View Full Version : [Assisted Casting] Please, help me review and define this feature!

Old Harry MTX
2023-05-08, 09:05 AM
Hi guys!
I need your help to balance a feature that I will use in a future session. The feature is for a Ranger (you can find the complete subclass here: The Sidekick (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16r4ThmZ3Swc6qIaq1i0TxorsPZQPN1prepx5nzv_Qao/edit?usp=drivesdk)) who has the unique ability to share the features of its subclass with another designated ally (called Favored Pal). Furthermore, the Ranger does not gain this specific feature at a normal level, but it replaces the Extra Attack that it would normally gain at 5th level (along with another feature more suited to pairing with a martial Favored Pal).

The Favored Pal can be any ally (after a period of training together), and it also gains the ability to use this feature on the Ranger. The feature gives both the Ranger and Favored Pal the ability to "upscale" a spell cast by the other by spending a reaction and one of its own spell slots.

NOTE: Obviously this does not allow you to create a higher level spell slot but only to "upscale" a lower level spell when it is cast!

My concern is that with some spells (like counterspell, conjure animals, hold person, magic missile, aid, ...) the things can get out of hand (for example, you can counter a 7th level spell using a 4th and a 3rd level spell slot, that is probably not game breaking, but stil...), so I created various versions of the feature adding limitations.

I ask you to take a look at the versions below, highlight possible critical issues, identify the best one and, if necessary, propose alternatives.

Right now i'm using the version below, that's quite nerfed compared to older versions, but seems to work well:

Assisted Casting. When you or your Favored Pal casts a spell of 1st level or higher, the other can use its reaction and expend a spell slot to raise the spell's level by 1, without exceeding the highest level of spell slots the caster can use. You both must be within 45 feet of each other and be able to provide any verbal or somatic components the spell may require.

Below, all the other versions:

Ver.1 - Assisted Casting

When you or your Favored Pal casts a spell, the other can use its reaction and expend a spell slot to raise the spell's level by an amount equal to the level of the expended spell slot. However, the spell's level cannot increase beyond 6th level, or beyond 1 level above the highest spell slot available to the caster. Both of you must be within 30 feet of each other, and if the spell requires verbal or somatic components, both of you must be able to provide them.

This one is the version I like most. The limitation to "beyond 1 level above the highest spell slot available to the caster" is a constant in almost all versions, and in this one there's also an upper boundary at 6th level. However, you can still cast a 6th level counterspell using two 3rd level spell slots when the characters are at 9th level, I can't figure ot if it is game breaking. The upper boundary works only at higher levels, and only if the Favored Pal is a full caster.

Ver.2 - Assisted Casting

When you or your Favored Pal casts a spell, the other can use its reaction and expend a spell slot to raise the spell's level by an amount equal to the level of the expended spell slot, up to 1 level above the highest spell slot available to the caster. Both of you must be within 30 feet of each other, and if the spell requires verbal or somatic components, both of you must be able to provide them.

This one is the less limited version. It has only the limitation to "1 level above the highest spell slot available to the caster". I would love to use this one, mainly because is the less wordy, but I think that it leaves too much room for shenanigans.

Ver.3 - Assisted Casting

When you or your Favored Pal casts a spell, the other can use its reaction and expend a spell slot to raise the spell's level by an amount equal to the level of the expended spell slot. However, the spell’s level cannot increase more than half of the caster's proficiency bonus (rounded up), or beyond 1 level above the highest spell slot available to the caster. Both of you must be within 30 feet of each other, and if the spell requires verbal or somatic components, both of you must be able to provide them.

This one is a bit wordy. Here there is a progressive limitation, that also depends on the basic spell level. For example, since counterspell is a 3rd level spell, it can be never upcasted more than 6th level, and only when the characters have reached 17th level (or 13th if we use the "rounded up" option, which I like). However, it leaves room to upcast above 6th levels for those spells that have a base level of 4 or higher.

Ver.4 - Assisted Casting

When you or your Favored Pal casts a spell, the other can use its reaction and expend a spell slot to raise the spell's level by an amount equal to the level of the expended spell slot, up to 1 level above the highest spell slot available to the Ranger. Both of you must be within 30 feet of each other, and if the spell requires verbal or somatic components, both of you must be able to provide them.

This one is the more limiting, since it binds the upper boundary to the spell slots progression of the Ranger, that is a half one. As the version with the upper boundary at 6th level, it works only if the Favored Pal is a full caster, and I'm afraid it might affect the low levels too much, leaving the highs unchanged.

Ver.5 I also thought of another solution, which I haven't written yet and which I honestly don't know if I like. The idea is to limit the uses of this feature, for example by saying "once you have used this feature, you can do it again after a number of turns equal to the level of the spell slot you have spent"

What do you think? Which solution do you think could be the best? Have you got alternative ideas?

ADDITIONAL INFO: This is a Ranger subclass, so it has a limited number of spell slots. Also, it loses an Extra Attack to gain this feature. On the other hand, the Favored Pal can be any class. I'm testing right now paired with a Bladesinger.

ADDITIONAL REQUEST: English is not my native language, so can you also tell me if it is more correct to use over, above or beyond in reference to the maximum level? XD

Old Harry MTX
2023-05-09, 09:33 AM
To identify any critical issues and for any other uses you may need, I have also extracted a list of all the spells that can be "upcast". It should be comprehensive enough.

UpcastSpellList (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15r1HtEz4Ju_zVLq6VQ5zryK_Er1LuNi7aYLmB9Q_EYw/edit?usp=sharing)

I really hope you can help me!

Old Harry MTX
2023-05-14, 04:04 PM
It sounds like you have a cool idea for a Ranger subclass feature, but you're worried about balancing it. I think it's great that you're taking the time to consider this!

To start, I think it's important to make sure that the feature doesn't allow for any game-breaking situations. I understand your concern about spells like counterspell or conjure animals, and I agree that they could potentially cause problems.

In terms of the versions you've created, I think it's hard to say which one is the best without knowing more about the specifics. However, I would suggest trying to keep the limitations as simple and easy to understand as possible. You don't want to create a lot of extra bookkeeping or confusion during gameplay.

Thankyou for your answer! Right now I'm testing a quite nerfed version, you can see it here:

Assisted Casting. When you or your Favored Pal casts a spell of 1st level or higher, the other can use its reaction and expend a spell slot to raise the spell's level by 1, without exceeding the highest level of spell slots the caster can use. You both must be within 45 feet of each other and be able to provide any verbal or somatic components the spell may require.

And it seems to work pretty well. If you want to see the rest of the subclass take a look here: The Sidekick (https://docs.google.com/document/d/16r4ThmZ3Swc6qIaq1i0TxorsPZQPN1prepx5nzv_Qao/edit?usp=drivesdk)