View Full Version : Are there skills for harvesting or butchering?

2023-07-02, 03:25 PM
Are there skills for harvesting or butchering? I couldn't find anything. I think most people just use some form of survival check. Thouhts?


2023-07-02, 04:28 PM
Survival or profession.

2023-07-02, 05:09 PM
As usual, Thurbane has a list for this: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?648292

Butcher comes under Profession. I assume harvesting would be Profession (Farmer).

Edit: unless you mean "out in the wilds", in which case it'd be either Survival or Profession (Hunter).

2023-07-02, 05:16 PM
I think farmer, herbalist, and butcher are all in the official list of example specializations of the Profession skill. There is some overlap with Survival and possibly also, in the case or harvesting medicinal plants, Heal

2023-07-02, 10:56 PM
Butcher, is actually a profession

2023-07-02, 11:50 PM
I had a Dm who was a bit funny about letting us collect trophies/pelts from monsters, so I took ranks in Profession (hunter), Craft (taxidermy), Survival, and Heal, just to cover my bases.

2023-07-03, 10:02 AM
One of my characters is the cleric of a Knowledge god, and daughter of a butcher. So she uses Profession: Butcher to dissect interesting monsters and write monographs on them. Inspired by Heather from A.P. Bio:


2023-07-03, 01:52 PM
In addition to survival, the relevant profession skills, and heal for medicinal herbs and dissection, Knowledge (Nature) also seems like it would be a relevant skill to roll against in at least some cases

2023-07-03, 04:48 PM
Survival would be for getting "enough" useable meat out of a carcass. This wouldn't generally be a separate skill check; it's all subsumed into the "find enough food to get by each day" skill check.

Profession (butcher) for optimising the amount of meat harvested from a single carcass, in order to minimise waste. Survival might get you s much as two dozen meals out of a cow if you cook it right after slaughter in a single batch. P/butcher and a fully-equipped abattoir will get you 500 lb of beef from the same animal.

Cutting a trophy off an animal generally doesn't need a skill check if it is an external body part. Dressing it to make it look nice might be P/Taxidermy or C/clothing. An appropriate Knowledge check might be required for an internal organ to identify it correctly if it is sufficiently exotic or the critter has really bizarre anatomy, and a Heal check to cut it out without damaging it (yeah I know, you're not healing anything, but it's technically a kind of surgery, just one where you're not paying too much attention to pesky things like blood loss). You'll want a dagger or similar small sharp tool, and it can get fun if the critter has acidic blood or the like.