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2007-12-06, 05:13 AM
Threlka and Thog are related. I boggles the mind but its true. Heres the evidence;

- both are half orcs, whats the chance of that

- they both have that Th in common in the beginning of their names

- ones a ninja, the others a barbarian, a greater difference could not be found.

The last one is based on the fact that siblings are generally opposites like Roy and Julia, one is a warrior and the other a wizard( or whatever). The evidence stacks up.

2007-12-06, 05:31 AM
Threlka and Thog are related. I boggles the mind but its true. Heres the evidence;

- both are half orcs, whats the chance of that

- they both have that Th in common in the beginning of their names

- ones a ninja, the others a barbarian, a greater difference could not be found.

The last one is based on the fact that siblings are generally opposites like Roy and Julia, one is a warrior and the other a wizard( or whatever). The evidence stacks up.

If that's your evidence, then I state, that Hinjo and Haley are Siblings:

- both are humans

- they both have a name with five letters both starting with a H.

- one's a rogue, the others a palladin, that's a comparable great difference.

Seriously, I doubt that the 'Th' is an evidence, it is only very popular among orcs (think about Thrall) like the double-z is very popular among drows. :smallwink:

2007-12-06, 06:29 AM
Threlka and Thog are related. I boggles the mind but its true. Heres the evidence;

- both are half orcs, whats the chance of that

- they both have that Th in common in the beginning of their names

- ones a ninja, the others a barbarian, a greater difference could not be found.

The last one is based on the fact that siblings are generally opposites like Roy and Julia, one is a warrior and the other a wizard( or whatever). The evidence stacks up.

So, I am curious, who is this "Therlka" of which everyone is speaking of, lately? :smallwink:

2007-12-06, 06:37 AM
Technically Thrall was named by a human, not orcs, as he was given that name to know his place. =D

2007-12-06, 07:18 AM
Technically Thrall was named by a human, not orcs, as he was given that name to know his place. =D

Argh ... ! You're right!

O.k. ...

Next theory: Humans think, that the 'Th' is very suitable for orcs.

Therkla and Thog was named by their human parent. From their anthroprocentric point of view they saw their children more as orcs than as humans and gave them an in their opinion orcish-sounding name.

Of course humans see half-orcs more as orcs than as humans. The name itself indicates it: They are called half-orcs, not half-humans or at least half-human-half-orcs.

Is it convinicible? :smallconfused:

2007-12-06, 07:21 AM
So, I am curious, who is this "Therlka" of which everyone is speaking of, lately? :smallwink:

Look in my signature to learn who this mysterious 'Therlka' is! :smallsmile:

Surfing HalfOrc
2007-12-06, 07:25 AM
Look in my signature to learn who this mysterious 'Therlka' is! :smallsmile:

BTW, it Halley the Rouge!

2007-12-06, 10:11 AM
If that's your evidence, then I state, that Hinjo and Haley are Siblings:

- both are humans

- they both have a name with five letters both starting with a H.

- one's a rogue, the others a palladin, that's a comparable great difference.

Don't be ridiculous. Humans have last names to figure that out. Everyone knows orcs are too stupid to remember more than one syllable, or even to name their children in a way that doesn't sound like their own names.

2007-12-06, 10:18 AM
Of course humans see half-orcs more as orcs than as humans. The name itself indicates it: They are called half-orcs, not half-humans or at least half-human-half-orcs.

Is it convinicible? :smallconfused:
I'm thinking folks are playing up the fact that humans are such RANDY creatures that they'll <censored> anything with two legs. And occasionally four. Then there's the herpetophiles, where legs aren't necessary at all...

So, when someone says 'half-<X>', you automatically assume one half's human. You have to specify the second half.

2007-12-06, 10:30 AM
Seriously, I doubt that the 'Th' is an evidence, it is only very popular among orcs (think about Thrall)

*Gasp!* The third half-orc sibling!

2007-12-06, 10:40 AM
Don't be ridiculous. Humans have last names to figure that out. Everyone knows orcs are too stupid to remember more than one syllable, or even to name their children in a way that doesn't sound like their own names.

Does Hinjo have a last name? :smallconfused:

At least, if Thog and Therkla are half-human, they should have a last name too.

I'm not sure if they have, at least concerning Thog I assume he has already forgotten it.


Fiery Diamond
2007-12-06, 10:43 AM
@sihnfahl: I resent that! People who like mermaids are not aberrants!:smalltongue:

Seriously though, what is UP with everyone saying that humans reproduce with nonhumans because of their insatiable desire for sex? Ever here of something called "love"? Ever think that in a world with more than one sentient species, cross-species marriage makes sense? Good grief, don't go dissing fantasy, here.

- Fiery Diamond

2007-12-06, 11:27 AM
@sihnfahl: I resent that! People who like mermaids are not aberrants!:smalltongue:

Seriously though, what is UP with everyone saying that humans reproduce with nonhumans because of their insatiable desire for sex? Ever here of something called "love"? Ever think that in a world with more than one sentient species, cross-species marriage makes sense? Good grief, don't go dissing fantasy, here.

- Fiery Diamond

What he said. Also, in most fantasy settings, humans vastly outnumber other races, and therefore have much more of a possiblity for half-race shenanigans. :smalltongue:

2007-12-06, 11:29 AM
I do not believe that Thog and Milady are related. If they are, they're only half-siblings to explain the gross disparity in their mental faculties. However, I think that's a stretch since it's highly unlikely a secondary villain's comedy relief flunky is going to have a backstory.

The only plausible theory I can think of for Therkla to be related to any of the previous characters in any way is that she... ...is Kubota's adopted child as a front identity to make him look sympathetic to the plights of others.Spoilered so Rich doesn't do something else just to throw the fans for a loop.

2007-12-06, 02:40 PM
Well, we do know that Therkla has a brother, but that brother is definitely not Thog. How do we know this? Because her diary has a very high-quality lock on it. The reason for locks on diaries is to keep snooping brothers out, and the quality of the lock suggests that her brother, whoever he is, would defeat a lesser lock. Thog has no skill with opening locks (at least, not in any way which would leave the locked thing intact), and he probably can't read, anyway. So Therkla's diary lock must be intended to keep someone other than Thog out.

David Argall
2007-12-06, 03:16 PM
Well, we do know that Therkla has a brother, but that brother is definitely not Thog. How do we know this? Because her diary has a very high-quality lock on it. The reason for locks on diaries is to keep snooping brothers out,

Well, locks are there to defeat others than brothers. Mom for example. She'd get all huffy if she read how you did the entire football team, and the cheerleaders. However, she currently has the imp to worry about, and with it arguing she should be terminated [probably in several ways], she would not want it reading her thoughts that suggest less than total support of Kubota's goals at all costs.

Now the chance of the two half-orcs being related is pretty low. They were probably born about 400 miles apart. My preference is for a different relationship, tho the odds are poor for that too.
Therkla is half-sister to Haley, which is one reason we had some claims that Therkla was Haley.

2007-12-06, 03:31 PM
Well, we do know that Therkla has a brother, but that brother is definitely not Thog. How do we know this? Because her diary has a very high-quality lock on it. The reason for locks on diaries is to keep snooping brothers out, and the quality of the lock suggests that her brother, whoever he is, would defeat a lesser lock. Thog has no skill with opening locks (at least, not in any way which would leave the locked thing intact), and he probably can't read, anyway. So Therkla's diary lock must be intended to keep someone other than Thog out.Kubota? Qarr? Her minions? Kubota's minions?

...Qarr's minions?

Green-Shirt Q
2007-12-06, 04:17 PM
Well, we do know that Therkla has a brother, but that brother is definitely not Thog. How do we know this? Because her diary has a very high-quality lock on it. The reason for locks on diaries is to keep snooping brothers out, and the quality of the lock suggests that her brother, whoever he is, would defeat a lesser lock. Thog has no skill with opening locks (at least, not in any way which would leave the locked thing intact), and he probably can't read, anyway. So Therkla's diary lock must be intended to keep someone other than Thog out.

That.....is incredibly intelligent.

I belive that Therkla and Thog have no relation. Not all Half-Orcs ae related!

Unless, like some Orc tribes, all are brothers (or sisters) in the metephorical sense (not that those dumbass orcs know what that means. stupid orcs).

2007-12-06, 04:19 PM
Well, we do know that Therkla has a brother, but that brother is definitely not Thog. How do we know this? Because her diary has a very high-quality lock on it. The reason for locks on diaries is to keep snooping brothers out, and the quality of the lock suggests that her brother, whoever he is, would defeat a lesser lock. Thog has no skill with opening locks (at least, not in any way which would leave the locked thing intact), and he probably can't read, anyway. So Therkla's diary lock must be intended to keep someone other than Thog out.

Hence, the aforementioned third sibling. :smalltongue:

2007-12-06, 04:32 PM
That.....is incredibly intelligent.

I belive that Therkla and Thog have no relation. Not all Half-Orcs ae related!

Unless, like some Orc tribes, all are brothers (or sisters) in the metephorical sense (not that those dumbass orcs know what that means. stupid orcs).

Or maybe they're like Ogres, and they really are all brothers and sisters.

::Hums dueling Banjoes::

2007-12-06, 04:33 PM
My preference is for a different relationship, tho the odds are poor for that too.
Therkla is half-sister to Haley, which is one reason we had some claims that Therkla was Haley.

O.k. ...
Now taking another popular speculation into account ...
... which states, that Haley is half-celestrial and we already know that Haleys father is human, then we can conclude that he has impregnated a celestrial being and an orc...


Beinig such a indifferent taste I think it's better that he's imprisoned ... :smallbiggrin:

2007-12-06, 05:11 PM
I am not touching the speculation. I am, however, observing Xandro's sig and commenting that in typo-land, Nale is the CG bard in the Order of the stick and Elan is the LE fighter/rogue/sorcerer who leads the Linear Guild.

2007-12-06, 06:49 PM
I am not touching the speculation. I am, however, observing Xandro's sig and commenting that in typo-land, Nale is the CG bard in the Order of the stick and Elan is the LE fighter/rogue/sorcerer who leads the Linear Guild.


I've already thought about adding Elan as the leader of the Linear Guild, (Nale as the lovable chaotic good bard I've not seen until now) but than I decided against it, because it's more mistaking someone for someone else than a typo...

Okay - something concerning the topic. I thought about Thrall, Thog and Therkla would make a great trio of siblings. Thrall as the responsible older brother, Therkla as his little sister who is always annoyed because nobody understands her and Thog as the spoiled little brother.

Improbable but quite imaginable ...

2007-12-06, 06:54 PM
Therkla's that paladin from Azure City, right? The one with the red voice bubble?

2007-12-06, 10:23 PM
@sihnfahl: I resent that! People who like mermaids are not aberrants!:smalltongue:

Seriously though, what is UP with everyone saying that humans reproduce with nonhumans because of their insatiable desire for sex? Ever here of something called "love"? Ever think that in a world with more than one sentient species, cross-species marriage makes sense? Good grief, don't go dissing fantasy, here.

- Fiery Diamond

Everyone knows that the ones who mate for insatiable sex drive are the elfs.
When your around for 400 years learning things, you get bored. So if your a druid, just wildshape and get going. Then again, not all elfs use wildshape.