 +1.00 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Touch (1d2 Wis), +2 Cha
4 - - - - Madness
5 +1.50 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 +2 Cha
6 - - - - Touch 1d4 Wis)
7 +2.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Babble (continuous), +2 Cha

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 4 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Search, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An allip is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Archon, Extraplanar, Good, Lawful)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d6, detect evil (at will), Scent, SR 10+HD, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Change Shape, DR 2/evil, message (at will), tongues, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 aid (at will), continual flame (at will), teleport 1/day, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - aura of menace, Bite 1d8, DR 5/evil, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 magic circle vs evil, teleport 3/day, +2 Ws, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 DR 10/evil, +1 natural armor
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 teleport (at will), +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A hound archon is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Air, Extraplanar)
Speed: Fly 40 ft (good)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: acid, electricity, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 bite 1d6, Fly 40 ft (perfect), Small, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 electricity ray 1d8, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Medium, Resistance (cold, fire) 5, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 electricity ray 2d8, Fly 50 ft (perfect), +2 Str
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 bite 1d8, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Resistance (cold, fire) 10, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Fly 60 ft (perfect), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Knowledge (the Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An arrowhawk is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
*Note: The Barghest's LA has an asterisk (*) because of its Feed ability. Allowing PCs to advance in this manner is probably not appropriate for most campaigns, so DMs should consider disallowing this ability.

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful, Shapechanger)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 bite 1d6, pass without trace (at will), Scent, +2 Hide, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Change Shape (goblin), 2 claws 1d4, misdirection (at will), +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 blink (at will), DR 2/magic, Feed, +4 Hide, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - Change Shape (wolf), levitate (at will), +2 Dex, +2 Wis
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 DR 5/magic, rage (at will), +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 charm monster 1/day, crushing despair 1/day, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 dimension door 1/day, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A barghest is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Petrifying Gaze (active 1/day), -2 Dex, +2 Con, -8 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Petrifying Gaze (active 3/day), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Petrifying Gaze (passive 10 rds/day), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 +1 natural armor
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Petryfing Gaze (at will), +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A basilisk is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Elemental (Air, Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: critical hits, flanking, paralysis, poison, sleep and stunning

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +2.50 +0.33 2 wings 1d4, +2 Dex, -4 Int, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +3.00 +0.67 bite 1d3, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +3.50 +1.00 claws 1d2, Smoke form (5 rds/day), +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +4.00 +1.33 Large, Smoke claws (2d4), 2 wings 1d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +4.50 +1.67 bite 1d4, Smoke form (10 rds/day), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +5.00 +2.00 claws 1d3, Smoke claws (3d4), +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +2.33 +5.50 +2.33 Smoke form (20 rds/day), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A belker is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Hold Breath, Bite 1d8, +4 Str, +2 Con, -10 Int, -8 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Improved Grab, Tail Slap 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Bite 2d6, Large, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Tail Slap 1d10, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Bite 2d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Huge, Bite 2d8, Tail Slap 1d12, +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A giant crocodile is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 gore 1d6, +4 Str, -8 Int, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Large, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 gore 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Con
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Ferocity, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A dire boar is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Native)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 create food & water 3/day, elemental endurance, telepathy 100 ft, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Change Size 1/day, speak with animals 3/day, +2 Dex, +2 Cha
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 ethereal jaunt 1/day, Fly 20 ft (perfect), Improved Initiative, +2 Str, +2 Wis
4 - - - - invisibility 3/day, resistance (fire) 4, +2 Con
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 ehtereal jaunt 2/day, plane shift (self only), +2 Str, +2 Int
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 plane shift (4 passengers), Resistance (fire) 10, +2 Dex
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 ethereal jaunt 3/day, plane shift (8 passengers), +2 Wis

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A janni is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Dex, -6 Int, -2 Cha
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 2 Claws 1d4, +4 Skills, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Fly 40 ft (average), Rake 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Large size, Pounce, +2 Con, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Fly 60 ft (average), Bite 2d6, +2 Spot, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Rake 1d6, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Fly 80 ft (average), +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Jump, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A griffon is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +0.33 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d4, diguise self 1/day, SR = HD+12, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +0.67 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d6, DR 1 / bludgeoning, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +1.00 +3.50 +3.50 fog cloud 1/day, Improved Grab, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +1.33 +4.00 +4.00 Large, Rake, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
5 +5.00 +1.67 +4.50 +4.50 2 Claws 1d6, disguise self 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +2.00 +5.00 +5.00 DR 2 / bludgeoning, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +2.33 +5.50 +5.50 fog cloud 3/day, Rend, +2 Str, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An annis is proficient with all simple weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +0.33 +2.50 +2.50 2 claws 1d3, +2 Dex, -2 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +0.67 +3.00 +3.00 Captivating Song (1/day), +2 Cha
3 +3.00 +1.00 +3.50 +3.50 Fly 50 ft (average), +2 Dex
4 +4.00 +1.33 +4.00 +4.00 Captivating Song (3/day), +2 Cha
5 +5.00 +1.67 +4.50 +4.50 Fly 60 ft (average), +2 Wis
6 +6.00 +2.00 +5.00 +5.00 Captivating Song (at will), +2 Cha
7 +7.00 +2.33 +5.50 +5.50 Fly 80 ft (average)

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Intimidate, Listen, Perform, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A harpy is proficient with all simple weaponsl as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
*Note: A continued progression for the hydras with more than 5 heads appears in the ECL 14 post.

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Scent, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 - - - - 2 Bites 1d6, Combat Reflexes, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 2 Bites 1d8, Fast Healing 5, Large, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 3 Bites 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Con
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 3 Bites 1d10, Fast Healing 10, +1 natural armor
6 - - - - 4 Bites 1d10, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 5 Bites 1d10, Fast Healing 15, Huge, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A hydra is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +0.33 +2.50 +2.50 Snakes 1d4, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +0.67 +3.00 +3.00 Poison (1d6 Str / 1d6 Str), +2 Int
3 +3.00 +1.00 +3.50 +3.50 Petrifying gaze (active 1/day, 5 ft), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - Petrifying gaze (active 3/day, 5 ft), Poison (1d6 Str / 2d6 Str), +2 Cha
5 +4.00 +1.33 +4.00 +4.00 Petrifying gaze (active 3/day, 10 ft), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +1.67 +4.50 +4.50 Petrifying gaze (passive Cha rds/day), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +6.00 +2.00 +5.00 +5.00 Petrifying gaze (at will, 30 ft)

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A medusa is proficient with all simple weapons, with the shortbow, and with her natural weapons. She is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Gaze Attack
This is by far the medusa's most powerful ability, so I tried to limit its scope. In this progression, the medusa gains the ability to use her gaze attack actively at 3rd level. As described in the Monster Manual, using her gaze actively requires her to take an attack action and choose a single target in range. The number in the parentheses is the maximum range for the medusa's gaze attack.

At 6th level, she gains the ability to use her gaze passively. Her passive gaze takes no action on her part to activate or suppress, and it can affect all creatures in range, instead of just a single chosen target . At 6th level, she can gaze passively for a total number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier each day. The rounds need not be consecutive. At 7th level, she can use her gaze attack (actively or passively) at will.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration (Shapechanger)
Speed: 10 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: acid

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Mimic shape (1/day), slam 1d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Adhesive, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Mimic shape (3/day), +2 Str, +2 Dex
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Large, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Mimic shape (6/day), 2 slams 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Wis
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Crush 1d8, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 Mimic shape (at will), +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Disguise, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A mimic is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Giant
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 charm person 1/day, darkness 3/day, SR 14+HD, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Change Shape (Small or Medium humanoid), gaseous form 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - invisibility 3/day, Regeneration 1, +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Cha
4 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Change Shape (Large), Fly 40 ft (good), Large size, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 - - - - darkness (at will), Regeneration 2, sleep 1/day, +2 Con, +2 Cha
6 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Change Shape (giant), cone of cold 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 invisibility (at will), Regeneration 5, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Listen, Spellcraft, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An ogre mage is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d8, Heat 1d6, +2 Listen, +4 Str, +2 Con, -6 Int, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Burrow 20 ft, Improved Grab, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Heat 2d6, Tremorsense 30 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 2d6, Large, +2 Listen, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Heat 4d6, Swallow Whole, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Tremorsense 60 ft, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Bite 2d8, Heat 8d6, Huge, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A remorhaz is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal (Aquatic)
Speed: Swim 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, +2 Str, -10 Int, -8 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Blindsense 30 ft, +2 Dex
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Keen Scent 90 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Large, Bite 1d8, +2 Wis
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Keen Scent 120 ft, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 +2 Dex
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Keen Scent 180 ft, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A shark is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Vermin
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: mind-affecting effects*

*A PC giant stag beetle cannot be mindless, so your DM may rule that you lose immunity to mind-affecting effects.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Bite 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Bite 2d6, Large, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Trample, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 Bite 3d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 Bite 4d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: --
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A giant stag beetle is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Water)
Speed: 10 ft, Swim 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d8, Ink Cloud, +2 Str, -2 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 2 Claws 1d4, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Improved Grab, Swim 60 ft, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Bite 2d6, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 2 Claws 1d6, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Improved Grab (tow away), +2 Con, +2 natural armoar
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Bite 2d8, Swim 90 ft, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Knowledge (the Planes), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A tojanida is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Plant
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision
Immunities: critical hits, mind-affecting effect, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning
Vulnerability to fire

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Medium size, Slam 1d6, +4 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 DR 2/slashing, Trample, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 animate trees (1/day), +2 Str, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 DR 5/slashing, Large size, 2 Slam 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 animate trees (3/day), +2 Str, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 Double damage vs objects, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor
7 +5.25 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 DR 10/slashing, animate trees (at will), 2 Slams 2d6, Huge size, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (nature), Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A treant is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Giant
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 90 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 2 Claws 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Con, -4 Int, -2 Wis, -4 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Bite 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Regeneration 1, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - Large size, Rend, +2 Dex
5 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Claws 1d6, Regeneration 2, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 Bite 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con
7 +4.50 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 Regeneration 5, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A troll is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Earth, Extraplanar)
Speed: 20 ft, Burrow 10 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d8, Cleave, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Claw 1d4, Tremorsense 30 ft, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Bite 2d6, Burrow 20 ft, DR 5/bludgeoning, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 2 Claws 1d4, Resistance (electricity) 5, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Bite 3d6, Tremorsense 60 ft, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 3 Claws 1d4, Resistance (electriccity) 10, +2 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Bite 4d6, Earth Glide, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (dungeoneering), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A xorn is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
*Note: The Wraith's LA has an asterisk (*) for its Create Spawn ability, which has poorly-defined limits and is quite powerful. DMs should consider removing or restricting this ability for Wraith PCs.

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Undead (Incorporeal)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage (Str, Dex & Con), ability drain, critical hits, death effects, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, any effect that allows a Fort save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.50 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Alertness, Fly 30 ft (good), Touch 1d4, +2 Dex, +2 Cha
2 +1.00 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Turn Resistance +1, Unnatural Aura, +2 Int
3 - - - - Fly 40 ft (good), Touch 1d4 plus 1d4 Con damage, +2 Dex
4 +1.50 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Improved Initiative, Turn Resistance +2, +2 Wis
5 +2.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Touch 1d4 plus 1d6 Con damage, +2 Dex
6 - - - - Fly 60 ft (good), +2 Cha
7 +2.50 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Touch 1d4 plus 1d6 Con drain, +2 Int

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 4 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A wraith is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Dragon
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: sleep, paralysis

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d8, Multiattack, Scent, +2 Str, +2 Con, -4 Int, -2 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Poison (1d6 Con), Sting 1d4, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Fly 40 ft (poor), Improved Grab, 2 Talons 1d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Bite 2d8, Large size, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 2 Wings 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Fly 60 ft (poor), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Poison (2d6 Con), +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 6 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A wyvern is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +0.33 +2.50 +2.50 Alertness, Bite 1d6, detect poison, produce acid 1d6/2d6, SR 9+HD, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +0.67 +3.00 +3.00 Alternate Form (T, S), Chameleon Power, Poison (1d4 Con), +2 Wis, +2 Cha
3 +3.00 +1.00 +3.50 +3.50 Blind-Fight, Lesser SLAs (3/day), +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +1.33 +4.00 +4.00 Poison (1d6 Con), produce acid 2d6/3d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis
5 +5.00 +1.67 +4.50 +4.50 Alternate Form (M), +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +2.00 +5.00 +5.00 Greater SLAs (1/day), produce acid 3d6/5d6,+2 Dex, +2 Wis
7 +7.00 +2.33 +5.50 +5.50 Alternate Form (L), +2 Int, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Craft, Hide, Knowledge (any), Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A yuan-ti halfblood is proficient with all simple weapons, with the scimitar and longbow, and with its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Blue Jay
2023-05-06, 11:41 AM
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Construct
Speed: 30 ft; 40 ft (legs); 50 ft (multiple legs); 70 ft (wheels)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage/drain, critical hits, death effects, death by massive damage, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting, necromancy effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, any effect that requires Fort (unless it also affects objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +0.33 Slam 1d6, +2 Str, -2 Dex, -10 Int, -10 Wis, -10 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +0.67 Special Attack, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +1.00 Large, Trample
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +1.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +1.67 +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +2.00 Huge, +2 Str
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +2.33 +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +2.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: --
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An animated object is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar)
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 claws 1d3, SR 7+HD, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Corporeal Instability (1/day), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 +2 Dex
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Corporeal Instability (3/day), +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 +2 Str
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Corporeal Instability (at will)
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Listen, Search, Spot, Survival, Tumble, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A chaos beast is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 10 ft, Fly 30 ft (average)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Bite 1d3, Moan (unnerve), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Engulf, Tail slap 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Fly 40 ft (average), Moan (fear), +2 Dex, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Bite 1d4, Large, Shadow Shift (obscure vision), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Moan (nausea), Tail slap 1d6, +2 Dex, +2 Wis
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Shadow Shift (dancing images), +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 Moan (stupor), +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 Shadow Shift (silent image), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A cloaker is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: electricity, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Change Shape, 2 claws 1d4, DR 2, SR 12+HD, SLAs (detect good - at will), +2 Int, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Resistance 5, SLAs (charm person, detect thoughts, suggestion - 3/day), +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - SLAs (teleport - 1/day), Telepathy 50 ft, tongues, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 DR 5, SLAs (charm person, detect thoughts, suggestion - 3/day), +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 2 claws 1d6, SLAs (teleport - 3/day), Energy Drain, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
6 - - - - Resistance 10, SLAs (ethereal jaunt - 1/day), Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
7 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 DR 10, SLA (charm person -> charm monster), +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 SLAs (greater teleport - at will; ethereal jaunt - at will), Summon Vrock, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Survival, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A succubus is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as her natural weapons. She is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Blindsight 40 ft, 2 claws 1d4, Protection from Sonics, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Destructive Harmonics (Flesh & Nerves 2d6, 20' cone/10' radius), +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Blindsight 60 ft, Listen +5, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 DH (Material, Flesh 3d6, Nerves 4d6, 40' cone/20' radius), +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 2 claws 1d6, Large, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Blindsight 80 ft, Listen +10, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 DH (Flesh 4d6, Nerves 6d6, 80' cone/30' radius), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 Blindsight 100 ft, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A destrachan is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 chain 2d4, Unnerving gaze (active), +4 Craft (metalwork), +2 Str, -4 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 dancing chains (1 chain), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 DR 5 / good, Regeneration 1, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 2 chains 2d4, dancing chains (2 chains), +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 dancing chains (increase length), unnerving gaze (passive), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 DR 5 / silver, dancing chains (3 chains), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Regeneration 2, +4 Craft (metalwork), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 dancing chains (4 chains), +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Craft, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Listen, Spot, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A chain devil is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 2d6, blur (continuous), SR 11+HD, Telepathy 40 ft, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 2 Claws 1d6, Improved Grab, Invisible in light (1 min/day), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Pounce, Resistance (fire) 5, Telepathy 60 ft, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Bite 2d8, DR 5/good, Invisible in Light (10 min/day), Large, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 2 Claws 1d8, 2 Rakes 1d8, Telepathy 80 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Invisible in Light (1 hr/day), Resistance (fire) 10, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Invisible in Light (continuous), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Balance, Climb, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A hellcat is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: acid

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Acid Spray (cone 1d6), Claw 1d6, +2 Con, -8 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Acid Spray (target 2d6), +2 Hide/Jump, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Acid Spray (cone 2d6), Speed 50 ft, +2 Con
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Acid Spray (target 4d6), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Acid Spray (cone 3d6), Claw 1d8, +2 Dex
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Acid Spray (target 6d6) +2 Con, +2 Hide/Jump, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Acid Spray (cone 4d6), Speed 60 ft, +2 Str
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Acid Spray (target 8d6), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Jump, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A digester is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Talons 1d8, +2 Hide/Listen/Spot, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Bite 1d6, +2 Jump/Survival, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 2 Foreclaws 1d3, Speed +10 ft, +2 Hide/Listen/Spot, +2 Con, +2 Wis
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Large, Talons 2d6, +2 Jump/Survival, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Bite 1d8, Pounce, +2 Hide/Listen/Spot, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 2 Foreclaws 1d4, +2 Jump/Survival, +2 Str, +2 Wis
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Speed +10 ft, +2 Con, +2 Hide/Listen/Spot, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 +2 Jump/Survival, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Jump, Listen, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A megaraptor is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d4, +4 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d6, +2 Hide/Move Silently, +2 Str, +2 Dex
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Improved Grab, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Bite 1d8, 2 Claws 1d6, Large, +2 Str
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Pounce, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Rake 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2 Hide/Move Silently, +2 Str

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A dire lion is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 30 ft, Climb 15 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 CL 1st, Bite, dancing lights, detect magic, SR 10, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 CL 2nd, Poison, detect good, detect law, SR 11, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - clairaudience/clairovyance, SR 12, +2 Hide/Move Silently, +2 Str, +2 Cha
4 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 CL 3rd, faerie fire, SR 13, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 CL 4th, darkness, SR 14, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
6 - - - - suggestion, SR 15, +4 Hide/Move Silently, +2 Str, +2 Int
7 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 CL 5th, levitate, SR 16, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
8 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 CL 6th, dispel magic, SR 17, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Concentration, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A drider is proficient with all simple weapons, the shortbow, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Good)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Lesser SLAs 1/day, Slam 1d6, SR 11+HD, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 DR 5/evil, Resistance (cold, fire) 5, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Alternate Form, Fly 50 ft (good), Greater SLAs 1/day, Whirlwind Blast 2d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Lesser SLAs 3/day, Tongues, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 DR 5/cold iron, Whirlwind Blast 3d6, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
6 - - - - Fly 100 ft (perfect), Resistance (cold, fire) 10, +2 Dex, +2 Cha
7 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Greater SLAs 2/day, Lesser SLAs (at will), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 DR 10/cold iron or evil, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A bralani eladrin is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Elemental (Air, Extraplanar)
Speed: Fly 100 ft (perfect)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: critical hits, flanking, paralysis, poison, sleep and stunning

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +2.50 +0.33 Air Mastery, Fly 50 ft (perfect), Improved Initiative, Slam 1d4, Small size, +4 Dex, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +3.00 +0.67 Weapon Finesse, Whirlwind 20 ft / 1d4 damage, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +3.50 +1.00 +2 Dex, +2 Con
4 +3.00 +1.33 +4.00 +1.33 Medium size, Slam 1d6, Whirlwind 30 ft / 1d6 damage, +2 Dex, +2 Con
5 +3.75 +1.67 +4.50 +1.67 Fly 100 ft (perfect), +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +5.00 +2.00 2 Slams 1d8, +2 Dex
7 +5.25 +2.33 +5.50 +2.33 DR 5/-, +2 Con
8 +5.25 +2.33 +5.50 +2.33 Large size, 2 Slams 2d6, Whirlwind 40 ft / 2d6 damage, +2 Dex, +2 Con

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An air elemental is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar)
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: critical hits, flanking, paralysis, poison, sleep and stunning

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Earth Mastery, Slam 1d4, Small size, +4 Str, -2 Dex, -6 Int, +6 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Earth Glide, Push, Slam 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Medium size, Slam 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 DR 5/-, +2 Con
6 +4.50 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 2 Slams 2d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 +2 Int, +1 natural armor
8 +5.25 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 Large size, 2 Slams 2d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An earth elemental is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Elemental (Extraplanar, Fire)
Speed: 50 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: critical hits, fire, flanking, paralysis, poison, sleep and stunning
Vulnerability to cold

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +2.50 +0.33 Weapon Finesse, Slam 1d4, Small, +2 Dex, -6 Int, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +3.00 +0.67 Burn 1d4 (catch fire), Improved Initiative, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +3.50 +1.00 Burn 1d6, +2 Dex, +2 Con
4 +3.00 +1.33 +4.00 +1.33 Medium, Slam 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con
5 +3.75 +1.67 +4.50 +1.67 Burn 1d8, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +5.00 +2.00 2 slams 1d8, +2 Dex
7 +5.25 +2.33 +5.50 +2.33 Burn 2d6, DR 5/-, +2 Str
8 +5.25 +2.33 +5.50 +2.33 Large, 2 slams 2d6, +2 Dex

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A fire elemental is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Elemental (Extraplanar, Water)
Speed: 20 ft, Swim 90 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: critical hits, flanking, paralysis, poison, sleep and stunning

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Water Mastery, Swim 90 ft, Slam 1d6, Small size, +2 Str, +2 Con, -6 Int, +5 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Drench, Vortex 20 ft / 1d4 damage, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Medium size, Slam 1d8, Vortex 30 ft / 1d6 damage, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 2 Slams 2d6, +2 Str
7 +5.25 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 DR 5/-, +2 Int
8 +5.25 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 Large size, 2 Slams 2d8, Vortex 40 ft / 2d6 damage, +2 Str

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A water elemental is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 2 Claws 1d3, +4 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, -4 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Bite 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Dex
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Claws 1d4, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - Large, Rend, +2 Str, +2 Con
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 4 Claws 1d4, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Bite 1d8, +2 Str
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
8 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 +2 Str

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A girallon is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Gore 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 +2 Con, +2 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Large, Gore 1d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Breath Weapon (30-ft cone, 1/day), +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Trample 1d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Breath Weapon (30-ft cone, 3/day), +2 Con, +2 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Breath Weapon (60-ft cone), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Breath Weapon (5/day), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A gorgon is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Elemental (Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: critical hits, flanking, paralysis, poison, sleep and stunning

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +2.50 +0.33 Invisibility (Wis rds/day), Slam 1d6, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +3.00 +0.67 Fly 30 ft (good), Invisibility (continuous), +2 Str
3 +2.25 +1.00 +3.50 +1.00 Slam 1d8, +2 Dex, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +4.00 +1.33 Invisibility (Improved Wis rds/day), Large size, +2 Str, +2 Wis
5 +3.75 +1.67 +4.50 +1.67 Fly 30 ft (perfect), +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +5.00 +2.00 Invisibility (Improved 1 hr/day), +2 Str
7 +5.25 +2.33 +5.50 +2.33 Slam 2d6, +2 Dex, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +2.67 +6.00 +2.67 Invisibility (Improved continuous), +2 Str, +2 Wis

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An invisible stalker is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Undead
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: ability damage (Str, Dex & Con), ability drain, critical hits, death effects, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, any effect that allows a Fort save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)
Vulnerability to fire

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Slam 1d6, +2 Str, -4 Int, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Mummy rot 1/day, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 DR 2/-, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Despair (1d2 rds), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Mummy rot 3/day, +2 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 DR 5/-, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 Despair (1d4 rds), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 Mummy rot (at will), +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 4 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A mummy is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration (Aquatic)
Speed: 30 ft, Swim 50 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Bite 1d8, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Eschew Materials, Sorcerer CL = HD-1, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Poison (1d6 Con), +2 Con
4 - - - - Large, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
5 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Bite 2d6, +2 Con, +2 Wis
6 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
7 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Poison (1d8), +2 Con
8 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 +2 Wis, +1 natural

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Listen, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A water naga is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Gore 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, -8 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Powerful Charge (2d8+1.5xStr), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Large, +2 Str, +2 Con
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Gore 2d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Powerful Charge (4d6+2xStr, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Powerful Charge (4d6+3xStr), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A rhinoceros is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
*Note: The Shambling Mound's LA has an asterisk (*) for its Immunity to Electricity (Ex) ability, which allows it to gain Constitution points from electricity damage. This ability has no built-in caps or restrictions, so DMs should consider removing or restricting this ability in some way.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Plant
Speed: 20 ft, swim 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light vision
Immunities: critical hits, mind-affecting effect, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Resist electricity 10, slam 1d6, +2 Str, -4 Int, -2 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Improved grab, Skills +4, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Large, slam 1d8, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Constrict, resist fire 5, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 2 slams 1d8, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 Immunity to electricity, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 Resist fire 10, 2 slams 2d6, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 Immunity to electricity (1d4 temp Con), +2 Str, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Move Silently
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A shambling mound is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
*Note: The Spectre's LA has an asterisk (*) for its Create Spawn ability, which has poorly-defined limits and is quite powerful. DMs should consider removing or restricting this ability for Spectre PCs.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Undead (Incorporeal)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Sunlight powerlessness
Immunities: ability damage (Str, Dex & Con), ability drain, critical hits, death effects, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, any effect that allows a Fort save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Incorporeal Touch 1d6, Unnatural Aura, +2 Dex, +2 Cha
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Energy Drain (1 level, 1/day), +2 Int
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Fly 40 ft (good), Incorporeal Touch 1d6, +2 Wis
4 - - - - Energy Drain (3/day), +2 Dex
5 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Fly 60 ft (perfect), Incorporeal Touch 1d8, +2 Cha
6 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Energy Drain (at will), +2 Int
7 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Fly 80 ft, Energy Drain (2 levels), +2 Dex
8 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 Create Spawn, +2 Wis

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 4 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (religion), Listen, Search, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A spectre is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 2 Claws 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Bite 1d8, Confusing gaze (active, 1/day), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Burrow 20 ft, Tremorsense 30 ft, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Bite 2d6, Large, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 2 Claws 2d4, Confusing gaze (3/day, passive Cha rds/day), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Tremorsense 60 ft, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 Bite 2d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 Confusing (passive, at will), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Jump, Listen
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An umber hulk is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Blue Jay
2023-05-06, 11:41 AM
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Undead (Extraplanar)
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Vulnerability to sunlight
Immunities: ability damage (Str, Dex & Con), ability drain, critical hits, death effects, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, any effect that allows a Fort save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.50 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Slam 1d6, vulnerable to sunlight, -4 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.00 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 DR 1 / cold iron, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +1.50 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Death Gaze 1/day, Resistance 5 (acid, fire), +1 natural armor
4 +2.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 DR 2 / cold iron, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +2.50 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Death Gaze 3/day, Slam 1d8
6 +3.00 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 DR 5 / cold iron, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
7 +3.50 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 Death Gaze 6/day, Resistance 10 (acid, fire), +1 natural armor
8 +4.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 DR 10 / cold iron, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +4.50 +3.00 +3.00 +6.50 Death Gaze (at will), +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 4 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A bodak is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Dragon Bite 1d8, Scent, +2 Listen/Spot, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Breath Weapon 1d8, Lion Bite 1d6, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 2 Claws 1d4, Fly 50 ft (poor), Gore 1d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Dragon Bite 2d6, Large, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Breath Weapon 2d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Lion Bite 1d8, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Breath Weapon 3d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Gore 1d8, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 2 Claws 1d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A chimera is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: electricity, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d4, DR 5, darkness 1/day, Sneak Attack +1d6, Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d6, dispel magic 1/day, Resistance (acid, cold, fire) 5, +2 Skills, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Protective Slime 1d4, see invisibility 1/day, SR 7+HD, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 2 Claws 1d6, darkness 3/day, dispel magic 3/day, teleport (self only) 1/day, +2 Con, +1 Int, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Protective Slime 1d6, +4 Skills, see invisibliity 3/day, Sneak Attack +2d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 DR 10, Resistance (acid, cold, fire) 10, Telepathy 100 ft, teleport (self only) 3/day, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
7 - - - - dispel magic (at will), see invisibility (at will), Protective Slime 1d8, +6 Skills, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 darkness (at will), greater teleport ( self only) 3/day, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
9 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Greater teleport (self-only, at will), summon babau (1/day, 40%), +8 Skills, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, Sleight of Hand, Survival, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A babau is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, +2 Listen/Spot, +2 Str, +2 Con, -4 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 2 Claws 1d4, Roar (1/day, fatigued 30 ft), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Fly 30 ft (poor), Pounce, +2 Str, +2 Cha
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Large, Roar (1d4 rds, fatigued 60 ft), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Bite 1d8, +4 Listen/Spot, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 2 Claws 2d4, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Bite 2d6, Roar (fatigued 90 ft, exhausted 30 ft), +2 Con
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Roar (exhausted 30 ft), +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A dragonne is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
*Note: The Formian Taskmasters's LA has an asterisk (*) for the Dominated Monster (Ex) ability, which is hard to interpret for a PC taskmaster. DMs should carefully consider what this ability means and if or how they want to implement it in their games.
My progression below does not grant Dominated Monster (Ex): I'm assuming that the PC will only get a Dominated Monster by means of its dominate monster SLA (which I believe is the most rational and balanced way to handle this strange ability).
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: cold, petrification, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d4, SR 15+HD, Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 - - - - Resistance (electricity, fire, cold) 5, Sting 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis
3 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Poison (1d6 Str), +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 dominate monster 1/day (1 creature, CR =HD/2), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
5 - - - - 1 Claws 1d6, Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Con, +2 Cha
6 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 dominate monster 3/day (2 creatures), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Resistance (electricity, fire, cold) 10, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
8 - - - - dominate monster (3 creatures), Sting 2d4, +2 Str
9 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 dominate monster (4 creatures, at will), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A formian taskmaster is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Air, Extraplanar)
Speed: 20 ft, Fly 30 ft (good)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: acid

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Air Mastery, create wine 1/day, Improved Initiative, 2 slams 1d6, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 gaseous form (1/day), invisibility (self, 1/day), Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Str, +2 Cha
3 - - - - create food & water 1/day, Fly 40 ft (good), Whirlwind 1/day, +2 Dex, +2 Int
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 invisibility (self, 3/day), Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Str, +2 Wis
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Large, plane shift 1/day, Whirlwind 1/hr, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Fly 60 ft (good), major creation 1/day, 2 slams 1d8, +2 Str, +1 Cha
7 - - - - invisibility (self, at will), plane shift 3/day, +2 Dex, +1 Int
8 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Whirlwind (every 10 min), persistent image 1/day, +2 Str
9 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Fly 60 ft (perfect), plane shift (at will), wind walk 1/day, +2 Wis

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A djinni is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Construct
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage/drain, critical hits, death effects, death by massive damage, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting, necromancy effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, any effect that requires Fort (unless it also affects objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +0.33 Berserk, 2 Slams 1d6, SR HD+10, +2 Str, -2 Dex, -10 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +0.67 DR 1 / adamantine, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +1.00 Large, 2 Slams 1d8, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +1.33 DR 2 / adamantine, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +1.67 2 Slams 1d10, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +2.00 DR 5 / adamantine, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +2.33 2 Slams 2d8, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +2.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Immunity to magic, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: --
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A flesh golem is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Spell Resistance / Immunity to Magic
Immunity to Magic is the golem’s most powerful ability. I judged this as too powerful to grant from 1st level, so I granted spell resistance from 1st level instead. At 9th level, the golem gains Immunity to Magic instead, and it loses its Spell Resistance. The SRD entry describes specific spells that are exceptions to the golem's immunity. For my progressions, assume that these spells ignore the golems’ Spell Resistance.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Good)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: electricity, petrification

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 claws 1d6, SLAs (command, detect magic, light, magic missile) 3/day, SR 12, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 DR 2 / evil or silver, Lay on Hands, SLAs (aid, blur, gust of wind, see invisibility) 1/day, speak with animals, SR 14, +2 Dex, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Fly 40 ft (average), Resistance 5 (cold, sonic), SLAs (command, detect magic, light, magic missile) (at will), 2 wings 1d8, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 2 claws 1d8, dimension door 1/day, Fear Aura (10 ft, CL = HD), SLAs (aid, blur, gust of wind, see invisibility) 3/day, SR 16, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 DR 5 / evil or silver, Fly 60 ft (average), lightning bolt 3/day, SLAs (dispel magic, hold person, magic circle) 1/day, SR 18, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 dimension door 3/day, SLAs (aid, blur, gust of wind, see invisibility) (at will), SR 20, 2 wings 1d10, +2 Dex, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
7 - - - - 2 claws 2d6, Fear Aura (20 ft), Fly 60 ft (good), Resistance 10 (cold, sonic), SLAs (dispel magic, hold person, magic circle) 3/day, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 DR 10 / evil or silver, dimension door (at will), true seeing, SR 22, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Fly 90 ft (good), SLAs (dispel magic, hold person, magic circle) (at will), SR 25, 2 wings 2d8, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An avoral is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Speed: 30 ft, Swim 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +0.33 +2.50 +2.50 2 claws 1d3, Mimicry, SLAs (lesser 1/day), +2 Con, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +0.67 +3.00 +3.00 SLAs (greater 1/day), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +1.00 +3.50 +3.50 2 claws 1d4, SLAs (lesser, 3/day), +2 Int, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +1.33 +4.00 +4.00 Weakness (1d4 Str), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +1.67 +4.50 +4.50 SLAs (lesser, at will), +2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 natural armor
6 +6.00 +2.00 +5.00 +5.00 SLAs (greater 3/day), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +2.33 +5.50 +5.50 SR = HD +9, Weakness (2d4 Str), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +2.67 +6.00 +6.00 Darkvision 90 ft, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +3.00 +6.50 +6.50 SLAs (greater, at will), +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Craft, Hide, Knowledge (all), Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A green hag is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Spell-Like Abilities: The green hag’s spell-like abilities are divided into lesser and greater groups:
Lesser: dancing lights, disguise self, ghost sound, pass without trace
Greater: invisibility, tongues, water breathing

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Construct
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage/drain, critical hits, death effects, death by massive damage, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting, necromancy effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, any effect that requires Fort (unless it also affects objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +0.33 SLAs (clairaudience/clairvoyance - at will), Spiked Chain (2d4), +4 Search/Sense Motive, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +0.67 Fast Healing 1, SLAs (hold person - at will), Speed +10 ft, SR = HD+12, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +1.00 SLAs (fear - at will), DR 2/chaotic, 2 Spiked Chains, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +1.33 Fly 40 ft (average), Large size, SLAs (dispel magic - at will), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 - - - - Fast Healing 2, SLAs (dimensional anchor - at will; hold monster - 1/day), Speed +10 ft, 2 Spiked Chains (2d6), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +1.67 DR 5/chaotic, Fly 50 ft, SLAs (locate creature - at will; mark of justice - 1/day), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
7 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +2.00 SLAs (true seeing - at will), 2 Spiked Chains (2d6 +1d6 electricity), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +2.33 Fly 60 ft, SLAs (hold monster, mark of justice - 3/day), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +2.67 DR 10/chaotic, Fast Healing 5, SLAs (lesser geas - 1/week), +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Diplomacy, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A zelekhut is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 2 claws 1d4, disguise self (3/day), ventriloquism (3/day), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 mirror image (1/day), Speed 50 ft, suggestion (1/day), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 major image (1/day), Touch (1d4 Wis damage), +2 Str, +2 Wis
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 disguise self (at will), Large, ventriloquism (at will), +2 Int, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 charm monster (1/day), mirror image (3/day), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 major image (3/day), suggestion (3/day), Touch (1d4 Wis drain), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 charm monster (2/day), speed 60 ft, +2 Cha
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 deep slumber (1/day), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 charm monster (2/day), +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A lamia is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 2 claws 1d4, Cleric CL 1, magic circle 1/day (self), +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Cleric CL 2, invisibility 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Pounce, magic circle 3/day (self), Rake 1d4, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Cleric CL 3, Fly 40 ft (average), Large, +2 Str, +1 Int, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 2 claws 1d6, Cleric CL 4, invisibility 3/day, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Cleric CL 5, dimension door 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
7 - - - - Fly 60 ft (average), magic circle (continuous), Rake 1d6, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Cleric CL 6, greater invisibility, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Cleric CL 7, magic circle (20-ft radius), +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Knowledge (arcana), Listen, Sense Motive, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A lammasu is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Good)
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 immune to poison, light 3/day, tail slap 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bard 1st, charm person 1/day, speak with animals 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Wis
3 - - - - darkness 1/day, Improved Grab, knock 1/day, +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Bard 2nd, Fly 40 ft (average), Resistance (fire) 5, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Bard 3rd, Constrict, Large, tail slap 1d8, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Bard 4th, darkness 3/day, Fly 50 ft, speak with plants 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Int
7 - - - - hallucinatory terrain 2/day, knock 3/day, +2 Dex, +1 Cha, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Bard 5th, Fly 70 ft, Resistance (fire) 10, +2 Str, +2 Wis
9 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Bard 6th, hallucinatory terrain 3/day, tail slap 2d6, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Appraise, Concentration, Diplomacy, Knowledge (arcana), Listen, Perform, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A lillend is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Bard Xth: The llilend has both the spellcasting and Bardic Music abilities of an Xth-level bard.

Blue Jay
2023-05-06, 11:42 AM
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunlities: poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Sorcerer CL 1, Sting 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Poison (sleep 1 min), Sorcerer CL 2, +2 Dex, +2 Int
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 detect thoughts 3/day, Resisance to charm, +2 Con, +2 Wis
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Bite 1d4, Large, Sorcerer CL 3, +2 Cha
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Poison (sleep 1d4 min), Sorcerer CL 4, Sting 2d4, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 guarded thoughts, Sorcerer CL 5, +2 Str
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 detect thoughts (continuous), +2 Dex, +2 Cha
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 Poison (sleep 2d4 min), Sorcerer CL 6, +2 Con, +2 Int
9 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +6.50 Sorcerer CL 7, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Listen, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A dark naga is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Bite 1d8, Sorcerer CL 1, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Sorcerer CL 2, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Charming gaze (15 ft), Poison (1d4 Con), +2 Str, +2 Dex
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Large, Sorcerer CL 3, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Bite 2d6,Poison (1d6 Con), Sorcerer CL 4, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Sorcerer CL 5, +2 Str, +2 Con
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 Charming gaze (30 ft), Poison (1d8 Con), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 Sorcerer CL 6, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +6.50 Sorcerer CL 7, +2 Str

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Listen, Spellcraft, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A spirit naga is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Fey
Speed: 30 ft, Swim 30 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.50 +0.33 +2.50 +2.50 Druid CL 1st, Stunning Glance (1/day, 1d4 rds), Wild Empathy, +2 Dex, +2 Cha
2 - - - - Druid CL 2nd, Unearthly Grace (AC), +2 Wis
3 +1.00 +0.67 +3.00 +3.00 DR 5 / cold iron, Stunning Glance (3/day), Wild Empathy (+2), +2 Int, +2 Cha
4 +1.50 +1.00 +3.50 +3.50 Druid CL 3rd, Blinding Beauty (Cha rds/day), +2 Dex
5 - - - - Druid CL 4th, Unearthly Grace (saves), +2 Wis, +2 Cha
6 +2.00 +1.33 +4.00 +4.00 dimension door 1/day, Stunning Glance (2d4 rds), Wild Empathy (+4), +2 Int
7 +2.50 +1.67 +4.50 +4.50 DR 10 / cold iron, Druid CL 5th, +2 Con, +2 Cha
8 - - - - Druid CL 6th, Stunning Glance (at will), +2 Dex, +2 Wis
9 +3.00 +2.00 +5.00 +5.00 Blinding Beauty (at will), Druid CL 7th, Wild Empathy (+6), +2 Int

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A nymph is proficient with simple weapons. She is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Fire)
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: fire
Vulnerability to cold

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Tail slap 1d6, +2 Craft, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Improved Grab, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Constrict 1d6, Heat 1d6, +2 Dex
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Tail slap 1d8, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 DR 5/magic, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Constrict 1d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Tail slap 2d6, +2 Craft, +2 Int
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 DR 10/magic, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 Constrict 2d6, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A salamander is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 2 claws 1d4, comprehend languages 1/day, detect magic 3/day, ready magic 3/day, +2 Int, +2 Cha, +2 natural armoar
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Fly 40 ft (poor), locate object 1/day, see invisibility 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Pounce, clairaudience/voyance 1/day, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Large, dispel magic 1/day, see invisiblity 3/day, remove curse 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
5 - - - - clairaudienc/voyance 3/day, 2 claws 1d6, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 legend lore 1/day, Rake, symbols (pain, sleep) 1/wk, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Fly 60 ft (poor), symbols (fear, persuasion), +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
8 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 symbols (stunning), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 symbols (death, insantiy) 1/wk, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A gynosphinx is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, +2 Spot, +2 Str, +2 Con, -4 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 2 Claws 1d4, Pounce, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Fly 40 ft (poor), Large, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 1d8, Rake 1d4, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 2 Claws 1d6, +2 Spot, +2 Str, +2 Con
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Fly 60 ft (poor), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Bite 1d10, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Rake 1d6, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Fly 90 ft (poor), +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A hiercosphinx is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: sonic

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d8, Energy Resistance 5, +2 Str, -4 Int, -4 Wis, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 2 Claws 1d3, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Pounce, Fast Healing 1, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Large, Stunning Croak, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Bite 1d10, 2 Claws 1d4, +2 Str
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Fast Healing 2, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 - - - - Implant, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 summon 1 red slaad, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
9 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Bite 2d8, Fast Healing 5, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A red slaad is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Tiny Vermin (Swarm)
Speed: 20 ft, Climb 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Swarm Traits
Immunities: mind-affecting effects*

*A PC centipede swarm cannot be mindless, so your DM may rule that you lose immunity to mind-affecting effects.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Swarm 1d6, Weapon Finesse, -10 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, -8 Cha
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Distraction, Tremorsense 20 ft
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Poison 1d2 Dex, +2 Dex
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Diminutive
5 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 Poison 1d3 Dex, +2 Dex
6 +4.50 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 swarm 2d6
7 +5.25 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 +2 Dex
8 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 Tremorsense 30 ft
9 +6.75 +6.50 +3.00 +3.00 Poison 1d4 Dex

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A centipede swarm is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Plant
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision
Immunities: critical hits, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Bite 1d8, Regeneration HD+1, +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, -8 Int, -2 Wis, -8 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Improved Grab, 2 tendrils 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Large, +2 Str, Swallow Whole (1d6 acid), +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Bite 1d10, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 Paralysis 1d6 rds, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 Swallow Whole (2d6 acid), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 Bite 2d8, Paralysis 2d6 rds, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 Huge, 2 tendrils 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +6.50 +3.00 +3.00 Paralysis 3d6 rds, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A tendriculos is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: Swim 50 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Hold Breath, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, -4 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Blindsight 60 ft, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 +2 Str, +2 Con
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Large, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Bite 1d8, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Blindsight 90 ft, +2 Str
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Bite 2d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Huge, Blindsight 120 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An orca is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Small Aberration (Air)
Speed: Fly 30 ft (good)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Fly 30 ft (average), Shock 1d6, -10 Str, +2 Dex, +1 deflection
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Weapon Finesse, SR = HD+10, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 deflection
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Fly 30 ft (good), Natural invisibility (Su), +2 Dex, +1 deflection
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Shock 1d8, +2 Dex, +2 Int, +1 deflection
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Fly 40 ft (good), +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 deflection
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Shock 1d10, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 deflection
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 Fly 50 ft (good), +2 Dex, +2 Int, +1 deflection
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 Shock 2d8, Natural invisibility (Ex), +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 deflection
9 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +6.50 Fly 50 ft (perfect), Immune to Magic, +2 Dex, +1 deflection

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Listen, Search, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A will-O’-wisp is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +0.33 +2.50 +2.50 Alertness, Alternate Form (S, M viper), Bite 1d6, Scent, SR 9+HD, +2 Str, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +0.67 +3.00 +3.00 Improved Grab, Poison 1d4 Con, Produce Acid 1d6/2d6, SLAs (animal trance, entangle) 1/day, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +1.00 +3.50 +3.50 Aversion, Bite 1d8, Blind-Fight, Chameleon Power, +2 Dex, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +1.33 +4.00 +4.00 Alternate Form (L, T viper), Constrict 1d6, SLAs (animal trance, entangle) 3/day, Produce Acid 2d6/3d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +1.67 +4.50 +4.50 Large, Poison 1d6 Con, SLAs (deeper darkness, suggestion) 1/day, +2 Con, +1 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +2.00 +5.00 +5.00 Bite 2d6, neutralize poison 1/day, Produce Acid 2d6/4d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +2.33 +5.50 +5.50 SLAs (animal trance, entangle) (at will), +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +2.67 +6.00 +6.00 Produce Acid 3d6/5d6, SLAs (deeper darkness, suggestion) 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +3.00 +6.50 +6.50 baleful polymorph 1/day, neutralize poison 3/day, +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Craft, Hide, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A yuan-ti abomination is proficient with all simple weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Blue Jay
2023-05-06, 11:42 AM
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration (Aquatic)
Speed: 10 ft, Swim 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Psionics (hypnotic pattern) 1/day, 4 Tentacles 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Mucus Cloud, Slime 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Int
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 psionics (hypnotic pattern) 3/day, Swim 50 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - Enslave 1/day, Large, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
5 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Psionics (illusory wall, mirage arcana, presistent image) 1/day, 4 Tentacles 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis
6 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Enslave 2/day, Psionics (hypnotic pattern) (at will), Swim 60 ft, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
7 - - - - Psionics (illusory wall, mirage arcana, presistent image) 3/day, Slime 3/day, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
8 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Enslave 3/day, Psionics (programmed image, veil, project image) 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Wis
9 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 Huge, psionics (programmed image, veil, project image) 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
10 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 Psionics (programmed image, veil, project image) (at will), Slime (at will), +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Knowledge (all), Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An aboleth is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 5 ft, Fly 20 ft (good)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Bite 1d6, Eye ray (CL 1st, 30 ft, inflict - mimics ILW), Flight, -2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 All-around vision, Eye ray (CL 2nd, exhaustion - causes fatigue only), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Eye ray (2/rd, 1/arc, CL 3rd, 60 ft, inflict - mimics IMW), +2 Cha
4 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Alertness, Stunning Gaze (active only), +2 Int, +1 natural armor
5 - - - - Eye ray (3/rd, CL 4th, scorching ray), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Eye ray (CL 5th, 100 ft, sleep), +2 Wis
7 - - - - Eye ray (4/rd, CL 6th, exhaustion - causes exhaustion), +2 Int, +1 natural armor
8 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Stunning Gaze (passive gaze), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
9 - - - - Eye ray (5/rd, CL 7th, dispel magic), +2 Con
10 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Eye ray (6/rd, 1/arc, CL 8th, paralysis), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Knowledge (arcana), Listen, Search, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A gauth is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d8, Scent, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, -4 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 2 Claws 1d6, Tremorsense 30 ft, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Leap (once every 1d4 rounds), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Large, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 - - - - Bite 1d10, Burrow 10 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 2 Claws 1d8, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Tremorsense 60 ft, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Leap (at will), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
9 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 2 Claws 2d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
10 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Bite 2d8, Huge, +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Jump, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A bulette is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: fire, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Dodge, Telepathy 50 ft, true seeing 1/day, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Entangle, minor image 3/day, Resistance (acid, cold) 5, +2 Str, +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Fly 50 ft (average), Mobility, Summon Devil (1 lemure), teleport 1/day, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Wis
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 charm monster 1/day,. DR 5/good, SR HD+11, true seeing 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
5 - - - - Resistance (acid, cold) 10, Summon Devil (1d4 lemures), unholy blight 1/day, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Fly 50 ft (good), minor image (at will), Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Str, +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 charm monster 3/day, greater teleport 3/day, unholy blight 3/day, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
8 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Summon Devil (1d10 lemures or 1 bearded devil), true seeing (continuous), +2 Str, +2 Cha
9 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 greater teleport (at will), unholy blight (at will), +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
10 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 charm monster (at will), Summon Devil (2d10 lemures or 1d4 bearded devils), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An erinyes is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 20 ft, Swim 50 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 +4 Hide, +2 Str, +2 Con
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Large, +2 Str, +2 Dex
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 1d10, +2 Con, +2 Wis
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 +8 Hide, +2 Str, +2 Con
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 +2 Str, +2 Dex
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Huge, +2 Con
9 +6.75 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Bite 2d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 +2 Str, +2 Con

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An elasmosaurus is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Giant
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Two-Weapon Fighting, +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, -4 Int
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 +2 Listen, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Large size, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Superior Two-Weapon Fighting, +2 Str
5 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 Speed +10 ft, +2 Spot, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 +2 Search, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +2 Str
9 +6.75 +6.50 +3.00 +3.00 +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +7.00 +3.33 +3.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Search, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An ettin is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is proficient with light and medium armor, and with shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d8, +2 Spot, +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 2 Claws 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Improved Grab, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Large, Rend 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Bite 2d6, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 2 Claws 1d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Rend 1d8, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 +4 Spot, +2 Str, +2 Con +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Rend 2d6, +1 natural armor
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 +2 Str, +2 Con +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List:
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A gray render is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 mind blast (15-ft cone, stun 1 rd) 1/day, SR 16, telepathy 50 ft, 2 tentacles 1d4, +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 detect thoughts (at will), Improved Grab, mind blast 3/day, SR 17, +2 Con , +2 Wis
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 charm monster 1/day, mind blast (stun 1d4 rds) 3/day, SR 18, +2 Dex, +2 Int
4 - - - - levitate 3/day, SR 19, suggestion 3/day, 4 tentacles 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
5 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 charm monster 3/day, Extract, SR 20, telepathy 100 ft, +2 Wis
6 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 mind blast (stun 2d4 rds) 6/day, plane shift 1/day, SR 21, +2 Int
7 - - - - mind blast (30-ft cone), SR 22, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
8 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 charm monster (at will), levitate (at will), plane shift 3/day, SR 23, +2 Wis
9 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 mind blast (stun 3d4 rds), SR 24, suggestion (at will), +2 Int
10 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 mind blast (60-ft cone, at will), plane shift (at will), SR 25, +2 Con

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A mind flayer is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Ooze
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Blindsight 60 ft
Immunities: critical hits, flanking, mind-affecting effects*, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, visual effects

*A black pudding PC cannot be mindless, so your DM may rule that you lose your immunity to mind-affecting effects

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +0.33 Acid 1d4, Slam 1d6, -10 Dex, +2 Con, -10 Wis, -10 Cha
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +0.67 Improved Grab, +2 Str, +2 Con
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +1.00 Acid 1d6, Constrict 1d6, Large
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +1.33 Slam 1d8, +2 Con
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +1.67 Constrict 1d8, +2 Str
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +2.00 Acid 1d8, +2 Con
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +2.33 Huge
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +2.67 Slam 2d6, +2 Con
9 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Constrict 2d6, +2 Str
10 +7.50 +3.33 +3.33 +3.33 Acid 2d6, Split, +2 Con

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A black pudding is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Native)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 claws 1d4, +4 Bluff, Sorcerer CL 1st, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 - - - - bite 1d6, detect thoughts 3/day, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
3 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Change shape, DR 5/piercing, Sorcerer CL 2nd, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 detect thoughts (at will), Sorcerer CL 3rd, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
5 - - - - +2 Wis, +4 Disguise, +1 natural armor
6 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 DR 10/piercing, Sorcerer CL 4th, SR HD+17, +2 Con
7 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 +2 Cha, Sorcerer CL 5th, +1 natural armor
8 - - - - +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
9 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 DR 15/good & piercing, Sorcerer CL 6th, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
10 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Sorcerer CL 7th, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List:
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A rakshasa is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 10 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: electricity
Vulnerability to fire

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d8, Drag, Strands (1), +2 Str, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 SR = HD+20, Strands (2), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Resistance 5 (cold), Weakness (1d6 Str), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Large size, Strands (3, +2 Int, +2 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Bite 2d6, Weakness (1d8 Str), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Strands (4), +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Resistance 10 (cold), Weakness (2d6 Str), +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Strands (5), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Weakness (2d6 Str), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 Strands (6), +2 Con, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Hide, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies:A roper is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

The number is parentheses is the maximum number of strands the roper can have at once.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal (Aquatic)
Speed: Swim 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 +2 Str, -10 Int, -8 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Blindsen 30 ft, +2 Con
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Keen Scent, Large, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Swim 50 ft, +2 Dex
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 +2 Con
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Huge, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Swim 60 ft, +2 Dex
9 +6.75 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 +2 Wis

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A shark is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunity: sonic

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d6, Fast Healing 1, +2 Str, +2 Con, -4 Int, -4 Wis, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d8, Energy Resistance 5, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 2 Claws 1d8, hold person 1/day, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - Fast Healing 2, Large, passwall 1/day, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Bite 1d10, Slaad Fever, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 4 Claws 1d8, hold person 3/day, telekinesis 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 - - - - chaos hammer 1/day, Fast Healing 5, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 passwall 3/day, telekinesis 3/day, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
9 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 4 Claws 2d6, hold person (at will), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
10 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Bite 2d8, summon 1 blue slaad (40%), passwall (at will), telekinesis (at will), +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A blue slaad is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
"]Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunity: sonic

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d4, detect magic (at will), Fast Healing 1, SLAs (protection from law 1/day), +2 Str, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d8, Energy Resistance 5, SLAs (detect thoughts, see invisiibility, shatter 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Change Shape (Medium), SLAs (protection from law 3/day; deeper darkness, fireball 1/day), +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Fast Healing 2, Large,SLAs (detect thoughts, see invisiibility, shatter 3/day), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 - - - - 2 Claws 1d6, SLAs (protection from law - at will; chaos hammer, fear 1/day), +2 Con, +2 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Bite 1d10, SLAs (detect thoughts, see invisiibility, shatter - at will), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Fast Healing 5, SLAs (deeper darkness, fireball 3/day), summon 1 green slaad (40%) 1/day, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Change Shape (Large), SLAs (chaos hammer, fear 3/day), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
9 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 SLAs (dispel law 3/day), +2 Con, +2 natural armor
10 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 Bite 2d8, SLAs (chaos hammer, fear - at will), summon 1 green slaad (40%) 2/day, +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A green slaad is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Gore 1d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 2 Claws 1d4, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Fly 40 ft (poor), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Large, Pounce, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Gore 1d8, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Claws 1d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Rake, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Fly 50 ft (poor), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Gore 2d6, +1 natural armor
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 Fly 60 ft (poor), +2 Str, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Intimidate, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A criosphinx is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Blue Jay
2023-05-06, 11:43 AM
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 30 ft, Climb 10 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: electricity, tripping

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d4, Breath Weapon 2d6 (1/day), Scent, +2 Str, +2 Con, -4 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Improved Grab, 2 Rakes 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Breath Weapon 3d6, Constrict 1d8, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - Bite 1d6, Large, 4 Rakes 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Breath Weapon 4d6 (every 10 rds), Swallow Whole (1d6 bludg, 2 Acid), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Constrict 1d10, Fast Movement (40 ft, Climb 15 ft), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Breath Weapon 5d6, Swallow Whole 1d8 bludg, 4 Acid), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 - - - - Bite 2d4, Huge, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Breath Weapon 6d6, Swallow Whole (1d10 bludg, 6 Acid), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
10 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Constrict 2d8, 6 Rakes 1d4, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
11 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Breath Weapon 7d6, Swallow Whole (2d8 bludg, 8 Acid), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Hide, Listen, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A behir is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration (Aquatic)
Speed: 30 ft, Swim 20 ft
Special Abilities: Amphibious
Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 2 Claws 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Dex, -6 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Improved Grab, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Constrict 1d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Large, Paralytic Tentacles (2 rds, 1d4 damage), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 2 Claws 1d8, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Constrict 1d10, +2 Str, +2 Wis
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 Paralytic Tentacles (4 rds, 1d6 damage), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 2 Claws 2d6, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +6.50 Constrict 2d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +3.33 +3.33 +7.00 Paralytic Tentacles (6 rds, 1d8 damage), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +3.67 +3.67 +7.50 Constrict 3d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A chuul is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Gore 1d8, +2 Str, -8 Int, -4 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Slam 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 +2 Strsubstitute +2 Wis for an Indian elephant, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Gore 2d6, Large, +2 Str, +2 Con
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Stamp 1d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Trample, +2 Con, +2 Wis
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Slam 1d8, +2 Str
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 2 Stamps 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Gore 2d8, Huge, +2 Str
10 +7.50 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 Slam 2d6, +2 Str

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An elephant is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Construct
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage/drain, critical hits, death effects, death by massive damage, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting, necromancy effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, any effect that requires Fort (unless it also affects objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +0.33 Berserk, Slam 1d6, SR = HD+15, +2 Str, -2 Dex, -10 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +0.67 DR 1 / adamantine & bludgeoning, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +1.00 Slam 1d8, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +1.33 Large, 2 Slams, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +1.67 DR 5 / adamantine & bludg, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +2.00 2 Slams 1d10, +2 natural armor
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +2.33 haste 1/day, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +2.67 Immunity to Magic, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 2 Slams 2d10, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +3.33 +3.33 +3.33 DR 10 / adamantine & bludg, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +3.67 +3.67 +3.67 Cursed Wound, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: --
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A clay golem is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Spell Resistance / Immunity to Magic
Immunity to Magic is the golem’s most powerful ability. I judged this as too powerful to grant from 1st level, so I granted spell resistance from 1st level instead. At 8th level, the golem gains Immunity to Magic instead, and it loses its Spell Resistance. The SRD entry describes specific spells that are exceptions to the golem's immunity. For my progressions, assume that these spells ignore the golems’ Spell Resistance.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Bite 1d6, Eschew Materials, +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Sorcerer CL 1st, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Poison 1d6 Con, Sorcerer CL 2nd, +2 Dex, +2 Con
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Sorcere CL 3rd, Spit, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Bite 1d8, Large, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Poison 1d8 Con, Sorcerer CL 4th, +2 Str, +2 Con
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 Sorcerer CL 5th, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 Sorcerer CL 6th, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +6.50 Bite 2d6, Sorcerer CL 7th, +2 Dex, +2 Int
10 +7.50 +3.33 +3.33 +7.00 Poison 1d10 Con, Sorcerer CL 8th, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +3.67 +3.67 +7.50 Sorcerer CL 9th, +2 Con, +2 Wis

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Listen, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A guardian naga is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar)
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: cold, charm, fear, fire, sleep

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d6, Demon fever, SLAs 1/day, SR 18, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Change Shape, SR 19, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - DR 1 / cold iron, SLAs 3/day, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Bite 1d8, SR 20, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 etherealness (Dream Haunting) 1/day, SR 21, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 - - - - DR 2 / cold iron, SLAs (at will), +1 natural armor
7 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Bite 2d6, SR 22, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 etherealness (Dream Haunting) 3/day, SR 23, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
9 - - - - DR 5 / cold iron, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
10 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 SR 24, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
11 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 DR 10 / cold iron, etherealness (Dream Haunting) (at will), SR 25, +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Listen, Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A night hag is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: sonic

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d4, detect magic (at will), Fast Healing 1, Energy Resistances 5, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d8, DR 1 / lawful, SLAs (identify, invisibility, see invisibility, shatter 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Change Shape, SLAs (chaos hammer, deeper darkness, lightning bolt, magic circle 1/day), +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 2 Claws 1d6, Fast Healing 2, SLAs (identify, invisibility, see invisibility, shatter 3/day), +2 Int, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Bite 1d10, DR 2 / lawful, SLAs (chaos hammer, deeper darkness, lightning bolt, magic circle 3/day), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 - - - - SLAs (identify, invisibility, see invisibility, shatter - at will), +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 2 Claws 2d4, SLAs (chaos hammer, deeper darkness, lightning bolt, magic circle - at will), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
8 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Bite 2d8, DR 5 / lawful, SLAs (fly, dispel law, animate objects 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
9 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Fast Healing 5, summon slaad (1 red, 1 blue, 60%) 1/day, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
10 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 SLAs (fly, dispel law, animate objects - at will), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
11 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 DR 10 / lawful, power word stun 1/day, summon (1d2 red 60%, 1 blue 60%, 1 green 40%) 2/day, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Concentration, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (arcana), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A gray slaad is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 20 ft, Climb 20 ft, Swim 20 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Con, -10 Int, -8 Cha
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Improved Grab, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Bite 1d6, +2 Str
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Large, +2 Dex
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Constrict, +2 Wis
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Bite 1d8, +2 Str
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 +2 Str
10 +7.50 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 Huge
11 +8.25 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Balance, Climb, Hide, Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A giant constrictor is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Blue Jay
2023-05-06, 11:43 AM
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Native)
Speed: 20 ft, Fly 40 ft (average)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d3, detect SLA's (at will), invisibility 1/day, Sorcerer CL 1st, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
2 - - - - Change Shape, Improved Grab, Poison (1d4 Str), Telepathy 30 ft, +2 Str, +2 Cha
3 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Constrict 1d6, Fly 60 ft (average), invisibility 3/day, Sorcerer CL 2nd, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Poison (1d4/2d4 Str), Sorcerer CL 3rd, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Constrict 2d6, Sorcerer CL 4th, Telepathy 60 ft, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
6 - - - - invisibility (at will), Large, Poison (2d4/3d4 Str), +2 Dex, +2 Cha
7 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Constrict 2d8, Fly 80 ft (average), Sorcerer CL 5th, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 ethereal jaunt 1/day, Poison (2d4/4d4 Str), Sorcerer CL 6th, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
9 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 plane shift 1/day, Sorcerer CL 7th, Telepathy 90 ft, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
10 - - - - ethereal jaunt 3/day, plan shift 3/day, +2 Dex, +2 Wis
11 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Fly 80 ft (good), Sorcerer CL 8th, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 ethereal jaunt (at will), plane shift (at will), Sorcerer CL 9th, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Jump, Knowledge (all), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Tumble Use Magic Device
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A couatl is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar)
Speed: 40 ft, Climb 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d6, Poison (1d4 Con / 1d4 Con), Scent, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 2 claws 1d4, Telepathy 50 ft, +4 Hide, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 DR 2/good, web 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Large, Poison (1d6 Con / 1d6 Con), +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Bite 1d8, Rend Armor, web 2/day, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 2 claws 1d6, plane shift 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 DR 5/good, web 3/day, +8 Hide, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 plane shift 3/day, Poison (1d6 Con / 2d6 Con), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 Bite 2d6, Huge, web 4/day, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
11 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 2 claws 2d4, DR 10/good, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
12 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 plane shift (at will), +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List:
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A bebilith is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Construct (Extraplanar)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage/drain, critical hits, death effects, death by massive damage, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting, necromancy effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, any effect that requires Fort (unless it also affects objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +0.33 2 Claws 1d6, Eye Ray (fire, damage = (HD + LA)d6, standard action), Fast Healing 1, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +0.67 Bite 1d4, Improved Grab, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +1.00 Find Target (cast once per target), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - Eye Rays (fire, cold), Speed +10 ft, Large,+2 Str
5 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +1.33 2 Claws 1d8, Eye Rays (petrification 1/day), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +1.67 Bite 1d6, Fast Healing 2, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
7 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +2.00 4 Claws 1d8, Eye Rays (move action), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +2.33 Eye Rays (fire, cold, electricity), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
9 - - - - Huge, Eye Rays (petrification 3/day), Find Target (continuous), +2 Str
10 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +2.67 4 Claws 2d6, Eye Ryas (free action), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
11 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d8, Fast Healing 5, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
12 +7.50 +3.33 +3.33 +3.33 Eye Rays (12d6 cold, 12d6 fire, 12d6 electricity, petrification at will), +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: --
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A retriever is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: electricity, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d6, mirror image 1/day, Telepathy 50 ft, +4 Listen/Spot, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d4, Resistance (acid, cold, fire) 5, Spores 1/day, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 DR 1 / good, SR = 7+HD, Stunning Screech 1/day, teleport 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - 2 Claws 1d8, summon demon (1 dretch, 35%), Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Bite 1d6, Large, mirror image 3/day, telekinesis 1/day, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 DR 2 / good, summon demon (1d4 dretches), 2 Talons 1d4, teleport 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 2 Claws 2d6, Resistance (acid, cold, fire) 10, Spores 3/day, telekinesis 3/day, +2 Con, +2 Wis
8 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Bite 1d8, mirror image (at will), +8 Listen/Spot, +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
9 - - - - DR 5 / good, summon demon (1d10 dretches), greater teleport 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
10 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Dance of Ruin, Stunning Screech (1/hr), summon demon (1 other vrock), +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
11 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 Spores (at will), 2 Talons 1d6, telekinesis (at willl), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
12 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 DR 10 / good, greater teleport (at will), summon (2d10 dretches), +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A vrock is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: fire, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d4, SR = HD+11, Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Improved Grab, Resistance 5 (acid, cold), SLAs (scorching ray 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Barbed Defense 1d4, DR 1 / good, Impale 1d8, teleport 1/day, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Fear, SLAs (scorching ray 3/day), Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Str, +1 Int, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 2 Claws 1d6, DR 2 / good, SLAs (hold person, major image 1/day), +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Impale 1d10, summon devil (1 bearded devil, 35%), teleport 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Barbed Defense 1d6, Resistance 10 (acid, cold), SLAs (scorching ray - at will), +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 DR 5 / good, SLAs (hold person, major image 3/day), summon devil (1d4 bearded devils), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 2 Claws 1d8, Impale 2d8, SLAs (order's wrath, unholy wrath 1/day; greater teleport 3/day), +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 Barbed Defense 1d8, summon devil (1d6 bearded devils), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
11 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 DR 10 / good, SLAs (hold person, major image - at will), +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
12 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 Impale 3d8, SLAs (greater teleport - at will), summon devil (1 other barbed devil), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A barbed devil is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
"]Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: fire, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d6, Fear Aura (shaken), invisibility 1/day, Resistance 5 (acid, cold), SR = HD+9, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 2 Claws 1d4, DR 1 / good, summon devil (1 lemure 50%), Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Fly 1/day, Poison (1d4 Str), Sting 1d4, teleport 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - Fear Aura (shaken), Large, invisibility 3/day, major image 1/day, summon devil (1d4 lemures 50%), +2 Dex, + Int, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 DR 2 / good, fly 3/day, Speed +10 ft, wall of ice 1/day, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Bite 1d8, dimensional anchor 1/day, major image 3/day, Poison (1d6 Str), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Fear Aura (frightened), Invisibility (at will), Sting 2d4, Telepathy 100 ft, teleport 3/day, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
8 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 DR 5 / good, fly (at will), major image (at will), summon devil (1d10 lemures 50%), +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
9 - - - - dimensional anchor 3/day, Poison (1d6 Str / 2d6 Str), wall of ice 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
10 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Fear Aura (panicked), greater teleport 3/day, Resistance 10 (acid, cold), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
11 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 DR 10 / good, greater teleport (at will), Sting 3d4, summon devil (2d10 lemures 50%, 1 bone devil 35%), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
12 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 dimensional anchor (at will), greater teleport (at will), wall of ice (at will, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A bone devil is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Undead
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage (Str, Dex & Con), ability drain, critical hits, death effects, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, any effect that allows a Fort save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.50 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 2 Claws 1d4, SR = HD+9, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +1.00 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 SLA (ray of enfeeblement, spectral hand), Trap Essence (1 HD), +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
3 +1.50 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Spell Deflection, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +2.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Large, SLA (ghoul touch), Trap Essence (2 HD), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
5 +2.50 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 2 Claws 1d6, SLA (suggestion), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +3.00 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 SLA (confusion), Trap Essence (3 HD), +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
7 +3.50 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 Energy Drain, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
8 +4.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 SLA (lesser planar ally), Trap Essence (5 HD), +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
9 +4.50 +3.00 +3.00 +6.50 SLA (true seeing), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
10 +5.00 +3.33 +3.33 +7.00 Trap Essence (8 HD), +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
11 +5.50 +3.67 +3.67 +7.50 SLA (control undead), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
12 +6.00 +4.00 +4.00 +8.00 Trap Essence (any), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 4 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A devourer is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 2 Claws 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Bite 1d6, Improved Grab, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Large, +2 Str, +2 Dex
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 2 Claws 2d6, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Bite 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Wis
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 2 Claws 2d4, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Bite 1d10, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Speed +10 ft, +2 Con
10 +7.50 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 Bite 2d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +8.00 +8.00 +4.00 +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A dire bear is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Lawful)
Speed: 50 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Special Abilities: cold, petrification, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Fast Healing 1, Hive Mind, Sting 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 detect chaos (at will), Poison 1d6 Dex, SR = HD+13, +2 Dex, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 detect thoughts (at will), Fast Healing 2, teleport 1/day, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Large, order's wrath 1/day, Resistance 5 (electricity, fire, sonic), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 SLAs (clairaudiance/voyance, magic circle - 1/day), Sting 1d6, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 charm monster 1/day, Poison 1d8 Dex, teleport 3/day, +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 SLAs (clairaudiance/voyance, magic circle - 3/day), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 charm monster 3/day, Resistance 10 (electricity, fire, sonic), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 SLAs (clairaudiance/voyance, magic circle - at will), Sting 2d4, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 greater teleport 3/day, Poison 2d6 Dex, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
11 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 charm monster (at will), dictum 1/day, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
12 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 greater teleport (at will), +2 Con, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Hide, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A formian myrmarch is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Giant
Speed: 430 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Rock Throwing, +2 Str, -2 Dex, -4 Int, -4 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Large, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 +2 Str
5 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 Rock Catching, +2 Str
9 +6.75 +6.50 +3.00 +3.00 +2 Con, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +7.00 +3.33 +3.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +7.50 +3.67 +3.67 +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +8.00 +4.00 +4.00 +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Jump, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A hill giant is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 2 Claws 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Cleric CL 1st, Roar (fear) 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Fly 40 ft (poor), Pounce, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Cleric CL 2nd, Large, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 2 Claws 1d6, Roar (paralysis) 2/day, Speed +10 ft, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Cleric CL 3rd, Rake, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Fly 60 ft (poor), Roar (deafened), +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Cleric CL 4th, Roar (Str damage, 20 dmg to objects) 3/day, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 2 Claws 2d4, Speed +10 ft, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 Cleric CL 5th, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
11 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 Fly 80 ft (poor), Roar (knockdown), +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
12 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +4.00 Cleric CL 6th, Roar (50 dmg to objects), +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Listen, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An androsphinx is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal (Aquatic)
Speed: Swim 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 2 Tentacles 1d4, Ink Cloud 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Con, -10 Int, -8 Cha
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Bite 1d8, Improved Grab, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Jet, Large, 4 Tentacles, +2 Str
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 2d6, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 6 Tentacles, +2 Str, +2 Dex
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Constrict, Ink Cloud 1/hr, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Bite 2d8, +2 Str
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 8 Tentacles 1d6, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Huge, +2 Str
10 +7.50 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 Ink Cloud 1/min, +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 10 Tentacles, +2 Str
12 +9.00 +8.00 +8.00 +4.00 +4 Grapple, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A giant squid is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Tiny Magical Beast (Evil, Extraplanar, Swarm)
Speed: 5 ft, Fly 20 ft (average)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Half damage from piercing and slashing
Low-light vision
Swarm traits

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Hive Mind, Swarm 1d6, -10 Str, +2 Dex, -4 Int, -2 Cha
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Distraction, Poison 1d4 Dex, +2 Con
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 DR 2 / magic, Resistance 5 (fire), +2 Dex
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Diminutive (immune to weapon damage), Inhabit
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 DR 4 / magic, Fly 40 ft (average), +2 Dex
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Swarm 2d6, +2 Wis
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Resistance 10 (fire), +2 Dex
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 DR 6 / magic, +2 Con
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Poison 1d6 Dex, Fly 40 ft (good), +2 Dex
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 DR 8 / magic
11 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 Swarm 3d6, +2 Dex
12 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +4.00 DR 10 / magic, Fly 60 ft (good)

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A hellwasp swarm is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: Swim 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Hold Breath, Tail Slap 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, -4 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Blindsight 30 ft, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Large, +2 Str, +2 Con
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Tail Slap 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Blindsight 60 ft, +2 Str
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Huge, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Tail Slap 1d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 Blindsight 120 ft, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +8.00 +8.00 +4.00 Gargantuan, +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A baleen whale is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: Swim 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Hold Breath, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, -4 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Tail Slap 1d4, Blindsight 30 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Large, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Wis
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Tail Slap 1d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Blindsight 60 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Huge, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Bite 2d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Tail Slap 1d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 Blindsight 120 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +8.00 +8.00 +4.00 Bite 3d6, Gargantuan, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A cachalot whale is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 20 ft, Fly 60 ft (average)
Special Abilities: Blindsight 30 ft
Immunities: gaze attacks, visual effects
Vulnerability to sonic

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d8, +2 Listen, +2 Str, -4 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Sonic lance 1d6, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 2 claws 1d3, Explosion, +2 Str
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Large, Sonic lance 2d6, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Bite 2d6, Blindsight 60 ft, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 2 claws 1d4, Sonic lance 3d6, +2 Str
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Fly 60 ft (average), +4 Listen, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Sonic lance 4d6, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Bite 2d8, Blindsight 90 ft, +2 Str
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 Huge, Sonic lance 5d6, +1 natural armor
11 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 2 claws 1d6, +1 natural armor
12 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +4.00 Blindsight 120 ft, Sonic lance 6d6, +2 Str

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Move Silently
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A yrthak is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Blue Jay
2023-05-06, 11:44 AM
ECL 13

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: electricity, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d6, DR 1 / good, SR = 9+HD, Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 2 Claws 1d4, Improved Grab, summon demon (1 dretch, 35%), +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 gaseous form 2/day, Resistance 5 (acid, cold, fire), +4 Listen/Spot, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - Large, DR 2 / good, Stench (sickened), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Bite 2d4, summon demon (1d4 dretches), Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 2 Claws 1d6, gaseous form 3/day, teleport 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 - - - - chaos hammer 1/day, Stench (nauseated), +8 Listen/Spot, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Bite 3d4, DR 5 / good, summon demon (1d10 dretches), unholy blight 1/day, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
9 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Resistance 10 (acid, cold, fire), teleport 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
10 - - - - blasphemy 1/day, chaos hammer 3/day, 2 Claws 1d8, unholy blight 3/day, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
11 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Bite 4d4, Stench (sickened on successful save), summon demon (2d10 dretches), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 DR 10 / good, greater teleport (at will), unholy blight (at will), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
13 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 blasphemy 3/day, chaos hammer (at will), summon demon (4d10 dretches, 1 hezrou), +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Concentration, Hide, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A hezrou is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Dragon (Aquatic)
Speed: 20 ft, Swim 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: sleep, paralysis

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d8, Breath Weapon 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Breath Weapon 2d6, 2 Claws 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Breath Weapon 3d6, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Bite 2d6, Breath Weapon 4d6, Large, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Breath Weapon 5d6, 2 Claws 1d8, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Breath Weapon 6d6, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 - - - - Bite 3d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Breath Weapon 7d6, 2 Claws 1d10, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Breath Weapon 8d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
10 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 Breath Weapon 9d6, Huge, +1 natural armor
11 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 Bite 4d6, Breath Weapon 10d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
12 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 Breath Weapon 11d6, 2 Claws 2d8, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
13 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 Breath Weapon 12d6, Capsize, +2 Str, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 6 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A dragon turtle is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Construct (Extraplanar, Lawful)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage/drain, critical hits, death effects, death by massive damage, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting, necromancy effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, any effect that requires Fort (unless it also affects objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +0.33 Slam 1d4, SR = HD+9, vampiric touch 1/day, +2 Skills, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +0.67 disguise self 1/day, DR 1 / chaotic, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +1.00 Fast Healing 1, invisibility 1/day, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +1.33 disguise self 3/day, Slam 1d6, vampiric touch 3/day, +2 Dex
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +1.67 DR 2 / chaotic, Enervation Ray (1 level) 3/day, SLAs (hold person, suggestion - 1/day), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +2.00 Fast Healing 2, invisibility 3/day, SLAs (discern lies, fear, locate creature - 1/day), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +2.33 disguise self (at will), vampiric touch (at will), +2 Skills, +2 Wis
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +2.67 DR 5 / chaotic, SLAs (hold person, suggestion - 3/day), +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Enervation Ray (at will), invisibility (at will), SLAs (discern lies, fear, locate creature - 1/day), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +3.33 +3.33 +3.33 Fast Healing 5, mark of justice 1/day, SLAs (hold person, suggestion - at will)
11 +8.25 +3.67 +3.67 +3.67 DR 10 / chaotic, hold monster 1/day, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 SLAs (discern lies, fear, locate creature - 1/day), +1 natural armor
13 +9.75 +4.33 +4.33 +4.33 Enervation Ray (1d4 levels) - at will, geas/quest 1/wk, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A kolyarut is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

ECL 14

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Angel, Extraplanar, Good)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: acid, cold, petrification
+4 racial bonus on saves vs poison
Weapons count as good-aligned for overcoming damage reduction

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Change Shape, Protective Aura (+2, 10 rds/day), Slam 1d6, SLAs (detect evil, remove fear - at will), +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Speed +10 ft, SLAs (aid - at will; invisibility (self only) - 1/day), SR = HD+10, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Fly 50 ft (average), Resistance 5 (electricity, fire), SLAs (cure light wounds - 3/day), tongues, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - DR 2 / evil, SLAs (continual flame, dispel magic, remove curse, remove disease - at will), +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Protective Aura (at will), SLAs (see invisibility - 3/day; invisibility - at will), Uncanny Dodge, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 SLAs (discern lies, holy smite - at will; cure light wounds 5/day), +2 Int, +1 natural armor
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Fly 75 ft (good), SLAs (see invisibility - 5/day), Stun, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
8 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 DR 5 / evil, Slam 1d8, SLAs (dispel evil, plane shift - at will), +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
9 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Protective Aura (+4), SLAs (cure light wounds - 7/day), Speed +10 ft, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
10 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 Resistance 10 (electricity, fire), SLAs (blade barrier, heal, holy word - 1/day), +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
11 - - - - DR 10 / evil, Fly 100 ft (good), SLAs (see invisibility - 7/day), +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
12 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 SLAs (holy aura - 1/day), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
13 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 SLAs (holy word - at will), +2 Int, +1 natural armor
14 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 Protective Aura (invulnerability), SLAs (holy aura - at will), +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An astral deva is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Bite 1d4, +2 Str, -4 Int, -4 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Poison 1d4 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Large, Rock Throwing, +2 Str
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Bite 1d6, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Poison 1d6 Str, +2 Str
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Third Arm, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 Bite 1d8, +2 Str
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 +2 Con, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +6.50 Poison 1d6 Str / 2d6 Str, +2 Str
10 +7.50 +3.33 +3.33 +7.00 Bite 1d10, +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +3.67 +3.67 +7.50 +2 Str, +2 Con
12 +9.00 +4.00 +4.00 +8.00 +1 natural armor
13 +9.75 +4.33 +4.33 +8.50 Bite 2d8, +2 Str, +2 Con
14 +10.50 +4.67 +4.67 +9.00 +2 Str, +1 natural armo

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Jump, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An athach is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast (Cold)
Speed: 30 ft, burrow 10 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: cold
Vulnerability to fire

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Breath Weapon 1d6 +1d6/HD, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Cold 1d4, Large, +2 Con
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 2d6, Trill 30-ft radius, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Death Throes 2d6, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Cold 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Trill 50-ft radius, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Bite 2d8, Death Throes 4d6, +2 Str
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Huge, +2 Con
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 Trill 75-ft radius, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
11 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 Death Throes 6d6, +1 natural armor
12 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +4.00 Cold 1d8, +2 Str
13 +13.00 +8.50 +8.50 +4.33 Trill 100-ft radius, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
14 +14.00 +9.00 +9.00 +4.67 Death Throes 8d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A frost worm is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Giant
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision
Immunities: cold
Vulnerability to fire

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Slam 1d4, +2 Str, -2 Dex, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Rock Throwing, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Large, +2 Con, +2 Wis
4 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 2 Slams 1d4, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 Rock Catching, +2 Str
6 +6.00 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +2 Str, +2 Wis
9 +9.00 +6.50 +3.00 +3.00 +2 Con, +1 natural armor
10 +10.00 +7.00 +3.33 +3.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
11 +11.00 +7.50 +3.67 +3.67 +2 Str
12 +12.00 +8.00 +4.00 +4.00 +2 Con, +1 natural armor
13 +13.00 +8.50 +4.33 +4.33 +2 Str
14 +14.00 +9.00 +4.67 +4.67 +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Craft, Intimidate, Jump, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A frost giant is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is proficient with light and medium armor, and with shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Giant
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Slam 1d4, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Rock Throwing, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Large, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 2 Slams 1d4, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 +2 Str, +2 Wis
6 +6.00 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +2 Con, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +3.00 +3.00 Rock Catching, +2 Str
10 +10.00 +7.00 +3.33 +3.33 +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
11 +11.00 +7.50 +3.67 +3.67 +2 Str
12 +12.00 +8.00 +4.00 +4.00 +2 Con, +1 natural armor
13 +13.00 +8.50 +4.33 +4.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
14 +14.00 +9.00 +4.67 +4.67 +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Hide, Jump, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A stone giant is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is proficient with light and medium armor, and with shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Construct
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage/drain, critical hits, death effects, death by massive damage, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting, necromancy effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, any effect that requires Fort (unless it also affects objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 1 Slams 1d8, SR 12+HD, +2 Str, -2 Dex, -10 Cha, +2 natural aarmor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 DR 2/adamantine, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 slow 1/day, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Large, 2 slams 2d6, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 DR 4/adamantine, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 slow 3/day (every 3 rds), +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 DR 6/adamantine, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +3.00 +3.00 Immunity to magic, 2 slams 2d8, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
10 +10.00 +7.00 +3.33 +3.33 slow (at will), +1 natural armor
11 +11.00 +7.50 +3.67 +3.67 DR 8/adamantine, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
12 +12.00 +8.00 +4.00 +4.00 slow (free action), +1 natural armor
13 +13.00 +8.50 +4.33 +4.33 2 slams 2d10, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
14 +14.00 +9.00 +4.67 +4.67 DR 10/adamantine, +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: --
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A stone golem is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Spell Resistance / Immunity to Magic
Immunity to Magic is the golem’s most powerful ability. I judged this as too powerful to grant from 1st level, so I granted spell resistance from 1st level instead. At 9th level, the golem gains Immunity to Magic instead, and it loses its Spell Resistance. The SRD entry describes specific spells that are exceptions to the golem's immunity. For my progressions, assume that these spells ignore the golems’ Spell Resistance.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Good, Guardinal)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: electricity, petrification

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d4, DR 1 / evil & silver, remove disease 1/day, speak with animals, +2 skills, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d6, detect thoughts 1/day, Lay on Hands, Resistance 5 (cold, sonic), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 DR 2 / evil & silver, Improved Grab, Roar 1/day (2d6 sonic), +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 2 Claws 1d6, fireball 1/day, Protective Aura (magic circle), Speed +10 ft, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
5 - - - - Bite 1d8, detect thoughts 3/day, remove disease 3/day, SR = HD+14, +4 skills, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 DR 5 / evil & silver, Pounce, wall of force 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 cure critical 1/day, fireball 3/day, Protective Aura (+4), Rake, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
8 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 detect thoughts (at will), Roar (holy word) 2/day, Speed +10 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
9 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 hold monster 1/day, Resistance 10 (cold, sonic), wall of force, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
10 - - - - DR 10 / evil & silver, fireball (at will), neutralize poison, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
11 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 hold monster 3/day, Protective Aura (invulnerability), +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
12 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 cure critical 3/day, Speed +10 ft, wall of force (at will), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
13 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 neutralize poison 3/day, Roar 3/day, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
14 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 heal 1/day, hold monster (at will), +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Balance, Concentration, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A leonal is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Scent, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 - - - - 2 Bites, Combat Reflexes, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 2 Bites 1d8, Fast Healing 5, Large, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 3 Bites, +2 Str, +2 Con
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 3 Bites 1d10, Fast Healing 10, +1 natural armor
6 - - - - 4 Bites, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 5 Bites, Fast Healing 15, Huge, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 6 Bites, Fast Healing 16, +1 natural armor
9 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 7 Bites, Fast Healing 17, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
10 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 8 Bites, Fast Healing 18, +1 natural armor
11 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 9 Bites, Fast Healing 19, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
12 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 10 Bites, Fast Healing 20, +1 natural armor
13 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 11 Bites, Fast Healing 21, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
14 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +4.00 12 Bites 2d8, Fast Healing 22, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A hydra is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Undead
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage (Str, Dex & Con), ability drain, critical hits, death effects, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, any effect that allows a Fort save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Scent, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 - - - - 2 Bites, Combat Reflexes, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 2 Bites 1d8, Fast Healing 5, Large, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 3 Bites, +2 Str, +2 Con
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 3 Bites 1d10, Fast Healing 10, +1 natural armor
6 - - - - 4 Bites, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 5 Bites, Fast Healing 15, Huge, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 6 Bites, Fast Healing 16, +1 natural armor
9 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 7 Bites, Fast Healing 17, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
10 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 8 Bites, Fast Healing 18, +1 natural armor
11 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 9 Bites, Fast Healing 19, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
12 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 10 Bites, Fast Healing 20, +1 natural armor
13 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 11 Bites, Fast Healing 21, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
14 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +4.00 12 Bites 2d8, Fast Healing 22, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 4 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A mohrg is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Blue Jay
2023-05-07, 12:45 AM
*Note: The Beholder's LA has an asterisk (*) for its eye rays, which can be quite powerful. A DM should consider carefully how the eye rays will affect his game before allowing a beholder PC.

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 5 ft, Fly 20 ft (good)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Bite, 1d6 Eye rays (1/rd, sleep), Flight (Fly 20 ft - good), +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 All-around vision, Eye ray (1/rd, inflict - light), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Alertness, Eye ray (charm person), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Eye ray (inflict - moderate), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Eye ray (2/rd, 1/arc, slow), Large, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
6 - - - - Bite 2d4, Eye ray (fear), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Eye ray (3/rd, charm monster), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Eye ray (4/rd), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
9 - - - - Eye ray (5/rd, telekinesis), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
10 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 Antimagic cone, Eye ray (2/arc), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
11 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 Eye ray (6/rd, flesh to stone), +2 Int, +1 natural armor
12 - - - - Eye ray (7/rd), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
13 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +6.50 Eye ray (8/rd, disintegrate), +1 natural armor
14 +7.50 +3.33 +3.33 +7.00 Eye ray (9/rd, 3/arc), +1 natural armor
15 +8.25 +3.67 +3.67 +7.50 Eye ray (10/rd, finger of death), +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Knowledge (arcana), Listen, Search, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A beholder is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration
Speed: 30 ft, burrow 10 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: acid

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 2 Slams 1d4, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Corrosive Slime (1d6 / 1d8 / 1d10), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Large, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 stone shape 1/day, +2 Dex, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 2 Slams 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Corrosive Slime (2d6 / 2d8 / 2d10), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 Huge, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +6.50 stone shape (every 10 min), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +3.33 +3.33 +7.00 Corrosive Slime (2d6 / 4d8 / 4d10), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +3.67 +3.67 +7.50 +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +4.00 +4.00 +8.00 +2 Int, +1 natural armor
13 +9.75 +4.33 +4.33 +8.50 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
14 +10.50 +4.67 +4.67 +9.00 Corrosive Slime (2d6 / 4d8 / 8d10), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
15 +11.25 +5.00 +5.00 +9.50 +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Knowledge (dungeoneering, nature), Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A delver is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: electricity, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 mirror image 1/day, 2 Pincers 1d6, SR = 9+HD, Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 2 Claws 1d4, DR 1 / good, Improved Grab, summon demon (1 dretch, 50%), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Bite 1d4, mirror image 3/day, Resistance 5 (acid, acold, fire), +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - dispel magic 1/day, Large, summon demon (1d4 dretches), teleport 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 DR 2 / good, 2 Pincers 1d8, SLAs (chaos hammer, confusion, unholy blight - 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 mirror image (at will), Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Bite 1d6, summon demon (1d10 dretches), teleport 3/day, true seeing 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
8 - - - - 2 Claws 1d6, DR 5 / good, dispel magic 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
9 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 2 Pincers 1d10, SLAs (chaos hammer, confusion, unholy blight - 1/day), +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
10 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Huge, Resistance 10 (acid, acold, fire), reverse gravity 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
11 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 Bite 1d8, summon demon (2d10 dretches, 1 vrock), teleport (at will), true seeing 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
12 - - - - DR 10 / good, dispel magic (at will), reverse gravity 3/day, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor
13 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 2 Pincers 2d8, power word stun 1/day, SLAs (chaos hammer, confusion, unholy blight - at willy), +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
14 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 greater teleport (at will), reverse gravity (at will), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
15 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 summon demon (4d10 dretches, 1d2 vrocks 50%, 1 glabrezu 20%), true seeing (continuous), wish 1/month, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A glabrezu is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: electricity, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d6, Resistance 5 (acid, cold, fire), Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 call lightning 1/day, 2 Claws 1d4, DR 1 / good, SR = HD+8, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Smite (1 rd) 1/day, +4 Listen/Spot, slow 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Large, call lightning 3/day, teleport 1/day, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Bite 1d8, dispel magic 1/day, DR 2 / good, slow 3/day, true seeing 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 2 Claws 1d6, feeblemind 1/day, Smite (1d4 rds) 2/day, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Resistance 10 (acid, cold, fire), Telepathy 100 ft, teleport 3/day, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
8 - - - - call lightning (at will), DR 5 / good, dispel magic 3/day, summon demon (1 vrock 50%), +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor
9 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Bite 1d10, slow (at will), Smite (1d4 rds) 3/day, unholy aura 1/day, +2 Int, +2 Cha+2 Wis, +1 natural armor
10 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 feeblemind 3/day, Huge, summon demon (1d4 vrocks 50%, 1 hezrou 50%), true seeing 3/day, +8 Listen/Spot, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
11 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 2 Claws 1d8, dispel (at will), teleport (at will), +2 Str, +2 Cha, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
12 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 DR 10 / good, Smite (1d6 rds) 3/day, unholy aura 3/day, +2 Con, +2 Int+2 Wis, +1 natural armor
13 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 Bite 2d8, greater teleport (at will), summon demon (1d4 vrocks 50%, 1d4 hezrous 50%, 1 glabrezu 50%), true seeing (continuous), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
14 +13.00 +8.50 +8.50 +8.50 feeblemind (at will), greater dispel magic (at will), +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
15 +14.00 +9.00 +9.00 +9.00 Smite (1d10 rds) 3/day, summon demon (1 nalfeshnee 20%), unholy aura (at will), +2 Str, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Use Magic Device
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A nalfeshnee is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
*Note: The Efreeti's LA has an asterisk (*) for its Wish ability. DMs should consider removing this ability or restricting it in some other way.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Fire)
Speed: 30 ft, Fly 40 ft (good)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: fire
Vulnerability to cold

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 detect magic (at will), produce flame 3/day, Slam 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
2 - - - - Change Shape (humanoid 3/day), pyrotechnics 1/day, Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Str
3 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Change Size 1/day, Heat 1d6, plane shift (1/day, self only), scorching ray 1/day, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Change Shape (humanoid at will), Fly 40 ft (good), pyrotechnics 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Con
5 - - - - Change Shape (giant 3/day), Large, produce flame (at will), scorching ray 3/day, +2 Wis
6 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Invisibility 1/day, plane shift (3/day, +1 other), 2 slams 1d8, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
7 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Change Size 2/day, Improved Initiative, pyrotechnics (at will), +2 Str
8 - - - - Change Shape (giant at will), scorching ray (at will), +2 Int
9 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 gaseous form 1/day, Telepathy 100 ft, wall of fire 1/day, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
10 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Fly 40 ft (perfect), Plane shift (+3 others), +2 Str
11 - - - - invisibility 3/day, wall of fire 3/day, +2 Wis
12 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 permanent image 1/day, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
13 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 Plane shift (+5 others), +2 Str
14 - - - - 3 wishes (1/wk), +2 Con
15 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 Plane shift (at will, +8 others), 2 Wishes (1/day), +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An efreeti is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Giant (Fire)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision
Immunities: fire
Vulnerability to cold

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Slam 1d4, +2 Str, -2 Dex, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Rock Throwing, +2 Str +2 Con
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 Large, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 2 Slams 1d4, +2 Str
5 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 +2 Wis
7 +5.25 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +2 Str, +2 Con
9 +6.75 +6.50 +3.00 +3.00 +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +7.00 +3.33 +3.33 Rock Catching, +2 Str
11 +8.25 +7.50 +3.67 +3.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +8.00 +4.00 +4.00 +2 Con
13 +9.75 +8.50 +4.33 +4.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
14 +10.50 +9.00 +4.67 +4.67 +2 Str, +2 Con
15 +11.25 +9.50 +5.00 +5.00 +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Craft, Intimidate, Jump, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A fire giant is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast (Cold or Fire)
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Scent, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, -1 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 - - - - 2 Heads, Combat Reflexes, +2 Con
3 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Bites 1d8, Fast Healing 5, Large, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - 3 Heads, Breath Jet 1d6/Head, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Fast Healing 10, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
6 - - - - 4 Heads, Breath Jet 2d6/Head, +2 Con
7 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bites 1d10, Fast Healing 15, Huge, +2 Str
8 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 5 Heads, Breath Jet 3d6/Head, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
9 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 6 Heads, Fast Healing 16, +1 natural armor
10 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 7 Heads, Fast Healing 17, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
11 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 8 Heads, Fast Healing 18, +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 9 Heads, Fast Healing 19, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
13 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 10 Heads, Fast Healing 20, +1 natural armor
14 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 11 Heads, Fast Healing 21, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
15 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +4.00 12 Heads 2d8, Fast Healing 22, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A hydra is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Construct (Extraplanar, Lawful)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage/drain, critical hits, death effects, death by massive damage, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting, necromancy effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, any effect that requires Fort (unless it also affects objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +0.33 Fast Healing 1, 2 Slams 1d6, SR = HD+10, +2 Concentration, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +0.67 DR 1 / chaotic, SLAs (air walk, fear - 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +1.00 Fist of Lightning 1d6, +2 Listen/Spot, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +1.33 Fist of Thunder 1d6, 2 Slams 1d8, SLAs (dimension door, locate creature - 1/day), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +1.67 DR 2 / chaotic, Fist of Lightning (2d6, blind 1 rd), Large, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +2.00 Fast Healing 2, Fist of Thunder (2d6, deaf 1 rd), SLAs (greater command, mass inflict - 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +2.33 SLAs (air walk, fear - 3/day; greater dispel, true seeing - 1/day), +4 Concentration, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +2.67 DR 5 / chaotic, Fist of Lightning (2d6, blind 1d6 rds), 2 Slams 2d6, SLAs (mark of justice) 1/day, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Fist of Thunder (2d6, deaf 1d6 rds), SLAs (dimension door, locate creature - 3/day; wall of force 1/day), +4 Concentration, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +3.33 +3.33 +3.33 SLAs (greater command, mass inflict, greater dispel, true seeing - 3/day), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +3.67 +3.67 +3.67 DR 10 / chaotic, Fast Healing 5, Fist of Lightning (3d6, blind 1d8 rds), plane shift /1wk, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Fist of Thunder (3d5, deaf 1d8 rds), SLAs (air walk, fear - at will; chain lightning 1/day), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
13 +9.75 +4.33 +4.33 +4.33 Fist of Lightning (3d6, blind 2d6 rds), SLAs (greater dispel, true seeing - at will; circle of death 1/day), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
14 +10.50 +4.67 +4.67 +4.67 DR 15 / chaotic, Fist of Thunder (3d6, deaf 2d6 rds), SLAs (dimension door, locate creature - at will; geas/quest 1/wk), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
15 +11.25 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Fast Healing 10, SLAs (greater command, mass inflict - at will; earthquake 1/wk), +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Knowledge (religion), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A marut is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is proficient with all armor*.
* Constructs technically are not proficient with armor, but since the marut’s stat block has it wearing full plate, and it isn’t taking penalties on its attack rolls, I assume it is meant to be proficient with heavy armor (and thus, all lighter armor types).
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Aberration (Shapechanger)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Amorphous

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Alternate form (Medium, Small, animal, object), Slam 1d3, +2 Int
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 Alternate form (humanoid), Resilient +2, Tremorsense 10 ft, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 Alternate form (vermin), Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Cha
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 Alternate form (fey), Tremorsense 30 ft, +2 Wis
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 Alternate form (giant, Large), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Alternate form (monstrous humanoid), +2 Str
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 Alternate form (aberration, Tiny), Resilient +4, +2 Int
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 Alternate form (magical beast), Tremorsense 60 ft, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +6.50 Alternate form (construct), Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +3.33 +3.33 +7.00 Alternate form (plant), +2 Cha
11 +8.25 +3.67 +3.67 +7.50 Alternate form (Diminutive, ooze), +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +4.00 +4.00 +8.00 Alternate form (elemental), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
13 +9.75 +4.33 +4.33 +8.50 Alternate form (dragon), +2 Int
14 +10.50 +4.67 +4.67 +9.00 Alternate form (outsider), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
15 +11.25 +5.00 +5.00 +9.50 Alternate Form (undead)

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Listen, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A phasm is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Fire)
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: fire
Vulnerability to cold

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Tail slap 1d6, +2 Craft, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Improved Grab, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Constrict 1d6, Heat 1d6, +2 Dex
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Tail slap 1d8, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 DR 5/magic, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Constrict 1d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Tail slap 2d6, +2 Craft, +2 Int
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 DR 10/magic, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 Constrict 2d6, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 burning hands 3/day, Heat 1d8, +2 Str
11 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 flaming sphere 3/day, Large, Tail slap 2d8, +2 Str
12 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 DR 15/magic, fireball 3/day, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
13 +13.00 +8.50 +8.50 +8.50 Constrict 2d8, dispel magic 1/day, +2 Str
14 +14.00 +9.00 +9.00 +9.00 wall of fire 3/day, +2 Con, +2 Cha
15 +15.00 +9.50 +9.50 +9.50 summon monster VII 1/day, +2 Str

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Craft (blacksmithing), Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A noble salamander is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Construct
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage/drain, critical hits, death effects, death by massive damage, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting, necromancy effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, any effect that requires Fort (unless it also affects objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +0.33 Fast Healing 1, 2 Slams 1d4, +2 Str, -10 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +0.67 Guard (-1 penalty), +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +1.00 Fast Healing 2, shield other 1/day, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +1.33 Large, Spell Storing (1st level), +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +1.67 2 Slams 1d6, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +2.00 Guard (-2 penalty), shield other 3/day, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +2.33 Fast Healing 5, Spell Storing (2nd), +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +2.67 Find Master, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 2 Slams 1d8, shield other 6/day, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +3.33 +3.33 +3.33 Spell Storing (3rd level), +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +3.67 +3.67 +3.67 +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
13 +9.75 +4.33 +4.33 +4.33 Spell Storing (4th level), +1 natural armor
14 +10.50 +4.67 +4.67 +4.67 shield other (at will), +1 natural armor
15 +11.25 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: --
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A shield guardian is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: sonic

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +0.33 +2.50 2 Claws 1d6, detect magic (at will), Energy Resistances 5, Fast Healing 1, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +0.67 +3.00 Bite 1d6, Change Shape, SLAs (Group A - 1/day), Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +1.00 +3.50 DR 1 / lawful, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 +4.00 2 Claws 1d8, SLAs (Group A - 3/day), Stun 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Int
5 +5.00 +4.50 +1.67 +4.50 Bite 1d8, SLAs (Group B - 1/day), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +2.00 +5.00 DR 2 / lawful, Fast Healing 2, SLAs (Group A - at will), +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +2.33 +5.50 SLAs (Group B - 3/day), summon slaad (1 red 60%) 1/day, Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +2.67 +6.00 2 Claws 2d6, SLAs (Group C - 1/day), Stun 2/day, +2 Con, +2 Int
9 +9.00 +6.50 +3.00 +6.50 Bite 1d10, SLAs (Group B - at will), summon slaad (1d2 red) 1/day, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
10 +10.00 +7.00 +3.33 +7.00 DR 5 / lawful, SLAs (Group C - 3/day), +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
11 +11.00 +7.50 +3.67 +7.50 Fast Healing 5, SLAs (Group D - 1/day), summon slaad (1d2 red or 1blue 60%) 2/day, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
12 +12.00 +8.00 +4.00 +8.00 2 Claws 3d6, SLAs (Group C - at will; Group E = 1/day), Stun 3/day, +2 Dex, +2 Int
13 +13.00 +8.50 +4.33 +8.50 Bite 2d10, power word blind 1/day, SLAs (Group D - 3/day), summon slaad (1d2 blue 60%, 1 green 40%) 2/day, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
14 +14.00 +9.00 +4.67 +9.00 DR 10 / lawful, SLAs (Group E = 3/day), +2 Con, +1 Cha, +1 natural armor
15 +15.00 +9.50 +5.00 +9.50 implosion 1/day, SLAs (Group D - at will), summon slaad (1d2 green 40%) 2/day, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Concentration, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Survival, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A death slaad is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Blue Jay
2023-05-07, 12:49 AM
ECL 16

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Archon, Extraplanar, Good, Lawful)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: electricity, petrification

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 detect evil (at will), SR 14, magic circle vs evil 1/day, tongues 1/day, Trumpet (1/day, 20 ft), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Aura of Menace (5 ft), DR 1 / evil, message (at will), SR 15, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Cleric CL 1st, SR 16, teleport 1/day, tongues 3/day, Trumpet (+1 greatsword), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - Cleric CL 2nd, continual flame (at will), DR 2 / evil, Fly 50 ft (average), SR 17, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Cleric CL 3rd, magic circle vs evil 3/day, SR 18, Trumpet (2/day, 40 ft), +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Aura of Menace (10 ft), Cleric CL 4th, SR 19, teleport 3/day, tongues (continuous), +2 Dex, +2 Con
7 - - - - Cleric CL 5th, DR 4 / evil, Fly 70 ft (average), SR 20, Trumpet (+2 greatsword), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Cleric CL 6th, magic circle vs evil (at will), SR 21, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
9 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Cleric CL 7th, SR 22, greater teleport 3/day, Trumpet 3/day, 60 ft), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
10 - - - - Cleric CL 8th, DR 6 / evil, Fly 70 ft (good), SR 23, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
11 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Aura of Menace (20 ft), Cleric CL 9th, SR 24, Trumpet (+3 greatsword), +2 Dex, +2 Wis
12 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 Cleric CL 10th, SR 25, greater teleport (at will), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
13 - - - - Cleric CL 11th, DR 8 / evil, Fly 90 ft (good), SR 26, Trumpet (at will, 100 ft), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
14 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 Cleric CL 12th, SR 27, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
15 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 Cleric CL 13th, DR 10 / evil, SR 28, Trumpet (+4 greatsword), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
16 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 Cleric CL 14th, SR 29, +2 Int, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hanlde Animal, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A trumpet archon is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: fire, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d6, Regeneration 1, SR = (level + 9), +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d6, DR 1 / good, Resistance 5 (acid, cold), +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 summon devil (1 lemure 50%), Tail 1d6, Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 fly 1/day, Large, slow (tail, 1 rd), teleport 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 2 Claws 1d8, ice storm 1/day, summon devil (1d4 lemures 50%), wall of ice 1/day, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 - - - - Bite 1d8, DR 2 / good, Fear Aura, Regeneration 2, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 fly 3/day, slow (tail, 1d4 rds), summon devil (1d10 lemures or 1 bearded 50%), Tail 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
8 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 cone of cold 1/day, ice storm 3/day, Resistance 10 (acid, cold), Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 2 Claws 1d10, summon devil (2d10 lemures, 1d4 bearded or 1 bone 50%), teleport 3/day, wall of ice 3/day, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
10 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 Bite 2d6, DR 5 / good, fly (at will), persistant image 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
11 - - - - ice storm (at will), slow (tail, weapon, 1d6 rds), summon devil (2d10 lemures, 1d6 bearded, 1d6 bone 50%), Tail 2d6, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
12 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 cone of cold 3/day, Regeneration 5, unholy aura 1/day, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
13 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 persistent image 3/day, teleport (at will), wall of ice (at will), +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
14 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 DR 10 / good, summon devil (2d10 lemures, 1d6 bearded, 2d4 bone 50%), unholy aura 3/day, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
15 +13.00 +8.50 +8.50 +8.50 greater teleport (at will), persistent image (at will), Tail 3d6, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
16 +14.00 +9.00 +9.00 +9.00 cone of cold (at will), summon devil (2d10 lemures, 1d6 bearded, 2d4 bone 50%; 1 ice 20%), unholy aura (at will), +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An ice devil is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d4, +2 Str, -8 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d6, +2 Str
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Large, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Pounce, +2 Str
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Bite 1d8, +2 Con
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 2 Claws 1d6, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Rake, +2 Str
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2 Dex
9 +6.75 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 2 Claws 2d4, +2 Con
10 +7.50 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 +2 Wis
12 +9.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 Bite 2d6, +1 natural armor
13 +9.75 +8.50 +8.50 +8.50 +2 Str
14 +10.50 +9.00 +9.00 +9.00 +2 Con
15 +11.25 +9.50 +9.50 +9.50 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
16 +12.00 +10.00 +10.00 +10.00 +2 Str

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A dire tiger is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Good)
Speed: 30 ft (humanoid form only); Fly 30 ft (good; orb form only)
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: electricity, petrification

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Alternate Form 1/day, DR 1 / cold iron, Resistanc e5 (cold, fire), SLAs (Group A - 1/day), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Gaze (fear, active 1/day), light ray 1d6 (60 ft), SLAs (Gropu B - 1/day), +2 Dex, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
3 - - - - Cleric CL 1st, Fly 50 ft (average), protective aura (magic circle), SR = (level +12), +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Alternate Form 3/day, Cleric CL 2nd, Speed +10 ft, tongues, SLAs (Group A - 3/day), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 - - - - Cleric CL 3rd, DR 2 / cold iron, gaze (fear, passive), light ray 1d8, SLAs (Group C - 1/day), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Cleric CL 4th, protective aura (+4), Resisteance 10 (cold, fire), SLAs (Group A - at will; Group B - 3/day), +2 Str
7 - - - - Alternate Form (at will), Cleric CL 5th, Fly 60 ft (good), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
8 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Cleric CL 6th, Gaze (slay 1/day), 2 light rays 2d6, SLAs (Group C = 3/day), +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
9 - - - - Cleric CL 7th, DR 5 / cold iron, SLAs (Group B - at will), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
10 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Cleric CL 8th, Fly 100 ft (good), Speed +10 ft, SLAs (Group D - 1/day), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
11 - - - - Cleric CL 9th, protective aura (lesser globe), 2 light rays 2d12, SLAs (Group C - at will), +2 Str
12 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Cleric CL 10th, DR 5 / cold iron & evil, SLAs (Group D - at will), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
13 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Cleric CL 11th, Gaze (slay - at will), SLAs (Group E - 1/day), +2 Int, +1 natural armor
14 - - - - Cleric 12th, Fly 150 ft (perfect), 2 light rays 2d12 (300 ft), SLAs (Group D - 3/day), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
15 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 Cleric 13th, DR 10 / cold iron & evil, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
16 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 Cleric 14th, SLAs (Group D - at will), +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Hide, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A ghaele eladrin is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast
Speed: 20 ft, Burrow 20 ft, Swim 10 ft
Special Abilities: Tremorsense 10 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, Improved Grab, +2 Str, -4 Dex, -2 Wis, -2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Poison 1d4 Str, Sting 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Large, Tremorsense 30 ft, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Bite 1d8, Swallow Whole (1d8 bludg, 2 acid), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Sting 1d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Poison 1d6 Str, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Tremorsense 60 ft, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Huge, Swallow Whole (1d10 bludg, 4 acid), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Bite 1d10, +2 Str
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 Sting 2d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
11 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 Poison 1d6 Str / 2d6 Str, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
12 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +4.00 Swallow Whole (2d8 bludg, 8 acid), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
13 +13.00 +8.50 +8.50 +4.33 Bite 2d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
14 +14.00 +9.00 +9.00 +4.67 Gargantuan, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
15 +15.00 +9.50 +9.50 +5.00 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
16 +16.00 +10.00 +10.00 +5.33 +2 Con, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A purple worm is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Gore 1d8, +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con, -10 Int, -4 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Large, Trample 2d6, +2 Str
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Gore 2d6, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Trample 2d8, +2 Con, +2 Wis
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 Powerful Charge, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 +2 Con, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Huge, +2 Str
10 +7.50 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 Trample 3d8, +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 Gore 2d8, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +8.00 +8.00 +4.00 +2 Con
13 +9.75 +8.50 +8.50 +4.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
14 +10.50 +9.00 +9.00 +4.67 Trample 4d8, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
15 +11.25 +9.50 +9.50 +5.00 +2 Str
16 +12.00 +10.00 +10.00 +5.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A triceratops is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

ECL 17

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Speed: 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft (See in Darkness)
Immunities: fire, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d4, Regeneration 1, SR = (level + 11), Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d6, DR 1 / silver, lightning bolt 1/day, Resistance 5 (acid, cold), +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 fireball 1/day, Stun (1 rd) 1/day, Tail 1d4, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Infernal Wound (1 damage/rd), magic circle 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 2 Claws 1d6, Large, teleport 1/day, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 - - - - Bite 1d8, DR 2 / silver, dispel chaos/good, Fear Aura, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 fireball 3/day, lightning bolt 3/day, Stun (1d4 rds) 3/day, Tail 1d6, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
8 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Infernal Wound (2 damage/rd), persistent image 1/day, Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
9 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 2 Claws 1d8, Resistance 10 (acid, cold), Teleport 3/day, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
10 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 Bite 1d10, DR 5 / silver & good, +2 Str, +2 Con, dispel chaos/good - 3/day, +2 natural armor
11 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 Stun (1d4 rds) - at will, Tail 1d8, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
12 - - - - Infernal Wound (resist healing), persistent image 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
13 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 2 Claws 2d6, teleport (at will), +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
14 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 Bite 2d8, DR 10 / silver & good, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
15 +13.00 +8.50 +8.50 +8.50 dispel chaos/good (at will), Tail 2d6, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
16 +14.00 +9.00 +9.00 +9.00 persistent image (at will), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
17 +15.00 +9.50 +9.50 +9.50 greater teleport (at will), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A horned devil is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Giant (Air)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Oversized Weapon, Slam 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Rock Throwing, Scent, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 obscuring mist 1/day, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Large, levitate 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 2 Slams 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Cha
6 +4.50 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 obscuring mist 3/day, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 levitate 3/day, +2 Str
9 +6.75 +6.50 +3.00 +3.00 fog cloud 1/day, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +7.00 +3.33 +3.33 Huge, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +7.50 +3.67 +3.67 +2 Str
12 +9.00 +8.00 +4.00 +4.00 +2 Con, +1 natural armor
13 +9.75 +8.50 +4.33 +4.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
14 +10.50 +9.00 +4.67 +4.67 Rock Catching, +2 Str, +2 Wis
15 +11.25 +9.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2 Con, +1 natural armor
16 +12.00 +10.00 +5.33 +5.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
17 +12.75 +10.50 +5.67 +5.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Listen, Perform, Sense Motive, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A cloud giant is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is proficient with light armor, and with shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Undead (Extraplanar)
Speed: 20 ft, Fly 40 ft (average)
Special Abilities: Aversion to daylight
Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage (Str, Dex & Con), ability drain, cold, critical hits, death effects, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning, any effect that allows a Fort save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.50 +0.33 +0.33 +2.50 Bite 1d6, detect magic (at will), SR = HD+10, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
2 +1.00 +0.67 +0.67 +3.00 desecrate 1/day, DR 1 / magic, see invisibility 1/day, Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +1.50 +1.00 +1.00 +3.50 invisibility 1/day, Magic Drain (touch), Resistance 5 (cold), +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +2.00 +1.33 +1.33 +4.00 DR 1 / silver & magic, haste 1/day, hold monster 1/day, see invisibility 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +2.50 +1.67 +1.67 +4.50 confusion 1/day, contagion 1/day, Large, summon undead (1 shadow), +2 Int, +1 natural armor
6 +3.00 +2.00 +2.00 +5.00 Bite 1d8, DR 2 / silver & magic, Resistance 10 (cold), see invisibillity (at will), +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
7 +3.50 +2.33 +2.33 +5.50 desecrate 3/day, invisibility 3/day, summon undead (2-3 shadows), +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
8 +4.00 +2.67 +2.67 +6.00 DR 2 / silver & magic, haste 3/day, Magic Drain (delivered by an attack), unholy blight 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
9 +4.50 +3.00 +3.00 +6.50 contagion 3/day, Huge, Resistance 15 (cold), Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
10 +5.00 +3.33 +3.33 +7.00 Bite 2d6, summon undead (4-6 shadows or 1 greater shadow), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
11 +5.50 +3.67 +3.67 +7.50 desecrate (Desecrating Aura), confusion 3/day, greater dispel magic 1/day, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
12 +6.00 +4.00 +4.00 +8.00 cone of cold 1/day, Immunity to cold, unholy blight 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
13 +6.50 +4.33 +4.33 +8.50 DR 5 / silver & magic, summon undead (5-12 shadows, 1-2 greater shadows), +2 Int, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
14 +7.00 +4.67 +4.67 +9.00 contagion (at will), hold monster 3/day, plane shift 1/day, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
15 +7.50 +5.00 +5.00 +9.50 greater dispel magic 3/day, haste (at will), unholy blight (at will), +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
16 +8.00 +5.33 +5.33 +10.00 summon undead (5-12 shadows, 1-2 greater shadows, or 1 dread wraith), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
17 +8.50 +5.67 +5.67 +10.50 DR 10 / silver & magic, finger of death 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d12
Skill Pts:: 4 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A nightwing is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Blue Jay
2023-05-07, 12:52 AM
ECL 18

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: electricity, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 magic weapon 1/day, Resistance (acid, cold, fire) 5, 2 slams 1d4, Wield 2 weapons, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Improved Grab, summon (1 dretch), tail slap 1d8, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 align weapon 1/day, DR 2 / good & cold iron, Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Constrict, SR 9+HD, summon (1d4 dretches), +4 Listen & Spot, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 magic weapon 3/day, 3 slams, Wield 3 weapons, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
6 - - - - align weapon 3/day, dimension door 1/day, Large, slams 1d6, summon (1d6 dretches), +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Cha
7 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 DR 5 / good & cold iron, Resistance 10 (acid, cold, fire), see invisibility (at will), tail slap 2d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 dimension door 3/day, magic weapon (at will), summon (1d8 dretches), telekinesis 1/day, Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 align weapon (at will), 4 slams 1d6, Wield 4 weapons, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
10 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 blade barrier 1/day, summon (1d10 dretches), teleport 3/day, +8 Listen & Spot, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
11 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 DR 10 / good & cold iron, true seeing (continuous), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
12 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 summon (2d10 dretches, 1 hezrou), tail slap 3d6, telekinesis 3/day, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
13 - - - - project image 1/day, 5 slams 1d8, teleport (at will), Wield 5 weapons (no penalty), +2 Str, +2 Dex
14 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 blade barrier 3/day, summon (1d4 hezrous), unholy aura 1/day, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
15 +13.00 +8.50 +8.50 +8.50 greater teleport (at will), project image 3/day, summon (3d10 dretches, 1 glabrezu), +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
16 +14.00 +9.00 +9.00 +9.00 telekinesis (at will), tail slap 4d6, unholy aura 3/day, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
17 +15.00 +9.50 +9.50 +9.50 project image (at will), 6 slams 1d8, summon (1 nalfeshnee), Wield 6 weapons, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
18 +16.00 +10.00 +10.00 +10.00 blade barrier (at will), summon (4d10 dretches, 1 marilith), unholy aura (at will), +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Use Magic Device
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A marilith is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Multi-Weapon Fighting
A marilith does not gain Multi-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat. However, a marilith that takes the Multi-Weapon Fighting feat takes no penalties on attack rolls when fighting with multiple weapons.

Wield X Weapons
A marilith has 6 arms, which she can use to hold or manipulate weapons or objects. She qualifies for the Multi-Weapon Fighting feat, and if she selects this feat (it is not a bonus feat), she takes no penalty on attack rolls when she wields multiple weapons (though all weapons except one still deal damage as off-hand weapons).

However, the marilith can only use up to X of her arms to make weapon or slam attacks at a time. X increases as she levels up, as shown in the table. This restricts the number of off-hand attacks she can make in a full attack, and also limits the number of hands she can use to wield a weapon. For example, at 5th level, she can only use three hands to make weapon attacks, so when making a full attack, she can make 3 slam attacks, or she can attack with three one-handed weapons (two of which are treated as off-hand weapons for damage), or a two-handed weapon and a one-handed weapon (the one-handed weapon is treated as na off-hand weapon), or a single weapon wielded in three hands.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Bite 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Improved Grab, +2 Dex
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 +2 Listen/Spot, +2 Str
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 Large, +2 Con
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Bite 1d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Swallow Whole (1d6 bludg, 2 acid), +2 Wis
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 +2 Str
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Huge, +2 Con
9 +6.75 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Bite 2d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 Swallow Whole (1d8 bludg, 4 acid), +2 Wis
11 +8.25 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 +2 Str
12 +9.00 +8.00 +8.00 +4.00 +2 Con
13 +9.75 +8.50 +8.50 +4.33 Bite 3d6, +2 Str
14 +10.50 +9.00 +9.00 +4.67 Swallow Whole (1d10 bludg, 6 acid), +1 natural armor
15 +11.25 +9.50 +9.50 +5.00 +2 Str
16 +12.00 +10.00 +10.00 +5.33 +2 Con
17 +12.75 +10.50 +10.50 +5.67 +2 Str
18 +13.50 +11.00 +11.00 +6.00 Swallow Whole (2d8 bludg, 8 acid), +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A tyrannosaurus is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: Swim 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Bite 1d6, Keen Scent, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Improved Grab, +2 Con
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Large, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Bite 1d8, +2 Str
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Swallow Whole (1d6 bludg, 1d4+1 acid), +2 Dex
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Swim 50 ft, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 +2 Str
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Huge, +2 Con
9 +6.75 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 Bite 2d6, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 Swallow Whole (1d8 bludg, 1d6+2 acid), +2 Str
11 +8.25 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 Swim 60 ft, +2 Wis
12 +9.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 +1 natural armor
13 +9.75 +8.50 +8.50 +8.50 +2 Str
14 +10.50 +9.00 +9.00 +9.00 +2 Con
15 +11.25 +9.50 +9.50 +9.50 Swallow Whole (2d6 bludg, 1d8+4 acid), +1 natural armor
16 +12.00 +10.00 +10.00 +10.00 +2 Str
17 +12.75 +10.50 +10.50 +10.50 +2 Dex
18 +13.50 +11.00 +11.00 +11.00 +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A dire shark is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Construct
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision
Immunities: ability damage/drain, critical hits, death effects, death by massive damage, diseases, energy drain, fatigue/exhaustion, mind-affecting, necromancy effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, any effect that requires Fort (unless it also affects objects or is harmless)

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +0.33 +0.33 +0.33 2 Slams 1d6, SR = HD+10, +2 Str, -2 Dex, -10 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +0.67 +0.67 +0.67 DR 1 / adamantine, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +1.00 +1.00 +1.00 Breath Weapon (1d4 Con, no secondary) 1/day, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +1.33 +1.33 +1.33 Large, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +1.67 +1.67 +1.67 2 Slams 1d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +2.00 +2.00 +2.00 DR 2 / adamantine, +2 Str, +2 natural armor
7 +5.25 +2.33 +2.33 +2.33 Breath Weapon (1d4 Con / 1d4 Con, 1d4+1 rds), +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 +2.67 Immunity to Magic, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
9 +6.75 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 2 Slams 1d10, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +3.33 +3.33 +3.33 DR 5 / adamantine, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
11 +8.25 +3.67 +3.67 +3.67 Breath Weapon (1d4 Con / 2d4 Con, 1d4+1 rds), +2 natural armor
12 +9.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
13 +9.75 +4.33 +4.33 +4.33 2 Slams 2d10, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
14 +10.50 +4.67 +4.67 +4.67 DR 10 / adamantine, +1 natural armor
15 +11.25 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Breath Weapon (1d4 Con / 3d4 Con, 1d4+1 rds), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
16 +12.00 +5.33 +5.33 +5.33 +2 natural armor
17 +12.75 +5.67 +5.67 +5.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
18 +13.50 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 DR 15 / adamantine, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List:
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: An iron golem is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Spell Resistance / Immunity to Magic:
Immunity to Magic is one of the golem’s most powerful abilities. I judged this as too powerful to grant from 1st level, so I granted spell resistance from 1st level instead. At 9th level, the golem gains Immunity to Magic instead, and it loses its Spell Resistance. The SRD entry describes specific spells that are exceptions to the golem's immunity. For my progressions, assume that these spells ignore the golems’ Spell Resistance.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 20 ft, Fly 40 ft (average)
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 2 Talons 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Bite 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Dex
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Large, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
4 +3.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 2 Talons 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis
5 +3.75 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 Bite 1d8, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
6 +4.50 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 Fly 60 ft (average), +2 Con
7 +5.25 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 Huge, +2 Str
9 +6.75 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 2 Talons 1d8, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 Bite 1d10, +2 Str
11 +8.25 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +8.00 +8.00 +4.00 +2 Dex, +2 Con
13 +9.75 +8.50 +8.50 +4.33 Gargantuan, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
14 +10.50 +9.00 +9.00 +4.67 2 Talons 2d6, +2 Str
15 +11.25 +9.50 +9.50 +5.00 Bite 2d8, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
16 +12.00 +10.00 +10.00 +5.33 Fly 80 ft (average), +2 Str
17 +12.75 +10.50 +10.50 +5.67 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
18 +13.50 +11.00 +11.00 +6.00 +2 Con

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Hide, Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A roc is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

ECL 19

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: acid, cold, petrification

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Slams 1d6, Regeneration 1, SR = (level + 11), +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Change Shape, DR 1 / evil, remove fear (at will) +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Cleric CL 1st, Resistance 5 (electricity, fire), SLAs (Group A - 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
4 - - - - Cleric CL 2nd, Fly 40 ft (average), Protective Aura (magic circle), SLAs (Group B - 1/day), +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
5 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Cleric CL 3rd, Large, 2 Slams 1d8, SLAs (Group A - 3/day), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
6 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Cleric CL 4th, Regeneration 2, tongues, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
7 - - - - Cleric CL 5th, DR 2 / evil, SLAs (Group B - 3/day), +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Cleric CL 6th, Protective Aura (+4), SLAs (Group A - at will), +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
9 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Cleric CL 7th, Fly 60 ft (good), 2 Slams 1d10, SLAs (Group C - 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
10 - - - - Cleric CL 8th, Resistance 10 (electricity, fire), SLAs (Group B - at will), +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
11 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Cleric CL 9th, Regeneration 5, SLAs (Group D - 1/day), +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 Cleric CL 10th, DR 5 / evil, SLAs (Group C - 3/day), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
13 - - - - Cleric CL 11th, 2 Slams 2d8, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
14 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 Cleric CL 12th, Protective Aura (invulnerability), SLAs (Group D - 3/day), +2 Int, +1 natural armor
15 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 Cleric CL 13th, Fly 90 ft (good), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
16 - - - - Cleric CL 14th, Regeneration 10, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
17 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 Cleric CL 15th, DR 10 / evil, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
18 +13.00 +8.50 +8.50 +8.50 Cleric CL 16th, SLAs (Group E - 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
19 +14.00 +9.00 +9.00 +9.00 Cleric CL 17th, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Search, Spot, Use Rope
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A planetar is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Spell-Like Abilities:
Group A: continual flame, invisibility, lesser restoration, remove disease
Group B: dispel magic, holy smite, remove curse, speak with dead
Group C: flame strike, raise dead, waves of fatigue
Group D: blade barrier power word stun
Group E: earthquake, greater restoration, mass charm monster, waves of exhaustion

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Giant
Speed: 30 ft, Swim 40 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision
Immunities: electricity

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +0.33 +0.33 Slam 1d6, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +0.67 +0.67 Water Breathing, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +1.00 +1.00 freedom of movement 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Cha
4 +3.00 +4.00 +1.33 +1.33 Large, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +3.75 +4.50 +1.67 +1.67 2 Slams 1d6, call lightning 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Con
6 +4.50 +5.00 +2.00 +2.00 freedom of movement 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +5.25 +5.50 +2.33 +2.33 Speed +10 ft, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
8 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 +2.67 chain lightning 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Con
9 +6.75 +6.50 +3.00 +3.00 freedom of movement (continuous), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
10 +7.50 +7.00 +3.33 +3.33 Huge, levitate 1/day, +2 Dex, +2 Con
11 +8.25 +7.50 +3.67 +3.67 control weahter 1/day, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
12 +9.00 +8.00 +4.00 +4.00 Rock Catching, +2 Str, +2 Wis
13 +9.75 +8.50 +4.33 +4.33 +2 Int, +1 natural armor
14 +10.50 +9.00 +4.67 +4.67 +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
15 +11.25 +9.50 +5.00 +5.00 Speed +10 ft, +2 Str, +2 Wis
16 +12.00 +10.00 +5.33 +5.33 control weather 2/day, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
17 +12.75 +10.50 +5.67 +5.67 levitate 2/day, +2 Str, 2 Con
18 +13.50 +11.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2 Str, +1 natural armor
19 +14.25 +11.50 +6.33 +6.33 +2 Str, +2 Inc, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Perform, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A storm giant is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

ECL 20

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: electricity, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Slams 1d6, Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 DR 1 / good, SR HD+8, Whip entangle, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Flaming body 1d6, Summon demons (1 dretch), +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 DR 1 / cold iron, Fly 50 ft (average), Resistance 5 (acid, cold, fire), +2 Int, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 dispel magic 3/day, Large, 2 Slams 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Flaming body 2d6, Resistance 10 (acid, cold, fire), Summon demons (1d6 dretches), +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 DR 5 / cold iron & good, true seeing 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Confusion 3/day, Fly 60 ft (average), telekinesis 1/day, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 Flaming body 3d6, immunity to fire, 2 Slams 1d10, teleport 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 Greater dispel magic 3/day (replaces dispel magic), Summon demons (1d10 dretches), Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
11 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 blasphemy 1/day, DR 10 / cold iron & good, Summon demons (1 hezrou), teleport 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Dex
12 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 Flaming Body 4d6, Fly 70 ft (good), Greater dispel magic 3/day, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
13 +13.00 +8.50 +8.50 +8.50 Death Throes (50 damage), insanity 3/day (replaces confusion), telekinesis 3/day, true seeing (Su, continuous), +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
14 +14.00 +9.00 +9.00 +9.00 Greater dispel magic (at will), fire storm 1/day, greater teleport (at will, replaces teleport), Summon demons (2d10 dretches or 1 glabrezu), +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
15 +15.00 +9.50 +9.50 +9.50 Flaming Body 5d6, insanity (at will), Summon demons (1d4 hezrous), unholy aura 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
16 +16.00 +10.00 +10.00 +10.00 dominate monster (3/day), Fly 80 ft (good), Summon demons (1 nalfeshnee), power word stun 1/day, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
17 +17.00 +10.50 +10.50 +10.50 DR 15 / cold iron & good, implosion 1/day, unholy aura (at will), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
18 +18.00 +11.00 +11.00 +11.00 Flaming Body 6d6, Summon demons (4d10 dretches or 1 marilith), telekinesis (at will), +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
19 +19.00 +11.50 +11.50 +11.50 Death Throes (100 damage), dominate monster (at will), +2 Str, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
20 +20.00 +12.00 +12.00 +12.00 Blasphemy (at will), Summon demons (1 balor), Fly 80 ft (good), power word stun (at will), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Use Magic Device
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A balor is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Speed: 40 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: fire, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 2 Claws 1d6, DR 1 / silver, Regeneration 1, SR = (level +12), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Bite 1d6, Resistance 5 (acid, cold), summon devil (1 lemure), Telepathy 50 ft, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Disease (devil chills),DR 2 / silver, Improved Grab, SLAs (Group A - 1/day), Tail Slap 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Fly 40 ft (average), Poison 1d4 Con, 2 Wings 1d4, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 2 Claws 1d8, Fear Aura (shaken), Large, Regeneration 2, SLAs (Group A - 3/day), summon devil (2 lemures, 1 bearded), +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Bite 1d8, Constrict, DR 2 / good & silver, teleport 1/day, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Poison 1d6 Con, SLAs (Group A - at will), Tail Slap 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 dispel magic 1/day, DR 5 / good & silver, summon devil (2 bearded, 1 erinyes), 2 Wings 1d6, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 2 Claws 1d10, Regeneration 5, teleport 3/day, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 Bite 2d6, DR 10 / good & silver, Resistance 10 (acid, cold), SLAs (Group B - 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
11 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 dispel magic 3/day, Fly 60 ft (average), summon devil (1 bone), Tail Slap 1d10, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
12 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 Fear Aura (panicked), SLAs (Group B - 3/day), Telepathy 100 ft, 2 Wings 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
13 +13.00 +8.50 +8.50 +8.50 2 Claws 2d8, DR 15 / good & silver, SLAs (Group C - 1/day), teleport (at will), +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
14 +14.00 +9.00 +9.00 +9.00 Bite 3d6, Poison 1d6 Con / death, SLAs (Group B - at will), summon devil (1 ice), +2 con, +2 Int, +2 natural armor
15 +15.00 +9.50 +9.50 +9.50 greater dispel magic 3/day, Tail Slap 2d8, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
16 +16.00 +10.00 +10.00 +10.00 meteor swarm 1/day, SLAs (Group C - 3/day), 2 Wings 2d6, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +1 natural armor
17 +17.00 +10.50 +10.50 +10.50 greater teleport (at will), summon devil (1 horned), +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
18 +18.00 +11.00 +11.00 +11.00 Bite 4d6, wish 1/year, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
19 +19.00 +11.50 +11.50 +11.50 SLAs (Group C - at will), +2 Str, +2 Dex +1 Int, +1 natural armor
20 +20.00 +12.00 +12.00 +12.00 greater dispel magic (at will), summon devil 2/day, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (arcana, nature, the Planes, religion), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Tumble
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A pit fiend is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Lawful)
Speed: 0 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Immunities: cold, petrification, poison

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 detect chaos 1/day, Telepathy 50 ft, Str --, Dex --, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Eschew Materials, Sorcerer CL 1st, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 Sorcerer CL 2nd, SR = HD+10, +2 Int
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 Large, SLA Group A (1/day), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 Sorcerer CL 3rd, Telepathy 100 ft, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 Energy Resistance 5, Sorcerer CL 4th, +2 Cha
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 Fast Healing 2, SLA Group B (1/day), +2 Int, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 Sorcerer (CL = HD-3), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 SLA Group A (3/day), +2 Con
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 Hive Mind, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
11 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 SLA Group B (3/day), +2 Int, +1 natural armor
12 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 Energy Resistance 10, +2 Wis
13 +13.00 +8.50 +8.50 +8.50 SLA Group C (1/day), +2 Con, +1 natural armor
14 +14.00 +9.00 +9.00 +9.00 SLA Group A (at will), +2 Cha
15 +15.00 +9.50 +9.50 +9.50 +2 Int, +1 natural armor
16 +16.00 +10.00 +10.00 +10.00 SLA Group B (at will), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
17 +17.00 +10.50 +10.50 +10.50 +2 Con, +1 natural armor
18 +18.00 +11.00 +11.00 +11.00 SLA Group C (3/day), +2 Cha
19 +19.00 +11.50 +11.50 +11.50 +2 Int, +1 natural armor
20 +20.00 +12.00 +12.00 +12.00 SLA Group C (at will), +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Listen, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Magic Device
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A formian queen is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Spell-Like Abilities:
Group A: calm emotions, detect thoughts, clairaudience/clairvoyance, magic circle vs chaos
Group B: charm monster, divination, order's wrath, hold monster, true seeing
Group C: dictum, shield of law

Note: By RAW, a kraken's arms and tentacles can be sundered pretty easily, and they take 1d10+10 (average 15) days to grow back. I recommend you discuss this with your DM before playing a kraken, because it will quite possibly ruin the fun of playing a kraken if you're constantly tentacle-less.

Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Magical Beast (Aquatic)
Speed: Swim 20 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft
Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Ink cloud (20-ft spread), Jet 80 ft, 2 tentacles 1d4 (5 hp), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Improved grab, resist energy 1/day, +2 Str, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Large, 2 tentacles 1d4 (reach 10 ft), +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +1.33 bite 1d8, Constrict, Jet 120 ft, +2 Str, +2 Int
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +1.67 dominate animal 1/day, 2 tentacles 1d6 (10 hp, reach 10 ft), +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +2.00 2 arms 1d4 (hp = HD/2), Ink cloud (40-ft spread), +2 Str, +2 Cha
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +2.33 2 tentacles 1d6 (reach 15 ft), +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +2.67 2 arms 1d4 (reach 10 ft), bite 2d6, +2 Str, +2 Wis
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +3.00 Jet 160 ft, 2 tentacles 1d8 (reach 15 ft), +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +3.33 3 arms 1d4 (reach 10 ft), control winds 1/day, Huge, +2 Str, +2 Int
11 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +3.67 Ink cloud (80-ft spread), 2 tentacles 1d8 (20 hp, reach 20 ft), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
12 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +4.00 4 arms 1d4 (reach 10 ft), bite 3d6, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
13 +13.00 +8.50 +8.50 +4.33 Jet 200 ft, 2 tentacles 1d10 (reach 20 ft), +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
14 +14.00 +9.00 +9.00 +4.67 5 arms 1d6 (reach 10 ft), control weather 1/day, +2 Con, +2 Int
15 +15.00 +9.50 +9.50 +5.00 2 tentacles 1d10 (reach 40 ft), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
16 +16.00 +10.00 +10.00 +5.33 5 arms 1d6 (reach 20 ft), bite 4d6, +2 Con, +2 Cha
17 +17.00 +10.50 +10.50 +5.67 Jet 240 ft, 2 tentacles 2d8 (reach 40 ft), +2 Str, +1 natural armor
18 +18.00 +11.00 +11.00 +6.00 6 arms 1d6 (reach 20 ft), Gargantuan, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
19 +19.00 +11.50 +11.50 +6.33 2 tentacles 2d8 (reach 60 ft), +2 Str, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
20 +20.00 +12.00 +12.00 +6.67 6 arms 1d6 (reach 30 ft), jet 280 ft, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Concentration, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (geography, nature), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Magic Device
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A kraken is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar)
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1.00 +2.50 +2.50 +2.50 Oversized Weapons (Large), 2 Slams 1d4, SR = HD+12, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
2 +2.00 +3.00 +3.00 +3.00 Change Shape, SLAs (Group A - 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Int, +1 natural armor
3 +3.00 +3.50 +3.50 +3.50 DR 1 / lawful, Speed +10 ft, +2 Str, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
4 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 +4.00 dispel magic 1/day, Large, Oversized Weapon (Huge), SLAs (Group B - 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
5 +5.00 +4.50 +4.50 +4.50 2 Slams 1d6, SLAs (Group A - 3/day), +2 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
6 +6.00 +5.00 +5.00 +5.00 DR 2 / lawful, SLAs (Group B - 3/day; Group D - 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
7 +7.00 +5.50 +5.50 +5.50 dispel magic 3/day, Speed +10 ft, +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
8 +8.00 +6.00 +6.00 +6.00 SLAs (Group A - at will; Group D - 3/day), +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
9 +9.00 +6.50 +6.50 +6.50 Huge, Oversized Weapon (Gargantuan), SLAs (Group B - at will, Group C - 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
10 +10.00 +7.00 +7.00 +7.00 greater dispel magic 3/day, 2 Slams 1d8, +2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
11 +11.00 +7.50 +7.50 +7.50 DR 5 / lawful, SLAs (Group D - at will), +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Cha
12 +12.00 +8.00 +8.00 +8.00 SLAs (Group C - 3/day), Speed +10 ft, +2 Str, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
13 +13.00 +8.50 +8.50 +8.50 greater dispel magic (at will), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
14 +14.00 +9.00 +9.00 +9.00 +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
15 +15.00 +9.50 +9.50 +9.50 SLAs (Group C - at will), +2 Int, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
16 +16.00 +10.00 +10.00 +10.00 DR 10 / lawful, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
17 +17.00 +10.50 +10.50 +10.50 SLAs (Group E - 1/day), +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor
18 +18.00 +11.00 +11.00 +11.00 +2 Str, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +1 natural armor
19 +19.00 +11.50 +11.50 +11.50 SLAs (Group E - 3/day), +2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor
20 +20.00 +12.00 +12.00 +12.00 greater restoration or crushing hand 1/day, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 8 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Heal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (all), Listen, Perform, Sense Motive, Search, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A titan is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as its natural weapons. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Spell-Like Abilities:
Group A: invisibility, levitate
Group B: chain lightning, charm monster, invisibility purge, persistent image
Group C: cure critical wounds, fire storm, hold monster
Group D: (Good) daylight, holy smite, remove curse; (Evil) bestow curse, deeper darkness, unholy blight
Group E: etherealness, summon nature's ally IX, word of chaos

Blue Jay
2023-05-08, 10:10 PM
Starting Features & Traits:
Size and Type: Medium Animal
Speed: 30 ft
Special Abilities: Low-light vision

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0.75 +2.50 +2.50 +0.33 Gore 1d6, +2 Str, +2 Con, -8 Int, -6 Cha, +2 natural armor
2 +1.50 +3.00 +3.00 +0.67 Ferocity, +2 Con, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor
3 +2.25 +3.50 +3.50 +1.00 Gore 1d8, +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 natural armor

Class Features
Hit Dice: d8
Skill Pts:: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skill List: Listen, Spot
Weapon & Armor Proficiencies: A boar is proficient with its natural weapons only. It is not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Blue Jay
2023-05-08, 10:11 PM
...post reserved for monsters...

Blue Jay
2024-02-07, 06:38 PM
...post reserved for monsters...

2024-02-14, 04:47 AM
... Wow. I mean it, that's an incredible amount of work! Thank you for this, I'll be sure to use it if I get the chance.