View Full Version : Pathfinder Bargain Magic Items for Fighting Undead?

2023-06-19, 10:12 PM
I could use suggestions for relatively low-priced magic items that would help my PCs against undead. The PCs are third level, on the edge of fourth; but they’re punching below their weight, and the campaign is undead-heavy and about to get more so.

In particular I’d like to find something that could help the party’s druid, who is a grippli and not at all suited for melee. (He usually climbs a tree and plinks from a distance with his sling.) I’d really like to find something that would help him be more effective against undead while still being level-appropriate.

I’m open to all official Pathfinder content and official 3.5 sources. What could work for my PCs in this situation?

Maat Mons
2023-06-19, 10:33 PM
Shirt of Wraith Stalking (MIC, p216) gives continuous Hide from Undead, but better. Hide from Undead normally allows intelligent undead to make a save. But no undead ever get a save against the effect of a Shirt of Wraith Stalking.

2023-06-20, 03:35 PM
I could use suggestions for relatively low-priced magic items that would help my PCs against undead. The PCs are third level, on the edge of fourth; but they’re punching below their weight, and the campaign is undead-heavy and about to get more so.

In particular I’d like to find something that could help the party’s druid, who is a grippli and not at all suited for melee. (He usually climbs a tree and plinks from a distance with his sling.) I’d really like to find something that would help him be more effective against undead while still being level-appropriate.

I’m open to all official Pathfinder content and official 3.5 sources. What could work for my PCs in this situation?

don't grippli have some kind of spit attack? If not it would be thematic. Give him a magic item that turns his phlegm into holy water. Something like

"Chew Can of Ramenos" - this Chew Can, embellished with a faded glyph that looks like the holy symbol of the Bullywug God Ramenos, is filled with a noxious tar like substrance. Any grippli to takes a chunk out and stores it in his cheek, can transform his spit attack into holy water. For the next 10 uses, his spit attack does an additional 2d6 dmg to undead or evil outsiders. The can contains enough for 1d4 uses when found and regenerates 1 use every week."

2023-06-22, 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by Maat Mons
Shirt of Wraith Stalking (MIC, p216) gives continuous Hide from Undead, but better.

Excellent suggestion, thanks.

Can you suggest any other modestly priced items that would help in actively fighting the undead?

2023-06-22, 09:17 AM
Level 3 is still pretty cash-starved, but one thing you might consider is a Least Truedeath Crystal (also from MiC). 1k gold, can be attached to any weapon of at least masterwork quality. Gives your weapon just a little bit extra oomph against undead.

Maat Mons
2023-06-22, 09:49 AM
A Least Truedeath Crystal (MIC, p66) can be attached to any masterwork weapon, causing it to deal it +1d6 damage to undead.

2023-06-22, 12:10 PM
At 3rd level most magic items are out of your players price range, but there's a number of alchemical items that could be useful and are very affordable.
I suggest a look at Shax's Indispensible Haversack (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?148101-3-x-Shax-s-Indispensible-Haversack-(Equipment-Handbook)) for inspiration. The alchemical flare stake and ghostblight in particular are very useful for low-level fights against undead.

2023-06-22, 03:12 PM
Holy water does 2d4 to undead and evil outsiders
From Libris Mortis:
A holy water sprinkler is a nonmagical weapon, that when filled with holy water, deals +1 damage to undead and evil outsiders. It is good for 8 hits before needing a refill.
Libris Mortis also has poisons that harm undead in it.
You can give them a globe of sunlight as a found item to be used in a tough fight. Unless they are the type to never use expendables. It casts the sunburst spell when it breaks. It costs 6000gp though.