View Full Version : Would appreciate any input on a homebrew feat - Wild Shape Adept

2023-05-21, 01:49 PM
Hi all.

Many druid subclasses now have a powerful alternate use for their Wild Shape resource. This is great for those who have no interest in Wild Shape, but for those who do enjoy being a CR 0 tiny beast purely for RP or utility it is now far more expensive and you could easily run out of uses and feel subclassless.

Two options are presented here, I'd appreciate all feedback

Option 1:
Wild Shape Adept
Prerequisite: 2nd level in Druid

Increase your Wisdom by 1, to a maximum of 20.

You gain one additional use of Wild Shape per short rest with the following limitations:

- it may only be used to transform into a CR 0 tiny beast and its HP becomes 1
- it must still abide by the limitations of the Beast Shapes table

Option 2:
Wild Shape Adept
Prerequisite: 2nd level in Druid

When using the Wild Shape ability to transform into a beast you gain the following benefits:

- You gain the ability to use Wild Shape to transform into a beast on your turn as a bonus action, rather than as an action.

You can use your Wild Shape to transform into certain beast shapes an unlimited number of times with the following limitations:

- at will Wild Shapes are limited to tiny beasts of CR 0 and its HP becomes 1
- at will Wild Shapes must still abide by the limitations of the Beast Shapes table

Option 3:
Should it be a druid exclusive attuned item instead? What rarity should each option be?

Thanks all

2023-05-21, 01:59 PM
I wouldn't make it druid exclusive; Metamagic Adept, Elemental Adept, and Martial Adept offer the class specific stuff to people not of that class, or on top of it. Making Wild Shape Adept druid-exclusive breaks rank with that.

I also don't think it needs the restriction on it being used specifically for Wild Shape. If a wildfire druid wants to burn a feat on getting an extra spirit summon every short rest, that works fine.

Wild Shape Adept
Prerequisite: 4th level
You gain the ability to Wild Shape once per short rest, as if you were a 2nd level druid. If you have two or more levels in the druid class, you instead gain an additional use of Wild Shape, refreshing on a short rest.

I added the level pre-req because I don't think they should be wildshaping at 1st level as a v.human; this does break with the other adepts letting v.humans steal features from other classes before the classes can get them but I don't like that, so that's why it's there.

2023-05-21, 02:18 PM
I wouldn't make it druid exclusive; Metamagic Adept, Elemental Adept, and Martial Adept offer the class specific stuff to people not of that class, or on top of it. Making Wild Shape Adept druid-exclusive breaks rank with that.

I also don't think it needs the restriction on it being used specifically for Wild Shape. If a wildfire druid wants to burn a feat on getting an extra spirit summon every short rest, that works fine.

I added the level pre-req because I don't think they should be wildshaping at 1st level as a v.human; this does break with the other adepts letting v.humans steal features from other classes before the classes can get them but I don't like that, so that's why it's there.

Appreciate this. I'm new to homebrewing so I may be being too cautious?

I restricted it to Druids purely because I wasn't sure how it would interact with other class features and spell lists e.g if you're a wizard and become tiny can your familiar or summons fly you around for free etc

If it could be used for any alternate wildshape abilities then I assume it should be a full feat?

Love what you've written, the language is very clean