View Full Version : (closed) Game Night: Voting Thread (base class contest)

2023-05-10, 02:34 AM
Welcome to the Game Night Voting Thread!

5e Base Class Contest: XXIV (24)

Remember, anybody can vote! You don't need to have participated in the contest to vote here.

Notice: Since we've had only two entries this time around, the voting process will be a bit different. It will function as a tie-breaker.
The two Creators need not vote since you can only vote for the opponent.
Each person will only vote for one entry, as the usual point system does not provide any additional insight.
Each vote will only count as one point.
In the event of a draw, both entries will claim victory.
Each person may vote for two preferred themes (the 3 listed were highest scoring during the latest voting phase).
Your #1 vote will count as two points, #2 vote will count as one point.
This voting phase will still last for two weeks.
Feel free to place comments/feedback on one or both entries (in a spoiler, if you wish).


Cardsharp (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25756279&postcount=2)

Just to Browse
Makijenji (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25775028&postcount=3)

Themes for the next contest:


Overdone Tropes
A class inspired by overdone tropes like cowboys, ninjas, pirates, and zombies. Oh my!

Something that explicitly breaks the 4th wall. Track table snacks, flip to random pages of the PHB, incorporate rock-paper-scissors.


Who Needs Swords or Sorcery
Design a class not focused on casting spells or making weapon attacks.

New D&D 5e Base Class Contest: Discussion Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?649862-New-D-amp-D-5e-Base-Class-Contest-Discussion-Thread&p=25585555#post25585555)

Deadline: May 24th will be the last day for the voting phase. This voting thread will close the following day and a new base class contest will begin!

Just to Browse
2023-05-10, 08:26 AM
Can't vote for class, so here's my theme votes.

Overdone Tropes
Who Needs Swords & Sorcery?

2023-05-10, 02:29 PM
Theme Votes
#1: Who needs Swords or Sorcery
#2: Wallbreakers

I like the Makijengi, I'm just curious where most gaming groups could fit a Jenga game at their table. :smallbiggrin:

Would Violent Collapse require the ability to act? Or you can do it when under any effect? (Dying, unconscious, charmed)
I like the use of Innate Power to put a soft cap on the height of the tower.
I thought the Erudite was a great use of continuing the Jenga theme, I would have like to see the other Subclasses have (more) pulls.
Didn't get to read all the powers. I thought was Death Urge was interesting since it completely turns around most Charm type spells that state the avoidance of self-harm.

Nice Job!

Old Harry MTX
2023-05-21, 03:18 PM
This is an hard choice, since i really like both entries. But I have to admit, the idea to use a genga tower to represent a mind castle is simply brilliant. So my preference is:

Just to Browse's Makijenji

... Even if I think Calen's Cardsharp is probably more playable.

For the next contest, I don't have preference since I will not surely have time to participate, so o leave it to you!

2023-05-24, 08:17 AM
My vote for the entry will go to Makijenji.

#1 - Who Needs Swords or Sorcery
#2 - Wall-Breakers

I had a completely different concept for what this was going to be. I personally thought you would build four different subclasses, one based around each suit. It's cool that you didn't, just interesting how each person can take the same idea in completely different directions.

I think the power of this would be much more noticeable if you included a feature that allows you to decide some of the effects at higher levels. Otherwise, it's still completely random and a lot of your options don't really scale.

I would have really loved if Stacking the Deck was instead a feature that actually let you really establish the concept of a dealer and "the house always wins" by outright pulling what you want several times a day.

I do appreciate how you were using the subclasses to address completely different types of Cardsharps, as it were. Now, that's something I certainly don't think I would have portrayed well, if at all.

Bonus: Thanks for having Kenny Rogers in my head the entire time! :smallcool:

This requires an exceptional amount of trust from your fellow players. Too many a time in my childhood a sibling thought it amusing to accidentally bump the table.

I love how different minds work. Just seeing the basic concept gave me ideas how I would do it or what to expect. I considered a high Dexterity martial focused on being able to expend a number of pulls for various effects based on level at-will (sort of "who wants to be a millionaire" in which you can stop where you're at or potentially reach greater abilities).

Oh wait! You did that with Augmenting Powers! :smallbiggrin:


First, I like how you can turn failed saving throws into cool effects. I could have used a lot more of that. Specifically a different effect for each individual power, maybe even in some ways that allow you to decide in few specific situations whether or not it would be better to intentionally collapse.

I think Innate Power feels way too strong. Ignoring the 1-cost is perfect where it's at, and then 2-cost is fine later, then 3 near max level. Honestly, I would have much preferred a cost-reduction approach instead. Or at least a limited amount of cost ignoring per short/long rest. (I.E. Eventually ignoring 7 pulls, whether that be one 7-cost, seven 1-cost, and any combination thereof.)

I can't begin to express how inspirational and focused your subclasses are. No complaints/suggestions there.

2023-05-24, 10:10 PM
Oops almost forgot! I vote for Cardsharp. Seems really fun.

1. Overdone tropes
2. Wallbreakers

2023-05-25, 04:52 AM
Congratulations, Just to Browse!

Thread is closed. I will put up the next contest later today. :smallsmile:

Who Needs Swords or Sorcery? (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?656697-Who-Needs-Swords-or-Sorcery-(submission-thread)-5e-base-class-contest-25&p=25788190#post25788190) is ready to go!