View Full Version : Horrors of below IC thread

2023-06-04, 04:09 PM
Day 1

As the eight of you meet up at the Northern gate to leave town this morning the sun is shining strongly in the sky. A strong Nothern wind is blowing down from the mountains, bringing with it just enough chill for you not to get to hot throughout the days travel from town to the mine, however it also carries the smell of the farmlands not far from here. For those of you who rely on ranged weapons, you can tell that this weather will make things difficult should you need to rely on them this day. As you pass through the lush farmland those of you who are not native to Stapleford cannot help but notice how well the crops seem to grow here, you had always heard the crown asked for Stapleford to pay their taxes in crops but you never did understand how such a small community could do such a thing until now. The scope of it all is impressive as you make your way down the road.

It has been about four hours since you left town when you all begin to hear a large commotion down by the riverside. Taking a quick peak you notice eight small yellow skined creatures in what looks like very dirty, and wet, leather garb that one could assume to be their version of armor. Their dull red eyes turn from the large fish they have stabbed and dragged from the river up to the lot of you, before they all turn to look at a slightly larger red skinned creature that looks similar yet slightly different. Unlike the rest, its armor looks more well made, and stained with blood. It looks at the party and begins grunting and chattering, its hand holding what you can all determine is a primitive javelin, like the rest of those near it. However it makes no moves to attack you, nor does it seem to be willing to leave however.

"This is our food, we killed it, it is ours. We want no trouble, but will defend ourselves if you try to take what is ours or force us to leave."

-2 to all ranged attacks that are non-magical (due to magic not being affected by the wind) Small creatures are technically fine, but anything smaller would be making saves vs being knocked down.

2023-06-04, 04:59 PM
Common: "Ooh, ooh, we've got Goblins! I've only ever seen illustrations before..." For Balein, their language wasn't something she'd learned out of necessity - it was an elective she'd chosen out of boredom. Her accent would probably be a little rough if she ended up replying, but she could certainly understand the group by the river well enough.

"Oh, they said they don't mind us passing so long as we don't run them off or try to steal their fish. I'm... not sure what we're supposed to do here? I signed on to help clear the mines, and they're clearly not the things that were reported in the mines. Those things were supposed to be scaly. Are we under standing orders to wipe out Goblins or anything? 'cause if not, I'd just as soon take them up on the offer."

Balein was adventuring for the very first time... and it was all too obvious she wasn't used to facing this sort of situation. You don't fight for your life all that often while apprenticing in another Wizard's library.

Muttering in Elven: "In this kind of wind, I'd probably have to try and stab one... I knew it would come up sometime, but I'd rather put my first life-or-death sword fight off a little longer..."

2023-06-04, 07:15 PM
Cillyss takes one look at the goblins, seemingly more examining their possessions than anything else.

"They don't look worth our time. Let's leave."

2023-06-04, 07:54 PM
Garth turns his menacing visage towards the creatures, sizing them up before making a decision. Garth uses Detect Evil, trying to determine what to do. The lines of his mouth twist into a grimace as he focuses his ability. He stays quiet until he determines if they're Evil.

There's blood on that armor. Did they attack one of the farmers? Garth thinks to himself.

2023-06-04, 08:15 PM
Dwarven - “Father has spoken that there are no redeeming traits of this race. Allow them to live and they will stalk us or strike at the town when their food is low. My assessment is that it is better to neutralize these and eliminate the warren before they become a real threat.”

Codex had been traveling with the light crossbow held in his hands. It now pointed toward the possible threat, but was not brought to his shoulder for a proper aim... yet.


Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2796192)

Warforged Scout Artificer | Incarnate
Player: Deadguy

⛨ HP 10/10
⛨ AC 16, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13
Fort 6, Ref 3, Will 2
Speed 30 | Init +3

Base Attack Bonus +0

⯎ Light Crossbow +3 (1d6, 19-20 / x2)

Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 118, Wis 10, Cha 14

✥ None

2023-06-05, 08:50 AM
Sinal inspects the goblins, apparently, for a brief moment before tilting her head back once more to continue sunning her face and neck. The mischievous grin that spreads on her face the moment straight thereafter easily matches the glossy scales on the latter in brilliance. Well, I like fish. she points out, quite earnestly. And she hasn't really got around to hit anything in the face recently either – not that she's going to voice that sentiment in front of the paladin person. Now, what I don't like is e-everybody talking **** in tongues I don't understand; could you, I don't know, not do that? she inquires in passably good humour instead.

2023-06-05, 02:20 PM
"There is Evil amongst these creatures. If we leave them be, they're likely to cause harm to the citizens of Stapleford." Garth states, continuing his focus trying to determine if all of them are Evil or if perhaps an Evil leader has strong-armed the others into following, a situation which Garth has painful familiarity.

Paddywagon Man
2023-06-05, 03:01 PM
"I'd sooner leave these wretched creatures than dirty my hands... cruel and lowly as they are, they subject themselves to their superior, and there's order in that. If they do make trouble for us or the townsfolk I'm sure they'll be taught their place in the world swiftly, but until then, I see no sense inviting risk and injury with more travelling and perhaps more danger ahead.

But if you truly must throw yourself into battle I'll be behind you... I see little point in slaughtering them, but that's not to say I've got many qualms about it."

2023-06-05, 09:45 PM
Garrett is somewhat torn between a racial dislike of goblins versus his concern for getting to the mine with haste. Understanding their response to the party, he decides they’re not a concern worth his time right now.

OOC, does he know of any trouble with goblins in town, or are they just a normal challenge in this area?

“I’ve no love for stinkin’ goblins, but these fishers are no threat to us, nor the town. I say we hasten onwards to the mine, there’s likely greater challenges along the way.”

2023-06-05, 10:42 PM
As you all talk among yourselves, in front of the creatures you have stated are goblins, the leader and those with him clearly start to show impatience as a few begin poking at the rather large fish some more, a small amount of drool coming down from their jaws that are slightly agape as you can only imagine they are thinking about devouring their meal.

As the group speaks in common you vaguely notice that the leader seems to pay attention to your words just a little more closely then one would expect from a creature that did not begin contact using the common tongue.

As you continue to focus on the goblins as a whole to determine if they are all evil, or just their leader it becomes apparent that they are all indeed evil, though from what you can see none of them seem to be any more evil than the others as each aura comes of faint and barely noticeable.

From your five years in the area you have learned of some of the creatures that call this area their home. Those before you have been known to steal crops from the farmers, and on occasion one or two of the livestock, however overall they have never outright attacked the village or the mine. Be that because their numbers are to small, their not needing supplies at the time, or some other unknown is unclear. Everyone in town is aware though of them, and it is one of the many reasons why no one ever travels alone, as a lone person may fall look like easy enough pickings to the creatures.

Paddywagon Man
2023-06-06, 12:37 AM
Tohan decides not to belabor the point any longer and starts continuing his walk down the path. A fight will happen or it won't, he's said his piece.

2023-06-06, 03:14 AM
Kurt has no I’ll feelings towards these goblins. He simply doesn’t share the hatred of his people. But their armors… the leader, these are a well organized group who is gathering food for others.

Could they have anything to do with the troubles in the mines?

He stepped forward and talked to the leader in common:

To what tribe do you belong? And what are you doing fishing in the streams so close to settlements that bear hate for your people?

2023-06-06, 10:19 AM
Sinal turns her head, still tilted back, somewhat to the side, only to see the green elf turning to leave, on his own. She frowns a little. There's a tad too much talking and a tad too much walking going on; the one bores her, the other should, prehaps, be done in a group more tightly packed. Oh, come on, Tohan. she tells the green elf's departing back, her grin switched back on. Let's just let this play out, eh? That's a really big fish there. Her head jerks back into a more upright position as she finishes and she looks around. If the fat dwarf's going to do a full formal inquiry, she might as well find a nearby rock to sit back on and enjoy the show, not to mention the sun from a more comfortable position.

2023-06-06, 03:31 PM
Common - “This one wants conflict. One desiring peace would state such in a tongue the threatening group would likely know, so their request would be considered. This one spoke in a language he believed only his people would know, any survivors of our attack would tell the story of how he sued for peace but the dwarf allies attacked anyway. It would unite the goblins in seeking retribution.”

Codex aimed his crossbow at the larger goblin, but moved to follow the others that were leaving.


Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2796192)

Warforged Scout Artificer | Incarnate
Player: Deadguy

⛨ HP 10/10
⛨ AC 16, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13
Fort 6, Ref 3, Will 2
Speed 30 | Init +3

Base Attack Bonus +0

⯎ Light Crossbow +3 (1d6, 19-20 / x2)

Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 14

✥ None

2023-06-06, 11:10 PM
As the group continues to speak in common the leader of the group slowly starts to back away as he notices some of the members slowly raising weapons as he begins barking orders at the others in his tongue. As he does so he spits on the ground in front of him as he places his body in front of his smaller kin and the group of eight try to carry the fish away as quickly as they can, moving in the opposite direction of you.

"Look brothers they raise their arms against us while others ask us questions when we simply stayed where they found us and asked them to leave us be so we could eat. That metal thing has his weapon aimed at us as it is making to move away from us. We have offered peace and yet they still treat us like we are less than them even though they have come to our lands and we have left them be. Some thanks, and they call us the savages."

Sinal you watch this all from your rock, bathing in the sun and can clearly see that the direction the goblins are taking the fish is somewhere west of the town if they were to continue in their current direction. What seems odd is that the larger one is seemingly willing to sacrifice himself so that the others can get the food away. What you know of tribal creatures like these the strong often rule and do not defend the weak, and instead subjugate those that are weaker.

It is very clear to all as the yellow creatures and their leader back away only the leader is truly prepared to defend itself if attacked due to the others needing to work together to carry the very large fish.

2023-06-06, 11:36 PM
Cillyss eyes the goblins and takes a stance. However, she does not take any other aggressive moves. "So the big one is picking a fight? Only good choice is to either leave or take him up on his offer."

HP: 16/16

Sorcerer spell slots
Cantrips: read magic, detect magic, create water
1st: lesser vigor, bless, bless,

Warblade Maneuvers Readied
crusader's strike, stone bones, leading the attack

Notable effects
Immunity to Frightful Presence of Dragons
bolstering voice: all allies within 60 who can Cillyss gain a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, or a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against fear effects.

2023-06-07, 05:15 AM
Nah, it's all defensive, like a bodyguard or something. They are breaking away. Sinal remarks languidly – realizing far too late she wanted a fight, actually. With the fish. she adds, accordingly and post haste. Are we sure we don't want that fish?

2023-06-07, 07:43 PM
"We could attempt to catch our own." Garth offers to Sinal with a shrug.

2023-06-07, 10:27 PM
The group watches as the goblins depart, what will happen because of this interaction remains unclear, however it is decided to be more important to get to the mines it seems at least for now as the group continues following the road.

119 Experience for resolving the incident, I am not one of those who only rewards combat as a heads up. However you deal with the encounter is up to you. Bonus points if it is solved in an unique way however.

As you continue along the way you make it into the woods and pass through without incident, into the grasslands beyond. From here on out things should be a lot more dangerous as you are further away from town and closer to the wilderness. As you get ready to begin looking for a place to camp before it becomes to late you all can smell a deer being cooked not to far away given how strong the smell is. As you approach you notice a man in a green and brown cloak standing over a pot with a wooden spoon in his hand seemingly stiring it as he adds some herbs of some sort into the stew.Another two seem in similar clothing appear to be cutting down the tall grass around the fire, no doubt to keep their camp site safe from a wild fire getting lose. They do not appear to have noticed your group as of yet. Looking over the campground it seems about as good as you are going to get out in the grasslands as you have all seen very few rocks or trees since leaving the forest. The wind has also picked up a great deal in speed making it very difficult for Codex to walk without aid given his small size.

You have moved into the 3rd Hex forward on the map. Using another 6 MP passing through the forest (due to the road reducing the cost), and then using 3 to get into the grasslands hex, however you will still need to use another 3 to get out of it in the morning.

2023-06-08, 11:23 AM
Goblin Creek Encounter Site

Deal. Sinal nods at the paladin without thinking and with enthusiasm, rolling off of her rock and back onto her feet. Hopefully, the holy warrior won't try to wiggle out of it later. That would be mean!

The Grasslands Beyond

Barely noticing poor Codex's plight, the still more than moderately hungry rilkan follows her nose into plain view of the other group. Her immediate first thought, naturally, is a hearty burst of joy: this is even better; they can steal a whole deer and a neat campsite with it! Still, given her company, she's quick to temper herself and merely circles a finger in the green-browns' direction, turning to face into Garrett's face. He's as local as it gets, after all. Are these yours or do we jump them?

2023-06-08, 11:47 AM
Common - “This weather creates much adversity for oneself. I request a respite period to avoid becoming flying debris which may injure others.”

Codex had adopted almost a rolling movement, keeping his body to the ground in order to not be tipped and flung with the gusts of wind.


Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2796192)

Warforged Scout Artificer | Incarnate
Player: Deadguy

⛨ HP 10/10
⛨ AC 16, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13
Fort 6, Ref 3, Will 2
Speed 30 | Init +3

Base Attack Bonus +0

⯎ Light Crossbow +3 (1d6, 19-20 / x2)

Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 14

✥ None

2023-06-08, 05:14 PM
If the group is within 60ft, Garth uses Detect Evil to scan the strangers.

2023-06-08, 06:53 PM
Garth as you scan the strangers you are unable to detect any evil aura's coming off of them.

Garret as Sinal asks if they are yours, you look at the clothing and it is hard to tell. Most hunters and such wear similar garb and given they are human and not far from town they could be part of the town, or they could be bandits or from somewhere else entirely. Thats not to mention the druids that came with you those five years ago, no doubt they have also made a group as well out here in the wilderness.

2023-06-08, 09:04 PM
"I sense no Evil from them. Let's see if we can share camp for the safety of numbers." Garth says softly to the party, not quite ready to give the group away in case someone else was able to gather additional information that might change the prudent course of action.

2023-06-08, 09:52 PM
Garrett looks at those in the camp for a moment, and then steps closer to Sinal. He’s not sure yet what to make of his new companions, but after avoiding a fight with the goblins, he certainly doesn’t want to start one here.

Attempting to speak softly, he addresses Sinal’s query.
“I dunno who they are, but that don’t mean we should start trouble with them. Let’s see what they have to say.”

Not the best at befriending strangers, he looks to the rest of the party to see who might speak up first, and nods in agreement with Garth.

2023-06-09, 11:52 AM
Sinal needs no further encouragement. Waving frantically, she begins strolling straight for the campfire smiling wide. Smells like someone's quite the cook here! Mind some company, Mysterious Strangers? she greets the green-browns as she closes in.

Looks like S. has the best Diplomacy modifier of the group. Let's try it out: [roll0]

2023-06-09, 03:52 PM
No turning back now. Garth thinks as he follows Sinal's lead towards the strangers.

"Greetings, travelers. We're traveling through these lands on our way to the mines, tasked with uncovering and resolving the problems there on behalf of Stapleford. We implore your kindness to allow us to share this camp site for the safety of numbers."

2023-06-09, 05:57 PM
As they travel, the dragoness contemplates the idea of kicking Codex, entirely due to them resembling a kickball. As Sinal walks out, entirely exposing their position, Cillyss lets out a sigh and follows the others into the camp with a hand on her waist. She however is content at the moment to let Sinal handle the talking.

2023-06-10, 04:23 AM
Kurt offers to carry códex in the most difficult parts, his psychic conviction for freedom makes him faster than most dwarfs. And he is massive, so codex will barely bother him.

He circles the camp of the strangers, staying away from the light in the lookout for any surprises.

2023-06-10, 09:47 AM
Hearing from two people was more then enough for Sinal and her hungry stomach as she walked into camp causing the three strangers to jump as it is clear they were not expecting to see anyone. However as she compliments the chef and asks if they wouldn't mind some company they seem to be a bit more at ease. "More bodies means less likely to be attacked in the night by roving beasts, and more people on watch, seems like a fair trade to me." the one by the fire cooking the deer down in the stew says as he looks to his other two compatriots and they nod in agreement.

As Garth speaks up, they are a bit taken aback by his devilish appearance, as well as news of the mines. "Didn't know anything went down at the mines recently. Would explain why we haven't seen anyone in the past few days though. Was getting real quiet out here until you lot came along. Problem at the mines doesn't have to deal with Old Berthalmul now does it?" one of the group asks.

Kurt choosing patience and caution over walking into a campsite you observe the group as they party interacts with them, moving about in the tall grass trying to mask your presence. Nothing seems to be amiss with the group however.

Please make Stealth checks you will get bonuses though due to the terrain being in your advantage, but they are looking out for people now that some have entered the camp.

2023-06-10, 08:39 PM
Garth replies "Not that I've heard. Something to do with scaled creatures interrupting the mining operations. Does this Old Berthalmul require some kind of aid?" as he makes sure his emblems of Bahamut are clearly visible and sits down within the fire light, showing that his pick remains slung over his shoulder and his hands are empty.

2023-06-11, 01:05 AM
Kurt is not trying to be sneaky, he is too big for that, so he makes little effort to hide other than remaining outside the light of the camp fire. He is alert to anything around, and once he has circled the camp. He comes in.

We are set to rid the mines of trouble and restore supply lines

He rests his chin over his hands folded over the hilt of his war hammer.

2023-06-11, 03:09 PM
"Scaled creatures, haven't seen anything like that around these parts before. Got the spiders of course in the woods south of here, the goblins, then those bears with feathers like, the most famous being Old Berthalmul, but never heard of any scaled things before. And you say their messing with the mining operation, that's not good for the town, without the mine the town won't survive as between the gems and our food production its the main things we produce so far away from other towns and such." the one cooking, who appears to be the leader, says as a mater of fact as he notices your holy symbol and seems to relax slightly. "As for Old Berthalmul being an issue, he has always been one since we moved here, though he was younger back then. Smarter then the others of his kind, and stronger as well."

Kurt as you circle around the camp you notice caltrops set up on the outside of the camp site to the left, no doubt to deter any unwanted visitors in the night. Besides that the weapons two of them have on them seem a bit odd. One wields two sickles, which he is using to cut the tall grass, which could explain why he has them. While the other seems to have four axes on his person. The cook has a spear, and all of them have some kind of bow within the camp. Nothing too odd, but for hunters some of the choices just don't seem to fit perfectly from what you have seen others from town buy and use.

Joining the others inside the circle and reinforcing what the others have said seems to get a nod of approval from the hunters. "Well friends, I am Nikola. My two compatriots are Aodh and Alane." the cook says as the other two hold up their hands and move towards the fire. The sun is just beginning to set, as the hunters take the grass they cut and begin to weave it together. Nikola stirs the stew one more time before pulling out three wooden bowls and spoons. "Not used to having many guests, but you are all welcome to some of the food if you don't mind sharing bowls or have your own." he says, waiting to see if anyone pulls out a bowl.

2023-06-11, 03:37 PM
Kurt approached taking out some cheese and bread from his rations.

funny selection of weapons for hunting

He offers his cheese and bread and brings out a tin cup instead of a bowl.

always happy to share chow

2023-06-11, 04:22 PM
Barely paying attention to the conversation, Sinal has only flopped down on the ground for long enough to ditch her backpack and halberd, so as to have more time to stare into the pot. Nikola, Aodh, Alane. Nikola, Aodh, Alane. she repeats the names, intent on memorising all three. I'm Sinal, very pleased to meet you, and very eager to share a bowl, this smells amazing, seriously, you'll have to tell me what you put on it! she blurts out with one breath. I'll just hope I won't starve to death just watching you eat. she grins at Nikola.

Knowledge (nature): [roll0];
Knowledge (dungeoneering): [roll1]; and
Knowledge (arcana): [roll2], considered trained, because Rilkan;
all to see if she can figure out what creatures are being talked about and if any of them is edible.

2023-06-11, 07:28 PM
"Garth." the paladin says as way of introduction. "So Old Berthalmul is an unusually intelligent feathered bear that's been causing you grief? Where is this creature's territory? If we pass through, perhaps we can take care of the problem Old Berthalmul poses on our way to deal with our primary objective at the mines."

Garth indicates that he has no qualms sharing bowl with another and expresses genuine thanks for the offering of the food. There's quite a ways to travel yet, and Garth's personal food supply is somewhat limited, so he leaves his rations hidden in his pack.

2023-06-11, 08:53 PM
"funny selection of weapons for hunting"

Aodh looks down at the three axes on his belt before looking up to you, "When you live in the woods most of the time, being able to get your own firewood can prove to be useful." Alane joins in "And you see how useful the sickles are for camp sites like this. We have the bows for most of our hunting. But other tools as well to make sure if we encounter trouble we can defend ourselves." It doesn't seem like Nikola sees his weapons as odd due to him not responding.

As you offer out your tin can for chow however he ladles in a serving of the deer stew into it, big chunks of deer can be seen in the rich brown broth, as well as a few potatoes, carrots, and garlic cloves. You believe you can taste a bit of rosemary as well. "Just happy we encountered something good today in the hunt, otherwise would be on rations again. And I don't know about you boys, but a person can't live on rations.

"I'm Sinal, very pleased to meet you, and very eager to share a bowl, this smells amazing, seriously, you'll have to tell me what you put on it!" she blurts out with one breath. "I'll just hope I won't starve to death just watching you eat." she grins at Nikola.

"And a pleasure to meet you as well Sinal. And its just a few things that we picked up along the way. Most of the things you can find out here in the wild, the rest you have to stop at town for." he says offering you his bowl as you act like you haven't eaten in days so he assumes you are starving. "Just pass it back when you are done Sinal, seems your hungrier than I am." Nikola says before the other two pull their bowls closer making it clear, unlike Nikola they didn't see the point of giving their food away until they were done. "So its going to be a long night, and its still early, why don't we share a story each before we turn in for the night. Those not eating can of course start first." Nikola says waiting to see if everyone agreed.


The three nod their heads to you as you introduce yourself.

"So Old Berthalmul is an unusually intelligent feathered bear that's been causing you grief? Where is this creature's territory? If we pass through, perhaps we can take care of the problem Old Berthalmul poses on our way to deal with our primary objective at the mines."

"That about sums it up, as for where his territory is, all most of us hunters can say for sure is it is somewhere in the forest. He is to smart to make his den out in the open of the plains, though he could possibly have made it in the hills around the area. All we know is if we see signs of him we leave going in the opposite direction of him. I would not recommend engaging him, that old thing has taken down more then one hunter in his career. Just wish the damn Black Cod order had warned us about him before we all moved. Would have tried hunting him down early." Nikola says to which Aodh and Alane nod their heads in agreement as they give a grunt of agreement.

You would assume how he simply says spiders that they are rather large spiders, but nothing you haven't heard of before. Bigger than a paper could squash, but not your mighty halberd.

You are unaware of what the bear with feathers is however, having never heard of such thing before in your life.

The scaled creatures remain to vague still to be able to determine given the wide variety of things they could be. Even for being in a cave.

2023-06-12, 11:20 AM
"I am Cillyss" the dragonborn states before taking a seat at the fire and simply listening in.

When the topic of rations comes up, she pitches in while taking out her own bowl. "I can barely stand rations as is. Only the meat based ones are barely passing."

2023-06-12, 11:35 AM
Sinal takes the bowl without hesitation. You're the new best person I've ever known. she informs Nikola between bites, making a mental note not to ever kill the man in his sleep under any circumstances, as she sets out to disappear the stew with such gusto that the hunter's suspicion of her having seen no food in a while appears entirely warranted. Damn, thish ish good. she makes a point of adding, her mouth half-full.

2023-06-12, 05:28 PM
"...Am I really the only person happy to survive on trail rations...?" As a foodstuff that could be eaten during her stints in either a laboratory or a library without breaking to cook - something that, as an apprentice, would have technically been her responsibility - Balein was all too happy to stock up on rations and just ignore the lacking taste. Seeing how pleased the others were to have an alternative, though... It was starting to make her think that maybe she was a little weirder than she'd thought...

Then again, this was a crowd of non-elves. They'd probably think the fifty years she spent in further education before beginning her adventuring career excessive all by itself. Come to think of it, didn't human wizards start adventuring in their twenties? How did they even learn the cantrips that quickly...?

Anyway, there wasn't any point in her remaining outside the camp (especially now she'd spoken up), so Balein would head in towards the fire and introduce herself. "I'm called Balein." Though unlike her colleagues, she wouldn't request food from the hunters. ...Though even she would have to admit that it smelled good.

2023-06-12, 08:29 PM
Garrett follows Sinal, Garth, and the others into the camp circle, sniffing appreciatively at the smell of the venison stew. He smirks in amusement at how quickly Sinal's attitude changes once she's given some food.

"My name is Garrett, my kin are from the mines, but I've been in town lately. Where have your journeys taken you? You say the road is quiet?"

He listens and nods as Nikola relates some of the hazards of the surrounding areas, it doesn't seem like he's mentioning anything new. The legend of Old Berthalmul is told often enough.
Resting near the fire, he rustles thru his pack and produces a bowl and spoon to share in the offered meal, and to see if he has anything worth sharing from the morning meal before the long journey

Do I know anything about the common threats, or Old Berthalmul?
knowledge local: [roll0]

Paddywagon Man
2023-06-13, 10:24 AM
Tohan will share some of the stew as well, after seeing his comrades eat some and waiting a few minutes for any potential treachery to reveal itself.

"Is there any bounty on this feathered bear, any with an interest in its head on a pike? If this beast is as big a problem as you say, a truly strong ruler would excise it. The dwarves of Stapleford seemed to grasp the burdens of dominion well enough, I'd have thought they'd be more attentive to such threats."

2023-06-13, 03:34 PM
Codex made several happy whirring noises as he is carried. Having never experienced such a things before, it was quite pleasant compared to struggling against the wind.

Once the group seemed non-hostile and everyone started to enjoy the efforts of the camp, assuming he was placed back on the ground, he found a tree and secured himself to it.

2023-06-15, 08:28 AM
"Cillyss is it, cannot say I blame a Dragonkin of not liking rations. Honestly I have only heard about your kind from traveling merchants, never actually saw one before." Nikola says as he fills your bowl with the venison stew, it does still have vegetables and stuff in it, however definitely better then a handful of nuts and berries to live on.

Hearing Sinal scarfing down the food and trying to talk inbetween bites Nikola and the others with him chuckle. "Just an old hunters recipe, nothing special to it I promise." Nikola says as he continues to pass out food to those who ask for it.

"Not the only one, just the minority." Alane speaks up as she finishes the food in her mouth in response to Balein. "Its why Nikola cooks, me and my brother could easily deal with rations if we had to. But Nikola insists on real food otherwise we would go savage he claims." she says, rolling her eyes towards the end.

"Its true I tell you, just look at civilization, it all started with groups of people getting together to share a meal. A bad meal always ends in someone sick and anger, but a good meal, creates a bond as people always want more good food." Nikola says proudly.

"My name is Garrett, my kin are from the mines, but I've been in town lately. Where have your journeys taken you? You say the road is quiet?"

"Oh here and there, we mostly stay near to the forest or the swamps, easiest game to be found in those two areas. The mines serve no purpose for hunters, and the hills are a risk on if we find anything worth bringing back. And yes, normally there is a great deal more traffic from the mines and town, haven't seen anyone in about 5 or so days now, minus you lot of course." Nikola says not really seeming to go into much detail as he fills your bowl with stew.

As you think about the local area nothing really seems to stick out at you about the local threats besides those you know of which even Nikola has stated are threats in the area. Honestly in all this time you have never seen a scaled creature, ever, in this area, well minus those in your company.

Tohan being a bit more cautious you wait before eating, nothing seems to happen to the others after a short while of them eating their food and so you take out your own bowl and begin to eat. "Just about all of Stapleford if I had to guess would like to see Old Berthalmul put down, and above their mantle. However no one has been strong enough to do so as of yet. As for a stronger ruler, you would think so, after all if old Berthalmul ever decided to move closer to the mine people would either have to pack up and leave or they would have to hire more guards. Never mind having to protect the village constantly from him roaming nearby. Guess that just isn't an issue to the leader of the village unlike it is to us little folk. Sadly we do not have the strength to deal with it." Nikola says outstretching his arms to include people like them, and you.

Codex as you look around the clearing their is sadly no trees, though the tall grass does seem to provide enough of a break from the wind where, while still strong, it is broken up enough not to cause you such troubles. One of the people in the green brown cloaks walks over to you and begins inspecting you, seeming curious even as he begins talking to the group, not reliving you are sentient as of yet due to you not talking. "So what does this thing do? It doesn't seem to do much besides roll around, though the amount of metal it must have taken to make this, and the craftsmanship is stunning." he states before attempting to tap Codex to see if he was hollow or not.

2023-06-15, 08:43 AM
Codex made a disapproving grinding noise as it was bonked.

Common - “ I am skilled at the manufacturing of items, both magical and mundane, and I am definitely Not hollow.”

✥ None

Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2796192)

Warforged Scout Artificer | Incarnate
Player: Deadguy

⛨ HP 10/10
⛨ AC 16, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13
Fort 6, Ref 3, Will 2
Speed 30 | Init +3

Base Attack Bonus +0

⯎ Light Crossbow +3 (1d6, 19-20 / x2)

Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 14

✥ None

2023-06-15, 01:20 PM
Best. Person. Never forget that! Sinal replies, very earnestly and with great conviction, giving Nikola a grateful side hug with one arm and surrendering the bowl, already as empty as bowls get, with the other. This one? He gets it. she adds as the man explains his creed regarding meals and civilization, flumping down on her belly by the fire to then arc her entire upper body backwards, the arms supporting her weight to present a greater surface for the flames to warm, and getting ever more curious as the conversation continues what a feather bear might taste like.

2023-06-15, 05:49 PM
Garth observes the interactions in stoic silence. Having received what information was available about the potential threats on their way to the mines, he savors the venison stew.

2023-06-16, 11:59 PM
"I was very used to the high life as before becoming one as Garth could testify." Cillyss takes out her own spoon and begins eating the stew.

2023-06-17, 02:58 PM
Garth nods to affirm Cillyss' comment.

2023-06-19, 08:34 PM
As Codex begins making disapproving grinding noises and speaks up stating he can craft both magical and mundane items the figure steps back. "Sorry I didn't realize you were, well alive, never saw anything like you before to be honest. And you say you can make items, impressive." the figure says, showing great interest in this.

Nikola is caught off guard as you give him a side hug, and you can feel as you do a dagger beneath his cloak as he takes his bowl back and refills it getting ready to eat himself. "I am but a simple person with simple needs my friend. But it is good to see that some see things the way I do. Truth be told when I first came to Stapleford I found it all odd, things just never sat well with me. Good folk and all, just to many rules for me. Then again my friends and I are simple hunters, to the townfolk we no doubt seem downright like savages." he says jokingly before going on to tell a tale of how he once accidentally started a bar fight because he got a bit to drunk and simply tried sleeping on the floor. "I'm telling you, to this day I am still not allowed more than four drinks in that inn, and even then I have to pay first. Can you believe that, paying to sleep on the floor, I can do so for free outside beneath the stars, why would I pay for such a thing on a hard wooden floor." he states, looking around to judge the groups reactions.

"Ah so royalty, my apologizes my lady, I didn't realize." Nikola says with a slight bow. "If that is the case you may have my tent for the night, it is not much, and has a lot of patchwork, but it works well enough for privacy." he offers.

The rest of the night goes by with the hunters each sharing a single story with the party before offering to take first watch and waking the next people in line up for their shift of watch when it was their turn.

So I found Aodh one day being chased by one of those smaller feathered bears. I must say my friend here is fast, however ill suited for the anger of one of those females. Well I just happened to be passing by and saw what was going on, and not wanting this kind man over here to die took a shot with my crossbow at the creature, not enough to kill it, no these beasts are durable, but enough to make it look for the threat that had harmed it, instead of the one it was chasing. Ever since that day, Aodh and I have been working together for safety of numbers.

Unlike Nikola who goes into great detail Aodh is a lot more restrained with how he speaks. Telling of how his family had all been hunters, and he had simply taken up after he and his sister, Alane's, parents. Explaining some of the creatures he had fought along the way, nothing as grand as the feathered bear however.

As the moon begins to rise and darkness takes its hold on the world, Alane tells a tale of a great bandit leader who once called this area home. It was a story she had heard from the Order of the Black Cod, they say, or so she says, that the leader was a smart and cruel man. Charismatic and so easy to get along with many fell under his sway. However any merchant or other such person he found in his lands that failed to pay his "Protection fee" would always end up in some form of terrible accident. It took the Order of the Black Cod and the town together to get rid of this bandit lord and his crew. However, she says, the leaders body was never found.

Does the party accept the offer to sleep first and allow the hunters to take first watch, do they share stories? My next post will either move onto the next morning or continue this depending on the party.

2023-06-19, 09:17 PM
Balein had nothing to share when the stories were being traded - I spent the last fifty years reading was hardly riveting entertainment - but once the offer of taking first watch came up, she shook her head. "I need less sleep than a human would, " she notes. "And Codex needs less still." Of course, that was just because they hadn't had to fight today. If she needed to refill her spells, she'd be out of commission just as long as the rest of the party. "I'll trade off with someone else in the middle of the night. Though if one of you wish to double up with me, be my guest."

With that, she readies her bow, and finds a spot away from the fire to stand her watch.

2023-06-20, 12:14 PM
Not particularly alarmed (as in, not at all) alarmed by Nikola's freshly discovered secret weapon, Sinal maintains her odd, sphinxlike position by the fire and chuckles heartily at the man's account of his past drunken antics. Still with you there. Good money should buy good beds and good drinks! she proclaims, hints of seriosity creeping into the tone of her voice for a moment. Speaking of, there's this dwarf feller back in Stapleford who tried to horribly murder me back when; heck, you might even know him! See… she begins to ramble, all lively, about a certain Odor Rivergold and how she lived in his attic until fruit season came and he started brewing something he called a "brandy" from blackthorn, juniper, apples and sugar beet, but it was so strong that when she woke up to a horrible thirst next morning, she found herself sad drunk from the vapours rising through the rafters alone, and her left foot got stuck in the ladder as she tried to climb back down, and then she had to wait there hanging upside down until Odor woke up from his own torpor to get her off and down. Oh, and I still absolutely have one of the scars, do you want to see the scar? she finishes, incredibly pleased with herself, motioning with a briefly raised hand towards the back of her head. Anyhow, she adds for the benefit of Balein and Codex. you can both watch in my stead if you want. I very much won't hold that against either of you! If anyone, I know the value of a good sleep.

2023-06-20, 04:48 PM
Garth doesn't react to Nikola's talk of inn floors. His past had its own troubles which make the hunter's story seem tame by comparison.

"I have no doubt you hunters' have keen senses, yet I still feel obligated to do my part for the safety of the camp." Garth says, announcing his intention to take one of the watch shifts.

2023-06-21, 11:37 PM
Garrett chuckles at both Nikola and Sinal’s stories, and listens to those making plans for the night’s watch.

“Nikola, your tale sounds like some of my kin after a long shift in the mine. Nothing like a bunch of tired dwarves for putting down too many drinks, and sometimes struggling to be allowed back to the bar next time.”

He thinks for a bit, considering his own tale to share.

“I prefer to spend my free time outside the mine, so once I convinced my brother Einar to go fishing with me. Got him out on the boat with me, sharing a few drinks and telling tales. He wasn’t really comfortable on the river, but after a while he started to relax, until his line started moving. The fool started tugging too hard, turned around as I reached over to help, and lost his balance reaching for the net. I tried to grab him, but only tugged on his beard before he flopped into the river. He splashed around like he was drowning, cursing up and down while I couldn’t stop laughing. Once i finally dragged him back onboard, the fish had slipped away. He swears I pushed him, and ever since has refused to go anywhere with me except to town.”

After his tale, remembering his brother gives him pause, and he turns away from the group to be alone for a while.

2023-06-22, 12:54 AM
Balein had nothing to share when the stories were being traded - I spent the last fifty years reading was hardly riveting entertainment - but once the offer of taking first watch came up, she shook her head. "I need less sleep than a human would, " she notes. "And Codex needs less still." Of course, that was just because they hadn't had to fight today. If she needed to refill her spells, she'd be out of commission just as long as the rest of the party. "I'll trade off with someone else in the middle of the night. Though if one of you wish to double up with me, be my guest."

With that, she readies her bow, and finds a spot away from the fire to stand her watch.

As you explain that both you and Codex both need very little rest Nikola seems a bit perplexed by this, as if he wasn't expecting this answer before shrugging. "Suit yourself, I won't turn down help. Especially those who need less sleep then myself and who no doubt see better in the dark." he adds as he throws a few more dry logs from a stack they have piled up near his tent, onto the fire to keep it going. "I guess I'll take first watch with whoever, Aodh you take third, and Alane you take fifth with one of them. This way we all contribute, fair?"

Not particularly alarmed (as in, not at all) alarmed by Nikola's freshly discovered secret weapon, Sinal maintains her odd, sphinxlike position by the fire and chuckles heartily at the man's account of his past drunken antics. Still with you there. Good money should buy good beds and good drinks! she proclaims, hints of seriosity creeping into the tone of her voice for a moment. Speaking of, there's this dwarf feller back in Stapleford who tried to horribly murder me back when; heck, you might even know him! See… she begins to ramble, all lively, about a certain Odor Rivergold and how she lived in his attic until fruit season came and he started brewing something he called a "brandy" from blackthorn, juniper, apples and sugar beet, but it was so strong that when she woke up to a horrible thirst next morning, she found herself sad drunk from the vapours rising through the rafters alone, and her left foot got stuck in the ladder as she tried to climb back down, and then she had to wait there hanging upside down until Odor woke up from his own torpor to get her off and down. Oh, and I still absolutely have one of the scars, do you want to see the scar? she finishes, incredibly pleased with herself, motioning with a briefly raised hand towards the back of her head. Anyhow, she adds for the benefit of Balein and Codex. you can both watch in my stead if you want. I very much won't hold that against either of you! If anyone, I know the value of a good sleep.

Nikola and the others sit down by the fire and listen intently as you tell your story of a dwarf trying to murder you. "Over a drink, that is crazy. And let me guess the local law didn't do anything about it because of the "brandy". Nikola says throwing up his hands as if he had heard similar stories countless times. I would say I pity you, but you seem to be a strong one Sinal. Tell yah what, just because I like you Sinal, next time I'm in town, I'll try to take care of the whole thing for you. No promises of course, but I will see what I can do."

Garth doesn't react to Nikola's talk of inn floors. His past had its own troubles which make the hunter's story seem tame by comparison.

"I have no doubt you hunters' have keen senses, yet I still feel obligated to do my part for the safety of the camp." Garth says, announcing his intention to take one of the watch shifts.

"Do what you wish Garth, we are all free people after all. Just I wouldn't go to far out of the camplight while your on watch. Most of the animals will stay away so long as the fire is going, so just keep it fed and burning and we should be good."

Garrett chuckles at both Nikola and Sinal’s stories, and listens to those making plans for the night’s watch.

“Nikola, your tale sounds like some of my kin after a long shift in the mine. Nothing like a bunch of tired dwarves for putting down too many drinks, and sometimes struggling to be allowed back to the bar next time.”

He thinks for a bit, considering his own tale to share.

“I prefer to spend my free time outside the mine, so once I convinced my brother Einar to go fishing with me. Got him out on the boat with me, sharing a few drinks and telling tales. He wasn’t really comfortable on the river, but after a while he started to relax, until his line started moving. The fool started tugging too hard, turned around as I reached over to help, and lost his balance reaching for the net. I tried to grab him, but only tugged on his beard before he flopped into the river. He splashed around like he was drowning, cursing up and down while I couldn’t stop laughing. Once i finally dragged him back onboard, the fish had slipped away. He swears I pushed him, and ever since has refused to go anywhere with me except to town.”

After his tale, remembering his brother gives him pause, and he turns away from the group to be alone for a while.

Nikola listens to your story as you notice the other two get in their bedrolls and immediately begin to try and go to sleep, now that they know a watch system has been made. "Here I thought your people were good with their drinks though, and looked down on those who could not hold their liquor." Nikola remarks, before listening to the story of your brother. "Nothing like being out on a small boat fishing I must agree with you Garrett, just wish I could have seen it. Even if you had pushed him in, its not like their was any harm. Just a good joke, not saying you did, I have seen the size of some of the fish in that lake. Could feed a family for a week with some."

The night goes by uneventfully as one shift after another goes by and those taking over are informed that nothing has happened. It is during the fourth rotation when Kurt notices Codex acting strangely, mumbling to itself as sparks seem to begin to fly off of him occasionally. Each time Codex is asked if he is okay the warforged responds yes, however as the night goes on, he does so in fewer and fewer words until at last he seems to stop speaking entirely as even the globes you assume would be his eyes seem to dim.

319 Total, this includes the earlier encounter of day 1

Day 2

As you all wake up in the morning you can tell it is going to be a very hot day as the air is already thick and muggy. Even more so than normal for this time of year truth be told you think as you can barely feel any wind today, and the little breeze that does come from the north, while a welcome relief when it hits, is often far to short lived. Waking up you all notice that Codex is even worse then he was last night as Nikola and the others have to help the creature to even move. "If you want, we will take care of him and bring him back to town while you all go on ahead. After all you are all on a very important job, and it would not go well if you were delayed I believe." Nikola offers the group as the others and himself are already packed up and ready to go, their cloaks drawn close to their bodies to try and provide themselves with as much shade as they can.

2023-06-22, 11:55 AM
(DAY 1

Nikola and the others sit down by the fire and listen intently as you tell your story of a dwarf trying to murder you. "Over a drink, that is crazy. And let me guess the local law didn't do anything about it because of the "brandy". Nikola says throwing up his hands as if he had heard similar stories countless times. I would say I pity you, but you seem to be a strong one Sinal. Tell yah what, just because I like you Sinal, next time I'm in town, I'll try to take care of the whole thing for you. No promises of course, but I will see what I can do."

Sinal rolls onto her back to grin up at the hunter. No need! I can make him suffer she clencehes her fists just fine myself. But it's certainly appreciated, and do look me up if I get back by then.)


Having spent the night dreaming of big, juicy fish in the local waters, ready for her to snatch and filet, Sinal wakes up way too groggy for someone who has probably slept more than anyone else in the camp, but altogether quite pleased to see the sun up and scorching hot, staying down for a bit while the others see about breaking camp, soaking up heat to make her body work properly. After taking her time putting her armour and boots back on and packing up as if the urgency of the mission were something someone failed to tell her about, she seizes the opportunity to gently poke Codex with the butt of her halberd's shaft, an expression of idle curiosity on her face. Yeah, I suppose us hauling the poor thing about would do little good for anyone. especially if there's a chance she'd have to do some of the hauling. You're still the very best, taking care of this stuff like that. she punches Nikola's arm playfully.

Paddywagon Man
2023-06-22, 04:03 PM
Tohan had considered telling a half-imagined tale of his draconic warlord ancestors... but having a follower of Bahamut so close tipped the scales towards a cautious surliness for most of the night. In the morning, he does thank the hunters for their hospitality, however.

"Thank you for the soup and the information. If the local rulers haven't seen fit to make their authority over the chaos of the wilds felt with a bounty on this owl beast's head, I've little wish to risk mine. But we may well run across it in the wilds despite my wishes, and we'll go armed with your warning if we do."

2023-06-22, 09:44 PM
Garth arises early and spends time helping pack up the camp, eager to continue the journey to the mines.

"Thank you for seeing to Codex, and may the gods bless your efforts." he says to the hunters as parting words.

2023-06-23, 11:50 PM
Garrett also finds himself up early, after a restless night wondering about the fate of the miners. He finds himself struggling to focus on his spellbook, needing a few extra minutes to study. Helping Garth and the hunters break camp, he’s eager to get the group moving along.

“Thanks for sharing your camp, stew, and stories with us. We’ll heed your warning about Old Berthalmul. Take care of Codex, I’m sure there’s someone in town that can help him. Perhaps we’ll meet you on the road again someday.”

2023-06-24, 02:08 AM
After Cillyss passes her groggy waking up phase, and puts herself together, she gives Nikola a silent nod to his offer.

2023-06-24, 08:45 AM
Sinal the heat of the sun seems amazing to you today as you bathe in its light while the others help pack up camp. You can tell today is going to be a very hot day, the perfect day for relaxing out in the sun, sadly you have a job to do, so best to get in your sun time now before it is to late. Eventually however you do get up, and with the help of the others, put your armor back on before going over and poking Codex with your halberds shaft, nothing seems to happen immediately, however it does look like Codex tries to do something as he raises his left robotic arm towards the weapon before dropping it back down. Thanking Nikola for his help before playfully punching his arm he begins to rub it afterwords. "Note to self, don't get into a fight with any of you if that was a playful punch." he says in a joking manner. "Best of luck to all of you though, and may our paths cross again."

"Thank you for the soup and the information. If the local rulers haven't seen fit to make their authority over the chaos of the wilds felt with a bounty on this owl beast's head, I've little wish to risk mine. But we may well run across it in the wilds despite my wishes, and we'll go armed with your warning if we do."

"Anytime Tohan, it is one must do on the road for safety. And I am glad to hear you have headed my warning about the dangers of the forest, as for the local ruler, all I know for certain is I have never seen him do much to do anything that didn't protect the mine or the village. If it didn't interfere with those two things it never seemed to be an issue big enough for him and the town."

"It's a simple enough thing to do Garth, but your welcome none the less. After all its the least I can do for people who are trying to make the area a safer place. May your bowls never empty, and your food never go bad." he says as he and the others begin to depart. "And should we meet on the road again my friends, I look forward to your tales of how you saved the mine from whatever it is plaguing them." he calls back to Garrett before nodding to the rest of you and departing with Alane and Aodh following behind into the unknown wilderness.

Once more on the road the day seems to take forever as you make slow progress due to the heat. So when you see a small forested area in the plains you take the reprieve from the sun beating down on you, and use the shade for a bit of the travel time. It seems as if no one and nothing wishes to be out in this heat as you encounter nothing for the entire day. That small forest you encountered earlier though has become much more thick you notice as you walk along the road that cuts through it. So far nothing has attacked your group as you notice the sun beginning to set as you come to the end of the forest once more into a more lightly forested area of the plains where you can see to your left and right the forest expands still, however before you there seems to be few trees and cover. You could continue on and hope to make more progress, traveling into the night, or you could set up camp here for the night and make out at first light come the morning.

Day 2 has passed without incident, nor have you noticed anything of interest during your travels. You will be starting day 3 in Hex 324 x 232 unless you continue to push on for a few extra hours. If you chose to make camp for the night however we will move to that stage instead. The choice is yours.

2023-06-26, 10:21 AM
Kurt didn't want to leave the little construct behind, it would have made for a fine mine exploring device.

He strapped his custom made plate around his belly and was up and ready to go in no time.

The trouble in the mines ain't going to solve itself. Good by and thank you, fine hunters.

At the closest ravine, he sat down and drank from his helmet.

Enjoying the day without incidents, Kurt wanted the others to push further if possible, to make for the time lost. But he wasn't one to force things

2023-06-26, 11:54 AM
As the day comes to a close Cillyss is chosen to make something for the rations this day, and while it isn't the stew you had yesterday it is good enough as you all settle down for the night and your watches.

Mark off one day of rations as you all eat the expected amount of rations.

Much of the night remains as the day had before, quite, as only the sounds of the creatures of the night can be heard, none of which come close to the camp. Tohan as you take watch you are told by Cilyss that nothing happened during her watch and as such prepare for a rather easy night. And it’s true as the first half of your watch goes by without incident. However about an hour into your shift you notice something moving in the bushes to the north of camp, you should have enough time to get everyone up and ready if you so choose or you could investigate it yourself as whatever it is, as it has not revealed itself yet meaning at the moment at least, it is either not hostile or hasn't seen your group yet.

You can either wake up the party or wait to see what happens. Though if you do wait note that the others will not be ready should a fight happen where at the moment they do seem to have enough time to get ready

Paddywagon Man
2023-06-26, 11:34 PM

Still not sure about his new comrades and not wanting to humiliate himself with a false alarm, Tohan will ready an action to cast Sanctuary if attacked as he shifts - quietly - to try to get a glimpse of what might be making the sound.

[roll0] (Move Silently)

2023-06-27, 12:19 AM
Tohan feeling it better to not embrass yourself you move yourself to try and get a better view of what lies in the darkness beyond the camplight, scanning the landscape the sounds had come from. However as you do you note it gets deathly silent as well, as if whatever you heard has now also heard you.

10 + 1/10ft Distance that the encounter is starting at so basically you know something is roughly 90ft. away from you, if you can see it I will message you.

Paddywagon Man
2023-06-27, 01:59 AM
Tohan's wariness rising, he does his best to scan the foliage, muttering a few words of obedience to Tiamat for guidance as he makes his way over to wake Balein - one of the best rested after his early watch, and apparently pretty keen-eyed if the watch discussions were to be believed, Tohan will wake him for a second set of eyes and hands if he sees nothing.

[roll0] Spot with +1 from Guidance orison

2023-06-27, 06:37 AM
Balein's eyes snap open quickly as Tohan interrupts her trance. She certainly wasn't expecting to take a second watch tonight, which meant something had happened...

Picking up her bow and arrows, Balein glances around the campsite:


...And if she doesn't spot anything, will instead quietly ask Tohan, "What did you wake me for?"

2023-06-27, 07:51 AM
Tohan as you ask Tiamat for guidance your eyes take on a more draconic likeness as you look into the darkness of the night, scanning for any kind of trouble, however even with the queen of dragons aid the foe in the dark is unable to be seen.

Balein being awoken and looking around for trouble you see nothing unusual besides Tohan's more draconic eyes that slowly fade back to normal as he scans an area of trees near the group.

Paddywagon Man
2023-06-27, 02:51 PM
He replies to her quietly. "Heard something moving... that way, close. Didn't want to wake everybody on what could be a false alarm, but figured you'd be better rested than most.

Keep your eyes and bow ready, I'm going to go closer to check. Could be you woke for nothing. Could be otherwise."

Unless Balein interjects he'll head towards where he heard the sound, the words of his Sanctuary prayer on his lips.

2023-06-27, 04:38 PM
Balein quietly nods her assent to that plan, and takes up a position next to Garrett from which to watch Tohan's investigation. At least this way, she's ready to wake the next person if there really is trouble that the two of them can't face alone.


2023-06-28, 12:48 AM
Tohan with a plan made you make your way towards the direction of the sound, cresting around a small bend you notice a single creature. It is easily over 6' tall if you had to guess, and as you watch it you notice a tail seems to swing back and forth from this bipedal creature that is pointing at you with some kind of wooden club (https://mexicanroutes.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/MexicanRoutes-Macuahuitl-05.jpg), as if pointing you out to others, however they remain hidden from your view.

Paddywagon Man
2023-06-29, 05:08 PM
"Wake them up, Balein! It seems our quarry has become the hunter!" Tohan shouts with obvious urgency. He hurries back to the camp, calling a different word of obedience and filling his allies' arms with strength for what looks to be a coming fight.

Tohan will move back to the camp, where he started from, and cast Bless. He'll end his move adjacent to a tree if that wouldn't leave him too far seperated from the camp.

2023-06-29, 08:59 PM
When Tohan shouts, Balein quickly aims a kick into Garrett's side (hopefully a non-HP-damaging kick would still be strong enough to shake him awake), and moves on to the next person to repeat the process...

I'm assuming its a standard action to do something to wake someone, then a move to go to the next one.

If we have enough rounds she'll just wake everyone, but with the enemy only 90' away I'm not sure she'll get five rounds...

Anyway, waking order for the party members after Garrett if she has enough time to do some of them:

[roll0] - Sinal
[roll1] - Garth
[roll2] - Cilyss
And Kurt will be woken last.

2023-06-30, 08:35 AM
You kicked me. What did you do that for?! Sinal whines louder than she is fast sitting up, fixing the very annoyed, narrowed gaze of someone who'd really rather be asleep on Balein. She doesn't get to eat normal food, doesn't get to get normal sleep… What's going to be next, she wonders? She won't get to murder the things they specifically set out to murder?

2023-06-30, 11:26 PM
A snoring dwarf dreams of exploring the mines with his brother…
Grumbling to himself at the rude way of being woken for his watch, he sits up and rubs the sleep from his eyes. Until he hears Tohan hurrying back to camp, and realizes that Balein is kicking everyone awake.

Standing up quickly, he reaches for his staff and looks around in the darkness, to see if he can see what has disturbed the camp.

Darkvision 60ft
Spot check: [roll0]

2023-07-01, 12:57 AM
Tohan running back to camp you call out to Balein to wake up the others, warning her that the foes you were hunting, you believe are now hunting you.

Balein kicking Garret, just enough to wake him, you make sure his eyes are starting to flutter before you move towards Sinal, not yet able to wake her up.

Garret you are strolling through the mines with your brother as he explains to you that each level has its own central storage area for mining tools. The sound of birds squawking can be heard down almost every mine, a normal sound in the mines to accompany the sound of picks on ore as he leads you down a side passage of the second floor or the mine, "Now close your eyes brother." he says to you, waiting a moment to make sure you did before he walks away from a moment, and you can hear soft, dwarven words being spoken as clear as day in his gruff voice.

"Earthen treasures mined and sold, open up for me to hold."

As you open your eyes you notice a door opening before you in the cave, however before you can see what is inside a sharp pain hits you in the gut as you can hear someone calling out as if from under a lake.

As you awaken and get a grasp of the situation you focus in on the direction Tohan is running from and notice four large figures in the distance moving closer to your group. Three are holding things akin to spears, while a fourth is holding some kind of wooden sword looking object. All of them have strong looking tails, what they could be used for is unknown at this distance. You do watch however as they draw closer to the party, and three of them ready to seemingly throw their weapons at the party, they are roughly spread out making it hard to escape without backing away from their current direction as with each step they slowly try to encircle the party.

Think a circle with the party in the middle. Enemies are now 60ft away, two directly ahead of the party, but spread out by like 15ft each, while the other two are at each flank of the party, once again 60ft away. It is very clear to Garret they are trying to enclose around you to make it seem like their numbers are larger than they are.

Initiative rolls please as combat has officially begun.
Notes Tohan didn't get off bless, as he had already moved for the turn, so he would have had to move OR cast bless. I highly doubted he wanted to be killed all alone by the enemies so I assumed he would retreat, if you wish otherwise I will retcon that however.

Sinal is asleep until the begining of round 1 when Balein as stated will kick her awake

2023-07-01, 08:15 AM
Despite Garth being asleep, he is somehow still vigilant.

Initiative: [roll0]
Listen (to see if there is enough commotion to wake up): [roll1]

2023-07-01, 10:44 PM
Garrett focuses his gaze on the two in front, reaching into a belt pouch for some sand.

Initiative: [roll0]

2023-07-03, 04:10 AM
Kurt awakes to the commotion of his comrades kicking each other awake.

an attack?

He jumps to his feet grabbing his war hammer, his rotund belly protruding over his belt, almost breaking free from the shirt buttons. He takes a quick look and manifests a power that makes him more resistant.

Then he shouts from the top of his lungs:


Move: Rise and grab my war hammer
Standard: Manifest Vigor for 5 Temp HP
Free: shout as loud as possible

2023-07-04, 08:44 AM
Kurt as you are woken up from your dreams by the commotion in the camp you notice that the camp seems to be under attack. Calling out a challenge as you grab your hammer and prepare for battle, belly straining against your shirt due to the nature of being woken up at this time. And it doesn't take long for a reply as three javelins come flying out of the darkness towards the party.

1 Tohan 2 Balein 3 Garret 4 Kurt 5 Garth

Attack 1 [roll0] Attack roll [roll1] Damage [roll2]
Attack 2 [roll3] Attack roll [roll4] Damage [roll5]
Attack 3 [roll6] Attack roll [roll7] Damage [roll8]

Will Saves if one or more target Tohan

As three spears come flying out of the darkness they reveal the location of three enemies, all of which seem to be flanking you from a different direction. Only Garret can see the last of the enemies waiting in the darkness still as its allies ready up their other weapons after throwing their javelins.

Three Javelin throwers are now 30ft away from party
Garret can see that so is the other one with the wooden sword

Party may act

2023-07-04, 08:55 AM
You kicked me. What did you do that for?! Sinal whines louder than she is fast sitting up, fixing the very annoyed, narrowed gaze of someone who'd really rather be asleep on Balein. She doesn't get to eat normal food, doesn't get to get normal sleep… What's going to be next, she wonders? She won't get to murder the things they specifically set out to murder?

Just then, however, the questions are answered swiftly and without warning. A pleased grin takes shape on Sinal's round face as she catches hold of the halberd's shaft and stands, apparently forgetting she even owns armour.

Initiative: [roll0]
Move action grab halberd;
move action stand;
free action whine and grin creepily.

2023-07-04, 01:53 PM
Kurt was fortunate he reacted in time, his psychic vigor absorbed all the javelin damage, but the javelin made a good gash on the side of his head, bleeding over his only nightshirt.

The dwarf charged into the closest enemy wielding his war hammer with his two powerful hands.

Full round action CHARGE: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2023-07-05, 05:47 AM
Somebody's shouting. Why is somebody shouting?! Sinal whines louder than she is fast sitting up, fixing the very annoyed, narrowed gaze of someone who'd really rather be asleep on Balein. She doesn't get to eat normal food, doesn't get to get normal sleep… What's going to be next, she wonders? She won't get to murder the things they specifically set out to murder?

That question is, nevertheless, answered swiftly by the very first thing she does get to see. A javelin. A perfectly good, free javelin – sticking out of Balein's back, with an ongoing battle in the background. Which is lovely, but comes with a dilemma: she could just charge into the fray and maim something. But then, she's heard weapons will sometimes pop straight out of a wound if it's healed fast and with magic, which would be hilarious. A pleased grin takes shape on Sinal's round face at the thought. Yes, she must absolutely test that. Leave some for me! she calls out to the warriors who do charge into the fray in her stead, even as she kicks Balein in the side, healing energy surging through her foot.

Initiative: rolled above, if I can use that.
Move action gat within touch range of Balein if needed; otherwise move action grab halberd;
standard action Cure Light Wounds on Balein: [roll0];
free action whine and grin creepily.

2023-07-05, 05:37 PM
Garth, still groggy from being awoken mid-dream, begins to climb onto his feet while he collects his heavy pick and torch, looking around to try to figure out what is going on.

Move and standard to collect objects and stand
swift: none

2023-07-05, 10:45 PM
Flinching as a javelin sails over his shoulder, Garrett points towards the front pair and tosses some sand in the air.

“Whew, that was close! Stupid bastards, this was supposed to be time to sleep. Let’s see if I can end this quickly”, he thinks as he waves a hand in strange gestures and speaks the proper arcane phrasing.

Targeting the intersection between the two front enemies (assuming still 15 feet apart), on the back side away from any party members, he aims a 10 ft burst of Sleep to hopefully catch 2 foes and no allies. If not, he’ll aim for the one that didn’t throw a javelin.

Depending on the impact of the spell, he then moves toward the nearest remaining enemy to engage with his staff.

Standard: cast Sleep, burst affects 4 HD of creatures. DC 14 will to resist.
Spell failure 5%(>95) [roll0]

Move: 20 feet towards an awake foe.
Swift: none

2023-07-07, 12:55 AM
Cillyss yawns and drags herself up to her feet while grabbing her spear. "Really? Is there trouble now? I just went to sleep!"

Move and standard used to stand up and grab her shortspear.

HP: 16/16

Archivist Spells
Cantrips: read magic, detect magic, create water
1st: lesser vigor, bless, bless,

Warblade Maneuvers Readied
crusader's strike, stone bones, leading the attack

Notable effects
Immunity to Frightful Presence of Dragons

2023-07-08, 09:52 AM
Sinal how dare someone be shouting while you are trying to sleep, no good food, no fighting, and now no sleep, the horrors of adventuring seem to never end as you groggily open your eyes only to see Balein get a javelin through her back. Finally a fight, quickly placing a hand upon Balein and removing the javelin, closing the wound in the process with your magic, you call out to the others to leave you something to kill as you pick up your halbred and stand up ready to move towards whatever enemy may still be standing.

Garth as you grab your weapon and a torch you look around the battlefield, javelins are flying as it seems most of your group was caught off guard and asleep which begs the question who was on guard when the attack happened and didn't warn anyone as you watch Balein get pierced with one of the Javelins and go down next to Sinal, who had just barely woken up and was finishing healing your friend as she called out for the others to leave her something to kill.

Garret as you fling the sand forward, intoning the arcane words that will hopefully end this fight quickly, you make sure to keep your allies out of the range of your spell as you complete the final words. Almost immediately one of the scaled creatures falls to the ground, sleeping. However the second seems to ignore your spell completly as he looks directly at you and prepares to charge.

Cillyss you had just fallen asleep maybe a half hour ago when your shift ended and now you had to wake up to a fight raging around you. Clearly someone would have to explain what to do when you were on watch, however that was a thought for later as you stand up, grabbing your spear and look around for the enemies. You watch as one falls in front of the group, as the second with a wooden club stays standing, its reptilian eyes fixed upon Garret, while Sinal calls out for you all to leave her something to fight as she heals Balein. It is pure chaos in the camp, hopefully you all can win this fight without anyone dying.

Round 2

Kurt rushing towards the closest enemy, you dash to the one on the right side of camp as it is trying to reach its weapon. It never gets the chance to however as your warhammer cracks into the creatures gut, doubling it over before you bring the hammer down upon its skull and it drops to the floor lifeless.

One of the two in the front are asleep
The one on the right side of the camp is dead
Leaving the one with the wooden club up front as well as the one on the left side of the camp remaining.

Tohan and Cillyss may act now before enemies before the rest of the party

Paddywagon Man
2023-07-09, 01:07 AM
"Vermin that raise arms against power are fit only to devour each other..."

Tohan draws on power he hasn't seen use for in a while, and a swarm of biting spiders erupts out of the ground around the leftmost assailant!

[roll0] damage
Poison: DC 11 Fort or 1d3 strength damage
Distraction: DC 11 Fort or nauseated 1 round

2023-07-11, 01:35 AM
Cillyss carefully makes her way to the final enemy, avoiding the spider and launches a stab right at them!

Move: Move towards the enemy.
Standard: Stone Bones; Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]. If successful, she gains DR 5/Adamantine.

HP: 16/16
No armor or shield

Sorcerer spell slots
Cantrips: read magic, detect magic, create water
1st: lesser vigor, bless, bless,

Warblade Maneuvers Readied
crusader's strike, stone bones, leading the attack

Notable effects
Immunity to Frightful Presence of Dragons
bolstering voice: all allies within 60 who can Cillyss gain a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, or a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against fear effects.

2023-07-11, 01:36 AM
Crit confirm: [roll0]; Crit Damage: [roll1]

Paddywagon Man
2023-07-14, 01:28 AM
"Not the most successful of ambushes... nor is that a mystery for the sages to ponder. What dull creatures, indeed - I wonder if this is the quality of resistance to await us in the mine?"

2023-07-15, 09:31 AM
As you declare these creatures no more than vermin a swarm of spiders erupts upon the one you targeted, biting and crawling all over the large creature making it almost impossible to see where it begins and the swarm ends. You watch as the reptilian like creatures seems to throw up its last meal, spiders crawling into its mouth as it does so before it runs out of the swarm away from the group and into the darkness beyond.


Cillyss making your way over to the last enemy who is wielding the wooden club you stab at it and feel your spear bite deep into the creatures flesh as you have to tug it free. Not however before the creature tries to lock its arm around your spear and bring its own weapon down upon you.

[roll1] Damage [roll2]

Rest of the party may now act

2023-07-15, 12:20 PM
Yeah, this was… Very not something. Sinal tells the newly conscious Balein with disappointed, slight frown. She expected a more satisfying pop with the javelin and all that. HEY, NO KILLING THE THING YET, I'M COMING! she swirls around immediately, in hope of making up for the bad choice. By charging. And cleaving into something. Hard. She can feel her blood rush faster as she rushes the other scaly herself, the halberd whistling through the air.

S. swift action RAGES and full-round CHARGES the clubber: [roll0] for [roll1] slashing.
She has 14 hp and an AC of 9 for the round.

2023-07-15, 08:04 PM
Garth calmly makes his way around the ongoing melee, staying out of what he perceives to be the reach of the foe's weapon. Once he makes it around he growls and flourishes his Pick menacingly.

Double Move to get into flanking position with Cylliss and Sinal if possible without provoking. If order is interpreted at in favor of the players, give their attacks +2 to-hit for flanking if applicable.

2023-07-15, 11:02 PM
Garrett looks at the one remaining enemy with the club, but then hears the excited yelling of Sinal, and decides not to get in the way of anyone THAT excited to hit something. Instead he steps closer to the sleeping one, holding his staff ready to strike should it awake, and takes a closer look to see if he can identify the creature.

move: up to 20 ft towards sleeping creature
standard: ready action to strike if it awakes
free: knowledge check (what skill? base +4, arcana is +7) [roll0]

2023-07-21, 08:25 AM
Garth seeing the enemies number dwindle down you take up a flanking position with Cylliss that would be advantageous to both her and Sinal as you show your weapon expertise with your weapon vs your foe. Expecting an attack to come from you the reptilian creature hardly has time to react as Sinal brings her Halberd down upon the enemy, cleaving into it due to the momentum of the swing. It is only due to Sinal's weapon you all note that the creature is still standing as she tries to yank it out.

Garrett as you are looking down at the sleeping creature you realize that it is a lizardfolk, it was harder to tell from such a distance earlier but up close it becomes apparent as you can see it more clearly. As you are getting a closer look you notice its eyes begin to open and a look of what could best be described as confusion, if such an alien face could show such an emotion, cross its features as it looks up at you, not remembering how it got on the ground.

2023-07-22, 10:15 AM
Come… On… Out! Sinal tells her weapon, placing a foot on the dead clubber's side so that she can both push and pull. The current partial inavailability of the halberd notwithstanding, she looks very pleased with herself in the meantime. Dibs… On the… Fancy club, by the by. she adds. It looks wicked!

Strength to pull the halberd out: [roll0]

2023-07-23, 11:57 AM
Garth moves towards the now waking lizardfolk and growls in common "Surrender, or meet the same fate as your companions."


2023-07-23, 02:07 PM
Kurt moved through the enemies, making sure they were defeated.

We should clear the perimeter, there could be more enemies.

Paddywagon Man
2023-07-25, 04:11 PM
"Have any been hurt that I would care to tend to? Playing leech is beneath me... but we'll each fare better if the others are healthy and strong, to carry out their roles..."

2023-07-26, 08:48 AM
Sinal as you pull your weapon free you call claim to your fallen enemies weapon as the others seem to circle the last remaining enemy alive. Picking up the club like item you notice jagged black rock like blades sticking out of it at even intervals and even testing how sharp they are cuts your finger slightly. It is definitely a weapon meant to kill an maim your enemies, however it is very unwieldy, even by normal standards as the weight seems off.

Garth be it from you or the creatures decided wish to stay alive it does not make any threatening movements as you shout at it to surrender. "If I do thisss I live?" it asks in common, it is clear that the creature uses the language enough to understand and speak it without it being its native tongue.

Kurt making sure all the enemies are dead you add an extra hole in them to be sure. Between the bodies you find

600 gold
1 Alchemist fire
Darkwood Buckler
one brown green garnet with 90gp
and a very nice looking/size emerald you are unsure of its value, however it is definitely expensive.1,000gp

2023-07-26, 10:02 AM
Hugging her halberd to have her injured hand free, Sinal quickly places the affected finger in her mouth as she makes a few quick and impossibly clumsy swings with the newly acquired slasher club, already in love. Y'find an'th'ng ed'bl? she inquires to Kurt in the meantime through her bleeding appendage, suddenly realizing she's feeling quite sleepy and no less hungry than usual with the thrill of the blood rush gone.

2023-07-26, 12:02 PM
Garth responds "I have no desire to unnecessarily shed blood. Leave now and I will not harm you."

Garth is careful with his words, knowing that he may not be able to control his companions. He is grateful for their aptitude at violence, but people with those skills sometimes enjoy demonstrating them without regarding any harm it may inflict on other living beings.

2023-07-26, 02:13 PM
Kurt shakes his head at Sinal's question.

I don't eat talking lizard.

He examines the jewels, and approaches the captive lizardfolk.

I say we save it troubles and show it the mercy of elysium instead of the dishonor of the retreat. Its god may have use for it in the afterlife.

2023-07-27, 01:03 PM
Garth holds up an arm to keep the dwarf and the lizardfolk apart. He addresses Kurt while making his ineffective gesture of protection "It should be given the choice to decide whether to accept an honorable death or to retreat."

Garth does elect to activate his ability to Detect Evil.

2023-07-27, 02:01 PM
Taking her finger out of her mouth to inspect it, Sinal retorts to Kurt with a quick You don't need to have any! Plus, I'd settle for foodstuff not currently glued to the things' bones. from the background, as if she weren't paying attention to the other conversation. Nevertheless, she and the slasherclub do stalk closer to Sleeperlizard, if certainly not close enough to get caught in his See All Evil magic.

2023-07-27, 05:19 PM
Kurt shrugged. He saw no use in keeping prisoners. But he wasn’t one to kill them in cold blood, it was not honorable.
Begging for mercy wasn’t either, and so many times he’d seen runaways become traitors.
I’ll leave you to it then. Imma try to get some sleep. It’s a long day tomorrow.

He grabbed the gems and the loot except the macauitl that Sinal held and put everything in the center of the camp.

There will be Riches ti share

2023-07-27, 10:43 PM
Garrett nods in agreement with Garth, having no desire to kill a downed foe.
“Be gone far from here, and do not return. If we see you again, there won’t be mercy.”, he says, waving his staff threateningly at the lizard.

Seeing that the others have checked the area, he moves back to his bedroll, eager to return to sleep.
“Dunno who was on watch or who’s next, but I need my rest to recover the ability to cast that spell again if needed.”, he announces as he settles back down.

2023-07-28, 01:49 AM
"Go ahead and do whatever you want him him. I'm going back to sleep." After making her statement, she returns to bedroll, muttering in annoyance that it came up basically right after her shift was over.

2023-07-28, 02:34 AM
Before dozing off, Kurt does give a suggestion to Garth.

Whatever you do with your friend. Do not let it go until the morning when we are ready to part. It might give a warning to Its friends and I want to be long gone before that

2023-07-28, 12:06 PM
Garth nods at Kurt's suggestion. "A sensible precaution."

Turning to the lizardfolk Garth inquires "I'm a reasonable creature. If you have a village, tribe or family nearby we will not seek them out as our objective lies elsewhere. If you are released, what are your intentions? Would you or yours desire revenge?"

Still Detecting Evil, Garth attempts to determine the truth behind anything the lizardfolk shares. Due to the adrenaline wearing off and the desire for sleep catching up to him, it's not likely he'll be able to tell even if the lizardfolk lies. Hopefully the lizardfolk will be none the wiser.


2023-07-29, 06:22 AM
The prisoner looks back and forth as you debate what to do with it, the talks of letting it go giving it some semi balance of hope before the suggestion of just killing it comes up. "Survival is what we always choose. We are creatures of nature, we eat, we sleep, we die. If option is given I choose to live so that I may continue to eat and sleep, one day making more of my own so they may do the same." it says in response to Garth when questioned about an honorable death or fleeing.

Yup he is evil alright. But just a faint aura.

When the talks of being released in the morning depending on its answer come up the lizardfolk is quick to respond. "We do not care about vengeance, meat is meat, and we needed to eat. I plan on taking meat back to tribe so tribe can eat." it says looking at the dead lizardfolk as if it were a simple thing.

He appears to be telling the truth, he didn't think about his answer meaning it is unlikely a lie.

2023-07-29, 12:42 PM
Satisfied and too tired to deal with it further Garth puts away his weapon. "You may leave, you may also take your dead if you wish."

Garth lets whoever is on watch take over and returns to his rest.

2023-07-29, 02:19 PM
You know what, I think I like these guys, actually. Sinal comments, wobbling closer to the lizard the moment she's certain Garth is not magically scanning the area anymore, to give it a hand for ease of stranding up. They remind her of herself, only with even more scales in less fashionable hues. But I'm totally keeping the club. she adds matter-of-factly, considering the issue settled, and the only remaining order of business other than getting the other scaly up and running being to follow the examples of the others and resume her very well-earned sleep.

2023-08-01, 05:36 AM
As the lizardfolk is allowed to leave, it accepts Sinal's offer of aid to stand up and listens as she states the club is hers. "You defeat Kuxl, you have right to Kuxl weapon." it says as a way of agreement as it goes about collecting its two fallen allies and grabbing each by one arm before it begins to drag their dead bodies off into the darkness in the direction its ally fled earlier. The rest of your night goes by uneventfully as the morning sun seems to come up far to early for some of you.

Day 4

You all set out about an hour later then normal the next morning, thankfully the heat has seemed to vanish from the day before as it returns to what one would expect for this time of year. With the sun still rising in the sky the group finishes packing up camp and departs. The next day is much like the last, almost completely uneventful as you pass through the flat plains and into the rocky hills showing that you are on the final stretch to the mine. Normally by now you would have at least seen one caravan coming or going to the mine, however none have been seen, which is to be expected as you come as dawns light is setting to a camp ground Garret knows very well from his trips to visit his brother and exploring the area around here. It has always been a safe harbor for weary travelers not able to make it all the way to the mine, and as the group rummages around the crates and such that are left behind for the normal travelers you can see a pint of oil for the lantern that is hung up on a post, as well as a neat stack of firewood and an axe no doubt to chop some more down and replenish what you use this way the next group to use the camp doesn't have to go out in the dark to find any. A decent size ring of stones marks where the camps fireplace always seems to be, as well as the signs of divots in the ground from the excessive times caravans have parked there overnight leaving an actual indent from their weight over the years. One could push ahead here and make it all the way to the mine, however you would make it there with no sunlight, and enemies unknown waiting for you. The choice to rest in possibly your last safe harbor, or move on is up to you.

2023-08-01, 10:12 AM
Kurt didn’t like the signs. The roads should be bursting with commerce, not dry like the streams in summer.

He walked into the stone circles and planted his boots in the ashes of a bonfire:

it will come to all beings and cultures that time will render them ashes, but it will not be the destiny of my kind while I breathe. I’ll camp tonight in relative safety, and plunge into the vast unknown in the morrow

2023-08-01, 12:36 PM
Sinal, still a bit winded from trekking with the extra weight of her (not literally) shiny new slasherclub added to her gear tilts her head to the side and then the back, expressively and to make sure she can absorb as much of the diminishing light and the warmth it comes with as possible. No need to be so dramatic. she tells Kurt almost cheerily. I'm very open to the whole idea of getting rest and all that. Anybody wanna get a fire going? she suggests with a grin.

2023-08-01, 05:35 PM
It doesn't take Balein long to come to a decision regarding setting up their camp: Namely, that with everyone else's discriminating palates, she didn't want to be the one responsible for their provisions. Instead, she busies herself inspecting the entrance to the mines, hoping someone else would volunteer to take up cooking...


2023-08-01, 10:59 PM
Garrett looks around uneasily, still unsure about the lack of travelers on the road. He inspects the campsite carefully, it all seems familiar from his other trips, other than the lack of recent use.

He considers the options, torn between his sense of urgency to get to the mine versus how tired he is after the attack last night. Seeing the rest of the group focused on camp, he comes to a decision.

“Agreed, we should get some good rest after last night. This is known to be a safe campsite, though we must be on guard this close to the mines. Sadly I’m not much of a cook, but happy to help if anyone else volunteers.”

2023-08-02, 12:47 PM
Garth, eyeing his only remaining ration, decides to try to support Balein's efforts to forage.
[roll0] Untrained Survival

Despite his good intentions, Garth is unable to find anything or really even provide help.

2023-08-02, 06:12 PM
Cillyss voices her opinion. "I don't want to arrive at night. Setting up camp would be more painful that it already is."

Afterward, she decides that she'd rather have something other than rations so she decides to search around for just about anything else edible.
Survival: [roll0]

Paddywagon Man
2023-08-03, 01:32 AM
it will come to all beings and cultures that time will render them ashes, but it will not be the destiny of my kind while I breathe. I’ll camp tonight in relative safety, and plunge into the vast unknown in the morrow

"Speak for yourself, and your own kind! The kingship of my blood spans more centuries than faiths, than races or empires. True greatness never falls to ashes, as much as those who couldn't fight the windowing of time might like to tell themselves the end was forced on them. I carry an immortal legacy, and I'll leave it greater for my passing!"

He speaks with remarkable conviction, though coming from one looking more like a mad hermit than a noble scion the effect is somewhat undercut.

2023-08-03, 09:08 PM
Balein Looking off into the distance you can just barely see the outlines of what appears to be the mine, however it is a very far distance from the camp so you cannot be one hundred percent sure as you have never exactly been to the mine before. It appears unguarded, no lights appear to light the insides of the mine either, as if the entire place is simply empty and void of any signs of life. Off in the distance a bit you can see a heard of bison seeming to set down for the night about halfway between you and the mine, however off the road and deeper into the plains. If not for the hills behind them you doubt you would have been able to spot them.

Cillyss following Balein's gaze you do notice the herd of bison, it looks like the only reliable food source in the area given the little time you are spending on it.

As indicated in the spoiler in the OOC Foraging is an all day affair and would thus count against your movement speed. As its the first time it came up I am willing to throw the bison there if the party wishes to try their luck, the choice is yours non the less though as Bison are no joke.

With the vote seeming to be to make camp here the night you all begin to go about doing what you can to set up camp, starting a small, controlled fire, as to not alert whatever may, if it still remains, be inside the mines. Everyone eats their own rations this night, each preparing in their own way for the battle's and glory that may await them come the morning. Or perhaps some of those gathered may fall, a realistic possibility if the miners were not able to fend themselves from whatever plagued them. It seems Kurt and Tohan however refuse to go into death quietly if their time does come as they try to motivate the group and let them know that they would not fail and that Stapleford would survive. They would make it so even if they came out bloody and broken, they would survive.

I'll stop there to give you all the option to attack the bison or talk before we move on to the next day and the assault on the mines.

2023-08-04, 03:09 PM
Once told about the bisons, Sinal, who used the intervening time to shrug off her pack and plop down beside it, making herself comfortable, perks up. Immediately. Did you just say you found beef? How many? Where? she asks quickly,and with feeling, already mentally perusing all the ways to get close to, slaughter, slaughter and prepare bison. This could end up as a really lovely evening surprise meal, in the end.

Knowledge (nature): [roll0] on bisons.

2023-08-05, 10:41 PM
Hearing the others discussing the herd down on the plains, Garrett looks up from setting up camp, and considers the challenge of going hunting.

“Be nice to find some food before heading into the mines, as we can’t be sure what supplies will be found. But I’ve heard the hunters say those big uglies can be tough.”, he says while pausing to remember if he’s heard enough about bison to offer any wisdom.

Knowledge nature: [roll0]

2023-08-07, 08:30 AM
Sinal as you hear that there is a potential food source not to far away from you, all you need to do is kill it, which lets be honest, is a bonus in your book, you immediately begin looking for the big juicy pieces of meat that will determine how you will spend the next few days, belly full of delicious bison. As you look at your next meal you count about twenty four in total. If you remember correctly they are herd animals and when frightened will form up and flee in the opposite direction of what they perceive as danger. But woe to anyone who wants to get in the way of almost 2,000lbs. of pure muscle charging.

Garret you have heard many stories of hunters passing down bison before due to their ability to take down creatures much stronger than they are by running them down as a herd. It is possible with time and knowledge to find a bison that is either old, young, or sick in the group, however they tend to be in the center of any herd making it harder, but not impossible to single out. If you could get one or two of the bison alone without spooking the herd you are positive you have a small chance of taking down one of these creatures, but it is just that a chance. And the odds go against you the longer it takes to do so given the rest of the herd.

2023-08-09, 12:07 PM
Once she spots her quarry, Sinal can't unsee the beasts. So big, so many! So… We kill one, right? she flicks her blue eyes at Garth and Garrett in turn. That is a lot of beef! Even better than deer! she adds what she believes is, no doubt, a winning argument. Maybe we could get them to run away and, I don't know, she balls up an eager fist plink at a slow one until it dies, or… Ooor, just sneak up on them and kill one while they sleep! Very quietly. she nods on to herself, surveying their available weaponry, chiefly her own. We must do this! Come on, it will be fun!

2023-08-09, 01:34 PM
As much as Balein did not fancy hunting the bison (she was quite happy with trail rations, after all), she could see a couple of advantages to helping the others do so. Firstly, she hadn't exactly covered herself in glory in their first fight. It'd be a good idea to establish she had some actual value in this group. Secondly... well, they hadn't really fought together - that first battle had just been too quick and too disorganised. The Bison offered an opportunity for them to get used to, well, cooperating with one another.

"How close do you think we could get without spooking them? I could probably land Entangling Ectoplasm on one of them if we get close enough... It'd then be too slow to keep up with the rest - or ahead of us - when the herd runs. That'd give you anywhere up to 30 seconds to kill it. I've also got a Mage Armor prepared today that I could cast on Garret or Garth beforehand, just in case..."

2023-08-09, 03:32 PM
Garth nods affirmatively to Sinal. "I think it's worth the risk to try to bring down at least one of the beasts."

After Balein's comments he adds: "While I'm unfamiliar with these creatures, I doubt I could sneak up on them even when most of the herd sleeps, however, my draconic heritage allows me to breath entangling flames which should help us separate one if we can get close enough. Hopefully the flames will keep the other beasts at bay as I doubt we could fight the entire herd."

2023-08-09, 05:03 PM
"Supposedly they'll respond by running away from us, so as long as we're all in the same direction them charging us shouldn't be an issue.

Setting it on fire might, though - I'm not an expert on cooking, by any means, but I don't think setting the creature on fire - before or after its death - improves the taste..."

Paddywagon Man
2023-08-09, 11:36 PM
"I could startle one with a swarm of biting bats or insects, perhaps drive it away from the herd... such a simple creature would be unlikely to recognize me as the source of its misery, and its strength would be of little use against such a multitude."

2023-08-10, 07:48 AM
With the basic outlines of a plan made to engage the herd of bison you all get downwind of the beasts and await for most of the herd to fall asleep. It takes about another hour, and the sun has now fully set as the seven of you look over the small hill you are hiding behind as cover to see only five of the herd still awake, all decently spread out from one another as well, while still remaining inside the larger herd as a whole.

You will have surprise as you are downwind and most of the herd is asleep. Note that basically there is a bison at the North, South, East, and West of the herd as well as one standing in the North East section. You for easy will be starting roughly at S-SE


Worgs are Bison, and well the party is the random 7 adventures, sadly I do not know how to add custom art to dungeon painter studio so this is the best I can do with tokens

2023-08-10, 03:52 PM
Back in Camp

En-tang-ling Ec-to-plas-m. Sinal repeats, her eyes round open in wonder. I knew not letting you bleed to bloody death was a good idea! she hugs Balein's shoulder with enthusiasm. Now, let's go kill something and eat it! For a change.

Punching Cows

The Rilkan peeks out from behinf their cover to bathe herself in the most pleasing sight of unsuspecting cattle before dropping back with the others. It all went better than planned so far. Ecto-plas-m the close one than lightshow the rest away? she offers, tentatively, though not in the least bit because she'd love to see both in action. Especially the lightshow. Breathing killer stuff is awesome!

2023-08-10, 06:56 PM
Already close enough for the throw - and with Sinal's meatlust quietly urging her on - Balein holds out her right hand and concentrates a moment. A translucent fluid forms around it... and she throws said fluid at the bison in J12. Balein prepared to manifest her ectoplasm... when something stopped her. Those bison were... bigger than she'd thought. And while that would be helpful in keeping Sinal quiet in the days to come, it did present her a bit of an issue - it was just too big for her to entangle.

...And after she'd come up with the plan, too.

Quietly, she whispers to the others, "I can't hold something that big. Can you, Garth?"

With a little more thought, she comes up with an alternative way to contribute. But she'll wait for Garth's reply before starting to chant...

Instead of Entangling Ectoplasm, Balein will use Enlarge Person on Sinal.


2023-08-10, 07:50 PM
Death by stampede is a new one for me

Kurt wanted meat, for sure, but the idea of hunting like this seemed not very smart or wise. Still these folks were good company and he was going to keep them alive.

He moved to the left of the herd, ready to teleport and distract the rest of the Bisons.

2023-08-10, 10:14 PM
Garth, deciding fire is likely to create enough commotion to awaken more of the herd, steps forward with pick axe in hand, swinging the weapon in an overhead arc in an effort to drive the weapon deep into their prey's flesh.

Garth nods to Balein, looks towards his prey and inhales deeply before spewing sticky flames onto the beast.

5ft step towards the entangled bison
[roll0] to hit
On a hit it deals [roll1]

On a 24, [roll2] to confirm
On a crit it deals [roll3] more damage.

Garth unleashes his Entangling Exhalation, dealing 1 fire damage and Entangling the creature for 2 rounds.
Rolls here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25844158&postcount=164).

2023-08-11, 02:50 PM
Huh? suddenly getting bigger nearly silences Sinal for a moment through the sheer force of surprise, but it's only a moment. I can live with that. she pronounces, the corners of her lips already curling up. She has apparently all but forgotten the thing with ectoplasms, as the little tremors of expectation give way to a fresh, bold, quick rushing of blood through her newly enlarged veins. Rising to her shiny new full height, she raises her halberd and lets it swing down upon the unsuspecting horned beast in a cruel arc with a pleased Shaaaa!

Free action activate RAGE; and
ATTACK the cow: [roll0] (-1 size, +3 extra STR, +1 high ground) for [roll1] slashing

2023-08-12, 10:53 AM
Cillyss lets out a rare smile, excited at the prospect of quality food. Cillyss darts out with Sinal. "Time for some dinner!" The dragonborn tries to stab the Bison's leg to leave it open far more open to attacks for everyone else.

Move: Cillyss moves next to the bison.
Standard: She uses Leading the Attack. If she hits, all allies get a +4 morale bonus to strike the same bison. Attack:[roll0] Damage: [roll1]

HP: 16/16

Archivist spell slots
Cantrips: read magic, detect magic, create water
1st: lesser vigor, bless, bless,

Warblade Maneuvers Readied
crusader's strike, stone bones, leading the attack

Notable effects
Immunity to Frightful Presence of Dragons

2023-08-18, 07:50 PM
Acting like a team, or as much as you possibly can with your limited experience in battle Garth opens up with a volley of fire, catching the Bison in its blast as well as lighting the tall grass behind it with a small fire which startles the bison that are awake, and jostles awake those that were asleep. Balein doesn't waste any time as she make Sinal grow, and you all watch as Sinal who like all of you was at one point able to hide behind the hill, now stands at just over the lip of the hill, easily able to see over it. The attack from Sinal is devastating, however not life threatening it seems as the Bison looks at her due to her large height and not being able to retreat backwards do to the fire that held it in place. It is at this moment Cillyss dashes forward and attempts to strike however misses due to the bisons tough hide.

With the rest of you standing and waiting you watch as the Bison rears its head and prepares to gore Sinal unless someone can stop it in time.

Bison Initiative [roll0] Damage 17
Gore attack on its turn [roll1] Damage [roll2]

Everyone else may roll initiative, anyone who beats the bison you are engaged with may act before it does. I am treating the other bison as an Environmental hazard at this point and they will act on Initiative 10

As the lone bison tries to Gore Singal the herd begins to move, forming a tight circle that begins to move in a circular motion for the moment, as it tries to protect those still standing up.

Players may now act.

2023-08-26, 12:01 PM
Hey! is the best verbal expression of how deeply being counter-wounded by a cow offends her that Sinal can manage as the horns of the big, beefy thing plunge into her enlarged abdomen. That hurt! she stumbles back from the beast, bleeding all over it. A saner combatant would perhapos take the sudden lightness of head and the piercing pain as a cue that this might be the time to back off, in fact. But Sinal… Is not that. Having found some room for it, she whirls her halberd in the air once more, as flashily as she's currently able – and she retaliates.

5' step back away and attack: [roll0] for [roll1] slashing

2023-08-26, 01:20 PM
Well, what now? Dinner was making a fight of it, and the rest of the herd were up...

Trying to go after the Bison itself was probably a bad idea. The herd weren't charging *her*, so this might not be the best of times to buff herself. She *did* still have a Mage Armor prepared, but it wouldn't help Sinal much. There was also a Grease she could drop in front of the herd to trip them up if they tried saving Dinner... Or she could break out her bow and take a potshot at the herd. No chance of her scoring a kill, but if the intel her allies had given her was correct, they'd flee away from perceived danger.... which she'd very much prefer to them trying to rescue Dinner.

...Scare the herd it is.

Balein's drawing her bow and taking a shot at one of the Bison in the main herd, in the hopes they'll run away from her.

They should be well within her shortbow's 60' close range.

2023-08-27, 08:53 AM
Garth moves in with his pick and attempts to plunge it into the bison's flank.

Move to the bison
Attack: [roll0]
On a hit it deals [roll1]

On a 24 [roll2] to confirm critical
On a crit it deals [roll3] more damage.

Paddywagon Man
2023-08-28, 01:43 AM
"Let's hope they're smart enough to at least direct their panic elsewhere..."

Tohan again draws on eldritch power and unleashes a swarm of spiders, placing them between the target bison and its comrades behind knowing the vermin will smarm on the nearest prey - and hopefully drive them away, though he'll be making some distance of his own.

Tohan summons a spider swarm filling spaces I10 through L10, which (being malleable and always going for the nearest target) will swarm onto the bison behind our meal - hopefully having them originate from our direction will spur the impacted bison away)

([roll0] damage for all bison in its space, they also need to pass one DC 11 fort save to avoid [roll1] strength damage from poison and another to avoid being nauseated for 1 round.)

Concentrating on maintaining the summon, but not needing to keep within any particular range of it, he'll then walk away from the whole messy situation, walking over to whichever nearby tree takes him farthest from the bison herd.

2023-08-28, 10:55 PM
On her miss, Cillyss' growls and rears back her spear, which rapidly charges with divine energy, before the dragonborn tries to puncture her dinner once more!

Move: None
Standard: She uses Crusader's strike. If she hits, she will restore [roll0] hp to Sinal. Attack:[roll1] Damage: [roll2]

HP: 16/16

Archivist spell slots
Cantrips: read magic, detect magic, create water
1st: lesser vigor, bless, bless,

Warblade Maneuvers Readied
crusader's strike, stone bones, leading the attack

Notable effects
Immunity to Frightful Presence of Dragons

2023-08-28, 10:55 PM
Crit confirm: [roll0] Crit damage: [roll1]

2023-08-31, 06:38 AM
It takes the combined might of Sinal, Garth, and Cillyss to bring down the Bison before you as Balein and Tohan attacked the herd, trying to force them away from the group and make them appear as a threat worth staying away from. Both arrow and swarm find their mark as the arrow sinks into one of the lead bison, just as the bitting swarm of spiders appears, engulfing four of the bison in its path. The herd begins to veer away, heading straight North as they do so.

Arrow Bison [roll0] 7 Damage total taken
Bison 2 [roll1] 4 Damage total taken
Bison 3 [roll2] 4 Damage total taken
Bison 4 [roll3] 4 Damage total taken

However as the Herd's leaders are bitten and the poison of the spiders tries to take hold, it proves to not slow the creatures down as they continue at their normal charge heading north unless something stops them.

Food has been slain
You can continue to attack the Herd, or let it go, the choice is yours. They have taken a double move action to move 80ft away from the group (unsure if anyone can make that distance) and will keep heading North thus ending combat if no one pursues.

2023-08-31, 07:33 AM
Balein, unarmored and psionically focused, could indeed keep up with the herd.

She had, however, absolutely no intention to do so.

One bison was more than enough for dinner, and she knew better than to run ahead of the party's warriors against a foe with that many horns.

"Do you think you can drag that carcass back to camp? Probably best not to try butchering it here, just in case the others come back." Sinal would be big for a while longer - that Enlarge Person was good for an hour - and hopefully that'd be enough to make the weight manageable...

2023-08-31, 10:11 AM
Garth breathes a cone of fire harmlessly into the air, both to continue scaring away the herd as well as celebrating the victory of the hunt. After the moment passes and seeing the wounds on the enlarged Sinal he inquires: "How are you holding up? That wound looks serious."

Garth also tests the downed bison, pushing against it to confirm that it is indeed too heavy for him to move alone.

It's almost certainly too heavy. Assuming an average bison of 2000 lbs, it's nearly double Garth's Push/Pull of 1150. The group can probably manage it cooperatively though.

2023-08-31, 12:07 PM
Wham! Sinal proclaims, quite triumphantly, giving Dinner's corpse a good kick in the side, before, letting go of of her weapon, she grabs it by the horns, and offering Balein a massive grin, she begins singlehandedly pulling it up the hillside in lieu of an answer. We should do this so much more often! Especially the bit where I grow big and get to hit things hard. she explains, as she watches Garth's pretty light show with absent delight. And don't worry about these. she pokes her wounds, her grin constant. This is awesome. Even the wounds are awesome! And I can heal them if I get bored. she adds, all chipper, her mind already halfway busy imagining the taste. Just pick up my halberd. I know I'd miss it.

I ran the numbers; Sinal can frag 4600 pounds for the next three rounds, and 2600 after (when the rage expires) so long as she remains Large. Bisons are described in the SRD as weighing 2400 pounds or less.

2023-09-02, 12:59 AM
Cillyss stares at Sinal as the dragonborn withdraws her spear from the hide of dinner. She remain silent a moment before getting her wits about her.

"I'm not going to heal you late into the night if you change your mind." Cillyss then stows her spear away and grabs Sinal's halberd.

2023-09-02, 12:18 PM
Sinal, grinning on, tilts her head in the dragonborn's general direction. Hey, if healing me makes you happy, it's not like I'm gonna stop you!

2023-09-04, 05:02 PM

The party content with their one bison make their way the short distance back to their camp. It takes a bit of time once you arrive back at camp to properly, or at least passably to any hunter, get enough meat from the bison to make a proper dinner for the group as the flames of the campfire push back the darkness around you, as the smell of the roasting bison wafts in the air around camp, and no doubt to the surroundings, the issue no doubt from that won't come anytime soon, if at all tonight, but tomorrow when you have to find a way to keep the carcass from spoiling if you wish to bring it with you to supplement your rations. You could simply leave it here for the scavengers if you wanted of course.

It doesn't take the group long to make it the rest of the way to the mine entrance, it is very clearly a dwarven mine given how sturdy the supports are around the opening as well as the strong looking wooden door at its the center of the wall they built, no doubt to be able to defend the area should they ever be attacked, however the door remains swinging, no guards stand at it, and the only sound that can be heard from within the depths of the darkness beyond the door is a squawking like sound.

https://i.imgur.com/XZuUoAe.jpg The figure represents the party as a whole for ease of map making, basically each of these squares is more like 10ft.

2023-09-04, 09:02 PM
As the group enters the mine Garth looks about, activating his Detect Evil. "I have a feeling we're being watched."

2023-09-06, 10:51 AM
Sinal spends the rest of the evening being absolutely useless in butchering meat, stuffing herself, raving on and on about how they must definitely process all edible parts because she can Purify a lot of Food (and Drink) any given day, and trying to give people (even Tohan and Kurt) giant-sized group hugs, bleeding all over them. Before settling down for the night, she does, nevertheless end up finally patching herself up somewhat. Stomach wounds don't do much good for a quality night kept sleeping.

A couple of Cure Light Wounds for yesterday: [roll0]+1 each

Once the mine is finally hit, Sinal peeks inside from behind Garth, trying to sun her back some while at it before they'd plunge into the horrid darkness. It's not me. she coments. I don't see a damn thing. The strong smell of freshly chewed liquorice colours her breath as she speaks.

2023-09-07, 05:50 PM
Cillyss draws out her spear and readies it. "I'll take your word for it. Let's proceed carefully. I don't have much in the way of a light, does anyone have one?"

2023-09-09, 05:35 PM
Garth as you activate your divine powers to see evil you do not pick up on anything right away, even scanning the area doesn't provide any further clues to where your stalker may be, however it is apparent that they are also not coming out to attack you. That still leaves the question though, what are you all to do to light your way before proceeding deeper into the mine besides the entrance?

2023-09-11, 12:50 PM
I've got candles! Somewhere. Sinal offers. I don't have hands, though. Free hands. I do have not free hands.

2023-09-16, 07:20 PM
Garth pulls out his Everburning Torch and holds it high above his head, his heavy pick gripped tightly in his other hand as he examines the surrounding area.

2023-09-24, 09:38 AM

As Garth pulls out his everburning torch and leads the way into the next room you all see three ways to leave, however no sign of whatever it is he sensed earlier. Directly infront of you is a simple stone tunnel, no doubt made like most of this place when they first started mining, and to the left of that is a simple wooden door built into a solid frame. The same can be said about the wooden door to the right of the group. As the room you are in is fully visible to you all thanks to Garths torch you can see a great deal of blood soaked into the stone beneath your feet, as if a great battle took place here, however any clues of what may have fought here have been clearly erased as no bodies have been left behind, nor any tools or weapons for that matter.

2023-09-25, 09:09 AM
This place is big! Sinal states the obvious, wandering recklessly in. And really full of blood! Maybe the people down here are her kind of people, after all. So… Path of least resistence? she motions towards the hallway ahead Or we just start opening doors? That one sounds like it could be fun, actually.

Sinal and her -2 WIS modifier won't try to detect hostiles for now.

Paddywagon Man
2023-09-25, 06:08 PM
"You've seen my vermin swarms in action a few times now... one of you, open these doors one at a time. If there's a foe on the other side, pull it shut the moment I've called a swarm. I don't need to see or command for the vermin to bite. More reliable than plenty of humans I've worked with."

2023-09-26, 06:05 AM
Garth nods to Tohan and positions himself in front of one of the doors (square A3). Garth first attempts to listen. If something of note is heard he motions to the others pointing to his ear to indicate he hears something, then he cracks open the door, prepared to slam it shut depending on what lies in wait behind the threshold.


2023-09-26, 10:52 AM
As they pass through the blood soaked area, Cillyss takes a comment to squat down to get a closer look. "This is an incomplete cleanup. With how it's soaked in, I'm not sure if they cared or expecting anyone to be coming by here. I don't like sloppy jobs." Having said her piece, gets up and retakes her position.

2023-09-26, 01:46 PM
Tohan's disparaging comment on Humans earns an amused chuckle from Sinal; to Cillyss, however, she merely shrugs as she puts herself at the middle of the room, trying to keep an eye on the tunnel, Garth and the other door at once. And I don't like scrubbing floors. I get these people! Um… she notices herself, for once. Even if they are horrible murderers. Which is wrong.