View Full Version : DM Help Acquiring rare magic items in a low-magic setting

2023-06-22, 01:59 AM
Hey guys,
I'm basically running Sword coast for my friends and I have things set up so, that Common and Uncommon magic items are rather easy to find(shops, some research perhaps), while Rare, Very rare and Legendary are more like super-expensive paintings of today.

I have an idea for a trader in my setting, niched within high-level adventurers. This guy is an Archmage and resides in a large trading city. He is known for being able to acquire rare and legendary magic items, but it takes time and a huge fee to enter (10.000gp).
How does he operate?
- Rarely: Party brings in a Very rare magic item, trader buys it for whatever (30, 40, 50k… does not matter)
- Usually, due to low value of wealth for adventurers, no gold is involved: Party brings in a Very rare magic item, but is also LOOKING FOR AN ITEM OF SAME RARITY. Wizard stores it, waits for another party to bring him requested item for trade, which is then given to 1st party
- Most often: Party is not in possession of a suitable item for trade. Wizard gives them a location of an unlooted dungeon, somewhere in the realms. Party clears the dungeon and USUALLY finds something they can trade for an item of suitable level

This is how I have things planned out. What do you guys think? Any conceptual holes? Does this make sense?

Also: Wizard is collecting info on unlooted locations from a variety of sources. What sort of locations would these be? Threatening enough, they were not looted by adventuring parties up to lvl 10, but also not affecting the world around them? Tombs are a good examples, as well as abandoned archmage laboratories with mechanic guardians. What else could I use?


Silly Name
2023-06-22, 08:48 AM
This is a pretty solid business plan for the wizard, but I do have a question: what does he do with the items the party brings to him? Obviously some he may trade for other items, but if he never holds onto any item for long, there's no value for the wizard in acting as the fence for different parties.

I would make a list of some items (including high-level spell scrolls, and maybe magic item formulas) that the wizard is particularly interested in, as part of his own research/plans/schemes. Those he wants more than just a "generic" magic item, and doesn't want to separate from. The PCs may eventually wise up on this, and decide on what they think of the wizard's objectives.

I would also add the option for the wizard to ask for a favor in exchange for certain items: not necessarily a trade, but something in the vein of "I need this rare component for a spell, if you bring it to me I'll give you the item you want", or "a rival wizard has been threatening me, get rid of him and I'll help you back". That way, you don't always have to exchange magic items, which in my experience can take away from the idea of a low magic setting.

2023-06-22, 10:38 AM
Splendid ideas. As for value: entry fee for trade is 10k. Every time a new party applies for trade, wiz gets 10k. Not enormous sum, but it piles up eventually.

2023-06-22, 10:59 AM
As for 'unlooted dungeons' ; those could also be swapped for known dungeons where an adventuring group of a rival/associate wizard went missing / did not return from.
Dungeons need to be restocked with loot somehow :smallbiggrin:
Item could easily be the object the party is after, a trade-in so the wizard gives the party the item in exchange, something that could buy favour with the associate or be used to extort the rival into getting the item from them.

As for dungeons; I've always loved the idea of how dungeons replenish and expand over time.
Low minions move in
expand a little, store some wealth
Bigger boss moves in and enslaves minions, adds to wealth, expands lair a little
Lesser adventurers attack, lose, add to hoard
Better adventurers attack, win, claim loot
New low minions move in, store some wealth, expand a little...

2023-06-22, 02:37 PM
As for 'unlooted dungeons' ; those could also be swapped for known dungeons where an adventuring group of a rival/associate wizard went missing / did not return from.
Dungeons need to be restocked with loot somehow :smallbiggrin:
Item could easily be the object the party is after, a trade-in so the wizard gives the party the item in exchange, something that could buy favour with the associate or be used to extort the rival into getting the item from them.

As for dungeons; I've always loved the idea of how dungeons replenish and expand over time.
Low minions move in
expand a little, store some wealth
Bigger boss moves in and enslaves minions, adds to wealth, expands lair a little
Lesser adventurers attack, lose, add to hoard
Better adventurers attack, win, claim loot
New low minions move in, store some wealth, expand a little...
There are at least 2 official examples of dungeons that a powerful individual purposely restocks with loot and monsters. One to lure people in to feed his philachtery and another were I'm convinced adventurers giving it a go us just his version of must watch tv.