View Full Version : [3.5] Question about playing a Changeling Shapeshifter Druid.

2023-07-13, 11:21 AM
So, I am kind of new to playing 3.5 but I wanted to play a Changeling Shapeshifter (PHBII ACF) Druid.

The campaign is supposed to be a oneshot, so I am creating the character to have fun, not for min/max powergaming.

My question is, if I pick up Racial Emulation as a feat for the changeling in order to gain the subtype of another race, and change into another race (say undead for example) I would then have that subtype when in that form. would I lose that subtype when I use the other shapeshift ability from druid (Not Wild Shape since I lose that) into a predatory animal? Or would the undead Subtype still be present since I was in the undead form when I shapeshifted into the predator form?

Sorry in advanced if this sounds like a stupid question, but I am still learning and trying to understand how the rules pertaining to that would work.

Also, what gear would be useful for this type of character? Any suggestions on gear for a 5th level character?

Edit: Is there anything good about using Racial Emulation? I was reading it and it seems kind of useless.

Doctor Despair
2023-07-13, 11:40 AM
So, I am kind of new to playing 3.5 but I wanted to play a Changeling Shapeshifter (PHBII ACF) Druid.

The campaign is supposed to be a oneshot, so I am creating the character to have fun, not for min/max powergaming.

My question is, if I pick up Racial Emulation as a feat for the changeling in order to gain the subtype of another race, and change into another race (say undead for example) I would then have that subtype when in that form. would I lose that subtype when I use the other shapeshift ability from druid (Not Wild Shape since I lose that) into a predatory animal? Or would the undead Subtype still be present since I was in the undead form when I shapeshifted into the predator form?

Sorry in advanced if this sounds like a stupid question, but I am still learning and trying to understand how the rules pertaining to that would work.

Also, what gear would be useful for this type of character? Any suggestions on gear for a 5th level character?

Edit: Is there anything good about using Racial Emulation? I was reading it and it seems kind of useless.

1. Undead is a type, not a subtype. You can't gain it with Racial Emulation.

2. You should retain it.

3. Racial Emulation is useful for all sorts of things, from foiling "detect X race" spells, to using magic items otherwise limited to certain races, to even qualifying for certain classes or feats that are normally limited to other races.

2023-07-13, 11:59 AM
The main utility of racial emulation for a druid, in my opinion, is substitution levels. Which, most of them tragically don't work with shapeshift, cause you're trading away the companion and a bit of wild shape. Kinda worth discussing anyway though, cause it's neat. Half-orc substitution levels are quite strong, granting cheap augment summoning alongside some free buffs. Similarly, shifter substitution levels, especially the first level one, offer a ton of buffs in exchange for the animal companion. Some of these are synergistic with summoning too, so it's a nice combo with the half-orc thing. The levels are at 1, 4, 6, and 1, 4, 5 respectively, so there's some interference between the two. You obviously want shifter at first, and shifter at fifth should just be skipped, so the only real choice is which fourth to get between bully animals and reckless nature. Bit of a tossup I'd say.

Anyways, that's most of the utility of the feat, and indeed most of the utility of building a changeling druid in the first place. I guess you can pick up halfling sub levels, at least the two that aren't about wild shape, and those are neat. Also, both of those fourth level abilities remain accessible to you. Oh, also, you get to cast the spell commune with earth, which requires you be a dwarf. And accessing the PRC seeker of the misty isle is on the table without having to be an elf. It's all a bit weak, all in all. Not particularly worth the feat.

2023-07-13, 12:22 PM
I see that eggynack has already commented, but do note the druid handbook in her signature. It's a veritable encyclopedia of resources about playing a Druid. The most complete and detailed resources I have ever seen.


Highly recommended.

Folks are correct re:Racial Emulation.

2023-07-13, 02:04 PM
You obviously want shifter at first, and shifter at fifth should just be skipped, so the only real choice is which fourth to get between bully animals and reckless nature. Bit of a tossup I'd say.

Not really? Unless you're optimizing wild empathy or aren't allowed to use Cityscape the Iron Constitution ACF is superior to either of those by a landslide.

As for the halfling substitution levels Camouflage is the more valuable half of (Ex) HiPS - breaking LoS isn't that hard and they have to find you first to observe you - and it trades out an ability changelings get for free at level one anyway, so it's a no-brainer if you took Racial Emulation.
You don't even need to invest into hide/MS since druids get a ton of spells that boost those on top of wild shape (you basically just need to pick up Darkstalker and you're pretty much set for stealth).

The only real downside is that it comes so late, but if you expect to reach that level it's definitely worth the feat cost imo.

2023-07-13, 02:11 PM
Not really? Unless you're optimizing wild empathy or aren't allowed to use Cityscape the Iron Constitution ACF is superior to either of those by a landslide.
Probably true, though I dunno that it's quite a landslide. Initiative in one case and HP in the other case are kinda nice. I do love iron constitution though.

As for the halfling substitution levels Camouflage is the more valuable half of (Ex) HiPS - breaking LoS isn't that hard and they have to find you first to observe you - and it trades out an ability changelings get for free at level one anyway, so it's a no-brainer if you took Racial Emulation.
Yeah, totally forgot to mention that one. It's pretty nice. Also combos with shapeshifter, which is of note in this context.