View Full Version : 5e-Oath Of Terra-PEACH

2023-07-13, 09:40 PM
Oath of Terra

Those who follow the Oath of Terra are champions of the people, and serve as both guardians and community leaders. To be a Terran Paladin is to adopt your people as extended family.

-Resolve: The mountain does not bow, and neither shall you. Be as constant and unmovable as stone. Do not make others fools for depending on you.

-Industry: Do not sit idle and let the world pass you by. Set your hands to fruitful labor and add to the world.

-Community: Be the foundation upon which others can build. Be the pillar that stands tall and inspires others to to the same. Be the wall between all that you love and those that seek to do them harm.

Oath of Terra Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Earth Tremor, Entangle*
5th Spike Growth, Maximillian’s Earthen Grasp
9th Meld Into Stone, Erupting Earth
13th Stoneskin, Stone Shape
17th Wall of Stone, Conjure Elemental**
*The enemy is entangled by earthen spikes as opposed to vegetation.
**Conjures Earth Elementals only.

-Channel Divinity: When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two channel divinity options:
-Turn The Elements: You can use your Channel Divinity to lace your words with power that inspires primordial fear in elementals. As an action, you present your holy symbol, and each elemental within 30ft of you that can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the elemental is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage.
A turned elemental must spend it’s turn trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can not willingly move into a space within 30ft of you. It also can not take reactions. For it’s action, it can only use the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
If the elementals true form is concealed by an illusion, shape shifting, or other effect, that form is revealed while it is turned.

-Terran Bulwark: As a reaction when you or an ally within 30ft of you takes damage, you can use your Channel Divinity to pull nodes of earth and stone into orbit around you or your ally. This debris acts as a shield possessing hit points equal to 5x your Paladin level. This shield takes the oncoming damage in your stead and then falls inert. The shielded target takes any damage that exceeds this shield’s maximum hit points.

-Bedrock Aura: Starting at 7th level, your stability and fortitude leech into the ground around you and empowers your allies. You and your allies within 10ft of you are incapable of being knocked prone or affected by any ability that would move them against their will while on the ground.
At 18th level the range of this aura extends to 30ft.

- Terran Vigilant: At 15th level, your connection to the earth means you will
never be caught off guard. As long as you are touching the ground you have Tremorsense out to 30ft.

-Unstoppable Golem: At 20th level, you draw strength up from the ground to become a juggernaut. As an action, your connection to the bones of the world grant you the following benefits for 1 minute:
-You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
-You have advantage on strength checks and saving throws, as well as constitution checks and saving throws.
-Ground that you stand on or tread across becomes difficult terrain. This ability does not reduce your own speed.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

2023-07-13, 09:47 PM
Terran Bulwark is significantly too good. It's an extra 5*Paladin Level HP, since it has no duration.
I'd rather see it as a reaction or bonus action, probably to help an ally, with short duration.

2023-07-14, 10:46 AM
How about this:

-Terran Bulwark: As a reaction when an ally within 30ft of you takes damage, you can use your Channel Divinity to pull nodes of earth and stone into orbit around you. This debris acts as a shield possessing hit points equal to 5x your Paladin level. When your ally would normally be hit by a ranged or melee attack, the shield intercedes and takes the damage instead. After 1 minute, or when the shield’s hit points fall to 0, the shield falls inert.

2023-07-14, 01:34 PM
*Sulking quietly because I got excited for an Adeptus Custodes subclass.* I guess this is cool too.

Thematic question: for the Turning Channel Divinity option, shouldn't it turn creatures that are hostile to or alien to the natural earth, like Aberrations of something? Devotion Paladins don't turn celestials, after all.

Agree that Terran Bulwark is a bit much. Possible changes:

You can erect the barrier as a Reaction to taking damage, but it goes away at the end of your next turn, kinda like a Warlock's Tomb of Levistus.
Maybe the number is closer to 2x or 3x Paladin Level. That's closer to an Abjurer's Arcane Ward, which has the similar benefit of stacking with Temp HP and preventing Concentration saves.
Maybe you gain Paladin-level of these special HP at the start of each turn, losing any that were left from the previous turn, for 1 minute. That can still soak a pretty absurd amount of damage, but it can still be focus-fired through.

Bedrock Aura: YABBA-DABBA-DOO *Ahem*. I really dislike always-on immunities, and this critique includes the PHB Paladins. Maybe instead say that as a reaction you can negate one instance of Forced Movement or Prone for yourself and all creatures in the Aura.

2023-07-14, 08:46 PM
Verson 1.3

-Terran Bulwark: As a reaction when you or an ally within 30ft of you takes damage, you can use your Channel Divinity to pull nodes of earth and stone into orbit around you or your ally. This debris acts as a shield possessing hit points equal to 5x your Paladin level. This shield takes the oncoming damage in your stead and then falls inert. The shielded target takes any damage that exceeds this shield’s maximum hit points.

2023-07-14, 09:11 PM
Verson 1.3

-Terran Bulwark: As a reaction when you or an ally within 30ft of you takes damage, you can use your Channel Divinity to pull nodes of earth and stone into orbit around you or your ally. This debris acts as a shield possessing hit points equal to 5x your Paladin level. This shield takes the oncoming damage in your stead and then falls inert. The shielded target takes any damage that exceeds this shield’s maximum hit points.

So a once per short rest reaction to negate one instance of damage, unless it’s truly stupendous overkill.
That seems fine.