View Full Version : IC: =][= Investigators of the Maxwell Gamma Sector =][= (Dark Heresy 2nd Edition)

2023-07-19, 10:01 PM

For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the
Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of Mankind by the will of the gods,
and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He
is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology.
He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed
every day, so that he may never truly die.

Yet in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battle
fleets cross the Daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant
stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the shining psychic manifestation of the
Emperor’s will. Vast armies give battle in his name on uncounted worlds. Greatest
amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bioengineered
super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard, the ever-
vigilant Inquisition, and the Tech-Priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name but a
few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present
threat from aliens, heretics, mutants—and worse.

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the
cruellest and most bloody regime imaginable. Forget the power of technology
and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget
the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim darkness of the
far future, there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an
eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of the thirsting gods.

Prepare to enter the nightmare world of DARK HERESY


One hundred and fifty years ago, a convoy from the Maxwell Gamma Sector emerged in Imperial space. The Imperial Navy Admiral who stumbled upon the convoy dismissed it, claiming that the Maxwell Gamma sector had been concealed by impenetrable warp storms for nearly seven hundred years. However, the Captain of the convoy acknowledged the warp storms but revealed that a small opening had been discovered within them. Through this pinprick, their Navigators could perceive the sacred light of the Astronomican. Astra Militarum soldiers boarded the convoy's ships and detained their crews. After confiscating the data cores from each vessel, the Admiral ordered the destruction of the convoy's ships and proceeded to his destination on the opposite side of the Segmentum.

News slowly spread through the vast and intricate bureaucracy of the Administratum, eventually capturing the interest of a group of Inquisitors who deemed it necessary to investigate the situation. Concerns arose that the Maxwell Gamma Sector could be overrun with enemies, both from within and without, and that wide spread, unmanaged contact could prove disastrous for neighboring sectors. The last thing the Imperium needed was another protracted conflict within its own borders. Establishing the Maxwellian Conclave, these Inquisitors deployed a fleet to safeguard the sole passage through the warp storms. They then dispatched seven bands of Inquisitorial Henchmen into the sector to survey the territory and uncover the events of the past eight, almost nine, centuries since the sector was engulfed by the warp storms.

You are a valued member of Band Seven, reporting directly to the esteemed Inquisitor Caitlin Stohl, a high-ranking member of the Ordo Xenos and the third-in-command of the Maxwellian Conclave. Your collaboration with Inquisitor Stohl has been extensive and fruitful, most notably when you joined forces to save the mining colony of Amathystia from a depraved cult of Genestealers that desecrated the planet & its people.

Now, under the orders of Inquisitor Stohl, your shuttle is en route to the Tranquillitas System, which consists of three planets orbiting a red dwarf star. Imperial records indicate that the closest planet to the star is named Annona, functioning as a medium-sized Agri-World. Moving outward, the second planet is Capricornus, a colossal gas giant with the terrestrial moon known as Wisdom. Historical accounts reveal that a century prior to the warp storms engulfing the sector, an Adeptus Mechanicus vessel crash-landed on the moon. A recovery ship was dispatched, but unfortunately, no records remain regarding the fate of the rescue vessel.

Continuing your exploration, the third planet in the system is Securitas, a low-gravity Knight World. It is the home of two knightly Houses, Hostilian and Trebonianus. According to records, both Houses served with utmost distinction on Armageddon prior to the emergence of the warp storms. Your primary mission entails traveling to Securitas to ensure the unwavering loyalty of both Houses Hostilian and Trebonianus to the Emperor and the Imperium.

Stay vigilant and resolute, for the fate of the Maxwell Gamma Sector hangs in the balance, and your actions may determine the course of its future.




Inquisitorial Acolyte Team 7 has been assigned to a freighter named the Duchess of Montrose. The Duchess was once a fairly standard Imperial freighter but was hastily converted into an escort carrier back in port. The upgrade swapped out the ship’s buky cargo holds for a series of flight decks and hangers for a smattering of various smaller craft.

As you make your way to the bridge, the rhythmic vibrations of the ship's deck feel strangely comforting. The familiarity of the sensation, despite its unconventional nature, has become a reassuring constant during your time aboard the Duchess. However, the intermittent "krunk" sound that resonates every 34.8 seconds raises a flicker of concern in the back of your mind.

You try to convince yourself that it's just a minor consequence of the hasty reconfiguration of the ship into an Escort Carrier. After all, improvising the carrier decks and converting a freighter into a combat-ready vessel would inevitably come with some peculiarities. The engineering team has probably assessed the situation and determined it to be nothing more than an innocuous noise.

As you continue your march to the bridge, you recall the words of Captain Siosifa, assuring you of the Duchess's sturdiness and reliability. He has been through countless missions with this ship, and his confidence is contagious. Nevertheless, the "krunk" sound still gnaws at the edges of your thoughts.

Reaching the bridge, you see the captain and the crew focused on their respective duties, the holographic display casting an ethereal glow over the space. The cramped yet organized setup fosters an atmosphere of efficiency and unity, and it helps ease the tension that the peculiar sound brought along.

The atmosphere is filled with a mixture of anticipation and tension, as your team prepares for their mission into the Tranquilitas System.

As you look around, you notice one of Team 2’s Acolytes on the other side of the bridge. She stands almost two meters tall and brandishes a riotously vibrant mohawk. On her back is a heavy stubber with the barrel sawed off. She has the air of someone from a hive gang. She remains motionless, leaning against a bulkhead. Her eyes are shrouded by reflective sunglasses.

Team 2 has not been anything but friendly or warm. You have been on this boat together for almost three weeks but this is the first you are seeing one of their number. You wonder about their mysterious Inquisitor, Anahita Afshar, who leads them. Based on what you heard, Afashar is the youngest & lowest ranking Inquisitor within the Coven. Having said that, she has a renowned expertise in rooting out mutants, which is no doubt why she was selected to join the group. Her secretive nature adds an air of intrigue to your interactions with Team 2 (or lack thereof), but you understand that the path of an Inquisitor and their Acolytes is forever veiled in shadow.

Captain Ala'i Siosifa stands near the holographic table display, which showcases the three planets encircling the warm embrace of their motherly sun. His appearance speaks of a life filled with challenges and battles, as his mechanical limbs and burnt scalp reveal scars both physical and emotional. Despite his appearance, he greets you warmly, his voice laced with experience and authority.

"Welcome, welcome," Captain Siosifa repeats, offering a nod of respect. "It's good to see you all ready for your first mission. The Duchess may not be the most luxurious vessel, but she's sturdy and reliable. You'll find her - and her crew - to be quite capable."

You return the nod, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the grizzled captain and your team members. The cramped and spartan bridge only reinforces the feeling of being part of a close-knit unit, bound together by your shared purpose and the challenges that await.

As your gaze moves around the bridge, you see that all of the consoles are double stacked like two bunk beds placed on top of one another. Crewmen scurry up and down ladders to get to their stations.

“As you know,” the Captain states, “The Duchess will be doing split duty between Teams 2 & 7. We will drop Team 7 off in the Tranquilitas System, then head over to the Seker System to drop Team 2 off. I will then position the Duchess between the two systems, ready to hop over to either system if the need arises.

“The other five Inquisitorial Acolyte Teams have been sent to New Themis, the Hive World in the Eunomia System. New Themis is well known, at least according to our records, for being a world that breeds distrust of Imperial Authority.

“No one likes paying taxes, much less so when you owe 700 years of back taxes.” The captain smiles at the jest, hoping to find some glimmer of levity.

He continues, “As you know, the Coven believes the Tranquilitas System to be the best possible beachhead for the Inquisition’s operations into the sector as a whole. The vast armories of the two knightly houses will serve the Inquisition well, as we will no doubt face stiff opposition to the reassertion of Imperial Authority & oversight on New Themis. Getting the two houses on our side is very important.”

The Tranquilitas star is a Red Dwarf, so it is very tiny. The planets are all huddled up together, packed in close to the warm embrace of their motherly sun. Team 7 has been given an older variant of the Aquilla Lander, which has improved void-based propulsion capabilities, which will allow the team to move between all of the planets in the system without much hassle. That eases the burden on the Duchess, so it does not need to serve as a taxi between each planet.

We will drop Team 7 off at the edge of the system, so as to avoid any… Entanglements. The Duchess of Montrose is many things but a straight up brawler is not one of them. I would prefer to avoid any ship-to-ship combat if I can. I am sure Team 2 would also appreciate that."

The Captain flashes a smile over to the woman in the corner but she remains motionless.

"Slipping in fast and quiet is my preference but Team 7 has operational authority, so I will do as you believe best.

“You will also need to scout out Annona, the agri-world, & Wisdom, the barren moon of the gas giant Capricornus, in addition to convincing Houses Hostilian and Trebonianus to join us. There are many ways to tackle your missions. The order in which you accomplish your goals is up to you and your team. Do you have any questions? Now is the time to ask them.”



- In Character
--- Thread 1 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?658045-IC-Investigators-of-the-Maxwell-Gamma-Sector-(Dark-Heresy-2nd-Edition))
- Out of Character
--- Thread 1 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?658023-OOC-Investigators-of-the-Maxwell-Gamma-Sector-(Dark-Heresy-2nd-Edition))
- Recruitment
--- Thread 1 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?657873-Investigators-of-the-Maxwell-Gamma-Sector-(Dark-Heresy-2nd-Edition))

The Commander
2023-07-20, 06:02 AM
It was becoming easier for Doc Norrand to sleep and move about the ship, but it was still a challenge and he'd still lost his lunch more than once in the weeks spent travelling here. Living in a Hive was always noisy (unless you lived at the top), but at least it never moved except in the rare cases of Hivequakes. He'd made sure to wake up early, splash his face with water, and try to settle himself before heading to the briefing.

He regards the Team 2 Acolyte for a moment, wondering what gang she might have been part of; but dismisses trying to find out: he'd been too far up the Hive to ever have to deal with a ganger like this and never really cared to learn about the various gangs that operated in his Hive. At the very least he respected Team 2's ability at rooting out mutants: part of Doc Norrand's duty as a medicae in the Hive was to report cases of mutation within the populace. Cases were rare on his level, and often subtle in nature, but they did happen.

Doc smiles at the captain and his team-mates, and chuckles at the joke the captain makes, but looks around and notices the absence of the Inquisitor.

"The Inquisitor is not joining us?" He asks, quizzically.

He thinks for a moment and then asks:

"Who is our pilot? Or pilots?"

2023-07-20, 06:45 AM
Leo nods in the direction of Norrand. "A good question."

"Captain Siosifa, I was wondering if we have access to any old pictures or maps of the planets in the system. It would be beneficial if we could compare those maps to the current state of the planets during our scouting missions. While I understand that we may not see fine details, have there been any major disturbances or significant changes over time? For instance, any asteroid hits, cities no longer existing, or other notable alterations to the planetary surfaces?

Possibly new or old space stations?"

Bunny Commando
2023-07-20, 07:09 AM
Nemos (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25827557&postcount=5)
Sanctioned Psyker, Band Seven


Nemos has never been fond of Warp travel, especially the transition from realspace to the Empyrean - even with the Gellar Field in good working order he always feels a pang of dread, his senses so much more aware of the terrible threat just outside the cocoon of safety the ship travels in. At least now the voyage is over, their destination close enough for sublight speed travel even though that means a different kind of threat looms over him and the rest of the squad.

Now on the bridge, Nemos throws a quick look at the lone acolyte of Team 2, unease in his violet eyes: he might be Sanctioned, but he is still a mutant after all. Still now there are more pressing matters at hand, they have a mission and it is time now to start making decisions. The psyker clears his throat and steps forward to have a better view of the holographic table before sharing his thoughts with the others "I believe we should land on Annona first. Ascertain where its rulers' loyalties lie. An army needs food as much as weapons to fight and if the Imperium controls Annona, any rebellion in the Securitas System would be short-lived."

Infernally Clay
2023-07-20, 07:10 AM
Cordia Zuhomin (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25827365&postcount=3)
Adeptus Mechanicus Chirurgeon
Wounds: 12/12 - Armour: 3 (body, arms, legs) - Fate: 4/4
Conditions: None

For some the last few weeks on this ship may have been uncomfortable, unfamiliar or even unnerving, but to Cordia Zuhomin it is simply all she has ever known. Even the noise every 34.8 seconds doesn't disturb her and, as a Voidborn who has only ever lived this kind of environment, she might even have an idea what is causing it.

Can I perform a skill test of some kind to see if she knows what's making the noise?

Cordia remains silent and behind the rest of her group for most of the conversation with Captain Siosifa. She does not laugh at the joke or seem to react in any way to the acolyte from Team 2, but when Captain Siosifa mentions the four objectives her own team has Cordia steps forward and speaks up.

"My priority is Wisdom and the two ships it holds, for I must commune with the machine spirits that rest there and learn what transpired," Cordia says, her voice wispy and with the clear edge of someone who doesn't speak much let alone to so many at the same time, "...but they have been resting on the moon for eight hundred years and can wait a few days more, while we appraise the situation."

The Commander
2023-07-20, 10:05 AM
"I believe we should land on Annona first. Ascertain where its rulers' loyalties lie. An army needs food as much as weapons to fight and if the Imperium controls Annona, any rebellion in the Securitas System would be short-lived."

"If there was a rebellion, we lack the firepower to effectively fight it. I'm sure the Knight-Houses are well provisioned in case of disasters, and I'm also sure they would decide to take back Annona by force if we pushed their hand."

Doc Norrand smirks.

"Besides, there's every possibility everyone has remained true and loyal, and this is nothing more than a friendly, 700-year overdue, visit. They probably even have warehouses full of tithes just waiting to hand over to us!"

Doc returns to being serious.

"Let's not forget that the Imperium destroyed their exploratory convoy and imprisoned it's crew - I'm sure planetary leaders will want answers as to what happened to them."

2023-07-20, 10:39 AM
The Captain looks at Doc Norrand and states, "All Inquisitors remained with the fleet. We are all that is out here right now."

Turning to Leo, the Captain nods, "I will have that information put onto a data slate for you."

The Captain laughs at Doc's joke.

Tech Use would seem the apt skill.

2023-07-20, 01:46 PM
Leo apears somwhat confounded by this situation. A call had to be made and frankly he did not think he was the ine with the experience to make that call. But it had to be done.
Then Nemos spoke:

"I believe we should land on Annona first. Ascertain where its rulers' loyalties lie. An army needs food as much as weapons to fight and if the Imperium controls Annona, any rebellion in the Securitas System would be short-lived."

Turning his upper body slightly to Nemos:

"An interesting perspective that I have to admit I have not considered yet. But I am sure some Imperial officers would very much agree."

"My priority is Wisdom and the two ships it holds, for I must commune with the machine spirits that rest there and learn what transpired," Cordia says, her voice wispy and with the clear edge of someone who doesn't speak much let alone to so many at the same time, "...but they have been resting on the moon for eight hundred years and can wait a few days more, while we appraise the situation."

Looking at Cordia afterwards:

"Wisdom is a believable motive that would not tie us to us to the Inquisition."

"Let's not forget that the Imperium destroyed their exploratory convoy and imprisoned it's crew.

"That knowledge is something we could use to our advantage."

He appears almost mentally distant and gone now. Before the captain speaks:

[B]"I will have that information put onto a data slate for you."

"Thank you, Captain Siosifa!"

After a long pause he speaks again:

" "We have, I believe, two options before us, and it is crucial that we carefully consider our approach."

"Option one is openness," he continues. "This path may offer more rewards than many people expect. By being transparent and forthright about our intentions as representatives of the Inquisition, we can prevent misunderstandings and accidental conflict with local law enforcement and other authorities.

"If we choose the open route," I would propose going with an approach of diplomacy and clear communication. Establishing a channel of dialogue with the planetary governor on Securitas directly this could help us build trust and demonstrate that we are here to aid, not usurp.

The likelihood that the office of the governor itself is corrupted exists. But it would be a chance we take.

"In our pursuit of the open approach, I propose a strategic sequence for our visits. First, we should head to Securitas, where we can initiate contact with the planetary governor. This early encounter will set the tone for our interactions with the local authorities and establish a foundation of trust."

"Next, we can proceed to Annona, where we can assess the situation and gauge the sentiments of the populace towards Imperial Authority. Our observations here will be crucial in understanding the prevailing attitudes towards the Inquisition's presence."

"And finally,our visit to Wisdom, would be flanked by the support and backing of the planetary governor. This will demonstrate our legitimacy and authority."

It takes a longer pause.

Or well we could all die during the first night in the palace. A sarcastic smile crosses his face.

Leo's voice takes on a more calculated and tone.

"Alternatively, we could adopt a semi stealth plan, as Mechanicus servants starting with Annona , then Wisdom, and finally Securitas.

Annona could give us ample opportunities for discreet movement and reconnaissance. We can observe the interactions between the locals and the planetary governor's forces, and potentially identify any signs of corruption. There we gather a few supplies and take a look if the missing ship was a accident or foul play.

"And finally, our last stop would be Securitas, where we can engage in diplomatic discussions with the planetary governor. By this point, we would have gathered crucial information, allowing us to approach the encounter with a deeper understanding of the political landscape and possible challenges."

A pause follows.
Or we could be shot down in orbit as intruders then. There are alot of options to die I see.

I have not done this before so I ask those with experience: What do you think makes sense?

The Commander
2023-07-20, 02:23 PM
"Or we could be shot down in orbit as intruders then. There are alot of options to die I see." A sarcastic smile crosses his face.

Doc Norrand cracks a smile at this. It was refreshing to see the new recruit actually entertaining the possibility of death in the line of duty - Doc had expected Leo to brazenly believe that flashing badges and bellowing loudly would get the job done; but his tactics seemed sound.

"Getting shot down in orbit is probably unlikely in a Lander - we're much more likely to be shot down by anti-air defences on the ground." Doc lets the humour sink in before continuing. Much of that will depend on how vigilant the system and planetary defences are. But that still leaves the question...." Doc turns back to the Captain. "Who is our pilot? Or are we getting a servitor-piloted Lander?" Doc clearly looks uncomfortable at the prospect of a near-mindless machine piloting the only method of travel between planets.

2023-07-20, 02:59 PM
The Captain looks up from his holographic display and dispassionately responds, "I assumed one of your number was capable of flying the craft..."

The Acolyte from Team 2 lets slip a bemused grunt, as if unimpressed by Team 7's lack of a pilot.

"I..." The captain shuffles through some data slates, then responds, "I can spare a servitor with ease. I could also loan you a pilot but our resources on this mission are not infinite. I would prefer to keep the pilots in reserve, in case things get hairy and I need to launch our smaller craft to save or support one of the two teams (or both)."

Infernally Clay
2023-07-20, 03:27 PM
Cordia Zuhomin (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25827365&postcount=3)
Adeptus Mechanicus Chirurgeon
Wounds: 12/12 - Armour: 3 (body, arms, legs) - Fate: 4/4
Conditions: None

"A servitor will suffice," Cordia nods and, as if to cut off any thought or comment about the unsuitability of a machine spirit to the task, she looks to Doc and proclaims, "The Omnissiah provides."

The Commander
2023-07-20, 03:37 PM
OOC: None of us have the Operate (Aeronautica) skill, so we couldn't even attempt to fly it (successfully, that is). I will comment on Leo's tactics later - I'm kind of waiting on Zeph and Klara to chime in and to have a say.

Doc Norrand's face visibly scrunches up.

"Well, I guess if we do end up getting shot at in orbit the pilot won't panic."

Bunny Commando
2023-07-20, 05:42 PM
Nemos (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25827557&postcount=5)
Sanctioned Psyker, Band Seven


"If there was a rebellion, we lack the firepower to effectively fight it. I'm sure the Knight-Houses are well provisioned in case of disasters, and I'm also sure they would decide to take back Annona by force if we pushed their hand."

"Might be so. Might be not. They have been isolated for centuries, so something that would be standard protocol on another Imperial planet might not apply here." Nemos says with a shrug "Besides, we have to decide where to start. And I would gather more information before talking directly to the Knight Houses we have to investigate."

Infernally Clay
2023-07-21, 05:10 AM
Cordia Zuhomin (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25827365&postcount=3)
Adeptus Mechanicus Chirurgeon
Wounds: 12/12 - Armour: 3 (body, arms, legs) - Fate: 4/4
Conditions: None

"Then perhaps Wisdom is the correct course," Cordia suggests, "It would provide us with a necessary alibi should the local populace appear... unwelcoming when we arrive on Annona or Securitas and there will be divine machines resting there, which will be a great boon to our mission once I commune with their spirits."

Given how possessive the Adeptus Mechanicus are, is it possible that Cordia was briefed in secret about who or what of value was on the ship that crashed on Wisdom? If you want an Intelligence test to see what Cordia might know I'll post the roll here:


I'll also roll that Tech Use test now as well. The knocking sound might be important!


I believe I need to roll less than 41 for both, excluding any modifiers you add?

The Commander
2023-07-21, 10:19 AM
"Then perhaps Wisdom is the correct course," Cordia suggests, "It would provide us with a necessary alibi should the local populace appear... unwelcoming when we arrive on Annona or Securitas and there will be divine machines resting there, which will be a great boon to our mission once I commune with their spirits."

"Let's not forget that the rescue vessel they dispatched to assist was never heard from again. We also have to consider what made the original vessel crash in the first place - was it some kind of void battle? Orbital defence laser from the ground? Perhaps sabotage? We must be careful we don't end up as Wisdom's third victim."

2023-07-21, 02:17 PM
Zephyr, who up until now had been standing back, casually eyeing the member of team 2, finally spoke up.

"I agree with the quiet and careful approach." He said matter of factly. "And Wisdom gives us the excuse to be there. We could feign
a malfunction in our systems, giving us the excuse we need to knock on anyones doors." He shrugged. "Whatever happened there happened eight to ninehundred years ago. I'll take those odds. Whomevers door we decide to knock on after that is all the same to me. Let's see what happens first, when we make the move towards Wisdom if that's what we decide to do, and decide from there."

The Commander
2023-07-22, 06:18 AM
Doc nods.

"Whilst we may be too late to save anyone from either vessel on Wisdom, it's important we try to recover the ship's logs and ascertain it's fate. And as you say, we may find something useful to aid our cause. Wisdom would be a fine first choice."

2023-07-22, 11:52 AM
"Very well, your destination is Wisdom. Head down to Flight Deck 3 where your lander, the James & Eliza, has already been prepped and the servitor installed. Once we launch your craft, we'll warp to the Seker system. We will make contact with Team 7 again in a few weeks time," Captain Siosifa explained.

As you exit the bridge, Captain Siosifa makes the sign of the aquila and calls out, "Emperor speed, Acolytes!"

The sound of the Duchess of Montrose creaking and groaning fills the corridor outside the bridge, as the flight deck is prepared for your departure. The crew members' enthusiasm is evident as they hurry to and fro, eager to be doing something after weeks of travel.

The flight deck appears rudimentary yet functional. A massive metal runway extends into space, with a basic ship catapult placed atop it. At the back of the runway, you see the James & Eliza, a beautifully painted prussian blue aquila lander with elegant silver filigree adorning the ship's every panel. It looks like it could belong in a noble's collection or a museum. You then recall over hearing some crewmembers mentioning how the Coven had requisitioned many things from a passing Rogue Trader, including some special items from his personal collection. Clearly a craft of this quality was from that personal collection!

Approaching the group is an older deckhand with thinning gray hair, who walks in an unusual manner, landing his toes first, then his heels. "This here is the James & Eliza, an older model aquila lander. An antique, perfectly maintained, and a real beauty. It's a shame you have to use her; she'll never look this good again," he remarks.

He points out the most unique features of the lander, including two non-standard engines from centuries past, designed for swift deliveries between planets that orbit very close together, like those in the Tranquillitas system. The lander's boasts a nose-mounted heavy bolter, equipped with 400 rounds of ammo, ready for various circumstances. The deck hand comments, "Emperor willing, you will never had to use it."

The deckhand then proudly points up to the observation dome, "The tech priest in port was leery of upsetting the machine spirit of the J&E by converting the cockpit to one that would accommodate a servitor. So instead we installed a new, secondary cockpit in the observation dome. Sadly the dome was too small for a full servitor, so we removed the servitor's lower body and bolted the remainder into the floor. Although it can never leave the lander now, this conversion keeps the original cockpit intact, which can allow you the use of manual control, if it ever becomes necessary." From your vantage point, the servitor is lithe and small, likely a woman or a teenage boy. Its arms have been removed, replaced with robotic arms that plug directly into the console in front of it. The servitor's neck has also been upgraded, allowing it to swivel 360 degrees, like a head mounted on a lazy susan.

"Anyway, the passenger compartment is 'round back. Feel free to board at your leisure. We will shoot you off the catapult when you give the signal, he concludes.

With this information, you head towards the James & Eliza, ready to begin your journey to Wisdom and beyond.

Pausing here, in case anyone has some last minute things they want to say/do before you jet off into the unknown.



The Commander
2023-07-22, 01:13 PM
As you exit the bridge, Captain Siosifa makes the sign of the aquila and calls out, "Emperor speed, Acolytes!"

Doc Norrand returns the sign. "Emperor protect you, Captain."

The servitor's neck has also been upgraded, allowing it to swivel 360 degrees, like a head mounted on a lazy susan.

I absolutely love this!

I have nothing further to add personally, so I'll wait for others to have a say if they want to add more.

EDIT: Actually, maybe we should try to Requisition some things before we leave?

2023-07-23, 12:48 AM
Leo would check the data slate to see if some substantial surface changes happened.

2023-07-23, 01:09 AM
Preliminary data indicates that the moon is not much changed from previous records. Still an frozen ball, with a water-ice in the north and dry ice in the south. However, there seem to be three hot spots located around the moon's surface. From this distance, little data can be gathered other than these three hot spots are significantly warmer than the surrounding environs.

2023-07-23, 01:20 AM
Leo turns to Cordia:

"Is it possible that the ships would still generate energy? The surface does show a few warm spots."

Looking at the captain:

"The last thing I want to do is overextend your generosity but would it be acceptable if Adeptus Cordia checks the archives if the ship maybe has spare void suites that would fit some of us?"

The Commander
2023-07-27, 12:24 AM
Before boarding the lander, Doc makes a quick detour to the Quartermaster.

Doc had already been filling in the necessary paperwork using his auto-quill, and cross referencing the forms digitally on his dataslate, in order to requisition some much needed equipment for the mission. Cordia and Nemos had also asked Doc to procure some of their equipment for them, given his familiarity with administration. By the time he reached the Quartermaster, Doc had triple checked the requisition forms and cited half a dozen different regulations that meant that they should get what they want. He knew, in reality, that they wouldn't get everything; but making a fuss, and a legal fuss at that, was often the best way to get at least some of what you wanted.

After some time, Doc returned from the Quartermaster. His most interesting reaction had been the request to upgrade Cordia's Hand Cannon - at first the Quartermaster had refused, but Doc had leaned towards them and made a point that Cordia would not be happy if Doc returned empty-handed. This had seemingly convinced the Quartermaster to outfit her weapon with a Silencer (Doc was getting a little tired of his ears ringing when she fired it) and a Red-Dot Laser Sight; as well as some extra bullets.

He handed the upgraded weapon to Cordia. "I hope this is satisfactory. They were all out of Sniper Rifles."

He then turned to Nemos and handed them the spare set of clothes they asked for, a chrono, and a gas mask. "Sorry I wasn't able to get you a Lasgun; but I'm sure we'll find one in-system."

Turning to the group as a whole he dropped a crate of backpacks on the deck floor, along with a crate of stablights. "Take a backpack and a couple of stablights, please." He said, scooping up a backpack and some stablights for himself.

As for himself, Doc had managed to procure himself a Voidsuit (thank the Emperor!), an Injector, a Grapnel and line, and a pair of Photovisors. He stuffed his new equipment into the backpack and carried the Voidsuit to the interior of the lander.

Doc winced as he set foot in the lander. He was no stranger to cramped spaces, having lived in a Hive, but it was the fact that soon he would be separated from the vacuum of space by perhaps half a metre of metal, and his new coffin would be constantly moving. He found some storage space and stowed his gear, glancing briefly up at the servitor-pilot, before finding a seat and buckling in.

Once seated he began to pray quietly. "O Immortal Emperor: have mercy on us, miserable unworthies that we are. O Master of the Galaxy: Protect your flock from the Alien. O Keeper of Light: Guide our Darkened Path with your Radiance.

We are your Warriors and we are servants of Thee, We stand free from Blindness of heart, Free from Hypocrisy, Vainglory and deceits, But captive to hatred, Malice and Anger, To the filth, the alien, the heretic.

By Thy Agony and Bloody sweat; by thy Golden Throne and Thy Death, By thy Destruction and re-emergence as the God of Men, Keep and Strengthen us, We who fight for Thee."

Bunny Commando
2023-07-27, 04:08 AM
Nemos (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25827557&postcount=5)
Sanctioned Psyker, Band Seven


The Psyker inspects the gear the Medicae requisitioned for him and nods in approval - not that he had much doubt Norrand would see through the task, given his reliability in past missions. Nemos shrugs about the lasgun and quips back "I know we will. First pointed at us most probably, but such is the Emperor's Will." chuckling at his own attempt of humour before taking a seat in the Aquila.

Nemos does not seem concerned that the Aquila is way less sturdier and protected than the Duchess of Montrose as a craft, dying in a crash a gentler death than others Fate might have in store for him. Still, he prays as well even though he does not speak words, just mouthing them silently while caressing the pendant in the shape of the Aquila (the two-headed eagle representing the Imperium) he wears at the belt - the psy-focus he carries with him at all time, forged in sanctified steel on Terra to help Nemos conjure the dangerous energies of the Immaterium, a perilous task even with such aid.

2023-07-27, 07:48 AM
Thank you Dr. !

A soldier of the empire. Nervous and quiet Leo takes his place silently listening to the prayers and preparing for what will come.

Infernally Clay
2023-07-27, 08:20 AM
Cordia Zuhomin (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25827365&postcount=3)
Adeptus Mechanicus Chirurgeon
Wounds: 12/12 - Armour: 3 (body, arms, legs) - Fate: 4/4
Conditions: None

Cordia watches silently as the deckhand gives a tour of the ship they'll be using. When he remarks that the ship will never look this good again, she attempts to reassure him. "The machine spirit of this blessed vehicle is strong, it will endure much in service of our needs. It is a great gift from the Omnissiah and I thank you for maintaining it while it awaited its divine purpose. The Omnissiah provides."

Cordia then turns to the others before takeoff. "Men fuelled by the righteousness of their purpose can achieve what armies cannot. Ours is to bring this system to heel and no weapon, no House and no army will oppose us, for His holy steel is as armour around our souls and His wisdom guides our hands. The Lord of Mars is with us in the dark, even if you do not know it."

2023-07-28, 11:39 AM
With their new supplies requisitioned, the party boards the archaic Aquila Lander. The first thing you notice as step aboard the craft, is the flowery scent that fills the lander. If you had to guess the flavor, it would be lilac. As your eyes dart around the main compartment, you notice in each of the four corners are scent dispensers, a clear extravagance for these grim dark times. The main compartment of the archaic James & Eliza is elongated and widened to accommodate a larger number of passengers. Bolted onto the hull of the compartment are beds, stacked three high. Each are affixed to the hull with a chain and a hinge, allowing for the bunks to be fastened tightly to the wall during waking hours or during combat. Running down the center of the compartment is a stowage rack, again stacked three high. The top two stowage racks can be lifted up and tied to the ceiling, while the bottom rack can be dropped down, fastened to the deck, and then a metal cover placed on top, creating a ridge down the middle of the compartment. Beside the ridge are perforated deck plating, beneath which are housed the water tanks and dried foodstuffs. Opposite the cargo door, is a refrigerated storage chamber. Beside that is a narrow staircase that leads up to the cockpit, the excessively cramped head, and the observation bubble, which has been sealed off & converted into the servitor-cockpit.

Over the intercom, the servitor asks in a robotic tone , "INPUT. DESTINATION."

The party tells the servitor they are headed to Wisdom.

The intercom then belts out, "INPUT. ACCEPTED."

A vox transmission from the carrier tells the servitor that they are ready to be launched in 3... 2... 1...

The lander is cannoned forward as the catapult launches the craft out into the deep, dark, empty void.

The long-haul engines of the lander ignite, rocketing the craft towards its destination.

Over the vox, the Captain Siosifa states, "Team 7 are now well on their way to Wisdom. I - and my crew - bid you farewell. We will make contact in a few weeks, after I drop Team 2 off. Emperor Speed."

With that, the Duchess of Montrose disappears, leaving Team 7 and the James & Eliza all alone in the night...


After a very long & cramped day of travel, the ship nears the moon of Wisdom. The moon is currently on the far side of the gas giant Copernicus. However, you calculations show that your ship will intersect with the moon's orbit right as Wisdom is passing by. The calculations run on the Duchess were perfect, as you would expect from those in the Imperial Navy.

Still, you are more than half a standard day away from that moment. Suddenly, the servitor's voice bursts over the intercom, "VOX TRANSMISSION."

Then a communication is replayed that sounds like white noise interspersed with lighting fast beeps & boops.

On a wall mounted data pad, the servitor has posted sensor readings of a nearby space hulk. Perhaps only a kilometer long by half as much wide. Imperial in design, most likely a piece of a very large ship that was broken off. A fairly common sight for acolytes as well traveled as Team 7. Readings indicate that there are several possible landing zones for the J&E, if the party so desires.

You recognize the beeps & boops as Techna-Lingua. The message stated, "Help. Help. Explorers of small space hulk that appeared near Wisdom 168 hours ago. Need help. 3 dead. Need help. Help. Help."


The Commander
2023-07-28, 05:10 PM
Doc wasn't a tech-priest, nor had he studied voidships in any great detail, and so he looked at Cordia.

"Is that the rescue ship? Any ideas as to what may have caused it to break apart like this? I'm beginning to think something is shooting down voidcraft near Wisdom. Maybe you can ask our pilot... or the ship... if there are any other signals, defensive orbital structures, or even debris from another ship nearby?"

2023-07-28, 07:25 PM
The servitor announces another item over the intercom, "TRANSMISSION."

A very static-laden sound comes over the vox, "WE... ...NA... ...EM... ...PRO... ...WA...." Unfortunately, the transmission is garbled and very weak.

The Servitor pipes up again, "TRANSMISSION."

The first vox cast comes back on, the signal is much stronger than that second. White noise pervades the transmission but you are able to make a few words of low gothic out, "Servants of the Hound... Servants of the Hound in the..." static over takes the vox transmission before you can hear the word, "Help."

On the display in the main compartment, the servitor relays a message, "Object dark, hidden from scans. Vox transmissions just started. Several explosions on the hulk."

Infernally Clay
2023-07-28, 08:17 PM
Cordia Zuhomin (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25827365&postcount=3)
Adeptus Mechanicus Chirurgeon
Wounds: 12/12 - Armour: 3 (body, arms, legs) - Fate: 4/4
Conditions: None

"It is a distress signal from a group of nearby explorers under attack,” Cordia said urgently, “We must act quickly. Unless anyone has any objections, we should head to the space hulk immediately.”

The Commander
2023-07-28, 08:46 PM
OOC: Does Doc recognise 'The Servants of the Hound'? He has the following knowledge skills: Adeptus Administratum, Mutants, Chymistry.

"I agree - saving some local explorers will go a long way to helping our cause here. Hopefully they can provide some much needed intel on the system."

Doc presses the button for the intercom with the pilot. "Pilot, land the ship in the closest location to that transmission that would be safe for us to disembark. Do scans show that the hulk has life-support?"

Doc went over to his stowed equipment and began putting on his Enforcer Light Carapace, his backpack, and equipping his weapons.

Bunny Commando
2023-07-29, 05:54 AM
Nemos (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25827557&postcount=5)
Sanctioned Psyker, Band Seven


"Servants of the Hound." Nemos repeats after the transmission, mulling over those words. He then chimes in, sharing his thoughts with the others "We should still proceed with caution. The loss of a single individual aboard this ship is not worth that entire team." that said, he relaxes in his seat and closes his purple eyes, his hands now gripping with more strength the Aquila he carries on his belt "Please be advised I'm trying to discern if there is Warp activity nearby, It should not be dangerous - not for you, at least."

Having warned the others, now Nemos tries to concentrate and expand his mind so that he could feel if the Immaterium (or dwellers of that cursed dimension) has spilled in realspace; hopefully whatever threat is nearby is mundane in nature, but the simple possibility a daemon might be present is enough to make Nemos shudder.

Nemos would use Psyniscience [roll0] vs. 52 (because Nemos would use a Fate point to give himself +10 to the test).
Also Nemos has Forbidden Lore (the Warp), I would roll it as well if could be useful to identify these "Servants of the Hound".

2023-07-29, 05:55 AM
Leo had to say what he thought many others think.

This does reek of a trap. It would be an efficient model any planetary ruler or pirate could employ. If something did break this ship, we have no way of knowing when it happened.

Nonetheless, Leo decides to prepare putting on his Enforcer Light Carapace, his new knife carried by his right side, the backpack carrying his Vox-Caster with grenades to his left
Photo-Visors and double-checking his Hand Cannon.
Leo attempts to read the ship's sensors to gain more information.But can not glean it`s secrets.

Whatever happens, we need to hold this ship. Which means we either assume it can defend itself or one of us defends it? I would not want to save someone or something and then lose our only way away from this Hulk.

2023-07-29, 11:01 AM
The elongated cylinder has several points of ingress. The two nearest the person pleaing for aid are located:

1) On the dorsal side of the cylinder, in what looks to be a docking bay.
2) On the ventral side, via a docking port that could be connected to the J&E via an umbilical tunnel.

You detect high amounts of residue from the warp. This hulk was most likely traveled through the warp for a very long time. You can also discern that there is an unusually large amount of warp-activity on the hulk's lateral side, towards both ends of the long cylinder.

You wrack your brains but cannot think of anything Servants of the Hound would relate to. You determine it is likely something unique to this sector or system or world.

Bunny Commando
2023-07-29, 12:48 PM
Nemos (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25827557&postcount=5)
Sanctioned Psyker, Band Seven


"Be still. Be still." Nemos mutters between the teeth, his mind following a path none of his companions can see; he then sense the familiar tingle, that itch he could never really scratch when he finally finds what he was looking for: Immaterium leaking in realspace.

"Troubling news. I sense Warp activity towards both ends of the wreck. Unusually intense activity." Nemos shares the information with the others, concern in his voice.

The Commander
2023-07-29, 01:05 PM
Whatever happens, we need to hold this ship. Which means we either assume it can defend itself or one of us defends it? I would not want to save someone or something and then lose our only way away from this Hulk.

"We could instruct the pilot to remain a short distance away from our debarkation point and pick us up when we return. As much as defending the lander is important, it sounds as if we will need to bring all our wrath to help these explorers."

"Troubling news. I sense Warp activity towards both ends of the wreck. Unusually intense activity." Nemos shares the information with the others, concern in his voice.

Doc grimaces. Xenos and Heretics were one thing; but Daemons were quite another. "Then we must be swift and decisive. We cannot linger here."

OOC: Does the wreckage appear to contain either the drive section or the generatorium?

Infernally Clay
2023-07-29, 01:38 PM
Cordia Zuhomin (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25827365&postcount=3)
Adeptus Mechanicus Chirurgeon
Wounds: 12/12 - Armour: 3 (body, arms, legs) - Fate: 4/4
Conditions: None

"There is a docking bay if we wish for a more direct approach, or a smaller docking port as an alternative means of entry,” Cordia said, indicating to each, “If we do not know what these Servants of the Hound are or what they are capable of, perhaps the less obvious entrance is the wiser course of action but if it costs us valuable time we may not have any hostages to save.”

2023-07-29, 03:45 PM
Nemos (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25827557&postcount=5)

"Troubling news. I sense Warp activity towards both ends of the wreck. Unusually intense activity." Nemos shares the information with the others, concern in his voice.

Leo imagines an answer some sort of knowledge he could share. But only serious and deep worry is on his face.

Do you believe we should stay away?

Leo appears to be genuinely willing if not eager to follow the Psykers recommendation.

"We could instruct the pilot to remain a short distance away from our debarkation point and pick us up when we return. As much as defending the lander is important, it sounds as if we will need to bring all our wrath to help these explorers."

That does sound like a decent plan.
How about we tell Pilot:

After we land you take off from the Hulk and do not land until you hear the password. "Golden Terra abides."
Should You hear the Password: "Come now you worthless being." You will head to Securitas and open the ship to the authorities?

"There is a docking bay if we wish for a more direct approach, or a smaller docking port as an alternative means of entry,” Cordia said, indicating to each, “If we do not know what these Servants of the Hound are or what they are capable of, perhaps the less obvious entrance is the wiser course of action but if it costs us valuable time we may not have any hostages to save.”

We need a secure landing spot and possible overview of the situation. Would it makes sense to do a fly over first?

The Commander
2023-07-29, 05:38 PM
How about we tell Pilot:

After we land you take off from the Hulk and do not land until you hear the password. "Golden Terra abides."
Should You hear the Password: "Come now you worthless being." You will head to Securitas and open the ship to the authorities?

"The pilot should attempt to contact the Duchess, or at least hide itself until the Duchess returns to vox-range. We wouldn't want to just give the lander over to Securitas. At worst, the lander should destroy itself."

"There is a docking bay if we wish for a more direct approach, or a smaller docking port as an alternative means of entry,” Cordia said, indicating to each, “If we do not know what these Servants of the Hound are or what they are capable of, perhaps the less obvious entrance is the wiser course of action but if it costs us valuable time we may not have any hostages to save.”

We need a secure landing spot and possible overview of the situation. Would it makes sense to do a fly over first?

"This would be much easier from the docking bay. Hopefully it's still pressurised, otherwise we will need to disembark using our voidsuits. I also think the docking bay is safer for us, generally, as being attached to a port invites the risk that the port may be damaged, or become damaged at an inopportune moment."

EDIT based on OOC image:

"It looks as if the vessel still has some kind of drive section attached to it. Depending on what has happened onboard, especially if the ship is tainted by the warp, it may be prudent to attempt to either detonate the engines and finish off this section or try and send this section into the nearby gas giant or even the system's star."

2023-07-30, 02:33 PM
"The pilot should attempt to contact the Duchess, or at least hide itself until the Duchess returns to vox-range. We wouldn't want to just give the lander over to Securitas. At worst, the lander should destroy itself."

Hide until the Duchess returns sounds like a splendid idea.

"This would be much easier from the docking bay. Hopefully it's still pressurised, otherwise we will need to disembark using our voidsuits. I also think the docking bay is safer for us, generally, as being attached to a port invites the risk that the port may be damaged, or become damaged at an inopportune moment."

Then if our expert Nemos agrees the docking bay it is from my side.

Bunny Commando
2023-07-30, 03:56 PM
Nemos (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25827557&postcount=5)
Sanctioned Psyker, Band Seven


"Well. Warp activity does not necessarily means a daemonic incursion - Emperor spare us such horror - but any spillage of the Immaterium in realspace is at best concerning. We should be ready for the normal laws of nature to not apply aboard that ship." Nemos says with a low voice, the thought of daemons scaring him more than he's willing to admit "That said. The ship might contain important information so I agree we should board it, but I would advise caution. Extreme caution. And to be ready to withdraw if necessary. Those people aboard are expendable. We, less so."

2023-07-31, 04:16 PM
The lander gracefully glides over and orbits around the colossal hulk. The extent of the damage is striking, as sections of the once-sturdy hull now lie shattered, their compartments exposed to the vastness of space. The most severe destruction is concentrated near the area where Nemos had sensed the warp activity. Despite the wreckage, there is some hope for docking, as the aft end of the craft still has a functional port, along with one of the six forward-facing docking bays.

The opening of the docking bay is an eerie sight, resembling a circular maw with metallic teeth arranged in a mesmerizing corkscrew pattern along its walls. The bay itself stretches for 150 meters, forming a cylindrical tube that beckons further exploration.

Inside the bay, the scene is both haunting and intriguing. Several other ships are scattered about, some lying in chaotic heaps on the deck, while others show signs of being salvageable. However, restoring these damaged vessels would require substantial effort and perhaps even divine intervention in the form of prayers to the Machine God.

The servitor skillfully finds a suitable clearing and gently lowers the Lander down, its descent accompanied by a resounding echo through the bay. As the craft comes to rest, a massive metal iris smoothly closes around the entrance to the docking bay, sealing it securely. Within a few moments, the servitor confirms that the bay has been successfully re-pressurized and filled with breathable oxygen.

The lighting in the bay is a mixture of flickering red lights, running along the top of the cylindrical tube, and several white lights, marking designated landing spaces for shuttles and other small craft, ensuring they can be securely locked down to the ship to prevent unintended movement during transit. Scattered across the deck are the contents of various crates, haphazardly flung, scattering spare tools, equipment, and various cargo items across the bay.

At the far end of the tube, standing prominently, are two massive metallic bulkhead doors, each towering at a height of five meters. These imposing doors serve as a formidable barrier, separating the bay from the rest of the ship.

2023-07-31, 08:52 PM
Should we go with the Void Suits or at least one of us with a Void Suit to check if the rest of the ship can be pressurized by opening the door?

Assuming the lighting is not bright enough to see without penalties Leo would carry his gear around his hip and in his backpack and in his hands his shield and a Stablight.

The Commander
2023-07-31, 09:27 PM
OOC: My bad, thought the docking bays were engines from the image.

"Donning our Voidsuits isn't a bad idea. Even if the ship has heating and breathable air, we don't know what's been tainted by the warp and so it's probably best to be cautious."

Doc takes the time to put on his Voidsuit over his Enforcer Light Carapace. He straps the backpack to his back, affixes a stablight to his Voidsuit's shoulder, and rechecks both his Las Pistol and Long-Las. He holsters his Las Pistol and holds his Long-Las in his hands.

"Now that we're aboard, perhaps you can try to raise these Servants of the Hound via your vox caster - we wouldn't want to bump into them and accidentally end up in a firefight started out of fear."

Doc waits for everyone to be ready before hitting the ramp release button and taking aim down his sights as the ramp descends. Once it's fully down, he quickly bounds down the ramp and takes a quick visual scan, also listening out, for any movement, noise, or any other signs of trouble within the docking bay; his Long-Las following his gaze.

Awareness Test, assuming a +0 modifier: 34 vs [roll0]
If this test fails, I will use Keen Intuition to reroll the test at -10: 24 vs [roll1]

OOC: The other ships that are in the docking bay with us, do they look Imperial in design?

Bunny Commando
2023-08-01, 06:00 AM
Nemos (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25827557&postcount=5)
Sanctioned Psyker, Band Seven


Nemos dons the suit he had found on the Duchess of Montrose, a piece of gear probably crafted for some officers a long time ago and then forgotten aboard the ship before it found its way to the Psyker. Now ready to brave the coldness of the Void, he dutifully follows the Chirurgeon down the ramp and makes an ominous comment for the others to hear "Do not believe our suits would offer any protection against the Immaterium. The Warp is not bound by the physical laws of space-time. Other than a Gellar Field, our only protection is faith." that said, he picks his Auspex up from his belt and as Doc scans the bay for any signs of life.

Awareness test w\ Auspex [roll0] vs. 62

The Commander
2023-08-01, 08:49 AM
Awareness test w\ Auspex [roll0] vs. 62

OOC: Seems like you rolled 1d20, rather than 1d100.

Infernally Clay
2023-08-01, 09:51 AM
Cordia Zuhomin (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25827365&postcount=3)
Adeptus Mechanicus Chirurgeon
Wounds: 12/12 - Armour: 3 (body, arms, legs) - Fate: 4/4
Conditions: None

Cordia dons her voidsuit along with the others and then checks the contents of the various crates in case anything recognisable or even useful is resting there. Once she is done, she will look for the operating mechanism for the bulkhead doors.

"These doors do not only represent our way in but a possible means of defence in case of attack," Cordia says as she pokes around, "I would advise that we fortify this location, perhaps by moving these crates into better positions, so that if we must fall back we have somewhere to fall back to."

Awareness test to spot anything recognisable or useful among the crates or on the ships, like mounted guns similar to the one on our ship: [roll0] vs 32

The Commander
2023-08-01, 11:17 PM
"These doors do not only represent our way in but a possible means of defence in case of attack," Cordia says as she pokes around, "I would advise that we fortify this location, perhaps by moving these crates into better positions, so that if we must fall back we have somewhere to fall back to."

"The longer we spend fortifying this location, the less chance these explorers have of surviving whatever is happening to them. Additionally, as Nemos said, the natural laws of physics do not apply where the warp is concerned, so we may end up fortifying the docking bay, only to have... something... teleport inside regardless. Speed is our best defence - get in and get out as fast as possible."

OOC: I imagine with my terrible rolls I don't see anything; but if I do I'll react to it.

Doc moves towards the bulkhead door, taking cover behind any nearby crates or debris, and focuses his aim towards where the bulkhead should initially open. (Full Action Aim)

2023-08-02, 11:04 AM
Putting on his Void Suit above his armor. Leo breathes one more time before finalizing the suit.

This was it.
Double checks Hand Cannon and prepares to open the door.

2023-08-04, 07:28 PM
Can we deduce anything from the damage in the hangar. For example with Tech use what kind of weapons or malfunction could have caused it?

If not Leo goes to the hangar door and starts the countdown to open it.
