View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other Stone tainter - A new monster for D&D 3.5 - PEACH

2023-07-17, 07:26 AM
Stone tainter

Image source: https://www.pcgamer.com/turtle-rock-unveils-evolves-biggest-monster-and-the-monster-race-edition/

This monster was inspired by GoT’s stonemen.

Ages ago, there was a powerful cleric of an evil god of earth (e.g. the Earth Dragon, Luthic). In a time of great desperation, as the cleric, the local cult, and their local temple faced an imminent destruction, their god sent the first stone tainter to aid them. The creature proved to be very effective against the enemies of the cult and fiercely loyal to the cleric – at least to the point when the cleric tried to negotiate with the enemies of the cult, after which the stone tainter turned on the cleric. The cleric was killed, and the stone tainter led other stone tainters to unknown place, most likely deep underground.

Size/Type: Medium Aberration (Earth)
Hit Dice: 15d8+78 (148 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), Burrow 5 ft.
Armor Class: 19 (-1 Dex, +10 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 19
Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+16
Attack: Claws +16 melee (1d6+7 plus disease) or melee touch +16 (disease)
Full Attack: Claws +16 melee (1d6+7 plus disease) or melee touch +16 (disease)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Disease
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 30 ft.
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +10
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 8, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 9, Cha 11
Skills: Climb +6, Listen +1, Spot +1, Survival +16
Feats: Alertness, Improved Natural Armor, Toughness, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Great Fortitude.
Environment: Underground
Organization: Solitary or flock (3-13)
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Any evil
Advancement: —
Level Adjustment: —

Stone tainters are psychopathic killers by nature. They prefer solitude, and live under the ground close to surface. Stone tainters live almost like wild animals with the exception that unlike animals, they enjoy inflicting pain and destroying things, although they do not actively seek opportunities to do either. Their maximum lifespan is around thousand years. Stone tainters are sexless and do not reproduce. While stone tainters are not religious, they have a strong intuitive obedience and piety towards their creator god. Usually, they are unaware of this inherited trait unless, for instance, they see the unholy symbol or meet a cleric of the said god.

Once in a millennium, they get an irresistible urge to visit the place where the first stone tainter was brought to existence by their god. Virtually none of them know about this historical event nor are they aware of the god, but nevertheless they must visit the place. Their instincts guide them to the right place with a 50% accuracy. During these “pilgrimages”, they band together in flocks as if they were pilgrims. These flocks grow through coincidental encounters with other journeying stone tainters. All members of a flock will instinctively think that the leader (who is usually the senior) of the flock knows how to bring everyone to the right place, although this hunch is correct only half of the time. Those who manage to reach the correct location experience a strong spiritual sensation. Not much more happens, and then they travel back alone without their ex-tempore flocks. Those who do not find the right place eventually give up, which is a very frustrating experience for a stone tainter.

It is possible that a stone tainter understands common and other languages, but their very low intelligence makes communication virtually impossible. They cannot speak.

Upon encountering a creature, a stone tainter will immediately attempt to kill anything larger than a house cat. If a creature touches them or if a stone tainter touches a creature, this creature will not be pursued by a stone tainter if it flees or withdraws. The explanation for this behaviour is that a stone tainter senses that once it has tainted a creature, this creature may become a stone tainter as well: a stone tainter has no desire to hunt and kill one of their own, nor are they cannibals.

Disease (Su)
Stone taint. Affects only humanoid targets. Fortitude DC 18, incubation period 1 day, special damage. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a racial penalty. Stone taint’s method of delivery is contact, which means that it is transmitted through any physical contact with a stone tainter or with a subject who is currently infected with stone taint.

A humanoid subject whose size is not medium and that fails their save against stone taint suffers 1d3 point of Intelligence damage each day. No further saves. A humanoid subject whose size is not medium suffers the usual consequences for Intelligence damage, including having an Intelligence score of 0, which results in an inability to think and being unconscious in a coma-like stupor, helpless.

A medium-sized humanoid subject who fails their save against stone taint suffers 1d3 point of Intelligence damage (to the minimum of 3) while Strength and Constitution are increased by 1d3 (the maximum for both is 20). If the subject already has a Strength score of 21 or more, there is no increase, and the same applies to a Constitution score of 21 or more. Subject’s natural armour bonus is increased by one. The subject takes the Intelligence damage and has their Strength, Constitution, and natural armour* increased as previously described each day until Strength and Constitution are both 20 or more and Intelligence is at 3 or less. At this point, the subject becomes helpless for 24 hours, at end of which the subject is now a stone tainter. Note that this means a complete transformation, including losing the feats and skills of the previous form and adopting the ones of a stone tainter. Also note that if the subject’s Strength and/or Constitution were above 20 before the final transformation, they remain as they were.

Once a subject has lost or gained any ability points or natural armour bonus due to the infection, the disease can only be removed with a limited wish, miracle, remove disease, or wish spell. Removing the diseases removes all associated bonuses and penalties. Once the 24-hour transformation is completed, its effects cannot be reversed, even with a wish or a miracle.

A stone tainter has -4 racial penalty on the save DC of its disease attack, because stone taint is much less contagious than an average contact-transmitted disease.

*Once the natural armour bonus is +3 or more, it stops increasing.

2023-07-17, 10:22 AM
Stone tainter


Are those… Its intestines?

Size/Type: Medium Aberration (Earth)
Hit Dice: 15d8+30 (109 hp)

15d8+78 (145 hp).

Speed: 20 ft. (5 squares)

4 squares.

, Burrow 5 ft. (1 square)

That's not neccessary to add, usually.

Attack: Claw +16 melee (1d6+5 plus disease)
Full Attack: Claw +16 melee (1d6+5 plus disease)

A single natural attack usually gets 1,5×STR added, for 1d6+7 in this case.

Organization: Solitary or flock (3-13)


Once in a millennium, they get an irresistible urge to visit the place where the first stone tainter was brought to existence by their god. Virtually none of them know about this historical event nor are they aware of the god, but nevertheless they must visit the place. Their instincts guide them to the right place with a 50% accuracy. During these “pilgrimages”, they band together in flocks as if they were pilgrims. These flocks grow through coincidentally encountering other journeying stone tainters. Those who reach the place experience a strong spiritual sensation. Not much more happens, and then they travel back alone without their ex-tempore flocks. Those who do not find the right place eventually give up, which is a very frustrating experience for a stone tainter.

Hey, I like this one.

Disease (Su)
Stony taint.

Stone taint would sound better to me, but de gustibus…

Fortitude DC 17, incubation period 1 day, special damage. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a racial penalty.

A stone tainter has -4 racial penalty on the save DC of its disease attack, because stony taint is much less contagious than an average contact-transmitted disease.

DC 18 (10+15/2+5-4).

Stony taint’s method of delivery is contact, which means that it is transmitted through any physical contact with a stony tainter or with a subject who is currently infected with stony taint.

You might want to add a melee touch to the attack line, then.

A humanoid subject whose size is not medium and that fails their save against stony taint suffers 1d3 point of Intelligence damage each day. No further saves.

What happens after? It goes down all the way to 0?

Stone tainter

The biggest issue with the thing is that it has loads of hp, but a meagre damage output and even its scary main shtick is easily counteracted by a 3rd level spell, which can make in a rather unsatisfying opponent.

2023-07-17, 11:28 AM
Thank you very much for the invaluable comments, Metastachydium. I have now edited the OP according to your feedback.

Are those… Its intestines?

I do not know what to tell you, my friend.

What happens after? It goes down all the way to 0?

Yes, it goes all the down to 0. I was thinking about not writing anything about that in the OP, unless you think that it would be a good idea to do so.

The biggest issue with the thing is that it has loads of hp, but a meagre damage output and even its scary main shtick is easily counteracted by a 3rd level spell, which can make in a rather unsatisfying opponent.

I was trying to keep this monster at CR6, and you get remove disease at level 5, so I think it sort of matches out. As a mid-level adventurer, you're kind of using your best spells or almost-best spells to save your friends in the aftermath of the battle. I respectfully disagree with you, although I very much appreciate your opinion.

2023-07-17, 11:39 AM
I do not know what to tell you, my friend.

Please say no! I'll sleep better.

Yes, it goes all the down to 0. I was thinking about not writing anything about that in the OP, unless you think that it would be a good idea to do so.

It sure wouldn't hurt. Lots of Humanoids are Small, for starters.

I was trying to keep this monster at CR6, and you get remove disease at level 5, so I think it sort of matches out. As a mid-level adventurer, you're kind of using your best spells or almost-best spells to save your friends in the aftermath of the battle. I respectfully disagree with you, although I very much appreciate your opinion.

That's quite alright! It is a commonly held position that too much hp might slow down combat more than most like it slowed down is all.

Silva Stormrage
2023-07-26, 01:56 AM
I agree with the issues of just being a blob of HP and a minor disease. I would suggest lowering their HP a bit and give them a couple abilities to make them more interesting to fight. Some examples, I wouldn't say to use all of these just giving some ideas.

Stone Carapace (Ex): A Stone Tainter constantly corrupt and claim the very earth they are standing on using it to form their hard carapace. They heal 5 hit points and gain 20 temp HP every round at the start of their turn as long as they are in contact with natural earth or stone. These temporary hit points last until removed but the Stone Tainter loses 6 points of NA when they don't have temporary hit points granted by this ability.

Explanation: This makes them a tanky boss but gives the players some way to work around it, maybe if they can force the creature into the air (A difficult task for a level 4-6 party) or cover the ground in other material (Ice/Plants from spells). It also prevents the party from easily kiting the monster (As it can just burrow underground to heal if they try to kite it)

Earthen Hunter: While their tremorsense is only 30ft while underground they can sense whether a creature is moving on the ground within 500ft. They can't pinpoint a creature's square this way but they can tell the general direction and the size of the creature.

Explanation: Lets them "Hunt" after creatures easier and means if they burrow and the party runs away they can still be "Followed" possibly if the party doesn't run fast enough.

Spell Like Abilities: At Will: Stone Shape, Stone Spikes, Stony Grasp. 3/Day; Sudden Stalagmite (SpC)

Explanation: Gives them some minor abilities and utility in a fight. Maybe they grapple a creature then pin them to the ground and stone shape some rock over them. Sudden Stalagmite is an actual ranged option they can use as well. Also stone shape gives them a way of slowly burrowing through stone which at the moment they can't do.