View Full Version : Magical Girl Isekai Solo Game

2023-06-30, 05:25 AM

The screech of tires and the blaring of a horn shattered the tranquil evening, jolting Ellen Rainart from her mundane existence. She barely had a moment to process the impending danger before the possessed truck, driven not by a human but solely by the notorious spirit called Truck-Kun, careened toward her with deadly intent. Fear surged through Ellen's veins, her mind racing for an escape that was tragically out of reach.

In a horrifying twist of fate, the truck plowed into Ellen, crushing her fragile body beneath its merciless wheels. Darkness engulfed her senses, swallowing her whole. And just as she surrendered to the void, she emerged before a god-like entity—an aged figure, seemingly wise but distractingly absent-minded. His eyes wandered aimlessly, lost in the labyrinth of his own thoughts. With a voice that carried both weight and a touch of disarray, he addressed her.

"Ah, Ellen, my apologies, my apologies," the god-like entity mumbled, his voice tinged with regret. "I'm terribly sorry about the untimely end that befell you. You see, Truck-Kun has been devouring the fragile threads that bind mortals to their worlds. Alas, I cannot send you back to your familiar modern realm. But fret not! I shall grant you a new beginning, in a world where magic reigns supreme. A world far removed from the clutches of technology."

Ellen's voice quivered as she attempted to express her confusion and concerns, but the god-like entity's stream of thoughts swept over her, drowning out her words.

"Now, now, dear Ellen, there's no need to worry," the entity continued in a hurried tone, almost dismissing her presence. "In this enchanting realm, I shall gift you powers befitting its arcane nature."

As if a sudden realization struck him, the god-like entity's eyes widened. "Ah! You were walking your loyal companion, weren't you? Your beloved canine friend at the time of your unfortunate demise. Worry not, Ellen! I shall ensure their presence accompanies you on this extraordinary journey. Neither of you shall face the unknown alone, especially after such a tragic turn of events."

With a wave of his hand, a radiant portal materialized before Ellen, illuminating the surroundings with an otherworldly glow. And in an instant, she found herself unceremoniously thrust into a realm unknown, standing on a grassy hill. Her canine companion stood faithfully at her side, equally bewildered yet providing a sense of comfort in the midst of chaos.

The god-like entity, seemingly absorbed in his own musings, muttered to himself, "Now, which system of magic did this particular world abide by? Hmm... Yes, yes, let me see... Perhaps this one... Or maybe that one... Ah, well, let's just go with this for now. It's probably close enough, regardless. No time to dally!"

Within a tumultuous transition felt deep inside herself, Ellen's senses were overwhelmed. She caught glimpses of unfamiliar sights, heard whispers of mystical energies, and inhaled the scent of a world steeped in ancient powers. The god-like entity's occasional self-directed ramblings about the various magic systems provided a glimpse into his scattered nature, leaving Ellen to navigate her new reality with no real foreknowledge beyond what the entity had mentioned in his ramblings as a swirling portal of bright colors rushed towards her spirit, engulfing her and sending her spinning back to the darkness of unconsciousness.


Ellen's eyelids fluttered open, her vision blurry and adjusting to the vibrant sunlight that bathed the grassy hilltop. Blinking several times, she sat up, feeling the cool blades of grass beneath her fingertips. As her gaze focused, her breath caught in her throat.

Before her stretched a landscape straight out of a fantastical tale. Rolling hills, lush and verdant, undulated in waves of emerald green as far as the eye could see. Clusters of wildflowers, vibrant and varied, painted the meadows with a riot of colors—a tapestry woven with nature's finest brushstrokes. Delicate butterflies flitted from bloom to bloom, as if dancing to a secret melody only they could hear.

The air stirred with a gentle breeze, carrying the scent of blooming blossoms mingled with the sweet freshness of untamed wilderness. Ellen could hear the rustle of leaves from nearby trees, their branches whispering ancient secrets in a language she was only just beginning to comprehend.

She stood, her legs feeling strong and steady beneath her, as if bolstered by the very magic that infused this realm. Her eyes roved over the enchanting scene, tracing the outline of distant forests that stood sentinel on the horizon. Towering trees, their trunks gnarled and branches reaching skyward, beckoned her with an alluring mystery.

And then, her gaze settled on a cascading waterfall in the distance. The water, crystalline and pure, tumbled down jagged cliffs, sending delicate mist into the air. Rainbows danced among the shimmering droplets, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the landscape.

In that moment, the truth became undeniable. This was not the world she had known, where technology reigned supreme and concrete jungles stood tall. No, this was a realm steeped in magic, where nature and wonder merged in harmonious symphony. As she stood, taking in the landscape, a wet nose chuffed at her palm from behind. Turning, she saw a white wolf with crystal blue eyes wagging its tail happily. For a moment, a pang of fear struck a chord through her but as it licked at her hand, she saw the distinctive collar it wore and the familiar excited tail wagging. The very same collar she had put on her beloved Snowball before going for their last walk in their own world.


2023-06-30, 08:50 AM
Ellen's legs shook as the enormity of her situation cascaded over her. She stumbled a little, and her loyal canine friend surged forward to catch her before she could hit the ground. She buried her face in Snowball's thick fur, hugging him tightly and taking a moment to fall apart. The massive wolf's thick coat belied powerful muscles that made him feel as solid as a rock to Ellen, and she clung to him and shivered, not sure what emotions she should be feeling. She was dead, killed by a truck, and then some weird thing had plopped her down here in whatever this place was, miles away from anything resembling civilization, apparently shoved some kind of magic into her, turned her Husky into a flipping wolf, and left her to fend for herself!

Sure, she'd read and watched some Isekai stuff and thought about it being cool to explore a new world. That didn't mean she wanted it to happen to her, especially not like this! She had family, friends! People who were going to be at her funeral or looking for her after she'd gone missing, possibly forever! In contrast to her tumultuous mind, her body felt stronger and more responsive than ever before, which made her feel a bit guilty over liking the sensation.

It took a couple minutes, but Ellen managed to pull herself back together, a wobbly smile on her face as she ruffled Snowball's fur behind his ears, just how he liked it. "Thanks, boy," she said affectionately, standing up and looking around her. "Let's see what we can find. Maybe there's a town around here somewhere. I hope so, I don't know the first thing about camping..."


2023-06-30, 10:05 AM
Ellen stood atop the grassy hill, her eyes scanning the horizon with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. The vast expanse of the new world stretched out before her, seemingly untouched by the hand of civilization. She yearned for any sign of life, a glimmer of human existence amidst the wild beauty that surrounded her.

Lost in her thoughts, Ellen's attention was drawn to a soft nudge against her leg. She looked down to find Snowball, her previously-husky-now-wolf companion, gazing at her intently. His eyes sparkled with a knowing glint as he nosed her side, nudging her in a specific direction.

Confused at first, Ellen followed Snowball's lead, her gaze drifting along the path he indicated. And then, as if by some enchantment, her eyes widened with realization. Just a few miles away, nestled amidst a grove of towering trees, sat a town. How could she not have seen it for herself?

She couldn't fathom how she had missed it before—a collection of humble buildings, their first floors build of stone, with rooftops crafted from thatched straw and rough-hewn wood. Smoke wafted from various chimneys, curling into the sky like a tranquil invitation. The distant echoes of laughter and bustling activity finally reached her ears, carried on the wind.

Seeing that she indeed found what he had been indicating, Snowball let out a resounding bark, his tail wagging furiously.

Snowball's Spot Check: [roll0]

I do not normally roll for animal companions....but you needed some plot armor after that roll. lol

2023-06-30, 02:30 PM
"That's a good boy," Ellen said, lavishing her canine companion with more skritches. He'd gotten huge, she didn't even have to bend down to rub his ears. "Thanks, Snowball. Let's go see what we can find- WOAH!" Ellen had started walking, only to trip over an unfamiliar backpack, tumbling a few feet down the hillside before she righted herself. "Well, that was embarrasing," she said, spitting out a piece of grass and pushing herself back to her feet. She picked up the backpack and slung it over her shoulders. "Figure out what's in here later, after we know where we are," she said, nodding at the rough idea of a plan before setting out properly, calling her canine companion alongside her with a short whistle.

Her body felt incredibly light as she walked across the rolling hills. She'd never been terribly out of shape, but she wasn't exactly a star athlete before, either. Now it felt like her body moved as soon as she thought about doing it! She tried to test her new body, running and jumping, turning flips in midair and cartwheels across the ground. Snowball woofed happily and started running alongside her, the two of them playing together as they made their way across the grassy hills towards the village, Ellen's dread put off for just a little while as she and her dog jumped and rolled and flipped and ran, their excitement feeding off of each other.

2023-06-30, 04:18 PM
Ellen and Snowball crested a gentle hill, their playful romp was suddenly halted by an unexpected and unwelcome sight. Before them, a scene unfolded that spoke of imminent danger and desperate struggle. A boxy wagon stood by the roadside at that snaked between the hills below them, its weathered wooden frame rattling as its beasts of burden fought for their lives.

A group of what looked like goblins straight out of a fantasy game or anime, their vile forms hunched and snarling, besieged the wagon's oxen. The desperate oxen strained against their yoke, their muscles quivering with exhaustion. One of the noble beasts bore the scars of battle, its massive frame drenched in sweat and blood. The other lay on the ground, injured and unable to continue the fight. The goblins screeched and jabbered, their crude weapons slashing through the air. Yet, despite their ferocity, the remaining ox refused to yield. It lunged and bellowed, a testament to its unwavering spirit and loyalty to its kin.

The goblins encircled the wagon, their malevolence a palpable force. Their twisted forms moved with an unsettling agility, their jagged weapons glinting in the dappled light. Some bared their fangs in malicious grins, while others gnashed their teeth in wild anticipation. The wagon, weathered and worn, stood as a sanctuary amidst the chaos. Its wooden frame, aged by time and weather, creaked and swayed. Dust particles danced in the air, caught in the rays of sunlight that filtered through the canopy of trees above.

As Ellen observed the scene, her eyes roved over the weary travelers huddled within the wagon, hidden for the moment by the tall sides, their faces etched with anxiety and fear as they clutched their mouths in an attempt not to give away their presence. Then she saw the man crumbled in a heap to the side of the wagon. She yet couldn't tell if he was alive.

You can see 5 goblins, 2 oxen, and 4 humans - 3 in the wagon and 1 on the ground in a pool of blood.
If you attack, roll initiative. Otherwise, roll any other appropriate checks for both Ellen and Snowball's actions.

2023-07-04, 07:25 PM
"Snowball, guard the one on the ground!" Ellen shouted, stepping forward and reaching for... something. She didn't know what kind of instincts were driving her; there was only a determination that these people not die, and she felt her body moving on its own. She'd never really fancied herself a hero or anything, just someone who watched too much anime and read too many fantasy novels, but with her body being enhanced like this... surely there was something she could do! She felt something responding to her desire, a sense of affirmation from some sort of presence that felt as warm as the sun on a bright summer day, and she pulled forth from nothing... a guitar. Made of a material she could not identify, with wickedly sharp edges all around, already strung and ready to play. Her fingers glided along the strings before she hit a power chord, producing a booming note, and a blast of visible light emanated from her strings, lancing towards the goblin menacing the downed man. Her hands continued to strum the unfamiliar yet comforting melody of battle, her body starting to vibrate with adrenaline as she felt that radiant energy suffuse her own limbs, and her snow white canine companion dashed forward to guard the wounded man until she could clear a path to him.

Commanding Snowball's a free action because of Link, and she has him use the Guard trick to guard the downed man. He rushes forward and readies an action to attack any goblin that gets too close.

Meanwhile, Ellen herself draws her Device as a move action, buffs her Dexterity with a swift action to use her 4th Illumination, and lets fly a Lures blast at the goblin closest to the bloodied man. If it hits, that goblin gets yanked 15 feet closer to her and takes 1d6 damage.

Since she hasn't had time to summon her Costume yet, her AC is only 14, not 18. She is currently tapped out on Motes and will refresh at the start of her next turn.

2023-07-05, 05:19 AM
As Ellen's fingers danced along the strings, producing a powerful note that reverberated through the air. A burst of radiant energy erupted from the strings, forming a lance of brilliant light that streaked toward the goblin menacing the injured man. The blast struck true, enveloping the goblin in a blinding display of magical force. The creature was yanked violently toward Ellen, dragged 15 feet closer by an unseen force. It howled in pain as the intense blast inflicted significant damage upon its wretched form.

Meanwhile, Snowball, ever loyal and protective, dashed forward with incredible speed, positioning himself between the goblin and the wounded man. His sharp teeth bared and his growl fierce, he readied himself to defend the fallen stranger.

The remaining goblins, startled by Ellen's sudden display of power, momentarily hesitated in their assault on the oxen. Their beady eyes darted between the woman with the mystical guitar and Snowball's comparatively hulking and predatory form, uncertain of how to proceed.

The humans inside the wagon, concealed behind its tall sides, watched fearfully with a mix of hope and trepidation as the event unfolded. Their eyes locked on Ellen, their expressions a blend of gratitude and desperation, seeming to pray in silence that she would succeed in driving back the goblin menace that would otherwise be the cause of their inevitable death.

Ellen's Lures blast successfully hits the goblin closest to the wounded man, dealing 6 damage and pulling it 15 feet closer to Ellen.
Snowball runs and has positioned himself between the goblin and the downed man, ready to attack if the goblin approaches.

Goblin 1 (Pitted Dagger): Moved 15 feet away from Fallen Stranger & Snowball. Injured (-6 HP).
Goblin 2 (Crude Shortbow): Observing the situation. Uninjured.
Goblin 3 (Rusty Handaxe): Observing the situation. Uninjured.
Goblin 4 (Makeshift Javelin): Observing the situation. Uninjured.
Goblin 5 (Battered Club): Observing the situation. Uninjured.

Begin Round 1

2023-07-05, 07:06 AM
Ellen can't help the disbelieving laughter that escapes her throat as the music seems to take on a life of its own. "No flippin' way!" She exclaims, light flowing from the guitar in her hands and spreading out over her clothes, calling forth her full Magical Girl costume! (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1122535068984950806/1123892512386457650/1688026722590.jpg) Her boots extend up her thighs, her jacket flares out behind her, her tights darken to black, and her top becomes the kind of leather corset that she'd never have been confident enough to wear in her past life. The new clothes hug her body tightly, but as she strides forward and finishes her impromptu guitar solo, she can barely feel it at all. A gemstone on her belt shimmers and glows, and that one step sends her hurtling forward in a blur of light, leaving her standing between the goblins and the oxen, a disbelieving grin on her face. "Alright, I can work with this! Let's go, you little jerks!" She yells at the goblins, trying to remain the center of attention so that they can't kill the people behind her.

Snowball will continue to guard the guy, readying another action to nom on the next goblin that approaches.

Ellen uses a full round action to equip her Costume, bringing her AC up to its full value of (currently) 20.
As a swift action, she uses her Cartridge to power the Nimble imbuement on her costume and teleport into the fray herself. weapon at the ready.

Current Effects:
Snowball: Readied action to bite at +8 for 1d6+6 damage
+4 Dexterity Buff: Expires next turn
+4 Strength Buff: Expires in 2 turns.

2023-07-05, 01:54 PM
The goblins, shaken by Ellen's dazzling transformation, quickly recovered from their momentary hesitation. With snarls of rage, they locked their malevolent gazes on the newly transformed Magical Girl, recognizing her as the primary threat. Their vile intentions clear, the goblins converged upon Ellen, determined to overwhelm her with their combined assault. The goblin with the pitted dagger turned his attention away from Snowball and the man he now guarded and lunged at the suddenly appearing Ellen, hoping to catch her off guard while she reveled in her newfound power. The rusty blade gleamed menacingly as he closed in on her, his movements swift and vicious.

Another goblin, armed with a crude shortbow, readied an arrow and took aim at the Magical Girl's heart, seeking to exploit any weakness in her defense. The arrow whizzed through the air, its trajectory directed towards the vulnerable spot in Ellen's magical armor. With a snarl, a goblin wielding a rusty handaxe charged forward, his intent clear as he sought to hack at Ellen's exposed flank. He swung the weapon with fervor, hoping to weaken her resolve.

A fourth goblin, armed with a makeshift javelin, hurled the crude weapon at Snowball, aiming for the more open target. The javelin sailed through the air, propelled by the goblin's mediocre strength. Meanwhile, the goblin with the battered club, recognizing Snowball as a threat, directed his focus towards the bound ox, and attacking it half-heartedly as it watches the battle with the Magical Girl and her canine companion.

Goblin 1 (Pitted Dagger) attacks Ellen for [Roll]1d3+1 piercing damage. Adjacent to Ellen. Injured (-6 HP).
Goblin 2 (Crude Shortbow) attacks Ellen with an arrow for [Roll]1d4 piercing damage. 20 feet from Ellen. Uninjured.
Goblin 3 (Rusty Handaxe) attacks Ellen 1d20+2 for [roll2] slashing damage. Adjacent to Ellen. Uninjured.
Goblin 4 (Makeshift Javelin) throws the weapon at Snowball [roll3] for [roll4] piercing damage. 10 feet from Snowball. Uninjured.
Goblin 5 (Battered Club) attacks the Ox. Adjacent to the Ox. Uninjured.

Please roll and use any Immediate (or readied) actions that would happen as a direct response before then posting the actions for the new round.

Begin Round 2.