View Full Version : Pathfinder Vigilante/Mortal usher charop think tank

2023-07-08, 08:13 PM
Greetings fellow hive mind :)

I'm tinkering around a vigilante/mortal usher, at the moment this is "just for fun" because charop is fun on it's own.

My mind went to vigilante/mortal usher because they both "do stuff" with vital strike, and I was in a mood to mess around with vital strike

I've reached an end point that's satisfying to me, and feels "tight", but as ever, I'm indecisive about stuff.

first, the build, then the much ado about nothing

Human (+2 STR), 18(20) 12 14 12 9 10 tentative point buy
all ASI to STR

skills kept maxed: acrobatics,intimidate,perception, plus an even spread to the 6 "main" knowledges

vigilante 10 / mortal usher 10

1 vigilante 1 social talent always prepared, feats exotic weapon profiency(butchering axe or chainsaw), skill focus acrobatics
2 vigilante 2 vigilante talent leave an opening
3 vigilante 3 social talent owl sight, feat wpn focus
4 vigilante 4 vigilante talent up close and personal
5 vigilante 5 social talent ancestral enlightment, feat power attack
6 vigilante 6 vigilante talent vital punishment
7 usher 1 feat dazzling display, "second" vital strike exchanged for cornugon smash
8 usher 2 (also advances vigilante to 7) social talent hidden magic
9 usher 3 feat shatter defenses
10 usher 4 (vigilante 8) vigilante talent twisting fear
11 usher 5 feat IUS
12 usher 6 (vigilante 9) social talent skill familiarity (acrobatics, intimidate, perception and one whatever, perhabs UMD if it's allowed), bonus feat improved vital strike
13 vigilante 7(10) vigilante talent vigilante reflexes, feat diabolic style
14 usher 7
15 usher 8(vigilante 11) social talent many guises, feat diabolic humiliation
16 usher 9
17 usher 10 (12) vigilante talent leap and bound, feat diabolic judgement
18 vigilante 8(13) social talent quick change
19 vigilante 9(14) vigilante talent armor skin, feat greater vital strike
20 vigilante 10(15) social talent immediate change

My basic intent was to get the most I could out of vital strike, so a 3d6 weapon is the first step.
the second step is making use of the combination of leave an opening+ up close and personal + vital punishment, this makes the default combat loop from 6th level onward be:
up close and personal for full damage hidden strike as a swift action (which I'm assuming we can't use vital strike on), followed by standard action vital strike, followed by an AoO vital strike as soon as the targeted enemy acts

mortal usher adds some more "precision" damage, probably only on the standard action unless I've missed the target on my read of reaping strike, it's mostly a lot of nice ribbons bilities, "early" access to improved vital strike, while still advancing vigilante talents some
shatter defenses is there mostly to let us apply hidden strike damage on all "3" attacks we do each round
Social talents other than always prepared and skill familiarity I coulnd't care less about, I guess I could go for renown for bonus to intimidate if the "take 10" doesn't cut it
Diabolic style is what I feel the most meh about, since only judgement and the reflexes are usable, and throwing away 3 feats to prerequisites I will probably never use is very meh,

what I feel most keenly is that I should just drop diabolic, that gets me 4 talents to play around, most straight thing I can think about is furious focus+ intimidating prowess+ dreadful carnage + ??, and probably take something else instead of vigilante reflexes (perhabs shield of blades?)

things I'd like to fit: furious focus, intimidating prowess
things I dislike: leap and bound and armor skin being so late

the other thing I don't like much about is the anti-sinergy mortal usher has with itself, it's based around using vital strike... and then gives you a very nice "+10" whip.. but whip is a terrible weapon to use for vital strike :(

Thoughts? much appreciated