View Full Version : [5e] [IC] Chronicles of the Seven Kingdoms: The Secret Heir

2023-05-26, 03:13 PM
Tauron Greyjoy (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2794049)
Half-elf Ranger 2/Rogue 4
AC: 18 HP: 53/53 PP: 18 PIv: 13 PIs: 18
HD: 2/2d10, 4/4d8, Conditions: none
Favored Foe: 3/3 LR
Combat Superiority: 4/4 SR
Tauron checks on his men, happy with the way they are helping out on the ship. He helps where he can, but his crew's honor won't let a noble do much of the manual labor, so instead he helps with navigation and course setting, which he is exceptional at. He's spent his whole life on ships. On the sea, on rivers, and in port. Not only did he grow up in the Iron Islands, he spent two years of his youth sailing with the Summer Folk (https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Summer_Islands?so=search) far to the south, although he still prefers his longship to the swan ships they sail.

Once he is satisfied that his men are well cared for, behaving, and contributing, he returns to his friends in the mess hall. Percival and Aubin are both there. They fall into their usual routine. Sometimes speaking or laughing out loud, but mostly talking in Aubin's sign language. Tauron learned it to better communicate with his interesting friend, but has now found it to be a good way to pass secrets among the group.

He reviews the names they were given in the Red Keep of the people who currently reside in Falconsward.

"Who do you both think it might be? But more importantly, who do you think might be backing them? No one on this list could take down the King's Guard alone."

Natural terrain is water, so can't get lost except by magic.
If Animorte joins, I could add his character to this post.

(Extrated from Bob's post in our main thread)

2023-05-26, 08:11 PM
Prior to meeting Tauron in the mess hall:

Aubin has a small meeting with his guardsmen, The Voiceless - so named because all of them are either Deaf or Mute and thus do not speak. They are the highly trained guardsmen that he travelled far and wide to recruit because as one of the few Mute and Deaf in a position of power, he desired to give most of them a better life than they were leading before. Most of the Voiceless were amongst the poorest of the poor and lived in horrible conditions until Aubin came along and offered them a new home on his estate in exchange for their loyalty and protection. As a result, his men would follow him to the very ends of the world if he had so asked them to. After yet another day of the same old reports from his Guardsmen "All Good" and the conclusion of their meeting, Aubin instructed his Guardsmen to offer any assistance necessary and if there is nothing that they can do to help aboard the ship, they were to tend to their equipment and keep them clean and in tip-top condition as Aubin refused to have his guardsmen lacking in comparison to other Noble Guardsmen. A particular note of pride the Voiceless have in their gear is the Gold Skeletal Hand that covers the area over the mouth on their helmet as they prided themselves on being a part of Aubin's unit and it is often the cleanest and shiniest part of their uniform.

Aubin, however, is not wearing his armor and instead wearing the finest clothes that are afforded to the Great Noble Families. They are incredibly soft and comfortable. On his hips, there are two ornate handaxes that look to be almost brand-new and little-used. They are almost always on his persons when he is unarmored since they are gifts from his Wife. The Handaxes were to represent each of their families. One axe's handle was crafted from the finest wood in Arbor whilst the other was made with wood from the Somerset area, where the Oldflower family resides. He can often be seen with a hand on one of the axes, just feeling it - comforted by the fact they reminded him of his Wife.

Aubin walked slowly back to the mess hall, deep in thought and hardly believing the opportunity that he has for his family. The King's Steward has recently asked him to embark on a trip to Falconsward. He worries about there being a conspirator and refuses to reveal how he came about the information, which troubles Aubin a bit because he cannot determine the reliability of the source. Despite his misgivings, Aubin could not refuse the King's Steward and pass up an opportunity to represent his family - both the Oldflowers, who have long been a minor noble house, and the Redwyne family - and possibly make an incredible impression on the King and his Steward, opening up fresh opportunities for the Redwyne family for power and influence and possibly more business for the family too.

The charge was simple enough - gather all the information you can about Falconsward and its people and report back to the King's Steward. But the trick of it is to keep it all low-key and subtle. Aubin will have to be careful not to betray the fact that he's gathering information for the King, but he believes this should not be a problem because he has many other reasons to be at Falconsward. He is looking forward to the tournament, which he hopes to participate in. He wonders about the talent of the competitors that will be there, will Aubin be competitive or will he be absolutely demolished by his opponents? Aubin is an able fighter but there are many knights who are much better and have made a career out of tournaments.

Aubin plans to attempt to do his best in the tournament, make friends amongst the fighters themselves and see what they will reveal freely to him. Aubin was granted permission from the Redwyne Head to take some of the wines and to distribute them at Falconsward in an effort to make some more sales of their wine and to continue to market Arbor wine as the best in all of Westeros. He thinks the wine will loosen some lips that may not want to be loosened and he hopes that at least one of his companions can take advantage of the inebriated states of the people in Falconsward.

Besides that, Aubin is hoping to meet with the Horse Masters of Falconsward and to see if they could teach him anything about horsemanship since the Gryffon family is known to be legendary horsemen with a connection to their beasts like no other. Some have described them as being one with the beasts and Aubin desperately wants to see this in action.

Aubin arrives in the mess hall, just before Tauron did and takes a seat before he is later joined by his companions. Aubin enjoys that his new friends have quickly learned AVSL, especially when they realized its tactical merits on this trip. Aubin was happy to practice with them anytime as it helped the time to go by much quicker. He ponders Tauron's question before answering:

"I got a few theories but I've no way to prove any of it yet, so please take my words with a grain of some salt. Falconsward is chock full of noble families from the area, including a few that I am familiar with.

Now I did some research, a lady of House Errol is married to the heir of Falconsward, which I thought was interesting, namely because if I ain't mistaken, House Errol ain't really an Island kind of family. I looked up their coat of arms and it's a Haystack of all things. Their strengths lie in their agriculture and their land. They've got a decent size military on land but jack squat in terms of a Navy. So I gotta wonder, if House Gryffon has the opposite problem. Do they have a great navy but little to no experience in combat on land? If so, then that might explain why Harron chose to go with Jocelyn as opposed to the Swann's family daughter, who was also eligible at the time.

Now I only know that because my wife is friends with one of the Swann family nobles and she's told me that her friend bemoans that her family does nothing but constantly fret over failed opportunities to move up in wealth, influence and power as the Head is obsessed with it. A missed marriage he mentions often is the marriage to the Heir of Falconsward. He instead had to marry off his daughter to Harron's younger brother. In my opinion, the Swann family needs to hush up about that. They don't even realize how lucky they are to have the opportunity to join almost any royal family they want, should there be an eligible bachelor amongst their allies or neutral parties or sometimes even their enemies. For the longest time, my family was denied even that opportunity since none of the great houses really want to recognize the legitimacy of a Bastard line.

Besides that, I only know 2 other families from the list - Blackwood and Darry.

This is me attempting to use my advantage (which is supposed to be based on prior history)on the Darry family to convey wrong/VERY general information. If this is considered metagaming, just let me know and I will attempt to stop this in the future
The Darry family, I'm not real worried about. From my friends in that family, I'm fairly certain they would suck the fart out of the King's behind if he so asked them to.

The Blackwoods are a hauntingly beautiful family and I've fond memories of them from my youth prior to my wife. But as beautiful as they are, one would always be wise to be cautious of them.

However, of all the folks I've listed, I think the Errol family would be a good place to start. The marriage between Gryffon and Errol, could pose a threat to the King due to the size of their land-based military.

But as to your question on who would back them.....I don't know but I don't like the way they're thinking. If there really are conspirators, it would seem they are trying to strengthen their forces with political marriages."

2023-05-29, 12:19 PM
Percival always seems to be in a good mood. He walks with his head held high, but never looks down on others. Among his men are plenty that are proud to be in his presence, just by the nature of his attitude. However, there are a few who have shown concern that he may not take things seriously enough. He has been known to address them all as equals, in general, only using his authority when he feels as though it's needed. Still growing accustomed to his title, he has finally begun to see its diplomatic purpose, not just the obvious benefits.

Percival knows he's made a good host, as that goal is at the forefront of his mind when receiving guests. Of course, he hadn't expected that his name would be specifically requested for this mission. Still, he'll keep an attentive eye for the things that make a good host, and he won't be afraid to contribute his own experiences along this adventure.

He's particularly excited about the tournament and who's presence to expect within. That's where he makes a name for himself, always has. Whether victorious or not, Percival Frey provides quite an experience for the audience. What better way to present your name?

His mind goes down to his blade, always at his side, and his shield resting on his back. His clothes, are akin to what he might be seen in around his own hold. Not rough and adventurous or particularly fine, but comfortable and sporting The Crossing, two blue towers united by a bridge. He plans to present himself in something a bit nicer on arrival.

Percival found it rather exciting and confusing initially, but he is learning the intricate motions of Aubin's language and has encouraged his men to do the same. He appreciates the opportunity and has said as much before. He sits down with a drink just as Tauron makes his way into the room.

He agrees with Tauron's opening statement. "You've got that right. Not a single one of them could take the fight alone."

He tries to piece together some of the information that Aubin is presenting, a few key names and events stand out to him. He makes a thorough attempt to accurately contribute. "That's an interesting point about Errol and Gryffon. Though the bridge between them is most certainly Buckler. They've had Errol's back for an awfully long time.

Good to know that we're both friends of Darry, but I could say just the same of Blackwood. While I have no reason to believe either of them the aggressors, one would be a fool to ignore either of their capabilities.

Staedmon and Mallister seem to have been developing a relationship, no doubt at the chagrin of another house.

As for the rest, I'll take your word for it."

2023-05-29, 01:14 PM
The wine was sweet and fresh. It swayed up to the edge of the goblet every time the ship overcame a wave and the whole structure rocked to one side and to the other. The fellowship helped themselves, as their squires had been sent away from the cabin before delving into delicate matters. The sweet taste of the expensive wine was like a gentle breeze before a storm.

let's give it a few days before wrapping the scene - we might have more players coming along
meanwhile, nice introduction everyone!

2023-05-29, 06:06 PM
Tauron Greyjoy (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2794049)
Half-elf Ranger 2/Rogue 4
AC: 18 HP: 53/53 PP: 18 PIv: 13 PIs: 18
HD: 2/2d10, 4/4d8, Conditions: none
Favored Foe: 3/3 LR
Combat Superiority: 4/4 SR
Tauron tries to follow along with Aubin's detailed descriptions of each of the Houses repressed at Falconsward, but he has a little trouble remembering all of the differences. He drinks sips of the wine but makes sure not to indulge too much. He's never been one to enjoy being drunk, perhaps because of the constant threat of death in his homeland. Drink too much there and someone will put a knife in you. He moves on to the planning phase of the expedition, signing in case anyone is eavesdropping.

"We are supposed to be accounting for the king's resources. As we investigate and interrogate possible conspirators, we will need to track all of the items as directed. Where do each of you think you should start? I think I'm best suited for cataloging ships, and sailors. Perhaps you could look into the horses and men, Aubin, and maybe Percival could chronicle siege weapons and personal arms and armor. That leaves us with acres of crops, number of mills, and operating mines. I'm not sure I could be convincing examining those."

He looks hopefully at the others, pausing to let someone else to weigh in on a plan. After a few seconds, he smiles at Percival and speaks, making sure Aubin can still see his mouth.

"Although showboat here might be too busy with the tournaments. I'll never understand these tournaments. If I draw my sword, it's because I mean to kill someone, and hopefully I've run them through before they even notice."

2023-05-30, 12:39 AM
Aubin beams at the jest by Tauron, letting out some laughter and speaks back. Aubin has an accent quite unlike any of his reachmen on account of being Deaf.

"Ah, the tournament is just'o means to an end mainly. Gotta keep up appearances an' all that. Folks might be wondering why I ain't fighting despite being known to love these things.

Also, that style fits you fine and all but me? Gimme my horse and my bow and I can make most problems go away. My trusty shield and well-balanced sword will lead me to success as well! "

Aubin pauses to take a drink of wine. He too, is going to be careful about his consumption, knowing from years of experience it is far easier to get drunk on a boat. When working, Aubin avoids any behavior he deems unprofessional, such as being drunk on duty.

"As for your plan, yeah, I think I'm best suited for the horses and men aspect. If these horses are as legendary as they say, I may have to get one for myself, Muet deserves to be spelled a time or two"

2023-05-30, 03:26 AM
Percival immediately responds with a laugh to the showboat comment. "Definitely heard that one before! See, the thing about the tournament and competition..." He pauses to think on his words for a moment. "It's a - mostly - safe place to explore the natural urge for violence. I like to think I'm a good example of keeping it sport as opposed to the alternative. Not that any of us are particularly renowned for fighting with honor." He closes the last comment out with a wink.

Not having a great deal of experience on boats, Percival takes another long drink, emptying his cup, not being quite as careful as his friends. Then he stands up for a brief stretch and feels the sudden shift in his balance. He stabilizes and lowers himself back into his chair slowly, letting out a small chuckle. "Oh, that's why you two are taking it easy... Sure, I can have a look into arms and armor, as I've never strayed much from my own trusted methods personally. Doesn't mean I don't know a thing or two, including how to get around them."

2023-05-30, 10:22 AM
An envelope lay open on the table between them. They had read and re-read the letter many times since it arrived in King's Landing almost a week ago:

"To the Emissaries of His Majesty King Aerys Targaryen, second of his name, Prince of Dragonstone, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. As a fellow servant of the Seven Kingdoms, I extend my warmest regards and wishes to you and your esteemed households.

First and foremost, allow me to express my deepest gratitude for the honor and privilege of serving under His Majesty's wise and noble reign. His leadership and unwavering commitment to the prosperity and security of our kingdom inspire all who are fortunate enough to witness it.

Accomodations for you, your families and your retainers have already been prepared. In addition, I have the honor of inviting you all to attend our traditional Tournament of Falconsward, moved to earlier this year in order to celebrate your arrival. We are eager to have you with us, and to see the glory of King's Landing in action.

My best captains are to patrol the Narrow Sea over the next week, and make sure you shall enjoy a safe voyage to our humble island. At any moment, we are at your disposal.

Until then, may the blessings of prosperity and tranquility be bestowed upon you and your households, and may the grace of the Seven befall your loved ones.

Yours faithfully,
Lord Harron Gryffen of Falconsward"

As the ship swayed from side to side, droplets of wine stained the corner of the envelope.

2023-06-02, 10:21 AM

Perched atop a rugged cliff overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean, Castle Falconsward stood as a bastion of strength and grandeur by the Narrow Sea. A marvel of architecture, the castle embodied a fusion of regality and maritime elegance, its towering spires reaching for the heavens while its foundations delved deep into the bedrock of the cliffside.

At the base of the cliff, nestled along the shoreline, lay the Small Castle and the bustling Fishing District. The sound of seagulls filled the air as the aroma of freshly caught seafood wafted through the narrow streets, where colorful fishermen's cottages painted a picturesque scene against the backdrop of the roaring waves.

Ascending the winding path carved into the cliffside, one arrived at the heart of Castle Falconsward—the Falcon Keep. Rising proudly against the azure sky, the fortress stood as a symbol of power and authority, blue-and-golden flags billowing from every tower.

Beyond the walls of the keep sprawled the Ward's Burgh, a bustling hive of activity where the echoes of everyday life filled the air. Streets teemed with merchants and dancers, and the clamor of a vibrant marketplace filled the cobblestone lanes. No less that five thousand lived in Ward's Burgh, their lives entwined with the ebb and flow of the island's fortunes.

Further, beyond castle and town, wooded hills rolled far into the horizon. First, sharp and rugged, where narrow pathways meandered through dark valleys; Then progressively flatter and smoother, gravel and rocks giving up to mud and grass, until the flatlands were all one could see in any direction.

Most of the eastern portion of the island was flat and fertile, and covered by settled land. Fields of rye, wheat and beans sprawled over every bit of arable land, separated by mere treelines and scarce groves. Several tiny hamlets thrived in East Falconsward, and a few smoke trails indicated the presence of lumberjack cabins in the outskirts of the thick, dark woods to the west.

Among the sharp rocks of the western portion of the island, Ward's Burgh was really the only settlement to be seen, and the only sign of any human life for that matter. The dense woods and the inhospitable mountains of West Falconsward was territory of shadowcats, mountain lions and birds of prey, and many other predators well-known to men. They respected the wild and mostly remaind within the safety of their walled city.

* * *

Coming from the Crownlands to the north, the company's vessel made a wide circle into the Narrow Sea and sailed all the way along the outer shore of Falconsward, circling the entire length of its extension before reaching the western cliffside again. This entire lap around the island would be easily taken as a safety maneuver for a precise anchorage, while it gave the visitors a chance to scout the island from the outside before setting foot on dangerous territory.

House Gryffen had arranged a warm reception for the emissaries of King's Landing: Once they spotted their vessel, horns were blown from dozens of ships guarding the bay, summoning an entourage of knights in shiny armor to the harbor. They rode purebred stallions in a disciplined trot, keeping a formation of two lines that was just narrow enough to navigate the cobblestone lanes, and lined up flawlessly along the docks. The same blue-and-gold from the banners decorated their uniforms and helmets, fine wool worn over polished plate.

Their commander wore a particularly flamboyant mane of golden horsehair attached to his helmet. He removed it to issue orders to the dockers nearby, revealing his vibrant complexion: black of hair, square of chin and a piercing set of blue eyes that reflected the glare of the ocean. "Greetings, our esteemed guests!" He called in a loud voice that just barely made through the crashing waves, yelling seagulls and cracking wood of the ship. A dozen dock workers were busy securing the ship to port and setting up heavy ramps to the open deck. Those were large enough to be crossed by horse and livestock, and whatever heavy cargo they might have brought to the island.

The commander climbed off his horse and stood by the ramp. The entourage was made of five other knights and himself, all displaying flawless etiquette. "I am Jareth of House Gryffen, at your disposal. My lord father insisted that I were to greet you here, and escort you back to the Keep. My lords."

2023-06-03, 09:58 AM
Tauron Greyjoy (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2794049)
Half-elf Ranger 2/Rogue 4
AC: 18 HP: 53/53 PP: 18 PIv: 13 PIs: 18
HD: 2/2d10, 4/4d8, Conditions: none
Favored Foe: 3/3 LR
Combat Superiority: 4/4 SR
Tauron moves back to the deck when the sound is given that we are approaching Falconsward. He is happy to once again feel the saltwater spray against his face. He watches as the ship circles the large island, impressed with the majesty of the Falconsward keep. He studies the ships he sees on our approach. While they are no longships or Summer Isle swan ships, they are impressive in their own way. It looks like they are being sailed by competent sailors.

When the ship is moored, Tauron studies the banners and pageantry with curiosity. This is something that never happens back home. He disembarks with the others and greets his hosts, giving a polite bow to Jareth.

"Lord Gryffen, we are honored that you would personally meet us at the docks on behalf of your father. I am Tauron Greyjoy, son of Carlon, nephew to Quellon Greyjoy, ambassador to Kings Landing for the Iron Islands, and here as representative of King Aerys. At your service."

While these customs were not taught to him at home, he has learned them over the past few years at Kings Landing. He wonders if his cousins would ever stop teasing him if they saw him being this polite.

2023-06-03, 08:03 PM
Aubin is impressed with the courtesy that has been displayed and extended thus far to the visitors. Aubin wonders if Lord Harron wrote the letter himself or if he was like some nobles and dictated what he wanted to say to a scribe to write down. Either way, Aubin knows that his informal behavior with his peers will not be what he displays when he goes to meet the people of Falconsward.

Aubin serves not only as a representative of King Aerys II but also as a proud representative of the Oldflower and Redwyne family. With that in mind, Aubin tends to his personal gear. Cleaning his armor and his weapons, taking great care of each as he believed that a man of his stature can not be seen with anything less than the best, especially when representing the King himself.

The Castle is on top of a cliff with only a few ways to access it from foot. The Cliffside overlooking the waters give the castle natural protection as a large group cannot easily scale that cliffside. The original builders were smart to choose the location they did. It gives them a great amount of security. However it looks like the Castle may have some secrets that can be found. These type of castles always have some kind of secret passageways. I wonder If I can find them and note them.

The Fishing District looks like it could be a good source of local information amongst commoners. One thing Aubin has learned over his life-time is that the commoners almost always know more than they let on. They pick up on all kinds of intrigue, picking up the gossips of the Nobles. Aubin has caught more than a few loose-lipped commoners who believed they were well out of the range of eavesdropping, but Aubin's sharp eyes can lip-read quite well. However, Aubin is not sure how to justify a trip to the fishing district yet.

On the East Side of the Island, Aubin started to smile a bit, the fields reminded him of home in the Reach. He thinks back to his Oldflower Family Farm that he grew up on, surrounded by crops on all sides with so many horses. His ancestors were something of a Collector of Horses and the family has had some of the best horses in the Reach.

When the ship completed its lap around the island and Aubin had his chance to take a look at the island and make some mental notes to himself, he decided a quick inspection of his men would be needed prior to arrival and to prepare his men for their duties. Aubin stomped 3 times. The stomps were powerful enough to be felt throughout the ship. The Voiceless knew that meant to come up top and present themselves and because Aubin has done this throughout the trip, the rest of the crew also know about the signal and have learned to pay no heed to it.

The Voiceless lined up in a single file for Arms and Armor inspection. Aubin was making sure that they were as clean and polished as he was. His men wore Full Plate Armor with a Unique Helmet with a Golden Skeletal Hand across their mouth to symbolize being voiceless. The cloth they wore with their uniforms were the typical teal and gold of the Reach. Their Shields and Swords were ready and in order. The Voiceless passed Aubin's inspection, thanks to an Elite level of professionalism on the part of the Voiceless. They take their duties every bit as seriously as Aubin does.

Aubin wore a different kind of armor from his men though. This was owing primarily to the need for lighter armor whilst riding his horse, Muet. He needed the flexibility that his armor offered for archery while mounted. He wore a Breastplate Armor with teal-dyed leather. He is wearing his helmet, a high-quality helm with a Golden Skeletal Hand over the Right Ear to symbolize Aubin's Deafness. He had his shortsword on his left hip, resting easily in its leather scabbard, made from the highest quality leather from the Oldflower Family farm. He holds his shield on his left arm and the shield depicts Aubin's personal coat of arms. His longbow is currently unstrung and strapped across his back. Aubin is able to quickly get it re-strung whenever he is expecting to have to use it.

He sees the welcome that has been presented to the group and is feeling honored. He takes note of the number of men and horses present. Aubin is impressed with the beauty and strength of the horses that the welcoming entourage was riding.

Aubin walks with the group and has the Voiceless following close by. After seeing Jareth and Tauron introduce themselves, Aubin joined in

"Lord Gryffen, It is my utmost pleasure to meet you and make your acquaintance. I am Aubin Oldflower of House Redwyne. I serve as a Knight of the Reach in service to King Aerys II, Prince of Dragonstone, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. Thank you for coming down to meet us.

I am very impressed by your men and beasts. They are truly an elite company befitting a High-Quality Man such as yourself.

2023-06-04, 08:18 PM
"My sincere gratitude, my lords." The young Jareth nodded in appreciation. "These are my elite riders - nothing less would honor your visit. Please, meet my sister, Esther."

The knight beside Jareth climbed off her steed and removed her helmet, revealing a long cascade of black hair and the same vibrant blue eyes as her brother. She looked younger than him, but not by much. "It is an honor to serve you, my lords." Were her only words, followed by a polite nod.

All six knights wore the same blue-and-golden uniform, but the third in line fastened his cloak with a shield-shaped brooch decorated with the ploughman of Darry. Beside him, the fourth knight wore a similar accessory displaying the dead weirdwood of Blackwood, and the fifth, the sun-and-moon of Tarth. The sixth too wore his own badge, but being a hedge knight of little reputation, his crest was unknown to the company.

Servants and squires occupied themselves with the long process of unloading the cargo. As Percival took the ramp and joined the group, Jareth noticed his presence. Since House Gryffen hadn't been informed who exactly would come to Falconsward, he waited for Percival to introduce himself.

2023-06-04, 09:07 PM
Falconsward presenting itself in such a manner was truly awe-inspiring, even intimidating to those unexpecting of its stature. Sure, from the other side it may look normal, but coming in from the water, the towering structure was easily doubled in size. First impressions were certainly to be left on him and the rest of the crew. The thought suddenly reminded him of his own first impression, and that of his men.

He made his way to where he knew most of his men would be and informed them of arrival. He knew there would be enough time for everyone to get ready, including himself. He only made a minor adjustment, stepping into something more suiting of a Lord and met on deck just before his men, Tauron and Aubin with theirs already assembled. Half of his men wore armor and others did not, remained evenly spaced as to alternate which, but they all shared the same light blue tunic and much darker blue crest.

He stands at the front of his own group, surrounded on all other sides, his men in a circle. As they begin to approach, before any introductions were made, the mass of light blue begun to swirl about him, passing side to side in a manner to that of the waves they rode in on. All the while, he never stops moving forward, almost as if his own men were the sea itself ushering him forward. Suddenly, at an appropriate distance with his comrades, it all comes to a stop, and Percival himself seems to float forward from his men and to a halt, as if docking from the calming sea. It was a well practiced routine, all for the sake of presentation. He waited as the others spoke, hoping that the visual introduction would remain in the memory of their host.

"Lord Gryffon, what a remarkable opportunity you have given us and we sincerely appreciate your initiative to greet us."

He pauses for a brief moment to get the words just right, still growing accustomed to his own title. "I am known as Percival Frey, son of Walden Frey. I come as representative of House Frey of the Riverlands, and in service of King Aerys II."

2023-06-05, 11:49 AM
The young man’s face was illuminated by understanding. "Ah, yes, Lord Frey. What a pleasant surprise. Falconsward has been a friend to the river lords for several generations; we look forward to extending that relationship to your House, too."

Around the company and the entourage of knights, Voiceless, ironmen and Frey squires worked together with the local dock workers to unload the cargo. While the whole process would require some time, their horses were conducted through the ramp and brought to the three emissaries, so they could be on their way to the keep without delay.

Organized in lines of two, the nine rode their way through the cobblestone streets of the Fishing District and the gates of the Small Castle. As the company could now see, the Fishing District was nested against the rocks and isolated from the rest of Falconsward; The only way to access the rest of the island was to sail around the rocks or to take the winding path carved on the cliffside, which was accessed through the courtyard of the Small Castle.

The way up took no longer than twenty minutes*, and lead them straight into the courtyard of Falconsward Castle. The place was usually busy with peasants and knights and merchants, but everyone had paused their activities to watch the guests' arrival. Standing before the tall double doors that lead into the Falcon Keep were the remaining members of House Gryffen, neatly standing in order of age: father, mother, two boys and two girls. Each had the same blue eyes and black hair, besides Lady Alisanne who was fair of hair and complexion.

Jareth and his knights kicked their horses forward, riding past the visitors to wait by the keep. The unit fell into a perfect line formation and rode in a beautiful 'S' shape across the courtyard, evoking a round of applause from the crowd who gathered around the keep.

"My lord father Harron Gryffon, the Wise Lord of Falconsward, I have the honor to announce:" Sitting proudly on his saddle, Jareth puffed out his chest and indicated the company with a wide, if not flamboyant, movement of his arm. "Tauron Greyjoy of the Iron Islands, son of Carlon, nephew to Quellon Greyjoy; Ser Aubin Oldflower of House Redwyne of the Reach; Percival Frey, son of Walden Frey of the Riverlands; our esteemed guests and emissaries from King's Landing!"

Jareth rejoiced as if he had announced 'emissaries from Heaven'. "This is my lord father, Harron Gryffen."

The Wise Lord of Falconsward stepped forward. Well over his forties, Harron conserved a thick mane of hair that fell around his shoulders and a beard so long he could tie it to his belt. "My people of Falconsward, today is a day for celebration, for the glory of King's Landing wades into the Narrow Sea and reaches us like rays of sunlight." He turned to the guests proper. "May your stay in our humble province be filled with the utmost splendor of the Grace of the Seven."

The guests were conducted into the main hall of the keep, leaving a squire to make further announcements to the crowd. They were immediately greeted by floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the Narrow Sea. Unlike the Red Keep in Kind's Landing, Falconsward was rather cold, and guards would often rekindle the several braziers that kept the main hall warm and comfortable. Two long tables were laid out to accomodate all the residents of the keep at dinner parties and feasts, now unoccupied; It was well after noon, but not yet time for dinner.

"Please, let's sit: there is water and wine at the table, and food will be brought soon. We knew not when you would arrive, or we would have cut a pig and prepared fresh meat." Only Lord Harron, Lady Alysanne and their young squire accompanied them inside, leaving the children (including Jareth) to their own business. "I would hate to bother my guests right as they arrive, but I must ask if there is anything you may need from us to help on your accounting. I suppose you must ride to the farmlands at some point, to which my son will certainly be happy to be your guide."

* Still gotta figure out how long this winding path really is. I might make it longer (30 min) or shorter (10 min) and retcon this part in the near future, sorry in advance.

2023-06-07, 11:14 AM
CUT! The director decided that the previous scene wasn't really interesting or enriching to the story, so we're cutting it short.

Retcon: Instead of arriving in the afternoon, let's say you arrived during the morning, between breakfast and lunch.
The guests were shown to their chambers, located at the top of the northwestern tower. The first room was a small solar, complete with a fireplace, a long wooden table, and a few armchairs displayed around it, and a tall window that could be opened to face the ocean. It was narrow and cramped, but rather cozy. Upstairs, a larger circle-shaped bedroom featured several simple canopy beds along the wall, each with a storage trunk at its side, and narrow windows made of wood. There were other, empty, withdrawing chambers below.

Although the emissaries of King's Landing had plenty of accounting to get done, Lord Harron insisted that they enjoyed the open ceremonies - and took part, if they so desired, in the Tournament of Falconsward. Once all competitors had joined the lists, each would be given two short minutes to showcase their abilities and leave a good impression on the crowd; Then would begin the Archery event, and later the Hawking competition. Artists, dancers, jugglers, fire eaters and even actors presenting comedic sketches would entertain the crowd between each event, while the servants and knights set everything up for the next one. Duels and Jousts would happen along the next couple of days, and the closing ceremony would be a chaotic Melee between of every competitor still standing.

Although Falconsward did feature enclosed training grounds, the tournament required much more space, and was set up in a clearing in the woods just outside the castle. The cluster of tents, the smell of horse, the sound of hammers hitting anvils and the diversity of flags billowing in the blue sky built a familiar feeling of anticipation. The event was rather small, almost pictoresque, but still oozed nobility in a very traditional way.

As noon approached, the participants were encouraged to remain in a designated tent from where they could enter the arena when summoned during the opening ceremony. Many were still out there, haggling with blacksmiths and courting young ladies, but most remained inside minding the final stages of preparation.

The communal tent was busy with knights, squires, at least three hawks and several props to be used in different performances: someone had brought a dozen straw men, and someone else, huge rocks of different sizes to be thrown in the air, and yet someone else, a set of foreign drum wars of Essos. The amount of people and stuff made the huge tent feel small and crammed.

While the fellowship of three made sure their armors were well-fit and their blades sharp, they were approached by two knights clad in plate. Both wore the brown-and-black of House Darry.

"So the rumors are true! Our guests *did* join the tournament!" The man bowed so low that his long hair touched the dirt. "It will be the utmost honor to have you in the Tourney of Falconsward, my lords. I am Ser Corwyn, at your disposal."

"However, I wanted to... warn you, my lords. Some have other reasons to be glad about your participation. You see, for low men of little glory, the only way to achieve any renown is to leech from more succesful warriors. You may find some residents of Falconsward unusually eager to face in you battle."

Talking to him more closely, the company realized they had already seen the man before: Ser Corwyn was one the knights in Lord Jareth's entourage - but then, he wore the colors of Gryffen and only a small brooch of his own House.

Corwyin lowered his voice to a hush, his eyes bouncing from side to side to check if anyone was eavesdropping. "The bastard girl might concern you, should you even be bothered with this matter. She has been looking for chances to make noise her entire life, and I believe your presence might give her... ideas. And of course, the Old Ser Garris; Reaching the end of his career with no deeds to his name, he will come at you with all he's got, hoping to win some prestige for defeating the emissaries of the king."

"I apologize for meddling in your business, my lords. Your wisdom will determine if any of this is worthy of your concern or not. For now, I hope to see you in the lists, and your banners flying in our blue sky."

2023-06-07, 06:32 PM
Tauron Greyjoy (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2794049)
Half-elf Ranger 2/Rogue 4
AC: 18 HP: 53/53 PP: 18 PIv: 13 PIs: 18
HD: 2/2d10, 4/4d8, Conditions: none
Favored Foe: 3/3 LR
Combat Superiority: 4/4 SR
In the main hall of the keep, Tauron sits when instructed. He drinks a small amount of wine and a larger amount of water. He is concerned about the lack of food. He wonders if Lord Herron is denying us guest right and refusing to protect us in his home. In case it is just an oversight and they really are waiting for a slaughtered pig, he makes his request.

"There is no need for pork at this time of day, Lord Gryffen. A small amount of bread and salt would be more than adequate."

While he does not use the words guest right, his meaning is clear to all in the room. He wishes the occupants of the house no harm and would like assurance that they are not planning to harm us.

He cleans up in his room and then arrives on time for the festivities. He is surprised that he has been entered in a tournament. He doesn't wear armor, and doesn't even have any with him. He carries no shield and wields only cutlasses. This is new to him so he waits to see what this might mean and what might be expected off him. While his friends have heard him say this many times in the past, he says it again.

"Ironborn train or fight. We do not prance and entertain."

But towards his host and the other guests, he is more polite. When Ser Corwyn warns us to watch out for some of the others, Tauron plays it off,

"None would gain honor fighting me. I am no gallant horseman. I am just a sailor. I will not be jousting, but if someone wants to practice their sword fighting, I would oblige."

2023-06-09, 09:18 AM
"I admire your earnestness and gravitas." Ser Corwin nodded at Tauron. "In this case, I look forward to have you in the audience."

But before the knight could say anything else, he was shoved out of the way by a girl in armor. She had the blue eyes and black hair of Gryffen, but were no colors besides the grey of chainmail and plate. "Say sorry, my lords," She apologized rather quickly, at the limit of impoliteness. "But I hear you are not to join the tournament?"

"This morning, when news arrived about a Greyjoy here Falconsward, many were excited to see you in action. The ironmen's reputation precede you, my lord. I insist that you reconsider."

"If not swordfighting or jousting, then compete with us in a different manner." She pointed at the woods and the castle behind them. "Let's have a rowing race! Why not? I'm sure my lord father will agree to include another event when he hears that you won't compete. Falconsward too is a land of sailors, see?"

At last, aware that she had been quite rude, the girl added: "I am Romily Storm, captain of the guard of Falconsward, and I apologize for my interruption." She knew the right words to use, but there was nothing of her half-brother or Ser Corwyin's flamboyance in her voice.

2023-06-09, 04:16 PM
Aubin was grateful to be reunited with his horse, Muet. He greeted the beast with joy and affection and was greeted the same way from Muet.

As they rode, Aubin did notice that the Fishing district was especially hard to get to with only 2 points of access. The first, by water, would be seen from many miles away. So any attempt to get to the main portion of the Island by way of the Fishing district would most likely end in futility. The Small Castle guards the other point of access to the Fishing District with an easily defensible road. Not to mention that if any invading forces wished to take the Small Castle or the Fishing District coming from Falconsward, that would require the forces to first take Falconsward, which would be no easy feat.

However, If the invading forces were simply to take the Fishing districts and just hold the small castle. A siege could be possible, depending on how much of the food source and trade of Falconsward comes from the Fishing District. It remains to be seen if the Fishing District is a militarily advantageous target to capture, should the need ever arise.

Arriving in the courtyard, Aubin and his companions saw the Lord Gryffen and his wife, alongside 4 kids. He observed Jareth and his group riding together in an impressive and performative fashion and saw Jareth announcing the arrival of the King's Emissaries. Following his hosts, Aubin went into the main hall where food, wine, and water was to be served. Lord Gryffen tells the company food will be coming soon, apologizing for not having pork already ready for the group. Tauron seems to offers some assurance to Lord Gryffen and he assumes that it is a polite rejection of some sort. He offers in his own reassurances to his host.

"Lord Gryffen, there is no need for an apology. You are not clairvoyant, how could we have reasonably expected you to have your animals slaughtered and cooked without knowing for certain when we would arrive. You have simply shown wisdom in not wasting the resources you have and I think this is an admirable trait in a Lord. I do not need a full meal yet because my breakfast was quite hearty this morning. However, if you should have some bread you can break for me, I would gladly accept that. "

Whilst in the main hall, Aubin drinks a glass of Wine and "chases" it with water, believing that as long as he does that, he can enjoy the occasional glass of wine without worry about unprofessional conduct. Aubin happily enjoys the bread that was given to him at his and Tauron's request.

Aubin follows his guide throughout Falconsward. He finds the Solar comfortable in its arrangements and anticipates that many of the group's meetings will need to be in the Solar since Falconsward naturally runs a bit cold and the Solar has the Fireplace. The warmth and comfort should help to focus the group whenever they meet to discuss their findings. When the company enters the bedroom that has the three canopy beds for the group, Aubin went to the bed that had the best view of the door. Knowing his own weaknesses, Aubin constantly tries to mitigate it as much as possible, including making preparations for his sleep to be secure. He prefers to have easy view of the entrances wherever he goes so that should anything surprising happen, Aubin is prepared. He finds himself thinking about the watches and responsibilities he will have to assign to the Voiceless and that he will have to work with his companions and their men to make sure that they were always secure. Each companion had brought 20 men with them that were capable of fighting and guarding for them. Aubin only really knew one thing as far as assigning his men responsibilities. He would dedicate 4(2 day shift guards and 2 Night Shift guards) men to guarding his horse, Muet. Only authorized peoples were allowed to interact with Muet and Aubin will be making every effort to make that clear to the servants of Falconsward and to request that they designate 2 or 3 servants that will be authorized to feed the horse and to inform the guards of who will be bringing Muet his food and water in advance to avoid any misunderstandings.

Aubin stores some of his belongings in the trunk besides the bed
TBD pending an edit after a review of my character sheet plus further consideration of what Aubin would bring. I will ask about some of the items I am wanting to include in the OOC thread

************************************************** ************************************************** ****************************************

Once the group exited their rooms and were led to where the tournaments were being held, Aubin took a look around and felt quite at home in a tournament setting. It was a bit smaller than the ones he was used to in the Reach but it was still very unmistakably a tournament. Aubin was excited to take part and to assess the fighting strength of those involved. He would watch the tournaments carefully whenever he wasn't participating in an event and note the strengths and weaknesses of each of the people present in the tournament. He was hoping to be able to get some detailed notes that he will attempt to keep hidden for both his own competitive advantage and because he fully intended to give that information to the King's Steward at the end of the trip.

When the Darry Knights approached the group and started conversation, Aubin took the time to respond back to them after bowing back politely to them and Tauron had responded.

"The honor is mine to be able to participate in the tournament. It is one of the great and beautiful joys of life, these tournaments. Men and women can showcase their skills and compete with each other to make each other better! I think it is beautiful.

I should hope there are more than a few people in the competition hungry for glory. It would be a most boring tournament if all the participants were content with where they are in life. I was once one of those people hungering for any scrap of power and influence and believed that the way to that was through renown in tournaments. It paid off well for me in the end! I should hope that these people should be so lucky!

As for the girl, I welcome the chance to compete against her, if the fire within her is as strong as you say and so as long as she competes with honor as expected. The same goes for Ser Garris. A part of me hopes he does well in the tournament. I just love an underdog but should he face me, I will give him nothing but my best as honor demands.

As for you, Ser, I will see you in the tournament. I wish you the best of luck and a good tourney. May you find honor, glory, and fame! "

When Romily made her way through to the group, Aubin watched in amusement as she begged Tauron to participate in the tournament.

Aubin thinks privately to himself:
This must be the bastard girl Ser Corwyn mentioned. I wonder how she is tolerated within the Gryffen family. Her presence as the bastard child of Lord Harron must bring the ire of his wife. How embarrassing it must have been for her for her husband to have bedded another woman and to produce a child with her.

If I had to guess as to her motives for fighting in the tournament, it would be to gain the approval and acceptance of her father. She sure does seem to have a chip on her shoulder.

2023-06-09, 06:55 PM
Aubin was right to assume the Fishing District and the Small Castle were even more defendable than the Falcon Keep itself. On his way up to the solar he observed how the fortifications of the Small Castle had suffered damage and repair in the past, while the Keep was immaculate. Not only it had been built later than the Small Castle, the Falcon Keep was also a product of times of peace. No matter how bloody the civil war had been through the last decades, the Gryffens managed to keep it away from their shores. Once called "Griffin Cliff", with an 'i', Falconsward became the gallant golden triangle against their blue shield.

Falconsward was a place of honor, but more importantly a place of glory. It screamed in bright colors so that anyone, friend or foe, would recognize House Gryffen by what they do best.

Two golden-haired children, a boy and a girl, tailed the Voiceless for the length of a corridor, both impressed and afraid of their masks. They fled immediately as they were spotted, scared, but giggling.

* * *

Turning to Aubin, Ser Corwyn made sure to shape his syllables clearly and mime, as someone who was used to talk to him. "It is an honor to hear that, my lord. In fact... I was once in a tournament with you - Highgarden, three years ago. It wasn't my best performance... But saw you unhorse Ser Reginald the Angry in one round and win the trophy. We stomped the ground so hard that day I thought the earth would crack beneath our feet. Yes, I certainly hope I have the privilege of facing you in the games."

Romily, on the other hand, didn't bother to greet all three guests; She blatantly challenged Greyjoy to the competition, drawing the attention of some of the knights standing nearby.

2023-06-09, 08:27 PM
Percival let his eyes wander as they were guided along, taking in the keep. He knew his gaze would be kept note of, but didn't care to hide his reaction to the overall inspiration.

He goes rather light on the wine after having a bit more than necessary on the boat, mostly helping himself to water. He takes no offense to the matter of food currently. Tauron and Aubin had already vocalized it better than he could. Even so, "No worries. Your hospitality is appreciated. I'm sure the festivities will leave us more than satisfied."

While he had of course been to grander tournaments, Percival appreciated how well they seemed to have it organized at Falconsward. He got quite a bit of amusement at the thought of other competitors just hoping to prove themselves. "Why, that's the finest way to make a name for yourself, competing for glory! It's also my favorite way to encounter new allies."

He always takes just as much pride in the presentation as the combat itself. One way to guarantee you'll be noticed is in providing entertainment, win or lose. He and Tauron view combat and the tournament very differently, but they both could always agree without having to say it. When it comes to life and death, there's no time for games.

"I don't know how much use I'll be in the additional contests, but I welcome any duel!" He's made many friends and shared many a drink immediately following countless duels of his time. He expects these events to follow very much the same.

2023-06-10, 08:15 AM
The knight beside Ser Corwyn seemed interested in Frey's thoughts on tournaments. "Here in Falconsward, entertainment is almost as important as your skill with a weapon. Win the favor of the crowd, and the trophy will be yours." This was not a member of House Darry, but a nameless sworn sword who had the privilege to wear their colors.

"Duels and jousts will start tomorrow. I don't suppose any of you will take part in the archery event today?"

(This conversation happened before Romily's interruption)

For those who choose to showcase your skills to the crowd, what are you planning to do?

2023-06-11, 03:37 PM
Tauron Greyjoy (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2794049)
Half-elf Ranger 2/Rogue 4
AC: 18 HP: 53/53 PP: 18 PIv: 13 PIs: 18
HD: 2/2d10, 4/4d8, Conditions: none
Favored Foe: 3/3 LR
Combat Superiority: 4/4 SR
Tauron backtracks some on his refusal to participate. He realizes he may have gone too far. He did not mean to offend, only to tamp down any expectations. He had not been raised to participate in these events, he did not understand the point of watching others pretend to fight, and he knows he won't be very good on a horse, but he does not want to disappoint anyone who might want to test themselves against a Greyjoy. He's also intrigued by this lady Romily Storm. A bastard, a daughter, and yet still able to rise to be Captain of the Guard by just 19.

"I am fine with swordfighting, as long as I can use these cutlasses. If anyone would like to practice their dueling skills with me, I will acquiesce, and if others want to watch, that is on them. As far as rowing, that is a little below a captain, but perhaps a sailing competition would be appropriate. You must have a couple of small sailboats we could race. Perhaps on a day with more wind and rougher seas, to really show our skills."

He also perks up at the mention of an archery competition. That is something he could join. He usually just uses a crossbow on a ship, since it's easier to use in cramped quarters, but he can use a longbow if he needs to.

"Archery sounds fun. I would love to practice with a bow."

dangelo, did Lord Greyjoy refuse us bread and salt? I think that would indicate he is not offering us guest right and means to kill us.

2023-06-11, 06:00 PM
Romily's face turned to relief. A regular noble girl would have apologized repeatedly for such bad manners, buy Romily didn't seem to bother. "It will be a delight. Archery, Skirmish, and Sailing. If those are your games, they are also mine."

"I feel the urge to add," Ser Corwyn raised a finger in the air. "The edges must be blunt. As part of the rules of the tournament, of course."

2023-06-13, 07:12 AM
"I feel the urge to add," Ser Corwyn raised a finger in the air. "The edges must be blunt. As part of the rules of the tournament, of course."
"A custom I am more than familiar with, of course!" Percival offers another small bow, and obvious flourish of his hand moving to bounce off the hilt of his blade. He loves putting on a show, and sincerely looks forward to the opportunity for that as well as the competition itself.

Requested performance check!


2023-06-13, 10:17 AM
The knight beside Ser Corwyn seemed interested in Frey's thoughts on tournaments. "Here in Falconsward, entertainment is almost as important as your skill with a weapon. Win the favor of the crowd, and the trophy will be yours." This was not a member of House Darry, but a nameless sworn sword who had the privilege to wear their colors.

"Duels and jousts will start tomorrow. I don't suppose any of you will take part in the archery event today?"

(This conversation happened before Romily's interruption)

For those who choose to showcase your skills to the crowd, what are you planning to do?

"Archery is one of my favorite events in any tournament. I plan on joining most everything in the tournament, except for Falconry. Although I would love to have the opportunity to learn should there ever be time. It is not a common skill where I am from."

Romily's face turned to relief. A regular noble girl would have apologized repeatedly for such bad manners, buy Romily didn't seem to bother. "It will be a delight. Archery, Skirmish, and Sailing. If those are your games, they are also mine."

"I feel the urge to add," Ser Corwyn raised a finger in the air. "The edges must be blunt. As part of the rules of the tournament, of course."

"Naturally! I've got my tournament sword with me just for the occasion! If we should meet in any part of the tournament, I wish you the best of luck in the competition!"

Aubin plans to showcase his relationship with his Horse by communicating with the horse entirely in AVSL and giving Muet various commands such as walking around him, rearing up, jumping around as if he's trying to buck someone off and stopping precisely when Aubin tells him to before finally Aubin sends Muet to the furthest end of the Arena to gallop at Aubin full speed before coming in to a slide next to Aubin.

For this, I feel I'll need 2 Checks. Wish me luck y'all

Animal Handling for how well Muet follows my commands and the timing of it
Performance for how entertaining I make it for the crowd.

2023-06-14, 09:20 AM
One by one the knights joined the lists. Each time the squire called a name, man and horse would ride from the tent and into the arena, ready to put out a show.

First to be announced was Lord Jareth Gryffen, glittering in his blue and gold. A few guards, all wearing blue cloaks, set up an obstacle course in the arena with wooden barriers;The stallion graciously leapt over each of the barriers, all while Jareth swung his sword against an army of invisible foes.

Next was Romily Storm, who entered the arena with a hooded hawk on her wrist. Jareth bowed to her as she walked by, bur the girl took no notice.
One of her blue cloaks attached a piece of bait to a string and wheeled it high in the air. Her hawk flew up past the bait, made a sharp maneuver above the arena and dropped down like a missile, wings close around the body. The bird was nimble enough to recover from the dive after snatching the bait in the air.
As the well-trained hawk it was, it didn't eat the prey, but rather brought it down to its master and waited to be fed from the hand.

Ser Edric Tarth cut down twelve straw men in a whirlwind of blows; Lord Cedric Gryffen also showed his skills with a hawk, and later Ser Corwyn Darry did the same; Ser Reynard Blackwood released a flock of doves in the arena and swiftly shot them down with his bow; A hedge knight hurled heavy rocks into the other, and another one sparred with two squires at the same time.

Finally Aubin's name was announced, and although his performance would've been quite impressive back in the Reach (or anywhere in mainland Westeros for that matter) he was competing against the best riders and horse trainers in the Stormlands, if not in the Seven Kingdoms.

It didn't help that the very next competitor announced, Lady Esther Gryffen, was even more impressive than Jareth on horseback. The girl did everything between standing tall on the saddle and riding sideways, pulling her horse into sharp turns, including fast-mounting and leaping off the saddle while still in motion. In the end, she made the horse rear and remain on its hind legs for a few seconds, winning a last round of gasps from the crowd.

The last competitor to be announced was Percival Frey.

* * *

Meanwhile, Tauron Greyjoy was shown to the Lord's box, where noble men and women watched the performances from a privileged angle. There he saw Lord Harron and his wife, Alysanne, always accompanied by her lady-in-waiting. The teenager Lucas Gryffen sulked for being forbidden to join the lists, and the young Aerys tried to comfort his brother.

The other Gryffen siblings and their spouses were all present besides Lord Cedric, who entered the lists, and Lord Lyonel, who lived in the Maester tower. Septa Marianne watched over the younger kids, while master-at-arms Ser Garris overlooked the tournament.

Ser Garris approached Tauron between one performance and another: "Lord Greyjoy, I hear our captain of the guard has challenged you in a rudely manner... I do apologize for her. Over the years I managed to turn the girl into a fine warrior, but never did much progress with her loose tongue."

2023-06-14, 10:32 AM
Tauron Greyjoy (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2794049)
Half-elf Ranger 2/Rogue 4
AC: 18 HP: 53/53 PP: 18 PIv: 13 PIs: 18
HD: 2/2d10, 4/4d8, Conditions: none
Favored Foe: 3/3 LR
Combat Superiority: 4/4 SR
Tauron answers Lord Corwyn, "Of course. I have training cutlasses in my gear. I just prefer their balance over an unwieldy longsword, and a shield is too cumbersome on a ship."

Once in the Lord's box, he does his best to give proper greetings and follow noble protocols. He sits where he is assigned and watches the displays of prowess with amusement, but without the zeal that his fellow nobles seem to have for the sport. All of this preening and performing is strange to him, and he has never quite adjusted to how much these mainlanders like their spectacles, although he is a little jealous of their horsemanship. As a sailor, he never learned more than the basics of running and jumping a horse.

When Ser Garris tries to apologize for Romily's tongue, Tauron politely waves off his concerns.

"I am not offended, and there is no need to apologize to me. Ironborn are no slaves to decorum and refinement. I appreciate her direct manner, and I hope you all will grant me the leeway you show her if I am ever too forthright due to my upbringing."

He then settles in to watch his friends, spending more time watching the events than he does the spectators around him.

Insight to catch anything around him: [roll0] Edit: I guess he's more focused on the show than I thought he'd be.

2023-06-15, 11:51 AM
Percival enjoys watching each of the other competitors presenting their variety of skills. He always thought it best in this way as opposed to parading about with unproven talent.

When his name is called, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. The routine he would perform had never been put together in its entirety, though each individual maneuver had seen its fair share of audience.

He steps forth into view holding his empty hands up high and gradually speeds into jog and then running. As he jumps into the air, he swiftly draws the shield from his back at the same time and turns over into a dive. The shield hits the ground first, setting him in a hand stand, but he is unable to maintain the balance for very long. He attempts to shift his weight forward, but the miscalculates to land on his feet, instead plopping firmly on his behind. The favor of the crowd doesn't seem to care very much, and suddenly he remembered, he forgot to stretch!"

Of course, he is no stranger to humility and raises his hands up with a booming, "Ha!" Though he decides best not to be the jester today and slow down the acrobatics in order to focus on his performance.

He begins spinning slowly around the shield, pressing it into the ground, and gradually standing up himself. When he lifts the shield up, the dirt completely cakes it over, but he doesn't stop spinning. Instead, he draws his blade and holds it far out on the opposite side pointing to the audience all around. Each time his shield side passes the Lord's box, he taps the top of it with his blade. The first one shakes free the dirt along the edges of his shield, revealing the border. The second shakes free the dirt on all else save the house crest. The third shakes free the familiar blue joined castles of Frey House, revealing a flawless shield once more.

He continues the circular motion while holding his shield up high and swiping his blade at the ground in seemingly random patterns. Eventually he stops just in the middle of all the action and takes a deep bow. All around him, drawn in the dirt, is an obvious outline of the very crest upon his shield. He places the shield on the ground with house crest facing the same way, toward the Lord's box and begins moving away toward several straw men, each wearing helmets.

He draws his whip with his now free hand and strikes it a few times in the air to a familiar rhythm, a similar tune he learned in Falconsward during their stay thus far. It then flows naturally into him snapping at the dummies, completely removing the helmet from each one in turn. Just as the last one hits the ground he takes a quick spin and launches his blade in the air toward the many nobles. A gasp from a few onlookers is quickly silenced as he immediately follows up with a swing of his whip that catches the blade in mid-air. The momentum continues as he pulls it around in a circle sending his blade instead into the center-most target and knocking it to the ground.

He pauses and takes bow in every direction then collects his blade and shield, putting each away in turn with its own zealous flourish. He takes another bow in each direction before heading out from the center.

Something of that nature, accounting for a less-than-impressive acrobatic stunt, but hopefully a notable performance otherwise.

2023-06-16, 01:17 AM
"Yet you adhere to our etiquette. I appreciate that." The master-at-arms bowed his head slightly. "Perhaps there is more we could learn from each other. My men would certainly find it a privilege to see your sailing skills in action."

At this point, Percival's performance drew the attention of the crowd, and their conversation was interrupted. "All the glory of King's Landing, boys and girls, lords and ladies..." Announced the squire. "What an incredible number to conclude our ceremony! Now, my people, there will be no more waiting: the Tournament of Falconsward has officially begun! May the blessing of the Seven fill your hearts, and let the games begin!"

About half of the crowd left the arena once the opening ceremony was over, off to the townsquare where there would be dancing and singing. Those who remained moved to one side of the grandstand, so to keep clear from the line of fire.

The Archery event would be rather straight-forward. All competitors would have three attempts on each of the four categories: regular shot, long shot, moving target and horseback archery. In the end, the one with more points would win the trophy, and a beautiful recurve hunting bow as a reward.

Longbows and quivers containing twelve arrows each were positioned along the whole extension of the wooden fence. The squire asked all competitors to stand by their designated post, in order: Jareth, Romily, Edric, Cedric, Corwyn, Reynard, the two hedge knights, Aubin, Esther, Percival and Tauron. At the sound of the horn, all competitors were allowed to take the first shot, which was carefully noted by a second squire. The new score was announced, and they would proceed to the second shot and third shot.

Cedric Gryffen, Reynard Blackwood and Esther Gryffen had good results.
Edric Tarth, Romily Storm and both hedge knights had average results
Jareth Gryffen and Corwyn Darry had terrible results

2023-06-17, 08:55 AM
Reynard Blackwood and Esther Gryffen dominated the modality until Aubin landed several perfect shots in a row. Arrow after arrow, he aimed for the stramen's heads and dispatched them like sitting ducks. When the squires threw clay plates into the air, Aubin was the only competitor to hit the target three times, and even from horseback he delivered an acceptable performance.

His victory was clear even before the Archery event had come to an end. All competitors stood in line again, and Aubin was called before Lord Harron to receive his trophy. "Ser Aubin Oldflower, sworn sword of House Redwyne! You have displayed outstanding skills with the bow today. Archery is a traditional knightly discipline, and you Ser has proven your valor. Please accept this trophy: It was made by our finest craftsmen, from the trees of our very island."

The hunting bow was beautifully crafted indeed, decorated with floral patterns carved delicately onto the wood. Such a heavy recurve bow would require a strong back and a good set of shoulders to de drawn, and if used correctly, there was no game it couldn't take down.

2023-06-17, 04:24 PM
Although hawking was the signature discipline of Falconsward Island, it wasn't the most competitive of games. In reality, it worked as a second talent show: Jareth brought in a red hawk and made it catch lures right before they hit the ground. Esther's bird remained perfectly still on her glove, standing unhooded and calm, while she leapt onto her saddle and burst into a gallop around the arena.

Edric, Reynard, Romily, both hedge knights, Aubin and Tauron chose not to participate in Falconry.

The winner was Esther Gryffen, and judging by the reception it wasn't the first time she had won the category. Her trophy was a new horse, an adult purebreed with a mane of gold, one of the many bred and trained by her House.

Twilight approached and the tourney was paused for the day. The lords and ladies formed a group to walk back to the keep, while some of the competitors remained in their tents.

2023-06-19, 02:46 PM
Tauron Greyjoy (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2794049)
Half-elf Ranger 2/Rogue 4
AC: 18 HP: 53/53 PP: 18 PIv: 13 PIs: 18
HD: 2/2d10, 4/4d8, Conditions: none
Favored Foe: 3/3 LR
Combat Superiority: 4/4 SR
Tauron watches the falconry competition with only mild interest. Horsemanship is impressive to him, but he thinks that falcons are of no great use, unless you could train them to hunt ravens and intercept communications, but he didn't see anything to suggest that during the tournament.

After the day's events, he walks back to the keep with the nobles. He spends his time chatting with them and trying to get them to open up about the island and any gossip or local politics.

He is looking forward to tomorrow. He would like to see how these islanders fare in a sailboat, and based on the sky it looks like a storm might be blowing in tonight which should make it even more interesting.

Insight to catch anything around him: [roll0]
Persuasion to get people to open up [roll1]

2023-06-19, 11:23 PM
Tauron was a man of the sea, a sailor before a noble - To a man like him, the new faces in Falconsward might become something between overwhelming and uninteresting. Although it didn't affect his etiquette, the ironman did not believe the nobles were engaging in any sort of gossip that might concern him at that moment.

The lords and ladies who attended the event formed a group to return to the keep. Lord Harron lead the entourage, sided by his lady wife and younger children, and his siblings trailing behind - All those old enough to sit a horse had their own steed, whether man, woman or child. Jareth, Esther and the other younger competitors remained at the arena, drinking and singing into the night, and Romily resumed her duty as captain of the guard.

Tauron engaged in several conversations on his way back to the Falcon Keep, and once there, at the sitting room where the lord of the castle and his closer associates shared a private supper. Observing them from up close, he could understand how the Gryffen clan was socially structured in three pillars: Lady Isabel and her side of the family, which included Lord Gideon Darry; Lady Sasha Gryffon, wed to Edric Tarth; and Lord Cedric, wed to Jocelyn Swann. Since Lord Harron listened to them all equally, they frequently argued among themselves as his councilors or ministers.

Now free of their children, the Gryffen siblings and their spouses allowed themselves a horn of mead or a goblet of wine. In the corner of the sitting room, an old woman played soft notes on a harp.

With such a high Charisma result, Tauron has the chance to interact with/observe the inner circle while they're potentially drunk and enjoying themselves. You can either talk to them word-by-word or just ask for a general description of your interaction

2023-06-22, 09:37 AM
Reynard Blackwood and Esther Gryffen dominated the modality until Aubin landed several perfect shots in a row. Arrow after arrow, he aimed for the stramen's heads and dispatched them like sitting ducks. When the squires threw clay plates into the air, Aubin was the only competitor to hit the target three times, and even from horseback he delivered an acceptable performance.

His victory was clear even before the Archery event had come to an end. All competitors stood in line again, and Aubin was called before Lord Harron to receive his trophy. "Ser Aubin Oldflower, sworn sword of House Redwyne! You have displayed outstanding skills with the bow today. Archery is a traditional knightly discipline, and you Ser has proven your valor. Please accept this trophy: It was made by our finest craftsmen, from the trees of our very island."

The hunting bow was beautifully crafted indeed, decorated with floral patterns carved delicately onto the wood. Such a heavy recurve bow would require a strong back and a good set of shoulders to de drawn, and if used correctly, there was no game it couldn't take down.

Aubin thanks Lord Harron and bowed before his competitors politely. When Aubin has the chance to go off and be by himself a bit, he admires the craftsmanship of the Bow. The Recurve bow is shaped much differently than his Longbow. The bow was smaller, but felt somehow stronger. Aubin tests the pull of the bow and realizes the pull is actually much harder than his Longbow. This bow would be excellent for combat on horseback. This being one of the gifts of Falconsward did not surprise Aubin since the riders of Falconsward have many years of experience in shooting from horseback and would have designed some excellent bows for riding. However, Aubin realized he could not keep the bow at full draw for as long as he could on his longbow as easily, making it less useful in siege warfare where coordinated archery fire is key.

The beautifully crafted recurve bow was slim enough and small enough that it may potentially be eligible for a Saddle Holster, allowing the bow to always be strung. Aubin made a mental note to see if such a thing would be available to purchase in the Falconsward market.

He tested the bow and realized the bow would fire the arrows just slightly faster and harder than the longbow, giving it a slight boost.

Since Aubin was not anywhere near the first in the order to go when competing, he was watching each competitor carefully and was mentally taking notes, intending to write everything down in his chambers later.

1. Jareth (Ter) - Aubin was surprised by this performance. As the heir of Falconsward, Aubin thought that he would have placed a high importance on archery practice. If Jareth is typically a studious archer and good at it, then he may just have had a bad day. Either way, not the best look for the heir so far.
2. Romily (Avg) - For someone making so much noise, her archery is average. She probably excels in close range combat
3. Edric (Avg) - He is young and needs more practice. However, this is not a bad start for him
4. Cedric(Good) - Aubin noted Cedric's skill with the bow. He would have to keep Cedric in mind for Falconsward's archery capabilities
5. Corwyn(Ter) - He seemed like someone who would eschew the bow for the most part. I think he will be a fearsome opponent in the duels
6. Reynard(Good) - He's the best archer so far in this competition. Leave it to a Blackwood to be one of the most talented folks in any event. He will be a fearsome opponent in most events I believe
7. Hedge Knight #1 (Avg) - A good soldier who uses proper techniques but obviously doesn't dedicate the whole of their free time to archery
8. Hedge Knight #2 (Avg) - Great form, could have been as good as Cedric if his release was just a little better
9. Esther(Good) - Went After Aubin, this lady is just straight up talented at everything isn't she? She is a flawless horserider and even after seeing my performance, she was not the least bit intimidated. She did not lose her competitive spirit and Aubin was impressed by her. She has a tremendous amount of talent

lthough hawking was the signature discipline of Falconsward Island, it wasn't the most competitive of games. In reality, it worked as a second talent show: Jareth brought in a red hawk and made it catch lures right before they hit the ground. Esther's bird remained perfectly still on her glove, standing unhooded and calm, while she leapt onto her saddle and burst into a gallop around the arena.

Edric, Reynard, Romily, both hedge knights, Aubin and Tauron chose not to participate in Falconry.

The winner was Esther Gryffen, and judging by the reception it wasn't the first time she had won the category. Her trophy was a new horse, an adult purebreed with a mane of gold, one of the many bred and trained by her House.

Twilight approached and the tourney was paused for the day. The lords and ladies formed a group to walk back to the keep, while some of the competitors remained in their tents.

Aubin watched the Falconry intently. He wanted to see what its uses were. He plans to talk to either Jareth or Esther after the tourney day is over to try and learn the basics of Falconry as far as information. The number of Falcons is something that Aubin is starting to believe that he needs to account for and learn everything that he can about. He thinks he will try to learn Falconry for himself if he can. He will see if either Esther or Jareth will be willing to teach him a little bit about it.

After the competition is over, Aubin stayed in the arena and approached Esther. He had one of his Voiceless Ears with him, a Voiceless that can hear and interpret on a conversational level (court interpreting requires special training in most cases). Whilst conversing with Esther, Aubin looks for any body language and clues that may help him to develop a working relationship with Esther. Aubin is going to try flattery and see where it takes him.

"Lady Esther, you are doing great in the competition! You were one of the best shots out of us all and the horsemanship I've seen from you is impeccable! For one so young to be so talented is always a good sign for the land and its prosperity.

If you would forgive me for asking but, can you teach me some basics of Falconry? After watching you and Jareth with your birds and having them be so disciplined and so obedient is nothing short of amazing and I want to learn how to have a relationship with birds like that. "

Passive Perception - 21

Rolling Persuasion to see the request for Falconry training will be received well

2023-06-22, 10:47 AM
As night fell, the competitors shared wine and banter in the common tent, now mostly empty. A fire right in the middle of the tent kept them warm and cooked a rabbit for their dinner.

Jareth talked to the two hedge knights at a corner, sharing theories about the level of skill of the other challengers. Corwyn Darry talked to his sister Gideanne and her husband Reynard Blackwood by the fire. Esther was giving tips to the young Edric Tarth when Aubin approached them;

"Lord Aubin, while I appreciate your kind words, you were the actual champion of the event. If anything, I should be asking you for a lesson on Archery." She rested her goblet on a storage barrel nearby.

"Shall we exchange it then? If you can help me shoot straight, I'll take you to the mews and show you how to handle a bird. I'm already teaching my brother Lucas anyway. Falconsward will gladly lend you a ladybird or a sparrow hawk, but eventually you must acquire your own bird if you truly wish to learn our discipline ."

"Let us get started once the tourney is over, yes? I realize you must have your accounting to do... a couple of hours every morning is all we need to make progress."

2023-06-22, 11:59 AM
As night fell, the competitors shared wine and banter in the common tent, now mostly empty. A fire right in the middle of the tent kept them warm and cooked a rabbit for their dinner.

Jareth talked to the two hedge knights at a corner, sharing theories about the level of skill of the other challengers. Corwyn Darry talked to his sister Gideanne and her husband Reynard Blackwood by the fire. Esther was giving tips to the young Edric Tarth when Aubin approached them;

"Lord Aubin, while I appreciate your kind words, you were the actual champion of the event. If anything, I should be asking you for a lesson on Archery." She rested her goblet on a storage barrel nearby.

"Shall we exchange it then? If you can help me shoot straight, I'll take you to the mews and show you how to handle a bird. I'm already teaching my brother Lucas anyway. Falconsward will gladly lend you a ladybird or a sparrow hawk, but eventually you must acquire your own bird if you truly wish to learn our discipline ."

"Let us get started once the tourney is over, yes? I realize you must have your accounting to do... a couple of hours every morning is all we need to make progress."

Aubin considers the offer. After some consideration, he believes it to be a fair trade and heartily agrees

"I think I will gladly take you up on your offer of training in Falconry in exchange for training and practicing your archery.

I will admit that the idea of having my own bird in the future in order to truly master the discipline sounds challenging but very intriguing.

I think meeting in the morning will be most agreeable, we will nail down the specifics after the tournament. As for my accounting, thank you for reminding me, I think I would like to stop by the stables tonight before I retire to do a count of the horses. Would you be able to tell me where the stable is where the horses are being kept? This will also give me an excuse to give my horse, Muet a little bit of love!"

2023-06-22, 09:14 PM
"So what they say is true: your steed shares your condition." Esther rubbed her chin, thoughtful. Aubin was used to that kind of expression, a mix of awe and curiosity; it was a common reaction for people who knew he was deaf but were surprised by how well he communicated. "This is quite impressive. In Falconsward we learn to value the bond between man and beast. For you to see your horse as an equal rather than a mere mount is worthy of our respect."

"About the horses... you may visit the stables and count our personal animals, but these are just a fraction of our herd. Most of our horses are kept on the other side of the island, out in the open field." Esther pointed vaguely to the east. "We have about forty animals here in the castle, plus a few hundred in the farms - But you'll want to sort out horse from foal, stallion from mare and garron from courser and count them separately."

"My lord father recently sold a good batch of warhorses to our friends in Storm's End. " She added. "So we might be running low on ready horse. I'm sure Lord Gideon has the bookkeeping if you need that to your accounting. He's married to my aunt Isabel."

@Stone-Ears You may roll Insight to catch some body language when Esther mentioned Gideon and Isabel

2023-06-23, 11:25 AM
"So what they say is true: your steed shares your condition." Esther rubbed her chin, thoughtful. Aubin was used to that kind of expression, a mix of awe and curiosity; it was a common reaction for people who knew he was deaf but were surprised by how well he communicated. "This is quite impressive. In Falconsward we learn to value the bond between man and beast. For you to see your horse as an equal rather than a mere mount is worthy of our respect."

"About the horses... you may visit the stables and count our personal animals, but these are just a fraction of our herd. Most of our horses are kept on the other side of the island, out in the open field." Esther pointed vaguely to the east. "We have about forty animals here in the castle, plus a few hundred in the farms - But you'll want to sort out horse from foal, stallion from mare and garron from courser and count them separately."

"My lord father recently sold a good batch of warhorses to our friends in Storm's End. " She added. "So we might be running low on ready horse. I'm sure Lord Gideon has the bookkeeping if you need that to your accounting. He's married to my aunt Isabel."

@Stone-Ears You may roll Insight to catch some body language when Esther mentioned Gideon and Isabel

Aubin listens intently to Esther and carefully looks for anything in Esther's body language that may help him to glean a little more information about Esther.


"Yep! Muet is also deaf and I love it. Before I had Muet, I had good horses. They were loyal, obedient, and strong but there was something....missing. There wasn't that connection between man and beast that would bring out the best in each other. It was more of a master/servant relationship.

That changed when I found Muet. He was wild and untamable. The men in my family had tried and failed to break him. Muet actually broke one of my uncles ribs and to this day, that uncle of mine still won't let me forget it. None of the things that my family did worked.

It wasn't until I came along and gave it a try that I figured out what we needed to do.

See, my family had been trying to approach him from the sides, figuring that would be the safest way to approach him. Normally this works for them and they can get on the horse and break him. But for Muet, he did not like anything approaching him from the sides. He would immediately do one of two things: run away if he was outnumbered or fight if there was only one person trying to approach him as my uncle did.

I tried just about the same thing my uncle did, but I approached him from the front. I got to about 15 paces away from him and then just sat on the ground, cross-legged. I think I must've confused the poor horse because he tilted his head and almost seemed to laugh, if a horse could laugh. Then he just stared at me for the next 15 minutes, it felt like days and nights to me but it was only a mere 15 minutes before he came forward and cautiously sniffed me.

I slowly raised my hands for him to see and I got up from my seated position so that Muet and I could stand man to horse and get to know each other. We looked each other deep in the eyes and saw something familiar. I slowly reached out to Muet with my palms outstreched wide, he sniffed my palm and kind of withdrew a bit before he allowed me to put my hand on him and get the rope around his neck. After that, it just took a few weeks to get him trained as my personal mount. We found out he was deaf a few days into successfully getting him back to our farm. He was sleeping and my Dad was trying to wake him by hollering at him but Muet would not respond until my Dad gently kicked him awake after thinking he was dead. Muet shot right up and was ready to go running anywhere but there because he wasn't used to being awakened that way. Dad narrowly avoided being trampled by him in the stall we were keeping him in. After that, Dad said he would never "work with that cursed beast again, I tell ya!" After that, I was the only one that really worked with Muet regularly.

The connection between Muet and I is something I can hardly find the words to describe. When we work together, it is almost as if he sees all the same things I do and more, he shares the same thoughts I do, and he fights every bit as hard as I do. He knows I will support him and I know that he will support me as well. It's hard not to respect him as an equal when he's done just about damned near everything to make sure to tell us he would only work with us on his own terms. We've been together many years now and he's still going pretty strong. "

Aubin smiles as he recounts his story of how he came by Muet. He takes a drink of his wine in his cup, finishing the cup and helping himself to another pour of the wine in his cup.

"I'm thinking about retiring him from combat though, and allowing him to just live a Stud's life in peace. I might continue racing him to keep him healthy, competitive and happy but I think he's had enough fighting after almost a decade. Once I find a suitable combat successor, Muet will move to living the good life back home in Arbor.

Part of why I was so interested in answering the King's call to come do the accounting was because I've heard that Falconsward has some of the best horses outside the Reach, and possibly even better than the ones in the Reach and though I've yet to judge that in its entirety. I have to say I'm quite impressed with the quality of the horses I've seen so far as well as their care.

Now as for the actual accounting of the horses themselves, I will need to work out the details after the tournament. I'm thinking I will need a few riders from amongst your ranks to help me with the accounting. We can discuss more later.

Thank you for referring me to Lord Gideon for the bookkeeping. I will need to arrange a meeting with him to see what he has in his ledgers regarding the horses you have here on Falconsward as well as details about the group that was sold to your friends in Storm's End. "

2023-06-24, 02:58 PM
Esther listened closely to the story of Muet. An enthusiast horse trainer herself, she understood the inner workings of his methods and how he managed to tame such a beast.

"Most knights won't even name their horses so they won't suffer when they fall in the battlefield." She shifted her weight from one side to the other. "It will be interesting to see you in action; We have plenty of hot tempered stallions for you to show your skills. You see, we have a rule in Falconsward not to neuter our garrons. They grow more aggressive and territorialist, but an aggressive beast can still be tamed."

She sighed and lowered her shoulders when Aubin mentioned the manpower needed to help with accounting. "Indeed you'll need riders to herd so many horses. But you must discuss it with Romily, as she's a rather strict captain. As a rule, she won't move her men unless my lord father signs the order." She and Edric shared a meaningful look. "Romily is... hot-tempered, but dutiful. Sometimes to a fault."

Esther frowned slightly as she mentioned her aunt Isabel and her uncle Gideon, the Steward of Falconsward. Whether it was a small discomfort or a long lasting feud, Aubin couldn't tell - he only knew there was something off between Esther and them.

2023-06-25, 06:08 PM
"Most knights won't even name their horses so they won't suffer when they fall in the battlefield." She shifted her weight from one side to the other. "It will be interesting to see you in action; We have plenty of hot tempered stallions for you to show your skills. You see, we have a rule in Falconsward not to neuter our garrons. They grow more aggressive and territorialist, but an aggressive beast can still be tamed."

Hmmm yeah, I do not ascribe to that line of thinking. Your horse is your partner in combat just as much as the man or woman next to you. I named my horse so we would have a better connection, so that we would fight as one.

Besides, what is the point of battle if there is nothing to lose or nothing to gain. Muet is every bit the warrior you and I are. If he should fall in Battle, it will be a Good Death. I would see him again in the Seven Heavens for both the Warrior and the Father love a valiant war horse to add to their hosts

She sighed and lowered her shoulders when Aubin mentioned the manpower needed to help with accounting. "Indeed you'll need riders to herd so many horses. But you must discuss it with Romily, as she's a rather strict captain. As a rule, she won't move her men unless my lord father signs the order." She and Edric shared a meaningful look. "Romily is... hot-tempered, but dutiful. Sometimes to a fault."

Esther frowned slightly as she mentioned her aunt Isabel and her uncle Gideon, the Steward of Falconsward. Whether it was a small discomfort or a long lasting feud, Aubin couldn't tell - he only knew there was something off between Esther and them.

Aubin drinks the rest of his wine and pours another glass, his last of the evening.

I respect that. If it were so easy for an outsider, no matter how important they are in their own sphere of influence to just order your men around, it would point to abysmally poor leadership and weak loyalties.

I will inform Romily of my intentions to requisition her men and to secure the blessings of Lord Harron to carry out the accounting of the horses.

Aubin drinks half of his glass of wine.

Ok so, I thank you for your time and your answering my questions. Thanks also for agreeing to teach me the basics of Falconry. I look forward to learning the discipline.

I've now got a few items I'll need to work on.

1. I'll need to arrange a meeting with Lord Gideon for his records on the sale of the War horses
2. I'll need to inform Romily about the requistion of her men in advance so we can arrange the accounting of the horses.
3. I'll secure Lord Harron's blessing for the use of his men .

You have been most helpful Lady Esther.

Aubin stands and finishes his last glass of wine. He beckons to his Voiceless escort to get ready to leave with him.

I'm going to go see my horse before I retire for the evening to my chambers. If you will excuse me, I will take my leave.

Good Night Lady Esther

Aubin bows and walks, closely followed by his Voiceless escort. He visits Muet and gives the horse some love.

Aubin then walks back to his chambers, changes into his conmfortable night clothes and slippers and sits in the common room at the table, writing down the notes of the day which includes his thoughts on the tournament and listing the action items he will need to remember to follow up on after the tournament.

2023-07-02, 09:38 PM
A few hours into the evening, Lady Alysanne detached her arm from Lord Harron's and made for the far side of the sitting room, by the table where Tauron was helping himself with appetizers: sturgeon pastries, grilled cheese, lemon cakes and other fine dishes.

"I hope you are finding your first day in Falconsward pleasant enough, Lord Greyjoy. It is quite a surprise to see one of your House sailing at this side of the continent." She picked a lemon cake and inspected it absently before putting it down. "When we received word that emissaries from King's Landing were to visit our island, we thought Lord Tywin might be sending his own men. Our Lord Hand is good to the realm, but can sometimes be too.. truculent, if not belligerent. Instead, you three have brought nothing but friendly faces to us."

"I was informed that the captain of the guard was incredibly rude to you before the tournament; I apologize for that behaviour. Romily is my personal retainer, and she will be disciplined properly. Anyone who wields a sword in my favor should have proper manners. I don't suppose you have accepted her foolish challenge? Please, feel no pressure to do so. You are our guests before anything else."

2023-07-04, 05:59 AM
Tauron Greyjoy (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2794049)
Half-elf Ranger 2/Rogue 4
AC: 18 HP: 53/53 PP: 18 PIv: 13 PIs: 18
HD: 2/2d10, 4/4d8, Conditions: none
Favored Foe: 3/3 LR
Combat Superiority: 4/4 SR
Tauron wanders the party, making small talk, introducing himself, and listening to the others tell him about themselves. He very much enjoyed his first day of the tournament and is looking forward to the sailing competition tomorrow.

When Lady Alysanne approaches him, he is friendly and polite, making sure to use proper etiquette and show her respect. When she brings up his interaction with Romily, he again tries to make sure they know it was insignificant.

"I was not offended ma'am. She was direct, and I appreciate that. It always seems more honest to me to be direct. I have no problem sparring with her. Hopefully we can both learn a little from each other and improve ourselves."

He then moves on to getting to know the matriarch of the family a little better, complimenting her on her lands in the process.

"So how is life here at Falconsword? You must love living in this paradise. Never far from the sea, but safe up here from the storms. And the Gryffon's have such beautiful sailing ships. Do you ever get out on them for fun?"

2023-07-05, 12:26 AM
Alysanne and Tauron walked about the sitting room as they talked, her lemon cake long forgotten on its silver platter. They came to the tall windows that overlooked the Narrow Sea, black and deep under the feeble moonlight. "You make an interesting observation, Tauron Greyjoy. I remember having a similar thought when I first came to Falconsward: Such a rich and naturally protected island should produce strong sailors, souldn't it?"

"But the Gryffens haven't been sailors for all their history. Before Harris the Gryffenknight was granted the island, they were hawkmasters under house Tyrell in the Reach. They spent generations honing their mastery over hawk and horse, but ships are a different matter."

"When it comes to war, they prefer to carry their horses into safe land and fight there. And since the island is so well protected, they've had little to worry about over the years." Alysanne allowed herself a laugh. "Pardon me. It's not ladylike to talk about war and battles. I'm sure my son will be more capable to answer your questions, as Harron allows him to manage all military affairs in Falconsward."

2023-07-19, 09:55 AM
For Branda and Uthred, who sailed from Storm's End to Falconsward:


Perched atop a rugged cliff overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean, Castle Falconsward stood as a bastion of strength and grandeur by the Narrow Sea. A marvel of architecture, the castle embodied a fusion of regality and maritime elegance, its towering spires reaching for the heavens while its foundations delved deep into the bedrock of the cliffside.

At the base of the cliff, nestled along the shoreline, lay the Small Castle and the bustling Fishing District. The sound of seagulls filled the air as the aroma of freshly caught seafood wafted through the narrow streets, where colorful fishermen's cottages painted a picturesque scene against the backdrop of the roaring waves.

Ascending the winding path carved into the cliffside, one arrived at the heart of Castle Falconsward—the Falcon Keep. Rising proudly against the azure sky, the fortress stood as a symbol of power and authority, blue-and-golden flags billowing from every tower.

Beyond the walls of the keep sprawled the Ward's Burgh, a bustling hive of activity where the echoes of everyday life filled the air. Streets teemed with merchants and dancers, and the clamor of a vibrant marketplace filled the cobblestone lanes. No less that five thousand lived in Ward's Burgh, their lives entwined with the ebb and flow of the island's fortunes.

Further, beyond castle and town, wooded hills rolled far into the horizon. First, sharp and rugged, where narrow pathways meandered through dark valleys; Then progressively flatter and smoother, gravel and rocks giving up to mud and grass, until the flatlands were all one could see in any direction.

Most of the eastern portion of the island was flat and fertile, and covered by settled land. Fields of rye, wheat and beans sprawled over every bit of arable land, separated by mere treelines and scarce groves. Several tiny hamlets thrived in East Falconsward, and a few smoke trails indicated the presence of lumberjack cabins in the outskirts of the thick, dark woods to the west.

Among the sharp rocks of the western portion of the island, Ward's Burgh was really the only settlement to be seen, and the only sign of any human life for that matter. The dense woods and the inhospitable mountains of West Falconsward was territory of shadowcats, mountain lions and birds of prey, and many other predators well-known to men. They respected the wild and mostly remaind within the safety of their walled city.

* * *

Coming from the Crownlands to the north, the company's vessel made a wide circle into the Narrow Sea and sailed all the way along the outer shore of Falconsward, circling the entire length of its extension before reaching the western cliffside again. This entire lap around the island would be easily taken as a safety maneuver for a precise anchorage, while it gave the visitors a chance to scout the island from the outside before setting foot on dangerous territory.

House Gryffen had arranged a warm reception for the emissaries of King's Landing: Once they spotted their vessel, horns were blown from dozens of ships guarding the bay, summoning an entourage of knights in shiny armor to the harbor. They rode purebred stallions in a disciplined trot, keeping a formation of two lines that was just narrow enough to navigate the cobblestone lanes, and lined up flawlessly along the docks. The same blue-and-gold from the banners decorated their uniforms and helmets, fine wool worn over polished plate.

Their commander wore a particularly flamboyant mane of golden horsehair attached to his helmet. He removed it to issue orders to the dockers nearby, revealing his vibrant complexion: black of hair, square of chin and a piercing set of blue eyes that reflected the glare of the ocean. "Greetings, our esteemed guests!" He called in a loud voice that just barely made through the crashing waves, yelling seagulls and cracking wood of the ship. A dozen dock workers were busy securing the ship to port and setting up heavy ramps to the open deck. Those were large enough to be crossed by horse and livestock, and whatever heavy cargo they might have brought to the island.

The commander climbed off his horse and stood by the ramp. The entourage was made of five other knights and himself, all displaying flawless etiquette. "I am Jareth of House Gryffen, at your disposal. My lord father insisted that I were to greet you here, and escort you back to the Keep. My lords."

Organized in lines of two, they rode their way through the cobblestone streets of the Fishing District and the gates of the Small Castle. As the company could now see, the Fishing District was nested against the rocks and isolated from the rest of Falconsward; The only way to access the rest of the island was to sail around the rocks or to take the winding path carved on the cliffside, which was accessed through the courtyard of the Small Castle.

The way up took no longer than twenty minutes*, and lead them straight into the courtyard of Falconsward Castle. The place was usually busy with peasants and knights and merchants, but everyone had paused their activities to watch the guests' arrival. Standing before the tall double doors that lead into the Falcon Keep were the remaining members of House Gryffen, neatly standing in order of age: father, mother, two boys and two girls. Each had the same blue eyes and black hair, besides Lady Alisanne who was fair of hair and complexion.

Jareth and his knights kicked their horses forward, riding past the visitors to wait by the keep. The unit fell into a perfect line formation and rode in a beautiful 'S' shape across the courtyard, evoking a round of applause from the crowd who gathered around the keep.

My lord father Harron Gryffon, the Wise Lord of Falconsward, I have the honor to announce:" Sitting proudly on his saddle, Jareth puffed out his chest and indicated the company with a wide, if not flamboyant, movement of his arm. "Branda Stark of the North and Uthred Hightower of the Reach, our esteemed guests and emissaries from King's Landing!"

Jareth rejoiced as if he had announced 'emissaries from Heaven'. "This is my lord father, Harron Gryffen."

The Wise Lord of Falconsward stepped forward. Well over his forties, Harron conserved a thick mane of hair that fell around his shoulders and a beard so long he could tie it to his belt. "My people of Falconsward, today is a day for celebration, for the glory of King's Landing wades into the Narrow Sea and reaches us like rays of sunlight." He turned to the guests proper. "May your stay in our humble province be filled with the utmost splendor of the Grace of the Seven."

The guests were conducted into the main hall of the keep, immediately greeted by floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the Narrow Sea. Unlike the Red Keep in Kind's Landing, Falconsward was rather cold, and guards would often rekindle the several braziers that kept the main hall warm and comfortable. Two long tables were laid out to accommodate all the residents of the keep.

* Still gotta figure out how long this winding path really is. I might make it longer (30 min) or shorter (10 min) and retcon this part in the near future, sorry in advance.
While servants carried their luggage up to the guest chambers, Branda and Uthred were taken to the courtyard to meet Aubin and Percival. Half a dozen hedge knights who were visiting the island for the tournament were also having breakfast there, along with Ser Garris, the marshal and master-at-arms, and Romily Storm, captain of the guard and illegitimate daughter of Lord Harron.

The young Jareth joined Aubin, Percival, Branda and Uthred for a piece of bread with honey and a goblet of light beer, but didn't linger for too long. "Let me know if there's anything I can do for you, my esteemed guests." He said before leaving the keep and heading to the stables.

Feel free to ask Jareth any questions before he leaves, but other than that, you may consider this conversation a private one, distant enough from prying eyes and curious ears.

2023-07-21, 03:11 PM
For Branda and Uthred, who sailed from Storm's End to Falconsward:

While servants carried their luggage up to the guest chambers, Branda and Uthred were taken to the courtyard to meet Aubin and Percival. Half a dozen hedge knights who were visiting the island for the tournament were also having breakfast there, along with Ser Garris, the marshal and master-at-arms, and Romily Storm, captain of the guard and illegitimate daughter of Lord Harron.

The young Jareth joined Aubin, Percival, Branda and Uthred for a piece of bread with honey and a goblet of light beer, but didn't linger for too long. "Let me know if there's anything I can do for you, my esteemed guests." He said before leaving the keep and heading to the stables.

Feel free to ask Jareth any questions before he leaves, but other than that, you may consider this conversation a private one, distant enough from prying eyes and curious ears.

Aubin is pleased to see that both Uthred and Branda arrived safely. Aubin is wary of Branda's direwolf, Dorren, but has a healthy respect for him. Aubin personally thinks it is quite impressive that Branda is able to work with a direwolf, given their size, power, and temperament. But as a Reachman, Aubin was initially mistrusting of Branda and the Direwolf, not really believing that it was actually possible to work with one. However, having met Branda and Dorren before, Aubin is much more comfortable with having them around and is grateful because, should things turn south, a Direwolf is a welcome ally. He also trusts Branda as Dorren's handler and knows Dorren will not do anything out of line without first having been provoked. Aubin just hoped that the people of Falconsward will choose to have a healthy respect for Dorren vs trying to treat him as if he is simply just a larger dog.

Aubin was especially happy to see Uthred Hightower, a formiddable opponent in all of the archery events he had participated in. It was disappointing that Uthred should miss out in the first day of the tournament with the archery. No doubt Uthred would have made it an extremely close match.

Aubin makes small talk with Jareth, asking how he slept, if he was excited for the events of the day. Aubin also eats some bread with honey and water for breakfast.

After Jareth leaves them to head to the stables, Aubin catches Branda and Uthred up on what he has learned so far and what he plans on doing for the day - participating in the events of the tournament.

Infernally Clay
2023-07-22, 04:56 AM
The journey to Falconsward was long and difficult. Branda Stark, a tall and powerfully built woman from the coldest reaches of the north, could withstand the most bitter blizzards and the most scorching desert winds but the sea was another beast entirely. Branda much preferred her feet on solid ground and she was not the only one - when the waves grew fierce and the ship rocked like the gods themselves were throwing it around like a toy, Dorren howled and paced restlessly. Branda knew what Dorren wanted, to be off this thing he did not understand and to run in the grass and field and forest again. He, too, wanted his feet on solid ground.

So it was a relief, for both of them, when the ship finally docked. The welcome was a little excessive in Branda's eyes but she understood that first impressions were vitally important. As such, when Jareth of House Gryffen introduced himself, Branda did the same. "I am Branda of House Stark and I thank you and your Lord Father for your kind welcome and hospitality." Branda bowed politely and Dorren did the same. Clearly the direwolf picked up a few things from his master, but Jareth probably noticed Branda was still a little seasick and was trying to hide it.

After introductions were made at the keep and Branda, Uthred and Dorren were led to the courtyard, Dorren began sniffing around for food. The direwolf looked at his master and, with a brief wordless gesture from Branda, Dorren sat at her side at attention. Branda then asked Jareth if he could have meat brought for her direwolf and turned her attention to the people gathered here. First impressions were vitally important, so Branda wanted to know who among the people here were most disturbed by Dorren's presence.

When Aubin caught up with them and informed Branda and Uthred of what he knows and what he intends to do, you can almost feel as though Branda's ears perked up. Perhaps she picked up a few habits from Dorren, too.

"A tournament?" Branda muses, "What is the next event?"

2023-07-22, 06:21 AM
Uthred Hightower (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2814683)
Half-elf Bard 6
AC: 17 HP: 39/39 PP: 13 PIv: 13 PIs: 15
HD: 6d8, Conditions: none
Bardic Inspiration/Combat Flourish: 4/4 SR
Combat Superiority: 4/4 SR

Uthred had quite enjoyed his time on the boat; hailing from Oldtown, he had sailed before and a part of his training in the Citadel involved mastering navigation, which required practical courses too. He would move around the boat, like in synch with the waves of the sea, chatting with noblemen and commoners alike to try and pry all that he could of the current events at Falconsward without revealing anything about his true purpose here, matching it with what he had learnt. He would also talk with Brenda in length, as she would allow, and try and sate his curiosity of Dorren; while he had spent time with the magnificent creature before, it was a magnet for his attention as he marveled at how it worked together with Brenda and seemingly had none of the instincts of wild beasts, like a trained hound but thrice the size. With much experience of working with beasts, it all seemed so strange and yet enthralling to him that he felt compelled to continue.

I would like to learn what Uthred already knows based on his extensive studies of history (using Tactical Assessment to add 1d8 to the History-roll if applicable), and know what he can learn during the boat trip. What should I roll and where? I didn't see a die roll thread yet.

Either way, he's especially interested in any deeper information on the persons of note [special attention to Maester Bertrand], notable past actions of the house and whose sides they have taken in the recent history, etc.

As they arrived in Falconsward, Uthred was captivated by the welcome party: such an impressive show of strength and respect: a suitable envoy, not only landbound but seabound escort, the perfect formations and movement of the knights... Almost like something he would orchestrate himself! He immediately shifted his assessment of the house upwards by a bit, but of course, it also made him slightly more wary about the nature of the conspiracy that may lurk within: it's clear that there are sharp minds at work behind the operations here and who knows where their true allegiances lie.

While he felt a bit bored by the rituals, Uthred fought to not show it and played the part etiquette reserved for him, respectfully accepting the goodwill of his hosts and responding in kind. After Branda's presented herself to Jareth, Uthred took a step forward, bowed in a grandiose manner, and presented himself as: "I, Uthred of House Hightower of the Reach, by the blessing of his Grace King Aerys II Targaryen, extend the most heartfelt of thanks to you, your esteemed Lord Father, and your noble House, for having us as your guests. Let the Seven bear witness your honour."

As the procession took him to the keep to Lord Harron Gryffon, he would also praise the honour of house Gryffon, careful to keep it sounding earnest. As he was escorted to the would then join his own company, and Jareth. He greets Aubin warmly, their common history fresh on his mind. Aubin is one of the few to beat him at Archery, and somewhat special in the way. He then turns to greet Percival, whom he also knew from tournaments and with whom he shares a camaraderie based on the shared tournament history of theirs. He uses the sign language as he would rather talk to both at once: "It's good to see you two! The journey was long enough and while the company was good, I am glad enough to be here. I hear we missed some of the best parts already!"

As Jareth joins them for a short while, Uthred asks: "The word has come to my attention that we are currently in the middle of a tournament. As with my friend, that sounds quite interesting! Are any of your house participating in any of the events?"

After Jareth's departure, he has a long chat with the others, trying to get up to speed about the recent developments, and thanking Aubin for (unsurprisingly) taking Archery in his absence.

2023-07-23, 12:43 PM
Much like any other castle in Westeros, Falconsward teemed with animal life: oxen pulled cards, seagulls unloaded on the battlements, dogs scavenged around the kitchens... and _horses_. There were horses everywhere; Young and old, docile and unbroken, and with manes of all colors possible for equines. In addition, any member or house Gryffen who was old enough to ride had their own steed, including Lady Alysanne. Still, most of the horses were too well trained to neigh or rear at the direwolf, instead facing away from it with all the discipline an animal could have - the dogs, however, disappeared from the courtyard like scared pussycats, and Dorren had some privacy to enjoy the guts and bones the cooks would throw out to the hounds in the courtyard.

As Uthred soon realized, the Tournament of Falconsward was a rather small event, and this year it was specially smaller since it had been brought forward several months to coincide with the arrival of the emissaries from King's Landing. Only half a dozen low-ranking knights had managed to attend, while normally it would have brought competitors from all over the Stormlands.

Almost in answer to Branda's question, Lord Harron's herald, the man responsible for the logistics around the tourney, came to their table with a long parchment in hand. He had been quite busy the last couple of days, running around the castle to get everyone's names while keeping his beret perfectly balanced on top of his head. "Lords and ladies, I'm glad you could all be here for the main event! While it's a pity that you missed Archery and Falconry, I am sure you will enjoy today's games."

He checked his parchment again. "May I ask in which modalities you wish to participate? We have Rowboat and Sailboat races in the morning, Duels in the afternoon, and Jousts tomorrow."

It was clear that Lord Harron had put extra effort and resources in his tournament; While usually each participant was responsible for signing up themselves, this tourney had a herald dedicated exclusively to it.

Reading the parchment, Aubin, Percival, Branda and Uthred could see how the Rowboat race and the Duels were team events, while Sailboat and Jousts were individual.

Infernally Clay
2023-07-23, 01:13 PM
It’s better that I missed archery, Branda thinks, No sense in showing my hand just yet.

“How many participants will there be in the duels?” she asked, wondering about the rules of the game. She would like, after all, to assess the skill of the knights gathered here firsthand. Just in case. She then turned to those beside her and said: “It could be amusing, if anyone would like to join me.”

Branda then put her name down for the joust as well, as it isn’t often one gets to engage in such things. She would, however, avoid the sailing games. One boat trip this month was enough, thank you very much.

2023-07-23, 05:03 PM
The herald cleaned his throat before reciting the names:

"Lord Jareth Gryffen,
his sister Lady Esther Gryffen,
his lord uncle Cedric Gryffen,
Ser Corwyn Darry,
the young Ser Edric Tarth,
Ser Reynard Blackwood,
Ser Garris Staedmon,
Romily Storm,
the hedge knights Ser Jaremy Barler, Ser Dorian Pyke, Ser Odric Rivers, Ser Magnus Hill, Ser Alistair Glen and Ser Elowen Sylver.

These are the competitors who signed up to Rowboat race, Duels and Jousts." He double checked his parchment full of scribbles and notes along the margins. "Not all will take part in the Sailboat race."

I might change the number of hedge knights depending on our quorum, so apologize in advance

2023-07-26, 11:18 AM
Noticing the extreme effort Harron has put into this tournament for the King's Emissaries, going so far as even to appoint a dedicated herald to the events impressed Aubin. He always liked professionalism and efficiency and Harron was making sure that everything was going smoothly for this tournament.

Despite his lack of practice, Aubin signed up for both events, thinking he can at least give it a good and honest try in the events. In the past, Aubin has performed in events that he's never participated in just to see what it was like simply for the fun of it whether he did well or not. After putting on an excellent Archery display for everyone in the Archery event, Aubin was much more willing to try events that he didn't think he'd show well in because he can at least point to his archery event as a game he did well. This attitude has much to do with his own noble vanity than anything else. He cannot stand to look the fool if he hasn't at least had a favorable outcome in one of the events.

"My good Herald, please put me down for all of the events for today: the sailing - we will see how that goes eh - , the Rowboat event, and most certainly the duels. I'll never turn down an opportunity for a good and honorable fight!

I won't lie, I hope I get to meet Ser Reynard or Lady Esther in the duels. If they are half as good at dueling as they are at archery, it will be a glorious battle.

I will also participate in the Jousts tomorrow. Muet will enjoy the opportunity to compete as well I think!"

2023-07-30, 05:31 PM
The arrival of Branda and Uthred immediately makes Percival feel more comfortable, knowing that their numbers bring safety and cover more ground in general, not to mention just sharing familiar faces. After their own introductions to Jareth, Percival moves forward to embrace Uthred, an equally respected competitor. "You missed an awful good showing yesterday. Let's hope it wasn't the best to see yet!

He takes a few careful steps in the direction of the ever familiar Dorren. While he's always been a bit wary of a direwolf's potential nature, his trust and respect for Branda and Dorren's control far exceeded his own worry. He bows to each of them and raises with a wide smile, again showing his obvious excitement.

"Fear not. While this may not be a large event, it's certainly an impressive arrangement. I'll be trying my hand at a bit of everything, and putting on a show while I'm at it. You know me!" He throws an obvious wink to his comrades.

2023-07-31, 12:08 AM
Uthred Hightower (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2814683)
Half-elf Bard 6
AC: 17 HP: 39/39 PP: 13 PIv: 13 PIs: 15
HD: 6d8, Conditions: none
Bardic Inspiration/Combat Flourish: 4/4 SR
Combat Superiority: 4/4 SR

Uthred thought for a bit with the Herald's announcement and stated "Given I sadly missed the first day's events, I shall also gladly partake in all the events. I'll be glad to have a good competition with all of you!" He gave nods to his companions and the herald, continuing to discuss the past events and the competition after the herald had left.

2023-07-31, 10:37 AM

The morning was particularly sunny in the second day of the tourney. After breaking bread in the Great Hall, the emissaries from King's Landing walked out into the courtyard, immediately greeted by Dorren's bloody breath - He had the most canine smile on his face after a good meal by the kitchen windows, licking his lose and assuming his dutiful position by Branda's heel.

The arena had been build right outside the castle walls, by the pine woods that surrounded those cliffs. From the elevated seats, one could glimpse the Narrow Sea and the ships in the bay; Walking further onto the edge of the cliff, the Small Castle and the Fishing District would also become visible, thousands of feet below, nested against the cliffside.

However, this morning, the competitors met in the courtyard and made for the Small Castle in one big caravan. For the women and children, it was a fun expedition to the Fishing District, a somewhat rare occasion - although they lived in an island, the residents of Falconsward weren't that fond of the sea, or so it seemed.

The descent took little more than thirty minutes; Guards rode ahead to clear the docks for the event, and four cogs were pulled into the bay.

Ser Corwyn Darry and Ser Reynard Blackwood set aside their rivalry and teamed up for the Rowboat race; They carried noble names of the river lords, and both rowing and archery were part of their signature. It wasn't a surprise when they received the first trophy of the day: a decorative piece of gold crafted in the shape of a peacock feather, each fiber nicely forged in a wavy shape, for finishing first and entire lap around the bay.

Next was the Sailing race, a round trip to the edge of the bay and back to the shores of Falconsward. Again, the river lords had a natural advantage, but Percival, Aubin and Uthred managed to catch a strong wind just at the right angle and saw a real chance to actually win the race. The second half of the game was a narrow competition between the river lords and the emissaries from King's Landing, fifteen minutes of pure suspense. After all, Percival was a river lord too, and Aubin served House Redwyne - both had at least some experience around a sailing ship. The two vessels were nose-to-nose, rushing back to the docks; The men worked like their lives depended on it, tying and untying knots, giving and taking sail, gliding over the seawater at full speed, the noise of the breaking waves filling their ears...

But suddenly, the cry of a hawk was heard through the blue sky. It was a large beast, not a dashing Peregrine but a clumsy White Hawk with large wings and piercing black eyes, and talons big like an eagle's. It closed its wings around its body and dove like a missile - REEEEAP - right through the sail of the river lords' ship. The vessel instantly lost speed, and - REEEEAP - the White Falcon recovered from the dive and attacked the sails of the second ship, the one piloted by Aubin, Uthred and Percival.

A third cog suddenly dashed ahead into first place, and those who fell behind could hear the loud hoorays of the sailors ahead. Ser Garris Staedmon steered the ship, and standing on the prow was Romily Storm. The White Hawk returned to her gloved wrist and she hooded it quickly so the bird would stand quietly, a proud smile on her face as her men chanted her name: "Captain Storm! Captain Storm! Captain Storm!"

Romily and Ser Garris were awarded the second trophy of the day: A Lysene tapestry depicting several Valyrian heroes and their dragons, all with golden hair and violet eyes.

After a long trek up the cliffside, the caravan headed to the arena where most of he competitors would eat their lunch, while their families remained in the comfort of the Great Hall. Cauldrons of porridge were cooked for everyone in the common tent, and knights and lords eat their bowls while double checking their armors, honing their blades or simply preparing their minds for the duels.

During this prep stage, Romily Storm and Ser Garris approached the company. "This was a good race. Too bad Lord Greyjoy couldn't stay here to see it." She extended her hand for a friendly shake with each of the emissaries from King's Landing. "It was an honor to compete with you all."

"It seems like we might also face each other in the Duels." Ser Garris added, scratching at his grey mustache. "It's been a while since I last saw a Stark in action. Let alone one with a Direwolf at her side. That is an impressive beast, Lady Branda. How do you manage to keep him so calm?"

2023-08-01, 12:16 PM
Uthred Hightower (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2814683)
Half-elf Bard 6
AC: 17 HP: 39/39 PP: 13 PIv: 13 PIs: 15
HD: 6d8, Conditions: none
Bardic Inspiration/Combat Flourish: 4/4 SR
Combat Superiority: 4/4 SR

During the rowing competition, Uthred finds himself wondering, why he signed up in the first place. Neither strength nor endurance are really his fortés and this game is mostly about that. He finds small benefits in the bigs of applicable knowledge he has gathered on efficient usage of the strength and endurance during his training as a maester, but ultimately it is still mostly a game about the attributes he is both, uninterested in training and not naturally exceptional at.

In the sailing competition, he is more in his element: sailing is something he has studied a fair bit in theory and occasionally in practice. Working together with his companions, Percival and Aubin, they manage to do really well until a cheap shot from ser Storm literally takes the wind out of their sails. Uthred appears simultaneously infuriated and impressed: he does not mind cheap shots, but that's certainly something he do himself. He is however frustrated at losing when he goes through the list of things he could have done to prevent the attack, from shooting the bird to misdirecting it or simply shifting the sails momentarily to make it miss. All of that would have required prediction or observation though, neither of which he managed in time.

He eats well and partakes in smalltalk over the dinner, but also trying to covertly pry information from his competition. Chatting up the local lords, he brings up the topic of previous tournaments and their winners and how the current participants have fared. "I have been quite impressed with the level of these events, in spite of the relatively remote location. It has been my honour to compete with all these masters of their art. I am all the more sad to have missed yesterday's events, but perhaps there will be a chance for me still! I wonder, who has the most dueling trophies here on Falconsward? Are there some black horses in the races?" He continues on to wonder about what kind of tactics they employ and how they typically defeat their opponents, comparing them to the greats of the Realm and their famous feats and strives. He doesn't really hide his intentions all that well, but ultimately it might not matter that much.

History for information on opposition - (1d20+8)[26] + Tactical Assessment - (1d8)[7]
Persuasion to dig out information - (1d20+10)[12] + Commanding Presence - (1d8)[8]
Deception to do it covertly - (1d20+7)[9]

From here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25836205&postcount=95))

Later, as the group chats with Romily Storm and ser Garris, Uthred shakes Romily's hand. "Close events, to be sure. The honour is all mine." he replies with a broad smile. "Quite an impressive approach you chose last time - I wonder what we might encounter in the duels. Not having a win yet feels...weird, and I feel like that is where I get to show my skills the best. I hope you too shall make it hard on us! Just off the record, besides us in this conversation, who would you name as the toughest competition in the two remaining events?" he asks with a smile and a carefully crafted look of slight admiration on his face.

2023-08-01, 12:24 PM
Aubin is excited for the tournament events.

During the caravan ride, Aubin started imagining what some of the prizes might be. No doubt they would be extravagant and unique. If Aubin was able to take more than just the bow home, he would love to have his prizes displayed in his trophy room/study he has back home.

Aubin wasn't surprised that the River Lords teamed up mainly because if you could count on ONE thing from a Blackwood, it's that they are competitive to a fault. They are always seeking glory and honor for their family as well as opportunities to grow their wealth and power, just like any Noble families. Aubin didn't know that Darry was THAT good with boats given his snap judgement of the Darry family based on their coat of arms (brown field with a black man holding a plow). He did not initially believe they had the skills to be this good on the water given that he thought they were just a strong agricultural family. Aubin notes this strength from Darry.

In the Sailing Race, Aubin was throughly enjoying himself. He felt so in sync with Uthred and Percival. He was ecstatic that his team was able to keep up with Blackwood and Darry. He witnessed the hawk attack on both boats and followed where the hawk landed.

He laughed uproariously, greatly amused by Captain Romily Storm.

He shouts to the River Lords and his teammates

"Look at the wee lass looking so damned proud like she accomplished something! HAH!"

When Romily and Garris approached the company, Aubin took Romily's hand firmly and addressed her.

"That was some mighty impressive hawking but I do question the wisdom of your actions towards whatever end you are hoping to achieve.

He releases Romily's hand and continues.

"Y'know people aren't that dumb right? In the competition we have 2 River Lords who just absolutely decimated the competition in the Rowboat segment and have proven to all that can see that they are true masters of the water vessels. The way they worked together was beautiful and honorable even though I'm pretty damn sure neither of them likes the other very much. They put that aside for the beauty of competition and to attain honor and glory. They have achieved that. "

He looks pointedly to Romily.

"You.....on the other hand. I wonder what people will say about the circumstances of your victory. Will they be kind? Or will they be cold? After all, you sailed in easily with your white hawk on the wrist whilst the River Lords and the aforementioned known masters of water vessels mysteriously have some pretty odd, distinctly hawk shaped damages to their sails. And wouldn't you know it, it just so happened the honorable King's Emissaries ALSO suffered those strange hawk shaped damages to their sails!

It's a happy day for Captain Romily though, is it not?"

2023-08-02, 10:00 AM
"I have been quite impressed with the level of these events, in spite of the relatively remote location. It has been my honour to compete with all these masters of their art. I am all the more sad to have missed yesterday's events, but perhaps there will be a chance for me still! I wonder, who has the most dueling trophies here on Falconsward? Are there some black horses in the races?"

Eldariel had a much easier time extracting information from the low ranking knights that had sailed to Falconsward for the tourney. Since Lord Harron had changed the date without notice, this year's event was smaller than usual, but these knights had been here before and knew how things worked around the island. "Oh, but this is the charm of Falconsward. Fierce like any storm lord, but with the grace of their birds. See, before they moved to this island hundreds of years ago, the Gryffens were hawkmasters under House Tyrell in the Reach. They adapted well to the shipbreaker sea, but never lost their good taste for the finer things. Perfumes. Dances. Gifts. Ride with pride, soar with grace. You'll find these words in their shields." Said Ser Odric Rivers. The young bastard was sliding a whetstone along the edge of his longsword, and testing it against the edge of an old piece of leather every now and then. "As for the current champion? Why, that's no mystery: Lady Esther is the strongest sword and lance in Falconsward. She doesn't participate every year, but I never saw her joining the lists and not taking the trophy."

Later, as the group chats with Romily Storm and ser Garris, Uthred shakes Romily's hand. "Close events, to be sure. The honour is all mine." he replies with a broad smile. "Quite an impressive approach you chose last time - I wonder what we might encounter in the duels. Not having a win yet feels...weird, and I feel like that is where I get to show my skills the best. I hope you too shall make it hard on us! Just off the record, besides us in this conversation, who would you name as the toughest competition in the two remaining events?" he asks with a smile and a carefully crafted look of slight admiration on his face.

"You.....on the other hand. I wonder what people will say about the circumstances of your victory. Will they be kind? Or will they be cold? After all, you sailed in easily with your white hawk on the wrist whilst the River Lords and the aforementioned known masters of water vessels mysteriously have some pretty odd, distinctly hawk shaped damages to their sails. And wouldn't you know it, it just so happened the honorable King's Emissaries ALSO suffered those strange hawk shaped damages to their sails!

It's a happy day for Captain Romily though, is it not?"

Romily seemed to be waiting for just that kind of comment, a hint of mischief glinting around her eyes. Ser Garris wasn't as subtle: he was visibly proud of her performance.

"Why, you think I tried to hide that little stunt? Oh no, everyone saw what my bird did." Romily couldn't hold back a grin, a friendly one, but still triumphant and rather cocky. "I trained that bird to sabotage sailing ships years ago. I've been waiting for the right tourney to try it out, see, because I only had one chance. From now on, I'm sure Blackwood-and-Darry will have archers ready to prevent my little trick... So I had to make it count."

"I've been waiting and waiting, year after year, and you were the most daring and challenging foes I could expect to drop by Falconsward. Now everyone will know that the bastard girl beat the emissaries from King's Landing."

"As for the rules? Lord Aubin, I can't hope to win by breaking lances with you. So I resorted to something else, something my family understands all too well: Drama. If you win their hearts... If you give them a show they won't forget... Then rules will mean nothing to you. It took a long time for me to learn that. That's the only way to earn their respect... No matter how futile that can be."

2023-08-03, 05:26 AM
Percival applies all of his heart and soul into the race. Next to his comrades, he feels unstoppable. The event is exhilarating, a sort of competition he hadn't felt in quite some time. He had almost forgotten what this was like, but the skills never really left, clearly.

Suddenly the wind left their sails literally at first and, once the realization set in, metaphorically as well. He was able to accept defeat rather quickly though and joined Aubin in a fit of laughter, despite the circumstances. It was all in good fun, but he couldn't help but feel a bit robbed. Every word that Aubin would present resonated with him and aroused a sense of suspicion toward their competition. But then the response came and a small part of him felt a different level of understanding.

"I have felt loss in many ways, today was nothing new. I can admit an appreciation of your drive. I can admit to making a name for oneself, as I have done. Especially so, I understand your flare. "Give them a show they won't forget," indeed. That's certainly my motto, one that takes far more years and experience than you have to make a claim at the pride I am known for."

He takes a brief moment to finish the drink he happened to be working on. He rolls it around in his mouth just as he toys with the next words in his head.

"While you have made a fair showing today and your name recognized, you admitted yourself it's only once. How do you plan to maintain your renown?

2023-08-03, 01:30 PM
"You're right, Lord Frey. I had one trick up my sleeve, one stunt - and I pulled it off." Romily nodded, hiding that mischievous glint. "Now? Back to real life."

"I've been captain of the guard for two years now... but it doesn't stop here. I'm surprised no one told you yet, I don't try to hide what I want." She exchanged looks with her mentor before saying, "I wish to be knighted by my lord father, as says the norm, at the age of one-and-twenty or earlier, if he seems fit."

2023-08-05, 12:20 AM
The conversation was interrupted by a few other knights who came to congratulate Romily for her "cleverness" in the race; Soon, the tent was filled with knights and lords and ladies waiting to be summoned to the arena. Duels would be a rather quick modality, as each fight was quite short and competitors paired up for each round. Thus, it was decided that Jousts could be brought forward to the same afternoon.

Lord Harron's younger brother Cedric Gryffen paired up with the river lord Corwyn Darry against Romily and Ser Garris; The bastard girl and the old master-at-arms won the first match, but lost to Branda Stark and Uthred Hightower on the second. Branda and Uthred had easily defeated the low-ranking knights Jaremy Barler and Odric Rivers, then barely managed against Romily and Garris, and finally lost to Jareth and Esther on the big final. The siblings defeated Edric Tarth and the river lord Reynard Blackwood on the first round, and both the semifinal against Aubin and Percival and the final against Branda and Uthred, who were both exhausted from fighting the experienced master-at-arms and the fierce bastard girl.

Aubin and Percival's semifinal was breathtaking - the arena was much more crowded than the day before, giving the fighters that old, familiar feeling of an actual tournament, rather than the talent show that the Tourney of Falconsward had been so far. However, basically everyone was cheering for Jareth and Esther, and the combination of low morale and exhaustion made Aubin and Percival lose grip of the situation, and end up thrown onto the ground with the tip of two longswords pointed at their faces. The people in the crowd knew very little about the guests - noticing that, Lady Esther requested them to stomp the ground rather than just clap, and raised both Aubin and Percival's hands in the air to salute them even in defeat.

Branda and Uthred knew they could have won that final match, wasn't for the tiring fight just before. Ser Garris and Romily gave combat until the very end, when the old knight's bad knee betrayed him and Romily couldn't fend off the two opponents by herself. Although strong and capable, at over forty years old, Ser Garris wasn't as light on his toes as he once had been. When it was time to face the champion, Lady Esther the Hawkmistress, her flurry of blows and Jareth's support - he wielded the biggest shield he could have hoped to find, and a spear to poke over the shield, making Esther the main unprotected target and merely giving her support from a safe position and staying away from danger throughout the whole fight - combined with years of training together, a kind of synchrony that only brother and sister could have.

The trophy was a longsword - dragonbone hilt, castle-forged, made of regular steel but still high-quality, decorated with inscriptions in High Valyrian. Uthred could notice, however, that despite masterpiece that was the sword, the spelling of the inscriptions was off. Whoever had marked those words on the blade did not speak High Valyrian fluently, and was using someone else's notes as reference. No one else seemed to notice, or care.

They were done with Duels before two after-noon, and servants occupied themselves with the final preparations for Jousts. Now the arena was really crowded - packed, even, with not only blacksmiths and cooks and nobles, but citizens of Ward's Burgh and their families, and even peasants from the villagers to the east of Falconsward. Candy-sellers and dancers and heralds and singers and bards and soldiers and children and women and horses and hounds and bird-sellers and gamblers and beggars--

"Lords and ladies, people of Falconsward, brothers and sisters..." Went the herald. His speeches were rather long, so to give the competitors plenty of time to realize they should get ready to ride.

Aubin, Percival, Branda and Uthred gathered by the tent when the young Lord Jareth approached them. He had a small cut on his lip from the final, but was otherwise in good condition. His face, however, was severe. None of that flamboyance remained in his hard expression. "My lords. My lady." He said without wasting any time. "What I have to discuss with you is of utmost secrecy. If you wish to befriend House Gryffen, I beg you, hear me out."

"We had enough of Romily's attitude." He looked from one of the emissaries to the other, clearly uncomfortable with the subject, before moving on. "I have discussed it with my cousins, and we need your support on this."

"We will refuse to compete with her, and announce to the crowd how she cheated in the race. I will demand that my lord father bans from the tourney permanently, and she will return to her place: as a guard. I beg you, if I can call you friends. Support us on this, and you shall have my full support back in the future."

2023-08-08, 02:32 AM
Percival looked forward to the duels more than anything. He knew, no matter the outcome, that he would learn a great deal and enjoy every moment allied with his good friend, Aubin. The two of them would flow almost seamlessly back and forth, trading steps and blows with the opponents. Percival was able to switch between variations of shield, blade, and whip in such a way that no other competitor was able to present.

Through all the effort and near-flawless execution, it wasn't quite enough. They were against the best, and he was proud to have stood across from the eventual victors. He had no doubt the crowd would remember the presence of him and his comrades, especially since the others made the final with an equally exceptional display of talent.

Oddly enough, he began to relax as a greater amount of audience poured into the arena. The event altogether was impressive, and a small part of him just wanted to join the spectators for the evening. (He even expressed as much to his allies.) Then Lord Jareth's presence caught his attention.

"Well, we didn't come here to make enemies, but we came to make friends. Guess you can't acquire one without having a bit of both. Do you think it wise to make such an unexpected announcement in the open? Perhaps that decision should be made by your father without the display. After all..."

He pauses to make eye contact with the other three, hoping to gauge their opinions on the matter. "... She thrives on the attention, obviously. You haven't given us much time, but I feel most everyone has developed thoughts on the matter. Where exactly is her place again?"

He remembers his earlier thoughts of wanting to take it easy the rest of the day. He'll need to be a bit more discerning about how many events he can handle as the years creep up on him. "Your alliance and support would be a welcome one, for a great number of reasons, but the four of us will make no move without a unanimous decision."

It goes without saying in this moment that Percival's alliance with Aubin, Branda and Uthred is absolutely unwavering. He knows the words weren't needed to convey that, but certainly makes him feel more secure.

I want to persuade him not make a show of it, but certainly open to provide our support in a sort of discreet intervention with Lord Gryffen.

Persuasion: [roll0]

Everyone else, feel free to state your own thoughts on the matter! If we don't have full agreement on support, we'll figure it out! (I may not be the best leader.) :smalltongue:

2023-08-08, 07:09 AM
Jareth was surprised by the answer Percival gave. In his eyes was the surprise of a nobleman who wasn't used to getting "no" for an answer. "That's... sensible, I suppose." He looked at each of the four in the eyes, trying to figure them out. "I wonder why. Would you rather befriend a bastard girl and a knight with no name rather than I and my lord father? Think about it, as you shall find the right answer."

"Her place is where she belongs: as a guard. I already think it was unwise to name her captain, but the men seem to like her for some reason." He insisted. "I must leave you then, and give you time to think on the matter. But keep in mind this is happening with or without you. And you certainly rather be on the right side of justice by the end of the day "

He fetched his helmet and put it back on his head. "I will see you in the lists."

2023-08-09, 08:33 AM
Uthred Hightower (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2814683)
Half-elf Bard 6
AC: 17 HP: 39/39 PP: 13 PIv: 13 PIs: 15
HD: 6d8, Conditions: none
Bardic Inspiration/Combat Flourish: 1/4 SR
Combat Superiority: 1/4 SR

Uthred gives Percival a curious look and gets back to Jareth. "Hmm, I feel we should think over this a bit longer, ser Jareth. This is a sudden request and there is of course more to the story than meets the eye - hence why ser Percival requests a bit of time for us to truly think over the repercussions of all of this; his point about Romily being essentially given the attention she desires by making her the focus of the whole affair rings true.", Uthred states in a matter-of-factly tone. Then he lightens up his tone a bit and begins to speak a bit more melodically as if to convince ser Jareth:

However, I think, for my part at least, I can say that we might agree with you on this topic. The friendship of your Lord Father and yourself is of course of utmost importance to us, and we were slighted by Romily too; as such, we are at the very least natural co-belligerents on this particular affair, and hopefully a fair bit more. However, while her methods are sketchy, I would hate to miss the opportunity to repay our loss to her in the final event, and reassert our honour. The beauty of combat sports is, after all, that it licenses a certain degree of actions within the bounds of honour that might otherwise not be available. I would first like for me or any of my compatriots to crush her on the joust as we did on the duels, and then unveil her treachery. That would not be payback enough, but it would be a good start. By the way, what exactly enabled her to be named a captain then? It is not the men who decide who leads them, but the superior of said leader. Does your Lord Father favour her, or who is her mysterious benefactor?" He makes the final parts [questions about Romily's ascent] appear as an afterthought that just occurred to him as ser Jareth mentioned it in his reply.

Here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25842417&postcount=107):
Deception - (1d20+7)[15] (to essentially cover that these are not at all his motives)
Persuasion - (1d20+10)[16] + Commanding Presence - (1d8)[4] = 20 (to pry information on Romily)

2023-08-09, 09:24 AM
[Deception successful]
[Persuasion successful]

As Uthred mentioned Lord Harron, Jareth had to fight the urge to roll his eyes. It was visible in his face how much that subject affected him. "It is not my father who favors her... It is my mother."

"When my father came back from war with Romily in his arms, my mother accepted her under the condition that she herself would be her patroness. Thus we were raised together, and my mother supervised her education."

Jareth took a moment to collect himself, but still his voice broke with frustration. "I'm not saying she doesn't have merit... I'm saying that my mother's mercy might have made her forget just what sort of blood flows in her veins and what flows in mine. That the fact that my father ****ed some whore in the crownlands doesn't mean anything."

"He broke his wedding vows, yes, but can you blame him for that? When a man knows he can die at any moment in the battlefield, you must allow him to find relief. And that's what Romily is: the inconvenient result of my father's spunk during an overstreched civil war. And now she wants to be a knight? No deeds, no name, no glory. Please..." His expression changed from anger to disdain. "She's my mother pet project. A pastime."

"But my lord father is called the Wise Lord of Falconsward for a reason, I suppose. His ears are always open to the small circle around him: my uncle, my aunts, Maester Bertrand, and my mother of course. They convinced him to name her captain... And might convince him to beknight her too. This must be stopped."

2023-08-25, 10:18 AM
Lord Jareth took a moment to chew on the matter. "Perhaps you do have a point. If I ruin the festivities of the day with such accusations, it might reflect badly on us rather than her."

"But once the tournament is over, we shall take this matter to the throne room. Then I expect your support." The young lord withdrew with a respectful bow.

The jousts were an impressive display of might and power. Percival and Uthred broke several lances on their opponents shields, sending several of them off their horses. The knights of Falconsward could be gracious and welle re-trained, but when it came to the real deal, two warriors rushing at each other on heavy warhorses, they were just as vulnerable as any other knight. For Uthred and Percival, this helped break the illusion built around House Gryffen.

Percival dodged more lances than any other competitor [Acrobatics 19], reaching the finals with his armor almost intact. Both Jareth Gryffen and Reynard Blackwood were thrown off their horses by his lance, and Cedric Gryffen lost the match despite remaining ahorse.

Uthred dispatched both Romily Storm and Ser Garris, though the master-at-arms gave him a hard time and managed to stay on the saddle. [Dexterity 18] He was by far the oldest competitor in the tourney, yet the one who had fought the most actual battles. When he charged, his battle cry was that of a seasoned warrior, one who had faced death several times in the battlefield.

The afternoon approached its end by the time the semifinals were announced. Percival broke lances with Ser Corwyn Darry, and Uthred with Esther Gryffen. After a full day of sailing and fighting, they bodies ached with weariness and craved some rest. [Constitution save failed] Girl and horse were one: Her uniform glimmered in blue-and-gold, her lance adorned in a spiral of the same color. Esther charged and dashed like a lightning bolt, her warhorse bursting into a gallop propelled by its powerful visible muscles. Although Percival managed to win against Ser Corwyn, both Uthred and him were defeated by the golden girl. The trophy was a military saddle made by the best artisans in Ward's Burg. A regal masterpiece of engraved steel and exotic leather, adorned with gemstones and personalized heraldry, combining sheer opulence with battlefield functionality.

After the final match, Esther brought the Emissaries of King's Landing to the middle of the arena and requested a round of hurrahs to the guests. The competitors were hailed by the crowd, who cast roses and handkerchiefs onto the arena. As the sun dipped below the horizon, a bonfire was kindled at the heart of the arena, and the revelry swiftly ignited right there. Minstrels, dancers, singers, acrobats, cooks and animal tamers, all sought to put on a show for the lords of Falconsward.

Later, Uthred and Percival made their way back to the guest chambers. Their tired bodies ached for some peace and quiet, but as they stepped across the threshold and into the solar, something caught their attention and made their hearts rush: On the wall, a painting was askew. Their belongings occupied different spaces within their personal trunks. Their bedclothes had been rummaged through. Whoever had done this tried to erase any trace, but few things escaped the watchful eyes of seasoned knights like Percival and Uthred. There was no doubt: despite several of their houseguard guards assigned to their doorstep, someone had broken into their chambers and rifled through their belongings while they were out fighting the tournament.

Many questions hung in the air: How? Who? When? What were they looking for... and did they find it?

A guard by the door noticed something was wrong and stepped in: "What happened, my lords? May we help?" He was a young man from the riverlands, part of Percival's entourage. A simple lowborn man a family of blacksmiths, who saved enough to buy himself a sword and a helmet, and enlisted in the city guard of The Twins a few years ago.