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View Full Version : Radical/Simple Countermagic Change

Delta Nu Delta
2007-12-07, 12:17 PM
My biggest gripe with the spell casting system in D and D is that it's hard to effectively plan a defense against it without comprehensive anti-magic shenangigans. Thus my radical, yet simple, proposal. Ahem:

All arcane and divine casters may lose any prepared or spontaneous spell slots, provided they are 3rd level or above, to cast dispel magic. You may sacrafice 6th spells or above to cast greater dispel.

Thoughts? Hate it? Love it? Boring?


2007-12-07, 01:20 PM
I've always found a problem in the countermagic system. I enjoy that is possible, sure. However, if I as a DM plan an encounter, and I use countermagic against the players, it seems contrived. At the same time, the disparity in spell selection between PCs and NPCs also means it rarely comes up. Why would a caster waste his action holding for the opposing spellcaster to cast a spell?

I think this proposal isn't bad, but I'd suggest making it a class feature or a feat.

2007-12-07, 01:55 PM
i second the feat aspect. perhaps it could replace scribe scroll as a bonus feat for wizards at first level.

Delta Nu Delta
2007-12-07, 03:34 PM
That's an interesting idea. It would certainly keep it from being ubiquitous.

I wanted to limit caster power not by nerfing casters, but by buffing their ability to counter each other. This way, the casters would sort of have to focus on each other and use their spells more strategically.

Although, I suppose it would also extra screw the classes depending on magical buffs to keep up...

2007-12-07, 05:14 PM
It's a great idea, but it is a bit powerful by itself. You still need to ready for it to work, but with the casters of the party readying to counter while the fighter types bash the poor enemy caster to a small mess, encounters vs magic users will quickly become even more pointless.

I do feel there needs to be a feat to do this, but then there already is one. Improved Counter Spell means you can use a spell of the same school to counter. Yeah, cool... but I like this idea also. So, here we go:

Greater Counter Spell [General]
You can counter spells with great effect.
Prerequisites: Improved Counter Spell, can cast Greater Counter Spell
Benefit: You can counter any spell with any spell of equal or higher level.
Normal: (Insert normal counterspelling rules here... I'm not close enough to a rules book or compleled enough to make something up for this space. You should all know the general drill anyway.)
Special: Clerics must have prepared Greater Counter Spell for the day if they are to use this feat. If that spell is cast or sponaneously cast, the cleric can still use this feat.

So, there it is. A bit more powerful than the origional idea I think, but you need two feats and 6 pages in a spell book, a known spell slot or a prapared spell slot to gain the benifits. What do we think?

2007-12-07, 07:45 PM
My biggest gripe with the spell casting system in D and D is that it's hard to effectively plan a defense against it without comprehensive anti-magic shenangigans. Thus my radical, yet simple, proposal. Ahem:

All arcane and divine casters may lose any prepared or spontaneous spell slots, provided they are 3rd level or above, to cast dispel magic. You may sacrafice 6th spells or above to cast greater dispel.

Thoughts? Hate it? Love it? Boring?



I haven't finished the thread (will get to this weekend hopefully) but you may find the Counterspelling of the High Mage class ability track to be of interest.

But ya...I agree counterspelling is a very underused option in magical combat. Probably part of the reason everyone views high level spellcasters as overpowered. If you don't spend 2-3 rounds just throwing nothing at each other...save or dies kills one or the other fast. =)

Counterspelling of the High Mage
Mastery of Counterspelling, Lesser (Su)
This ability takes up a 7th level spell slot. Any spell counterspelled by a High Mage with this High Arcana is treated as if affected by the spell, Spell Turning, unless the spell cannot be affected by Spell Turning.

Mastery of Counterspelling (Su)
A High Mage can use any spell of the same level. (e.g. To counter a fireball, a High Mage could heighten a Magic Missile spell to the 2nd level and expend it to counter the fireball. A High Mage could counterspell a Meteor Swarm with a Timestop spell). This ability takes up a 7th level spell slot.

Mastery of Counterspelling, Greater (Su)
A High Mage can counterspell once per round as a free action. This ability costs a 9th level spell slot. This ability is usable three times per day.