View Full Version : Worse Than the Disease DICE ROLLS 2

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Shoot Da Moon
2023-07-09, 09:37 AM
Second thread for dice rolls for my campaign Worse Than the Disease.
Links to relevant threads;

First IC thread; https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?619696-Worse-Than-the-Disease-IC/page50

OOC 1 Thread; https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?619698-Worse-Than-the-Disease-OOC

Dice Rolls 1 Thread; https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?619697-Worse-Than-the-Disease-DICE-ROLLS

IC 2 Thread; https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?641241-Worse-Than-the-Disease-2-IC

Worse Than the Disease OOC 2 Thread;

Post dice rolls here…

2023-07-12, 03:26 AM
Tariq will spend [roll0] x4 x20 min building a TL7 Fine 40mm Underbarrel Grenade Launcher, using $400 worth of broken closely related gun parts that we have recently procured for a total worth of $1600 material for a $8000 project.

[roll1] on Engineer (Small Arms) 17 (12 skill, +1 attantive, +0 invention, +1 TL, +1 extra parts, +2 extra time)

2023-07-12, 03:27 AM
[roll0] total bugs

2023-07-12, 03:28 AM

2023-07-12, 03:41 AM
[roll0] on Piloting XX (first, extra careful, and eventually 13)
[roll1] on Observation 18 (15 skill, +3 extra time)

Shoot Da Moon
2023-07-12, 10:17 AM
Tariq will spend [roll0] x4 x20 min building a TL7 Fine 40mm Underbarrel Grenade Launcher, using $400 worth of broken closely related gun parts that we have recently procured for a total worth of $1600 material for a $8000 project.

[roll1] on Engineer (Small Arms) 17 (12 skill, +1 attantive, +0 invention, +1 TL, +1 extra parts, +2 extra time)

[roll0] total bugs


I'll choose the three bugs for the GL.
Gets too hot to handle after use, must cool down for 10 minutes or suffer 1d burn for early re-use.
Half damage, Range and Acc.
Nasty recoil, DX roll on use or get knocked down.

2023-07-21, 07:09 PM
Just realised I missed today's disease roll. Richard has failed every single one so far, so here's hoping.

HT 9: [roll0]

2023-07-23, 12:27 AM
Reaction roll (with Blackwire's man? not sure if Sean's reputation applies) [roll0]

2023-07-24, 06:20 AM
Assuming reputatation doesn't apply with the mutants, given it's down as affecting settlers, so just doing a reaction roll backed up with Diplomacy. If Dip succeeds, then the worst the reaction roll can get is Good, if it fails it does nothing and it's the reaction roll straight as usual.

Reaction: [roll0]
Diplomacy 17: [roll1]

2023-07-27, 04:00 AM
[roll0] on Engineer (Small Arms) 18 to invent world's first 40mm flame jet round with [roll1] x2 minutes of time and $40 worth of material stuff

2023-07-27, 04:03 AM
[roll0] on Engineer (Small Arms) 18 to make the next batch with [roll1] x2 minutes of time and $10 worth of material stuff
[roll2] on Engineer (Small Arms) 18 to make the next batch with [roll3] x2 minutes of time and $10 worth of material stuff
[roll4] on Engineer (Small Arms) 18 to make the next batch with [roll5] x2 minutes of time and $10 worth of material stuff
[roll6] on Engineer (Small Arms) 18 to make the next batch with [roll7] x2 minutes of time and $10 worth of material stuff

2023-07-27, 04:08 AM
This takes just over an hour. Let's roll for bugs / multiple copies: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4]

2023-07-27, 04:10 AM
A total of 4 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 14 rounds were produced.

2023-07-27, 04:51 AM
[roll0] on Explosives (Demolition) 23 to make a batch of M67s in [roll1] x10 minutes with $24 worth of material stuff
[roll2] on Explosives (Demolition) 23 to make a batch of M67s in [roll3] x10 minutes with $24 worth of material stuff

[roll4] on Explosives (Demolition) 23 to make a batch of flashbangs in [roll5] x10 minutes with $24 worth of material stuff
[roll6] on Explosives (Demolition) 23 to make a batch of flashbangs in [roll7] x10 minutes with $24 worth of material stuff

2023-07-27, 04:54 AM
This takes just over two hours. Let's roll for bugs / multiple copies: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

2023-07-27, 04:57 AM
That's 5 + 6 = 11 M67s and 4 + 7 = 11 Schermuly Stuns.

The rest of the day Tariq spends overseeing the works.

2023-07-30, 03:58 AM
[roll0] on Navigation 17
[roll1] on Driving 15

2023-08-04, 09:35 AM
What does Sean himself knows that might be relevant?

[roll0] on Detect Lies 13
[roll1] on Area Knowledge (Vermont) 12
[roll2] on Current Affairs 8

2023-08-10, 01:24 PM
And now with these guys too...
[roll0] on Detect Lies 13

2023-08-13, 08:55 AM
Going to Gunmetal:
[roll0] on Navigation 17
[roll1] on Driving 15

2023-08-16, 04:08 AM
Going to Red Brick:
[roll0] on Navigation 17
[roll1] on Driving 15

Then eventually going to Radar Base:
[roll2] on Navigation 17
[roll3] on Driving 15

2023-08-16, 12:41 PM
Going to start to show my GURPS inexperience here. So aiming action adds the weapons accuracy bonus to this roll (whatever that happens to be for this rifle modified further by the scope). The size and range modifiers are just straight -6 for SM-6 and -8 for range, yeah? Any other modifiers that I need to account for?
Guns (Rifle) [roll0]

Rolled in the old thread by accident.

2023-08-16, 01:41 PM
Some or all of the following things might be applicable:
1. Acc bonus of the rifle + the round. Fine rifle + standard round = +6.
2. Acc bonus from the scope if you use it and aim long enough (fill 3 seconds). In this case +3.
3. Aim bonus for aiming long enough (up to the same full 3 seconds). Up to +2.
4. A possible all-out attack (determined) in case you don't care if pinecones shoot you back, +1.
5. And maybe yet another +1 if you care to find somewhere to brace the rifle.

2023-08-16, 01:48 PM
Okay, so with the 10 on the dice we end up with

10+(6[rifle]+3[scope]+2[aiming]+1[all out attack]+1[bracing])-(8[range]+6[SM])=9 vs Rifle skill of 19. A success by a mile.

2023-08-16, 01:56 PM
You seem to have it the wrong way around:

10 vs 19+13-14 = 18

Still a success, but by 8, not by 10, not that it makes a difference. Write IC and then I'll post there too.

2023-08-16, 02:07 PM
Ah I see, all modifiers are applied to the skill being rolled against, not the roll being made. My mistake.

Shoot Da Moon
2023-08-18, 11:01 AM
Lemus, Klutz DX 12 roll; [roll0]

2023-08-19, 03:00 PM
Okay, so rereading the relevant section, the doc still gives +1 to Richard's healing rolls, and then the doc can roll his Physician to do more. Last mention of his Physician said 20, is that still the case or were there modifiers exclusive to the disease treatment there?

HT 13 (HT 11 + 1 Fit + 1 aid): [roll0]
Physician 20: [roll1]

Shoot Da Moon
2023-08-20, 02:40 PM
No, the modifiers apply to this roll, too.

2023-08-21, 06:38 AM
Lemus takes a moment to poke around the dead merchant's bodies and belongings, looking for anything out of the ordinary or worth killing these people over. He's careful to avoid disturbing the evidence as much as possible.

Search 11 [rollv]3d6

2023-08-21, 06:40 AM
excuse my disability
Search 11 [roll0]

2023-08-21, 03:18 PM
Guess I'll do some rolls too.

Criminology 13: [roll0]
Search 13: [roll1]

2023-08-26, 01:29 PM
The ride:
[roll0] on Navigation 17
[roll1] on Driving 15

And maybe the walk:
[roll2] on Stealth 16
[roll3] on Perception/Observation 15

2023-08-26, 02:16 PM
[roll0] on Tactics 9
[roll1] on Observation 10

2023-08-28, 01:59 AM
[roll0] on Observation 15
[roll1] on Tactics 12

2023-08-28, 08:22 PM
Rolls for navigating to the roof of the 4 story building, assuming each floor constitutes an "area" per the AtE2 rules. Let's hope it's structurally sound.

[roll0] vs Urban Survival 10
[roll1] vs Urban Survival 10
[roll2] vs Urban Survival 10
[roll3] vs Urban Survival 10

And if Lemus makes it safely, a check to spot details of the gas station from his vantage point.

[roll4] vs Observation 10

2023-08-28, 08:23 PM
Guess that's what he gets for being overconfident lol

Shoot Da Moon
2023-08-29, 07:49 AM
Starting structural integrity modifier: [roll0]

Mishap rolls: [roll1]

Shoot Da Moon
2023-08-29, 07:55 AM
[roll0] crushing damage to Lemus.
He can roll Acrobatics or Escape to avoid getting trapped.

If he fails this roll, getting out of the rubble requires ST or Escape roll, every attempt costs 1 FP.

Shoot Da Moon
2023-08-29, 08:01 AM
[roll0] crushing damage to Lemus.

2023-08-29, 10:28 AM
[roll0] vs 6 Escape (Default DX-6) to avoid being trapped.

2023-08-29, 10:32 AM
ST attempts to free himself, each attempt costing 1 FP til freed

[roll0] vs 15 ST

Shoot Da Moon
2023-08-30, 07:03 AM

2023-08-31, 11:46 AM
[roll]3d6[\roll] vs CR: 12 Klutz

2023-08-31, 11:48 AM
[roll0] vs CR: 12 Klutz

2023-08-31, 11:52 AM
[roll0] vs 18 Rifle (19[SL]-2[Range]+1[AOA])

2023-08-31, 12:52 PM
You go ahead and roll some damage for the bullet(s) you fired.

2023-08-31, 01:18 PM
Talking through this to make sure I have these rules right.
So AK-47 ROF is 10, but I didn't declare that he shooting at that rate before rolling. Shooting at 10 would have given a bonus to hit, so in the interest of not revising already made rolls, we'll say Lemus was shooting 4 shots, the maximum shots at +0 to hit. Initial shot hits as a critical, and with Recoil 2 and a margin of success of 14, the other 3 hit as well.

Damage Rolls,
[roll0] pi
[roll1] pi
[roll2] pi
[roll3] pi

Critical Hit Table Roll

2023-09-01, 07:25 AM
[roll0] on Perception/Observation 15
[roll1] on Climbing 11 (if required, plus or minus any modifiers)

2023-09-01, 02:39 PM
[roll0] vs 15 Stealth (any bonuses for darkness?)
[roll1] vs 10 Hearing

2023-09-03, 06:57 AM
[roll0] on Guns (Rifle) (18 skill, +1 laser, +1 bond, -7 hit location) for [roll1] pi x4

A miss by 1 hits the torso instead.

2023-09-03, 10:25 AM
[roll0] vs 10 Observation, to locate other people on the same floor

Shoot Da Moon
2023-09-04, 03:02 AM
Malf 13; [roll0]

Shoot Da Moon
2023-09-06, 05:34 AM
Secret roll;

2023-09-06, 11:41 AM
[roll0] vs 20 Rifle (19+1[Rapid Fire]), firing 5 shots

Damage Rolls for however many shots hit.
#1 (5d6+1)pi
#2 (5d6+1)pi
#3 (5d6+1)pi
#4 (5d6+1)pi
#5 (5d6+1)pi

2023-09-06, 11:43 AM
#1 [roll0]pi
#2 [roll1]pi
#3 [roll2]pi
#4 [roll3]pi
#5 [roll4]pi

Shoot Da Moon
2023-09-07, 07:41 AM
Bad guys Dodge 9+3;

2023-09-07, 10:28 AM
[roll0] vs 13 Rifle(19[skill]+1[AoA]-7[targeting head])

Kneeling posture gives a -2 to hit the torso, groin, or legs, so may as well go for the headshot. Firing one shot.

Damage [roll1]pi

Shoot Da Moon
2023-09-08, 07:33 AM
Bad guy Dodge 9, -2 for kneeling;

2023-09-08, 10:29 AM
[roll0] vs Rifle 17 (19+1[aoa]-3[range])


2023-09-08, 07:55 PM
Okay, the rangers on watch are an even split between BARs and M16s. If three saw the group of five, let's say that's one of each and one that can be either...did a coin flip IRL and it came up BAR, so two BARs and one M16. Given they were aiming while they waited for confirmation, and there's been a fair bit of shooting going on, the full aim bonus (3 seconds) seems reasonable. They're all doing regular Attack actions, not All-Out Attacks, since there's that lingering threat of snipers and they're drawing attention to themselves here (similarly, I'm not applying a brace modifier since I assume keeping out of potential sniper LoS means they're not right at the windows and able to brace on it).

The BARs are using duplex ammo, making them RoF 9x2 and using the relevant shotgun rules. As this is well within 10% of 1/2 D range (BARs are range 550/2250 after being halved by duplex ammo, and 7 to 15 yards is well under 55)...hm. Normally you multiply damage and DR by half the RoF modifier, but since half of x2 is 1, there's no damage/DR modifier - net result is that it's RoF 9 like with normal ammo, but with the duplex damage penalty and Rcl dropped to 1. Correct me if I'm wrong there, u-b. Damage-wise, they're normally 7d+1 pi and duplex applies a x0.85 modifier, which going off the rules in HT166 makes them now do 6d+1 pi.

The first BAR guy will fire a full nine-shot burst at the 7-yard pair, wasting three and ending up with three bullets on each.
Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim - 3 distance), Rcl 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] pi, [roll2] pi, [roll3] pi

Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim - 3 distance), Rcl 1: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] pi, [roll6] pi, [roll7] pi

The M16 guy will fire at the 10-yard pair. With a full RoF 13 burst, that's three wasted from the distance between them and 5 shots into each.
Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 1 RoF - 4 distance), Rcl 2: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9] pi, [roll10] pi, [roll11] pi, [roll12] pi, [roll13] pi

Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 1 RoF - 4 distance), Rcl 2: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15] pi, [roll16] pi, [roll17] pi, [roll18] pi, [roll19] pi

The final BAR guy will just try to get the furthest away guy with a three-round burst.
Skill 16 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim - 5 distance), Rcl 1: [roll20]
Damage: [roll21] pi, [roll22] pi, [roll23] pi

2023-09-09, 01:34 AM
By my calculations its RoF 9x2 for 6d after rounding. So, if you make one shot, it's 2 bullets and if you make 9 shots, it's 18 bullets.

2023-09-09, 04:40 AM
...three bullets on each.
This means you cannot end up with 3 bullets at someone. It's either 2, 4, or 6.

2023-09-09, 06:30 AM
By my calculations its RoF 9x2 for 6d after rounding. So, if you make one shot, it's 2 bullets and if you make 9 shots, it's 18 bullets.

Perhaps I misunderstood. At the beginning of the multiple projectiles section, it says "Use Shotguns and Multiple Projectiles (p. B409) to determine the number of hits.". I assumed that meant that they worked like shotguns in the sense that most ranges they do the full multiplied amount of shots, but at close range they have the normal RoF with a damage/DR multiplier based on the multiplier. I'm not sure how else to interpet B409 being referenced there.

As for the damage, to show my working (using the rules in HT166): 7d+1 damage is converted into 25.5, multiplied by 0.85 to get 21.675. Dividing by 3.5 to get dice again leaves me with 6.19 - 6 dice with a remainder of 0.19 which (as the damage is between 1 and 10 dice, and the remainder is between 0.15 and 0.42) converts to +1.

This means you cannot end up with 3 bullets at someone. It's either 2, 4, or 6.

Yeah, if the x2 is in effect then all those bullet counts should be doubled.

Shoot Da Moon
2023-09-09, 07:03 AM
[roll0] vs Rifle 17 (19+1[aoa]-3[range])


Bad Guy Dodge 9;

The first BAR guy will fire a full nine-shot burst at the 7-yard pair, wasting three and ending up with three bullets on each.
Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim - 3 distance), Rcl 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] pi, [roll2] pi, [roll3] pi

Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim - 3 distance), Rcl 1: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] pi, [roll6] pi, [roll7] pi

The M16 guy will fire at the 10-yard pair. With a full RoF 13 burst, that's three wasted from the distance between them and 5 shots into each.
Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 1 RoF - 4 distance), Rcl 2: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9] pi, [roll10] pi, [roll11] pi, [roll12] pi, [roll13] pi

Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 1 RoF - 4 distance), Rcl 2: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15] pi, [roll16] pi, [roll17] pi, [roll18] pi, [roll19] pi

The final BAR guy will just try to get the furthest away guy with a three-round burst.
Skill 16 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim - 5 distance), Rcl 1: [roll20]
Damage: [roll21] pi, [roll22] pi, [roll23] pi

Bad guys Dodge and Drop 9+3;

2023-09-09, 08:02 PM
[roll0] vs 14 Stealth

and if you need another roll for traversing the ruined building, [roll1] vs 10 Urban Survival

2023-09-10, 11:40 AM
[roll0] on Observation 15 outside (ignoring up to 3 points of range penalties)
[roll1] on Perception 15 inside

2023-09-10, 11:49 AM
[roll0] on Stealth 16 while at it

2023-09-12, 02:34 PM
A long burst at the horses. They are three hexes each, but I'm not sure how they are positioned. Shooting at least enough rounds to target each horse in the heart, with some bullets in between wasted and some targeting other parts of those same horses (please clarify the actual details).

[roll0] on Targeted Guns (Rifle) 14 (18 technique, +1 bond, +1 laser, +1 size, -7 speed/range) for [roll1] pi x3 and maybe rcl 3 for [roll2] pi
[roll3] on Targeted Guns (Rifle) 14 (18 technique, +1 bond, +1 laser, +1 size, -7 speed/range) for [roll4] pi x3 and maybe rcl 3 for [roll5] [roll6] pi
[roll7] on Targeted Guns (Rifle) 14 (18 technique, +1 bond, +1 laser, +1 size, -7 speed/range) for [roll8] pi x3 and maybe rcl 3 for [roll9] [roll10] pi
[roll11] on Targeted Guns (Rifle) 14 (18 technique, +1 bond, +1 laser, +1 size, -7 speed/range) for [roll12] pi x3 and maybe rcl 3 for [roll13] pi

A miss by 1 hits the torso instead of vitals.

Shoot Da Moon
2023-09-13, 03:52 PM
The horses are all 2 yards apart from one another.
The horses are SM +1.

Anyway, here are their Dodge rolls;

2023-09-13, 04:08 PM
[roll0] on Observation 15

2023-09-14, 03:21 AM
By how many yards are the swordsmen spread out? Lemus is going to spray fire at all 3 if they are close enough not lose all his shots moving aim between targets.

Shot at First Target
[roll0] vs 18 Rifle (19[skill]+1[aoa]-2[range])

Shot at Second Target
[roll2] vs 17 Rifle (19[skill]+1[aoa]-3[range])

Shot at Third Target
[roll4] vs 16 Rifle (19[skill]+1[aoa]-4[range])

Shoot Da Moon
2023-09-14, 11:02 AM
Swordsmen have 5 to 7 yards between each other.
2 bullets lost per target.

Dodge rolls, diving for cover, 9+3;

Shoot Da Moon
2023-09-22, 08:21 PM
Grenades explosion damage;
cr ex plus [roll]2d cut frags
cr ex plus [roll]2d cut frags

Shoot Da Moon
2023-09-22, 08:21 PM
[roll0] cut frags
[roll1] cut frags

2023-09-23, 12:55 PM
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Observation 15 outside (ignoring up to 3 points of range penalties)
[roll2] on Perception 15 inside

2023-09-25, 03:19 AM
A burst of 7 rounds, three of which at the cargo and the rest at the men. Supposing some or all of them have cover relative to Sean, but are close enough that no rounds are wasted.

[roll0] on Guns (Rifle) 15 (18 skill, +1 bond, +1 laser, +1 determined, +1 size, +1 braced, -8 speed/range) rcl 3 for [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] pi
[roll4] on Targeted Guns (Rifle) 11? (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 laser, +1 determined, +1 braced, -8 speed/range, -2 cover?) for [roll5] pi x3
[roll6] on Targeted Guns (Rifle) 11? (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 laser, +1 determined, +1 braced, -8 speed/range, -2 cover?) for [roll7] pi x3
[roll8] on Targeted Guns (Rifle) 11? (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 laser, +1 determined, +1 braced, -8 speed/range, -2 cover?) for [roll9] pi x3
[roll10] on Targeted Guns (Rifle) 11? (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 laser, +1 determined, +1 braced, -8 speed/range, -2 cover?) for [roll11] pi x3

A miss by 1 hits the torso instead of vitals.

2023-09-26, 09:23 PM
[roll0] vs 15 (19skill-4range)


2023-09-28, 01:38 PM
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Observation 15 outside (ignoring up to 3 points of range penalties)
[roll2] on Perception 15 inside

2023-10-01, 09:38 AM
Preception 15 to navigate up the building: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

2023-10-01, 09:39 AM
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Observation 15 outside (ignoring up to 3 points of range penalties)

[roll2] on Stealth 16
[roll3] on Observation 15 outside (ignoring up to 3 points of range penalties)

[roll4] on Stealth 16
[roll5] on Observation 15 outside (ignoring up to 3 points of range penalties)

2023-10-03, 02:52 AM
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Observation 15
[roll2] on Guns (Rifle) 13 (18 skill, +1 bond, +1 laser, +6 acc, -5 head, -8 range) for [roll3] pi

[roll4] on Stealth 16
[roll5] on Observation 15
[roll6] on Guns (Rifle) 13 (18 skill, +1 bond, +1 laser, +6 acc, -5 head, -8 range) for [roll7] pi

A miss by 1 hits the torso instead.

[roll8] on Observation 15 (ignoring up to 3 points of range penalties)

2023-10-03, 09:11 PM
[roll0] vs 10 Observation

2023-10-11, 10:45 AM
Preception 15 to navigate up the building: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

[roll3] on Stealth 16
[roll4] on Observation 15 (ignoring up to 3 points of range penalties)

2023-10-12, 07:53 AM
A fully-aimed five-round burst at where there might be the vitals...

[roll0] on Targeted Guns (Rifle) 27 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 laser, +1 determined, +1 braced, +6 acc, +3 scope, +2 aim, +1 RoF, -8 range, +2 size) rcl 3 for [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] pi x3

2023-10-12, 02:49 PM
Aimed shot, using a HEDP shell (these are the improved TL8 shells and not the TL7 ones, correct?)

vs Grenade Launcher 13 (default skill 15[Rifle-4]+1acc+1aoa+1braced+1integrated sight-8range+2SM)

Impact damage:[roll]7d(10)cr ex
Linked damage: 6d[2d]cr ex

2023-10-12, 02:50 PM
Impact damage:[roll0](10)cr ex
Linked damage: [roll1][[roll2]]cr ex

2023-10-12, 04:18 PM
So the men with Sean have M16s, targeting the eyes with 9-shot bursts (they're at the final skill level where that extra +1 could do a lot of work, pushing up from 9 to 10).

Skill 10 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 2 RoF + 2 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 8 distance - 9 location): , Rcl 2
Damage (x4 wound mult, blinds if damage > HP/10): [roll1] pi, [roll2] pi, [roll3] pi, [roll4] pi

Skill 10 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 2 RoF + 2 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 8 distance - 9 location): [roll5], Rcl 2
Damage (x4 wound mult, blinds if damage > 1/10 of HP): [roll6] pi, [roll7] pi, [roll8] pi, [roll9] pi

Now the BAR guys. If I understood the conversation in the OOC right, we're just having the duplex do the proper x2 all the time, so they'll fire a 5-round burst which gets doubled up to effective RoF 10. The BAR guys have comms, so they can coordinate going for different legs easy enough (so if they both get a major wound, they'll cripple both legs).

Skill 17 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 2 RoF + 2 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 8 distance - 2 location): [roll10], Rcl 1
Damage (damage capped at 1/2 HP, but major wounds cripple the leg): [roll]6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi

Skill 17 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 2 RoF + 2 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 8 distance - 2 location): [roll11], Rcl 1
Damage (damage capped at 1/2 HP, but major wounds cripple the leg): 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi, 6d+1 pi

2023-10-12, 04:20 PM
Oh whoops, forgot to turn gurps notation into actual dice rolls for the BAR damage.

First guy got eight hits, so:
[roll0] pi, [roll1] pi, [roll2] pi, [roll3] pi, [roll4] pi, [roll5] pi, [roll6] pi, [roll7] pi

Second guy got five:
[roll8] pi, [roll9] pi, [roll10] pi, [roll11] pi, [roll12] pi

2023-10-13, 12:12 AM
One eye could be hit. If so, "Injury over HP/10 blinds the eye. Otherwise, treat as skull, but without the extra DR!" so that the creature will have One Eye disadvantage and the wounding modifier would be x4 if there is the brain.

AdamSpeg, please also roll fragmentation to-hit rolls. It is skill 15 rcl 3 to hit with fragments, modified only by size (+2) and range (+0), +1 fragment for direct impact (the damage for it is already rolled), each doing 2d6 cut. Yes, these are TL8 grenades.

2023-10-13, 01:02 AM
[roll0] vs 17 Fragmentation

2023-10-13, 01:03 AM
So only 2 fragments hit, this one and the direct impact one. Shame.

Damage for second fragment [roll0]

2023-10-14, 02:01 AM
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Observation 15 (ignoring up to 3 points of range penalties)

2023-10-18, 01:39 PM
Observing from the outside:
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Perception 15

Choosing an entry point (maybe a door or an empty window, if any) and a "safe" place inside, entering, moving to target place and listening there:
[roll2] on Tactics 12
[roll3] on Stealth 16
[roll4] on Perception 15

2023-10-18, 02:44 PM
[roll0] vs Observation 10
[roll1] vs Tactics 9
[roll2] vs Stealth 13

2023-10-22, 11:58 PM
[roll0] on Observation 15 (if applicable; ignoring up to 3 points of range penalties and up to 6 darkness penalties)

2023-10-23, 04:15 AM
[roll0] vs Climbing 10 (11 Skill-1 Encumbrance)

2023-10-27, 07:18 AM
[roll0] on Throwing 17 (11 skill, +2 aim, +4 hex)
[roll1] on Climbing 13(?) (11 skill, -2 rope-up, +2(?) bracing against a wall, +2 at speed of 5 ft/min)

2023-10-27, 07:30 AM
Okay, that's a good throw, so let's suppose the grapnel caught something solid and the rope runs down roughly along a side of a window (left or right, I presume no big difference). It might be spotted if people are paying attention and the landing of the grapnel itself can be heard by an unmodified roll at 4 yards (but the closed windows likely further affect it).

Sean climbs parallel to the window, then leans a bit to peek inside.

[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Perception and Per-based Traps 15

If nothing preventing the following is seen, he'll then break the window to get inside, fast and legs first.

2023-10-27, 09:36 AM
(3d6)[10] on Throwing 17 (11 skill, +2 aim, +4 hex)
...and I forgot to apply range. That's -5 for a total of 12, so still a hit.

2023-10-30, 01:41 PM
Attempting to lob a pre-cooked M67 grenade somewhere near the center of the roof of the hotel:

[roll0] on Throwing 10 (11 skill, +4 hex, +2 aim, -7 range) with scatter [roll1]

Concussion damage [roll2] divided by 3 for every hex of range
Fragmentation attack [roll3] on effective skill 15 modified by range rcl 3 for [roll4] [roll5] [roll6]

2023-10-30, 01:46 PM
Oh, and it goes "boom" after [roll0] rounds after going live...

2023-10-30, 01:50 PM
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Observation 15

2023-10-30, 01:55 PM
Fragmentation attack (3d6)[6] on effective skill 15 modified by range rcl 3 for (2d6)[10] (2d6)[5] (2d6)[11]
This is cutting damage to hit locations [roll0] [roll1] and [roll2]

2023-10-30, 01:57 PM
This is cutting damage to hit locations (3d6)[6] (3d6)[9] and (3d6)[12]
Which are right leg, torso and left arm, in that order.

2023-10-30, 03:48 PM
[roll0] vs Observation 10

2023-11-06, 07:03 AM
[roll0] on Observation 15
[roll1] on Architecture 7 (plus-minus any modifiers)

2023-11-08, 03:08 AM
[roll0] on Climbing 14(?) (11 skill, -1 rope-up, +2(?) bracing against a wall, +2 at speed of 7.5 ft/min)

2023-11-08, 03:11 AM
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Observation 15
[roll2] on Tracking 13

2023-11-08, 03:18 AM
(3d6)[14] on Tracking 13
It is +6 against a group of men and -6 for urban area, so would be a fail, unless there is not pavement where the people were leaving the building, where it would be dirt or grassland. Sean does not intend to follow the tracks at the moment, only count and examine them, so just a small tramped patch under some window would possibly do.

2023-11-09, 01:45 PM
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Perception and Per-based Traps 15

2023-11-11, 03:17 AM
[roll0] on Perception up to 15 (not included are -5 for range and -4 for smoke)

If Sean sees nothing, he'll command a tactical retreat.

2023-11-11, 02:01 PM
[roll0] vs Grenade Launcher 12 (default skill 15[Rifle-4]+1aoa+1integrated sight-5range)

2023-11-11, 02:04 PM
An extra +4 for aiming at a hex, but anyway with Rcl 2 that lands all three grenades in one place. Roll for concussion and fragmentation in case something's there?

2023-11-11, 02:31 PM
Grenade 1 [roll0] vs 15 Fragmentation
Grenade 2 [roll1] vs 15 Fragmentation

Flashbang is a HT-5 roll to avoid being stunned for anyone who was within 10yds of targeted hex.

Shoot Da Moon
2023-11-14, 05:21 AM
HT -5 roll; [roll0]

2023-11-15, 10:31 AM
[roll0] on Piloting 13 (the aircraft has gyroscopes and collision avoidance, so should have some stability rating or so to avoid major mishaps)
[roll1] on Observation 15 (plus x8 digital zoom, minus 20..50+ yards of range, repeated as needed)

2023-11-15, 11:01 AM
The drone will have the same range modifiers and -10 size modifier, but it is in plain view if you are looking. It is solid light gray, good for maybe +1 camouflage relative to WHAT. It's 8 yards distance for hearing +0 rolls, so will be at -2..-3 Hearing to notice if directly above.

Shoot Da Moon
2023-11-16, 01:12 PM
Certain relevant rolls;


2023-11-17, 02:16 PM
[roll0] on Piloting 13 to land the drone

Shoot Da Moon
2023-11-18, 12:16 PM
Drone takes [roll0] crushing damage before DR.

2023-11-18, 01:48 PM
Supposing the drone has 1 point of DR for some sturdy plastic, and 4 hit points for its 1-pound weight, that would be one HT roll to avoid being destroyed assuming damage is calculated correctly, which I'm not sure it is. According to B431 a fall from 10 yards connects at a velocity of 15, doing and taking 4 * 15 / 100 * 2 dice of crushing damage (HP * velocity / 100 * hitting an immovable hard object), which would be 1d after rounding.

So I am rolling either [roll0] on HT or [roll1] damage.

2023-11-18, 01:49 PM
So, either destroyed or disabled, depending on whose damage is correct.

Shoot Da Moon
2023-11-19, 12:00 PM
Well, I was basing fall damage on the chart in AtE 2. But we can do Basic Set rules for velocity, if you feel that would be smart.

2023-11-19, 12:20 PM
AtE2 says those are pre-calcs for roughly human-sized thingies to simplify the math, so the drone survives. Will post IC soon, but meanwhile do other players want specific details to have been spotted before the drone went down?

Shoot Da Moon
2023-11-20, 11:00 AM
AtE2 says those are pre-calcs for roughly human-sized thingies to simplify the math, so the drone survives. Will post IC soon, but meanwhile do other players want specific details to have been spotted before the drone went down?

Okay, the drone survives but will be damaged a bit. Remind yourself that you may repair it later.

2023-11-25, 09:54 AM
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Perception/Observation 15

2023-11-25, 02:12 PM
Lemus stands a few yards away from the door and fires a high explosive round.

[roll0] vs Grenade Launcher 15 (default skill 15[Rifle-4]+1aoa+1integrated sight-2range)

2023-11-25, 02:27 PM
I think Sean has ample opportunity to warn Lemus that the minimum range to shoot a grenade is 15 yards, both because of frag and fuse reasons.

Shoot Da Moon
2023-11-26, 11:40 AM
Yeah, don't worry, Lemus has enough skill with the weapon to know how to operate it properly.

The real problem is that the noise and property damage may have consequences.

And the door may not be destroyed by just one grenade...

2023-11-26, 11:55 PM
Damage against the door

Impact damage: [roll0]
Linked Explosion damage: [roll1]

[roll2] vs Fragmentation 17

2023-11-26, 11:56 PM
Fragmentation damage 1: [roll0]
Fragmentation damage 2: [roll1]

2023-11-27, 03:16 PM
Lemus fires a second explosive.

[roll0] vs Grenade Launcher 12 (default skill 15[Rifle-4]+1aoa+1integrated sight-5range)

Impact damage: [roll1]
Linked Explosion damage: [roll2]
[roll3] vs Fragmentation 17

2023-11-29, 02:33 PM
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Perception/Observation 16 (15 skill, +1 extra time)
[roll2] on Traps (Per) 16 (15 skill, +1 extra time)

2023-12-01, 10:23 AM
[roll0] on Observation 16 (15 skill, +1 extra time; up to 3 of range penalties negated)

Shoot Da Moon
2023-12-04, 04:51 AM
Making a reaction roll (modifiers secret)...


2023-12-05, 02:54 PM
Wonder if Lemus is more familiar with these kinds of groups than Sean the vault dweller.

[roll0] vs 6 Area Knowledge

2023-12-06, 06:14 AM
[roll0] on Observation 15 concerning total weight of explosives and if there is any fragmentation coming with that

2023-12-13, 10:04 AM
Conditional shot vs the wire connecting the bomb to what not. The wire might be thinner, but using the bullet diameter. Sean does not object if this hits the man, but if he has the option, he'll choose it not to. He stronbly prefers not hitting the bomb.

[roll0] Guns(Rifle) 13 (18 skill, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, +6 acc, +3 scope, +2 aim, +1 determined, -7 range, -14+2 size for a circle of 0.3") for [roll1] pi

2023-12-13, 02:22 PM
If Sean's shot is triggered, Lemus will fire as well, but just aiming to hit the man directly.

[roll0] vs 15 Rifle (19skill+1aoa+2aim-7range)

2023-12-14, 11:12 AM
[roll0] on Dodge and Drop 12 against Sean's attack

Shoot Da Moon
2023-12-15, 08:28 AM
Alright, since Lemus is shooting too, I'll roll another Dodge and Drop;

2023-12-17, 01:14 PM
[roll0] Guns(Rifle) 16 (18 skill, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, +6 acc, -7 range, -3 posture) rcl 3 for [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] pi

2023-12-17, 07:34 PM
[roll0] vs Rifle 10 (19skill+1aoa-7range-3posture)

Shoot Da Moon
2023-12-18, 04:28 AM
Bad guy Dodge 9 -3 crawling;

Shoot Da Moon
2023-12-18, 04:33 AM
dead man's switch explosion;

cr ex [plus [roll]1d cut fragments]

Shoot Da Moon
2023-12-18, 04:34 AM
[roll0] cut fragments

Ball bearings aren't the most effective fragmentation bits.

2023-12-20, 09:44 AM
[roll0] Observation 16(?) (15 skill, +3 optics, +6(?) for at least a minute, -8(?) range)

2023-12-20, 07:43 PM
[roll0] vs Observation 10

2023-12-23, 03:29 PM
One long burst starting at the driver's heart and then continuing through the rest of the van. I'm rolling as two separate attacks of 5 rounds each even if driver is inside the van. Otherwise, we can use only the first roll for 10 rounds, just counting all rounds over the driver's modifiers and under the van's modifiers as hitting the rest of the van. Please choose which it is before you open the spoiler. In either case, the goal is to primarily hit the cargo/passengers, even if those are unseen, not to damage any systems.

[roll0] Targeted Guns (Rifle) 14 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, +6 acc, +3 scope, +2 aim, +1 determined, +1 RoF, -12 speed/range, -2 posture, -2 cover, -2 window/glare) rcl 3 for [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] etc. pi x3
[roll4] Guns (Rifle) 14 (18 skill, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, +1 determined, +1 RoF, -12 speed/range, +4 size) rcl 3 for [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9] pi
Rolling to possibly hit the occupants as per B555: [roll10] [roll11] [roll12] [roll13] [roll14]

2023-12-23, 03:32 PM
So, two possible hits at the driver, one in the vitals and one in the torso.

2023-12-23, 03:39 PM
As per HT158, they have +1..2 to their hearing to hear the burst before considering closed windows and noise. I'm also rolling the following in case it's relevant, though Sean is just inside of some room a few feet away from a window:
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Camouflage 14

2023-12-23, 05:08 PM
Lemus aims and lights the van up, firing 5 shots throughout the vehicle's passenger bay.

[roll0] vs Rifle 20 (19 Skill+1 braced+6acc+1aoa+1rof+4size-12speed/range)

rcl 2, damage for each shot

chance to hit occupants

2023-12-23, 05:09 PM
First 3 shots out of 5 hit, decent chances to hit occupants depending on how many people are in there.

2023-12-26, 01:16 PM
[roll0] Observation 8(?) (15 skill, +3 optics, +2 for 4 seconds, -12 range) vs Camouflage or Stealth?

2023-12-28, 11:41 PM
Sorry, holiday stuff and recent illness meant I was a little out of it here.

Okay, so Sean sent back one guy to guard the cars again, seems reasonable to say that was a non-GL M16. That leaves the two shotgunners (looks like they've just got shot, so they won't be joining in shooting at a vehicle at range), all seven BARs, and five M16s (2 w/ GLs, 3 without). Range is 125 yards from where the rangers are plotted up, far as I can tell, and timing-wise they've got a full aim and then four seconds to act, allowing for shooting in the first second, aiming for two more and then firing again. Since they're set up in/around one of the buildings, assuming that they can brace.

Let's go with two nine-shot bursts from the M16s, and two five-shot (doubled up to effectively ten with duplex) bursts from the BARs.

M16s, burst 1:
Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll0], Rcl 2
Damage: [roll1] pi, [roll2] pi, [roll3] pi, [roll4] pi, [roll5] pi, [roll6] pi, [roll7] pi, [roll8] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll9], [roll10], [roll11], [roll12], [roll13], [roll14], [roll15], [roll16]

Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll17], Rcl 2
Damage: [roll18] pi, [roll19] pi, [roll20] pi, [roll21] pi, [roll22] pi, [roll23] pi, [roll24] pi, [roll25] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll26], [roll27], [roll28], [roll29], [roll30], [roll31], [roll32], [roll33]

Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll34], Rcl 2
Damage: [roll35] pi, [roll36] pi, [roll37] pi, [roll38] pi, [roll39] pi, [roll40] pi, [roll41] pi, [roll42] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll43], [roll44], [roll45], [roll46], [roll47], [roll48], [roll49], [roll50]

Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll51], Rcl 2
Damage: [roll52] pi, [roll53] pi, [roll54] pi, [roll55] pi, [roll56] pi, [roll57] pi, [roll58] pi, [roll59] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll60], [roll61], [roll62], [roll63], [roll64], [roll65], [roll66], [roll67]

Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll68], Rcl 2
Damage: [roll69] pi, [roll70] pi, [roll71] pi, [roll72] pi, [roll73] pi, [roll74] pi, [roll75] pi, [roll76] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll77], [roll78], [roll79], [roll80], [roll81], [roll82], [roll83], [roll84]

BARs, burst 1:
Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll85], Rcl 1
Damage: [roll86] pi, [roll87] pi, [roll88] pi, [roll89] pi, [roll90] pi, [roll91] pi, [roll92] pi, [roll93] pi, [roll94] pi, [roll95] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll96], [roll97], [roll98], [roll99], [roll100], [roll101], [roll102], [roll103], [roll104], [roll105]

Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll106], Rcl 1
Damage: [roll107] pi, [roll108] pi, [roll109] pi, [roll110] pi, [roll111] pi, [roll112] pi, [roll113] pi, [roll114] pi, [roll115] pi, [roll116] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll117], [roll118], [roll119], [roll120], [roll121], [roll122], [roll123], [roll124], [roll125], [roll126]

Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll127], Rcl 1
Damage: [roll128] pi, [roll129] pi, [roll130] pi, [roll131] pi, [roll132] pi, [roll133] pi, [roll134] pi, [roll135] pi, [roll136] pi, [roll137] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll138], [roll139], [roll140], [roll141], [roll142], [roll143], [roll144], [roll145], [roll146], [roll147]

Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll148], Rcl 1
Damage: [roll149] pi, [roll150] pi, [roll151] pi, [roll152] pi, [roll153] pi, [roll154] pi, [roll155] pi, [roll156] pi, [roll157] pi, [roll158] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll159], [roll160], [roll161], [roll162], [roll163], [roll164], [roll165], [roll166], [roll167], [roll168]

Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll169], Rcl 1
Damage: [roll170] pi, [roll171] pi, [roll172] pi, [roll173] pi, [roll174] pi, [roll175] pi, [roll176] pi, [roll177] pi, [roll178] pi, [roll179] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll180], [roll181], [roll182], [roll183], [roll184], [roll185], [roll186], [roll187], [roll188], [roll189]

Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll190], Rcl 1
Damage: [roll191] pi, [roll192] pi, [roll193] pi, [roll194] pi, [roll195] pi, [roll196] pi, [roll197] pi, [roll198] pi, [roll199] pi, [roll200] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll201], [roll202], [roll203], [roll204], [roll205], [roll206], [roll207], [roll208], [roll209], [roll210]

Skill 18 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 2 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll211], Rcl 1
Damage: [roll212] pi, [roll213] pi, [roll214] pi, [roll215] pi, [roll216] pi, [roll217] pi, [roll218] pi, [roll219] pi, [roll220] pi, [roll221] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll222], [roll223], [roll224], [roll225], [roll226], [roll227], [roll228], [roll229], [roll230], [roll231]

Gonna do burst two in a new post - I'm currently phone-only for a bit after some tech problems and finding my place in a long roll-heavy post is hell on mobile.

2023-12-28, 11:45 PM
I really should've used spoiler tags there, huh.

M16s, burst 2:

Skill 17 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 1 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll0], Rcl 2
Damage: [roll1] pi, [roll2] pi, [roll3] pi, [roll4] pi, [roll5] pi, [roll6] pi, [roll7] pi, [roll8] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll9], [roll10], [roll11], [roll12], [roll13], [roll14], [roll15], [roll16]

Skill 17 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 1 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll17], Rcl 2
Damage: [roll18] pi, [roll19] pi, [roll20] pi, [roll21] pi, [roll22] pi, [roll23] pi, [roll24] pi, [roll25] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll26], [roll27], [roll28], [roll29], [roll30], [roll31], [roll32], [roll33]

Skill 17 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 1 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll34], Rcl 2
Damage: [roll35] pi, [roll36] pi, [roll37] pi, [roll38] pi, [roll39] pi, [roll40] pi, [roll41] pi, [roll42] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll43], [roll44], [roll45], [roll46], [roll47], [roll48], [roll49], [roll50]

Skill 17 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 1 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll51], Rcl 2
Damage: [roll52] pi, [roll53] pi, [roll54] pi, [roll55] pi, [roll56] pi, [roll57] pi, [roll58] pi, [roll59] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll60], [roll61], [roll62], [roll63], [roll64], [roll65], [roll66], [roll67]

Skill 17 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 1 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll68], Rcl 2
Damage: [roll69] pi, [roll70] pi, [roll71] pi, [roll72] pi, [roll73] pi, [roll74] pi, [roll75] pi, [roll76] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll77], [roll78], [roll79], [roll80], [roll81], [roll82], [roll83], [roll84]

BARs, burst 1:

Skill 17 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 1 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll85], Rcl 1
Damage: [roll86] pi, [roll87] pi, [roll88] pi, [roll89] pi, [roll90] pi, [roll91] pi, [roll92] pi, [roll93] pi, [roll94] pi, [roll95] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll96], [roll97], [roll98], [roll99], [roll100], [roll101], [roll102], [roll103], [roll104], [roll105]

Skill 17 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 1 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll106], Rcl 1
Damage: [roll107] pi, [roll108] pi, [roll109] pi, [roll110] pi, [roll111] pi, [roll112] pi, [roll113] pi, [roll114] pi, [roll115] pi, [roll116] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll117], [roll118], [roll119], [roll120], [roll121], [roll122], [roll123], [roll124], [roll125], [roll126]

Skill 17 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 1 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll127], Rcl 1
Damage: [roll128] pi, [roll129] pi, [roll130] pi, [roll131] pi, [roll132] pi, [roll133] pi, [roll134] pi, [roll135] pi, [roll136] pi, [roll137] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll138], [roll139], [roll140], [roll141], [roll142], [roll143], [roll144], [roll145], [roll146], [roll147]

Skill 17 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 1 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll148], Rcl 1
Damage: [roll149] pi, [roll150] pi, [roll151] pi, [roll152] pi, [roll153] pi, [roll154] pi, [roll155] pi, [roll156] pi, [roll157] pi, [roll158] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll159], [roll160], [roll161], [roll162], [roll163], [roll164], [roll165], [roll166], [roll167], [roll168]

Skill 17 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 1 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll169], Rcl 1
Damage: [roll170] pi, [roll171] pi, [roll172] pi, [roll173] pi, [roll174] pi, [roll175] pi, [roll176] pi, [roll177] pi, [roll178] pi, [roll179] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll180], [roll181], [roll182], [roll183], [roll184], [roll185], [roll186], [roll187], [roll188], [roll189]

Skill 17 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 1 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll190], Rcl 1
Damage: [roll191] pi, [roll192] pi, [roll193] pi, [roll194] pi, [roll195] pi, [roll196] pi, [roll197] pi, [roll198] pi, [roll199] pi, [roll200] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll201], [roll202], [roll203], [roll204], [roll205], [roll206], [roll207], [roll208], [roll209], [roll210]

Skill 17 (Guns 13 + 1 sight + 5 accuracy + 1 aim + 2 RoF + 4 size + 1 AoA + 1 braced - 11 distance): [roll211], Rcl 1
Damage: [roll212] pi, [roll213] pi, [roll214] pi, [roll215] pi, [roll216] pi, [roll217] pi, [roll218] pi, [roll219] pi, [roll220] pi, [roll221] pi
Occupant hit chance if successful: [roll222], [roll223], [roll224], [roll225], [roll226], [roll227], [roll228], [roll229], [roll230], [roll231]

2023-12-28, 11:46 PM
Lemus follows direction and fires another 5 shots into the van's cargo area. After this burst, Lemus has 19 rounds left in this current magazine.

[roll0] vs Rifle 20 (19 Skill+1 braced+6acc+1aoa+1rof+4size-12speed/range)

rcl 2, damage for each shot

chance to hit occupants

2023-12-29, 12:53 AM
Shooting the last five rounds in one burst:

[roll0] Guns (Rifle) 15 (18 skill, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, +6 acc, +3 scope, +2 aim, +1 determined, +1 RoF, -12 speed/range, -2 posture, -2 cover, -2 window/glare) rcl 3 for [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] etc. pi x3

2023-12-29, 12:55 AM
[roll0] Observation 8(?) (15 skill, +3 optics, +2 for 4 seconds, -12 range) vs Camouflage or Stealth?

2024-01-02, 09:49 AM
Sean shots at the last bike to the north, hoping the bikers do not notice the shots and the ones ahead of him will be slow to react to the events behind them. If there are two men on the bike, the hits might overpenetrate to the second one.

[roll0] Targeted Guns (Rifle) 13 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, +6 acc, +1 determined, -11 speed/range, -2 posture) rcl 3 for [roll1] [roll2] pi x3

A miss by 1 hits the torso instead.

2024-01-04, 01:45 PM
Militia men targeting bike 2 south-east (they leave bike 1 to the ranger):

[roll0] Guns (Rifle) 10 (13 skill, +6 acc, +1 scope, +1 brace, +1 determined, -10 speed/range, -2 sitting) for [roll1]
[roll2] Guns (Rifle) 10 (13 skill, +6 acc, +1 scope, +1 brace, +1 determined, -10 speed/range, -2 sitting) for [roll3]

2024-01-04, 01:54 PM
Lemus fires a short burst at the middle biker to the north:

[roll0] vs Rifle 15 (19 Skill+1 braced+6acc+1aoa+1rof-11speed/range-2posture) rcl 2 for [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] pi

2024-01-08, 02:11 PM
A ranger targeting bike 1 south-east with a 5-round (10-bullet) burst:

[roll0] Guns (Rifle) 12 (13 skill, +6 acc, +1 sight, +1 brace, +1 determined, +2 RoF, -10 speed/range, -2 sitting) Rcl 1 for [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] etc.

2024-01-08, 02:38 PM
Correction: the above is against a skill of 11 (BARs are Reliable, but not Accurate).

Five BAR Rangers in the SE house targeting each one of north, east, north-east, west, south-west with bursts of 9 rounds (18 bullets) each:

[roll0] Guns (Rifle) 12 (13 skill, +5 acc, +1 sight, +1 brace, +1 determined, +4 RoF, -11 speed/range, -2 sitting) Rcl 1 for [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] etc.
[roll5] Guns (Rifle) 12 (13 skill, +5 acc, +1 sight, +1 brace, +1 determined, +4 RoF, -11 speed/range, -2 sitting) Rcl 1 for [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9] etc.
[roll10] Guns (Rifle) 12 (13 skill, +5 acc, +1 sight, +1 brace, +1 determined, +4 RoF, -11 speed/range, -2 sitting) Rcl 1 for [roll11] [roll12] [roll13] [roll14] etc.
[roll15] Guns (Rifle) 12 (13 skill, +5 acc, +1 sight, +1 brace, +1 determined, +4 RoF, -11 speed/range, -2 sitting) Rcl 1 for [roll16] [roll17] [roll18] [roll19] etc.
[roll20] Guns (Rifle) 12 (13 skill, +5 acc, +1 sight, +1 brace, +1 determined, +4 RoF, -11 speed/range, -2 sitting) Rcl 1 for [roll21] [roll22] [roll23] [roll24] etc.

Rangers officer with a BAR in the SE house targeting another south-west with a burst of 9 rounds (18 bullets):

[roll25] Guns (Rifle) 14 (15 skill, +5 acc, +1 sight, +1 brace, +1 determined, +4 RoF, -11 speed/range, -2 sitting) Rcl 1 for [roll26] [roll27] [roll28] [roll29] etc.

Two M16s in the SE house targeting one biker to the north with long bursts of 13:

[roll30] Guns (Rifle) 11 (13 skill, +5 acc, +1 sight, +1 brace, +1 determined, +3 RoF, -11 speed/range, -2 sitting) Rcl 2 for [roll31] [roll32] [roll33] [roll34] etc.
[roll35] Guns (Rifle) 11 (13 skill, +5 acc, +1 sight, +1 brace, +1 determined, +3 RoF, -11 speed/range, -2 sitting) Rcl 2 for [roll36] [roll37] [roll38] [roll39] etc.

Two M16s in the SE house targeting one biker to the east with long bursts of 13:

[roll40] Guns (Rifle) 11 (13 skill, +5 acc, +1 sight, +1 brace, +1 determined, +3 RoF, -11 speed/range, -2 sitting) Rcl 2 for [roll41] [roll42] [roll43] [roll44] etc.
[roll45] Guns (Rifle) 11 (13 skill, +5 acc, +1 sight, +1 brace, +1 determined, +3 RoF, -11 speed/range, -2 sitting) Rcl 2 for [roll46] [roll47] [roll48] [roll49] etc.

Two M16s in the SE house targeting two bikers to the west and south-west, but shooting them with long bursts of 13 only if BAR rangers miss them:

[roll50] Guns (Rifle) 11 (13 skill, +5 acc, +1 sight, +1 brace, +1 determined, +3 RoF, -11 speed/range, -2 sitting) Rcl 2 for [roll51] [roll52] [roll53] [roll54] etc.
[roll55] Guns (Rifle) 11 (13 skill, +5 acc, +1 sight, +1 brace, +1 determined, +3 RoF, -11 speed/range, -2 sitting) Rcl 2 for [roll56] [roll57] [roll58] [roll59] etc.

All of the stuff above is against the bikers, not bikes, and might leave the bikes intact and/or overpenetrate into passengers.

2024-01-08, 02:40 PM
Okay, I think that should get all the bike drivers at least unconcious, not necessarily all of them dead and not sure about the passengers. The conditional M16 shots are NOT taken.

2024-01-08, 02:43 PM
Correction: M16 damage rolls:

[roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

[roll4] [roll5] [roll6]

2024-01-15, 10:44 AM
Bart handles the doggies.

[roll0] on Animal Handling (Dogs) 12

2024-01-15, 10:53 AM
One dog is with Bart, the other goes to find the prospective survivor:

[roll0] on Tracking ~20 (13 skill, +4 discriminatory smell, +3 following a man, +/- terrain and fresh blood)
[roll1] on Perception 12 (to resolve the visual contact distance)

2024-01-15, 10:57 AM
Sean following a visual distance behind the dog, but no more than about 25 yards while the men are further away:

[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Perception/Observation 15

2024-01-18, 01:30 PM
[roll0] on Animal Handling (Dogs) 12
[roll1] on Dog's Perception 12

[roll2] on Sean's Stealth 16
[roll3] on Sean's Perception/Observation 15

2024-01-28, 01:02 PM
[roll0] on Camouflage 13 (14 skill, +2(?) camouflage net, -3 size)

2024-01-28, 01:06 PM
[roll0] NBC Suit 12 (11 skill, +1 extra time)

2024-01-28, 01:07 PM
[roll0] on Traps (Per) 15

2024-01-29, 01:44 PM
[roll0] Traps 14 (12 skill, +2 extra time)

2024-01-30, 01:34 PM
[roll0] on Tracking 14? (13 skill, +3 following a man, +X for him bleeding, up to -6 for terrain but likely -2 in well-trampled earth tunnel)

2024-01-30, 01:44 PM
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Observation 15
[roll2] on Traps (Per) 15

2024-02-01, 12:13 AM
Sean goes through the tunnel alone.

[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Perception/Observation 15

2024-02-02, 04:26 AM
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Lockpicking 13(?) (11 skill, +2 extra time, -X difficulty)

2024-02-02, 04:28 AM
[roll0] on Perception/Observation 15

2024-02-05, 09:43 AM
[roll0] on Perception/Observation 15
[roll1] on Stealth 16

2024-02-06, 05:53 AM
[roll0] on Traps (Per)
[roll1] on Perception/Observation 15
[roll2] on Stealth 16

2024-02-09, 07:11 AM
[roll0] Fast-Draw (Long Arm) 12

2024-02-09, 07:26 AM
Sean is too much in a rush to attempt to determine the optimal targeting (through or around the armor), so does what he usually does, just making sure he shoots a lot of bullets (11 total, which is almost full RoF).

[roll0] Targeted Guns (Rifle) 18 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, -1 range) rcl 3 for [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] x3
[roll4] Targeted Guns (Rifle) 16 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, -3 range) rcl 3 for [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] x3
[roll8] Targeted Guns (Rifle) 15 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, -4 range) rcl 3 for [roll9] [roll10] [roll11] x3

A miss by 1 hits the torso instead.

2024-02-09, 07:38 AM
I don't have the latest sheet for Lemus right now and will have to look, but assuming DX of 12, his NBC suit skill would be 7 and at this skill he would operate all weapons, including M32A1.

[roll0] Guns (GL) 12? (7 skill cap, +1 integrated collimating sight, +1 bracing?, +2 aim, +1 determined, +4 targeting a hex, -4 range)

2024-02-09, 07:39 AM
Scatter (1 means forward, then clockwise): [roll0]

2024-02-09, 07:51 AM
The original target was something like 10 yards into the room. The hit comes 2..3 yards shorter than intended at most, and maybe even less if there is something between the door and there. This gets the 40mm grenade through the door and into the room, at least, and covers all three men Sean was shooting at, possibly among others (radius 10 yards). Anyone in the area of effect has to roll HT-5 or be stunned. It also can affect Sean, but he has protected senses.

[roll0] on HT 17 (12 HT, -5 difficulty, +5 protected vision, +5 protected hearing)

Then there is smoke for -4 to vision and attacks. It's not terribly pleasant to breathe, including for Sean, but that has no major effect.

2024-02-09, 07:58 AM
[roll0] on Observation 15

2024-02-09, 09:10 AM
(3d6)[14] Guns (GL) 12? (7 skill cap, +1 integrated collimating sight, +1 bracing?, +2 aim, +1 determined, +4 targeting a hex, -4 range)
Correction to this: the full range is -7, not -4, so the grenade lands some 5..6 yards short or 4..5 yards into the room. This might change who is affected, but not much beyond that.

Shoot Da Moon
2024-02-10, 07:35 AM
Alright, rolling HT -5 for all the enemies affected;


2024-02-10, 08:49 AM
Shooting a long burst at as many of them as possible with up to 12 rounds total.

[roll0] Targeted Guns (Rifle) 12 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, -4 smoke, -3 range) for [roll1] pi x3
[roll2] Targeted Guns (Rifle) 12 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, -4 smoke, -3 range) for [roll3] pi x3
[roll4] Targeted Guns (Rifle) 12 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, -4 smoke, -3 range) for [roll5] pi x3
[roll6] Targeted Guns (Rifle) 11 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, -4 smoke, -4 range) for [roll7] pi x3
[roll8] Targeted Guns (Rifle) 11 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, -4 smoke, -4 range) for [roll9] pi x3
[roll10] Targeted Guns (Rifle) 11 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, -4 smoke, -4 range) for [roll11] pi x3
[roll12] Targeted Guns (Rifle) 10 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, -4 smoke, -5 range) for [roll13] pi x3

A miss by 1 hits the torso instead.

Shoot Da Moon
2024-02-12, 08:17 AM
Enemies try to Dodge (at -4 due to stun);


Shoot Da Moon
2024-02-14, 02:41 AM
HT roll to recover from stun;

2024-02-14, 03:20 AM
Shooting 5 rounds at the last guy.

[roll0] Targeted Guns (Rifle) 12 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, +1 RoF, +1 determined, -4 smoke, -5 range) rcl 3 for [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] etc. pi x3

A miss by 1 hits the torso instead.

2024-02-14, 03:21 AM
HT roll to recover from stun;

2024-02-14, 03:22 AM
11 vs HT-5 is still a failure, so...

Shooting 5 rounds at the last guy.

[roll0] Targeted Guns (Rifle) 12 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, +1 RoF, +1 determined, -4 smoke, -5 range) rcl 3 for [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] etc. pi x3

A miss by 1 hits the torso instead.

2024-02-14, 03:26 AM
HT roll to recover from stun again

2024-02-14, 03:28 AM
Shooting 5 rounds at the last guy again.

[roll0] Targeted Guns (Rifle) 12 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 IR laser, +1 RoF, +1 determined, -4 smoke, -5 range) rcl 3 for [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] etc. pi x3

A miss by 1 hits the torso instead.

2024-02-14, 03:29 AM
That's two potential hits: one to vitals and another to torso.

Shoot Da Moon
2024-02-15, 04:16 AM
Attempt to Dodge;

2024-02-24, 04:36 AM
[roll0] on Throwing 10(?) (11 skill, +2 aim, +1 determined, +4 targeting a hex, -8(?) range)

2024-02-24, 04:48 AM
Scatter [roll0] (1 = forward, then clockwise)

2024-02-24, 05:07 AM
So, the grenade lands some 2 yards short of the center of the lab. Damage:

Concussion: [roll0] divided by 3 per yard
Fragmentation: [roll1] on base skill 15 rcl 3 for [roll2]

2024-03-05, 01:00 PM
Sean and Lemus move the fridge:
[roll0] on combined ST 13 (15 Lemus, -2 Encumbrance)

2024-03-06, 12:35 PM
Just sitting and occasionally walking inside some occupied building:
[roll0] on Perception/Observation 15
[roll1] on Stealth 16

2024-03-07, 10:30 AM
We go something like this: a bike - space - a bike - Sean's pickup - humvee - bus - the rest of the bikes. Sean instructs the lead biker to pause on intersections if/when unsure which turn it is, but Sean will check that we take the correct route even if the lead biker is sure.

[roll0] on Navigation 17
[roll1] on Driving 15

2024-03-10, 05:33 AM
Tariq makes more gear over the course of the day.

[roll0] on Engineer (Small Arms) 17 (12 base, +1 TL, +1 attentive, +1 parts, +2 time) taking [roll1] x80 min

2024-03-10, 05:44 AM
That's one perfect underbarrel grenade launcher taking just under 7 hours.

And now some TL8 40x46mm HEDP grenades:

[roll0] on Explosives (Demolition) 22 (19 base, +0 TL, +1 base value, +1 attentive, +1 parts) taking [roll1] x10 min

2024-03-10, 05:46 AM
Rolling for bugs: [roll0] (+4 quick gadgeteer, -24 margin of success)

2024-03-10, 05:47 AM
That's 1+3 = 4 of them and Tariq calls it a day.

2024-03-11, 03:50 AM
[roll0] on Area Knowledge (Vermont) 12
[roll1] on Current Affairs (Regional) 8

2024-03-13, 09:12 PM
(OC: Richard may need to make a reaction/skill roll for both radio calls when fishing for information.)

Can do. Doing the old faithful of reaction+Diplomacy - if the skill roll succeeds then the lowest the reaction roll can be is Good. I don't think our reputation works on the Funny Platoon, given we made that settler-focused and, well, the Funny Platoon know who we are anyway but have their own angles.

Reaction: [roll0]
Diplomacy 15: [roll1]

2024-03-20, 01:10 PM
Sean practices his skills on the prisoner (taking some extra time assuming a high-ish effective TL and "ordinary" wounds):

[roll0] on Physician 12? (10 skill, +2(?) extra time)

2024-03-29, 07:26 AM
Reputation 1: [roll0] on 10-
Reaction: [roll1]

2024-03-31, 12:23 PM
With the -2, that's Diplomacy 13: [roll0]

2024-03-31, 01:34 PM
Since the Rangers were leaving, Tariq has switched from manufacturing underbarrel grenade launchers to something the theam does not have a substitute for... an RPG-7!

[roll0] on Engineer (Small Arms) 16 (12 skill, +1 attentive, -1 an expensive invention, +1 for TL, +1 for some extra parts and +2 for some extra time) taking [roll1] x120 min

2024-03-31, 01:35 PM
[roll0] bugs

2024-03-31, 01:36 PM
Tariq will have the first slightly buggy prototype some time early tomorrow.

2024-04-07, 02:12 AM
[roll0] Sean's reaction with stations inside the state

Then we try to reach stations outside of the state:
[roll1] the guy's Electronic Operations (Comm)
[roll2] Sean's reaction with stations outside of the state

2024-04-10, 06:50 AM
A HEAT round for RPG-7 costs $150 modified by TL7 and includes x3 CPS. A training round would cost $50, probably still at TL7. So, let's have Tariq make it...

Spending $80 of assorted parts and chemicals (related) for a total effective cost of $160, which is x4 of the final price tag of $40 (10% of $400 the training round costs). Using no extra time.

[roll0] on Engineer (Small Arms) 17 (12 skill, +1 attentive, +1 for $400 invention, +1 for TL7, +2 for extra parts) taking [roll1] x10 min

2024-04-10, 06:51 AM
Rolling for bugs: [roll0]

2024-04-10, 06:56 AM
So, Tariq makes two of them in about 20 minutes, bug-free. Sean then tests the invention with one round:

[roll0] on Guns (LAW) 16 (14 skill, +3 acc, +2 aim, +1 determined, +4 hex, -8 range)

...and maybe learns what the grenade launcher's bug is...

2024-04-14, 09:52 AM
Making a thermobaric warhead for an RPG-7 grenade:

[roll0] on Explosives (Demolition) 20 (19 skill, +1 attentive) using $320 worth of materials and [roll1] x20 min of time

2024-04-14, 09:53 AM
Rolling for bugs: [roll0]

2024-04-14, 09:57 AM
Tariq makes 4 perfect thermobaric warheads in some 40 minutes. Sean is absolutely amazed and since this is so many so fast asks Tariw to make some more rocket tails too (one we have from the unspent training round).

Spending $80 of assorted parts and chemicals (related) for a total effective cost of $160, which is x4 of the final price tag of $40 (10% of $400 the training round costs). Using no extra time.

[roll0] on Engineer (Small Arms) 17 (12 skill, +1 attentive, +1 for $400 invention, +1 for TL7, +2 for extra parts) taking [roll1] x10 min

2024-04-14, 10:00 AM
Rolling for bugs: [roll0]

2024-04-14, 10:03 AM
That's one perfect rocket tail and we make a break to have a lunch. Tariq will try to make more later today and Sean takes his two.

2024-04-15, 09:47 PM
[roll0] normally recognized on 10-, but maybe people here at the base would have another target number or should just know

[roll1] reaction roll (an extra +3 if the reputation applies)

Shoot Da Moon
2024-04-17, 11:26 PM
What I meant was, Sean's Reputation automatically applies, you did not have to roll for it. The militia would obviously know of Sean and his relevantly recent past.

So the reaction bonus +3 increases the roll.

2024-05-04, 04:02 AM
The Union reaction [roll0] and diplomacy [roll1]

2024-05-04, 08:30 AM
[roll0] on Navigation 17
[roll1] on Driving 16

2024-05-06, 01:37 AM
[roll0] on Observation 15 (15 skill, +3 scope, +5 extra time, -8 range)

[roll1] on Stealth 16
[roll2] on Observation 15
[roll3] on Traps (Per) 15
[roll4] on Tracking 13 (modified by tracks age, terrain, and extra +6 if it's group of men)
[roll5] on Search 15

2024-05-22, 09:38 AM
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Traps (Per) 15 (and +1 extra time?)
[roll2] on Observation 15
[roll3] on Tracking 13 (modified by tracks age, terrain, and extra +3/+6 if it's man/group of men; mostly for anything new the NVG guy could not remember, not trying to follow right now unless ignoring seems imprudent)

2024-05-22, 10:07 AM
Weeeell... at least Sean should be able to notice if he has been noticed and cut the exposure rith away (so far, he's not subject to darkness penalties).

2024-05-23, 07:53 AM
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Observation 15

2024-05-23, 08:01 AM
With a skill of 16, that's just a fail by 1, which might not even cause Sean to be noticed depending on how the observing party rolls, given the range, the darkness and the short time which should not allow them the full use of binoculars as those might be pointed elsewhere at the moment.

2024-05-25, 08:48 AM
[roll0] on Perception 11 (15 base, -4 modidier)

2024-05-25, 08:50 AM
[roll0] failing part

2024-05-25, 08:54 AM
[roll0] Dodge 9 (9 base, -2 modifier, +2 extra effort)

2024-05-25, 08:56 AM
[roll0] Hit location
[roll1] Damage

2024-05-25, 09:51 AM
Three rounds at the observer's right arm (the one holding the binoculars, so presumably exposed):

[roll0] on Guns (rifle) 19 (18 skill, +1 bond, +1 laser, +6+3 acc, +2 aim, -2 arm, -10 range) rcl 3 for [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] pi

Shoot Da Moon
2024-05-27, 05:55 AM
Target did not notice the attack in time, no active defence.

HT roll in secret.

2024-05-28, 01:02 AM
[roll0] on Stealth 16
[roll1] on Camouflage 14(?)
[roll2] on Observation 15 (using the scope, so -3 range and -7 darkness negated)

Shoot Da Moon
2024-06-02, 05:32 AM
Secret roll/s; [roll0]

2024-06-03, 12:46 AM
Sean shoots a long burst: 1 at the first van driver, up to 10 at the first van preferably at glass level (so, above systems level), 1 at the second van driver.

[roll0] on Targeted Guns (Rifle) 12..14 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 laser, -5..7 speed/range)
[roll1] on Guns (Rifle) 17..19 (18 skill, +1 bond, +1 laser, +4 size, -5..7 speed/range)
[roll2] on Targeted Guns (Rifle) 11..13 (17 technique, +1 bond, +1 laser, -6..8 speed/range)

2024-06-03, 01:01 AM
(3d6)[12] on Guns (Rifle) 19..21 (18 skill, +1 bond, +1 laser, +4 size, -5..7 speed/range, +2 RoF)

Not sure if I have to apply modifier for target's speed if it's moving directly at Sean. Would be up to 3 hits at the van if it applies, up to 4 if it does not (rcl 3).

[roll0] pi x3
[roll1] [roll2] [roll3] and maybe [roll4] pi (and might require extra rolling to hit actual people inside)
[roll5] pi x3

Shoot Da Moon
2024-06-03, 08:23 AM
The speed didn’t add to Range, no. Although, I think the windshields would penalise your attacks (-2 according to Tactical Shooting?) on the drivers, but you made them both anyway.

Rolled for occupants hit.

2024-06-08, 12:26 PM
Another 5..6 rounds at each van, if Sean can still see them. Not seeing any of them in the windows, Sean targets about above floor level this time.

[roll0] on Guns (Rifle) 25-X (18 skill, +1 bond, +1 laser, +4 size, +1 RoF, -X speed/range)
[roll1] on Guns (Rifle) 25-X (18 skill, +1 bond, +1 laser, +4 size, +1 RoF, -X speed/range)

2024-06-08, 12:29 PM
With rcl 3 that would be not over 4 and 6 hits respectively (likely less, depending on speed/range and how many shots are wasted between those vans).

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] pi
[roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9] pi

Shoot Da Moon
2024-06-09, 02:09 PM
Secrets rolls done.

Remember to record the bullets shot from total supply. Fresh magazine reloaded.