View Full Version : needing help finding a class (3.5 dnd)

Jeff Greiner
2023-07-23, 08:58 PM
i had a friend that had introduced me to a class called Scion(?), a class for my d&d 3.5 character that only had like 4 or 5 levels, where your character slowly takes on the personification of that character's deity....unfortunately, my friend took his life, so i can't ask him...
does ANYONE know of which i speak?

2023-07-23, 10:27 PM
All I can find is divine scion from pathfinder or scion of tem et nu from sandstorm.

I'm terribly sorry about your friend.

2023-07-24, 06:43 AM
In the Unearthed Arcana, beginning at page 162 are Legendary Weapons and accompanying diverse Scion classes, bound to certain items. Perhaps it was that?

2023-07-24, 10:40 AM
Well, firstly, there was the "Scion" PrC in the Ultimate Prestige Classes, Volume I (Mongoose Publishing), which got such class features as "The First Change" ("the character now looks like a melding of his own features and that of the god or goddess in question", and +2 inherent to any two ability scores), "The Second Change" (possible gender aside, character looks exactly like the avatar of the deity in question; if the closest match to the avatar is of another race, then character's race is switched - except no skills or feats are gained or lost because of the switch), and capstone of "Apotheosis": you got Half-Celestial or Half-Fiend template; Scions who worship nature, instead got +2 inherent to any two ability scores and their Type switched to Elemental.
The only thing which don't fit your description is: this Scion is 10 levels long...

Another possible suggestion is Scion of Dantalion (Tome of Magic) - this PrC is 5 levels long.

2023-07-24, 02:44 PM
battle scion, faith scion, spell scion, swft scion. all from ua p. 160 something all based on pcs that yeied a legendary weapon. they are also in the srd under legendary weapons.