View Full Version : 6-Gun-Mage is nearing it's end.

2023-06-28, 03:55 AM
6-Gun-Mage (http://www.6gunmage.com/comic/6-gun-mage-kickoff) is nearing it's end!

I fell off of it at it's beginning, rediscovered it just too find out that it's going to end soon.

Because I personally like to read webcomics that are just short before it's ending, I just thought I mentioned it.

2023-06-28, 10:06 AM
I tried this one a few years ago. I thought the premise was interesting, but the quantity of cheesecake turned me off and I gave up on it. Maybe I'll give it another shot at some point.

2023-06-29, 12:29 AM
I tried this one a few years ago. I thought the premise was interesting, but the quantity of cheesecake turned me off and I gave up on it. Maybe I'll give it another shot at some point.

You've just given me the word for what I dislike about his other comic, Misfile. I kept going for the plot, but the fanservice was definitely a bit off-putting. It doesn't get better, only slightly more equal-opportunity. (And I don't know that the ending of Misfile was all that great, either.)

2023-06-30, 10:26 AM
You've just given me the word for what I dislike about his other comic, Misfile. I kept going for the plot, but the fanservice was definitely a bit off-putting. It doesn't get better, only slightly more equal-opportunity. (And I don't know that the ending of Misfile was all that great, either.)
I thought Misfile was at it's best as a teen drama built around high school, car racing and "finding your passion". The pot-smoking angel was always the worst part of the story, and him being central to the plot moving forward meant I was bound to lose interest sooner than later.

2023-07-06, 02:23 AM
Now I actually wanted to write something like "it's not that bad, you can ignore the cheesecake pretty easily" when the next comic shows melons...

I'm still gonna read it to the end, but yeah... I really can't defend that point.

2023-07-07, 08:58 PM
I enjoy the cheescake so I don't care that much myself and it at least feels less skeevy then GrrlPower has been lately, but it does feel a little rushed here at the end so he can try and move to a more marketable other story. This one was great but sadly I don't think it ever found it's audience.

2023-08-20, 07:35 PM
I drifted away from this one when Misfile ended, there was no need to check Misfile for daily updates (as I had a copy of the first book of Hell High) and that was when I'd remember 6 Gun Mage. It's a shame that 6 Gun Mage wasn't more successful.

Forum Explorer
2023-08-22, 01:04 PM
Hey, nice to hear that. I kinda lost the plot along the line and needed to reread the whole thing. So I decided to wait until it was almost done before reading it so I could read it once and be done.

2023-10-06, 01:00 PM
Well it ended a couple of weeks ago, so if anyone's still waiting to read it once it's over...

I enjoy the cheescake so I don't care that much myself and it at least feels less skeevy then GrrlPower has been lately, but it does feel a little rushed here at the end so he can try and move to a more marketable other story. This one was great but sadly I don't think it ever found it's audience.

Chris rushed the ending of every comic he's ended to a greater or lesser extent. As for cheesecake, difference is, Grrlpower actively advertises and sells norti images, while in 6 Gun Mage and his other comics... well presumably such things could be commissioned if you really wanted to, but it's not a selling point for the comic.

I thought Misfile was at it's best as a teen drama built around high school, car racing and "finding your passion". The pot-smoking angel was always the worst part of the story, and him being central to the plot moving forward meant I was bound to lose interest sooner than later.

The trouble with the angel plotlines, aside from Rumisiel and his very poor treatment of Ash, was that Ash and Emily couldn't really do anything about it, on account of being teenagers and human to boot. Misfile really needed an ending focused on them, their lives in Tempest - and their choices.