View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Why do Shobhad PCs have such tiny little arms?

2023-05-14, 03:48 PM
I've been thinking about the Shobhad race for a while because a four-armed large sized PC sounds pretty good.

But one oddity is that despite being Large sized, they don't have 10' reach... if they're a PC. As a monster, they have 10' reach. Even when they go over to Starfinder, they have 10' reach. But as a PC race, they only have 5' reach. Which is weird.

Now, there are other creatures that are Large and only have 5' reach, but they usually have a note about "undersized weapons" (such as centaurs and lamia matriarchs). But the Shobhad PC race doesn't have any such remark. So, as Large creatures, they still have to use Large-sized weapons, but they still only have 5' reach? This is weird.

And, one might say that this is due to the Shobhad PC race having been built from the "create a race" feature that Pathfinder has. Is it possible that there's just no way to give a PC race a 10' reach in this system? No. As long as a creature meets the prerequisite (Large size), they can get reach for just 1 extra "race point".

Well, maybe they can't afford to pay that 1 extra "race point"? No. The races are divided into different categories. Standard races cost 1-10 points. Advanced Races cost 11-20 points. Monstrous races cost 21-30 points. And Very Powerful races cost 31+ points. Well, Shobhad (with 5' reach) cost 29 points. If they had 10' reach, they would cost 30 points. They would still be in the same category (Monstrous race). So, getting 10' reach wouldn't even change anything. It wouldn't bump them up into the "oh, no, the DM shouldn't let you play this" category of Very Powerful races.

So, why the heck don't Shobhads have 10' reach when they're a PC despite having 10' reach as a monster? If they'd be too powerful with reach, then they should give them one more +1 Race Point ability as well to bump them into the Very Powerful category, so DM's would know not to allow them.

Is it some sort of eugenics program? Like if a Shobhad has short little arms, he's kicked out of the tribe and must fend for himself as an adventurer instead of sitting around and getting four racial hit dice?