View Full Version : Spelbook Replacement

2023-07-15, 11:41 AM
I seem to recall an item (psicrystal maybe) that acted as a spellbook for wizards or other prepared casters. For the life of me I can't remember what it was called. Can someone point me in the right direction?

2023-07-15, 11:53 AM
There's a few. MIC has the Lore Gem, PGtF has some kind of elven memory gem iirc, one of the Eberron books has spell shards and Explorer's Handbook has the Necklace of the Phantom Library (which also lets you scribe new spells in 8 hours instead of 24).

There's probably a few more i'm forgetting.

2023-07-15, 12:00 PM
ECS has spellshards, eberron dragonshards that are basically spellbooks without being books. P. 122.

Complete Arcane also has a few bits on different spellbook materials (P. 140), although those are just different materials that the book can be made from or protective enchantments that can be placed on it.

2023-07-15, 12:01 PM
The most 'spellbook' like thing that fits your description are spellshards, from Eberron Campaign Setting.

The standard cheap ones ('Wizard's Spellshard' page 122) holds 20 pages worth of spells, and the fancy 6250gp version ('Aureon's Spellshard' page 265) holds 500 pages of spells and lets you add spells without the normal scribing costs (note that the price is exactly one half of the price of Boccob's Blessed Book, and it holds exactly one half as many pages worth of spells)

2023-07-15, 12:38 PM
I seem to recall an item (psicrystal maybe) that acted as a spellbook for wizards or other prepared casters. For the life of me I can't remember what it was called. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Athas (the psionic heavy dessert setting based off Dune and other fantasy the “Dark Sun” world) has memory crystals called Mnemonic Crystals

This item is indistinguishable from a cognizance crystal. The crystal is extremely useful for those who have information they wish to store, but wish that it cannot be easily found. A mnemonic crystal can hold a specified amount of information, based on the power of the item. The user waves the crystal over whatever information or data he wishes to store in the item, which is then saved in the device. The crystal contains “pages" of information, and each page filled requires a move-equivalent action. The pages can be filled with spells without paying the 100 gp per page material cost, just like using a blessed book.

Aka it is a blessed book, yet is cheaper (same price per page but different page amounts), that weighs 1 lb and is the size of a deck of cards and thus fits neatly in the palm of your hand.

2023-07-15, 05:07 PM
I know that are minor artifacts that are usable only by elven blood people that make this role and orlther more powerfull things. Its FR and from the same book of the ollin gisir prestige class.

2023-07-16, 10:18 AM
Kiira (Magic of Faerūn) and Telkiira (Lost Empires of Faerūn)

2023-07-16, 11:28 AM
Eidetic Spellcaster and forget about a spellbook!

2023-07-16, 12:55 PM
Eidetic Spellcaster and forget about a spellbook!

And your WBL, a feat and all the good ACFs along with it. It's a trap.

A Blessed Book or equivalent is roughly 10x cheaper to scribe spells into (12,5gp per page vs 100gp per page). Even if losing your spellbook was a serious concern you could easily have several backup spellbooks and still come out ahead.

And that's before you consider what you lose for it. Even if you don't want Scribe Scroll and a familiar you could still trade them in for something you'll actually use (like Improved Initiative and Abrupt Jaunt) instead of dumping them for the privilege of paying extra to learn new spells.

2023-07-16, 01:17 PM
you say it's a trap. I say it's the simplest way out of needing a spellbook at all. different strokes!

2023-07-16, 01:39 PM
How about the Slate Folio from Dragon #327?
It costs 7500 gp, contains up to 5 books, each one up to 100 pages


2023-07-17, 10:21 AM
These are solid ideas. I'll sort through them. Thanks all!

St Fan
2023-07-17, 11:43 AM
you say it's a trap. I say it's the simplest way out of needing a spellbook at all. different strokes!

How much Eidetic Spellcaster is a bad idea has already been discussed at length. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?653107-Eidetic-Spellcaster-is-a-horrid-ACF)