View Full Version : best classes for makeing a battlemaid

2023-06-01, 10:38 AM
Ok I am thinking of having a character having his female followers dress up in maid outfits. But if I wanted to have NPC battle maids that could do something useful what class options do I have? Also for the main weapon, I was thinking of some type of crossbow. Even firing in one large valley could speed up combat if they were to get into it. What does everyone think?

2023-06-01, 01:12 PM
Ninja? It's medium BAB, has expanded crossbow options, lots of skill points, and some defense powers that work in the context of being costumed more than armored.

2023-06-01, 01:31 PM
American Maid from The Tick would be in the Master Thrower PrC (specialty: thrown shoes):

2023-06-01, 02:49 PM
You might consider Battle Dancer. Full BAB and Cha to AC.

2023-06-01, 05:16 PM
Classes that either have always available attacks, such as from improved unarmed strikes eldritch blast or even the wacky soul knife are good for not ever having visible weaponry. The same goes for caster and psionic classes.

An odd outlier could be incarum classes, some soulmelds would look perfectly normal on a maid like a neck ribbon, or a circlet, even some leather boots. Most though would clash like having extra ghostly clawed arms, or plate gauntlets or gaiters over the maid clothing. Really depends on what's picked.

An unarmed swordsage for one of them seems like a solid pick.

2023-06-01, 05:46 PM
What level are the followers relative to the party? Because if they're close they can fight directly, but if there's much gap they should stay away from the front line and from anything that requires non-touch attacks or saves.

2023-06-01, 06:52 PM
Literally any build can be a battlemaid with glamered armor to make them look like theyre wearing a maid outfit, or, if they dont wear armor, then literally just wear a maid outfit

Maat Mons
2023-06-01, 07:06 PM
Warlock gets touch attacks, which are nice since the attack bonuses of followers won’t be very high. Eldritch Spear ups the range to 250 feet, which is nice since followers won’t have the HP to safely approach enemies. Also, no need to worry about damage reduction or energy resistance, which is good because there’s no way they’ll have much damage individually.

Alternately, you could have some of them be Bards. One regular Bard, and 5 Dragonfire Inspiration Bards, each keyed to a different element. That would be a +1 on attack rolls, and 5d6+1 on weapon damage rolls for nearby allies. Of course, you’d then need some people built to take advantage of that.

2023-06-02, 01:34 AM
Something with prestidigitation, I would hope.

2023-06-02, 01:59 PM
I think I will go with the warlocks as they are a low amount of needed equipment jut give them some light armour and they have a lot of utility abilities as they level up.

2023-06-04, 10:34 AM
Battledancer +Paladin of freedom for the base (CHA to AC and saves).A bit of rogue for skills and sneak attack (Maids have to be able of serving after all). Some Marshall mixed into the head maid (with dread commando to keep the girls in line). I would top it off with Cyran Avenger refluffed to be guardians of you family and estates. If you know a class or ability that would allow them to shield you from attacks that might fit as well.

2023-06-04, 05:38 PM
Something with prestidigitation, I would hope.

Underestimate thee not the power of elbow grease! Mine Battlemaids doth eschew thine magics.

2023-06-06, 09:51 AM
Something with prestidigitation, I would hope.
The Dungeon Lord PrC from Dungeonscape is fantastic for domestic servants, with even lv1 giving you things like "You automatically notice any difference to any chamber of your dungeon (such as a chair that is out of place, a bookshelf that has been reorganized, or an area of dust that has been disturbed)." and "You can open or close any door or secret door in your dungeon as a free action.".

Getting some ability that removes the Hide penalty for moving at full speed (e.g. dread commandoHoB or being a SkulkRoD) is also very professional. Fade into the background, but appear instantly when called.

You could have a servant take a level of binder and bind Naberius to act as a poison taster and body double (they're not immune to poison, but they recover from most poisons in under a minute). Naberius's influence making you boastful is kind of annoying for the employer though.

2023-06-06, 12:39 PM
Throwing in my 2cp for Warlock as well, especially if you're willing to re-fluff Eldritch Blast as an arcane arrow or bolt. "Other" invocations can provide things that would really serve a battle butler or maid. Beguiling Influence, All-Seeing Eyes, and Otherworldly Whispers give you the social skills, precision, and knowledge to be the unflappable servant you need to be. Walk Unseen and Flee the Scene to appear exactly when your master needs you to be there. Devil's Whispers, for when your master is about to do something monumentally stupid. Dark Discorporation, for when you need to give them a hint for their wardrobe choice.

2023-06-21, 05:54 PM
Ok I am thinking of having a character having his female followers dress up in maid outfits. But if I wanted to have NPC battle maids that could do something useful what class options do I have? Also for the main weapon, I was thinking of some type of crossbow. Even firing in one large valley could speed up combat if they were to get into it. What does everyone think?


A factotum is literally a butler.

Factotum//Initiator [Warblade,Swordsage, or Crusader]

Superior unarmed strike build. Wear gauntlets. make at least one of them a (//psionic artificer) to craft gear for everyone. Now you have a bunch of knuckle cracking highly skilled martial arts mami's.
Repeating heavy crossbows for ranged weapons.

the infusions on their crossbows will allow them to adapt quite well at range.