View Full Version : Make them bleed to the death

2023-07-14, 10:17 PM
I really like the bleeding gondition at my enemies, and thinking about, realized that a font of bleeding + martial vile damage feat, can maja a extremely cruel combatant in battle. Can anyone help me with stacking ways to cause bleed at enemies?

In my remind:
Bleeding weapon
Invisible blade 3
Bleeding spell.

2023-07-14, 11:02 PM
I haven't really looked into this much before, but here are a few things that turned up.

Implacable weapon enchantment from MIC - Applies 2 bleed per hit

Arterial Strike from CW - Similar to Invisible Blade, trade 1d6 sneak attack for 1 bleed per hit.

Hemorrhage spell from this (https://web.archive.org/web/20151002190618/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sb/20030504a) web enhancement - Bleeds for 1d3/round on a touch. Could potentially look into delivering this spell with your weapon. Throw empower on it perhaps? Or combine with the wounding spell metamagic?

Serrated Weapon from Dragon Magazine #358 p.43 - 1 point of damage each round for 1d4 rounds on a crit. Cheap at only 600gp.

2023-07-14, 11:10 PM
I think there's a bunch of stuff that does bleeding in Spheres of Power, although that's third-party

Morphic tide
2023-07-15, 03:09 AM
Fear effects and Sickened reduce saves which some of the bleeding effects rely on, such as the Bleed spell from Complete Champion that does the same "1 Con damage per hit" as Wounding but applied to the target.

2023-07-15, 06:25 AM
There is the feat Wounding Spell as well.

2023-07-15, 07:44 AM
Summon Swarm - Bat swarm

Best used by Warlocks since they get it at will and as a standard action. This allows it to recast it every turn directly onto your enemies (and they do dmg at the at end of your turn). Best combined with the Invisibility invocation since summoning doesn't break invisibility.
Sole downside is that I don't know of any way to boost the bleeding dmg yet. But if you have enough time, you can easily kill most mundane stuff even at higher lvls.

2023-07-15, 08:03 AM
Personally, I'm a big fan of the Arterial Strike feat (Complete Warrior), combined with the Cursed Blade spell (Spell Compendium, Assassin 4). Arterial Strike makes them take damage every round, until they get a heal skill check or magical healing. Cursed Blade makes it so the weapon's damage cannot be cured unless the victim first gets a Remove Curse or equivalent. Which means if you can get off one such attack and then hide or flee, your victim now has a few minutes to get a Remove Curse, or die.

2023-07-15, 04:16 PM
Awesome mentions, guys. With this sources, i want to cause abusible bleeding damage and Vile martial damage will impede them to cure and or stop the bleed.

2023-07-15, 08:55 PM
Bloodstorm Blade 8: Blood Rain - 3 damage/round as long as you're in the Iron Heart stance, or until healing (otherwise - indefinitely); doesn't stacks
Gladiator 9 (Sword and Fist): Make Them Bleed - 1 damage for (10 - Con mod) rounds, or until healing; stacks
Invisible Blade 2: Bleeding Wound - sacrifice 1d6 SA damage to cause 1 hp/round bleeding, bleeds indefinitely - until healing; stacks
Life Eater (https://web.archive.org/web/20161101200415/http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=fr/pg20020911b) 5: Wounding Sneak Attack - successful SA cause 1 hp/round bleeding, bleeds indefinitely - until healing; stacks
Master of Chains 8 (Sword and Fist): Superior Spiked Chain - target bleeds 1 hp/round until healed; bleeds indefinitely - until healing; modifying a Spiked Chain costs 25 gp (+10 gp after every five uses)
Tainted Warrior 10 (Dragon #302), Nycaloth taint: Wounding Claws - claws do 1d6 damage, and cause 1 hp/round bleeding, bleeds indefinitely - until healing; stacks
Talontar Blightlord 8 (Unapproachable East): Corrupting Blows - hit with the Black Glaive cause 1 hp/round bleeding, bleeds indefinitely - until healing; doesn't stacks

Bloodbag Imp (Fiend Folio): Wounding Curse - up to 3/day, Fort save; for the next hour, all melee damage to victim would cause 1 hp/round bleeding; stacks. Usable as a Familiar or Planar Cohort

Vicious Bleeder (Arms and Equipment Guide): wound caused by weapon with Vicious Bleeder applied, bleeds for 2 rounds by 1 hp; 50 gp

2023-07-15, 09:34 PM
If interested in Spheres of Power, the Crimson Dancer class (which I have a review of (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?640070-Crimson-Dancer-(Spheres-in-Review)&p=25298386#post25298386)) is basically entirely focused on the idea of bleeding.
There's also the Blood sphere (also have a review (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?636388-Blood-sphere-(Sphere-in-Re-Review)&p=25193614)), and the Duelist (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?644156-Duelist-(Spheres-in-Review)&p=25409710#post25409710)sphere.

Of the options presented, I am only partial to the Duelist in particular. But that's my own particularities.

Also, that's before considering refluffed magic. In particular, Energetic Affliction under the Destruction sphere, which does (minimum damage) every round for several rounds, while maintaining the blast's debuff.

2023-07-15, 09:49 PM
Bloodstorm Blade 8: Blood Rain - 3 damage/round as long as you're in the Iron Heart stance, or until healing (otherwise - indefinitely); doesn't stacks
Gladiator 9 (Sword and Fist): Make Them Bleed - 1 damage for (10 - Con mod) rounds, or until healing; stacks
Invisible Blade 2: Bleeding Wound - sacrifice 1d6 SA damage to cause 1 hp/round bleeding, bleeds indefinitely - until healing; stacks
Life Eater (https://web.archive.org/web/20161101200415/http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=fr/pg20020911b) 5: Wounding Sneak Attack - successful SA cause 1 hp/round bleeding, bleeds indefinitely - until healing; stacks
Master of Chains 8 (Sword and Fist): Superior Spiked Chain - target bleeds 1 hp/round until healed; bleeds indefinitely - until healing; modifying a Spiked Chain costs 25 gp (+10 gp after every five uses)
Tainted Warrior 10 (Dragon #302), Nycaloth taint: Wounding Claws - claws do 1d6 damage, and cause 1 hp/round bleeding, bleeds indefinitely - until healing; stacks
Talontar Blightlord 8 (Unapproachable East): Corrupting Blows - hit with the Black Glaive cause 1 hp/round bleeding, bleeds indefinitely - until healing; doesn't stacks

Bloodbag Imp (Fiend Folio): Wounding Curse - up to 3/day, Fort save; for the next hour, all melee damage to victim would cause 1 hp/round bleeding; stacks. Usable as a Familiar or Planar Cohort

Vicious Bleeder (Arms and Equipment Guide): wound caused by weapon with Vicious Bleeder applied, bleeds for 2 rounds by 1 hp; 50 gp

Great, this will complete the build

2023-07-16, 02:15 AM
Spheres of Might.
Duelist Sphere: Grants bleed damage that stacks with itself and other sources of bleed.
Ooze Ichor Talent: cause bleed to things that are otherwise immune to bleed, but only half as much.

2023-07-16, 09:43 AM
Spheres of Might.
Duelist Sphere: Grants bleed damage that stacks with itself and other sources of bleed.
Ooze Ichor Talent: cause bleed to things that are otherwise immune to bleed, but only half as much.

I dont know about this spheres. I have seemed various posts about them. Where can i read about this?

2023-07-16, 01:24 PM
I dont know about this spheres. I have seemed various posts about them. Where can i read about this?

This is the full wikipedia (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/). A bit intimidating, so I don't actually recommend going into it blind.

Instead, after reading the Using Spheres of Power (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/using-spheres-of-power) section, which basically just outlines the translations they made from normal casting...
I do have a spheres in review (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?614758-SoP-Classes-and-Spheres-in-Review)series, where I've reviewed every Sphere of Might and Sphere of Power, and most classes. You can take select a random review, then just Ctrl+F the review's sphere or class on the website, and be brought to where it's talking.

I will say that it's easily my favorite subsystem of Pathfinder. It gives you the freedom to choose your mechanical capabilities, and tasks you with the actual "experience" of it. Do you use blood as your magic? Well, you don't strictly have to use the Blood sphere, but can take Enhancement for empowering / weakening people through their blood, Life sphere for donating your life blood, or Destruction to rip blood out of the enemy, and even Nature (water) to create blood mist.. which isn't particularly sanitary, but so be it.

2023-07-16, 08:10 PM
Sango is spot on here. At this point I would say it is better to go into spheres with an idea of what you want and check out his reviews. As you want to induce bleed, all the bleed, there are a few talents in spheres of might and power that help with this. If you go with the Duelist Sphere and two weapon fighting, you can be a bloody blender if you wanted. Some of the talents increase the requirements to shut down your bleed damage, so check them out to.

2023-07-20, 02:33 AM
Dragon Toxin: When it is in combat, a
xorvintaal dragon’s fangs and claws drip
a corrosive fluid called dragon toxin.
Any creature dealt damage by the xor-
vintaal dragon’s bite or claw attacks is
affected by dragon toxin. At the start
of each of the dragon’s turns, each crea-
ture affected by dragon toxin takes an
extra 5 points of damage for every two
age categories the dragon has. Multiple
wounds don’t deal damage multiple times—a creature is
either affected by dragon toxin or not. Any form of magi-
cal healing eliminates dragon toxin currently affecting
a creature but doesn’t protect against subsequent expo-
sure. Its dragon toxin harmlessly dissipates 1 round after
a xorvintaal dragon dies.

Dragon Toxin is a strange effect that effectively deals no-save typeless bleed damage, can't be removed with heal checks, and, by strict RAW, isn't even blocked by poison immunity (though it probably should be).

Actually obtaining it as a PC is difficult, but if you believe dragonwrought kobolds are true dragons and if you rule templates without listed LA as being LA +0 and if you can somehow acquire and perform the ritual, then this would give a great wyrm dragonwrought kobold a way to deal 30 bleed.

2023-07-20, 12:45 PM
Dragon Toxin is a strange effect that effectively deals no-save typeless bleed damage, can't be removed with heal checks, and, by strict RAW, isn't even blocked by poison immunity (though it probably should be).

Actually obtaining it as a PC is difficult, but if you believe dragonwrought kobolds are true dragons and if you rule templates without listed LA as being LA +0 and if you can somehow acquire and perform the ritual, then this would give a great wyrm dragonwrought kobold a way to deal 30 bleed.

Ohhhhh. I can take the DRAGONSMITH feat, kill a xorvinal dragon, and have a "free" bleed damage, cumulative* in my sword.???

But, where i can read about xorvinal dragons?

2023-07-20, 03:29 PM
But, where i can read about xorvinal dragons?

They're in Monster Manual V. It's not a type of dragon, if that's what you're thinking, but rather any kind of dragon can give up its spellcasting to gain several supernatural abilities. They spend their time playing some infinitely complex strategy game with real creatures as the (unwitting) pieces.