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View Full Version : For Her Hand {5E/HSHC} OOC

2023-06-23, 10:34 AM
This is the OoC for For Her Hand, a very random experiment that I fully expect to fall apart from the sheer silliness of it. But still. Here we are.

Repost your sheets, and I will get an IC thread going. IC thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?657421-For-Her-Hand-5E-HSHC-IC&p=25809026#post25809026)

Original Recruitment thread. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?657028-For-Her-Hand-5e-HSHC)

Edits will be incoming to this post, so keep an eye out.





Ricka Draws



Pratum Nour


Inspector Valin





2023-06-23, 10:35 AM
This post reserved for use by the DM.

Ricka Draws
2023-06-23, 11:07 AM
5e sheet: https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2804815

When the princess was kidnapped and the king called for heroes to rescue her daughter, Agnieszka's barbarian tribe heed the call and with the promise of marrying the princess there was no shortage of warriors to take on the challenge, however the tribe will only sent it's best warrior, it's champion.
As the appointed shaman after her mother's passing a few moths ago it was Agnieszka's duty to test the warriors and decide who was truly worthy of the title of champion, however she rejected all, no one was strong enough and so she declared herself the champion who will rescue the princess, of course there were those who weren't happy and so Agnieszka beat them all using spear and fire alike, after proving herself as the strongest in her tribe she departed in the quest of saving the princess, she joined forces with others adventurers in the same quest and after many grueling battles they did it, they saved the princess but now...

Strong: Conflict
Weak: Luck

Miko (Shrine Maiden)
Fortune Talisman: You shower good fortune upon yourself and the others. Twice per episode, you may give yourself and one of the other girls +2 on your next roll.

Misfortune Talisman: You foresee disaster in the near future. Twice per episode, you may impose -2 on all Luck rolls made in a given scene.

Practiced Grace: You perform your traditional duties with unshakable elegance. Twice per episode, you may substitute a value of 4 for any d6 roll.

Sukeban (Delinquent)
Bruiser: You’re adept at physical fights, whether this is through strength, skill, mercilessness, or some combination thereof. +2 on Conflict rolls involving physical conflict.

Fearsome Reputation: Your violent past is the stuff of legends, and just the thought of drawing your ire is enough to make most people quake in their boots. +2 on Conflict rolls involving fear or intimidation.

Violence Is Always The Answer: Why look for fancy solutions when your fists would do the trick? +1 on Conflict rolls if you had the option of using another roll type instead.

Supernatural Quirk
Solar Powered: Whether it's photosynthesis or photoelectric cells, being in the sunlight just perks you right up. Choose one of the four rolls; you receive +1 on that roll while in sunlight. (Conflict)

2023-06-23, 11:21 AM
Lylis Gembright (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2801420) is crafted!
One quick question: Is it okay to have +1 Handwraps? Just wraps that provide a +1 bonus to attack and damage on unarmed strikes.
Link to the Harem Details is in Statistics Block, and also in the Other Notes.

Lylis was born to an elven mother and an absent father. She was raised well, despite the lack of patriarchal presence, by a mother who loved her dearly, in a forest village she could call home, with friends and happiness.

And that never really changed. She grew older, and left home for a while to train with a monastery, but she went back home every once in a while, saw her friends, saw her mom, all that goodness. But in the monastery, she was a prodigy-a natural fighter, able to wipe the floor with opponents that had a decade of experience and a hundred pounds on her. She worked hard too, training every day for months on end.

Despite her prowess in a fight, she's a naturally conflict-averse person. She prefers to help other people, being kind and supportive and totally unsure of what to do in verbal altercations. In a physical fight? She'll whup your tuckus! In a verbal spar? She's tongue-tied in moments.

Reposting Lylis.

2023-06-23, 11:51 AM
Pratum Nour (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2747281)

Pratum Nour is a high born shadar-kai from what the kingdom refers to as the Grey Woods, an ancient petrified forest on its northern borders with strong connections to the Shadowfell and hidden passages to the Underdark. When Pratum was only a child, a duke from the kingdom formally annexed the entire region citing the threat posed by the dangerous passages the Underdark. Unprepared for the duke's power play and a potential military conflict with not only the kingdom's forces but also those of their allies surrounding the Grey Woods, the various leaders of the clans within the region agreed to pledge loyalty to the duke and by extension the kingdom. However, fearing for their children's safety despite their compliance, most of the high born families sent their young away from the area. This regretablly played right into the duke's hand.

The caravan transporting Pratum and dozens of other young clan high borns away to safety was guarded the most elite warriors the clans had to offer. The duke fabricated evidence that the clans had actually dispatched these warriors to make an assault on the capital and slaughter the royal family in revenge for the occupation of the Grey Woods. His men intercepted the caravan and at great cost of lives cut down the warriors protecting the children, whilst spirting them away so the caravan's true purpose would never be known. The duke had the elder high born members of the clans arrested, executed, or bound into service, while the abducted children were sent to be sold off in foreign markets. A fate Pratum himself narrowly avoided due to the intervention of an aging old adventurer.

A world-weary old adventurer named Marthaine D'Greene happened to overhear the slavers who were transporting young Pratum bragging about a big pay to each other in a pub with nefarious implications, and against his better judgement decided to look into to. When he found Pratum and two other children caged and chained in the back of their wagon, he killed the whole lot of the slavers on site, before escorting the youths to nearby orphanage. Pratum however, would not stay with the caretakers there, instead constantly running away to find Marthaine, who he begged to be trained by, so that one day he could get revenge. Eventually the old man relented and let the boy move in with him and his fellow retired adventurer wife, who had never been able to have children of their own anyway. Pratum would thus spend his post-pubescent and young adult years with them, becoming as brutally efficient a mercenary and adventurer as Marthaine himself, though with the added reputation of someone wielding the wraith of the vengeful dead as well as a sword.

When the princess Serrafina was abducted and king put out a call for adventurers to save her, Pratum was, of course, less than motivated, as it had been a vassal of the royal court who had been the cause of all his people's suffering. However, after hearing some other would-be champions drunkenly boasting about how they'd use the king's promise of limitless reward to the one who saved her, most involving various acts of hypothetical public depravity with the princess herself, Pratum realized the situation might be exactly what he'd spent his whole youth training for. If he saved the princess he could demand the right to take the duke's head as reward, or perhaps even his Duchy too, thus restoring the Grey Woods to his people. It was perfect. But then the party actually succeeded and he met Serrafina.

Like seemingly every other member of his party, and much to the consternation of many the familial spirits that haunt him, Pratum was immediately and wholly smitten with Serrafina. Now the musclely idiot thinks marrying her is an even better option, since one day she will be queen and then it'll be even easier to exact revenge on the duke, which surely his Queen will do for him in recognition of all the fantastic shags and beautiful children they'll have together. Many of the spirts of Pratum's clan, including the ghost of his mother, understandably find that both delusional and imbecilic, because it is. Not to mention, most of the ghosts have a distaste for the idea of clan's future generations being the offspring of the daughter of the man whose vassal murdered them all and sent their young off as slaves.

Strong: Allure
Weak: Luck

Wiley: You have a special effect on those of the opposite gender. You gain a +2 bonus to rolls when dealing with NPCs other than the protagnist who are attracted to your gender.
Shameless: Your casual attitude towards erotic situations gives you the confidence to flaunt what you've got. +2 on Allure rolls involving nudity or extremely revealing clothing.

Armed and Dangerous: You’re frighteningly good at improvising weapons from your surroundings. +1 on Conflict or Skill rolls when you have access to an improvised weapon (broken bottles, baseball bats, folding chairs, et cetera) and +2 on Conflict or Skill rolls when you have access to a particularly scary weapon (butcher knives, axes, chainsaws, et cetera).
Stalker: You’ll never let them out of your sight. +2 on Luck rolls involving running into the protagonist in a startling place (e.g. in his room when he wakes up in the morning, right behind in the photography club’s dark room). You also get +2 on Skill rolls involved in tracking down or following someone.

Splash Magnet: You've got an unfortunate arrangement with fate to make your life a never-ending series of suggestive spills and splashes. +2 on Luck rolls involving getting wet.
Stargazer: You know the night sky like the back of your hand, and you've written way too many poems and song lyrics about the Summer Triangle. +2 on Skill rolls involving astronomy or astrology, and +2 on Allure rolls under the night sky.

Supernatural Quirk
Poltergeist: Your connection to the spiritual plane has granted you a limited for of telekinesis over inanimate objects, which while useful, can be pretty creepy to anyone nearby. +2 to Conflict rolls when levitating objects between 10 and 200 lbs. in combined weight or manipulating the environment around you to frighten others (e.g. rattling windows and doors, displaying spooky images on surfaces, snuffing out torches and candles), and +1 to Skill rolls when manipulating objects from a distance.

Inspector Valin
2023-06-23, 12:54 PM
Time to fail at love!

Something very strange happened at the Temple of the Celestial Wolf. The holy church would've been the first group you'd expect to send out forces to fight against Dylenne, eager to test their holy might against her necromantic legions... but the Council of Fang Lords didn't hear about the king's proclamation until a full month after it was made. Apparently the message that was meant to tell them about it got lost in transit to the temple somewhere?

And on a totally unrelated note, one member of the party that rescued the princess is a Priestess of the Celestial Wolf who just happened to have left on sabatical when the proclamation was made! What are the odds, right?

Librarum Acolyte Kotoko Nagisora (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2804293) tends to blend into the ranks of the clergy. Her scrawny frame left her unsuited for monster hunting or any kind of dangerous work that the Celestial Wolf tends to focus on. She's spent most of her time in church libraries, tending stacks, managing records of great deeds from days gone by, and helping adventurers with their research. Kotoko used to be able to work with the church mandated level of modesty and grace; "Yes, Ser Beezman might be getting a parade, but I helped them vanquish the necromancer. That's good enough for me."

But... it got to her, over time. The Celestial Wolf's faith focuses far more on the importance of smiting evil than the importance of proper record keeping. And no one appreciates the research assistant who told the adventurers where to go. So when news came about Princess Ashdown being kidnapped by Delynne, Kotoko burned the letter to cinders dutifully passed the missive on to her superior, scribbled out a sabbatical request form in record time, and bolted for the nearest tavern to find an adventuring party to link up with. Finally, this was her chance to be a hero! To get a massive reward! For everyone to notice her!

It... really didn't pan out that way. Kotoko really is too scrawny to fight well, and while she's a pretty adept spellcaster, she doesn't have the practical experience of her peers. Even now, when the group's mostly done with their adventure, monsters scare the hell out of her. She's been a helpful part of the team; using holy magic against Delynne's undead minions, solving her share of riddles and puzzles, but she hasn't managed to stand out much: either hiding out of fear, or busy helping to heal the party in camp. Kotoko's spent a good portion of this journey somewhere between terrified out of her mind and utterly miserable.

Finally reaching Lady Serafina, the beautiful princess she'd gone through all that pain and horror for... something snapped in Kotoko. She's gotten a little... obsessive. Serafina's so beautiful, so pure, so perfect. She's what will make all this worth it. Marrying her highness will be her ticket out of the library and the battlefield. It'll justify all the near death experiences and horror she's had to go through as an adventurer!

But first, they have to get back home. And there's no way to pull that off without the others' help.

2023-06-23, 08:06 PM
I am here, willl post sheets soon.



Strong Allure
Weak Conflict

Supernaturally attractive (Supernatural): You are part succubus You are a Satyr/Nymph. Literally a thing of beauty. Your charms aid you in whatever you peruse. You gain a +2 to Allure checks, when dealing with NPC's attracted to your gender, and a +2 to skill checks when their help would be acceptable.

Touchy-Feely: You’re plenty willing to shove your chest in peoples’ faces or otherwise invade their personal space to get their attention. +1 to Allure rolls involving physical contact with the protagonist or NPC students.

Shameless: Your casual attitude towards erotic situations gives you the confidence to flaunt what you've got. +2 on Allure rolls involving nudity or extremely revealing clothing.

Carry my books?: You can get others to do your hard work for you just by popping a few buttons. Twice per episode, you may substitute an Allure roll for a Skill roll.

Femeine Whiles: You have a special effect on those of the opposite gender. You gain a +2 bonus to rolls when dealing with NPCs other than the protagonist who are attracted to women.

Cosplay Enthusiast: You have a painstaking eye for detail that complements your love of cosplay. +2 on Skill rolls involving crafting disguises or costumes, and +2 on Allure rolls while dressed in cosplay.

2023-06-24, 03:52 PM
That's all of us, yee?

Inspector Valin
2023-06-24, 04:05 PM
I believe so! *hums* Is it weird to be in an HSHC game and actively not want your PC to win? Not sure who I do want to win. Just that I feel Kotoko should lose. Like, karma wise. :smallwink:

(That said, not gonna fold. She wouldn't let me. :smallamused:)

2023-06-24, 10:42 PM
For those of you who have not played HSHC before. When I call for a roll using the HSHC mechanics, I need you to post in a bit of a specific format.

Laden with her laptop, a 3DS, several volumes of manga, her own bedding (hypoallergenic), what appears to be several volumes of assorted manga, and drawing supplies, Misato arrives at the bus stop looking almost overburdened. When she arrives, she almost smiles at everyone, and idly wonders just what the heck she is doing. Going outside.... Going outside was for others, not her. Not her kind. The otaku. But still, Misato was admitting to herself that she was becoming obsessed with being noticed by Chiyuri. Even if she hadn't managed to do so yet.

Rummaging in one of her bags, Misato pulls out a hand bound book consisting of several dozen pages of what turns out to be survival advice. Being the daughter of tomb exploring archaeologists has one advantage, it turns out.

Here. she says, handing the book to Chiyuri. Hope you don't have to use it.

It even has pictures. All done by hand, by Misato.

Genre savvy. Strong skill, Amatuer novelist. +3 total.

Note the spoiler at the end of the roll. It contains a list of the advantages used for the roll, as well as the total granted to the roll by those advantages. After everyone has posted their rolls, I will make one post in the OOC rolling for everyone. This is to prevent people from deciding if they want or need to use limited use powers, or if they should hold everything back because they can't roll higher than someone else who is using a lot.


2023-06-24, 10:47 PM
IC thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?657421-For-Her-Hand-5E-HSHC-IC&p=25809026#post25809026) is now live!

2023-06-25, 03:10 PM
Inspector Valin:

Just so you know, Practiced grace is not a +4 bonus to your roll.

It makes your roll a 4 plus whatever powers and advantages you use. So, as it stands now, your total will be 8, not 1d6+8.

Inspector Valin
2023-06-25, 03:29 PM
Inspector Valin:

Just so you know, Practiced grace is not a +4 bonus to your roll.

It makes your roll a 4 plus whatever powers and advantages you use. So, as it stands now, your total will be 8, not 1d6+8.

*nods* Did I muck up expressing it/noting it? I know that's how it works but thanks for checking

Ricka Draws
2023-06-25, 04:51 PM
Wow just take a look at the ic and your writing is quite epic, I'll use orange as red is already taken if that's okay

Edit: can we get an image of the princess here as well?

2023-06-26, 12:37 PM
Kotoko: 8 (Practiced Grace)
Lylis: [roll0]
Pratum: [roll1]
Lilith: [roll2]
Agnieszka: [roll3]

So that is 2 VP for everyone but Lylis.

2023-06-28, 06:41 PM
The tower is not falling apart. You’ve all destroyed parts of it while fighting your way to the end, but it isn’t falling apart.


Ricka Draws
2023-06-28, 08:22 PM
Sorry I was sick yesterday and totally forgot about posting

2023-06-28, 08:59 PM
Passive scores are not able to be applied, since you are having to search everywhere, especially with the collapsed bones and various other remains of undead creatures covering the entire place.

Also. Just a general note so you know how I think:

Expecting me to give you details of a search from a statement like "I investigate the room with such a score", or "I Perception with a check of (insert number)" will get you a lot of details about the room, along with clues to point to the right spot. Even a little bit of additional action like "If there is a desk, or a table, then I would like to search that for a letter from the Duke."

That also said, I need to be better at providing more things too, so if you think I am leaving something out, or want clarification about a room you are in, ask and I can give more details. That is a result of me typing before I think through too much and think I am doing okay.

So if ever you think I need more, or am not giving you enugh for your own agency, please let me know, so I can do better and we can all have fun.

Ricka Draws
2023-06-28, 10:28 PM
So far is okay I think, we're just starting

2023-07-03, 01:40 PM
[roll0] Perception, to locate the ruby-eyed skeleton. Or anything else hidden around and about.

Not much to say IC right now.

2023-07-16, 10:46 AM
Is this game dead?

2023-07-16, 01:14 PM
With the fourth done, and I know there’s some other things going on, id like to continue, but I would like everyone to check in before I do.

2023-07-16, 09:12 PM
I'm still here, if the game is still going.

2023-07-17, 07:26 PM
I'm here! Just not sure what to be doing ICly.

2023-07-18, 05:51 PM
Well. With just the two of you, I think it’s dead.

Unless you both want to continue with just you. I would be fine with that.

2023-07-19, 10:13 PM
As I said, if the game goes forward, I'm good to go on. But if you want to call it, that's fine too.