View Full Version : Optimization Advice: Solo campaign Illithid Savant 3.5

2023-07-04, 04:24 AM
Hello! First time poster, long time lurker!

A friend (DM) suggested they have time for a campaign, but only solo (me as solo adventurer, them as DM), and absolutely no cheese (e.g. early entry, etc.). Only 3.5, no 3.0, and no dragon magazine, etc. All the core and wizard or official books are ok (e.g. complete psion, etc.). Can anyone give me some feedback on whether this build will crash and burn, or how to optimize?

1. Main goal is try illithing savant (yes DM allowed this 3.0 class with a few exceptions). Here are the limitations- for any class ability consumed, like spellcasting, I must already have at least 1 level in that class. Upon gaining the ability I gain the benefits of the most recent level only, or as close to the RAW as written. If I consume spellcasting from a level 19 wizard, I would get 1 spell slot at each spell level, + int bonus, and cast at caster level of the consumed victim, but actually have class level of 0 for any other ability. I also don't get any other abilities. Subsequently, if I take a new level in the consumed class, like wizard, all class abilities start from my actual class level (start at level 1), but the consumed ability continues as from the consumed brain (level 19+1).

As an example, I am a Ardent 7/Illithing savant 3/Wizard 1. I somehow sneak up and kill or consume a level 18 wizard brain. I am allowed to take spellcasting ability, and cast 1 spell of each spell level (+int modifier). If I take another level in wizard all my wizard class abilities would be at level 2, while spellcasting choices I would be treated as gaining level 19 (for new spell slots, etc.).

Alternatively, I only get 1 instance of a class ability. If I consumed a warrior, and I chose the warrior feats, I only get 1. If I consumed a level 19 factotum, I would get the inspiration points for level 19 minus level 18 (only points for the highest level), and one ability like cunning surge, strike, OR brilliance.

2. I am allowed to enter via polymorph type spell, as long as the spell is somehow kept persistent. Most likely if I lose qualifications, I lose access. Details: I can gain an abilility, skill, etc. but as soon as I lose the Illithing race, I lose class access, but keep learned/consumed abilities.

3. Here is what I want to do: grab some psionic buffs/debuffs, martial abilities from TOB, and combine with maybe shape change (master transmografist?) or casting.

4. Its a solo campaign, I have to kill anything/everything alone, no cohort or leadership, no hiring services, etc. No magic items, no tomes or scrolls (effectively like vow of poverty), I earn what I get and death is final.

5. Finally, when taking class abilities you get up to the consumed brains' level (e.g. level 20), but can only access abilities of your current level. If I consume a level 20 warblades brain, I get all the maneuvers up to level 20, but I can only use from that list based on my current character level.

Now my questions:
1. Considering the need to keep polymorph constant, which means taking cleric for persist/divine metamagic, meaning earliest wizard entry is level 8, is ardent really the best entry class? I figure you get better BAB than caster, get fast access to metamorphosis, etc. I will try to access illithid savant using metamorphosis (natural mantle), and try to persist metamorphosis using feats, etc.

Potential build:
Level 1-7 Ardent level for metamorphosis, main mantles Pain and Physical, then freedom for hustle, and finally natural for metamorphosis.
Level 8- Warblade 1
Level 19-11: Illithid savant, taking warblade maneuvers from level 20 if possible
Level 12- 1 level of Master transmografist, Wizard, Spelltheif-bard variant
Illithid Savant: 13-16 Illithid savant- consume class ability of Transmografist 10, or Wizard/Spellthief/Ardent 20.

Feats are undecided, but again, no dragon magazine or homebrew feats.

2. I was thinking for consume skill: concentration for psionics, warblade, etc.
3. For consume feat: chameleon level 2 feat (is this a class ability rather than a feat?)
4. For the consume class ability- learn maneuevers from warblade class (fast recovery), at 1 maneuver/stance learned per maneuver level (9 in total)

So far, up to level 16, how does this sound for a solo campaign, with the goal of being powerful enough to not die quickly and alone, with minimal cheese?


2023-07-04, 07:58 AM
"Absolutely no cheese" but allowing Illithid Savant is a poorly-defined space. Clearly, this DM has some rather idiosyncratic notion of what constitutes "cheese", and it would be very difficult for us to figure out the standards.

2023-07-05, 03:45 AM
"Absolutely no cheese" but allowing Illithid Savant is a poorly-defined space. Clearly, this DM has some rather idiosyncratic notion of what constitutes "cheese", and it would be very difficult for us to figure out the standards.

Hi Chronos,

You have a fair point, but let me elaborate. This is a solo adventure, using all the encounters and design of a 4 person party. Neither the GM nor I have a lot of time, but we both want to play, so the compromise was the GM is going to reuse his old material and run me through a campaign meant for 4 people, alone. As enticement, to make it worth my time, I can choose one OP or exotic flair, in this case IS class. To make it interesting, death is final and no help. Every encounter, one bad saving throw and the campaign ends. Also, a class that gives amazing powers, but only D4 hit dice, facing encounters alone that could kill 4 members, changes the "cheese" boundary maybe.

When it comes to cheese, I can specify more: no infinite loops, no power ups that cannot be countered, etc. No dragon magazine, or caster level that is double the character level. Basically everything should be RAI, but allowed to mini-max optimize as much as possible. As a further detail on the cheese: during each encouter I should have a couple highly likely win-buttons in my belt, but NO guarenteed-win button.

So for the actual build- probably first level totem druid and wild cohort feat for a bear and wolf companion, in order to survive the first few levels. Yes the GM disallowed the leadership and cohorts path because they can be abused, but a single weaker companion for a feat was deemed fair (not sure if it came from 3.0 or 3.5). Then try to get to IS as quickly as possible, so ardent has healing, which I can share/split with the animal companions. From IS the question becomes what class features and skill/feat.
So, in short:

Actual questions:
1. Is first level totem druid a good idea to improve early survivability? (Totem Druid 1/ Ardent 7). At present there is no information on what encounters will include, probably an even mix of humans, magical monsters (I will be a big game hunter type that collects heads), a little undead and abberations.

2. The main goal is survive hard encounters to get into IS; will this build survive a campaign designed for 4 players, playing that campaign solo, based on your experiences (we cannot guess how the GM will customize it)?

3. If I make it to IS, and head straight for a class ability, would you also take the warblade for maneuvers? Since my char would already be a bit weak HP wise, it seems like taking a casters' brain would only strengthen my strength and weaken my weakness (HP). I selected warblade because the maneuvers I can choose include ones that let me re-roll a failed saving throw, OR add a concentration roll onto the save. Added damage is extra.

4. What would you take for the second and third class abilities? Survival is key.