View Full Version : Empire 7: Round 27 Event: Summit of Skill

Grim ranger
2023-06-26, 09:26 AM
Polar seas, Pelegar

The region of Pelegar is one that hosts many ruins of ancient grandeur, but as of late is has been drastically changed. Where before there were only sad ruins of past glories, perhaps veiled by colorful fabrics or makeshift attempts at repairs, grand structures have once again began to rise through the waters in their stead. Tall spires of ancient style but recent build raise from the foundations of old, gifts of the new rulers of the area to once again cast their gentle glow over nearly the entire terrain and making days all the more bright, the nights less harrowing and dark.

There is one particular addition to the profile of the region that has utterly dominated people's attention during the recent years, however: the grand arches and frozen spires of the newly created Polar Institute of Warfare, realized from mere plans of a King seeking to make his mark on the history books. The roads leading to and from the expansive campus are traveled by a great many students, alongside patrols of Nathi legionaries and region's own Talented Crab soldiers... although presently, the traffic towards the Institute has to dodge around the event taking up one of the large courtyards located before the entrance of the outer perimeter.

Number of colorful banners proudly declare the "Summit of Skill" to be in progress, an event hosted by a number of Institute's faculty and certain influential sponsors from Hegemony and beyond. A number of ringed-off areas have been dedicated to the noble and spirited sport of Blitzball, reserved for most athletically inclined of potential applicants. Similarly there is a tournament of Fish Go, the most strategic of underwater games, for those who wish to prove their strategic acumen.

All polities across the world are offered an invitation to the event, with a promise of scholarship for the attendee that'll most impress the gathered instructors... and considerable stipends for the runners-up.

Anyone attending with an action can send a representative to compete in either of the offered tournaments, rolling Military for Blitzball or Intrigue for Fish Go. At the end of the event, the rolls are tallied and ranked from highest to lowest. For mechanical reasons, all rolls compete against each other.

1st place: Given permission to send their General to study at the Institute without any need to negotiate tuitions, and 2 treasure
2nd place: Given permission to send their General to study at the Institute without any need to negotiate tuitions, or 2 treasure
3rd place: 1 treasure