View Full Version : A Few Unrelated Questions about a Lance, a Magic Item, Tripping Rules, and Monsters

Mars Ultor
2023-07-03, 11:41 AM
Can a character use a Lance while on foot? The text suggests so in that it says it's a two-handed weapon that can be used with one hand while mounted. If it can be used on foot does it function as a longspear, or, because there's no mention of setting it for a charge, etc., it does not?

There's an item in the MIC called a Watch Lamp, pages 147-148, that creates light as a torch floating near the user's shoulder. It can be activated or extinguished by a command, (Swift action). There's no mention of uses per day or duration, does it have any of those limitations?

Questions about unarmed Improved Trip and a weapon: If the PC attempts a Trip, but doesn't use a weapon, that's an Unarmed Attack. If a PC has a glove which does some sort of extra damage, like a glove of Shocking Grasp, which works as an Unarmed Attack, not just a Melee Touch Attack, can those two be combined, so the PC attempt a Trip and shock in the same attack?

If the Trip is successful the PC then gets a follow up attack as if he had not already made an attack. Does that mean the PC could use his glove while making the Trip attempt, then put that hand used to make an attack on his greatsword and use it with two hands? What if there was no glove involved, can a PC make an Unarmed Trip attack, then use that same hand on a weapon in the same round?

I was going to use a hydra as a foe in an upcoming adventure, but a player happened to mention another campaign where they fought a hydra. Is there another water-based creature of similar CR that I can substitute? Perhaps something with a lot of tentacles?

2023-07-03, 01:50 PM
1) When not mounted, you can use a lance like any other 2-handed weapon with reach. In that case, it doesn't have double damage and cannot be use one-handed, and there's no reason it would inherit the longspear's ability to set up against a charge.

2) If there's no mention of uses per day, it doesn't have any limit. You can light it up and extinguish it every round if you want to send morse code messages if you want.

3) "If you touch anything while holding a charge, even unintentionally, the spell discharges." In the case of shocking grasp, it works. If the item says you deal "extra damage" when making an unarmed strike, it doesn't, since Trip doesn't deal damage. Ask your DM or post the actual ability of the item.
Taking a weapon in two hands instead of one is never defined in the rules.
In the 3E Main FAQ, Skip Williams said it's a free action.
Then, in the 3.5 Main FAQ, Andy Collins said it's a move action.
Then, in the Rules of the Game column, Skip Williams said it's a free action.
In the end, ask your DM. If it's a free action, it's doable. If it's a move action, it's not.

4) Giant octopus, giant squid. Kraken is about as strong as the biggest pyro/cryohydras. Laghathti demons (https://web.archive.org/web/20201111235931/http:/archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060620a) seem to be exactly what you're looking for. They also make for great ambiance monsters.

Mars Ultor
2023-07-03, 09:36 PM

This is all helpful, thank you very much. The Laghathti is out of their league, but I like it.