View Full Version : Hell's Bel [IC]

2023-08-08, 09:52 AM

The chill of the spring evening was giving way to the morning sun. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, adding a sweet scent to the crisp air. Students had been up since the Sun crested the hillside, their chores were foremost on their mind before entertaining the thought of breakfast or training.

The steady swishing of brooms removing the night's dust and fallen blossoms from the cobblestone walk-ways and the crackle of rekindled fires in the temple and kitchen filled the otherwise silent atmosphere.

You were in quiet contemplation, or perhaps it was more silent brooding. The letter you received as dusk came yesterday was disconcerting. There had been no contact with the northern most temple. It was a rugged and harsh place with barbarian hordes and monsters aplenty, yet it also produced some of the strongest disciples the Lotus had ever seen. In your opinion, it was held up too highly on a pedestal.

As you were pondering if the shrine master had made some sort of misstep that could be capitalized on, shouts broke the silence of the morning. Shouts surprise that turned to panicked cries of fear. Looking outside, you could make out some sort of anomaly at the bottom of the temple steps. It looks as if a hole had been ripped into the very fabric of the sky.


2023-08-08, 04:49 PM
Azrael opened one eye and peered around, it wasn't the most becoming of a Master of this rank, but something was obviously amiss, screaming? what on earth could cause his students to become so erratic? he thought the last word with a drip to it, as if it were anathema to his thought process. impossible quickly followed.

A small migraine was forming behind his eyes, he wasn't getting the sleep he was used to, but...he didn't need much of it these days, until he did...

Now was not a time to sleep however, frowning, he stood, slowly, exactly, leaving the screams hang int he air like paintings of signs to where they came from, he rolled a shoulder as he walked steadily forward, instinctively he allowed an ancestor into his mind, <Ancient one, do you have any insight as to what is going on?>

Amidst the chaos of the rippling anomaly, a resonating voice echoes within Azrael's mind. It carries an air of ancient wisdom, a voice that seems to resonate with the very essence of time itself – the voice of the Ancient dragon descendant.

"A tear in the fabric of reality, a disruption that defies the natural order. This is no mere accident, my descendant. The forces that shape our world are being tampered with, and such actions seldom bode well for those who reside within its bounds. You must approach this anomaly with caution, for it holds the potential to unravel the very foundations of existence.

Call upon your inner strength, the power you've honed through years of discipline. Our bloodline runs deep within you, a wellspring of power that connects us to the ancient forces of the world. But remember, power alone is not enough. Cunning and adaptability are the hallmarks of a true warrior. Observe, analyze, and do not rush headlong into the unknown."

As the voice of the Ancient ancestor imparts its wisdom, another faint presence stirs – the subtle influence of the Subtle dragon descendant. This voice intertwines with the Ancient's words:

"Indeed, heed our ancestor's counsel, but also do not overlook the significance of subtlety. In chaos, opportunities often arise in the corners unseen. What you perceive as a weakness in the fabric of reality might conceal a path to advantage. Let your intuition guide you, and do not underestimate the power of secrecy and misdirection. This anomaly could be more than it appears at first glance."

The counsel was wise, he would need to know more, nodding a silent thanks to his ancestors he moved towards the apparent tear in reality with nothing but questions.

Azrael Dakkon (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2820183)
M LE dragontouched Human Monk 5/DD 10/shiba.p 1/Ur-priest 5
HP 183/183
Speed 90, 150 (good)
AC 42, Touch 34, Flat-footed 37
Fort 19, Ref 18, Will 29
+4 saves, spiderwalk, and freedom of movement Robe of Ebonsilk (+8 Armor, +5 Dex, +5 Deflect, +14 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 32, Cha 20
+1 bonus on saving throws against paralysis and sleep effects
Still Mind
Slippery Mind
Purity of Body
Resistance cold 10
Darkvision and superior Low-light vision

2023-08-08, 05:29 PM
Azrael can see chitinous insectile legs clambering out of the rift in reality even from his initial vantage. In the brief moment it takes him to cover the ground to arrive at the top of the temple steps, he has seen at least a dozen students running for cover.

When he comes to a stop, he is witness to a menagerie of terrible creatures. The insectile legs apparently belonged to two massive spiders that appeared to be constructs of otherworldly origin. Between them stood two more figures that were nearly as large as the spiders. They had four arms each, with two ending in massive pincers. A smaller figure in comparison, but still larger than any human, stood behind them. Reptilian in appearance, she also had several additional arms but moved upon a snake's tail instead of legs.

Knowledge (Planes) is allowed.
Initiative please!

Bad Guys: [roll0]

2023-08-08, 05:55 PM
Azrael scowls at the intruders, he frowned, they looked familiar, regardless, intruders in his temple? Preposterous.

He looked at them, "You are not welcome here" he said simply, readying for a fight.


Azrael Dakkon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2820183)
M LE dragontouched Human Monk 5/DD 10/shiba.p 1/Ur-priest 5
HP 183/183
Speed 90, 150 (good)
AC 42, Touch 34, Flat-footed 37
Fort 19, Ref 18, Will 29
+4 saves, spiderwalk, and freedom of movement Robe of Ebonsilk (+8 Armor, +5 Dex, +5 Deflect, +14 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 32, Cha 20
+1 bonus on saving throws against paralysis and sleep effects
Still Mind
Slippery Mind
Purity of Body
Resistance cold 10
Darkvision and superior Low-light vision

2023-08-09, 09:30 AM

The snake-like woman speaks in response to Azreal's comment. "That which belonged to Hell shall be ours again."

You know that the words demon and devil are interchangeable in this real after the Blood War resulted in the collapse of the Abyss. Only the planes of Baator and the Celestial Mount exist now, with all of demon/devil kind battling against the holy servants of the Mount. The spiders are Retrievers, used to locate specific things by the minions of Hell. The speaking female is a Marilith, and the pinchered creatures are Glabrezu.

2023-08-09, 09:55 AM
Frowning, Azrael recognizes the monsters who have breached this plane, the voices of his ancestors start to seep into his own thoughts:

Ancient "Such arrogance to lay claim on what is beyond their grasp. This Marilith underestimates the currents of power that weave throughout existence. Stand your ground, my descendant. You are the culmination of generations of training and bloodline. This battle is not just yours; it is a testament to our shared lineage. Remember, your strength is not to be trifled with."

Eldritch "Intriguing, isn't it? The dance of power and ambition, the threads of fate intertwining in ways unexpected. This Marilith bears an aura of otherworldly energy, a testament to her connections with the abyssal realms. As you engage in this confrontation, attune your senses to the arcane currents that flow within her. Knowledge is power, and in understanding her origins, you may find a way to exploit her vulnerabilities."

Subtle "Ah, a declaration of intent, but do not be blinded by the obvious, my descendant. The words she speaks may hide a subtler meaning. Observe her posture, the way her allies position themselves. Every gesture can reveal intentions beyond the surface. Trust not only your ears but also your instincts. There is much more to this encounter than a mere territorial claim."

He narrows his focus on the Marilith "And what exactly is it you are looking for?"

Azrael Dakkon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2820183)
M LE dragontouched Human Monk 5/DD 10/shiba.p 1/Ur-priest 5
HP 183/183
Speed 90, 150 (good)
AC 42, Touch 34, Flat-footed 37
Fort 19, Ref 18, Will 29
+4 saves, spiderwalk, and freedom of movement Robe of Ebonsilk (+8 Armor, +5 Dex, +5 Deflect, +14 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 32, Cha 20
+1 bonus on saving throws against paralysis and sleep effects
Still Mind
Slippery Mind
Purity of Body
Resistance cold 10
Darkvision and superior Low-light vision

2023-08-10, 09:40 AM
"We have come to bring about the return of the Winged Serpent. That this 'haven' of weakness and mortality would be returned to its proper and rightful place, and that the Heaven's might quake at his return. For one claiming to hail from the orders of man who stole this place, you know even less than nothing about it. Soon your eyes will be opened to the truth."

The other four demonic entities seem uneasy at her speaking of such things. The spiders chitter restlessly, obviously desiring to move up the steps from where they are at the bottom. The Glabrezu are both on edge, waiting for combat to be met. They appear to have been hoping for some sort of resistance immediately upon arrival. Meanwhile, the female is relaxed, her weapons held loosely as she continues to speak.

"Let us acquire what we seek to make these things a reality, and the lives of both you and those under your care will be spared."

2023-08-10, 09:53 AM
His face shows obvious annoyance, "You speak in riddles and ryhmes like a child, speak plainly lest I destroy you all, this is a Haven, because we make it so, your soldiers are so eager to die, why not let them?"

Swift action: calls his Ancient ancestor (+5 insight AC, attacks vs you trigger AOO's)

Azrael Dakkon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2820183)
M LE dragontouched Human Monk 5/DD 10/shiba.p 1/Ur-priest 5
HP 183/183
Speed 90, 150 (good)
AC 47, Touch 39, Flat-footed 42
Fort 19, Ref 18, Will 29
+4 saves, spiderwalk, and freedom of movement Robe of Ebonsilk (+8 Armor, +5 Dex, +5 Deflect, +14 Misc)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 32, Cha 20
+1 bonus on saving throws against paralysis and sleep effects
Still Mind
Slippery Mind
Purity of Body
Resistance cold 10
Darkvision and superior Low-light vision