View Full Version : Fomorian 3.5e mixed with 5e as a CR10 - Evil eye DC?

2023-07-28, 06:53 AM
The setting: Wiz,Cl and Monk Lv8 Lock 3.5e Dragonlance.
came across a Gnoll camp, that was taken over by a stone giant. From some curses, they understood that he was there because he fled his home in the mountains.
At the end of the encounter that something appeared, it seems it came after him: A Fomorian.
Or a bit reflavored: A corrupted and mutated giant. By what force, the players don't yet know.
The stone giant fled the endounter, and the players fled shortly after they got a glimpse of the beast.

I want this Fomorian to be an encounter that they shouldnt face without prep and at best not without help. So EC ~Lv10

The thing is there is a Fomorian in the MM2 with CR11, but its pretty boring. The 5e version with its evil eye ability fits much better. I would also add some stats that I got from some Pathfinder Cultists of Yogsototh: Stench around the beast, imune to diseases and 5res to fire and acid I think.

I am not sure how to mix all of this together. The 5e Fomorian is only CR7 or 8 and the stats, especially the DC dont translate well into 3.5. Any advice or ideas? My approach so far would be to just reskin a CR10 giant for this purpose and slap the other stuff on it. But the DC for the evil eye effect gives me trouble.