View Full Version : 5e- Azoth Domain PEACH

2023-05-21, 03:30 AM
Earth and water come together in harmony to provide substance to the mortal shell that air gives breath. How then does fire contribute? Fire provides animation. The same spark that burns every forest and lights every sun has its spiritual sibling in the soul of all living beings.

This sacred flame has a name. Azoth. Azoth is the fire that burns within us all, and as with all aspects of mortal life there is duality. Students of this fire learn to harness this duality to heal and harm as needed. The gifted of this domain may bring forth a flame from their most destructive desires forming deep black Balefire, or ignite a torch from their own higher being creating golden Hallowedfire.

From the wandering healer to the battle hardened arsonist these clerics of sacred fire actively shape the fate of their world and their destinies.

True Flame Domain Spells
Level Spells
1st. Cure Wounds, Hellish Rebuke
3rd. Lesser Restoration, Heat Metal
5th. Animate Dead, Fireball
7th. Fire Shield, Wall of Fire
9th. Greater Restoration, Mass Cure Wounds

-Balefire: At first level you may draw upon the primordial force of destruction known as Balefire. Whenever you cast a cantrip or spell that deals fire damage you may convert half of the damage dealt, rounded down, into necrotic damage.

-Azoth’s Favor: 1st level- You know the FireBolt cantrip.

-Channel Divinity- Hallowed Fire: As an action you can use your Channel Divinity to imbue fire with a divine spark from your own soul to produce Hallowedfire. When casting a spell of 1st level or higher that deals fire damage you may use your Channel Divinity to convert this damage into Radiant and deal maximum damage instead of rolling.

If the modified spell deals damage over multiple rounds this modification only affects the first round. After this I initial damage the fire reverts back to its mundane counterpart, and the spell functions per normal.

-Soulfire Infusion: At 6th level when your character raises the undead she may bring forth those normally too burnt to be salvaged. You may also use a spark from the souls of those she heals to bring them protection as well as renewed vigor.

Undead may be raised from ashes to form skeletons or from charred remains to form zombies.

Undead brought back from burnt remains gain an increase in their hit point maximum equal to your cleric level.

Allies healed by you manifest a cloak of fire, the color of which is determined by the ally, to protect them. This flame provides the ally with temporary hit points equal to 2+ your cleric level.

-Searing Flames: (Blessed Strikes) When you reach 8th level, you are blessed with divine might in battle. When a creature takes damage from one of your cantrips or melee weapon attacks you can also deal 1d8 fire damage to that creature. Once you deal this damage you can’t use this feature again until the start of your next turn.

-Azoth Ascendant: You become a paragon of Azoth the motivating force. Your being is a font of sacred fire that gives and takes as it will.

Your body is overflowing with invigorating warmth. All healing performed by you is increased by 50% (half rounded down).

Your mastery of the sacred fire allows you to burn your enemies using their own life force. When you damage an enemy with Searing Flames you can cause the target’s life force to become unstable. The next time the affected is hit by a melee attack within one minute the enemy’s energy becomes critical dealing 4d4 fire damage to the target in addition to the melee damage. This effect can only be applied to one enemy once per round.

2023-05-22, 02:50 AM
Domain Spells
Looks fine.

Decent, I guess. Helps bypass fire resistance.

Azoth's Favor
Totally fine.

Hallowed Fire
This... This is nuts. Multiclass into Wizard, get a 48 damage radiant Fireball. Or, staying single class, 40 damage every turn from a Wall Of Fire. Compare to the Tempest Cleric's CD-and note how that is a LOT weaker.

Soulfire Infusion
Given how minionmancy is in 5E, I'd recommend AGAINST having a feature that encourages hordes of zombies/skellies. Also, that detonation on death is REALLY potent.

Searing Flames
I'd make it either Divine Strikes or Potent Cantrips, to match other domains.

Azoth Ascendant
Feels fine.

2023-05-22, 05:17 AM
Hallowed Fire:
Isn’t this identical to the tempest domain channel divinity except that it deals with fire spells instead of thunder spells? Or is it that fire based spells are in general more plentiful and potent ?

Searing Flames:
This I was using to replace the Blessed Strikes optional feature instead of Divine Strikes or Potent Cantrips, but looking back on it the additional d8 should be on a fire based CANTRIP not all fire based spells. My brain failed me on that one.

Soulfire Infusion:
Now this is one I’ll have to think on. Honestly I almost put it in as a placeholder for a future better idea. I’d like to keep it themed around undead brought back by life’s fleeting embers, but I’m at a bit of a loss how. Any muses out there?

Thank you JnaProductions! Your feedback was very helpful and I thank you for taking the time.

2023-05-22, 12:36 PM
Hallowed Fire:
Isn’t this identical to the tempest domain channel divinity except that it deals with fire spells instead of thunder spells? Or is it that fire based spells are in general more plentiful and potent ?

When you roll lightning or thunder damage, you can use your Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage, instead of rolling.

With Tempest, you get ONE roll maximized. With yours, you get the WHOLE SPELL maximized.

And yes, thunder/lightning spells are less common and devastating than fire spells.

2023-05-23, 08:16 AM
This is my first real attempt at 5e dnd homebrew and I’m really hoping it won’t be the last. Any helpful criticism is appreciated. Be forewarned formatting is not my strong suit. (Also warning this is being done on a phone)

The Azoth Domain focuses primarily on the esoteric aspect of fire being the driving motive force. Fire as the divine spark of the soul. For this cleric subclass I wanted to experiment with this being on a spectrum. On one side you have fire as a destructive corrupting force moving to the other extreme as a divine life strengthening force with mundane fire inhabiting somewhere in between.

A cleric of the Azoth Domain is a mystic that contemplates the flame. One who walks the edge between creation and destruction.

True Flame Domain Spells
Level Spells
1st. Cure Wounds, Hellish Rebuke
3rd. Lesser Restoration, Heat Metal
5th. Animate Dead, Revivify
7th. Fire Shield, Wall of Fire
9th. Greater Restoration, Mass Cure Wounds
5th has no fire spells. I'd aim for each level to get both a life/death and a fire spell.

-Ghostfire: At first level you may convert the damage of any cantrip or spell you cast that deals fire damage into necrotic. This phenomenon is known as Ghostfire and stands as the destructive extreme of flame.
I'd say half of the damage. It is still fire.

This means you do 1/2 damage against a creature immune to fire damage, and 3/4 against a resistant creature. Which is pretty good.

You can also let you deal 1/2 fire damage when you deal necrotic to complete the cycle.

-Azoth’s Favor: 1st level- You know the FireBolt cantrip.
For most situations, what you gain at 1st level here is options, not actual power. Most cleric domains give an actual improvement at 1st level.

"can deal alternative damage type" and "get an alternative damage cantrip" give additional options, they don't make the cleric *better* if you get the difference -- "wide" vs "tall" features. And while "wide" features are great, lack of "tall" sucks.

The 4 elements monk is an example of a subclass that only gives "wide" features.

-Channel Divinity- Hallowed Fire: 2nd level- You present your Holy Symbol and invoke the power of esoteric fire’s celestial extreme as opposed to the darker Ghostfire. This converts a fire damaging spell of 1st level or higher into Radiant and deals maximum damage.
Definitely needs a wordsmithing pass. Also, CD almost always has an action cost, and you seem to indicate this doesn't use an action?

-Soulfire Infusion: At 6th level when the petitioner raises the dead with his divine magic he can infuse them with the fire of his soul for multiple benefits:
-Undead may be raised from ashes to form skeletons or charred remains to form Zombies.
-Raised undead are wreathed in flame which allows them to do an additional 1d6 fire damage with their unarmed and melee attacks.
-Undead raised in this fashion explode upon falling to 0 hit points. The explosion encompasses a 20ft radius centered on the undead. All enemies in range must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or take 6d6 fire damage. Successful saves take half damage.

Enemies doesn't make much sense here in the explosion feature - fire is rarely IFF. 6d6 is also a bit much. Save DC is missing.

-Searing Flames: 8th level- You may apply 1d8 fire damage to a melee or spell attack once per turn. If this attack already deals fire damage you may choose to enhance this attack with black necrotic fire or golden radiant fire instead.
The mechanics for golden radiant fire isn't clear here. Do you have to expend a use of CD? Does it do max damage?

-Azoth Ascendant: 17th level- You are the apex of mystical fire. You become resistant to fire damage. If you are already resistant this become full immunity to fire. You gain a flying speed equal to your current movement speed. All healing performed by you is increased by half rounded up.

I don't like the "already resistant becomes immune".

Instead, grant resistance to fire, radiant, cold and necrotic damage. Cold because you are warm, and the other 3 because those are associated with this path. And drop the "already resistant".

The at-will flying speed seems tacked on.

The +50% healing is both mathematically annoying and tacked on.


As a proposal:

1. When you deal necrotic damage, you can gain 2d10 temporary HP.
2. When you deal radiant damage, you can take 2d10 damage you cannot prevent to heal an ally within 30' the same amount.
3. When you deal fire damage, gain wings of fire until the end of your next turn. You gain a fly speed equal to your movement speed, and creatures that hit you with a melee attack take 2d10 fire damage.

just because it feels fun.

2023-05-26, 01:20 AM
Update 1.2

-Added flavor text
-Spell list revised
-Renamed Ghostfire to Balefire
-Modified Channel Divinity
-Soulfire Infusion heavily modified
-Azoth Ascendant - Scrapped and redone

Update 1.3

- 1 minute time limit placed on Azoth Ascendant damage ability