View Full Version : Story of the White Wolves Adventureing Guild (IC)

2023-06-24, 09:36 PM
It is morning in the guild Hall. Mind you for some it just looks like an oversized bar. As some of the outside areas of the south entrance are just patio bar areas. As you go into the main hall there are the Request boards and the Information desk with some ladies that work for the guild performing paperwork.

The Information desk is for Bronze level adventures (you guys) 4 missions.

the first two requests for the investigation and termination of an unidentified monster killing travelers on two different roads. each going for 4000
3. is rescuing some townspeople from a group of Kobolds that have taken them as slaves or worse. 5000 gold coins + whatever you can take from the kobolds.
The fourth one says to speak to the guild master about a private request from the mages guild. 7000 gold
(note if you want to see the lower-ranked quest as well just ask.)

The main area has more seating and a full-on tavern setting even with a stage further north as there is non one stage now. But in the bar area, you see a man with bandages agreeing with a female Oni about a piece of paper. You all know these two as other bronze-rank adventures. They do work well to gather as part of a larger group. As they are agreeing about a mage.

The staircase to the east takes you to the Dormitory / (sometimes a Hospital) Where many adventures stay for free when they are not out working. The North behind the stage will take you to the training grounds with the west you will find the guild Library.

I guess this is a good time to introduce your characters.

2023-06-25, 11:07 AM
<Ice comes out of the Dormitory. She looks like a sturdy, strong dwarven female and is wearing some impressive heavy armor. On her back is a Warhammer.
She enters with a certainty in her step that shows she slept here before.
Right behind her what appears to be a Dwarven male child. It's less secure in every way, but a wisdom appears in it's golden eyes that belies the young form>
Ward! Two breakfasts please. The little one is hungry.
<She winks, tosses a gold coin towards the ward and picks a table that gives a view to the 2 other adventurers, though far enough as not to listen in on their conversation uninvited.>

2023-06-25, 11:19 AM
Dwilla, yawning and stretching with little licks of flame coming from her mouth, makes her way out of her room and into the Hall. She makes her way to the board, perusing the options. "Anything you can tell me about the kobolds and the kidnapping?" she asks the attendant.

2023-06-25, 07:06 PM
The little blue slime would ooze down the steps of the guild hall's main area. While the slime did not sleep they did retreat to a cupboard at night to rest and reflect. So this morning they were feeling refreshed and there was a bounce to them as they took each step and then moved swiftly across the floor toward the occupied bar area. Blue was undulating happily as they moved and climbed up one of the tables legs onto the table stopping at a spot in front of a chair as if they had taken a seat there. Glancing about as only a slime-like being can they pop up and down before saying "Hello, good mornin!" to those nearest them in a sing-song happy voice.

2023-06-25, 08:16 PM
Sharra's morning routine could be etched in stone from her rigid adherence to it. She was awake at dawn, her first stop the training grounds where she patiently worked through her training katas one by one with a patient dedication alongside the handful of other early risers. Then, an hour praying in the guild chapel to her patron Bahamut. After a quick clean-up, breakfast in the main hall. She was taking her time enjoying her food, knowing it would be much more basic once she was out on a mission, when the slime blob popped up onto the table and cheerfully greeted her. She gave him a warm smile in return. "Good morning, brother Blue. I am pleased as always at having your company. Are you going out soon on a new job?"

2023-06-25, 08:53 PM
Good morning all as she wandered out, looking at the job board, I agree looking into this kidnapping by kobolds should be looked into.

2023-06-26, 12:32 AM
"Blue!" Dwilla calls over. She feels a little kinship to the little amorphous blob-they're both very markedly different from the norm. "There's some missing folk-want to help get them home safe?"

2023-06-26, 02:21 AM
"There's some missing folk-want to help get them home safe?"

The little one tugs on the hem of Ice's shirt.
Shall we help them? That's a good deed!
Her eyes brighten as she awaits Ice's answer.

Ice picks up the two plates with breakfast and joins the others.
You guys thinking of picking up that mission? Need some more help?

2023-06-26, 03:51 AM
The little amorphous creature wiggles happily at the interactions. Lifting what could be seen as akin to arms and waves them about a little "Yes, going to look for work today, haven't decided on the job." the voice was melodic, the benefits of having vocal cords like theirs they could always sounds pleasant. As Dwilla calls over Blue turns and lifts these little stub arms "People need help?! I wanna help!"

2023-06-26, 08:19 AM
Rexxie's faint fluttering of wings can be heard as he sweeps to the bar area to get some breakfast before joining the area populated the party. The anthropomorphic bat in white clothing raises one hand as he sets his food down.

"Morning. We taking any jobs today?"

2023-06-26, 09:29 AM
Kyron (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2796502)
Tiefling Factotum - Shadowcraft Mage
AC: 10 (10 T/9 FF)
DR: -
HP: 70/70
Spot/Listen/Search: +21/+16/+21
Initiative: +11
Conditions: -

Funny, but Kyron, who usually felt like an outsider among the people, felt almost too ordinary in the White Wolves. And, on the whole, that feeling suited him just fine. Another morning he came down from his room, waved to Dwilla, nodded hello to Blue, and made his way to the information board. After studying its contents, the tiefling returned to the table, said hello to everyone else present, and, after ordering breakfast, turned to his companions:

"Morning and bon appetite, everyone. Personally, after I've eaten and a bit recovered after sleep, I'm going to ask the guild master for details on behalf of the mages. Nor should the kobolds be ignored, unless someone else already is going to take care of them."

2023-06-26, 01:20 PM
Tjzahrk, better known to his compatriots simply as "Chalk", is standing by the request boards. Despite being indoors, he's wearing full plate armor, with a massive shield on his back and a greatsword in a scabbard at his side. He is carrying his greathelm rather than wearing it.

"There seems to be four options," the minotaur says in his deep barytone, nodding towards the missions. "My personal preference would be to rescue the townsfolk. They are doubtlessly suffering, and we should rescue them as soon as possible."

2023-06-26, 01:35 PM
A pair of muscular arms wrapped around Blue as Sharra lifted him up as high as the job ad. "Here, you can read the job for yourself, little one. But it seems we are all inclined to helping defend the villagers."

2023-06-26, 02:42 PM
"Ho-ho, new assignments then?" The human male calling himself Razek dam-Nuhasi came into the hall, approaching the board. He flashed an easy smile as he perused the options, shifting a few stray strands of coal-black hair out of his face as he did so. "Now, this -- this one looks intriguing! What could be so challenging that the mage's guild needs to get help from US?"

The higher reward was certainly in its favour too, but having the mage's guild owe Razek would be worth it.

2023-06-26, 10:08 PM
"Whatever it is, the task must be big and delicate enough for the Guild Master to want to discuss behind closed doors."

Rexxie gulps some water after taking his first bite of his vegetables.

"I do not mind any job we are doing. I have no preference. The majority seems to veer towards urgent requests so let's go with that then the rest?"

2023-06-27, 01:57 AM
Ice finishes her breakfast, listening to the others talking and chatting.
The plight of the humans enslaved by Kobolds is indeed urgent.
We shouldn't ignore the monsters though, they're outright killing travelers.
I suggest killing both monsters first, that should be fast enough and then continue to the Kobold lair.
That should ensure the most lives saved, no?
Afterwards we can listen to the request from the mages guild.

Fire eats her breakfast in silence but nods at everyone suggesting helping people.

2023-06-27, 07:05 AM
Morthol (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2805516)
Zenithri, lesser. Cleric - Paladin/Pious Templar
AC: 19 (19 T/19 FF)
DR: 1/-
HP: 126/126
Spot/Sense Motive/K. Relig. and Planes: +14/+20/+11
Initiative: +0
Conditions: -

"Good to see my fellow adventurers are concerned about the wellbeing of the commonfolk. You shall have another strong arm in such noble quest. I'm ready to depart as soon as you all are" - As he finishes his statement, Morthol's purple cashmere suit magically change into fine leather hat, jacket, belt and boots and tailor made linnen shirt.

2023-06-27, 10:04 AM
Dave (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2805414)
AC 28, Touch 22, Flat-footed 25
Current Form: Zern (Medium, 16, 17, 18)[Adrenal Surge]
Defenses: (DR: 5/magic), Cold Resist 14, Fast Healing 2
HP: 108
Senses: Darkvision 90ft, Lowlight Vision x2,Listen +10, Spot: +10, Search +2
Adamantine Greatsword, +1 Sizing +15/+10 (2d6+9, 19-20x2, S)
Bow of the Wintermoon +19/+14 (1d8+8, 20x3, P)
Unarmed Strike +14/+9 or +12/+12/+7 (1d6+7, 20x, B)
Conditions: Wildshaped, sleepy

A bronze statue in the corner of the room of a General emphatically signaling a charge with saber pointed outward and a open mouthed warcry being heavily implied from under a bushy bronze mustache suddenly cracks and morphs into a small batlike person in casual linnen, a quiver and a sleepy demeanor. They take 2 clumsy steps forward before thinking aloud, "Oh, right.", touching their cap and scratching their head and promptly roughly doubling their size, before heading to the bar with more ease of movement.
Before they can however, the similarly bronze pointer dog stood besides the General turns into a sudden screaming monkey, making a straight line to the bar before stopping dead and climbing the wall, then jumping with wild abandon to catch the sausage the bartender lobbed their way in full anticipation. Eating their prize within the safety of the rafters.
Making a half abandoned raised hand signal of both greeting and acknowledgement, Dave turns to the group at large with head and torso while still heading to the bar. "Thx, we'll take the usual and a stout."

Sitting there taking in the morning, they swivel on the leather barseat and reply to the percolating plans, "Not sure that one requires strong arms per se. Come in blazing and they simply kill their prize. That one might require guile and trickery, specifically.
The other two...some inquiry, tracking and strong arms" emphasizing their last point by casually pointing over at the Minotaur and Dwarf with their fork.

Spent night Metamorphed into an object (9 hour duration), same for Familiar.
Then used Hat of Disguise to overlay the same form as an Illusion.
Then Shapeshift into a Zern

Annoying Imp
2023-06-27, 10:33 AM
The next guild member joining was Joe. He isn't known to some people around, and known by the others. Despite this man's yong age, Joe is an old-time member of The Wolves, confidant of guild's head members and, probably the strongest mercenary here. Strongest by his strength, which isn't the strongest power a being may possess. Joe knows it well.


Joe generally known as brave and deedful guy. Sanctified in the guild all probably also know, that he is inly evil. Still, he does his job, listens to the guild, never questions order, and hardly ever breaks serious laws. This alone protects him better than any plate or shield in the world can. He is neither rude nor polite or eloquent... something what one expects from the soldier or guardsmen.
At the moment, "The Bug", as some evil tongues call Joe, was neither wearing any armor nor caring any weaponry. Traveler's outfit manufactured in dark tones of brown, gray and green worn atop a shaggy fur and nothing else. Forceful figure went down the stairs, wings and hands mostly held tight to the body, and made a way to the board. Joe glanced on each job and sayed without delay, speaking to no one in particular, his voice spreading above the tables of a hall:
- Comrades, I see, our business will never get old. I need someone, who knows the wildlife, and can quickly track down those monsters on the roads. One or both... - Joe made emotionless pause, - I won't boast ahead of time, the more - the better.

2023-06-28, 02:14 PM
Lucy Conium (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2698940)
AC 20, Touch 16, Flat-footed 18
DR: -
Listen +16, Spot: +16, Search +14
Psychokinetic +1d4 damage +2 Mind Blade (Su) Bastardsword (or 2 short swords +1 ea) +17/+12 (1d10, 19-20x2)
Conditions: none
well Joe, I cant speak to quickly as we lack some vital information that I hope the guild might provide, But I certainly have the skills to track creatures, and have a passing knowledge of wildlife., Actions: none

2023-06-28, 03:33 PM
Dave (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2805414)
AC 28, Touch 22, Flat-footed 25
Current Form: Zern (Medium, 16, 17, 18)[Adrenal Surge]
Defenses: (DR: 5/magic), Cold Resist 14, Fast Healing 2
HP: 108
Senses: Darkvision 90ft, Lowlight Vision x2,Listen +10, Spot: +10, Search +2
Adamantine Greatsword, +1 Sizing +15/+10 (2d6+9, 19-20x2, S)
Bow of the Wintermoon +19/+14 (1d8+8, 20x3, P)
Unarmed Strike +14/+9 or +12/+12/+7 (1d6+7, 20x, B)
Conditions: Wildshaped, sleepy

Not hearing anyone chime in that getting the hostages killed would indeed be bad, Dave heads to the information desk proper. "So, what's the geographical information we have on the kobolds, the village in question, and while we are at it, what roads are people getting ganked from?" , dramatically sweeping a single remained burned out candle out of the way to slam down a small but detailed map on the table.

2023-06-28, 03:39 PM
"I'll come with you when you ask about the mages..." said Razek with a nod towards Kyron. At least someone else in this band had their head on right and wasn't immediately running to get their heartstrings plucked.

Annoying Imp
2023-06-28, 04:40 PM

- Than, if we'll go, - Joe answered, - I'll cover your back. And when the monster'll show up, you can count on me to meet it face-to-face.
Well, he was asking something from people here, so he made it clear, what he offers in return. Jobs' locations also were of interest for our shaggy mercenary, so he moved closer to Dave and information desk.

2023-06-28, 05:34 PM
Rexxie nods to the tiefling.

"I'll join you. I would like to hear about the request that is kept under wraps before we finalize the order of the requests."

2023-06-28, 06:40 PM
Blue had no problem being picked up, being the smallest member of the guild by a fair margin with even familiars tending to be larger than themselves. Blue smiled as best they could back to Sharra for the assistance of holding them up to the board "Thank you, yes the job with the kobolds and the people who need to be rescued is the one I wish to explore."

2023-06-28, 11:08 PM
As A tall blond Guild adviser. You all knew of Tiana. As your primary adviser. Looks at the Group. She tells the other guild Girls to get the notes on the Quests. As she then looks over the 4 Items you were looking at.

She then says “Yes. The Four new requests, for bronze level. let's see.” As she opens for files and puts them in Infront of her. As her deep blue eyes scan the papers. “Information I will start with the so-called kobold attack. It happened in the City of Hawks Loft. As the Captain of the town guard sent in the Request. According to his report a small unknown creature. That she thinks to have to be Kobolds came up from the sewer into the caller. The home happened to be the residence of a group of free-lance adventures. As their residence was attacked with 7 dead from wounds ranging from daggers, spears, and arrows recovered from the house. Shows there was a quick and brutal fight in the middle of the night but only the casualties from one side. The Hose has been close off as a crime scene if you would like to see it for yourself. Just ask the captain of the town guard Captain Casca.”

As she taps the paper’s together, she looks like she is annoyed about something.

“To be honest a lot of things about this are not adding up or feel right so I put this one at a more experienced party. According to the town guard, he thinks another 7 mostly women, are missing. As for Kobolds in the areas yes there have been reports of kobold layers in the abandoned mines that are in the mountain range north of the town but it also overlaps with goblin sighting as well. In the area. They could be a territorial fight going on.”

As A redheaded guild girl walks up and hands Tiana a slip of paper. She comments “Now I see what the Guild Master is up to. I have been with the guild for a long time and the Guild Master is a Master of Subversion. As she smiles she then says “Well as you know the Guild works primarily for the Duke of the Duchy we are in. As some of his solders tried there hands at monster hunting and made a real mess of the situation. He prefers to hire professionals to deal with appropriate tasks. So Mayors other guilds like the merchant and some times Priests form the temples thought out the Duchy send requests here for you guys to do jobs. Now.”

As she holds up the slip of paper.

“As for this. I bring your attention to this. As a little Harpy of a woman form the mages Guild. Has been slandering our profession agene. I am afraid that at times the only thing that keeps opportunists from hunting us is the scarier beast we keep away. As she likes to use slander to attack monster hunter guilds calling us over paid mercenaries. At the better times to worse than a common thief and con artiest. That with our strength and power extort coin form the gullible."

As she makes quotation marks. The man and the Oni turn their attention to you. "Yes and right now I am trying to convince my partner here that her idea of how to deal with that Bitch is a bad idea." the man calls out.

Tiana Closes her eyes as if she is getting a headache. As she rubs her eyes before continuing.
"Hell, Even I would love to take her on a hunt and show here how dangerous and necessary is a line of work is. That contract is more of a favor to one of the Arch mages. It would appear that Arch Mages Urtho and Ma’ar. Are fighting agen and a contest has been arranged and I would recommend making sure that Archmage Urtho wins. Having a powerful Archmage with a seat on the mages console. Could be very useful in dealing with problems. Like dealing with a Harpy with an axe to grind.

As for Arch Mage Ma’ar he is a dangerous man. And if some of the spy's reports are to be true. He has been doing experiments that even the mages guild has been questing his ethics. Like having a clan of werewolves captured and has been preforming experimentation on. As well as he there was that quest, he put last year. Using his station in the Mages guild console to demand a team of platinum rank adventurers to acquire him a breeding pair of Gryphons. I could go on but I would avoid him if I could”

As she then closes that folder. Leavening to open folders.

“The other two. Let’s see the Merchants guild is having something taking out travelers at night between, Beaver valley and Oakville. As the horse and the ridder were missing and the wagon full of beaver pelts was recovered by the side of the road.”

Then closing that file before turning her attention to the last one.

“And the other is something else is attacking traverse at night between Willow Valle and Green Lake in on the mountainous road. It would appear that they just vanish so the one of the temples raised a collection to have us investigate.”

Closing the file.

“ As you know. We are given the Duke gives us a lot of looking the other way of things. Like the incident two weeks ago when a group of our members was attacked by an angry mod. That thought that killing our members was the best way out of there financial problem with us after we killed a hill giant that was terrorizing that hamlet. I think that a certain harpy might have had a hand in stoking that fire. But now the guild is paying for an orphanage and employing some of the widows that did not take part as compensation. Over all it is getting more and more deceit so be carful we already got her complaining about how your guild is tainted by evil magic and what not. As we view magic as neither good nor evil it is what you do with it like any other weapon. Let's not give her more to bitch about. As the main reason that there is not being handled by the military is due to wars on the other side of the kingdom.”

As she awaits our response.

2023-06-28, 11:46 PM
"Politics," Dwilla says. Her voice isn't too full of venom, but it's clear she's got a distaste for the word. "I feel like the kobold situation is still the most urgent-like you said, something doesn't add up. The mages aren't likely to explode anything anytime soon, and while we could help make the roads safer, people can find alternate routes. Prisoners can't."

She stretches her wings a bit, revealing their odd wooden feathers. "How far away was this incident?"

Quick note-I have an Aura of Swiftness, granting +10' to pretty much all existing move speeds to anyone within range. So we can get there EXTRA fast!

I'd offer to physically carry someone, but with a strength of 14... I mean, Blue can ride wingside, but not many other folk. :P

2023-06-29, 01:20 AM
Fire tugs on Ice's armor.
Dwilla is right, right? Prisoners first, monsters second.

Ice recognizes she's been outsmarted, something that obviously happened before.
Thanks little one, we'll go for the Kobolds first.

2023-06-29, 05:10 AM
Lucy Conium (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2698940)
AC 20, Touch 16, Flat-footed 18
DR: -
Listen +16, Spot: +16, Search +14
Psychokinetic +1d4 damage +2 Mind Blade (Su) Bastardsword (or 2 short swords +1 ea) +17/+12 (1d10, 19-20x2)
Conditions: none
Seems that we are all agreed to go help the kidnaped. I agree to help if the rest of you are coming along

Actions: Gather the information on: City of Hawks Loft & Captain Casca: [roll0]
Knowledge (nature): [roll1] to see if what is told more or less matches with known of kobolds and or goblins

2023-06-29, 05:46 AM
Kyron (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2796502)
Tiefling Factotum - Shadowcraft Mage
AC: 10 (10 T/9 FF)
DR: -
HP: 70/70
Spot/Listen/Search: +21/+16/+21
Initiative: +11
Conditions: -

After carefully listening to the Guilian adviser, Kyron takes time to think and, after a minute, says:

"Thank you for the detailed description. I'd say you were right to rise the difficulty of Hawks Loft investigation. It just seems a bit too complex for kobolds. As if the main goal was not kidnapping..."

Kyron definitely has more to add on this topic, but he pauses and then moves on to another issue.

"This matter with the Guild. I guess, to know, how exactly we can help Archmage Urtho to win, we should contact him directly, or did he leave any instructions?"

2023-06-29, 09:05 AM
"Perhaps the goblins are trying to frame the kobolds?" Razek had to admit that that mission suddenly sounded a lot more intriguing. "Or someone else in that town. Might be worth seeing if those adventurers pissed off anyone recently. Seven dead adventurers, seven missing women...that doesn't seem like a coincidence either."

He supposed he could put off the mission for the mages' guild. For now. But Razek was curious if there were any further details from this Archmage as well.

2023-06-29, 09:18 PM
Tjzahrk frowns. "7 dead on one side, none on the other? Either they were so outclassed as to not be able to put up an effective resistance... Or the hostile force brought their fallen with them. If it's the latter, they are going to great lengths to hide their identities."

The minotaur drums a couple of fingers on the helm he's holding, deep in thought.

2023-06-29, 11:43 PM
"The "kobold" request is complex but a priority from the information given. The others we can postpone until later. It would be great if the guild can give a heads up for the travellers to walk on another road, stay off the roads or stay in town until we can come back to them."

Rexxie gazes at the adviser before turning to the others.

"A setup to frame the kobolds as scapegoat is likely if there is a mastermind but let's not jump to conclusion. We could be overthinking. We should gather information about the race before we assume and we can speculate on our way to the City. Anyways, I believe in prioritizing the "kobold" task first then the monster killers, wrapping up with the political maneuvering with the mage."

The anthro bat returns his gaze back to Tiana.

"I do have a last question about the weapons before we go to the City. Do we know the size of the weapons, or do we need to ask Captain Casca?"

As the party departs...

Rexxie nods at the answers. Once the party decides the task and is about to pass the threshold that leads to outside, the humanoid bat holds up one hand to stop them.

"I just want to inform us specifically Razek that I have an aura to boost our reaction time should we run into any battles. Thought it would be a good time since one of his auras might overlap with mine as we both provide draconic auras."

2023-06-30, 11:00 AM
Morthol (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2805516)
Zenithri, lesser. Cleric - Paladin/Pious Templar
AC: 19 (19 T/19 FF)
DR: 1/-
HP: 126/126
Spot/Sense Motive/K. Relig. and Planes: +14/+20/+11
Initiative: +0
Conditions: -

"I can also help with that, I know a good spell that supplies our spirit with hope and joy, that tends to also makes us quicker, funny enough. I just need a few moments to prepare myself and for everyone to gather round so I can call on Red Knight for help"
As soon as everyone is close enough, Morthol will spend 7 turn attempts to activate his divine metamagic feat and apply his persistant spell feat to the Elation spell, changing its duration to 24 hours. He will also use one charge of his Metamagic Rod of Extend, Lesser, turning the 24 duration into 48 hours.

Then, He will spend 7 turn attempts to activate his divine metamagic feat and apply his persistant spell feat to the Vigor, Mass Lesser spell, changing its duration to 24 hours. He will also use one charge of his Metamagic Rod of Extend, Lesser, turning the 24 duration into 48 hours.

Finally he will spend 7 turn attempts to activate his divine metamagic feat and apply his persistant spell feat to the Divine Power spell, changing its duration to 24 hours.

Thus, he will have spent 21 turn undead attempts and two charges of his metamagic rod so the whole group has: a +2 morale bonus to STR and DEX and +5 untyped bonus to movement speed; he and two others have fast healing 1; he has +6 enhancement bonus to STR, BAB = to his CL and 9 temp HP

2023-06-30, 11:47 AM
"I can provide speed," Dwilla says. When the spell hits her, her normal smile grows a little wider. "Ooh! That feels nifty-thank you."

2023-06-30, 12:06 PM
Blue undulates after the spell washes over them and shimmers a little as they are affected "Oh this feels nice, I feel lighter" which is saying something barely weighing a pound as it were. They shift in Sharra's hands to test this new movement, their body seems to move more freely like more a liquid than an ooze "Thank you"

2023-06-30, 12:38 PM
"I also have a blessing to bestow upon you all. It will protect you from the outside extremes of hot and cold. As a bonus, it will also render you immune to my powerful breath for twenty-four hours. Alas, only my breath and not Rexxie's as well, I'm afraid." Razek gave a small shrug at that.

Invoking Endure Exposure on everyone. Endure Elements and immunity to Razek's breath weapon for 24hrs.

2023-06-30, 01:08 PM
"I also have a blessing to bestow upon you all. It will protect you from the outside extremes of hot and cold. As a bonus, it will also render you immune to my powerful breath for twenty-four hours. Alas, only my breath and not Rexxie's as well, I'm afraid." Razek gave a small shrug at that.

Invoking Endure Exposure on everyone. Endure Elements and immunity to Razek's breath weapon for 24hrs.

"I've got the same trick!" Dwilla comments. "Everybody pile on, buffstack ahoy!"

2023-06-30, 02:33 PM
Before the party departs...

Rexxie gathers with the others to be enhanced. As hands glow with contact or bodies glowing with multitude of colours from the array of boons, Rexxie jumps.

"Woah! I am feeling alive right now! That is one strong spell!"

2023-07-01, 02:53 AM
After being imbued with magical energies, Lucy riding her companion, Both strike out in advance of the others scouting ahead looking for tracks and looking around for anything that might indicate trouble.

2023-07-01, 01:31 PM
The adviser nods as she comments. You might have to see the captain for more details and to examine the weapons and the bodies. Willow Valle is a day’s travel North of Hawks Loft or half a day if they can get one of the boats that go back and forth.

As you make your way out of the guild hall into a courtyard. You see the guild's massive stables were many of the mounts and other animals as some animals. You also note that there are stairs to the roof of the building. As you see notice the stable master with a Dire Bear cub going through his training. With a gate to the east and west.

As you make your way out of the Provinces capital and onto the Highway of the King's Road. You notice that it is well maintained even seeing the odd patrol of 6 mounted archers and 4 Calvary men. Riding up and down the roads. To persuade highwaymen to take their trade else were. After about half a day's ride you come across a rest stop.

The rest stop is mostly used by traders to rest mounts and provincial patrols to swap mounts or make reports.

As you continue on your days long you arrive it is sunset. Sunsets are a little earlier than normal due to the mountains that encircle the province. At the city of Hawks Loft As the gate guards. Give you instructions on where to find their Captain. Unless the party wants to do something else first?

(Sorry guys you go nothing in the random encounter rolls. For the king’s road area Maybe in the city at night?))

2023-07-01, 01:36 PM
"Glad the roads are safe," Dwilla comments. "Let's find the captain."

Annoying Imp
2023-07-01, 11:06 PM

With all those talks and guesses, Joe got it, nobody is going to hunt monsters first. Although debatable, the concensus there was, and Joe thought, it would be a brighter idea, to go to the city faster, hastening investigation solving, and hunting monsters on return. The group contained some qualified scouts, so they definitely will be helpful.
Leaving guild hall, Joe has grown in size considerably, returning to his normal state. There were no mount for him, so he traveled by himself - sometimes walking, and sometimes flying, looking up surroundings from above.

2023-07-03, 11:06 PM
"Dwilla, I will let you lead and become my eyes as back then."

When the group were given instructions to find Captain Casca, Rexxie follows Dwilla until the group spots their target. The anthro bat squints and floats to her.

"Hello, are you Captain Casca? We received your request, and we have questions about the crime."

Rexxie re-iterates the report about an unknown small creature mistaken as a kobold and wounds by weapon.

"What is the shape and outline of the creature? Are the weapons small?"

2023-07-03, 11:15 PM
"You got it!" Dwilla tells the bat. "Good choice too-I can sense things in a short radius even without sight."

2023-07-04, 12:38 PM
Blue would follow with Dwilla and Rexxie, riding on Dwilla's shoulder if they allowed this, or fluttering in the air beside them with their slime wings if not.
"Hello Captain" the tiny slime would call out "Yes, please tell us what you know. It would be ever so helpful." They too could sense things around them without eyesight so the group had a lot of options to find hidden things.

2023-07-05, 06:13 PM
As you are led into the city into the fortified guard house you are led to an office. As you see under a mountain of paperwork. A tan-skinned Human, with short Raven black hair. Dead brown eyes. She had a breastplate on and her outfit was the matching the colors of the city guards.
The Guard Calls out to her. “Captain the adventures have arrived to see you.”

As she puts down reports and takes up her sword and helmet and keeping the helmet under her arms walks out. As she asks you to follow her. And then Yells for the guard to have the hound ready with a squad to ride out to the site. Taking you into a room with a thick metal door sign that reads “Evidence.”

The room was fair-sized with magical lights as three sides of the room a lined with shelves and boxes. With two large tables in the center. As she says taking out a lock box and dragging a barrow from the corner. As she starts to lay things out on the table for you to examine. The locked box has a lot of magical traps. The exploding rune type of you see it they blow up so I am keeping them in the box under lock and key. Also, another exploding trap killed two of my men in the swerves trying to see if there was a trail.

As she takes out of the barrel. She says “ The Building was a slaughterhouse when they were done. I have seen a lot as a Mercenary what happened that night takes the cake. A lot of Arrows say some were found in the victims others in the building. They match the pattern commonly used by a kobold tribe. In the mountains northwest of here. I honestly don’t know how no one heard what happen but. Starting from the entered point in the kitchen that leads into the main room. These guys had no armor on looks like they were taken by surprise by a mass of arrows in the back and the other in the chest like it was turning to reach the other leading up to the stair we find victim number three. Stabbed in the back repeatedly with small crude knives. The other victim in the room was a Gnome. He was found tied to a table and it looks like they had taken his time. As his wrist were nailed into the table and someone carved a Blood Eagle into his back.”
As the Captian turns to you saying “I have seen Kobolds doing things to gnomes like. Crucifixion and impalement. But this is a new one.”

Turning back to the barrow as she lays out two small spears. In the chest and but of a male victim at the top of the stairs. Another man was found in the main bed communal bedroom with 7 beds. The last and seventh victim was found with arrows in the back. The room looked like some type of mages lab with two Alchemist’s Lab spared and other supplies. She is a known sorcerer. As she looks like she was trying to escape through a window. But she did not get away. As you can see the weapons that were discarded were small weapons that either a goblin or kobold could have made them severs. And the arrows. The missing are girls that the adventures picked up that night from the taverns.” As she looks at a stack of papers as she reads one saying everything I just outlined is in the reports. I also bribed a member of your order a gold wounded gold rank and his party to look over the place and he found the traps and put them in the box. He is at the Tavern Lucky Vixen. if you want to speak with them As their leader said that his party was still recovering from their last Job he was willing to look the site over for traps for free. But he was more conspired with the rest of his team with most of them tired and hurt to do the Job. I don’t blame him too badly. Do you want me to bring you over to the house with an escort or do you want to examine the evidence your selves or are we going to the temple where the bodies are ?”

2023-07-05, 06:56 PM
Razek frowned. It made no sense for whoever did the killing to spare the women...



...unless the women were the killers, in disguise or shapechanged somehow. Flush with adrenaline and gold and drink, the deceased could be easy pickings for anyone to let their guard down.

"There's enough of us we could each break down each location into smaller groups. No sense in overcrowding things..." suggested Razek.

Annoying Imp
2023-07-06, 12:23 PM

- I am willing to hear, what our guild members are thinking about all those things. There is no benefit in me examining bodies or the crime scene, so I guess, it decides me.
A man came closer to weapons, layed on the table.
- But first, - he gets on one knee and puts his snout closer, - if I'm allowed...
He sniffs every piece of ammunition, trying to figure out, if there'll be some distinctive smell on those items.

2023-07-07, 05:59 PM
Rexxies's eyes turn blue as he examines the evidence the Captain walk them through.

Magic Insight: Detect Magic (to check for magical aura but rolling for spellcraft checks for further scrutiny) + Identify on the items.

Once he gathered information that his magical senses can afford, his eyes return to dull black. Razek's suggestion causes his mammalian head to nod.

"I second this. We can cover a lot of ground that way with less time. If we intend to stick together, we can do the House, Tavern and Temple in any preferred order. No matter choice or which team is going where, I am sticking with Dwilla as she is my eyes since I cannot see far. I am useful in whenever location where sussing magic is a concern."

He tilts his head to the Captain.

"An escort and your assistance would be appreciated, Captain. More eyes may catch anything we missed."

2023-07-08, 08:28 AM
The Box has a disturbing amount of Abjuration magic in it but the other items are normal with no magical enchantments.

Annoying Imp
2023-07-08, 01:56 PM

- Hmm.. Smells like kobold, - Joe says. - Even some dragonblood... maybe... Weapons also probably smell like victims. Not surely, but there are other odors. I don't feel any goblinoid though.

2023-07-08, 05:01 PM
"No magic signature on anything else except the box which is rigged with a ridiculous amount of abjuration magic. Runes and other magic traps we've been told, I hope they are the same brand. This confirms a spellcaster on their side. Slash that, there might be more than one. I will see if I can recall more from my analysis."

Rexxie hangs his head for a while then looks up.

"Explosive runes that explodes upon people gazing on them and a medium size creature stepping on them, huh? Spooky. Okay, I finish gathering what I can from the box. Anyone wants to look at the stuff a little more or we moving on?"

Annoying Imp
2023-07-09, 02:40 AM

- There is a light herbal flavour also. Some poison? - Joe added before standing up straight, his nozdrils still fluttering.

2023-07-09, 07:09 PM
Lucy will speak in blue

Lucy Conium (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2698940)
AC 20, Touch 16, Flat-footed 18
DR: -
Listen +16, Spot: +16, Search +14
Psychokinetic +1d4 damage +2 Mind Blade (Su) Bastardsword (or 2 short swords +1 ea) +17/+12 (1d10, 19-20x2)
Conditions: none

Actions: search around

2023-07-09, 09:05 PM
Seeing that people are still taking their sweet time searching for any missing clues, Rexxie picks up the items one by one.

Listen (Take 20) - 38

Spot (Take 20) - 38

Search (Take 20) - 22

2023-07-10, 12:27 PM
Dwilla thinks on what she's learned so far, and checks to see if any of her studies back up any conclusions.

Taking 10 on four Knowledge Checks, one each of Arcana, Nature, Dungeoneering, and Religion.
They're all at +25, so 35 total.

2023-07-10, 03:50 PM
As you both handle the objects you find strange markings on them.


First you Identify the position that is on all the weapons. Purple mouse. It comes from the roots of a mountain small dark purple flower native to the alpine heights of this region. And when it goes into the bloodstream (either by eating or the oil crushed and turned into an oil like this case) it causes both numbness and paralysis.

If the others point out the marking. You know that they are three different Kobold tribes. Each is known to have a patron different female Silver Dragon. (note Kobobls are natural in this game as they can serve both types) These Dragons are part of an alliance called the four sisters. You don’t know where their lairs are.

2023-07-10, 04:05 PM
Looking at the plants, Dwilla brings up what she knows. "There's a paralysis/numbing poison here, or at least remnants of such."

And, with the markings, she adds "These are insignias of The Four Sisters-a group of silver dragons. Don't remember much more about them right now."

2023-07-11, 02:09 AM
Kyron (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2796502)
Tiefling Factotum - Shadowcraft Mage
AC: 10 (10 T/9 FF)
DR: -
HP: 70/70
Spot/Listen/Search: +21/+16/+21
Initiative: +11
Conditions: -

"Interesting. I'll try to refresh my memory on this subject. And guess it won't be superfluous to ask the captain what business they had with these four dragons," - after these words Kyron turns to memory, recalling everything that he could know about the Four Sisters and the events associated with them.

[roll0] - Knowledge: History and Cunning Knowledge (+8) on the subject (Four Sisters)

2023-07-11, 06:59 AM
Lucy Conium (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2698940)
AC 20, Touch 16, Flat-footed 18
DR: -
Listen +16, Spot: +16, Search +14
Psychokinetic +1d4 damage +2 Mind Blade (Su) Bastardsword (or 2 short swords +1 ea) +17/+12 (1d10, 19-20x2)
Conditions: none
I wonder what if anything the dragons have to do with all of this

Actions: follow the others for now

2023-07-11, 08:24 AM
"Perhaps the deceased angered these Four Sisters in some way? Thwarted a scheme or, more likely, stole treasures from them? They were allegedly adventurers after all..." suggested Razek.

GM, are dragons Colored-Coded for Our Convenience (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ColourCodedForYourConvenience) in your world?

2023-07-11, 03:40 PM
OCC the Breeds are the same as in the books as for the Alinments and powers. BUT some of them are also Geslauted as well for extra fun.

Also, there is a small Crackpot tin foil hat type of conspiracy. That Metalic dragons as infiltrating the nobility also they same could be said for a lot of things really.

2023-07-12, 09:47 PM
"What did they do to wrong the Silver Dragons to bring their wrath upon their heads?"

Rexxie crosses his winged arms and shakes his head.

"I guess we will find out more once we check their bodies for any hints. I hope we do not need to grovel before the dragons or kobolds and compensate them by a deed or valuables of equal measure when we encounter them. Things would be simpler if it is kobold-adventurer conflict than a set of conspiracies. I think I am keen on going to the temple to investigate the bodies now. Shall we go?"

When the party confirms the decision, escorted to the temple room where the dead bodies are handled by the Captain, and given the permission to check the bodies, Rexxies devotes to each body one at a time.

Checkup on Temple Room where the bodies are housed

Magic Insight (Detect Magic + Identify)

Listen (Take 20) - 38

Spot (Take 20) - 38

Search (Take 20) - 22

2023-07-13, 02:12 PM
When you guys are done the captain calls for two of her men to enter and clean up the table.

As you walk outside a man in black plate armor with a great sword. As waiting as he says the mounted guards are ready to go. As the captain asks the party were does they want to go first.

After finding out who is going where the escorts are split up. And you go to your wanted locations. As you notice it is starting to rain.

The Temple

You are taken to the city’s temple district. As you make your way to the temple dedicated to Wee Jas the Mistress of death and magic. As you are greeted by a priestess. As she says The Matriarch will be joining you shortly. If you will leave the horses with your escorts. There are common stables further down and fallow me, please. As she takes you into the temple and into a back room in the lower areas of the temple. The Room is very large with vaulted ceilings and no carvings or decorations. The room is also chilled. As she askes you to watch your step as the floor can be slippery. As you see several stone areas were carved out to hose bodes and tools as well as about 10 stone tables. The stone is smooth surfaced with the ones with the bodies having a white sheet over them. As the priestess says “The seven adventures are on the examining table.”

“I will take over Sister.” An older woman walks out. She is the Matriarch of the sisterhood. She is a Much older woman you guess in her 60s with a scar down her right side of her face and she is blind in one eye.

As she says. “I am Matriarch Elizabeth of the Ruby Temple, of Wee Jas. May I Ask your names?”

The Lucky Vixen.

As you go through the streets. You make your way to the Tavern. You notice that the red lantern district starts further down the road. Outside the tavern the heavily armored dark swordsmen. say that they will take the horse to the stable around the back and that the guild member has a room upstairs.

As you notice that is a crowded bar as there is something you pick up on that over all there are about 25 armed induvial at the lower-level tavern.
As you make your way upstairs you notice two elven ladies with saber tooth tigers beside them. As they calm the animals you spot their belt buckles. They have the guild's crest on them. As they have recognized you as members of the guild you are told that the others are in room number 4.

As you enter the door you are surprised that the 4 other members are in full armour. With weapons ready. As you see a board with string and notes on top of a map of the city. That is when you notice the man in armor looking at the board. It is a hellfire warlock and warbled. Rob Joe knows that his patron is Shub-Niggurath. As he has been seen now and them talking to shadows as if he is seeing something in them that others do not. Or he is a very deadly madman. As he is saying I don’t like it too many armed people downstairs you think the thieves guild will try to tell us something?”

Crime scene.

As you make your way to the more expensive areas of town the dwarf that is leading them says “It is too bad that they just acquired that house two days before what happened. And has been tossing around gold like there was no tomorrow.” As he shakes, his head.

As you enter the upper-middle-class home you notice that the streets are empty. As you walk in the smell of blood and death are every were.

As the dwarf then asks if that is the main room where the Gnome was executed. Not a good way to go. Any question feels free to give me a shout. I will be outside having a pipe.”

(OCC now everyone pick on path so I have an idea who is were.

2023-07-13, 02:34 PM
At the crime scene...

"Ho there, everyone keep their eyes and ears sharp and their wits about them, eh?" Razek said with a grin as much to himself as anyone with him as he stepped inside the charnel house. Meanwhile, he filed the comment the dwarf made about how the adventuring band had just recently bought this place. ...could this be relevant...?

Draconic Aura: Senses (+2 to Listen, Spot & Initiative)
Marshal Aura (minor): Motivate Intelligence (+5 Bonus on Intelligence checks and Int-based skill checks)
Marshal Aura (major): Motivate Urgency (+10 to land speed)

Taking a 20 on Search (will give him a 31).

Razek dam-Nuhasi (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2681079)
M CN Human Dragon Shaman (copper)//Marshal, Level 9, Init 1, HP 126/126, Speed 30
AC 22, Touch 12, Flat-footed 21, Fort 13, Ref 6, Will 13, Base Attack Bonus 6/1
Ghost Touch, Lesser Energy Assault Crystal (Acid), wield 2H Falchion +1 (2d4+3+1d6(acid), 18-20/x2)
Acid (line) DC20 Reflex for half dmg Breath Weapon (5d6, )
Mithral Full Plate +1 (+9 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Deflect, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14
Condition Endure Exposure: Endure Elements & Immune to own breath weapon (24hrs)
Acid Immunity
Immunity to Sleep, Paralysis & Frightful Presence of dragons
Draconic Aura: Senses (+2 to Listen, Spot & Initiative)
Marshal Aura (minor): Motivate Intelligence (+5 Bonus on Intelligence checks and Int-based skill checks)
Marshal Aura (major): Motivate Urgency (+10 to land speed)

Annoying Imp
2023-07-13, 04:39 PM
While the group was rearranging and splitting, Joe asked general information on mentioned Sisters, as he didn't have any clue, who are they before.

At the tavern
Walking upstairs, The Bug once again used his power, making himself approximately human-sized. He gives a short nod to ladies, and enters first.

- Greetings, - half-minotaur says, - Should we care about thieves? We are here to get rid of recent adventurers' killers here in the city. Strange crime. We were told, you may lend us some information

2023-07-13, 11:37 PM

Rexxie looks at the head priestess in a gauging manner as she introduces herself.

Sense Motive on Elizabeth for any ulterior motives: [roll0]

Knowledge (Religion) on Elizabeth: [roll1]

2023-07-14, 11:14 AM

Blue glances at Rexxie, as much as a slime creature can glance at someone without making googly eyes, but nods in agreement "Yes much simpler if this is just a basic conflict and not some grand conspiracy." They were not sure they could even comprehend what to do if this had been an attack planned by a dragon. They would stay with Rexxie as they were escorted to the Temple and then stood before the Matron. "I am Blue of the guild, it is a pleasure to meet you though I wish it were under better circumstances."

[roll0] - Diplomacy on Elizabeth (First Impressions)

2023-07-14, 10:35 PM
(I will give everyone a few days to pick where they are going to be before I rescale the upcoming encounter. )


Rob does not look at you as he turns and walks over to an Alchemist’s Lab kit on the table. Picking up a vile Saying. “Well let us start with the fun question. Motive And for that I have been following the lead of the fact that they had come into a large amount of Money. And second, there is one piece of evidence I did not turn in. a few small bottles I found in the sewer. It has taken me a few days but I have an Idea what it does for a few hours will turn anyone who drinks it into a Kobold. So why Frame the Kobolds, who will benefit? And after a little bit of bribing and asking around and you remember my partner, Roxanne. (She is a werewolf) Given that lady can be intimidating. Well, it turns out the thief guild has been working with a group of goblins in the swearer. And after finding a group of goblins having on talk about selling unwanted slaves to a squid man. I think you now understand. That's the bigger fish I am interested in.” As he starts to laugh.

Looking at the slime the old Crown smiles as she starts to laugh. “I see your Guild master and my old friend. Has at least taught you some manners. 40 years ago me and him were adventures working in the same team. For years and if you see your guild master tell him to visit his old friend. But before I get too sidetracked, I guess I should make ready the rituals.”
As she takes out sheets of paper and attaches each of the papers to the dead heads. As they all rise on and she says “You may ask your questions. Don’t worry, they can not lie. I have already put the spell Zone of Truth. As you were coming in.

Note as you know she is the senior ranked member of the temple the structure is as follows Reverend Mother Superior, Revered Mother. Matriarchs. Mother superiors, Sisters, novice. And then their Camber militant. As they are dedicated to wee Jas the goddess of Death and Magic. They are one of the few orders that trains and uses Necromancy. And you don’t think she is hiding anything.

crime scene

As your nose is assaulted as you walk into the building. (That with all the dried blood that the DM can’t put into words.) As you walk into the room you see the round table on its side with the nails and the blood still there. Now a dark rusty color. As you look you see a lot more at the top of a staircase and two where two of the bodies will be by the door. You find a footprint that could be from a kobold. As you look into the kitchen area you see the hole that leads into the swearer system.

2023-07-15, 01:21 PM
"Are you certain your magic has worked? Not to doubt your skills, but sometimes people are tricky."

2023-07-16, 04:02 PM
Crime Scene

Lucy Conium (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2698940)
AC 20, Touch 16, Flat-footed 18
DR: -
Listen +16, Spot: +16, Search +14
Psychokinetic +1d4 damage +2 Mind Blade (Su) Bastardsword (or 2 short swords +1 ea) +17/+12 (1d10, 19-20x2)
Conditions: none
Such a pitty

Actions: looking around, searching the area near the sewer system
Listen [roll0]
spot [roll1]
search [roll2]

Annoying Imp
2023-07-16, 11:09 PM
At the tavern

- So, kobolds are out, - after some pause, Joe replied, - Who should we focus on to interfere less and help the most?

2023-07-17, 12:51 AM
We'll go to the crime scene.
More people heading that way?

2023-07-17, 01:22 PM

"Perhaps if our encounter is recurring. Right now, we are on a timetable and there are lives at stake."

Rexxie lets the conversation play out between his slime companion and the Matriarch. As soon as the Matriach explains the bodies and given the group permission to interrogate them, Rexxie looks at the corpses on the slabs.

"In addition to asking questions, may we examine the corpses?"

If given permission, refer to the OOC of this post (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25822850&postcount=64).

2023-07-27, 08:02 PM
(occ let's see the corridor does have some untriggered magic that will act as a barrier agent, the undead. The room itself has a lot of different magic ranging from necromancy to other magics that are acting as temperature controls. As you notice that they are controlled through runes in the fair wall. The paper magic she is using has runes on them that is allowing her to raise and control the undead.)

As the old woman responds to your request to examine the bodies. With a wave. As you do the injuries look like they match what you would expect from the injuries that the captain said. As she is confident in her years of experience.

You hear a voice of a female in the shadows you don’t know. As she says “I would try to see if there is another Goblin nest in the swearers. I am sure that even fungus like that has records.”
As you look into the shadows. You see nothing where the voice is coming from. As Rob smiles as he says “I would see if you can find one of their underground bases. That is one of the few places that the guards will not go.”

Crime scene

The building is quite like a tomb. As you look at the dried blood in most of the rooms. There is nothing on the ground floor of any use. And the hole in the sewer system is still there. As it does not look like grappling hocks were used to scale the difference from the watery bottom.

2023-07-29, 08:03 AM

After the examination turning up with nothing the group don't already know, Rexxie asks the corpses about their professions and involvement with the dragons/goblins/kobolds/women.

Annoying Imp
2023-07-31, 01:32 PM

- Got it, - Joe replied.
Not showing any sign of disturbance, he looks like someone, who encoutered the thing from the shadows before.

- One more thing... - half-minotaur asks befor leaving. - What has exhausted you so badly, you can't just go on the next day? It doesn't seem trivial to me. Is there some other serious threat in the town or nearby?

2023-08-02, 11:12 AM
The Temple.

The gnome started as he said he was a bard. Followed by each of the men saying with one of them saying he was a rogue, mage, two fighters, Cleric of Olidammara. And the woman is a sorceress.
“The bard continues to talk as he says, All I know about the kobolds and the dragons is an old dwarf ruins that the kobolds and their Dragon masters have taken residence in. To be honest I was taken by surprise that it was Kobald’s that attacked we figured either a criminal gang or the goblins were going to be the ones to do us in.
As For the ladies they were all including the sorceress ladies. They picked up during an evening of heavy drinking.

As for the goblins well. Let's see. 4 days before our death I do know that they do smuggle items and money into town in the south sewers on a long ship with no mast. And we follow them into the sewers instead of attacking we decided to take some documents to get an idea of their operations and take 6 chests of gold. To be honest, I was hoping of blackmailing them. I forgot that for goblins covert is not their nature.”

As the dead sorceress calls him a moron.
Even the priestess is shaking her head as she hears what they have done.

The tavern.

There is a smile on his face saying “Yes I am being very careful, and if I was to be conspiratorial. As I suspect this could be mind Flayer could be the mastermind of this whole operation. Or the thief guild is in contact with them. Ok, let’s start at the higher-up. The Duke is in some type of arrangement with a powerful dragon. Who will benefit from having that arrangement tested or even broken and then as well as killing, each other? A mind Flayer or a group of them pulling strings behind the scenes. Is a good guess. I would rather be careful. As the most dangerous thing is to encounter a mind flayer and not be prepared. But also uncovering his layer and his minions. Is a dangerous thing as well. As he is lord and master of his domain. there is no reasoning and no quarter with them. Trust no one in this town. As the only one, I truly trust is my Mistress, my Patron.”

Annoying Imp
2023-08-02, 11:43 PM

- Reasonable enough. Fighting mind flayer should be interesting experience all by itself. If we'll make it in time, you can count on me. Let's see if I'll have some luck joining, - it seems, Joe is ready to leave. - Let our job benefit the Guild and all of us!

2023-08-04, 08:52 AM

Rexxie asks them to reveal everything they know about the ladies including descriptions, repeat what their killers said before they (killers) killed them (investigating group) and they (investigating group) succumb to death, confirm whether they are group that are part of an organization which he will ask to elaborate about the organization and what they do if they are in it, adventurers, crooks or thieves, and their overall motives including ulterior ones up to their (investigating group) death.

2023-08-04, 08:59 AM
Crime Scene

Razek grimaced. It wouldn't be wise to go into the sewers without the others. He ambled outside to join the dwarf. "You said the deceased bought this place two days ago. Any word on the previous owners?"