View Full Version : Tomboys and Troublemakers Part V: Zut Zut Zut and a Bottle of Bordeleaux

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2023-06-24, 08:39 AM
Well here we are









2023-06-24, 08:40 AM
Wighard Rauschenberg

Wighard is of middling height and unremarkable appearance with neat brown hair.

He is clad in near black leathers that have seen a lot of use - and no doubt much staining but his choice of colour means that doesn't show up so well.

He carries a new looking battleaxe that Glod will recognise as dwarfcraft and wears holy symbols of both Shallya and Morr - as well a broach bearing the image of a burning slug.

He also has the pouches and pockets of seemingly random stuff that one associates with a spellcaster or kleptomanic hoarder.

As outerwear he has a light slate grey uniform coat of a Stabsarzt, but without rank insignia. The cloak has been cunningly sewn within and whilst the coat itself is plain and unadorned except for the lining and asklepian embraided in dark blue Waffenfarbe by the shoulders it is made of excellent cloth and with exquisite workmanship and should serve him equally well in the deserts of Araby and the cold of Norsca.

Brevet Surgeon-at-large of the Order of Aetius the Bright

Human Male

Apprentice Wizard / Barber Surgeon / Agent of the Shroud

Age 25

Main Profile

































*Wighard recieves a 10% bonus on INT and WP so long as both he and Kwolf or Schlapp are cooperative and conscious

** Wighard is at -5 to Fel when dealing with non-magic users. After casting his eyes glow, if from his Lore they have be sometimes white and cloudy and sometimes gold and glowing. Also if he has been talking to Deities his eyes reflect that - Morr may turn them purple for instant. This can lead to people thinking he has been dabbling in Amethyst magic in defiance of regulations.

Secondary Profile

































*Wighard receives +1 Magic from Kwolf

**Lucky Charm
The familiar is somehow a magnet for good luck. The familiar
has a reservoir of 2 Fortune Points that either the familiar or its
master can use each day.


Attack x2 54 for 1d10+4 (Impact) - BQ Axe

Dodge Blow 54

Parry 64 - BQ Shield

Parry 77 - Radiant Shield

Perception 101 / 111 Visual


Aethyric Attunement (+10 Channelling and Magical Sense)

Arcane Lore (Order of Aetius the Bright)

Coolheaded +5 WP

Excellent Vision (+10 Perception and Lip Reading)

Extra Spell (Banish)

Extra Spell (Illuminate the Edifice)

Extra Spell (Light's Demand)

Extra Spell (Radiant Gaze)

Keen Senses (+20 Perception)

Lesser Magic (Bind)

Lesser Magic (Shadowblood)

Petty Magic (Arcane)

Petty Magic (Hedge)

Resistance to Disease (+10 v Disease)

Savvy +5 INT

Sixth Sense (WP Test)

Stouthearted +10 v Fear, Terror and Intimidate

Suave +5 Fel

Surgery +10 Heal, Heavily wounded recover 2 not 1, +20% to avoid limb loss

Very Resilient +5 Tough

Warrior Born +5 WS


Academic Knowledge (Law) INT 71

Academic Knowledge (Magic) INT 71

Academic Knowledge (Necromancy) INT 71

Academic Knowledge (Theology) INT 71

Animal Care INT 71

Channelling WP 87

Charm FEL 51/56

Command FEL 51/56

Common Knowledge - [Empire] INT 71

Common Knowledge - [Skaven] INT 71

Disguise FEL 51/56

Dodge Blow AG 54

Drive STR 44

Gossip FEL 51/56

Haggle FEL 51/56

Heal+10 INT 91

Intimidate STR 44

Magical Sense WP 87

Perception +10INT 101/111 Visual

Read/Write INT 71

Search INT 71

Speak Arcane Language (Magick) INT 71

Speak Language (Breton) INT 71

Speak Language (Classical) INT 71

Speak Language (Queekish) INT 71

Speak Language - (Riekspeil) INT 71

Speak Language (Tilean) INT 71

Swim STR 44

Trade - (Apothecary) INT 71


Red Hand of Khaine - cured for now, but he will never be entirely free of Khaine's hold

Arcane Marks

Eerie Eyes:Wighard is at -5 to Fel when dealing with non-magic users. After casting his eyes glow, if from his Lore they have be sometimes white and cloudy and sometimes gold and glowing. Also if he has been talking to Deities his eyes reflect that - Morr may turn them purple for instant. This can lead to people thinking he has been dabbling in Amethyst magic in defiance of regulations.


Printed Book

Trade Tools (Barber Surgeon)

Leather Armour

Apothecary's Tools

Good quality riding boots

Good quality Apron

Restocked medical kit

His copy of Siobhan's apprenticeship

Best quality axe (+5% Impact)

BQ Shield with Company logo on it

Good quality religious symbols (Shallya, Morr)

A rabbit pelt discarded by the hawk symbolic of Khaine

A few sealed samples of grass with Skaven fear musk (to be reverse engineered once he finds a perfumier)

First ever pistol ball Wighard stopped via Shimmering Cloak (base of future magic item)

Articles of the Company of the Burning Slug

Lucky Charm of the Burning Slug

7 Healing Draughts (Company)

Wand of Magus Trakore - when held, grants a +1 to the magic characteristic

The cloak of destiny gives one free reroll on a spell per day - knee-length cape of deepest purple, and it seems reactive in the magic field (sewn inside BQ Uniform overcoat)


50 arrows

Large Best Quality Tube Case (Wallet)

5 x Marblesets


Animal Call

10 Sheets Parchment

Sealing Wax

4 x Spikes

20 x BQ Matches


3 x Large Fire Grenades


6 Powder

24 shot

Crown of Flowers (Gift of Taal)
Twice a month, but not within two weeks of each other, can cast rhyas comfort with your magic characteristic

That magic eye thing - taken by Maga Ollyn

The decapitated head of Lord Armata - Given to the Temple of Morr in Altdorf

a book on ancient nekeharan ruins written in a dialect of classical. it may take weeks to study the book, but it may provide loot and wealth - left in his suite in the College of Light

Two fangs from the chaos snake - arranged tastefully on the wall of his suite

Letter of Recommendation from the town elders of Trundheim for clearing the mine

Shield (Original) https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/eEaXCCjQ3KdIkV0vFwXyUc47UAtYrHAvh_cXU0VqCn8W4lCU__ gYLP36tAwxdUMvZiaeNQ3YYx124TdDILVa5wLbqpeiZoFU1Y7v HHmrhBoaLUi8kzqV2iBZTlQdB4vhEA=w1280


37gc 3s 2pc

Owed to College:

42.5 gc - paid to his order directly 15/10/22


To Take:

Common K: Tilea
Follow Trail
Silent Move


Can take:

Common K: Empire

Speak Language x1

Radiant Weapon

Cross Class want list:
Charm Animal
Train Animal

Possible Exits: (Red need to complete current career)

Grave Robber, Interrogator, Journeyman Wizard, Killer of the Dead, Physician, Priest of Morr Scholar, Scribe, Spy, Vampire Hunter, Witch Hunter, Tradesman, Vagabond

1000 XP spent so far
9 on advances
1 on talent

100 to Barber Surgeon

200 on WS and AG

300 Resistance to Disease

400 left

T (Apothecary)

Earned 150
50 left


Speak Language (Breton

+75 8/3/22 = 75

+200 9/22/4 = 75

Speak Language (Tilean)
Agent of the Shroud

+200 9/29/4 = 75

+5 Toughness

+300 18/5/10
Academic K: Necromancy

+100 27/5/22

Unspent 175 remaining

+200 30/5/22
+15 to WP

75 remaining

+50 8/6/22

125 remaining

+200 21/6/22

Arcane Lore (Order of Aetius the Bright) CC

125 remaining

+400 20/7/22

Animal Care CC
A/K: Law
Fel +5
Sixth Sense

25 balance

+500 16/9/22

Academic Knowledge (Theology)
+1 Magic CC
+1 Attack
+5 WS

+100 24/10/22

Balance 125

+200 31/10/22

Command CC
+5 STR

Common Knowledge - [Skaven] (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25640935&postcount=402)

Balance 25

Keen Senses
SL/ Queekish
Petty Magic Hedge CC

Balance 25

Illuminate the Edifice

Balance 25

50 earned balance 75

Lesser magic (Bind)

Dodge Blow CC
Light's Demand
Int +5

16/11/23 +100
75 balance
(So should be 175?) 4/3/24

4/3/24 +100
275 balance

Lesser Magic - Shadowblood
175 balance

+1 Wound

75 balance

Original kit: 110 gc 15p spent of 117

Wighard is the product of a minor provincial offshoot of the Light College that seeks to emphasise practical healing, giving wizards the understanding of the body to avoid the use of magic in all but the most desperate cases and to be more effective when they do.

So far this concept has proven valid on the first part and much less so on the second.

As such he had a less than typical apprenticeship focusing on hands on medical training in the real word rather than /menial labouring in the bounds of a wizard college.

He first came to the attention of the professor when his magister was on an expedition with him and Wighard was attached as an assistant. The two have remained in contact ever since, the professor being interested in the combination of mild magic and academic knowledge.

Wighard is an affable and charming young man who would be quite good as a rouge should he ever make the effort.

He also has a darker tendency towards violence that he usually supresses, so it is uncertain whether his experiences at the mine are a genuine revelation or just pushed down a path that was always within him.

He is almost ready to move onto the next stage of his studies, and was considered a shoe in to chose Hysh as his chosen wind, he is keen to do so to advance to journeyman but he may be side-tracked into conventional medicine until he can satisfy the magisters.

Now it seems Morr (and possibly the rest of his family) have other plans for him and maybe the Raven King will get around to telling him what they are.

However his theoretical studies have been somewhat interrupted by him having spent the storm of chaos doing field medicine - his practical skills have really advanced though

He isn't a soldier, having spent his time in the equivalent of a MASH unit, but he's spent enough time in that environment to have a fairly good idea about who is worth following and who is a waste of space.

Now he's been promoted to full-magister-but-not-really - in what he can only view as a political move, but against whom, by whom and why are still a mystery to him.

He's also pretty sure ever since the Magus Trakore gave him the wand that he's being given ever increasing amounts of power and responsibility without the tools to deal with it - so he is either being tested somehow or being set up to fail.

He confided in Siobhan and Gimgroth that he left home at 15 after beating a young soldier
named Isven (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25490188&postcount=904) near to death, an event that so disturbed him he turned to healing

Will talk in Teal

Glowing Light
Casting Number: 3
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredient: A drop of lamp oil (+1)
Description: You can cause any item in your grasp to glow with the
light of a lantern for one hour or until you let it go.

Casting Number: 4
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredient: A tiny bell (+1)
Description: You can create a phantom noise with this spell, with
volume ranging from a whisper to a roar. You can choose the
type of noise and the volume; the spell can reproduce any type
of noise but speech. The noise can last for up to one round.

Casting Number: 4
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredient: A dab of butter (+1)
Description: You compel a target character within 24 yards (12
squares) to drop whatever he is holding. The subject of this
spell can resist it with a successful Will Power Test.

Marsh Lights
Casting Number: 6
Casting Time: Full action
Ingredient: A firefly (+1)
Description: You create the appearance of a number of distant lights
that suggest torches or lanterns. They appear within 100 yards
(50 squares) of you and can then be sent off in any direction.
They naturally follow corridors or paths and do not need to be
controlled or overseen in any way. You can control them more
closely if desired, but only as long as they remain in line of sight.
You can’t perform any other actions while controlling the lights.
The lights travel at various speeds, but never slower than 8 yards (4
squares) per round or faster than 16 yards (8 squares) per round.

Magic Dart
Casting Number: 6
Casting Time: Half actionIngredient: A small dart (+1)
Description: You throw a dart of magical force at an opponent
within 16 yards (8 squares). Although small, the magic dart
strikes with considerable force. A magic dart is magic missile
with Damage 3.

Casting Number: 6
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredient: A piece of down (+1)
Description: Your touch causes one opponent to fall into a slumber
for 1d10 rounds unless a successful Will Power Test is made.
Sleeping characters are considered to be helpless. Sleep is a
touch spell.

Protection from rain
Casting Number: 3
Casting Time: Full action
Ingredient: A freshly picked leaf (+1)
Description: This spell protects you from the rain and other types of
precipitation. Even in the heaviest downpour, you and your
belongings remain perfectly dry. The spell lasts for 1 hour,
though you may dismiss it any before that at your option.

+5 others dependent on Siobhan

Casting Number: 10
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredient: A bit of rope (+1)
Description: You call up an invisible magical force to bind an opponent’s hands causing him to drop whatever was is held. The target must be within 12 yards (6 squares). The target may spend one half action each round to attempt a Strength Test to break the bindings. The bonds last for a number of minutes equal to your Magic Characteristic.

Casting Number: 14
Casting Time: Full action
Ingredient: The blood of a Vampire (+2)
Description: Burning blood leaps from your hands and ignites a target within 12 yards (6 squares).This is a
magic missile causing a Damage 4 hit that affects a number of targets equal to your Magic Characteristic.
Its duration is instant. If you spend 5 Wounds cutting yourself to provide blood for the spell, you may double the number of targets.

Casting Number: 13
Casting Time: Full action
Ingredient: An oak wand (+2)
Description: You wrap a daemon within 24 yards (12 squares) of you in the tendrils of Hysh, using the pureness of light to banish it back to the Realm of Chaos. If the spell is cast successfully, the banishment is resolved as an Opposed Will Power Test. If you win, the daemon disappears. If you lose, it remains. In the case of a stalemate, the two of you remain locked in mental combat. Neither of you can take any other actions (including dodge) while the struggle continues. Make Opposed Will Power Tests on each of your turns until one of you is victorious. Banish can also be used to exorcise the possessed.

Boon of Hysh
Casting Number: 27
Casting Time: 2 full actions
Ingredient: A lock of hair from the target, cut while he was well (+3)
Description: You wrap a single character in the healing power of Hysh and all damage and maladies affecting him are healed. This includes all Wounds sustained, diseases currently being suffered, poisons currently in the system, and the like. You can also cast this spell on yourself. This is a touch spell

Cleansing Glow
Casting Number: 5
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredient: A bit of soap (+1)

Description: A dim glow passes over the surface of any item or character, and it is cleaned to spotlessness. Dust is removed, tarnish polished away, rank smells eliminated, and beard stubble trimmed. Spoiled food or drink can be made pure—tasty, even, if it originally was—by means of this magic. This is a touch spell

Healing of Hysh
Casting Number: 10
Casting Time: Full action
Ingredient: A clear glass bead (+2)
Description: Your touch heals an injured character a number of Wounds equal to your Magic Characteristic. You can also heal yourself. This is a touch spell.

Casting Number: 16
Casting Time: Full action
Ingredient: A poultice (+2)
Description: You use the power of Hysh to aid one or more characters suffering from disease or poison. The spell affects up to a number of characters equal to your Magic Characteristic and all of them must be within 8 yards (4 squares) of you. If this spell is cast successfully, any diseases affecting the targets have their durations halved (rounded down). Alternately, the spell can remove one poison from each target, nullifying all its effects. You must decide if illbane will treat disease or poison when you cast the spell.

Illuminate the Edifice
Casting Number: 11
Casting Time: Full action
Ingredient: An unburned wax candle (+2)
Description: You cause the interior spaces of any single building to shine with daylight. With Magic 1 you can affect a hovel-sized building, with Magic 2 a moderate sized multi-roomed house or building, with Magic 3 a large manor house, and with Magic 4 any single contiguous building of any size whatsoever. The light shines in rooms, attics, closets, and any other spaces bounded by a man-made roof and walls on all sides. In addition to illuminating the interior of the building, light shines out through open doors, windows, and even the cracks between boards and shingles. This is a touch spell; you must touch a solid structural element (wall, beam, or the like) of the building to be affected. Duration of one hour per point of your Magic Characteristic.

Light's Demand
Casting Number: 21
Casting Time: 2 full actions
Ingredient: A flawless mirror (+3)
Description: You cause a brilliant shaft of light to explode forth from your hand. When using the mirror ingredient, the light emanates from the mirror, shattering when the spell ends. Use the cone template. All creatures from the Realm of Chaos (e.g. daemons) caught in the area of this spell must make a Will Power Test with a –10% penalty per point of your Magic characteristic. Those who fail cannot take move actions for as long as you maintain the shaft. You can project the cone of light for a number of rounds equal to your Magic characteristic. You may extend the duration of
this spell for an additional round per Wound you sacrifice.

Light of Purity
Casting Number: 12
Casting Time: 2 full actions
Ingredient: A wax candle blessed by a priest of Shallya (+2)
Description: In casting this spell, you light a fire of any size from candle to campfire. All those within the area illuminated by that flame (its Maximum Vision; see WFRP, page 117) automatically pass any Toughness Tests necessary to resist any disease for as long as the flame burns. The fire may be increased in size (by adding more fuel to a fire, for example) and even split into multiple fires (such as by lighting a second candle with a first). In the latter case, “child” fires have the same full effects as their “parents,” and the effect lasts for all those illuminated by any of the fires until such time as they go out.

The Power of Truth
Casting Number: 18
Casting Time: 1 full action and 1 half action
Ingredient: A blank sheet of vellum (+2)
Description: A character you touch becomes more convincing to others but only if he speaks honestly. If he abides by that restriction, the character gains a +30% bonus on Charm Tests and can affect double the normal number of people (such doubling should be done after the effects of the Public Speaking or Master Orator Talents are factored in). The influence of this spell is not obvious (the target doesn’t have a glowing aura or the accompaniment of unearthly music), so there is no easy way to gauge the honesty of the recipient. You can also cast the power of truth on yourself. This is a touch spell.

Radiant Gaze
Casting Number: 7
Casting Time: Full action
Ingredient: A lens (+1)
Description: Your gaze focuses radiant power on one target within 16 yards (8 squares). This is a magic missile with Damage 6. Sometimes, looks really can kill.

Radiant Sentinel
Casting Number: 14
Casting Time: Full action
Ingredient: A buckler (+2)
Description: You create a ball of glowing light the size of a Human head that floats around your body, moving slowly or quickly as the situation demands. The ball deflects blows aimed against you, protecting you from harm. Once per round the radiant sentinel can parry a melee attack made against you, using your Will Power in place of Weapon Skill. This does not count towards your limit of one parry per round. The ball dissipates after a number of minutes equal to your Magic Characteristic ROS

Shimmering Cloak
Casting Number: 8
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredient: A candle (+1)
Description: You surround yourself with a field of light that protects you from ranged attacks. All non-magical missile attacks have their Damage rating reduced to 0 (in other words, damage is simply 1d10). Shimmering cloak lasts a number of minutes equal to your Magic Characteristic. You automatically fail any Concealment Tests you attempt while shimmering cloak is in effect. ROS

Pillar of Radiance
Casting Number: 28
Casting Time: Full action
Ingredient: A diamond worth at least 100 gc (+3)
Description: You focus and concentrate the energy of Hysh into a deadly column of burning light anywhere within 48 yards (24 squares). Use the large template. Those affected take a Damage 4 hit and must make a successful Agility Test or suffer the effects of dazzling brightness. As this is such a potent conjuration, all Wizards within a 5-mile radius are aware of the disturbance in the Aethyr that this spell causes. Using this spell for anything other than daemonic combat is deeply frowned upon by the Elder Hierophants of the Light Order ROS

Perfect Comprehension
Casting Number: 10
Casting Time: 2 Full actions
Ingredient: A wax candle blessed by a Priest of Verena (+2)
Duration: 1 minute per Magic characteristic
Description: While under the effects of this spell, you understand any language or method of communication, foreign or arcane, spoken or written, coded or confused, as clearly as possible.
Some ancient elvish, magick or Old One tongues may not translate (GMs Call).
You can only comprehend the language, not communicate with it (EtcEtc)

Tiny Bell (Sounds) x 5
Firefly (Marsh Lights) x 5
Small Dart (Magic Dart) x 10
Piece of Down (Sleep) x 10

Soap (Cleansing Glow) x 10
Clear Glass Bead (Healing of Hysh) x 10 n5
Sheet of Vellum (Power of Truth) x 10 n9
Tallow Candle (Shimmering Cloak) x 5
Wax Candle x10
4 blessed by Verena (Perfect Comprehension)
6 to be blessed by Shallya (Light of Purity)

2 locks of everyones hair including Siobhan and Schlapp and the other wolf

Human Female 17

Standard adventurer gear
Wighard's former sword
Leather Armour
Crossbow that used to belong to Wighard
BQ Dress
BQ Hairbrush
Noble silks

30 bolts

Main Profile
































Kwolf recieves +10 to INT and WP so long as he and Wighard are both conscious and cooperative

Secondary Profile
































Talons do SB-2 with Fast Quality

Familiar Abilities:

Link of Psyche

The familiar and master can communicate complex thoughts
and emotions to each other instantly, without speech, and over
any distance. This ability increases the ability of each to cogitate
and withstand mental stresses, raising the Intelligence and Will
Power of both by +10% for as long as both are conscious and

Lucky Charm
The familiar is somehow a magnet for good luck. The familiar
has a reservoir of 2 Fortune Points that either the familiar or its
master can use each day.

Magic Power
As long as the familiar lives and remains his familiar, the Wizard
gains a bonus of +1 to his Magic Characteristic.

Voice of Reason
The familiar dampens chaotic forces. When its master makes a
Casting Roll that contains doubles, triples, or quadruples, the
master may elect to re-roll the dice in order to avoid Tzeentch’s
Curse. (Of course, if the first roll is a success in casting, the
master may wish to keep it to be guaranteed of success. It’s up to
him.) If the master elects to re-roll, he must abide by the second
result, whatever it is. This effect is cumulative with the effects of
protective circles (see WFRP, page 144).


Excellent Vision
Keen Senses
Morr's Shadow (Appear and disappear as he likes)
Not Actually Helpful


Perception +20 (INT) 57 + 10 Visual
Sarcasm +20

Speak Language - [Riekspeil] INT

Speak Language (Tilean) INT

125XP Balance

Skills: Academic Knowledge (any), Common Knowledge (any), Dodge
Blow, Magical Sense, Read/Write, Speak Arcane
Language (Magick)

Talents: Acute Hearing, Aethyric Attunement, Alley Cat, Flee!,
, Resistance to Chaos, Resistant to Magic, Sixth Sense, Strong-minded, Unsettling

Main Profile
































Schlapp recieves +10 to INT and WP so long as he and Wighard are both conscious and cooperative

Secondary Profile
































Attack 36 for 1d10+3
Perception 58

Familiar Abilities:

Link of Psyche

The familiar and master can communicate complex thoughts
and emotions to each other instantly, without speech, and over
any distance. This ability increases the ability of each to cogitate
and withstand mental stresses, raising the Intelligence and Will
Power of both by +10% for as long as both are conscious and
-As this was the random roll for both Kwolf and Schlapp when first linked, the +10 does not stack with itself but the Link embraces Wighard, Siobhan, Kwolf, Schlapp and Catwulf

Magic Power
As long as the familiar lives and remains his familiar, the Wizard
gains a bonus of +1 to his Magic Characteristic.


Keen Senses
Natural Weapons
Night Vision


Being a good boy
Follow Trails
Perception +10%
Silent Move

Schlapp is conflicted, he's cuddly and Wighard has never treated him with anything other than affection and respect and emotionally he reciprocates. It is just that intellectually he knows that the company killed his parents and enslaved his siblings.

Skills: Academic Knowledge (any), Common Knowledge (any), Dodge
Blow, Magical Sense, Read/Write, Speak Arcane
Language (Magick)

Talents: Acute Hearing, Aethyric Attunement, Alley Cat, Flee!,
, Resistance to Chaos, Resistant to Magic, Sixth Sense, Strong-minded, Unsettling

Schlapp's sister and Siobhan's familar

Unlike her brother Cathwulf is distant and inconsiderate, so basically a giant cat

Ability Magic Focus
The master can use the familiar’s magical nature to amplify the
effects of his spellcasting much as a lens focuses light. When
a spell is cast in this way, one of its quantitative effects—
range, area of effect, duration, and so on—is doubled. The
downside of using this ability to cast a given spell is that it is
unpredictable, and makes one of the dice in the Casting Roll
a Chaos die

2023-06-24, 08:42 AM
Current Balance of Company Funds:


A 200ton cog Liveship called "Trundheim"

Imperial Merchant Marine flag

Flag with the company logo


there is a ring with a large inset ruby in it - held by Wighard until it can be leveraged

Fancy Stuff:

Wighard - Wand of Magus Trakore

Cape of Destiny

Flower Crown of Taal

Jasmine finds a raggedy notebook containing the exploits of an explorer named till krahl in norsca

The Nutcracker is a Best Quality Firearm. Thus, its profile:

The Nutcracker. Encumbrance: 27 (though 'caddied' by Bully, if you prefer). Type: Gunpowder. Damage: 4. Range: 24/48. Reload: 2 Full. Qualities: Best Craftsmanship (+5% to hit), Impact. Value: 3000GC~.

Dagger Of Halflings

The Dagger of Halflings will only display special magic properties in the hands of a Halfling; to other users, it simply counts as a magical weapon against creatures only affected by such. Although only the size of a dagger, when used by a Halfling, it counts as a normal sword, with an additional +10 bonus conferred to WS.

- That bonus does not count when fighting other halflings, because they can perceive its true nature and because Hin shall not kill Hin - or whatever the word is here

Bruno - One of lord Armata's noble outfits

Taals Gift of peace: spend a fortune point to speak first, before blades are drawn. against normal animals or people. this autosucceeds with a number of degrees equal to your fellowship. against chaos or notable foes, you must make a fellowship check against their WP to get through to them. note that slaughtering a notable enemy (unless he succeeds on his WP check) after this has been used will result in bad things happening.


BQ Axe

Bone Flute of Soul Trapping


Misericorde of Poisonous Malice - Held in his boot for the moment (Magic and +4 wounds from Black Lotus)

Gimgroth - a rapier with a jewel in the pommel. the blade is razor-sharp and is inscribed with writing that seems a tad out of focus. the rapier is slightly magical, and the classical on the blade comes into focus. it reads demonbane, slayer of Vro'dros Ambergazer this blade has the impact quality against daemons. and glows red when they are nearby

Gift runic item - Best Quality Warhammer (Hand Weapon) perm rune of fury temp rune of might

Flower Crown of Taal
Once per day, you can cast stags leap on yourself. the crown has 2 magic dice you can use to cast it

Flower Crown of Taal
Can see the winds of magic, and can bane or boon them once a day (add +1 to a magic characteristic, or -1 one enemies one)


the lambent purple gem that had been part of the ruse to pull their coach over on the road to Talabheim - is a dreaming stone

its basically astral projection, but fickle and prone to showing dark things

its a palantir from lotr

six large glass bowls with a gem inserted in the neck slot (like a fish bowl) - enable one to breath underwater

5 matching silk nobles outfits

To be dealt with:

Six 5 Magic Marbles - create smoke screen, suggest give most to Jasmine
- One used by Bertelis on the LiveShip

White and Black horses found by Bruno after the skaven encounter

Glod - Three bottles inscribed with khazalid runes - hodl the spirit of ancient dwarf runesmith thurfam longbellies, may ak 1d5 questions of each before he departs

Three ingots of Gomril

Destroyed the Trundheim Flambard

Gift runic item - Plate Helmet with Permanent Rune of Stone

2 matching silk nobles outfits


Ilthmar mail shirt

2023-06-24, 08:43 AM
Notes and quest log:

Recurring nemeses

That yellow eyed one armed individual
-1 FP

Hunt Lord of the Foxwood
-1 FP

Long Rifle aka Sawalr Ksaw (Some ******* With A Long Rifle, Keeps Shooting At Wighard) - Wighard has twice been shot at by someone with a scoped rifle. Its not clear if this is the same person or not or if they are the same as the Liveship master working for Nurgle who kidnapped Deanna. Conservation of Emnity says yes
-1 FP

The Dame: Annoying Sarl bitch who challenged Bertelis to a fair fight at Black Crypt after sending her minions to soften him up



Siobhan as heir to Padholds in Talabecheim

Jasmine has a bounty of 2500GP on her

Active quests:

Find and destroy this daemon sword in Mousillon for the nice witch hunter

Wighard: Kill Cecilia d'Orgremont for the Church of Shallya

Wighard: Red Knight also has a spear that Manaan wants back and taking to Bourdelaux

Wighard: Find this "becassine de la ouest" guy in Mousillon for aid against the Red Knight

Vermillion Flue in Bretonnia - Green Knight has promised to try to cure, Trader spread it in the de Roche lands

Gimgroth: Recover piece of the crucible and the Hammer of Kinslaying from ruin in Mousillon

Bertelis: One brother is with Red Knight

Medium Term:

Wighard has a dozen spell obligations to Verena and 21/24 to Shallya

Bertelis has to kill a servant of each of the lords of chaos

Manaan would like a better version of Protection from Rain developed

Wighard would like to find a perfumier to duplicate the smell of Skaven fear musk

Long term:



XP Totals:

As of 20/7/22

Gimgroth 4135
Bertelis and Wighard 4125
Joiners 3750


Gimgroth 4635
Bertelis and Wighard 4625
Joiners 4250


Gimgroth 4735
Bertelis and Wighard 4725
Joiners 4350


Gimgroth 4935
Bertelis and Wighard 4925
Joiners 4550
Kwolf 100

Gimgroth 5635
Bertelis and Wighard 5625
Joiners 5250
Kwolf 450

Wighard 5675
Bertelis 5625
Bruno, Meloth 5300
Jasmine 5250
Kwolf 475

Wighard 5875
Bertelis 5825
Bruno, Meloth 5500
Jasmine 5450
Kwolf 575

Bertelis 5925
Wighard 5875
Bruno, Meloth 5500
Jasmine 5450
Kwolf 575

Bertelis 6225
Wighard 6175
Bruno, Meloth 5800
Jasmine 5750
Kwolf 725


Bertelis 6625
Wighard 6575
Bruno, Meloth 6200
Jasmine 6150
Kwolf 925
Schlapp 200

Gimgroth 5935

Bertelis 6725
Wighard 6675
Bruno 6300
Jasmine, Regine 6250
Gimgroth 6035
Kwolf 975
Schlapp 250

Edit: Regine joined on 5750, so should be same level as Jasmine

Bertelis 6725
Wighard 6675
Bruno, Jasmine 6300
Regine 6250
Gimgroth 6035
Kwolf 975
Schlapp 250

Bertelis 6825
Wighard 6775
Bruno, Jasmine 6400
Regine 6350
Gimgroth 6135
Kwolf 1025
Schlapp 300


As of arrival in Outer Montfort:


9th Sigmartide/Sigmarzeit


24th day of Pilgrimage

As of arrival in Couronne

31st Sigmartide


Will mark Wighard down 46gc


2023-06-24, 08:43 AM
Order of the Burning Slug:


Charter Members:

Bertelis de Roche
- Banerez de Saulx, Chevalier de Hérrison
Mounts: Adélard (Warhorse) and Rainier (Riding)

Wighard Rauschenberg
-Brevet Surgeon-at-large of the Order of Aetius the Bright
-Stabsarzt of his Imperial Majesty's Army

Full Members:

Bruno, Baronet Richter
Mount: Untrained warhorse

Jasmine Featherblossom
Mount: Mule

Mount: None

Regine Lacroix


Siobhan Padholder - Wighard's apprentice / adopted daughter

Kwolf - Larger-than-average Raven; emissary of Morr, acts as Wighard's familiar in most respects, but mostly his own bird

Schalpp the Giant Wolf - He and his sister Cathwulf are familiars for Wighard and Siobhan

Aletta / Maxime - Niece to Duke Hagen, Squire to Bertelis, horse called Maurice

Odmar - Company's ostler, was rescued from Skaven slavery during our Civil War
- Shield

Berthold - Bruno's valet, formerly worked for his chaos worshipping cousin. Under observation.

Bullriadoc Honeyacre -Gun caddy to Jasmine; link to the lodge
Bully isn't a direct combatant (unless he has to be); but he does have the Master Gunner and Rapid Reload talents, allowing him to reload a pistol or firearm in 1 turn instead of 2; and a blunderbuss in 2 instead of 3. He also has the Quickdraw talent, enabling him to pick up a weapon from the ground for free once a turn; or to slip it away in someone's holster.

Also, as part of Ernald's operation, he can send and receive pigeons, guided and spurred by Ghur, to deliver and receive messages at extraordinary distances with extraordinary accuracy.

- Human Female, Ward of Gimgroth

Recurring NPCS:

Maga Onyll - Hard but fair Magister - proposed Wighard for promotion. Not a Light wizard but school otherwise unknown.

The Family (Morr, Verena, Shallya, Myrmidia, Khaine) - might initially have been a hallucination on Wighard's part, now more or less confirmed to be real. Have only appeared to Wighard and usually in the form of birds.

Captain Ludwig von Sydow - Riverwarden in Altdorf, sacked Jasmine, probably corrupt

zarinna - Circus performer, knife thrower, had a one night stand with Emil; showed up later on the road to Couronne claiming to be carrying his child

Deanna de Roche - Bertelis step-mother who is only slightly older than him

Have met them once:

Reiksmarshall Kurt Hellborg - honoured the group in the Cathedral of Sigmar in Altdorf after The Event

King Louen Leoncoeur -

Duke Hagen of Gisoreux

Damsel Elisia

Green Knight

Johnson the Hammer - Witchhunter who is trying to blackmail the group with Bruno's cousins history into destroying a demon sword in Mousillon

master smith dekagg stoutbelt - Dwarves returned Borri Greybeard's remains from the pyramid to him in Altdorf

Lord du moll at Lambord's rest - anxious to acquire firearms. Bruno and Wighard agreed to help in exchange for him succouring the others during Civil War4

sergeant gavarron - In the service of Lord du Moll, went into the Skaven warrens after Team Honour before Reason

damsel elisia - Grail Maiden. Asked Wighard about his use of magic in the battle where he immolated Xueek
Sealed shadow Daemon in Bruno's eye for later treatment

Emma - Daemon who was bound as the animating force for Trundheim for several hundred years. Freed by Wighard in Battle of Anguille Docks, currently thinking what she wants to do. May have been corrupted towards the side of light by her long presence in the physical world and her abhorrence of slavery. Takes the form of an enormous cephalopod with two heads, 9 really long tentacles and an angler fish lantern.

Olga - Wisewoman at Trundheim

Only seen or mentioned offscreen

Isven - young soldier who was beaten to a pulp by Wighard for harassing some of the local girls, prompting him to leave home

Master Maher - Wighard's master

The Three - Yellow, Grey and Blue Wizards investigating "The Event", names unspoken, apparently it is impossible to scry on Wighard

Abraham Nostitz, Magister Vigilant of the Gold College - Maybe the Yellow in the above vision, wrote to the Temple of Morr asking about Wighard

Red Knight with Fangs - Chased Deanna, may or may not be THE Red Knight

Grey Ghost - were told to be careful of them in the letter that took the party to Trundheim
-- When we were ambushed they wore grey scarves

Mentioned but dead

Professor Petrus Lorrimer - Friend, patron and mentor to the PCs. Historian and explorer affiliated with the Amethyst college. Campaign began at his funeral

Aetius the Bright - founder of Wighard's Order. Considered the entire College of Light to be sick through lack of exposure to natural light and seasons and perpetual bathing in Hysh, relations between the two are formal but strained

Xueek Grimfinger - Skaven leader immolated by Hysh and stuck in Wighard's head, now redeemed into Morr's realm

2023-06-24, 08:44 AM
Dice Roll Thread:


I went around digging up stats on Trundheim

The image I used is one of three replicas of:



Ubena von Bremen


ship data

hold size 160.00 m³
Draft without cargo 1.25m
Draft with cargo approx. 2.25 m

main sail 150-200 sqm
dto. reefed 75 m²
2 bonnets 50² each

I don't know how smart google translate was there, I don't think the main sail is reefed - that's one reason she is an archaic design - it has brails, which are those smaller ropes you see running up to the sail.

That means you control the sail from the deck, you don't need to climb onto the yard to reef it

stick anchor 300kg
CRQ plow anchor 1 108kg
CRQ plow anchor 2 65kg

Length over castle deck 23.23m

Length over stem 22.66m

keel length (lower edge) 15.60 m


front 4.81 m
rear 2.25m


via scaffolding beams

7.62m above deck

6.46m height from the waterline

up to the deck 3.14m

until the gangpill 7.04m

up to the stem 7.23m

Mast length including Hanse cross 23.80m

Mast length above deck 21.00 m

Mast length over CWL 23.00 m

mast diameter max. 0.65 m

Mast diameter with shroud attack 0.48m

frame length 18.00 m

yard diameter 15 / 0.30 m

mast weight 2.3t

Note that this puts the crows nest/fighting top beyond the limit for pistol shots

See also:


Where she has a horizontal winch and a capstan

And it confirms she is to be fought from the stern


Wighard or Siobhan should be available 24/7 if they are not needed, but will take accommodation as close to deck as possible

Also as medical personnel they would be daymen (might start schooling the urchins too)


Captain and Lieutenant - responsible for fighting the ship and leading or repelling borders


Sailing Master - puts the ship where BB want it

Jasmine: Depends what responsibility she's willing to accept

Meloth: Up in the nest?

Regine: ??

I pulled the authorised crew for a 210-30 ton 10 gun sloop, with the understanding that most of those men are there to work the guns we don't have and are not necessary to move the ship

Complement 100-100 (we are actually around 40)

Commissioned Officers:

Captain BRUNO

Lieutenant BERTELIS

Warrant Sea Officers:

Master Petrus

Boatswain JASMINE

Carpenter Petrus crew - still needed for emergencies



Purser Probably also Wighard

Inferior Warrant Officers:



Surgeons Mate Siobhan

Petty Officers:

Masters Mate

2x Midshipmen MELOTH REGINE

Captains Clerk

2 x Quartemaster

Quartermasters Mate

Boatswains Mate


Gunners Mate BULLY

Yeoman of the Powder Room

Quarter Gunner

Carpenters Mate




Sailmakers Crew

2 x Carpenters Crew


14 servants

2 widows men

55-65 seamen

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/e1ipmLNv5kWopuFiDDJ-NwBiOw7KCsKAz5lfefWzy16H73kXBXPeD6i0_aoGB0eCAMK8iK z55GbreKiwe6rIS4HbveeDvfGLh0YZ6iYuH7KKDmURJTrixZV3 gmVK_QhnHw=w1280

2023-06-24, 08:58 AM
Bam! New OOC, who dis?

Sir Bertelis Roche, Knight Errant of Bordeleaux, turned Cadet, turned Dilettante, turned Entertainer, turned Initiate of Manaan




Skills: Academic Knowledge (Genealogy/Heraldry, Strategy/Tactics, Geography, History, Theology), Common Knowledge (Bretonnia, The Empire, Tilea, Norsca, Araby), Speak Language (Breton, Reikspiel, Classical, Tilean, Norscan, Arabyan), Secret Language (Battle Tongue), Trade (Cartographer), Animal Care, Animal Training, Blather, Charm, Charm Animal, Command (+10), Dodge Blow, Gossip (+10), Heal, Navigation, Perception (+10), Performer (Musician, Singer), Read/Write, Ride, Outdoor Survival, Scale Sheer Surface, Swim.
Talents: Resistance (Magic), Hardy, Etiquette, Luck, Savvy, Schemer, Public Speaking, Specialist Weapon Group (Parrying, Fencing, Cavalry), Virtue of Chivalry, Strike Mighty Blow, Seasoned Traveller, Warrior Born, Disarm, Lightning Reflexes, Very Strong, Quick Draw, Trick Riding, Sauve.
Slow Mental Decay: 4 Insanity Points, 2 Madness (Fear of Death), (Imbalance of Humors).
- 1 from Rainbow Horrow Slug
- 1 from the Daemonette of the Altdorf Fiasco
- 1 from the Daemonette's Penultimate Blow
- 1 from horror roaches in the swamp tomb
- 1 from daemonic hallucinations on the road to Couronne
- 1 from spotting the dragon ogre on the road to Couronne
- 1 from clanrats in Axebite Pass, culminating in madness.
- 1 from Skaven Jezzail under Axebite pass.
- 1 from Shadow Hallucinations on the road back from Podeye
- 3 from the Dracoleech of L'Anguille
- 2 from the Vanishing of Deanna Roche
- 1 from the Shark-Man of the Dragon’s Maw Sarls
- 1 from the Elfslayer of the Tower of Balance

Fear of Death: Willpower Test upon becoming heavily wounded, or flee as if under the effects of terror.

Imbalance of Humors:

The character's mood becomes shifting and temperamental from day to day; spiking into agitation and anger one day, becoming slothfully indolent the next. Canny physicians - those who are aware of the somewhat outdated theory of four humors (rather than the in-vogue theory of three) may identify this as a pattern somewhat mappable to those four humors, and so may attempt to tread these excesses of humor with bleedings, expectorants or purgatives. None of these will offer true relief, even if the patient will confess a superficial sense of improvement, condemning themselves to needless repeat treatments.

At the start of a day (usually when waking up, or whenever appropriate in the GM's eyes in times of insomnia), roll a 1d100 and compare it to the chart below.

1-23 - Sanguine - Self-assured and excitable to the border of mania, the character is full of offputting forwardness and grating humor. He finds almost everything, especially his own jokes, very funny indeed. To all but the very drunk, he takes a -10 penalty to Charm and Gossip tests, and a -20 to Intimidate.

24-47 - Phlegmatic - Passive and self possessed to the point of foolishness, the character is incapable of feeling urgency and vigor. Unless forced to act otherwise, he will decline to engage in strenuous activity or volunteer for the easiest parts of it, and even then will pay half attention. He takes a -10 to Command and Willpower tests, and -20 to Perception.

48-52 - A Good Day - A rare good day when everything seems like it was...

53-76 - Melancholic - Shot through with despair and worry, the character dwells on past failures and personal weaknesses obsessively for the day, in defiance of consolation. He takes a -10 to Charm and Willpower tests, and -20 to Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill until he is heavily wounded - at that point, pain and mortality reassert their value for the day.

77-100 - Choleric - Cantankerous and argumentative, the character begins and ends the day with a noticeably more hostile disposition. In addition to being an unwarranted scourge to his companions, he takes a -20 to Fellowship for the day in all circumstances that are not naturally hostile circumstances - he may suffer the penalty to try to organize troops for a drill in peacetime, but not to execute a manoeuvre in battle. Atleast in the heat of battle, soldiers anticipate a certain amount of choler being thrown around.

Fate Losses
- 1 Bled out after dueling the Daemonette in the dark.
- 1 Shot down by Skaven during the Under-Battle of Axebite Pass.

Fate Gains
- Freeing the slaves after the Under-Battle of Axebite Pass.


I’ve met the most wonderful man. His name is Bertelis, and I like him very much. He is Bretonnian in the very best way: not a malodorous cheese merchant or ungroomed peasant, but a young knight, Ariadne. His hair is ash blonde, and cropped back to an inch upon his head; grading down into a short beard just a little darker in tone. He is a full foot taller than me - just under six feet - and fills out his mail with the very proportions I trust you can imagine with simple prompts like ‘gallant’ and ‘classical’. He has been travelling alongside our carriage on the road to Nuln, and I often lean out the window to speak with him as he rides alongside. His Reikspiel is very good, Ariadne; just the right amount of good that I can understand him perfectly, but he is driven to ask from time to time for my own words’ meaning, and thus extends most pleasingly the duration of our exchanges. He watches the road and the treeline when we are travelling, except when I am explaining some Talabecland idiom or what have you; in such moments I am afforded the full benefit of his sincere blue eyes that I might swear were dashed with purple.

And he is so kind, Ariadne! Nothing like the boys from Talabheim or Nuln, who seem to me to strut in profusion as if to obfuscate how little about which they have to strut. Yesterday evening, our carriage had slowed to a walking speed as the sun dipped low and we feared a roughness of the road to break a wheel. I seized the opportunity to disembark and hastened to the front of our group where Bertelis was riding. My thought was to walk alongside and ask him more about his father’s vineyards for just a few minutes before we reached the coaching inn. Yet he saw me hustling up to him, skirts gripped in my little fists so not to trip, and he slipped at once from the saddle, his countenance dismayed. I begged his pardon, that he need not fear for me and that I had only hoped to speak to him a little more and that I was in no danger. But he had not mistaken my manor for trouble, after all; he was merely crestfallen to be caught in the saddle while a lady's feet touched earth. I contested the point, but he would not be dissuaded; he would not ride while I walked, and for a half minute we walked quietly alongside his horses as I imagined how badly I had made a fool of myself and breached his honor. However, before I could begin conspiring in myself to repair my blunder, he suggested that we might solve the problem if he rode his warhorse, and I rode his courser. Needless to say, I permitted him the honor of helping me into the saddle of a proud white beast he calls Rainier, while the sable charger Adélard carried him beside me.

I fear I am very much in love, Ariadne. I must concoct a reason for him to stay with our carriage for the next leg of the journey and give him an opportunity to come to the matching conclusion. I will write again soon, hopefully with exciting developments. As always, I charge you with the utmost discretion with these matters, invoking the covenant of all women to their sisters.

I love you,


P.S. I mean it, don’t tell mother. This is nothing like the Estalian but she will say that it is, and move to thwart my romance with her smothering rationalism.




Skills: Perception, Swim
Talents: Acute Hearing, Keen Senses
Attack: Powerful Hooves, d10+5 Damage



Skills: Perception +10, Swim
Talents: Acute Hearing, Keen Senses

Rainier knows the following tricks:

SIMPLE: "Go to Bertelis"
SIMPLE: "Go to Adélard"
SIMPLE: "Throw Current Rider"

Adélard knows the following tricks:

SIMPLE: "Go to Bertelis"
SIMPLE: "Throw Current Rider"

During Character Creation: Begin as NOBLE.
200 - +10 WS
100 - +5 BS
100 - +5 Agi
100 - +5 Int
200 - +10 Fel
200 - +2 Wounds
Free - +5 WP
= 900xp to fill out Noble Stat Advances

100 - Public Speaking
100 - Specialist Weapon Group (Parrying)
100 - Specialist Weapon Group (Fencing)
= 300xp for Second-Choice Talents

1200xp Spent in Noble; 100xp Shift to Knight Errant

100 - +1 Atk
100 - +5 T
100 - Animal Training
100 - Animal Care
100 - Outdoor Survival
100 - Specialist Weapon Group (Cavalry)
100 - Virtue of Chivalry

700xp Spent in Knight Errant.
= 2000xp and Free Advance accounted for.

In Game Spends:

100 - Dodge Blow
100 - +15 WS
100 - Strike Mighty Blow
100 - Seasoned Traveller
100 - +5 S
100 - Academic Knowledge (Genealogy/Heraldry)
100 - Change from Knight Errant to Cadet

100 - Warrior Born
100 - +10 Int
100 - Perception
100 - Disarm
100 - AK: Strat/Tactics
100 - Command (+10)
100 - Secret Language (Battle Tongue)
100 - Speak Language (Classical)
100 - Common Knowledge: Tilea
100 - Speak Language: Tilean
100 - Change from Cadet to Dilettante

100 - CK: Norsca
100 - CK: Araby
100 - Trade: Cartographer
100 - AK: Geography
100 - Blather
100 - Navigation
100 - SL: Norscan
100 - SL: Arabyan
200 - Hard Change to Entertainer

100 - Lightning Reflexes
100 - +10 Agi
100 - Very Strong
100 - Quick Draw
100 - Scale Sheer Surface
100 - +10 Perception
100 - Charm Animal
100 - Performer (Singer)
100 - Swim
100 - Trick Riding
100 - +10 BS
100 - Change to Initiate of Manaan

100 - +10 WP
100 - Suave
100 - AK: History
100 - AK: Theology
100 - Heal

Next Purchase: Change to Sergeant
Mandatory purchases from Sergeant: +20WS, +15BS, +10S, +10T, +10WP, +20Fel, +3 Wounds, +4 Wounds, Intimidate, Strike to Stun, Wrestling.
Sought after purchases from Seargeant: Common Knowledge (any two), Command +20, Dodge +10, Perception +20, AK: Strategy/Tactics +10, Menacing, Street Fighting.
Gravy: Gossip +20, Ride +10.

XP Gained from Play: 4825
XP Spent from Play: 4500

Sell Saddle and Harness (+3gp)

Good Saddle and Harness (-18gc)
Wooden Flute (-5gc)
Good Waterskin (-24s)
Good Saddlebags*4 (-24gc)
Bow (-10gc)
Arrows*10 (-2s)
Good Pouch 'Quiver' (-15s)
Good Clothing 'Padded Armor and Fur Cloak' (-3gc)
Poor Spade (13s)
Best Pouch (50s)
Good Matches*20 (60p)
Purse (2s)
Cooking Pot (1gc)
Rope (1gc)
Gin Trap (2gc)
Snare (1s)
Tinderbox (30s)
Best 2-Man Tent (300s)
Throwing Axe 'Hatchet' (5gp)
Torch*2 (10p)
Shaving Kit (3gc)
Horse Grooming Kit (5gc)
Comb (15s)
Poor Writing Kit (5gc)
Whetstone (1gc)
2 Stakes (10p)
Best Fishing Line (30s)
Cologne (1gc)

Total Cost: 108gc, 8s, 8p.
Beginning Gold: 125gc
Coins Remaining: 16gc, 11s, 4p.


Good Clothes


Full Mail Armor

Best Full Leather Armor

Plate Helm

Handweapon (Flanged Mace)

Morning Star (Holy Relic of Manaac)

Main Gauche

Best Quality Shield

Fine Lapis Ring (25gc)

Best Pouch

The Company Blade


Pouch Bulk

Good Matches * 16

Best Candles * 3



Purse Bulk

31 Coins

13gc, 1s, 15p


Good Harness

Good Saddle

Good Saddlebag (Left)

Good Saddlebag (Right)


Best Quality Shield

Poor Spade


Saddlebag Bulk

Wooden Flute

Waterskin (Full)


Quiver (Good Pouch)


Quiver Bulk

Arrows * 10


Saddlebag Bulk




Good Saddlebag (Left)

Good Saddlebag (Right)


Saddlebag Bulk


Cartographer's Kit


Best 2 Man Tent




Gin Trap

Cooking Pot

Wooden Mug and Cutlery

Shaving Kit, Comb and Cologne

Poor Writing Kit


2 * Wooden Stake

Best Fishing Line


Saddlebag Bulk

Hatchet (Throwing Axe)

Torch * 2


Horse Grooming Kit

Broken Sword

Broken Leather Jack




Backpack Bulk

Common Clothes

Noble Garb

1. Where Are You From?

Bertelis is from the province of Bordeleaux, in Bretonnia; a land of sparkling coasts, verdant hills, flourishing vineyards and rampant alcoholism. His father’s fief specifically is far enough inland to be quite idyllic; far from the haunted border with Mousillon, Beast-ridden forests and irreverent sailors.

2. What Is Your Family Like?

The oldest of four brothers born in rapid succession and a half-sister born much later, Bertelis is one of the rare individuals in the old world with little to complain about; and this applies to his family. His father, a knight of the realm with some regional clout, dotes on his children but not to their detriment. His step-mother, whose youth presents her with a little discomfort in the age bracket of an older sister, is endlessly encouraging and not so presumptuous as to expect to fill the role of the brother’s late mother. In return, they offer her sufficient respect and chivalrous deference that there is easy peace in this blended family.

3. What Is Your Social Class?

Landed Nobility by birth, and theoretically the inheritor of his father’s fief; though now voluntarily disinherited. He, like two of his brothers, is a Knight Errant roaming into the world to prove themselves worthy of being taken on as a house knight, likely not in their father’s own land lest his wealth be overtested.

4. What Did You Do Before You Became An Adventurer?

Bertelis spent his youth as a much admired scion, heir to his father’s vineyards and lands. Though he developed no taste for wine himself - The Duke of Bordeleaux is a famous advocate of discipline even if his subjects are often not - he appreciated the craft in growing the grapes and producing the world-renowned libation. Etiquette lessons, tutors, fencing and music all featured in an education that predicted that he would spend a very short Knight Errancy before being confirmed as his father’s successor, while his brothers would make their way in the world by their steel and chivalry.

5. Why Did You Become An Adventurer?

The second born brother, Andre, manifested a lingering weakness of constitution which made it difficult to imagine he would excel in the crucible of knighthood. Yet he ought to be given the opportunity to suffer through and surpass these expectations - this was the half-hearted wisdom of all those consulted. Andre’s keen mind and likable soul would need, somehow, to substitute for strength and hale lungs when he was to be sent into the world. Yet fate played a different hand.

A small beastman warparty having made its way inland had occasion to threaten the vineyards. The house knights, and Bertelis as the prospective inheritor, met them in what was to be a small and overwhelming engagement, putting the beasts to flight. This was so; but in a critical moment in the conflict, the house’s knights witnessed the beastman shaman fling a jagged bolt of mystical lightning at Bertelis, only for the energy to veer oddly around him and earth improbably into a nearby spade left upright in the arable earth. Bertelis, his father, and step-mother concluded this was a divine beckoning; and upon consultation with visiting damsel from the capital, an appropriate response was reached.

Bertelis, favored as he was, forfeited his inheritance so that right would pass to Andre. The four brothers embarked on their Errancy together, bearing their weaker brother up with their love for one another, and escorted him home to a better destiny than the likely violent one that otherwise awaited him. As for Bertelis - the mystery of that diverting bolt vexes him, and he often wonders if too much has been made of that freak occurrence. But there is no comfortable down of plenty waiting for him back at the vineyards, now; he must win his place in a Lord’s halls like all the greatest knights before him have done.

6. How Religious Are You?

Quite. He has a Bretonnion knight’s appreciation for the Lady of the Lake, as well as a healthy respect for the classical gods of humanity, particularly Morr, Manaan, and Myrmidia. Taal and Rhya have their appropriate deference from him, though he has not fully grappled with their natural aspect so as to fully appreciate it yet. Sigmar is a puzzle to him, but in the hammer wielding god of the Empire he sees a force of civilization that pulled the Unberogen and surrounding tribes out of the muck of barbarism - even if they go too far and forget the meaning of valor, often. Ulric is the greater challenge to his piety: the savage god of the Teutogens seems a total affront to all the virtues of chivalry. What can such a deity do except lead humanity back to their caves, and huts, and blood-slick steppes?

7. Who Are Your Best Friends And Worst Enemies?

Having travelled for two years through the fires of combat and adventure with his brothers Andre, Mahieu, and Dermand, Bertelis would consider them his best friends; and it aches his heart that they have returned to Bretonnia already to seek their recognition as house knights in other courts. Bertelis lingered in the Empire in solitude for a few months to reflect on the sacrifice he had made; but even then his horses Adélard and Rainier have made fine companions.

As for enemies, Bertelis would imagine he has none; or atleast, none he can name. But the shaman who once raided his family’s estate has not forgotten him; and should the opportunity come for that jagged-horned creature to seize upon the young knight, it is only the fickleness of the dark gods that might hold back a spiteful second attempt.

8. What Are Your Prized Possessions?

A lightning-scorched spade that marked a turning point in his life. The main gauche that his fencing instructor, Mateo, gave him as a gift. His horses. His helmet, given to him by his second-born brother Andre at their recent parting. His poor quality writing kit, its ink wells almost dry and its quills worn to nubs, given to him by his third-born brother Mahieu at their recent parting. His best quality fishing line, complete with polished yew bobber and glimmering lure, given to him by his youngest and fourth-born brother Dermand, at their recent parting. A bottle of cologne, rarely employed, given as a joke by Professor Lorrimor in a context that is amusing to Bertelis every time he recounts it.

9. Who Are You Loyal To?

Loyalty is one of the capital virtues of a Knight of Bretonnia. He is loyal to the crown; to the duke; and then, to anyone who has explicitly placed their trust in him. He earnestly seeks to be the kind of knight to whom he, perhaps one day as a lord himself, might trust his life.

10. Whom Do You Love/Hate?

Bertelis loves his family, even his step-mother and half-sister; he loves his horses; he very easily comes to love those he has fought beside, and especially bled alongside. He loves artisans and even laborers who perform their tasks with excellence. He loves seeing honest, responsible people in positions of power - a love that, sadly, is rarely given opportunity to be seen.

He hates highwaymen, charlatans, traitors, and willful fools. He hates cynics, and those who derive satisfaction from the dismay or disappointment of others. He hates degenerate nobility that grieve their subjects; and the greedy, envious brand of peasant that prefers barbarism and rebellion to honest work and the dignity of a low station honorably borne.

Two years prior, Bertelis and his brothers were scrounging around the Empire, seeking adventure and barely finding enough to justify their efforts. Reasonable distrust of roving foreign youths looking for sport was mostly to blame; but so wasa general immaturity in the lads, and an insufficient willingness to see the Empire as worth understanding. Professor Petrus took pity on the young men and employed them on and off for two years; here, being pleased to have four armed and ready guardians at the unearthing of an ancient caernstone; there, writing a letter of introduction for a noble widow in Hochland desperately in need of those who would fight the duels into which she had been illicitly maneuvered. By the end of those years, Bertelis felt not only that he had seen them Empire, but that, if circumstances dictated, he could stand to live there amongst its people, despite their often challenging arrangement of values. Contact with the professor and his entourage has significantly shaved down Bertelis' prejudices against elves, dwarves and wizards; though he still struggles with engineers, and rogues. Just beginning his solo journey back to Bretonnia when he received the news of the professor's passing, Bertelis was struck by the depth of his unrepaid favor from the man, and wrote home to alert his family that he would be a few more months still; he could not possibly return without finding some way to discharge that debt of honor to Professor Petrus; perhaps, in service to those he loved in life.
Like most young Bretonnian noblemen, Bertelis is captured by the romantic power of the travelling knight; a beacon of protection and civilization amidst a dark and hostile world. Unlike many other young Bretonnian noblemen, for Bertelis this isn’t just a springboard to courtly legitimacy or a joyful (if violent) adventure for young men to have. He is subtly haunted by a near death encounter with evil, and a providential survival which he suspects (or fears?) marks him for a greater destiny than to run a vineyard, or hold a fief. Does the dark forest in his dreams hold the beckoning to the grail quest, for now shrouded and far, but one day to fall on his shoulders? He had once thought his primary virtue was humility, and he might not expect to be selected to seek the Lady. But a conversation with Professor Lorrimer left him with a new perspective; one that showed him that humility, when it cloaks and smothers real potential, is a vice, not a virtue. Ever since, he has turned his hand to drawing the finest Knight of Bretonnia possible out of the well of his own heart. How far that will take him is up to the gods, so he need only walk by the light at his feet, one step towards virtue at a time.

The lance is a weapon of a knight devoted to a lord, ready to ride into battle amidst similarly sworn brothers; but the tales of knighthood that echo in Bertelis’ soul describe warriors who frequently fight on foot, in dungeons and caves, or after their lances have broken; and their reliable steel is invariably a trusted friend on the road of the virtuous. If he is to become a knight of any value, he will need a personal weapon of true craftsmanship and value; whether won from defeated foe, or commissioned and forged from strange and miraculous ores to which the gods have led him. (Desires a best quality weapon.)
Bertelis’ mail and leather were gifted to him by craftsmen in his father’s domain, and they have served him well; but a knight of Bretonnia must be ready to ride into the thickest battle and the most severe danger. Without a reasonable expectation that he will be swept up into the Duke’s own house knights and given a regalia, he has resolved to acquire a suit of armor that he would be proud to wear in a lance formation. (Desires a best quality suit of full plate armor.)
Adélard has been his companion for two years, and Rainier even longer; but Bertelis knows that a Bretonnian knight requires a destrier to fill out the silhouette and battle role that is expected of him. This may be a simple matter of amassing the wealth required to purchase a superior steed from the breeders back in his home country; but other knights have met their legends after adopting and raising more exotic mounts like pegasus foals, or hippogryph chicks. If the gods are to lead him to such an opportunity, he will take it as providence. (Desires a superior mount - either a purchased, best quality destrier of Bretonnian stock; or else a pegasus, hippogryph, or more exotic and glorious mount still.)
Yet all these things - sword, armor, and steed - are just the trappings of a knight. The essence of a knight is not what they have, but what they are for. For two years of his Errancy, Bertelis has roamed first Bretonnia, then the Empire, and has found no shortage of individuals in need of help. He is grateful to have helped, but longs for a more robust cause that permits him to grow in strength and virtue; one that can occupy his mind, energy and valor for more than a single adrenal dash. Until he finds one, he will always feel his errancy has been a little too mercenary for his convictions. (Desires a significant, non-simple cause that he can put his shoulder to for an extended period of time.)
Bertelis is strongly convicted that he will return to Bretonnia as a Knight of the Realm. This cannot be so, until he is selected by a Bretonnian Lord and offered a position as one of their house knights; or else he is given the greater honor of a fief of his own, carved from one of a Duke's own holdings. Without being in Bretonnia to court such invitations, he relies largely on his brothers’ efforts to recommend him in absentia - or else, he must accomplish some feat or feats of echoing nobility that the diplomats and spies of Bretonnia might hear, and relay, and plead his case based on those merits. (Desires to be either selected to join a worthy Bretonnian Lord’s house, or be given his own Bretonnian fief, and thus to become a Knight of the Realm. Typically, Knights of the Realm have duties closer to home than an adventuring life permits; but a sufficiently invested or trusting Lord may permit him to serve a term with the unusual but not unique latitude of a Knight of the Realm beyond the Realm. This will be especially true for a Lord who discerns something noble in sponsoring Bertelis’ development, not just acquiring his sword.)
Bertelis' Hand Weapon attacks do 1d10+5 Damage.

Bertelis, in optimal armor, has a damage reduction of 7 on the chest, legs and arms; and 9 on the head.

1. Odmar Marsnerberg. 19 year old farmer from the small pork-and-cheese town of Wendorf, Ostland. Fled contention with his brothers and boredom at his simple home only to be captured by the skaven and enslaved for over a year; freed by the Company of the Burning Slug, and working of a moral debt he feels to them by minding and training horses as he works up the courage to head home and face his shame. Paid up for a year of service, after which he intends to go home.

2. Aletta de Montoit. 17 year old noblewoman-turned-squire from the castle-city of Gisoreux.
Niece of the legendary Duke Hagen of Gisoreux. Talented swordswoman; adventurous, perhaps naïve. King Louen subtly exposed Bertelis obliquely to the idea of female knights before Duke Hagen asked Bertelis to take her on his travels. Bertelis has taken this as a de facto joint royal and ducal request for him to both squire her about the world as they travel, and also literally make a squire of her. At some point, this is likely to require a secret identity and a rebirth as a fictional male knight errant; and dual lives thereafter. There is no pay for this position; but Bertelis is expected to see she is looked after.

I will speak in a nice Bordeleaux Blue.

2023-06-24, 09:43 AM
Régine von Carstein


Name: Regine von Carstein
Nickname: Loup (Bretonnian for 'Wolf')
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Hair: Black.
Eyes: Green when using Pass for Human, Blood Red when not.
Handed: Right Handed
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 70kg
Religion: Morr.
Birthplace: L'Anguille, Bretonnia.
Career: Vampire Thrall
Former Careers: Ex-Thief, Ex-Cat Burglar, Ex-Master Thief

A surprisingly fit and athletic looking young woman from Bretonnia, Regine is a talented graduate of the School of Hard Knocks and the University of Getting the Dung Kicked out of Her. Raised in the underworld of the port city of L'Anguille, she is an orphan whom, for a low-born girl in Bretonnia, had two basic options in life: the brothels or pickpocketing. Regine chose the latter and proved to possess a natural talent for the craft to the point that she became a fully-fledged home-invading thief in her mid-teenage years. From the houses of wealthy, fat merchants to even the vaults of less organized banks, Regine could infiltrate before making off with sacks of curvaceous girth. But, the underworld is the underworld, and she wasn't the only criminal plying their trade within the expansive, prosperous city of L'Anguille. Thieves guilds did not take kindly to a skilled, rogue agent such as she, nor did merchants enjoy arriving at their warehouses following a break in. She made enemies, though few actually knew her name, and though something of a self-serving rogue, Regine played by the general unwritten rules of the criminal landscape, until a botched job almost saw her captured, while racketeers of an temporary employer were nicked in her place. Blamed for the screw-up, though maintaining her innocence, Regine had to pay exorbitant sums to the right people to ensure she didn't end up face down in a river. This gave her the breathing room necessary to pull off a few more small jobs to re-acquire some coin. Nevertheless, the affair soured the girls tastes to her home-town, as she now, for the first time, looks beyond the walls of her city for a means to move on to greener pastures.

Regine has made a surprisingly stellar reputation as one of the best thieves in the city, given that she's a young woman in the Bretonnian underworld. It's a world into which she was born, raised and unlike 99% of girls inhabiting it, she did not resort to the brothels or madamhood. Instead she was something of a tom boy, with a more masculine personality that is fiercely independent. Her nickname, 'Loup', is one that is not supposed to be intimidating, but is instead a term of endearment. During her first solo job, Regine managed to steal a case from a nobles carriage and brought it to her boss, believing that it was filled with beautiful - and expensive - nobles clothing that could be fenced for a princely sum. Instead, when they opened the chest they were greeted with half a dozen beautiful wolf pelts. Not quite the pay-day one was hoping, followed by jokes that she had stolen from a family of werewolves, but the nickname, and the playful spirit behind it, stuck.

As a side hustle Regine would run invite-only card games, paying off the authorities to look away and hiring local brothel workers to liven the games up and keep the players gambling. Naturally, she'd give a cut of her proceeds to the local gang to ensure they got their taste.

The newest von Carstein vampire in the Known Worlde. Tall, sleek and athletic, raven-haired and pale-skinned, Regine von Carsteins angular features frame a pair of green eyes that stare with an enthusiastic intelligence. Though the prior six months had seen her on something of a redemptive arc over prior thievery-related misdeeds, her travels with the Company of the Burning Slug were tragically cut short by the intrusion of the von Carstein bloodline. Recruited against her will and turned at night in her sleep, Regine attempted to avert the fate to spare both herself and her companions by hurling herself from the Bell Tower of Turris Vigilans, but sadly she was too far transformed, and her emergent vampiric nature preserved her enough to be whisked away into the night, before she awoke among her new family: the von Carsteins.

Regine has taken her transformation into a vampire surprisingly well, given the preparations she took before its initiation to deliver her soul to Morr. Blessed (or cursed) with a body that no longer fears disease, wasting or time, her image has been preserved for the ages and she is an initiate to the vampiric ways, as well as the lore of her clan. Though psychologically changed by her suicidal efforts and transformation, Regine does not exhibit the cruelty or domineering malice one expects when dealing with her kind. This could be because her mortal soul has detached from her undead body and gone on to eternal rest with Morr, thus eschewing the worst impulses of mankind from her actions due to the absence of the souls worse, base impulses. It might perhaps be because of her relative youth, having not yet had her ego inflated, her sense of entitlement fed and her attachment to humanity returning as she travels in the human lands. Whatever the case, she lacks the sadism and needless bloodlust of the vampire, which perhaps allows her to walk among the kine all the easier, and possibly rendering her capable of forming emotional bonds with those she once tried to spare.

As a vampire, Regine faces a potential eternity stretching out before her. She can go where she wants to go, see what she wants to see, do what she wants to do, learn what she wants to learn, she can be anything she wants to be. Time is no longer her enemy, so it remains to be seen what path she will place herself on for the next century, and how she will be influenced by the mortals around her. In this capacity her emotions are cooler and rather desensitized, but are capable of being roused to great heights with sufficient evocation. Additionally, though she is not of a wicked mindset, one should not mistake her for a saint, as she is still a vampire, possessed of a newly installed killer instinct that enjoys its opportunity to be unleashed on deserving individuals.

Grand Father: Count Heinrich von Carstein.
Mother: Camile von Castein
Uncle: Wulf von Carstein.
Uncle: Ulrich von Carstein.





XP: 6,600 total/6,600 spent

Common Knowledge (Bretonnia), Speak Language (Breton), Charm, Concealment +20%, Evaluate, Disguise +10%, Dodge Blow, Lip Reading, Pick Lock +20%, Perception +10%, Haggle, Gamble, Gossip +10%, Read/Write, Search +10%, Scale Sheer Surface +10%, Sleight of Hand +10%, Secret Language (Thieves Tongue), Secret Signs (Thief), Silent Move +20%, Swim, Ride.

Mimic (Excellent at mimicking accents: +10% to Disguise when vocal aspect is part of disguise)
Savvy (+5% to Intelligence)
Alley Cat (+10% to Concealment and Silent Move in urban environments)
Super Numerate (+10% to Navigation and Gamble, and +20% to perception checks involving gauging distance)
Streetwise (+10% to Gossip and Charm when dealing with the underworld)
Trapfinder (+10% to Perception and Lock Picking when dealing with traps)
Street Fighting (+10% WS when fighting unarmed and +1 damage when fighting unarmed)
Specialist Weapon Group (Crossbow)
Night Vision (Can see in natural darkness out to 30 feet)
Swashbuckler (May leap as a Half action and may use to Disengage without provoking attacks of opportunity, and increases distance leapt by 1 yard)

Blood Gifts (Blood Drain, Natural Necromancer, Vampire’s Curse, Pass for Human, Unholy Regeneration, Bat Form)
Frightening (Causes Fear)
Natural Weapons (Fangs, Claws)
Keen Senses (+20% perception tests)
Vampire Weaknesses: Religious Symbols, Stakes, Tears (Cannot feed off the innocent), No Reflection, Daemonsroot and Witchesbane, Barriers.

File set, lock picks, 30 yard rope, 1x set of good manacles, Deck of Cards, Bone Dice, 5x spikes, 1 wooden spike, 2x backpack, Best pair of riding boots, Good gloves, Good quality girdle, 6x Good quality small pouches, 1 Best quality purse, 1x large dark tent.

10x sets of good clothes.

1x Nobles garb of black and gold.

1x good quality red cloak and hood.

1x good quality black cloak and hood.

1x good quality face mask (like a bandits mask)

3x Best quality perfumes.

1x 5% ownership of soon-to-be-restored Silver Mine in north-west Seigneurie de Bellecombe (her starting zone) and 5% of its monthly gross revenue.

1x Best Quality Bretonnian Custard Tarte pie, gift wrapped.
1x Garland of roses.

For Blood:
Grooming Kit, Harness, Saddle, 4 Saddlebags.




Gromgril longsword 'Midnight', Group (Ordinary), Damage (SB+1(7)), Special (+5% WS when used, Defensive, Gromril).

"A weapon of legend granted to the House of DuBois in ages past by a dwarven king for the sacrifice and valour of the Bretonnians during the Battle of Blackwater Plains against a horde of orcs, Midnight was passed from generation to generation until being lost in battle against the Beastmen of Chaos centuries later. Though House DuBois has long fallen into ruin, Midnight served a darker purpose in the hands of the agents of Chaos, until an unlikely being retrieved the weapon from the hands of Baelgor the Brutal. In particular, the snakes-head pommel, its eyes a pair of rubies, was adopted by the child of the night as her personal sigil: a snake."

Good quality spear, Group (Ordinary), Damage (SB(6)), Special (Fast)
Good quality bow, Group (Ordinary), Damage (3), Range (24/48), Reload Half, Special (None), Quiver with x20 arrows.
Best quality dagger, Group (Ordinary), Damage (SB(-3(3)), Special (+5 WS when using).

Good quality Shield (Ordinary), Damage (SB-2), Defensive, Special.

Sleeved Mail Shirt (Body, Arms AP 2), Leather leggings (Legs, AP 1)

10gc in gold coins.
183 silver coins (9.15gc)


Bat Form




Common Knowledge (Bretonnia), Speak Language (Breton), Charm, Concealment +20%, Evaluate, Disguise +10%, Dodge Blow, Lip Reading, Pick Lock +20%, Perception +20%, Haggle, Gamble, Gossip +10%, Read/Write, Search +10%, Scale Sheer Surface +10%, Sleight of Hand +10%, Secret Language (Thieves Tongue), Secret Signs (Thief), Silent Move +20%, Swim, Ride.

Mimic (Excellent at mimicking accents: +10% to Disguise when vocal aspect is part of disguise)
Savvy (+5% to Intelligence)
Alley Cat (+10% to Concealment and Silent Move in urban environments)
Super Numerate (+10% to Navigation and Gamble, and +20% to perception checks involving gauging distance)
Streetwise (+10% to Gossip and Charm when dealing with the underworld)
Trapfinder (+10% to Perception and Lock Picking when dealing with traps)
Street Fighting (+10% WS when fighting unarmed and +1 damage when fighting unarmed)
Specialist Weapon Group (Crossbow)
Night Vision (Can see in natural darkness out to 30 feet)
Swashbuckler (May leap as a Half action and may use to Disengage without provoking attacks of opportunity, and increases distance leapt by 1 yard)
Strike Mighty Blow (+1 to Melee damage)

Blood Gifts (Blood Drain, Natural Necromancer, Vampire’s Curse, Pass for Human, Unholy Regeneration, Bat Form)
Blood Gift (Pass for Normal Bat (removes Frightening))
Frightening (Causes Fear)
Natural Weapons (Fangs, Claws)
Keen Senses (+20% perception tests)
Enhanced Senses (Can see out in complete darkness out to 30 yards using a form of echolocation, Perception check to hear your efforts.
Vampire Weaknesses: Religious Symbols, Stakes, Tears (Cannot feed off the innocent), No Reflection, Daemonsroot and Witchesbane, Barriers.





Skills: Perception, Swim
Talents: Acute Hearing, Keen Senses
Attack: Powerful Hooves, d10+5 Damage

Choosing Career Tax (Thief) (100xp)

Free Advance Wounds +1

WS +5 (100)
BS +5 (100)
Ag +15 (300)
Fel +10 (200)

wounds +1 (100)

Scale Sheer Surface (100)
Disguise (100)
Gamble (100)
Sleight of Hand (100)
Secret Signs (Thief) (100)

Streetwise (100)
Trapfinder (100)

Exit Career: Cat Burglar (100)

= 1,600

WS +5 (100)
BS +5 (100)
Str +5 (100)
T +5 (100)
Ag +10 (200)
Int +10 (200)
WP +10 (200)

Wounds +2 (200)

Concealment +10 (100)
Gossip +10 (100)
Haggle (100)
Perception +10 (100)
Pick Lock +10 (100)
Scale Sheer Surfaces +10 (100)
Search +10 (100)
Silent Move +10 (100)

Street Fighting (100)

Exit: Master Thief (100)

= 2,200

Next: Master Thief
Concealment +20 (100)
Disguise +10 (100)
Dodge Blow (100)
Lip Reading (100)
Pick Lock +20 (100)
SIlent Move +20 (100)
Sleight of Hand +10 (100)
Swim (100)

Specialist Weapon Group (crossbow) (100)

Attacks +1 (100)

BS +10 (200)
Agl +15 (300)
WS +10 (200)
Fel +10 (200)

+2 wounds (200)
+10 Int (200)


= 2,400

= 6,200

Vampire Thrall (Von Carstein):
S +10 (200)
T +5 (100)

Ride (100)

= 6,600

https://i.postimg.cc/pX45RXzw/aegaeiu.jpg Regine von Carstein

https://i.postimg.cc/BQBgMQPL/3r33.jpgRegine von Carstein

https://i.postimg.cc/FH0TdSt8/2r2.jpg Regine von Carstein

Régine "Loup" Lacroix


Name: Regine Lacroix
Nickname: Loup (Bretonnian for 'Wolf')
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Hair: Chesnut/Auburn.
Eyes: Green.
Handed: Right Handed
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 70kg
Religion: Ranald.
Birthplace: L'Anguille, Bretonnia.
Career: Master Thief
Former Careers: Ex-Thief, Ex-Cat Burglar

A surprisingly fit and athletic looking young woman from Bretonnia, Regine is a talented graduate of the School of Hard Knocks and the University of Getting the Dung Kicked out of Her. Raised in the underworld of the port city of L'Anguille, she is an orphan whom, for a low-born girl in Bretonnia, had two basic options in life: the brothels or pickpocketing. Regine chose the latter and proved to possess a natural talent for the craft to the point that she became a fully-fledged home-invading thief in her mid-teenage years. From the houses of wealthy, fat merchants to even the vaults of less organized banks, Regine could infiltrate before making off with sacks of curvaceous girth. But, the underworld is the underworld, and she wasn't the only criminal plying their trade within the expansive, prosperous city of L'Anguille. Thieves guilds did not take kindly to a skilled, rogue agent such as she, nor did merchants enjoy arriving at their warehouses following a break in. She made enemies, though few actually knew her name, and though something of a self-serving rogue, Regine played by the general unwritten rules of the criminal landscape, until a botched job almost saw her captured, while racketeers of an temporary employer were nicked in her place. Blamed for the screw-up, though maintaining her innocence, Regine had to pay exorbitant sums to the right people to ensure she didn't end up face down in a river. This gave her the breathing room necessary to pull off a few more small jobs to re-acquire some coin. Nevertheless, the affair soured the girls tastes to her home-town, as she now, for the first time, looks beyond the walls of her city for a means to move on to greener pastures.

Regine has made a surprisingly stellar reputation as one of the best thieves in the city, given that she's a young woman in the Bretonnian underworld. It's a world into which she was born, raised and unlike 99% of girls inhabiting it, she did not resort to the brothels or madamhood. Instead she was something of a tom boy, with a more masculine personality that is fiercely independent. Her nickname, 'Loup', is one that is not supposed to be intimidating, but is instead a term of endearment. During her first solo job, Regine managed to steal a case from a nobles carriage and brought it to her boss, believing that it was filled with beautiful - and expensive - nobles clothing that could be fenced for a princely sum. Instead, when they opened the chest they were greeted with half a dozen beautiful wolf pelts. Not quite the pay-day one was hoping, followed by jokes that she had stolen from a family of werewolves, but the nickname, and the playful spirit behind it, stuck.

As a side hustle Regine would run invite-only card games, paying off the authorities to look away and hiring local brothel workers to liven the games up and keep the players gambling. Naturally, she'd give a cut of her proceeds to the local gang to ensure they got their taste.

Father: Unknown.
Mother: Unknown.
Brother: Unknown.
Brother: Unknown.





XP: 6,300 total/6,100 spent

Common Knowledge (Bretonnia), Speak Language (Breton), Charm, Concealment +20%, Evaluate, Disguise +10%, Dodge Blow, Lip Reading, Pick Lock +20%, Perception +10%, Haggle, Gamble, Gossip +10%, Read/Write, Search +10%, Scale Sheer Surface +10%, Sleight of Hand +10%, Secret Language (Thieves Tongue), Secret Signs (Thief), Silent Move +20%, Swim.

Mimic (Excellent at mimicking accents: +10% to Disguise when vocal aspect is part of disguise)
Savvy (+5% to Intelligence)
Alley Cat (+10% to Concealment and Silent Move in urban environments)
Super Numerate (+10% to Navigation and Gamble, and +20% to perception checks involving gauging distance)
Streetwise (+10% to Gossip and Charm when dealing with the underworld)
Trapfinder (+10% to Perception and Lock Picking when dealing with traps)
Street Fighting (+10% WS when fighting unarmed and +1 damage when fighting unarmed)
Specialist Weapon Group (crossbow)

Light Armour (Leather Jerkin), Sack, Lockpicks, 10 Yards of Rope, set of clothes, dagger, backpack, blanket, mug & cutlery, a hand weapon, purse, slingbag, hood, low boots, disguise kit, deck of cards, grappling hook, bone dice.

5 sets of common quality clothes
- 2 sets of good clothes
- Leather jack + leggings
- Bottle of Best Bretonnian Spirits

Repeater Crossbow, Dmg 2, Range 16/32, Reload Free, Special (Make 10 shots before needing to reload, 4 rounds).
Best Quality Quarterstaff, Dmg Str-2, Range -, Special (+5 WS when using, Defensive, Pummeling).
Misericorde of Poisonous Malice, Dmg Str-4, Special (Magic Dagger and +4 wounds from Black Lotus)

Light Armour (Leather) 1 AP to Arms, Body and Legs.

22 Bretonnian gold and 1 Silver


100gc - Repeater Crossbow

16gc = 320 silver.

Best Quality Quarterstaff - 9 silver
Slingbag - 40 silver
Hood - 5 silver
Low Boots - 18 silver
Disguise Kit - 100 silver
Deck of Cards - 20 silver
Grappling Hook - 80 silver
Bone Dice - 6 silver

50 crossbow bolts - 20 silver

22 silver left

Choosing Career Tax (Thief) (100xp)

Free Advance Wounds +1

WS +5 (100)
BS +5 (100)
Ag +15 (300)
Fel +10 (200)

wounds +1 (100)

Scale Sheer Surface (100)
Disguise (100)
Gamble (100)
Sleight of Hand (100)
Secret Signs (Thief) (100)

Streetwise (100)
Trapfinder (100)

Exit Career: Cat Burglar (100)

= 1,600

WS +5 (100)
BS +5 (100)
Str +5 (100)
T +5 (100)
Ag +10 (200)
Int +10 (200)
WP +10 (200)

Wounds +2 (200)

Concealment +10 (100)
Gossip +10 (100)
Haggle (100)
Perception +10 (100)
Pick Lock +10 (100)
Scale Sheer Surfaces +10 (100)
Search +10 (100)
Silent Move +10 (100)

Street Fighting (100)

Exit: Master Thief (100)

= 2,200

Next: Master Thief
Concealment +20 (100)
Disguise +10 (100)
Dodge Blow (100)
Lip Reading (100)
Pick Lock +20 (100)
SIlent Move +20 (100)
Sleight of Hand +10 (100)
Swim (100)

Specialist Weapon Group (crossbow) (100)

Attacks +1 (100)

BS +10 (200)
Agl +15 (300)
WS +10 (200)
Fel +10 (200)

+2 wounds (200)
+10 Int (200)

= 2,300

= 6,100

2023-06-24, 10:25 AM
Bruno, Baronet Richter



Age: 25
Gender: Male
Hair: Light brown
Eyes: Brown
Right Handed
Height: 1m79
Weight: 70kg
Religion: Taal and Sigmar
Birthplace: Trautenau, Talabecland

Father: deceased
mother: deceased
brother: farmer
brother: farmer

adopted uncle: Baron Franz Richter







XP: 6200 total / 0 to spend

academic knowledge (genealogy/heraldry) (int)
academic knowledge (history) (int)
animal care (int)
animal training (fel)
blather (fel)
charm (fel) (+20%)
common knowledge (Bretonnia)
common knowledge (empire) (int)
consume alcohol (T)
dodge blow (ag) (+10%)
drive (str)
evaluate (int)
follow trail (int)
gamble (int)
gossip (fel) (+20%)
navigation (int)
outdoor survival (int)
perception (int) (+10%)
performer (musician)
read/write (int)
ride (ag) (+10%)
search (int)
speak language (Breton)
speak language (reikspiel)

marksman: +5BS (in Base profile)
resistance to poison: +10% T vs poisons
quick draw: draw weapon free action
specialist weapon group (gunpowder): Can use weapons in group
specialist weapon group (cavalry): Can use weapons in group
specialist weapon group (parrying): Can use weapons in group
specialist weapon group (fencing): Can use weapons in group
etiquette: +10% on charm/gossip vs nobles
strike mighty blow: +1 dmg with melee weapons
luck: 1 extra fortune point/day
savvy: +5 Int (in Base profile)
schemer: +10% on intrigue charm tests and WP vs charm
Public speaking: Affect 10x the people with charm tests
suave: +5 Fel (in Base profile)
Dealmaker: +10 on haggle and evaluate skill tests

Gift of Taal
the gift of peace: spend a fortune point to speak first, before blades are drawn. against normal animals or people. this autosucceeds with a number of degrees equal to your fellowship. against chaos or notable foes, you must make a fellowship check against their WP to get through to them. note that slaughtering a notable enemy (unless he succeeds on his WP check) after this has been used will result in bad things happening.

good clothing consisting of a shirt, breeches, boots and a heavy cloak
a backpack containing a blanket, a wooden tankard, a wooden cutlery set
Hand weapon (sword)
a purse
pistol with firearm balls and gunpowder (30/40 left ordinary, 10/10 good quality (given to Jasmine))
heavy armour (full plate, full chain, full leather)
shield (with his coat of arms)
shield (best quality, coat of the group, +5% WS for parry)
rope (10 yards)
warhorse with saddle and harness (still in training, gift from Bertelis)
riding horse (pack horse) with saddle and harness
water skin
rations (1wk)
fish hook and line
noble's garb 5x (1 good quality, 1 in group colours, 1 Bretonnian)
jewelry (37 gc) (signet ring, necklace with heraldic symbol)
horse fodder (8 days)
Main Gauche

Gold: 21gc, 34s 0p remaining

Bruno was born in the small village of Trautenau in Talabecland. It was a small and poor village which had trouble growing enough food to feed themselves, let alone pay taxes. As the third son, his prospects weren't good at all and as soon as he was old enough, he had to help on the fields. The village was out of the way but sometimes a small trade caravan passed through, which was a huge event for the village. The year he turned 16 his father died and with his brother now in charge of the small farm, there was even less for him to look forward to, so when a caravan passed the village, he decided to join up. It was quite different from life in the village but soon he grew accustomed and he started following the roadwardens assigned to the caravan. They took in the young boy and started training him.

After a year or so he was appointed roadwarden himself and together with a more experienced man, assigned a stretch of road to patrol. He had been doing that for a few years, when they arrived at a caravan that was besieged by a group of beastmen. The roadwardens managed to surprise the beastmen and attack from behind, but they quickly recovered. It was a long and difficult fight and in the end only Bruno, Baronet Joseph Richter (younger brother to Baron Franz Richter) and two of his servants survived. They managed to get to the nearest coaching inn and raise the alarm about the beastmen. The Baronet was quite impressed with Bruno and asked him to become his squire.

This was a new experience for the young man and while Joseph wasn't all that rich and also more of a country noble than a city noble, he did have to adapt to his new situation, as for instance some etiquette was expected of him. A lot of these lessons came from a Professor Lorrimor, who had requested to stay at the Richter estate to research some ruins nearby. Joseph had his squire Bruno take care of the professor while he was there and in return, Lorrimor taught the young squire how to read and write and the knowledge of heraldry.

A couple of years later, Joseph had to represent his brother with a merchant's guild when a rival guild tried to poison him. Bruno, who wasn't affected by the poison, managed to save Joseph and the lead merchant. In recognition for this and the fact that he had managed to get some excellent terms in the agreement, Joseph formally adopted the young man and when he died a few months later, Bruno was now Baronet Richter. There wasn't much money nor an estate, so he continued to roam the empire and make his way in the world that way. His adopted family lets him do so, as long as he doesn't embarrass them (if he's away, they don't have to feed him). They didn't mind him becoming part of the family, but that doesn't mean they're going to just give him money.

Bruno still remembers his time on the small farm, so he's a lot kinder to the common people than most other nobles. Also his title is one of the lowest noble titles and it doesn't come with a lot of money, so he has to work for a living just like them. He's soft-spoken and will seldom raise his voice, although in combat he can be heard if he wants to.

Burno is a nice looking young man, although he has some scars from fights from earlier in his life. He's a bit above average height, but with his brown hair and eyes, he can be from just about anywhere in the Empire. He wears simple, sturdy adventurer's clothing while on the road, although he has a nicer outfit should the situation call for it.

all advances from roadwarden and squire (no mastery, only gossip as that comes standard from being human and roadwarden)
read/write, luck, savvy, schemer, specialist weapon group (parrying) and +5 FEL from Noble (all other advances are already from previous careers)
all from courtier

skills to get from duelist career:
dodge blow, gamble, perception, intimidate, sleight of hand

talents to get from duelist career:
Ambidextrous or disarm
master gunner
mighty shot
strike mighty blow
strike to injure


full plate (with full mail and full leather underneath)
head: 5
body: 5
arms: 5
legs: 5

2023-06-24, 02:11 PM
Meloth Greenfeather
Current Career: Scout
Career Progression: Rogue -> Vagabond -> Woodsman -> Hunter -> Bounty Hunter -> Scout
Race: Elf
Age: 65









Wounds: 15/15
Fate Points: 0/2
Insanity: 2

Common Knowledge (Elves)
Concealment +10
Follow Trail +10
Outdoor Survival +10
Perception +20
Performer (Storyteller)
Scale Sheer Surface
Search +10
Set Trap +10
Silent Move +10
Secret Language (Thieves’ Tongue)
Secret Language (Ranger Tongue)
Secret Signs (Ranger)
Secret Signs (Thief)
Speak Language (Eltharin)
Speak Language (Reikspiel) +10

Excellent Vision +10 to Lip Reading and vision-based Perception tests
Fleet Footed +1 Movement
Hardy +1 Wound
Lightning Reflexes +5 Agility
Marksman +5 Ballistic Skill
Night Vision See up to 30 yards in natural darkness (requires at least starlight-level illumination)
Orientation +10 to Navigation tests
Public Speaking Charm tests can affect 10 times as many people
Rapid Reload Reduce reload time by a half action, if a free action swift attacks are possible
Rover +10 Concealment and Silent Move in natural surroundings
Savvy +5 Intelligence
Seasoned Traveller +10 to Common Knowledge and Speak Language tests
Sixth Sense GM can secretly roll Willpower to warn you about danger
Specialist Weapon Group (Entangling, Longbow) Can use weapons of these groups
Streetwise +10 to Charm and Gossip with the underworld
Strike to Stun On hit, can do no damage to make a Strength test, success forces enemy to make a Toughness test (+10 per AP in hit location) to avoid stunning for 1d10 rounds
Very Resilient +5 Toughness

Money 3 s, 5 p

Starting Money: 122 gc -> 116 gc, 115 s, 60 p
Money from Selling: 27 gc, 49 s, 6 p
- Antitoxin kit (1 gc, 10 s), leather jerkin (3 gc), crossbow (12 gc, 10 s), 10 bolts (2 s), great weapon (10 gc), wooden cultery (2 s 6 p), backpack (15 s), net (1 gc, 10 s)
Total Spending Money: 143 gc, 164 s, 60 p

Spending: 143 gc, 161 s, 55 p
- Leather Leggings (10 gc), 20 Arrows (4 s), 3 Bola (21 s), Pouch (5 s), Knuckle-duster (1 gp)
- Riding Horse (80 gc), Saddle & Harness (6 gc), Saddlebags (4 gc)
- Storm Lantern (12 gc), 4 Oil (20 s), 3 torches (15 p), 5 Good-Craftsmanship Matches (15 p), 10 Matches (10 p), Tinderbox (30 s)
- Waterskin (8 s), Keg of Ale (3 s), Metal Cutlery (3 gc), Cooking Pot (1 gc), Kettle (30 s)
- Rope (1 gc), Grappling Hook (4 gc), Fish Hook and Line (3 s), Spade (25 s), Pole (1 s), 5 Snares (5 s), Deck of Cards (1 gc), Bone Dice (6 s)
- Healing Draught (5 gc), 3 Healing Poulice (15 p)
- Lucky Charm (15 gc)
Remaining: 3s, 5 p

Encumbrance: 390/510

On Self (counts towards encumbrance)
Worn (total 112)
- Leather Jack [50], Leather Skullcap [10], Leather Leggings [20]
- Common Clothes [15], Cloak [10]
- Slingbag [5], Purse [1], Pouch [1]
- Lucky Charm x2 [-]
Carried (total 130)
Longbow [90], 10 Arrows [20], Dagger [10], Bola [20]
Slingbag (146/200 cap, worn)
- Hand Weapon [50]
- Matches (5 Good-Craftsmanship, 10 Common-Craftsmanship), Torch, Tinderbox [10]
- Rope (10 yards), Grappling Hook [45]
- Manacles [20]
- Antitoxin Kit, 3 Healing Poulices [-]
- Blanket, Wooden Tankard, Metal Cutlery, Fish Hook and Line [21]
Pouch (2/2, worn)
Deck of Cards, Bone Dice, Knuckle-duster [2]
Purse (worn)

Riding Horse (Saddle & Harness)
Stored in Left Saddlebag (250/250 capacity)
- 2 Bola, 10 Arrows [60]
- 2 Gin Traps, 5 Snares [50]
- Rope (20 yards) [50]
- Storm Lantern, Lamp Oil (4 vials), 2 Torches [60]
- Yard Pole [10]
Stored in Right Saddlebag (220/250 capacity)
- Best-Craftsmanship Clothes [20]
- Tent, Spade [40]
- Keg of Ale, Rations (1 week), Waterskin (Full) [110]
- Kettle, Cooking Pot [50]

Longbow (10 arrows carried, 10 stored)
Bolas (1 carried, 2 stored)
Hand Weapon

Leather Jack
Leather Skullcap
Leather Leggings
Mail Shirt

Clothes (1 plain, 1 Best-Craftsmanship)
Lucky Charm x2

Riding Horse (Saddle & Harness, Saddlebag)

Antitoxin Kit
Healing Draught
3 Healing Poulices

Storm Lantern
Lamp Oil (4 vials)
Matches (5 Good-Craftsmanship, 10 Common-Craftsmanship)
3 Torches (1 carried, 2 stored)

Food and Drink
Rations, 1 week
Keg of Ale
Waterskin (Full)

2 Gin Traps
5 Snares

Rope (10 yards carried, 20 yards stored)
Grappling Hook
Wooden Tankard
Metal Cutlery
Fish Hook and Line
Deck of Cards
Bone Dice
Yard Pole
Cooking Pot

Total: 5800
Spent: 5800

Rogue [900]
Free: +5 WS
100: +5 BS
100: +5 Ag
100: +5 Ag
100: +5 Int
100: +5 WP
100: +5 Fel
100: +5 Fel
100: +1 Wound
100: +1 Wound

Vagabond [1200]
100: Entry (discounted unrestricted change)
100: +5 BS
100: Secret Language (Thieves’ Tongue)
100: Swim
100: Heal
100: Navigation
100: Outdoor Survival
100: Secret Signs (Thief)
100: Silent Move
100: Fleet Footed
100: Orientation
100: Seasoned Traveller

Woodsman [1500]
100: Entry
100: +5 WS
100: +5 S
100: +5 S
100: +5 WP
100: +1 Wound
100: Concealment
100: Set Trap
100: Perception
100: Scale Sheer Surface
100: Secret Language (Ranger Tongue)
100: Secret Signs (Ranger)
100: Silent Move
100: Very Resilient
100: Rover

Hunter [1300]
100: Entry
100: +5 BS
100: +5 T
100: Concealment
100: Follow Trail
100: Outdoor Survival
100: Perception
100: Search
100: Set Trap
100: Hardy
100: Lightning Reflexes
100: Marksman
100: Rapid Reload

Bounty Hunter [600]
100: Entry
100: Specialist Weapon Group (Entangling)
100: Strike to Stun
100: Follow Trail
100: Sharpshooter
100: Shadowing
100: Intimidate
100: Search

Scout [100]

Advance Table


Total Advances

Current Career

Progression Options
Advance Table Status: Incomplete
Exits: Enforcer, Mercenary, Protagonist, Scout, Targeteer, Vampire Hunter, Verenean Investigator

1. Where Are You From?
If someone would ask Meloth that apparently simple question, odds are they'd get a shrug and a "long story". After all, he's been travelling for a long time, and when you're not allowed to return home someone either makes an effort to stop thinking about that place or becomes unable to escape it, and Meloth chose the former. Nonetheless, Laurelorn Forest is where he was born, and where he lived his early life.

2. What Is Your Family Like?
They're not in the picture any more. Arrelon, his older brother, was someone he was particularly close with, even if he didn't have his magical talent, but they started to drift apart before Meloth's exile and now they haven't seen each other for three decades. Sometimes, when Meloth allows himself to dwell on the past, he hopes that one day they could reconcile. As for his wider family...he hopes he doesn't have the misfortune to run into them again any time soon. Some slights are never forgiven or forgotten.

3. What Is Your Social Class?
In human society, Meloth still finds himself rather outside of it all - he never slipped into one of the usual strata of society, instead throwing his lot in with the wanderers of the world. He's still not exactly in a respected position among the people he's now surrounded by, even if his elven nature sometimes sways things one way or another - he was unusual, after all, but it was often a toss-up whether that distinction was a topic of interest, led to an assumption of importance, or led to rather more hostile reactions.

4. What Did You Do Before You Became An Adventurer?
Once upon a time, Meloth lived a life that hinged on charm and luck, making his way in Wood Elf society through less than legimate means. That fell apart after an enterprise too far, and since then he spent most of his time...surviving, pretty much. Travelling with vagabond companies picking up odd jobs, returning to the forests as a woodcutter (a strang kind of irony, although luckily those woods were free of his kin), and then finding hihmself increasingly surviving in the wilderness, living off the land.

5. Why Did You Become An Adventurer?
After a decade or two, both on the road and in the forests, of just surviving, Meloth has found himself wanting something...more. Not what he had, but something new and more substantial. Taking on more dangerous and potentially lucrative work may or may not be the way to whatever he's wanting to find, but it won't hurt to have the extra coin and expand his horizons.

6. How Religious Are You?
Not particularly - it's been a long time since he's properly revered the elven gods, it just not feeling right given what happened, and the way he sees it is that gods of man are not for him.

7. Who Are Your Best Friends And Worst Enemies?
Meloth's friends are scattered, fellow wanderers that he's made a connection with. Gustav is one of them, a human devoted to the idea of never settling down for his entire life who gave Meloth some pointers in the ways of humanity and who he's crossed paths with several times.

As for enemies...there was Yellow Eyes, of course. Meloth remembers the time he crossed paths with the beastman well, and how many of those he was travelling with died that day, and the small group he helped to get away - Gustav was one of them. It's part of the reason Meloth got into the bounty hunting game - if he was to ever settle things there, avenge those friends he lost, and deal with such a dangerous threat, he needed more experience dealing with dangerous people.

8. What Are Your Prized Possessions?
There's one outfit from the old days, finery in the elven style, that he's not been quite able to abandon after all these years - even now, he brings it with him as he travels, sequestered in a saddlebag, never worn but also never thrown away, some money occasionally going into combating wear and tear. Besides that, he has little in the way of prized possessions - his old dice and cards, maybe, but otherwise the years have ensured that what he brings with him are more practical than sentimental. It wasn't like he was able to bring much with him when he left his home, anyway.

9. Who Are You Loyal To?
Meloth hasn't been loyal to an organisation for...well, ever. Even in the old days, his less than legitimate lifestyle meant that he wasn't particularly loyal to elven rulers, and these days...it's not that he's loyal to nothing. He's loyal to people, and some

10. Whom Do You Love/Hate?

2023-06-24, 09:22 PM
Jasmine Featherblossom, Verenean Investigator:

"Oh, you're friends of Professor Lorrimor? I remember him, what a great guy. Used to take him on the Malmford ferry most every day when he was in town. Great tipper. Then when I was in the river wardens he helped me solve the New Carissa caper. Or maybe I helped him? I think he was the sidekick. Yeah I remember you from the funeral. Been busy though what with the shipwreck and all. Oh, you didn't hear? Our patrol boat "Duke of Volgen" got wrecked. Spent a month and a half tryin' to refloat it only for it to break apart in the current. All that damn drunk Ludwig von Sydow's fault but they can't blame him, he's the baron's son. So I got the blame. Got kicked out of the friggen' river wardens if you can believe it. Anyhow, I'm a private contractor now. What are you guys up to? Any friends of the professor are friends of mine. You looking into something? You got that look. You want some help? I could use some new sidekicks."

Ferryman -> Riverwarden -> Verenean Investigator -> Marine (detour)
WS: 36: 26 + 10
BS: 62: 52 + 10
S: 45: 35 + 10
T: 37: 27 + 10
Agi: 69: 49 + 20
Int: 61: 46 + 15
WP: 56: 41 + 15
Fel: 51: 46 + 5
Attack: 2
Wounds: 15/15 *****
FP: 3/3

Height: 3'9"
Weight: 90 pounds

IP: 7

Academic Knowledge (Engineering)
Academic Knowledge (Genealogy/Heraldry)
Common Knowledge (the Empire) +10
Common Knowledge (Halflings)
Consume Alcohol
Gossip +10
Intimidate +10
Outdoor Survival
Perception +10
Pick Lock
Row +20
Secret Language (Battle Tongue)
Secret Signs (Scout)
Silent Move
Speak Language (Bretonnian)
Speak Language (Classical)
Speak Language (Halfling)
Speak Language (Kislevite)
Speak Language (Reikspiel)
Swim +10
Trade (Cook)

Alley Cat
Night Vision
Quick Draw
Resistance to Chaos
Street fighting
Specialist Weapon Group (Gunpowder)
Specialist Weapon Group (Sling)
Strike Mighty Blow
Strike to Stun
Very Strong

Purse: 9gc 7s
2 x Pistol
Common quality Powder and Ammunition for 5 Shots
Poor quality powder and ammunition for 15 shots
Dagger Of Halflings
In the hands of a Halfling it counts as a normal sword, with an additional +10 bonus conferred to WS.
- That bonus does not count when fighting other halflings

The Nutcracker: Encumbrance: 27. Type: Gunpowder. Damage: 4. Range: 24/48. Reload: 2 Full. Qualities: Best Craftsmanship (+5% to hit), Impact.


Light Armor (Leather Jack)
Leather Skullcap (3gc)
Leather Leggings (10gc)

grappling hook
10 Yards of Rope
1 set of clothes
mug & cutlery
Wide-brimmed hat (1gc)
Rations, 2 wks (12s)
Saddlebag (2gc)
Water Skin (8s)
Cooking Pot & Pan (2gc)
Kettle (30s)
Rope, 20 yards (1gc)
Manacles (5gc)
2 Homing Pigeons & cages (14gc)
Magnifying glass (75g)
Tinderbox (30s)
Lantern (5gc)
Oil, lamp (30s)
Lock Picks (10gc)
Fish Hook and Line (3s)
Mule (25gc)

Spent: 151 gc 13s
(116 start + sell Rowboat for 45g) - 151 g 13s

WS: *
BS: *
S: **
T: *
Agi: *
Int: *
Wounds: **

Marksman (100)
Street-fighting (100)

Riverwarden: (100)

Common Knowledge (The Empire) (100)
Speak Language (Kislevite) (100)
Navigation (100)
Outdoor Survival (100)
Sail (100)
Perception (100)
Row (100)
Search (100)
Secret Signs (Scout) (100)

Orientation (100)
Very Strong (100)

BS: *
Agi: *
WP: *

Verenean Investigator (100)
Pick Lock (100)
Read/Write (100)
Silent Move (100)
Attack +1 (100)
Wound +1 (100)
Shadowing (100)
Agi + 5 (100)
Alley Cat (100)
Savvy (100)
Streetwise (100)
Int + 5 (100)

Marine (200)
Dodge (100)
Quick Draw (100)
Consume Alcohol (100)
Gamble (100)
Strike Mighty Blow (100)
+ 5 WS (100)
+1 Wound (100)
Strike to Stun (100)
Intimidate (100)
Row (100)
Swim (100)
Secret Language (Battle Tongue) (100)

Back to VI (100)

Speak Language (Bretonnian) (100)
WP + 5 (100)
WP + 5 (100)
Agi + 5 (100)
Int + 5 (100)
Speak Language (classical) (100)
+1 wound (100)
Academic Knowledge (engineering) (100)
Command (100)
Int + 5 (100)

50 XP

2023-06-24, 09:39 PM
From the last thread, Jasmine will adopt (not legally though) the three named orphans and pilot them. I feel responsible for them, having conjured them out of the ether and then convinced them to join the ship's crew. The other unnamed orphans will just be doing lovable urchin stuff, delivering messages, sky-larking in the rigging and learning the ropes of the sailing trade.

2023-06-25, 02:56 AM
Do you plan on taking them with you, or gonna leave them on Trundheim?

2023-06-25, 03:42 AM
I mentioned briefly before but I’m hoping to drag a unit of yeomen around with us after we have been to my land, which should make it less wildly hostile for vulnerable NPC’s in our train. Just so we can leave our people and horses outside the dungeons we go into without fear.

2023-06-25, 05:30 AM
I mentioned briefly before but I’m hoping to drag a unit of yeomen around with us after we have been to my land, which should make it less wildly hostile for vulnerable NPC’s in our train. Just so we can leave our people and horses outside the dungeons we go into without fear.

Or we can leave some of them in your castle to keep things up there. My Valet for instance could help there I think.

2023-06-25, 07:10 AM
We could indeed! Though I am not sure what state it will be in. I don't know what the Mousillon fief of Saulx will look like, exactly; it might be a small walled manor, or a crumbling old castle, or any number of constructions. And Bertelis's father's lands may or may not be ash and plagued ruin by the time we get there. They've suffered plague and rebellion; we will see how well they've held out eventually too. Not to mention Bertelis had a dream of Beastmen burning it all down so that might yet occur also. Rarg!

Your valet, I fear, has been somewhat underexploited in this gallic environment; but he has also been spared the eyes of the Templars of Sigmar, so that's something. I suppose I have imagined he's been making himself useful generally, but I admit I have less of a grasp of his personality than I do most of our other NPCs.

2023-06-25, 07:12 AM
Wighard doesn't trust him, which is why he asked for Odmar to join him when he was alone on Trundheim

And I recall him being unimpressed and grumpy during the pilgrimage - but honestly that's a pretty reasonable reaction

2023-06-25, 07:38 AM
We need a proving arc for this Valet! After this trip he might be equipped to have a job working in diplomatic circles between Bretonnia and the Empire.

Sadly, Saulx and Talabecland are so far part I don’t think I can credibly promise a long term trade relationship between Bruno’s realm and Bert’s. Maybe an exchange program for knights errant and accomplished squires..? That’s a fun future to imagine.

2023-06-25, 12:42 PM
Wighard has some ideas about leveraging his Order into becoming independent of the College of Light - possibly as a 9th College, or maybe with Imperial Immediacy

They'd get to apply the same logic they apply to medicine and magic to other matters; also he would like to fix the gender bias in Imperial Magic - or more accurately the gender bias in who survives to get apprenticed

And you know, King Louen has lamented the lack of formal education in Bretonnia

Or we just need Fantasy Andorra - somewhere shared between Bretonnia and the Empire but independent of both

2023-06-25, 02:21 PM
We could indeed! Though I am not sure what state it will be in. I don't know what the Mousillon fief of Saulx will look like, exactly; it might be a small walled manor, or a crumbling old castle, or any number of constructions. And Bertelis's father's lands may or may not be ash and plagued ruin by the time we get there. They've suffered plague and rebellion; we will see how well they've held out eventually too. Not to mention Bertelis had a dream of Beastmen burning it all down so that might yet occur also. Rarg!

Your valet, I fear, has been somewhat underexploited in this gallic environment; but he has also been spared the eyes of the Templars of Sigmar, so that's something. I suppose I have imagined he's been making himself useful generally, but I admit I have less of a grasp of his personality than I do most of our other NPCs.

We'll probably want to build a windmill, level 3 farm and level 3 barracks then. To get fire arrow peasant bowmen and men-at-arms up to polearm infantry.

2023-06-25, 02:38 PM
alright boys, that was some serious rules of nature bs there!

take 300 xp and do what you will with it

2023-06-25, 02:40 PM
alright boys, that was some serious rules of nature bs there!

take 300 xp and do what you will with it

Ordinarily I am a whore for XP

However we just got some, and we haven't actually resolved anything, so I don't think we deserve any

2023-06-25, 02:41 PM
oki, sounds good

2023-06-25, 02:47 PM
Ordinarily I am a whore for XP

However we just got some, and we haven't actually resolved anything, so I don't think we deserve any

You don’t -

Wilphe! WILPHE!

We got some a many days ago IRL and like a week ago IC! And we saved a bunch of refugees then nearly died in a catastrophic naval conflict!

How can you say such things?! How much punishment must we endure?!

Although if we are indeed about to land on the island and seize the fort, if it’s not going to vanish, then that’s one thing.

But no XP at all? What have you done?!

2023-06-25, 02:51 PM

If we act humble now and turn down XP he'll give us even more later!

2023-06-25, 02:55 PM
You’d better be right, wizard…

Yeah, we can worry about an XP burst later. For now, we can concentrate on resolving our present situation and either sorting this island out or getting back underway on our trip. Next stop: the coast of Lyonesse.

2023-06-25, 03:28 PM
I mean it sounds like we either deal with this situation now or we let it go and not deal with it ever again.

2023-06-25, 03:33 PM
Right; I just mean it’s unclear to me what the resolution of the scene is. I don’t know if the island is about to teleport out, or once we leave it’ll relocate, or where the longship is trying to escape to - the island or otherwise. Letting Bramble figure out what he wants to do with us next.

2023-06-25, 03:33 PM
Well, going to fate point that roll, I would really prefer that ship be on fire rather than not being on fire. [roll0]

2023-06-25, 04:28 PM

wilphe, will you keep the first 50 pages of tomboys and troublemakers in the first post?

2023-06-25, 05:38 PM
Bah! Great idea Dojango; sadly it looks like they’re getting away. Hmph. Well, maybe some day we’ll get to sink them. Justice for Brambleberry Finn!

As for the present moment, it seems like this is one Wighard and Bruno will ultimately call. Bruno has the captain authority, but Wighard is the only one with the witchery in his blood to know what he is looking at and the risks/rewards of going in or not.

Bertelis has pretty obvious preferences (destroy the evil doers but don’t delay Mousillon) but he doesn’t understand the island’s magic. Nor does he appreciate this might be Wighard’s only chance to become the wizard lord of a magical teleporting island fortress.

2023-06-26, 12:51 AM
Bah! Great idea Dojango;

Pillage first, then burn damnit

2023-06-26, 01:05 AM
Nor does he appreciate this might be Wighard’s only chance to become the wizard lord of a magical teleporting island fortress.

Wighard doesn't care about that

OOC: I do wonder why we bothered to come here if we are not going to see it through

IC: Secret Sarl base in the Maw seems like a problem worth resolving - especially if their might be other kidnap victims there and if this might be why there have been a lot of disappearances even on land

Bertelis' Bitch of Bane might argue that no one has ever found the place twice and lived, but they don't have access to our resources:

We don't have to follow it ourselves, Wighard has asked Kwolf to tag along (and Kwolf has been established very early as able to flip between planes apparently at will even before he was Wighard's familiar). So he doesn't have to worry about being stuck somewhere.

Two, we can scry it again and get another route and that will be more easy if a known party is there

Three, This does explain why the map had a big X in the middle of the Maw (ordinarily that sort of thing is a big no-no because it gives information away if the enemy get hold of it)

And also the variable travel times - they are travelling to different places; some time with the map and the logbook might reveal if there is a pattern...

Four, Maybe we cannot stop it this time, but we can work out how to do so by observing it

2023-06-26, 02:55 AM
You’d better be right, wizard…

Well if I have screwed Meloth out of buying his second attack I'll apologise and retract that, though some players have expressed concern about us levelling too fast.

I am just confused about why we came here if we weren't going to do anything, getting XP feels like we completed a task when I feel we haven't, at best we have chased off the guards

2023-06-26, 04:25 AM
It's all good, I was just playin'. We definitely came here to investigate the X, hoping to at best find some operation attached to our recurring foes and at worst to find a little loot. We, of course, could not have expected the island to be capable of vanishing! We might take some solace in the idea that we have chased off the island with whatever malicious operations it was responsible for. Though without a clearer picture of what that was, it is somewhat anticlimactic...

OOC: I am keen for adventure, so docking on the mystery island and daring fate's dice is fine enough for me as a player even if Bertelis will be horrified if they end up further away from Mousillon. I'm here for it as a player. When we get XP exactly doesn't bother me, I was just playing up my feigned player outrage.

2023-06-26, 04:29 AM
Well also this seems to be the place that Longrifle was intending to take Deana

That would make it very much our business rather than a diversion and something Bertelis would be interested in doing

2023-06-26, 05:11 AM
Well also this seems to be the place that Longrifle was intending to take Deana

That would make it very much our business rather than a diversion and something Bertelis would be interested in doing

Hey, yeah!

What the hell, Longrifle? I'll show you - I'll take her there myself! :D

But yeah, for sure; Bertelis definately wants us to roll up to the island, take a minute to patch our wounds, and then spend a day combing over the place. But he doesn't know it's currently Schroedinger's Alcatraz, both here and not here. He must rely on his magical frère de sang to make a snap call about that.

2023-06-26, 07:26 AM
Posting tomorrow.

2023-06-26, 08:33 AM

gimme a command roll at -10 for kwolf, as he has a bad feeling about this

2023-06-26, 08:41 AM
if Kwolf doesn't want to go, Wighard won't try to make him

2023-06-26, 08:41 AM
if Kwolf doesn't want to go, Wighard won't try to make him

oki doki

im just letting you know

2023-06-26, 09:24 AM
In any case Kwolf isn't just a raven who has been uplifted as a familiar

He works for Morr and has done for a longtime; exactly what he is I have deliberately left obscure, but its quite likely he's natively a more powerful entity.

--This might be because he is doing a Gandalf

--Or he might be doing a Salem

Not that Wighard would ask Siobhan or Schlapp to do that either if they thought it was unsafe

2023-06-26, 10:39 AM
If longrifle might be here we should totes land a boarding party to pillage the place.

2023-06-26, 12:22 PM
Bruno might be the captain, but I feel this should be a group decision. So here's what I'm going to do. We vote in the OOC topic and Bruno will give the appropriate command what the majority wants. I think that's the fairest, and I'm not going to make the decision alone.

So please vote either 'to the Island' or 'Withdraw'.

2023-06-26, 12:33 PM
I think we need more information from Bramble.

Is the Island going or not?

Is the Longboat going or not?

How does Wighard assess the Magic (he did 18 on Magical Sense)?

I do however think that:

capn bruno: It's your call. leave and never find the island again, or go and be transported to gods-knows-where

Is not a fair assessment of our choices, as we have other ways to find it again if we don't follow them, even if Kwolf does not want to go

2023-06-26, 12:34 PM
That’s very egalitarian of you. To the Island, I guess. Willing to risk it hoping we find what we need to get back to where we were, and to do whatever good we can on the island.*

*I reserve the right to have Bertelis freak out about the cruel delays of fate.

2023-06-26, 12:42 PM
the sarl ship is leaving

the island is leaving, and has some sort of powerful magic that allows it to hop, skip or jump to various places.

the magic is black as coal dhar, and is probably some sort of ritual, but you cant be certain without more info

2023-06-26, 12:51 PM
Does Wighard think we can use the Not-a-Palantir and find it again?

2023-06-26, 01:20 PM
Does Wighard think we can use the Not-a-Palantir and find it again?

with the way the not-a-palantir struggled last time, you doubt it will be able to find it again

2023-06-26, 01:30 PM
Wighard votes follow

2023-06-26, 05:52 PM
When you mean follow you mean land on the island? Jasmine votes explore the island.

2023-06-26, 07:45 PM
Regine would vote to save her own skin and for the group to return to their senses and get going.

But this is a fantasy game where she's but a puppet on the strings of my tennis shoes, so she's voting to follow.

2023-06-26, 10:51 PM
Looking good for team Heedless Charge right now.

Also I coming down with the flu or something like it so expect my posts to be more nonsensically sporadic than usual.

2023-06-27, 07:14 AM
We could use your direct affirmation here Volthawk, but based on that post IC that looks like a unanimous vote for Schroedinger’s island with Farothel abstaining?

2023-06-27, 07:36 AM
We could use your direct affirmation here Volthawk, but based on that post IC that looks like a unanimous vote for Schroedinger’s island with Farothel abstaining?

Oh yeah, sorry. To confirm, yes I'm all for the island fun times.

2023-06-27, 07:43 AM
Thank you my good elf. The call is yours, captain.

2023-06-27, 10:52 AM
I'm almost of for my weekly kitten therapy (actually volunteering at the local no-cage, no kill shelter), so I'll post something tomorrow.

2023-06-27, 01:22 PM
Just make sure we save game before we go through

2023-06-28, 10:07 AM
Presuming that the AntiMagicGorget of the Overgrown Amphisbaena dropped off when the "Duel" ended?

2023-06-28, 10:44 AM
Presuming that the AntiMagicGorget of the Overgrown Amphisbaena dropped off when the "Duel" ended?

you cut it off, but you sense it has left a mark on your soul

2023-06-28, 11:05 AM
Yeah well Khaine was there first, so sucks to be him I guess

2023-06-28, 11:15 AM
Crowded in there. Full of evil gods and skaven ghosts.

Or possibly revelatory craziness!

2023-06-28, 11:50 AM
okay, we're going in. @wilphe : tag, you're it.

@Dojango: I've put a roll request for you in the MW Path's of the Damned game.

2023-06-28, 11:56 AM
It has never been specified how long a Heal check takes, but I presume it is way more than the one turn

2023-06-28, 12:05 PM
ill let you roll two heal checks without losing time. after that, the enemy has time to marshal forces, and place traps

2023-06-28, 12:10 PM
Yeah. And the heal check, I think… enhances your “overnight healing” rather than being a quick shot of wounds back, though often it is played that way anyway because it feels natural in an RPG to be able to redress wounds rapidly.

I’ll let you guys figure out the docking stuff. I’ve got to sleep; but I’ll do a tally of the loot we strip from the bodies in the morning. Bramble, I trust if there’s anything beyond their scrubby armor and armaments you will let us know.

2023-06-28, 12:12 PM
of course i will! im not heartless laughs evilly

2023-06-28, 12:15 PM
How badly hurt are people

I think the only PCs with damage are Bertelis and Bruno.

Can I have a rundown of the NPCs please Abdiel?

2023-06-28, 12:25 PM
rolling to see where in the devil you end up


2023-06-28, 01:22 PM
So I guess we are not all teleporting instantaneously and simultaneously, but instead we going to have a endure a short fantastic voyage with cheap visual effects?


2023-06-28, 01:39 PM
How badly hurt are people

I think the only PCs with damage are Bertelis and Bruno.

Can I have a rundown of the NPCs please Abdiel?

Jasmine took some damage from her stupid cheap halfling gun

2023-06-28, 02:50 PM
Well, looks like we may be changing the order we visit these treasure sites...

2023-06-28, 02:59 PM
Yeah. And the heal check, I think… enhances your “overnight healing” rather than being a quick shot of wounds back, though often it is played that way anyway because it feels natural in an RPG to be able to redress wounds rapidly.

A successful Heal test restores 1d10 Wounds to a lightly wounded character or 1 Wound to a heavily wounded character. A wounded character can only receive such healing once during or after each encounter (battle, trap, fall, etc.) in which Wounds are lost. The next day, and once each day thereafter, the wounded character can receive the benefits of another Heal Test.

A character can absorb damage up to his Wounds total without penalty. Wounds represent an abstract “buffer level”, and only once this has been destroyed is severe damage incurred.

2023-06-28, 04:42 PM
How badly hurt are people

I think the only PCs with damage are Bertelis and Bruno.

Can I have a rundown of the NPCs please Abdiel?

Yes y'can!

Our crew can be assumed to have various small fleshwounds they can bind themselves (abstract problems require abstract solutions), but as far as combat wounds go....

Sailor4 is at 6/11 Wounds.
Sailor6 is at 8/11 Wounds.
Master Petrus is at 15/16 Wounds.
Brambleberry Finn took a boarding hook to the (shoulder?) which was pretty gnarly, so we might estimate him at being heavilly wounded - perhaps 3/10 wounds?

Jasmine took some damage from her stupid cheap halfling gun

Dangit, yer antagonisin' me! *Shakes fist* It's a best quality gun, it doesn't explode or misfire! This is operator error only - operator error!

Well, looks like we may be changing the order we visit these treasure sites...

We are not exploring the mountains of Norsca while (getBertelisFamilyTragedies(All))! If we're lucky, we'll find a way to teleport the island back, or atleast south. If we're not lucky... well, we might have to cross the sea of claws, but depending on where we are, we may not be too terribly far off our original schedule. But we are definately going to have to raid the island for warm clothes, which we must assume they have because... here they are.

A successful Heal test restores 1d10 Wounds to a lightly wounded character or 1 Wound to a heavily wounded character. A wounded character can only receive such healing once during or after each encounter (battle, trap, fall, etc.) in which Wounds are lost. The next day, and once each day thereafter, the wounded character can receive the benefits of another Heal Test.

A character can absorb damage up to his Wounds total without penalty. Wounds represent an abstract “buffer level”, and only once this has been destroyed is severe damage incurred.

It's weird, right? In one sentence it sounds like you can heal once per battle or encounter; in the next it suggests they can be performed once per day. That's Black Industries/Fantasy Flight, for you - sometimes, 'we just don't proof read'.

Strictly by the rules, you can receive healing tests equal to the number of damaging encounters you have in a day. If your medic rolls poorly and does not heal any or many of your wounds, you need to go outside and run into a tree to take a couple more and provoke a new healing roll that might restore them and more. Since Wighard is the one making all the healing rolls (and taking the psychological trauma from succeeding or failing in them) I would suggest we let Wilphe go with whatever his instinct suggests to him and make that the standard for the present game.

I'll get you a loot list, buckos!

Here y'are. I've made some judicious assumptions, like the possibility that if they have petty treasures and valuable armor, it's on their ship with them and they never brought it with them.

I'm discounting the enemies that fled, lept overboard to be shot, or appeared to have only natural weapons. Only boarders who died on the deck of the Trundheim are considered here, and that number totals 6 + the Dame.

6 * Hand Weapons
6 * Daggers
6 * Shields
6 * Poor quality leather armor (It's norscan, bloody and cleaved). These all have easily accessed values we can chase when we next get to port.

As for the Dame, she escaped back to her ship... but only after spending a Fate Point. I posted as if Bertelis snatched up her Best Quality Axe, but upon reflection that's not fair because @bramble didn't post her dropping it. I think I was just sore that I didn't pull off the 'disarm and decapitate' manoeuvre that was in my head.

@Bramble, your call: did the Dame drop her axe when she fled or not?

2023-06-28, 04:51 PM
Toughness at -10? Brutal.

[roll0]. Perhaps if I fail only by a small margin, my Best Leathers will make the difference..? Oof... Well, atleast it follows that when we breach the fort, if we get a moment to warm up, that penalty might go away. We're shivering, not flash-frozen I assume.

EDIT: The cold never bothered me anyway.


2023-06-28, 06:09 PM
[roll0] v. 27

https://i.makeagif.com/media/5-27-2014/h0fBou.gif (/gif/cold-never-bothered-me-h0fBou)

2023-06-28, 08:20 PM
Toughness: [roll0] TN 34.


2023-06-28, 10:42 PM
Toughness: [roll0] TN 34.


Oh no! The cold bothers her, anyway! :(

This is a pretty harsh hazing. But later Bertelis will accidentally mention the treasure, and that may warm her considerably.

2023-06-29, 03:56 AM
Note by the way, it is currently 11 Summertide/Sommerzeit, we are 143 days into a 400 day year and 23 days away from Summer Solstice.

So we haven't showed up in the middle of winter, in fact we should be in near perpetual daylight

2023-06-29, 04:21 AM
Unseasonable blizzard I guess. Or, god help us, we’re on the north coast of Norsca.

… or Naggaroth. Wouldn’t that be something?

No bramble it’s too late you already said sea of claws! Don’t you do it!

2023-06-29, 04:42 AM
I am guessing more shock at the sudden temperature change

2023-06-29, 06:56 AM
ill let you roll two heal checks without losing time. after that, the enemy has time to marshal forces, and place traps

How badly hurt are people

I think the only PCs with damage are Bertelis and Bruno.

Can I have a rundown of the NPCs please Abdiel?

I shall humbly suggest a heal check on Bruno and Bertelis then. Siobhan and Deanna can look after the NPC's. Render NPC wounds unto NPCs; and PC wounds to PCs. And then we can roll out, I think. I kind of want to take the horses but 1. I want them in the ship to keep it warm for the poor crew and 2. I'm assuming this is an awful rocky little island and I don't want to lost any of our beasts.

Incidentally, I think Bruno's steed was one or two lessons away from being fully trained. Since we did that trip down the river to L'Anguille and then the business there and the 5 day detour, he's probably trained and ready for a name.

2023-06-29, 07:06 AM
How you gonna train a horse on a ship?

2023-06-29, 07:17 AM
Yes y'can!
6 * Hand Weapons
6 * Daggers
6 * Shields
6 * Poor quality leather armor (It's norscan, bloody and cleaved). These all have easily accessed values we can chase when we next get to port.

Well a bunch more people can use shields and already have Daggers and Handweapons

The leather might only be good for repairs

Also we have a few grapnels and ropes

2023-06-29, 07:23 AM
How you gonna train a horse on a ship?

You put the saddle on and sit in the saddle and wait for him to become agitated and then soothe him and you keep doing that until he’s not agitated anymore.

As for the more complex tricks like charge and attack… look it’s all a bit technical; trust the experts with Animal Training.

2023-06-29, 07:26 AM
It's weird, right? In one sentence it sounds like you can heal once per battle or encounter; in the next it suggests they can be performed once per day. That's Black Industries/Fantasy Flight, for you - sometimes, 'we just don't proof read'.

These are the same people who put "Keen Senses is a Trait not a Talent" in the same book as a career that has it as a talent...

And I am honestly cool with that, because there are two advanced and one basic career that have it and they are all thematically appropriate

Strictly by the rules, you can receive healing tests equal to the number of damaging encounters you have in a day. If your medic rolls poorly and does not heal any or many of your wounds, you need to go outside and run into a tree to take a couple more and provoke a new healing roll that might restore them and more. Since Wighard is the one making all the healing rolls (and taking the psychological trauma from succeeding or failing in them) I would suggest we let Wilphe go with whatever his instinct suggests to him and make that the standard for the present game.

I am happy with the above

The main limiting factor from wounds is getting IP from crits, not recovery time

And the main limiting on magical healing is the same that exists for all magic

This is why I don't advocate for the Optional rule in ToS:

Optional Rule: Restricted Healing

Healing spells can diminish the grim and perilous nature of the game if they are overused. A gaming group that has lost its fear of combat because it boasts a priest of Sigmar or Shallya among its number is missing out on the feel of WFRP. The following optional rules provide an alternative for GMs who wish to limit the effectiveness of healing spells in their games. Healing spells only heal 1 Wound to heavily wounded characters, no matter how many Wounds the spell would normally heal. In addition, a heavily wounded character may only gain the benefit from one Healing spell per day, no matter how many are cast upon him.

Firstly because all the above I've said

Secondly because PCs should be allowed to be good at the things they are good at

Thirdly because if you have a Priest of Shallya you are a man down in combat 99.9999% of the time anyway and that seems quite enough to have to deal with

2023-06-29, 07:34 AM
Alls I know is that’s some mighty fine healing my friend, please and thank you. Going into this island without FP I’m gonna need the wounds.

2023-06-29, 07:36 AM
You put the saddle on and sit in the saddle and wait for him to become agitated and then soothe him and you keep doing that until he’s not agitated anymore.

All I know is that I tried running with a group of them at a family friends ranch once when I was 8 years old and got a horse-shoe imprinted kick to the stomach that levelled me for the rest of the day.

2023-06-29, 08:34 AM
Note by the way, it is currently 11 Summertide/Sommerzeit, we are 143 days into a 400 day year and 23 days away from Summer Solstice.

So we haven't showed up in the middle of winter, in fact we should be in near perpetual daylight

We're going to bring back summer!

2023-06-29, 09:47 AM
Oh yeah, I haven't done my Toughness test yet: [roll0]

2023-06-29, 02:53 PM
I also need to roll toughness: [roll0] vs 30

Also nope

EDIT: Bruno is at 4/15 for wounds, so any healing before we leave (magical or otherwise) is certainly welcome.

2023-06-29, 03:33 PM
Well Shallya is merciful; 13 is much better than 4. Good heal rolls today from the sawbones.

2023-06-29, 03:49 PM
So, presume we want to spread out a bit if we are going up the path, but also don't want to put Bruno or Bertelis in harms way until melee begins








2023-06-29, 05:27 PM
I’m inclined to suggest Meloth first just because he has the best eyes for traps and obstacles, and outdoor survival for pathfinding that might be required. But we did stick to brambles 2 heals only timeline so we should be able to embark quickly enough they don’t have ranked and loaded defenses against us!

2023-06-29, 08:14 PM
As you wish, I just think the two Bs need holding back

2023-06-29, 08:18 PM
And I have finished the timeline

Funeral was on 6 Year-Turn Jahrdrung (Day 39)

We are now:

11 Summertide Sommerzeit (Day 144)

So the whole campaign has taken 106 days so far

2023-06-29, 09:34 PM
https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/e1ipmLNv5kWopuFiDDJ-NwBiOw7KCsKAz5lfefWzy16H73kXBXPeD6i0_aoGB0eCAMK8iK z55GbreKiwe6rIS4HbveeDvfGLh0YZ6iYuH7KKDmURJTrixZV3 gmVK_QhnHw=w1280

2023-06-30, 12:36 AM
https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/e1ipmLNv5kWopuFiDDJ-NwBiOw7KCsKAz5lfefWzy16H73kXBXPeD6i0_aoGB0eCAMK8iK z55GbreKiwe6rIS4HbveeDvfGLh0YZ6iYuH7KKDmURJTrixZV3 gmVK_QhnHw=w1280

This thing is invisible to me, my friend.

2023-06-30, 07:35 AM

also, how evil should i be?

2023-06-30, 08:02 AM
There are two answers to this question, depending on the kind of DM you want to be.

One side says "you should be as evil as the situation warrants. A bunch of knuckleheads are trying to raid a fort by themselves? Is it reasonable to have a hundred warriors defending it? That's what fate points are for."

But this leads to players feeling misled and gunshy, habitually choosing safe options instead of heroic ones.

The other side says "consider how much evil would be required to add threat but not overbear the heroes; it's their story, and its rotten to present something as an adventurous decision only to pull the rug from under them and tell them we're all about sensible conservative decisions now."

But this leads to players feeling invincible and taking the notion that challenges are graded for them for granted.

My rule is to generally introduce obstacles and threats that the players can comfortably handle and feel heroic; occasionally a threat that reminds them they are mortals; and once in a blue moon the kind of threat that will whip them up and down the street if they are not careful and prepared and maybe a little lucky. The more severe it is, the more I signpost it with NPC's reminding the players of how dangerous what they're attempting is; or even alerting players with an appropriate knowledge skill of the wisdom of their actions. The key is you want a player who loses a fate point to feel like they have lost it for a reason they have earned either by taking a silly risk they can appreciate or doing something they knew was worth the sacrifice.

For example, I've lost two fate points on Bertelis this game. That's more than I've lost on any character in WFRP2e. But I lost one as a result of an honor-duel in the dark to a daemonette that I literally asked for, and the other I got shot down by skaven trying madly to free slaves whom we had sworn to protect. Both have been extremely formative for Bertelis and while I miss the rerolls badly, I don't regret either of them.

But there was a moment during one fight where Jasmine rolled a critical fail with her pistol, and you had considered (and elected not to) turning that into shooting Bertelis by accident, which could have killed him and knocked off a fate point. That I would have quietly resented, since lethal friendly fire isn't part of the heroic risk I'd put my character in or something I could anticipate from the rules. So I'm glad that didn't come to pass.

Or, if you weren't asking for a treatise on the ethics of being a hardass DM and were just asking how tough we're feeling...

Well we're all healthy but we're drained of many of our rerolls which is the lifeblood of adventure, so... Like... I would request no harsher than medium evil.

2023-06-30, 08:02 AM
There are two answers to this question, depending on the kind of DM you want to be.

One side says "you should be as evil as the situation warrants. A bunch of knuckleheads are trying to raid a fort by themselves? Is it reasonable to have a hundred warriors defending it? That's what fate points are for."

But this leads to players feeling misled and gunshy, habitually choosing safe options instead of heroic ones.

The other side says "consider how much evil would be required to add threat but not overbear the heroes; it's their story, and its rotten to present something as an adventurous decision only to pull the rug from under them and tell them we're all about sensible conservative decisions now."

But this leads to players feeling invincible and taking the notion that challenges are graded for them for granted.

My rule is to generally introduce obstacles and threats that the players can comfortably handle and feel heroic; occasionally a threat that reminds them they are mortals; and once in a blue moon the kind of threat that will whip them up and down the street if they are not careful and prepared and maybe a little lucky. The more severe it is, the more I signpost it with NPC's reminding the players of how dangerous what they're attempting is; or even alerting players with an appropriate knowledge skill of the wisdom of their actions. The key is you want a player who loses a fate point to feel like they have lost it for a reason they have earned either by taking a silly risk they can appreciate or doing something they knew was worth the sacrifice.

For example, I've lost two fate points on Bertelis this game. That's more than I've lost on any character in WFRP2e. But I lost one as a result of an honor-duel in the dark to a daemonette that I literally asked for, and the other I got shot down by skaven trying madly to free slaves whom we had sworn to protect. Both have been extremely formative for Bertelis and while I miss the rerolls badly, I don't regret either of them.

But there was a moment during one fight where Jasmine rolled a critical fail with her pistol, and you had considered (and elected not to) turning that into shooting Bertelis by accident, which could have killed him and knocked off a fate point. That I would have quietly resented, since lethal friendly fire isn't part of the heroic risk I'd put my character in or something I could anticipate from the rules. So I'm glad that didn't come to pass.

Or, if you weren't asking for a treatise on the ethics of being a hardass DM and were just asking how tough we're feeling...

Well we're all healthy but we're drained of many of our rerolls which is the lifeblood of adventure, so... Like... I would request no harsher than medium evil.

understood mon capitane

2023-06-30, 08:14 AM
hand signals do work

2023-06-30, 08:25 AM
understood mon capitane

Well hey, like always, I like to offer advice and help and clarity where I can but it's your game; tell me to step back whenever you feel is appropriate, etc etc.

hand signals do work

WOO! A chance to actually use Secret Language: Battle Tongue! .... If only we all had it, and only wanted to discuss battlefield maneuvers.

Assuming the most practical Secret Languages have a certain amount of simple sign language,

Bertelis and Jasmine can communicate loosely with Battle Tongue.

Meloth and Regine can communicate loosely with Thieves Tongue.

And every other combination of us is down to charades. I suggest big, broad gestures it's hard to misunderstand!

2023-06-30, 09:38 AM
This thing is invisible to me, my friend.

Thank you

Try this


2023-06-30, 09:40 AM
hand signals do work

Can Wighard still cast?

2023-06-30, 10:40 AM
Well Shallya is merciful; 13 is much better than 4. Good heal rolls today from the sawbones.

And with my full armour, I'll also take less damage.

2023-06-30, 10:46 AM
And with my full armour, I'll also take less damage.

Full plate is pretty sweet.

In my weaker moments, I do regret Bertelis giving that armor to Bruno… but it does feel right that it was made for a knight of the Empire, and contains one again. Feels good. The Bretonnian knights would make fun of Bertelis riding around in articulated plate, like some kind of nerd. Real knights just bury themselves in chainmail and boiled leather and faith.

2023-06-30, 12:06 PM
Full plate is pretty sweet.

In my weaker moments, I do regret Bertelis giving that armor to Bruno… but it does feel right that it was made for a knight of the Empire, and contains one again. Feels good. The Bretonnian knights would make fun of Bertelis riding around in articulated plate, like some kind of nerd. Real knights just bury themselves in chainmail and boiled leather and faith.

And élan, don't forget that

2023-06-30, 10:23 PM
Oh, of course! Élan is the most important part. :D

@Bramble, I wonder if I could ask for a little more detail about the fortress. You don't have to get down to square footage or anything, but if we're gonna crack this nut we're gonna need to scheme. I've a couple of questions for example:

- How tall is the fortress? I'm imagining a small standalone castle with a single tower-keep. And importantly:

- What is the construction? rough quarried stone and mortar, or squared stone bricks, or something more exotic? This is important because...

- How difficult of a freehand climb does it look? That's assuming it's too high to get a grappling hook over.

- How big and tough is the fortress door? Is this something that will require a team with a battering ram on a swing or is it something that can be theoretically taken apart with axes given a bit of elbow grease?

2023-06-30, 11:43 PM
Oh, of course! Élan is the most important part. :D

@Bramble, I wonder if I could ask for a little more detail about the fortress. You don't have to get down to square footage or anything, but if we're gonna crack this nut we're gonna need to scheme. I've a couple of questions for example:

- How tall is the fortress? I'm imagining a small standalone castle with a single tower-keep. And importantly:

- What is the construction? rough quarried stone and mortar, or squared stone bricks, or something more exotic? This is important because...

- How difficult of a freehand climb does it look? That's assuming it's too high to get a grappling hook over.

- How big and tough is the fortress door? Is this something that will require a team with a battering ram on a swing or is it something that can be theoretically taken apart with axes given a bit of elbow grease?

im imagining the same thing you are

the bricks are squared away, so its certainly not a simple climb, and definitely not one to be taken on by a neophyte climber

the door theoretically could be taken down, but that might just burn energy you need for other thing

2023-07-01, 12:06 AM
Hmm. Who's our best climber? I think it might be Bertelis right now. Strength 50 and trained in Scale Sheer Surface. I think Regine would be our ticket usually with +10% to the skill and 44 str, but she's suffering from the chill right now. But Meloth, Bertelis and Regine are all trained atleast. If it's going to be a bunch of -20% rolls or something we're just going to fall and break our asses, but if it's at +0 it might be worth the risk. Though high enough to be beyond grapple hook is probably an extremely damaging fall...

Maybe climb to an arrow slit part way up..? Hmm. This might be a job for Kwolf...
Edit: I just noticed all cold weather coats we had were 'human sized coats'. Does that mean Jasmine is currently just toughing it out? Atleast she passed the test!

2023-07-01, 08:04 AM
- How big and tough is the fortress door? Is this something that will require a team with a battering ram on a swing or is it something that can be theoretically taken apart with axes given a bit of elbow grease?

Dude, do you even?


2023-07-01, 08:16 AM
May I suggest:



2023-07-01, 09:43 AM
Dude, do you even?


Lmao. Did they bust it? I assume so. I can't imagine an axe you threw with your upper body at hardwood being able to take a full body's hanging weight. It's like climbing with ice picks, but... less credible! But we do have a few axes between us. If we can chop through enough of the door to lever the bar from the other side, we'll be laughing. Or a small enough hole to shove Jasmine through and she can solo the castle.

May I suggest:



This is neat! Though in its state of ruin it is hard to imagine its ancient granduer.

2023-07-01, 10:05 AM

Doesn't really have walls all the way around (part of the point of building it there in the first place)

I have been looking but not able to find one that fits description so far

2023-07-01, 10:22 AM
Wait, we've gone from arriving to a new place with the island fortress, to now storming the fortress on land?

Just trying to get my bearings as things move rather quickly lol.

2023-07-01, 10:27 AM
Yep! We didn’t encounter any resistance on the way up thankfully, probably because we moved so quick. But now we’re are the keep door and it’s looking like axe work.

2023-07-01, 05:19 PM
i would say you can cast at a penalty, and with an increased issue of mishaps

2023-07-01, 07:19 PM
Alright. How many axes do we have? Wighard's got one, Bertelis has the hatchet he always carries (but never uses) and also the one looted from the Damsel? May as well get cracking.

Edit: Made a little post to get crackin' on axing the door, but if anyone's character would see this and object, feel free to pipe up and post and I'll abort. I was just feeling we might be standing around waiting for someone to take the first swing! Also it was a good excuse to get the Company Blade into Wighard's hand for a while.

2023-07-01, 11:40 PM
Going to try....scale sheer surface: [roll0] vs TN 54

FP if need be: [roll1] vs TN 54 not necessary.

2023-07-01, 11:41 PM
Silent move: [roll0] vs TN 98

Concealment: [roll1] vs TN 98

Perception: [roll2] vs 67 TN

2023-07-01, 11:51 PM
Huh. Look at that.

Well... -10% to all of those because of you mild Hypothermia, but you still succeed at all of them. Dang. Well, Bramble - there you go. Out sneaker gets sneaking, while the rest of us pause, axes in hand, and give her a chance.

2023-07-01, 11:57 PM
lemme just roll some dice


2023-07-02, 12:15 AM
Given that a castle door is going to be heavy, reinforced with iron and backed with a portcullis, and then probably another door, Wighard is not to hand over his axe to get ruined

2023-07-02, 12:18 AM
Given that a castle door is going to be heavy, reinforced with iron and backed with a portcullis, and then probably another door, Wighard is not to hand over his axe to get ruined

perfectly acceptable answer mr wizard

you see the same thing that regine sees but from a higher vantage point

2023-07-02, 12:23 AM
Regine will look around for the opening mechanism within the gatehouse. She'll also quietly move into it so she's no longer "out in the cold" >_>.

Silent Move: [roll0] vs TN 98

Concealment: [roll1] vs TN 98

Perception: [roll2] vs TN 67

When she finds the locking mechanism she is going to 'pick' it and unlock it and pull the lever to open the gate: [roll3] vs TN 98

2023-07-02, 12:28 AM
Regine will look around for the opening mechanism within the gatehouse. She'll also quietly move into it so she's no longer "out in the cold" >_>.

Silent Move: [roll0] vs TN 98

Concealment: [roll1] vs TN 98

Perception: [roll2] vs TN 67

When she finds the locking mechanism she is going to 'pick' it and unlock it and pull the lever to open the gate: [roll3] vs TN 98

alright, so your golden, just for one little teensy issue. there is no lock and there is no lever, more like a giant length of chain you have to pull to open the gate

2023-07-02, 12:41 AM
How long is that chain..? And is it possible to feed it out an arrow slot so someone else can climb up and grab it and pull it? I’m assuming it’s part of a mechanism, not just attached to the back of the gate door.

2023-07-02, 12:44 AM
How long is that chain..? And is it possible to feed it out an arrow slot so someone else can climb up and grab it and pull it? I’m assuming it’s part of a mechanism, not just attached to the back of the gate door.

ill say its possible to do so, but quite likely to attract adverse attention

2023-07-02, 12:50 AM
Well, unless Regine finds a another option, that might be our ticket.

2023-07-02, 12:52 AM
Also, re; the cold weather rolls… are you happy with cloaks? I hen we end up climbing the mountains looking for treasure I figure we’re going to need special good quality gear or something, but is a normal cloak or coat sufficient here?

2023-07-02, 12:54 AM
Also, re; the cold weather rolls… are you happy with cloaks? I hen we end up climbing the mountains looking for treasure I figure we’re going to need special good quality gear or something, but is a normal cloak or coat sufficient here?

yes, for now

2023-07-02, 12:58 AM
ill say its possible to do so, but quite likely to attract adverse attention

She will do so stealthily.

Concealment: [roll0] vs TN 98

She'll also look around in the gatehouse for a coat or anything she can wear: [roll1] vs TN 67

2023-07-02, 01:01 AM
yes, for now

… well I don’t have one of those either. I have my best leathers, but that’s best because it’s lighter. Not necessarily more insulated.

[roll0] the harshness of those -10s…

It’s official, the cold has begun to bother me.

2023-07-02, 01:18 AM
Feeling vindicated in decision to buy BQ Uniform Overcoat

2023-07-02, 03:17 AM
Just a broad int roll to see how quickly if at all Bertelis cottons on to what that chain is for, poking out the slot we obviously can’t climb through! [roll0]. He may get there, but it’ll take him a beat!

2023-07-02, 05:05 AM
Does all the padding one has to wear underneath full plate count as a coat (as well as the layers of padding-leather-chain-plate)?

2023-07-02, 05:21 AM
Does all the padding one has to wear underneath full plate count as a coat (as well as the layers of padding-leather-chain-plate)?

not with this temperature, and with the fight before making you all hot and sweaty

2023-07-02, 08:42 AM
not with this temperature, and with the fight before making you all hot and sweaty

ok, then I'm wearing a coat over the plate, no problem.

2023-07-02, 10:11 AM
Had a busy weekend, catching up now.

To confirm, those of us still on the ground can't see anyone yet, right, just the tower and the disembodied voice taunting us?

2023-07-02, 10:29 AM
Believe that is the case

Regine climbed up, disappeared and now there is a golden chain being let down from the gatehouse

2023-07-02, 01:38 PM
alrighty, we need some way to spice this up, so regine im sorry




2023-07-02, 01:39 PM


2023-07-02, 01:49 PM
fyi, regine, im gonna say your suprised, so that means its +30 to hit, and no dodge

2023-07-02, 03:14 PM
Can I dodge that ghostly hand (or does my helmet protect)? And can I react to it?

2023-07-02, 03:19 PM
Can I dodge that ghostly hand (or does my helmet protect)? And can I react to it?

no and no, but you can react to it


thats one wound unreducible

2023-07-02, 03:35 PM
Well, hopefully a bit of the old magical healing from Wighard will prevent that from being a massively disfiguring scar. Though you might want to keep a little of it. We can be disfiguring scar bros.

2023-07-02, 06:18 PM
Would Wipards attempt to "climb" the chain in fact open the gate, as the chain was fed down there to pull the gate open?

2023-07-02, 08:56 PM
Would Wipards attempt to "climb" the chain in fact open the gate, as the chain was fed down there to pull the gate open?

We must hope so! But first, how close to the ground does that chain get, after it’s fed through? Is it within reach easily enough, or does it require a small climb to reach it?

2023-07-02, 11:49 PM
We must hope so! But first, how close to the ground does that chain get, after it’s fed through? Is it within reach easily enough, or does it require a small climb to reach it?

It’s a small climb

2023-07-03, 12:00 AM
Did she find a coat or a blanket or some sort to throw around her shoulders, having passed her perception check?

2023-07-03, 12:02 AM
Did she find a coat or a blanket or some sort to throw around her shoulders, having passed her perception check?

yes, but its not a very good one

2023-07-03, 12:03 AM
Any will do.

2023-07-03, 12:06 AM
Regine Parry save: [roll0] vs TN 56

2023-07-03, 12:07 AM
Oh yeah, Willpower test: [roll0] vs TN 53

2023-07-03, 12:10 AM
Regine is:

- Using an action to feed enough chain down that the group doesn't have to 'jump' or 'climb' to get it, they can grab it and then pull it down to open the gate.

- Using her move action to then move away from the monster-man and putting barriers between herself and him, ensuring he'll only get 1 attack on her.

2023-07-03, 12:14 AM
Regine is:

- Using an action to feed enough chain down that the group doesn't have to 'jump' or 'climb' to get it, they can grab it and then pull it down to open the gate.

- Using her move action to then move away from the monster-man and putting barriers between herself and him, ensuring he'll only get 1 attack on her.

very smart!

mutters a prayer for good dice luck to tzeentch

2023-07-03, 12:41 AM
very smart!

mutters a prayer for good dice luck to tzeentch

Heck, if there's enough chain to do so, then for sure. I was imagining the chain length was just plain not that long! But if it does go that far, that'll work just fine... we just need to glean that the chain is for opening the gate, which seems like the kind of thing one of our smarties should discover rather than Bertelis! Regine yells instructions, but I think we're still in the dome of incomprehensibility? She might need to stick a hand out the window and make a handsign which Bertelis will take as extremely rude but Meloth will recognize is a secret theif sigh for "pull this", usually reserved for signalling one's comrades to hoist a stolen piece of art up through a hole in the roof, or something.

Also... not to be the parry cops... but for Regine to have a parry, she'd need to have two weapons out; or one and taking a parry stance. But on the other hand, maybe the goon pausing to threaten and sound the alarm should give her enough time to not be utterly defenseless, and that 20 would have passed even a penalized dodge check.

2023-07-03, 12:45 AM
Heck, if there's enough chain to do so, then for sure. I was imagining the chain length was just plain not that long! But if it does go that far, that'll work just fine... we just need to glean that the chain is for opening the gate, which seems like the kind of thing one of our smarties should discover rather than Bertelis!

Also... not to be the parry cops... but for Regine to have a parry, she'd need to have two weapons out; or one and taking a parry stance. But on the other hand, maybe the goon pausing to threaten and sound the alarm should give her enough time to not be utterly defenseless, and that 20 would have passed even a penalized dodge check.

thank you for the heads up.

if regine doesnt have dodge, im gonna hafta call the weapon attack a hit

2023-07-03, 12:56 AM
thank you for the heads up.

if regine doesnt have dodge, im gonna hafta call the weapon attack a hit

If it moved up to the door, saw Regine inside the gate house fiddling with the opening mechanism, then did its little shield bash then, then moved in close enough to attack her, then attacked her, that's about 2 rounds worth of actions. So it's first round (moving up, seeing her, doing its shield bash) is the surprise round, followed by normal round (move into the gatehouse and attack her) is the second round.

Would this mean it comes down to an initiative roll?

2023-07-03, 01:00 AM
If it moved up to the door, saw Regine inside the gate house fiddling with the opening mechanism, then did its little shield bash then, then moved in close enough to attack her, then attacked her, that's about 2 rounds worth of actions. So it's first round (moving up, seeing her, doing its shield bash) is the surprise round, followed by normal round (move into the gatehouse and attack her) is the second round.

Would this mean it comes down to an initiative roll?

lets just roll a d10 to decide who goes first. not a big fan of initiative


2023-07-03, 01:01 AM
But Regine has like +7 agility, she loves initiative rolls :smalltongue: hah.


2023-07-03, 01:02 AM
But Regine has like +7 agility, she loves initiative rolls :smalltongue: hah.


your up first blasphemer. make it count! :smalltongue:

2023-07-03, 01:08 AM
In that case she would've drawn her weapons to be able to make that Parry and not get a sword through the guts.

Next she'll move back and put obstacles between herself and Monster Man so he can't charge, and has to spend his move action, so he can't Swift Attacks her.

I forgot about the inability to speak properly with each other, she'll have to see what Monster Man does next round. However, as the chain is protruding out of an arrow slit rather than an actual window, hopefully it's a good indication she at least wants them to pull it, given that they couldn't climb up and fit through a slit lol.

2023-07-03, 01:18 AM
In that case she would've drawn her weapons to be able to make that Parry and not get a sword through the guts.

Next she'll move back and put obstacles between herself and Monster Man so he can't charge, and has to spend his move action, so he can't Swift Attacks her.

I forgot about the inability to speak properly with each other, she'll have to see what Monster Man does next round. However, as the chain is protruding out of an arrow slit rather than an actual window, hopefully it's a good indication she at least wants them to pull it, given that they couldn't climb up and fit through a slit lol.

you forget about the gimgroth maneuver. spend a fp to half move into melee range, and then swift attack

2023-07-03, 01:24 AM
Well...she'll just have to take her chances on that lol. Getting that gate open for the group to get in is Task #1. She's done her role there now the guys down there need to get tugging on that chain.

2023-07-03, 01:32 AM
Well...she'll just have to take her chances on that lol. Getting that gate open for the group to get in is Task #1. She's done her role there now the guys down there need to get tugging on that chain.

also, i get a free attack on you cause you didnt disengage




2023-07-03, 01:43 AM
Dodge roll: [roll0] vs TN 78

Her Second Round she'll scamper out of the way, putting distance between herself and Headless in the gatehouse, i.e Disengage.

She's waiting to see that chain go taunt and the tugging to commence to open the gate.

2023-07-03, 01:50 AM
Dodge roll: [roll0] vs TN 78

Her Second Round she'll scamper out of the way, putting distance between herself and Headless in the gatehouse, i.e Disengage.

She's waiting to see that chain go taunt and the tugging to commence to open the gate.

i dont think you can dodge a free attack, but ill wait for my resident wfrp 2e expert to show

2023-07-03, 03:42 AM
No reason you can’t! Your can make one dodge (if you are trained) and one parry a round (if you have the right combination of weapons or a weapon and took parrying stance). Dodging that free attack is a good idea; it just means she has no dodge available until the start of her next turn.

2023-07-03, 03:54 AM
Bertelis, BTW, is stronkest at 50 str. Does the chill -10 factor into the roll? Or is that only for accuracy stuff - WS, BS, Agi?

-10 difficulty factored into the following roll
Also modify:
- 10 for chilly willy syndrome if necessary
+ 10 for anyone else who wants to grab the rope


If Wighard, Jasmine and Meloth jump in to help, we’ll succeed. Bruno is otherwise tormented for the moment. Poor bugger. First the neiglish rot, now this.

2023-07-03, 04:05 AM
No reason you can’t! Your can make one dodge (if you are trained) and one parry a round (if you have the right combination of weapons or a weapon and took parrying stance). Dodging that free attack is a good idea; it just means she has no dodge available until the start of her next turn.

Huzzah, she lives to fight another day. Or dance and flip away from danger, as it were.

2023-07-03, 04:41 AM
Wighard will of course be helping

2023-07-03, 08:04 AM
Check in, Dojango and Volthawk! Not that we can ask much except joining the pulling effort, but I’m trying to be more aware of piling up posts and leaving people bewildered and behind!

2023-07-03, 08:41 AM
Yup, Meloth will help for another +10.

2023-07-03, 11:04 AM
Bertelis might be strongest, but if it's just hanging off a chain, Bruno is probably the heaviest with his full plate. That should count for something I would say.

2023-07-03, 12:06 PM
Jasmine is very strong for a halfling, it's in her stats. She'll help out.

2023-07-03, 02:51 PM
@mrabdiel is strike to stun able to be dodged or parried?

2023-07-03, 03:36 PM
Yep. And it does no damage.

Step 1: Hit with an attack (defenses as normal)
Step 2: Strength Test for the attacker. If success,
Step 3: Toughnest Test for the Defender, with a +10% for all armor points they have to the head.

It’s a long shot but the outcome is pretty dire: the target is stunned for d10 rounds, which more often than not is an entire combat they are zonked out for and unable to defend themselves. Thus, how hard it is to pull off.

2023-07-03, 03:40 PM
lemme roll le strength test


well if for some miracle she botches her defense, im golden

2023-07-03, 03:44 PM
Good luck, Regine. 6 rounds is a long time to be out of combat. If you manage to fail this ... parry (since you dodged the back-attack, right?) and the toughness test with +10% for any armor you have to the head, you might wake up tied to a railroad track or something.

2023-07-03, 03:47 PM
Good luck, Regine. 6 rounds is a long time to be out of combat. If you manage to fail this ... parry (since you dodged the back-attack, right?) and the toughness test with +10% for any armor you have to the head, you might wake up tied to a railroad track or something.

hehe. also bananaphone, please check your dms. i have the opportunity of a lifetime for you

2023-07-03, 07:31 PM
No pressure or anything.

Parry: [roll0] vs TN 56
FP if needed: [roll1] vs TN 56

Toughness check: [roll2] vs TN 54

Jesus H. christ. That was such a close shave she won't have to visit the beauty salon for a few months.

2023-07-03, 08:06 PM
No pressure or anything.

Parry: [roll0] vs TN 56
FP if needed: [roll1] vs TN 56

Toughness check: [roll2] vs TN 54

Jesus H. christ. That was such a close shave she won't have to visit the beauty salon for a few months.

drat. and here i thought id get lucky

oh well

2023-07-03, 08:57 PM
Haha. Yeah, close one. Strike to stun is super nasty sometimes; nasty enough in an in person game where you spend the next 30 minutes at the table with your friends defending your stunned butt; perhaps worse in PbP where you have to wait for three weeks for the rest of the group to brawl through a battle.

It's also another example of those things that the game designers didn't completely think through, or atleast expected a GM to have some hand in moderating. For example, there's no reason you can't use Strike to Stun on a Giant. Giants have no armor on their heads. They have an average toughness of 59%. And their big sweeping blows are simulated by having a low WS (33%) and 5 attacks, with Lightning Parry so he can trade attacks for parries. But 33% is a very low chance. So all things considered, getting off a Strike to Stun on a giant is an extremely good tactic, and not remarkably harder than doing so to an ork with a hat.

...But a shrewed GM would feel at liberty of saying "His head is so big and his skull us so tough, he's stunned for 1/3 of the normal number of turns." Or something like that.

Same way that giants and dragons have Unstoppable blows (-30% to parry), but Ogres and Trolls have nothing of the sort - but I sometimes houserule them has having Somewhat Stoppable Blows, (-10% or sometimes -20% to parry). This is both because it seems nuts to think that there should be no difficulty parrying an ogre bull, and because parry is a shade too strong in WFRP in my opinion. You can see this by the way that, given a long enough timeframe, everyone ends up with a best quality axe and best quality shield. I think WFRP could benefit from more reason to use 2 handers. No one does so, because the parry is so vital and, once you have Impact on our one hand weapon, there's no reason to use anything else.

Not advocating for any houserule or anything here; just rambling.

2023-07-03, 09:02 PM
Haha. Yeah, close one. Strike to stun is super nasty sometimes; nasty enough in an in person game where you spend the next 30 minutes at the table with your friends defending your stunned butt; perhaps worse in PbP where you have to wait for three weeks for the rest of the group to brawl through a battle.

It's also another example of those things that the game designers didn't completely think through, or atleast expected a GM to have some hand in moderating. For example, there's no reason you can't use Strike to Stun on a Giant. Giants have no armor on their heads. They have an average toughness of 59%. And their big sweeping blows are simulated by having a low WS (33%) and 5 attacks, with Lightning Parry so he can trade attacks for parries. But 33% is a very low chance. So all things considered, getting off a Strike to Stun on a giant is an extremely good tactic, and not remarkably harder than doing so to an ork with a hat.

...But a shrewed GM would feel at liberty of saying "His head is so big and his skull us so tough, he's stunned for 1/3 of the normal number of turns." Or something like that.

Same way that giants and dragons have Unstoppable blows (-30% to parry), but Ogres and Trolls have nothing of the sort - but I sometimes houserule them has having Somewhat Stoppable Blows, (-10% or sometimes -20% to parry). This is both because it seems nuts to think that there should be no difficulty parrying an ogre bull, and because parry is a shade too strong in WFRP in my opinion. You can see this by the way that, given a long enough timeframe, everyone ends up with a best quality axe and best quality shield. I think WFRP could benefit from more reason to use 2 handers. No one does so, because the parry is so vital and, once you have Impact on our one hand weapon, there's no reason to use anything else.

Not advocating for any houserule or anything here; just rambling.

stealing that

2023-07-03, 09:14 PM
Heh, when some people get old and senility sets in, some people will ramble about political figures and lost loves from ages gone by, while MrAbdiel will rant about inconsistent rules in the RPG's he used to play.

2023-07-03, 09:16 PM
Heh, when some people get old and senility sets in, some people will ramble about political figures and lost loves from ages gone by, while MrAbdiel will rant about inconsistent rules in the RPG's he used to play.

hey, its said in the senior citizen homes of the future, bridge and bingo will be replaced by dnd, wfrp 2e, and fate core

2023-07-03, 09:42 PM
stealing that

The parry penalty on big boys? Go for it. I found often that when running games, I felt the need to arbitrarilly raise the enemy Weapon Skill to compensate for how easilly the players parried. When I added that small penalty, I felt more at liberty to just let the chips fall where they may. Just remember that whenever you alter the standard ruleset to make life harder for the players in some way, it's up to you to make it clear enough so they don't bumble into a situation they thought would be resolved a different way; or to ease off on WS buffs on enemies like I did to counterbalance the drop in player's primary defense!

Heh, when some people get old and senility sets in, some people will ramble about political figures and lost loves from ages gone by, while MrAbdiel will rant about inconsistent rules in the RPG's he used to play.

Man I'm not waiting until I'm senile, it's an unbroken line from here on in.

hey, its said in the senior citizen homes of the future, bridge and bingo will be replaced by dnd, wfrp 2e, and fate core

Woo hoo! MrAbdiel's Assisted Gaming Home for Grognards is going to have a kickstarter soon, plz donate.

2023-07-04, 07:37 AM

im just checking, did we lose meloth?

2023-07-04, 07:46 AM
Nah, Volthawk posted yesterday on the previous page in this thread. I think he’s just both a little busy, and doesn’t have much he wants to add to the chain pulling. But now we’re busting though the gate, I think we’re about to all activate again!

2023-07-04, 07:46 AM
Nah, Volthawk posted yesterday on the previous page in this thread. I think he’s just both a little busy, and doesn’t have much he wants to add to the chain pulling. But now we’re busting though the gate, I think we’re about to all activate again!


2023-07-04, 07:57 AM
Everyone please use their move action to get inside the gate lol.

Like, for real yo, please lol.

2023-07-04, 07:59 AM
hehe, better move quickly!

2023-07-04, 08:26 AM
So if we let go of the chain and half move in, a) will that work, and b) do we see any of the currently happening fights?

2023-07-04, 08:27 AM
So if we let go of the chain and half move in, a) will that work, and b) do we see any of the currently happening fights?

you see the fight on the inside, not the fight between regine and mr headless' brother

2023-07-04, 08:38 AM
I think someone jammed the door open.

2023-07-04, 08:39 AM
I think someone jammed the door open.

he looked for something to jam the door open.

me and my brain are not on the same page

2023-07-04, 10:34 AM
I've taken the first three, and Bertelis can take the last one (the fourth missed) and the leader's attacks. With our armour and toughness, only attack 1 and 4 do any damage (and I parry 1 and 4 missed).

I've also already put in my attacks.

2023-07-04, 04:10 PM
Awesome. Everyone in the breach! Volthawk I think Meloth currently has the Best Axe we looted since Bertelis pressed it into his hand. He was halfway to recruiting him to attack the door with me, so feel free to employ that; I think it's just a melee press inside without much room for bow work right away.

I'm not sure if we're getting full attacks or moving in and single attacking; until you ask us to roll initiative properly Bramble I'm gonna make the assumption we're in a sort of... anomalous hazard right now, and not strictly working with turns...? Like it's a puzzle to solve, and the puzzle is made of angry hairy men..? Ignore my second attack IC if that's the case.

[roll0] or 1 damage!

2023-07-04, 04:49 PM
Awesome. Everyone in the breach! Volthawk I think Meloth currently has the Best Axe we looted since Bertelis pressed it into his hand. He was halfway to recruiting him to attack the door with me, so feel free to employ that; I think it's just a melee press inside without much room for bow work right away.

I'm not sure if we're getting full attacks or moving in and single attacking; until you ask us to roll initiative properly Bramble I'm gonna make the assumption we're in a sort of... anomalous hazard right now, and not strictly working with turns...? Like it's a puzzle to solve, and the puzzle is made of angry hairy men..? Ignore my second attack IC if that's the case.

[roll0] or 1 damage!


2023-07-04, 08:28 PM
is it my move, or am i waiting for our dearest wizard

2023-07-04, 08:43 PM
Scale Sheer Surface: [roll0] vs TN 54

2023-07-04, 08:44 PM
Knew it. FP'ing that: Scale: [roll0] vs TN 54

Dodge roll for the free swing the norscan will get: [roll1] vs TN 78

2023-07-04, 08:45 PM
*Rolls eyes*

FP'ing that.

Scale: [roll0] vs TN 54

Die in a fire forum roller. I love throwing 2 fate points into a hole in the ground for nothing. What a ****ing waste.

2023-07-04, 08:53 PM
free norscan attack time



2023-07-04, 08:55 PM
Yeah, Wighard’s up to either do a magic or chop with his axe or, possibly, split open like a banana peel and have a daemon crawl out of his man-rind. That last one is unlikely but not unprecedented.

2023-07-05, 04:07 AM
Well Wighard did take an action to look for rock and fail to channel

However that was immediately before Bramble posted, so I thought it might count, but as he is asking I will not look a gift Hagranym in the mouth

2023-07-05, 04:15 AM
On that subject I was going to spend two half actions to ready axe and shield, but I see no one else spent actions on that and the badguys showed up very fast so I will assume that was all free action

2023-07-05, 04:16 AM
On that subject I was going to spend two half actions to ready axe and shield, but I see no one else spent actions on that and the badguys showed up very fast so I will assume that was all free action

mmhm, sounds reasonable

2023-07-05, 04:52 AM
lemme roll some wp checks


with their sister inspiring them, they all pass

2023-07-05, 05:05 AM
sister norscan parry


2023-07-05, 05:19 AM
Wighard did 10 and 9

How is that opponent looking?

2023-07-05, 05:20 AM
Wighard did 10 and 9

How is that opponent looking?

he parried one, but hes not looking so hot

2023-07-05, 06:07 AM
Morr's displeasure

[roll0] 44


2023-07-05, 06:08 AM
Oh well, still 14 and 13 so even with a successful parry he's dead

And if he didn't make his parry, whoever was next to him has some problems

2023-07-05, 06:12 AM
Better try to parry this blow from The Dame 2: Judgement Dame.

[roll0] Parry time! Nope, she gets me for 5 wounds net. 10/15 Wounds.

Looks like the enemy dealt three hits that could harm - a 5, and 11, and another 5. Looks like Wighard parried the first one.

Jasmine, Meloth, you might volunteer to defend against the other two as the lighter armored party members. First one to roll gets to try their luck against the 11!

2023-07-05, 06:26 AM
norscan gal ws defend


ill say your warm enough for that to hit.

2023-07-05, 06:29 AM
Ah, you are merciful to me this time, Mr. GM. I fear the moment when you choose not to be merciful, now!

In that case, the feint succeeds, and then Bertelis strikes her for...

Possible Manaan's Fury: [roll0] for [roll1], [roll2], [roll3].

32 Damage to the right arm. And then, presumably, the chest, and then the left arm, and then out the other side.

Strike my right arm, will you? I'll show you a right arm hit...


That's the Bordeleaux way.

2023-07-05, 06:32 AM
Ah, you are merciful to me this time, Mr. GM. I fear the moment when you choose not to be merciful, now!

In that case, the feint succeeds, and then Bertelis strikes her for...

Possible Manaan's Fury: [roll0] for [roll1], [roll2], [roll3].

32 Damage to the right arm. And then, presumably, the chest, and then the left arm, and then out the other side.

ouch. yes shes very dead

2023-07-05, 08:37 AM
You still need someone to soak a hit? Jasmine will try to dodge the 11: [roll0] v. 69 and if that doesn't work FP: [roll1]

2023-07-05, 09:03 AM
Good work, ya dodgey git. So the last 5 hits Meloth but I think he can just soak that, even.

2023-07-05, 10:50 AM
attack 2 is a potential fury: confirmation: [roll0] vs 46 for extra damage: [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]

That's 23 damage. Not as good as Bertelis, but it should take down one of the bondsmen easily.

2023-07-06, 06:49 AM
One brutal evisceration is as good as another, brother knight.

I think it's Meloth's chance to take some whacks with that axe. It's got Impact, Volthawk, so feel free to roll an extra damage dice to see if you discover a deeply hidden penchant for the axemanship of the wildwood rangers.

2023-07-06, 07:45 AM
One brutal evisceration is as good as another, brother knight.

I think it's Meloth's chance to take some whacks with that axe. It's got Impact, Volthawk, so feel free to roll an extra damage dice to see if you discover a deeply hidden penchant for the axemanship of the wildwood rangers.

Oh, it does? Nice.

And yeah, going into Woodsman is paying off a little here - went into it for the skills (hence selling the big axe it gave me), but hey the +10 WS/Strength comes in handy sometimes I suppose (dice rolls aside).

2023-07-07, 12:31 AM
let the fun begin cackles evilly

2023-07-07, 12:40 AM
burly norscan strength test to roll the barrel far enough


damage against everyone present (ignores armor)


2023-07-07, 12:50 AM
OOoof. Is there.. any chance to defend at all here? Ah, on second thought, you did roll an attack and nailed it there. As long as he can’t yeet one of those a turn I can’t complain too much.

I mean, I can, because OW. Bertelis is on…2/15. Heavily wounded.

Fear of Death Insanity WP check: [roll0]

2023-07-07, 12:51 AM
OOoof. Is there.. any chance to defend at all here? Ah, on second thought, you did roll an attack and nailed it there. As long as he can’t yeet one of those a turn I can’t complain too much.

I mean, I can, because OW. Bertelis is on…2/15. Heavily wounded.

Fear of Death Insanity WP check: [roll0]

theres just the one

2023-07-07, 12:53 AM
Dodge.... [roll0] vs TN 78


*Flips away from the worst of it*

2023-07-07, 01:03 AM
If I didn't know any better, I'd say Mr Bramble is gearing us towards capture and corruption by the ruinous powers :smalltongue:.

2023-07-07, 01:05 AM
If I didn't know any better, I'd say Mr Bramble is gearing us towards capture and corruption by the ruinous powers :smalltongue:.

whatever gave you that idea? :smallbiggrin:

2023-07-07, 01:23 AM
Do let us know if it’s dodgable, Bramble! It’s a ranged attack sort of, so I assumed not… Maybe even just for Regine since she was not really in the scrum but weaving away from attackers on her way back to us slowly.

Now that the garrison is gibbed, what remains? The headless horror, and this barrel throwing jerk? Djoonki Khong?

2023-07-07, 01:28 AM
Do let us know if it’s dodgable, Bramble! It’s a ranged attack sort of, so I assumed not… Maybe even just for Regine since she was not really in the scrum but weaving away from attackers on her way back to us slowly.

Now that the garrison is gibbed, what remains? The headless horror, and this barrel throwing jerk? Djoonki Khong?

dodgeable for her, but still take 1d5 wounds due to the flying shrapnel


the headless horror and the barrelthrower retreated inside the tower

2023-07-07, 01:33 AM
So 1 wound after toughness? Kk.

2023-07-07, 01:33 AM
So 1 wound after toughness? Kk.

sure, im feeling nice :smallwink:

2023-07-07, 01:42 AM
Are you?!?


This is the “medium” fun setting huh

2023-07-07, 01:44 AM
Are you?!?


This is the “medium” fun setting huh

hey, my brain went off the rails. i have two settings. asleep and posting

2023-07-07, 03:31 AM
Ah, it's just a little exploding; I'm sure we'll be fine... ;_;

Also, is the language jumbling curse still impacting us, or has that faded? And is it any warmer in this interior courtyard?

I mean obviously it's warmer because an explosion just happened but I mean are their braziers and stuff inside that make it more livable for those who were defending it

2023-07-07, 03:33 AM
Ah, it's just a little exploding; I'm sure we'll be fine... ;_;

Also, is the language jumbling curse still impacting us, or has that faded? And is it any warmer in this interior courtyard?

I mean obviously it's warmer because an explosion just happened but I mean are their braziers and stuff inside that make it more livable for those who were defending it

yes braziers, yes curse faded

2023-07-07, 04:47 AM
How about magic?

2023-07-07, 04:48 AM
FPing that

[roll0] 76

2023-07-07, 04:50 AM
How about magic?

magic is back baby!

2023-07-07, 04:59 AM

1) Did that explosion do a lot of damage to the door, perhaps destroying it and/or jamming the mechanism

2) Sent Team Familiar to check out the Bailey/Courtyard/whatever

Usually he'd expect a fair amount of outbuildings there (Kitchen, Stable and the like), often built up against the inside of the walls.

Also possibly some rooms or corridors inside the walls themselves

Basically wants to check the place out, make sure it is secure before tackling the tower

2023-07-07, 05:03 AM
I think time for speed may be over for the moment, Wighard has a lot of work on hand

2023-07-07, 05:07 AM

1) Did that explosion do a lot of damage to the door, perhaps destroying it and/or jamming the mechanism

2) Sent Team Familiar to check out the Bailey/Courtyard/whatever

Usually he'd expect a fair amount of outbuildings there (Kitchen, Stable and the like), often built up against the inside of the walls.

Also possibly some rooms or corridors inside the walls themselves

Basically wants to check the place out, make sure it is secure before tackling the tower

the explosion has jammed the doors in some sort of halfway attached making it hard to get out

there is a kitchen, a stable, and a lot of other nonsensical buildings

2023-07-07, 01:11 PM
Suppose we walked right into that. That brings Jasmine down to zero wounds (well, -1). [roll0] on the critical hit table gets us...

Armour damaged. Armour Points on this location are reduced by 1 until the armour is repaired with a successful Trade (Armourer) Skill Test. If character isn’t wearing any armour or players are using the Basic Armour system, use the #2 result instead.

2023-07-07, 01:53 PM
fate points are still an option I guess.

2023-07-07, 02:54 PM
Okay, that hit ignoring 2 AP means no armour for Meloth, so that's 10 wounds after TB to put him at 5/15.

2023-07-07, 04:27 PM
Suppose we walked right into that. That brings Jasmine down to zero wounds (well, -1). [roll0] on the critical hit table gets us...

And another IP...